the office: Jim after hours

“Michael, how do you owe this guy $5,000?? Did you promise him a dowry for his daughter or something” Dwight questioned after finding Michael slumped over his desk trying to will himself out of the situation he’d found himself in. “It just all happened so fast…” “What did?” “I didn’t know the guy was a master poker player, alright? He didn’t look like he knew anymore than I did about it” “How did you even meet the guy?” “It’s some guy Packer knows. He invited me over to his house for a poker night with his friends and I guess I drank too much and started making crazy bets on hands. Now I owe this Nelson guy 5 grand” Michael concluded with another groan of dread. “Man, you really stepped in it this time, Michael” Dwight pointed out. “Yeah, Dwight! I know that! That’s not helping!” the Dunder Mifflin manager lashed out before running his hands through his hair like he didn’t know what to do.

“Maybe we can reason with Nelson. Being friends with Packer isn’t a good start but maybe there’s something else he’d be willing to settle for if you can’t pay him the money” Dwight suggested from the other side of Michael’s desk. “Well, yeah…I think so but it’s too weird” “Well, what is it??” Dwight pressed, pushing Michael to explain the alternative payment he’d been offered after losing so much that weekend. “Apparently Nelson likes…tickling” Michael admitted like he hated to say it out loud, almost looking unnerved by it. “Tickling? I don’t follow” “Tickling, Dwight! The guy likes tickling other guys” Michael clarified with frustration. “Oh, like as a dirty kind of thing?” “I guess, yeah” “So he said tickling you would make up for the money? That’s absurd. What kind of man would value some silly thing like tickling the same as valuable currency?” Dwight challenged.

“I don’t know, man…but I can’t let him tickle me. I can barely stand Holly’s tickle attacks” Scott confessed. “Surely you could endure a little tickling to get yourself out of debt” “It’s not just tickling like friends tickling each other or me and Holly; this guy is really into it. Packer told me he’d tickled a guy for two hours straight once and made him pee his pants. I’d have to be tied up I think and all that; I couldn’t even protect myself or pull away” Michael laid out. “I see…you’re far too ticklish for that. He’d kill you” “I know! But I can’t pay him the money; my condo is too much already” Michael explained. “...if this Nelson guy is that into tickling and he can’t tickle you, maybe we just need to give him somebody else to tickle instead” “Who?” Michael questioned just as Dwight pulled apart the blinds of Michael’s office to see Jim Halpert at his desk on the phone with a customer. “Dwight, come on. Jim would never agree to that” “Probably not if we told him what was happening but maybe if we did it without telling him…” “Are you sure about this?” Michael asked. “Jim’s a good sport and he loves to laugh. Think about how many times he’s pranked me just to see me react. Trust me. It’s perfect” Dwight concluded with a scheming grin he couldn’t fully hide.

That Friday afternoon as Dunder Mifflin began to shut down for the week everyone began to file out at 5 like normal, everyone except Jim. “Are you sure you can’t just finish these reports on Monday?” Pam asked her husband. “Apparently they’re super important according to Michael so I guess I’ll be here until I get them done which really sucks” Jim explained. “Well, I’ll wait up for you” “Alright, see you at home” he assured before Pam left the office and her annoyed husband to finish the random reports he’d been assigned to work on that afternoon.

Unbeknownst to him, Dwight and Michael sat in the parking lot across from the office, watching as the cars left for the week. “Jim is never gonna see this coming” Dwight added as he eagerly waited for his office frenemy to be tortured a bit in the funniest way he could imagine, knowing Jim would hate every minute. “Hold on, Dwight…Nelson isn’t coming” “What?! What do you mean??” “He just texted me, said something came up but he wants us to do it and make sure we film it for him. If we don’t have a video of it to send to him, I still owe him the money. Dammit!” Michael exclaimed. “...the plan is still intact, Michael. We can make this work. Do you still have that video camera you bought a while back?” “Yeah…” “I’ll pretend to be an intruder or something and you film it” “Really? You think that’ll work?” “Absolutely. Just get your camera from your car and we’ll go around back. You already bought all the other stuff he wanted you to bring and I have a ski mask in my trunk” “Why do you have a ski mask?” “There are some things you don’t have to know about me, Michael” “Fine…whatever.”

As Michael recorded from his hiding spot in the office, Dwight approached Jim from behind with years of pranks and jokes at his expense at the forefront of the beet farmer’s mind, knowing this would be the time he finally gave Jim what was coming to him. With the press of a stapler into Jim’s back, the witty salesman jumped and started to turn around in his chair until a voice he didn’t recognize stopped him. “Don’t turn around or I’ll shoot” “What?? What are you talking about? What’s going on ??” a nervous, confused Jim asked as he put his hands in the air. “You do what I say and you make it out of here, alright, punk?” A large gulp of disbelief slid down Jim’s throat and his eyes scanned around the office out of fear. “Got it?” “Yeah! Yeah, I got it” “Now, put your hands behind your head” “Just tell me what you want, man!” “Do it!” the in-character Dwight insisted and Jim obliged, letting his hands lock around the back of his head before the feeling of metal latched around one wrist at a time and he looked even more nervous. Dwight pulled out a heavy-duty staple gun and stabled the chain of the handcuffs to the top of the desk chair a few times and Michael struggled to keep quiet from the circulation desk, taken back by Dwight’s handling of the situation.

“Come on, just tell me what’s going on. I only have about 50 dollars in my wallet but you can have it” Jim offered. “I don’t want your money, you pathetic excuse for a paper salesman” Dwight in his put-on voice assured before the sound of ripping duct tape told Jim what he was up to but was surprised when it landed across his full lips and was promptly wrapped around his head layer after layer until his cheeks were pushed up and he couldn’t spit a joke about anyone if he wanted to. “MmpMMH!” Jim tried to get answers before Dwight moved onto pulling him out from the desk and forcing his legs on top of it to staple his pant legs to it with the same gun, using nearly 40 staples to keep Jim’s legs stuck to the desk and stuck next to each other, leaving the mouthy 32 year old totally helpless and Dwight riding a high he’d never experienced.

“Now that you’re not going anywhere, I can take this mask off” Dwight announced before pulling the ski mask from his face and getting a wide-eyed look of about five different emotions from Jim. “MmPmMPHMHMAHMH!!” “What’s that, Jim? Can’t hear you HA! This is gonna be great” Dwight added as Jim started bucking and jerking around as hard as he could, not about to let himself be this defenseless around Dwight, but the staples were too strong to give any leeway. “Those aren’t the usual office staples you’re used to; those are the toughest ones a man can buy. They come in handy on a farm but you’re too much of a city-slicker to know anything about that” Dwight added with another fiery outburst from Jim. “Now, I know we’ve worked together for some time now but there is one thing I’ve never learned about you…how ticklish are you, Jim?” Dwight questioned and Halpert’s expressive eyes lit up with a look of ‘no fucking way’.

“I’ll take that as ‘very’” Dwight answered with a sinister smile before leaning against the desk and taking a lace from Jim’s left loafer between his fingers, getting Jim kicking his feet around. “You’re only helping me untie them faster, Jim” Dwight pointed out, infuriating his co-worker more before the shoe was stolen right off his foot, leaving only a black sock between it and the man he’d wronged so many times. “Oh, Jim…when’s the last time you changed your socks? I smelled your feet the time your shoe came off” Dwight teased, poking the bear that was the bound jokester. Jim’s eyes shifted between Dwight and his squirming foot with increasing suspense until Dwight made it a point to hold up a single finger and let it descend, winding Jim up more the closer it got to the wrinkling, frantic foot until he could no longer see Dwight’s finger and braced himself for the initial touchdown.

However, a single stroke wasn’t what he got, not even close. “MMPAHMmHMmGDDAHOHAMMPHMM!!” exploded out of Jim behind the tape gag with five furious fingers scribbling all over his trapped size 12. “You thought I was just gonna start by testing you out?” Dwight mockingly laughed as he unleashed on the long sole as much as he wanted while watching Jim become a floundering fish in the office chair, yanking on his arms and trying to kick his legs free as the first taste of tickling proved Jim Halpert was indeed very ticklish. “No no no, that foot doesn’t get to protect this one” Dwight corrected as he grabbed the right foot and held it back with his free hand so he could work on the left uninterrupted, instantly making things worse for Jim by taking away his only line of defense.

“Oh yeah, laugh it up, Jim! I know how much you enjoy making me the butt of all your jokes around the office; now who’s the joke?” Dwight taunted as if he was getting out years of frustration with every scratch across Jim’s socked foot. “MmphAMMpHMM!!” “Still can’t hear ya, Jim…not under all that tape” Dwight pointed out just to rub it in as he continued scribbling in every direction until a sudden shriek from behind the silver tape told him he’d hit an especially good spot. “Wait a second…right here, that’s the golden ticket right there, isn’t it? Isn’t it?” Dwight questioned with a sadistic glee as he returned to the spot toward the middle of his arch and forced out another uncontrollable, embarrassing outburst as he focused on it. “Oh, that’s great!” Dwight laughed as he relished the unique scene in front of him, lapping up every second of making Jim go so crazy.

“Now we’ll get this other foot involved. I know it was just itching to get in on the action before” Dwight announced minutes later, unintentionally giving Jim a moment to catch his breath through his nose as he pulled off the other shoe. Michael stood in his same spot out of sight of Jim, now surging with euphoric adrenaline at the situation. He never imagined he’d enjoy this so much but it was like the whole thing had unlocked a kink Michael never knew he had, more than happy he was capturing it all on film. He’d have to make a copy for himself. With both big, goofy feet only in their socks, Dwight took a second to give Jim a chance to help himself out. “I’ll make a deal with you. If you agree to not prank me anymore or make fun of me, I’ll leave your socks on” “MmpHmhM!!” “I don’t hear a ‘yes’” Dwight pointed out as Jim tried to make sense from behind the gag, the urgency in his voice communicating how hard he was trying to answer Dwight. “Well, I guess you love your pranks and little jokes more than you do your socks. Oh well” Dwight concluded as if he’d given Jim a fair shot to save his bare feet. “MMPhMMHM!!!!” Jim shouted as he bucked in the chair some more once Dwight grabbed the loose toes of his socks and started pulling on them.

“You had your chance, Jim. You made your choice” Dwight pointed out with cruel, pretend cluelessness as to why Jim hadn’t answered him and continued pulling on the black work socks while Jim’s long toes tried desperately to hold onto them until finally they slipped right off. “Ya know, making me work to get your socks off wasn’t very nice, Jim…I may have to punish you for it” Dwight pointed out, earning another dagger of a look from his co-worker before Dwight retrieved a rubber band from Jim’s own desk drawer and held his feet together before starting to wrap the band around the biggest, juiciest toes. “MMphnMHHNMHM!!” “This is just to keep your feet from moving around too much; you’d be surprised at the kind of things you learn living on a farm” Dwight explained to Jim’s horror as his meaty flipper-sized feet tried to wiggle only to realize they could no longer protect each other.

Dwight prepared his fingers and Jim’s whole body tensed up in anticipation, unable to hide his fear of how much worse this would be but Dwight stopped short, psyching him out once again. “On second thought, maybe I’ll hold off on that…” Dwight announced as he stood up and walked closer before standing over Jim’s thighs, now locking eyes with his distressed fellow salesman. “So many spots to tickle…especially since you let me handcuff your hands behind your head” Dwight rubbed in, getting another angry outburst and heated exhale from Jim as he tried to lunge at him. “Maybe I should make you more comfortable; we are friends after all” Dwight suggested before making quick work of Jim’s tie and the buttons keeping his shirt together until his white tank top was fully exposed. “Much better. Now I can get some real skin on skin action” Dwight pointed out before diving into Jim’s furry pits before he really had another chance to mentally prepare himself.

“MMpHAAMmPHMMHM!!!” Jim’s eyes flared open before clenching shut and his lips vibrated against the tape as Dwight drilled into both pits like a pro. “Man, Jim, this must be so humiliating for you…I mean, who knew you were this ticklish?” Dwight teased as he dug around in the creamy pits with wild, hungry fingers and watched Jim freak out up close this time. Dwight’s fingers were strong and nimble, perfect for concentrated tickling and making every dig and prod count as Jim writhed beneath him and prayed he could overpower the staples keeping his cuffed-hands out of commission. “Oh, man! Why did I never think to tickle you before?” Dwight laughingly questioned as if he’d found Jim’s Achilles Heel. “MMphMNMHM!!” “Did I hear you say ‘more’?” “NNmMHM!!” “I think you said more” Dwight doubled down before dipping his head down and burrowing into Jim’s neck, shocking him again as Dwight’s chin started kneading in where his neck met his shoulder.

Jim’s laughter spiraled higher with audible disbelief as Dwight pawed away into his pits like he was digging for something and his chin expertly tickled his neck while Jim’s hair quickly lost its composure from his head flying around trying to stop him. “Have you ever seen a cow eat, Jim? They use their teeth of course but they really use their tongues quite a lot” Dwight enlightened near Jim’s ear, widening Jim’s eyes again as he realized what was coming before he felt the wet appendage start slinking around his neck for added stimulation. “MMPHMAMHMHM!!!” Jim laughed with a whimpering shriek as he lost more and more control of himself with Dwight still drilling away into his wide-open pits and essentially making out with his neck as his chin dipped in different directions at the same time. His naked toes curled and clenched with ticklish overload and goosebumps plagued his office-casual frame over and over as Dwight continued having his sweet revenge.

“Too bad you’ve got tape on your mouth…it sounds like you’d be ready to beg me by now” Dwight taunted before switching sides of his neck and letting his hands sneak under the sides of his tank top to start playing with his nipples and chest, all of it hitting Jim at once like another wave coming to knock the wind out of him. “MmPHAAMNNhMPHMAM!!” He rocked in the chair and raged into the gag like he’d never laughed in his life, unable to even try to stop himself from reacting so wildly to Dwight’s enthusiastic tongue snaking along his neck and his unrelenting fingers now pinching and dancing across his rock-hard nipples. If the video camera hadn’t been strapped to Michael’s hand, he would’ve surely dropped it by now, stunned beyond words and in awe of the scene continuing to unfold in front of him. He couldn’t believe his eyes but couldn’t pull them away as Dwight lickled Jim’s neck like a wild animal and tickled his nipples until they were a brighter pink than normal.

His doughy belly shook under the tank top with every jerk in the desk chair and Dwight’s legs on either side of him kept him from scooting away, that and the staples in his pants locking his legs to the desk held him prisoner. Nothing helped. Nothing stopped Dwight for even a second and no escape or light at the end of the tunnel seemed within reach. He had no idea how long Dwight planned to keep this up, how long he planned to tickle him and toy with him. Everyone would be out of office until Monday morning. That was two whole more days until anyone would likely find him. The idea of suffering at Dwight’s lack of mercy for another two days was enough to make Jim howl even more, tortured by his own imagination while Dwight did a perfectly good job torturing him in the moment.

“See what I mean? The tongue’s the trick” Dwight added as he finally stood up and Jim took deep inhales of relief, absolutely wrecked by the combo attacks that’d left his neck damp and his nipples on fire. “Now, back to where we started…these giant bare feet” Dwight announced as Jim looked down at the pale tops in fear, knowing what Dwight was capable of and just how ticklish he’d been within the cotton protection. “MmPhmhNM!!” “Yeah, I’d be nervous if I were you too. I mean, whatever sick bastard was mean enough to tie your toes together was a real dick” Dwight added with a devious grin toward Jim before sitting on the desk beside them again, making the defenseless feet try to squirm out of reach as if they could, as if they at least needed to try.

“Now that I think about it, Jim…I’ve never even seen you barefoot. How is that?” Dwight pointed out, unintentionally making Jim even more unnerved. “Oh well, it’s not like you have a choice about it now. Nope…it’s just you, me, and these big ticklish feet waiting for my fingers” Dwight laid out, another line that made Jim’s ass clench with anxiety before he watched the ruthless hands return to his feet, this time starting at his fleshy toes and forcing them back before clawing away at the undersides with slow, brutal drags. “MMMHMM!!!” Jim let out with high-pitched protest as his hairy toes curled down across Dwight’s knuckles and the short nails scratched back and forth across the smooth targets. “People forget about the toes…you mustn't forget the toes” Dwight added as he made his point over and over with each stroke, introducing Jim to a new threshold of tickling.

About that time, a thud from the other side of the room drew Dwight and Jim’s attention. It was Michael having dropped the video camera, allowing Jim to see him. “MmPMM!!” “Shoot. My bad…I didn’t mean to drop it. I guess I moved my hand the wrong way or something” Michael added as if it explained why he was there and why he was recording the whole thing. Jim shouted with hopeful eyes but Dwight quickly extinguished his optimism, “You can join me if you want now that Jim knows your in on this whole thing” Dwight added, earning another surprised look from Jim as Michael walked over, obviously uncomfortable about betraying Jim to his face. “MMPHMM!” “It’s a long story, man. Sorry about this” “Don’t be sorry. Jim’s earned a few laughs. Come on, you can help me get his feet. They’re big enough for four hands at once” Dwight invited, sending a wave of unique, ticklish panic through Jim’s body at the idea of 20 fingers tickling his feet at once.

“I’m gonna stay up here on his toes and you can get the rest” Dwight instructed as a twinkle of surreal excitement filled Michael’s eyes as he watched Jim’s handsome feet wrinkle and squirm next to him on the desk as he sat on the other side of them. “MMPHNM!!” Jim shouted the best he could with red-faced frustration. “That just means he wants you to start” Dwight teased before returning to the meaty toes and clawing across the bottoms of all ten of them at the same time, instantly forcing Jim into another roaring fit under the tape. Michael was hesitant at first, like he knew it was crossing a line he couldn’t return from but once his fingers landed on Jim’s satin soles, he was off to the races. “MMPhAMMHMM!!!” Jim jerked with a yelping howl as Michael spidered everywhere below the toes, leaving him plenty of room, just like Dwight had said, to really give both soles the attention they deserved.

Michael’s smaller hands fit perfectly under Dwight’s as they grew more vicious by the second, dominating the peach soles with the enthusiasm of a new tickle monster. “And you thought Ryan was ticklish” Dwight pointed out while focusing on the bases of the big toes. “Yeah, I mean, to be fair I’ve never tickled Ryan while he was tied up but yeah, this is crazy to say the least” Michael agreed with a smile he couldn’t hide as he discovered the same spot toward the middle of Jim’s soles that Dwight had, eliciting the same firework response from Jim. “Oh wow, yeah, that’s a good find. Let’s get back to that” Michael decided before tightening his fingers and concentrating on the sweet spot. “MMhmNPHMMAHMMHNM!!!” Jim laughed like Michael had never seen anyone laugh in his life, the kind of laugh that wasn’t natural, the kind that had to be forced out.

“I have an idea; he’ll love this” Dwight announced minutes later as he stuffed the two big toes in his mouth and earned a positively flabbergasted look from Jim before his mouth started going to town. His teeth gnawed and nibbled on the salty meat of the toes while his tongue slurped and licked between them with the same endless thirst he’d shown his neck, making Jim go the most apeshit yet. “MMPhMPHMMPHMHMM!!!!!” Michael was spellbound by the sight beside him as Dwight devoured the thick big toes of his favorite salesman and quickly reminded himself he could still have fun with him too, going back to the nuclear zone among his arches and really giving it the worst scribbling he could. Jim was very quickly screaming into his gag, laughing at the top of his lungs with wild-eyed hysteria as he thrashed around in the chair like he’d explode if he didn’t get away, totally rocked by Dwight’s ravenous nibbling and licking overwhelming his big, tangy toes and Michael carrying out his own tickle attack up and down the long arches. It was truly unbearable.

Another 20 minutes passed of the worst tickle hell Jim could’ve imagined. He’d become a sweaty, panting mess ready to do anything Dwight wanted just to be let go. He regretted every stupid prank or quick joke he’d subjected Dwight to over the years they’d worked together, realizing in the passionate way he’d snacked on his toes just how much Dwight wanted to make him suffer. But thankfully, Dwight and Michael decided to show some mercy once they felt he’d had enough. That didn’t mean however that they were done with him. When would they ever get the chance to toy with Jim Halpert like this again?

“That’s it, breathe em’ in…those are hardworking feet right there” Dwight instructed as he sat on the desk and forced Jim to worship his bare feet. A disgruntled, exhausted Jim huffed and grumbled behind the tape but as disgusted as he was, he couldn’t deny it was better than being tickle tortured. Dwight’s milky soles pressed over his cheeks and covered his nose with soft wrinkles, surprisingly soft for a man like himself, but they smelled strong. The cheesy flavor they’d baked up from marinating in his shoes all day filled Jim’s airways as he had no choice but to smell them. Michael meanwhile remained at Jim’s feet, worshiping them of his own volition. He’d given into the part of him that’d always admired Jim as he ran up and down the length of both manly feet with long, slobbery licks between slurping on his toes one at a time. Jim couldn’t help but laugh of course; he was too ticklish not too, but Michael never slowed down or cared if he was tickling him. He’d fallen in love with Jim’s glorious feet.

“Show me that you really like them, come on” Dwight demanded, prompting Jim to show more enthusiasm but of course he didn’t, earning the salesman a wiggle into his stomach from Dwight’s toes, convincing Jim to give in and really act like he enjoyed Dwight’s pungent, strangely smooth feet dominating his face. “I know you may want to tell somebody about this whole thing when it’s over but we did record it…I’d hate to have to send everyone in the office a copy but if I have to, I will. Got it?” Dwight laid out as he manipulated Jim’s sarcastic face with his naked feet, getting a sharp look from Jim. “Got it?” Dwight pressed with another drill into his ribs with Dwight’s toes, making him laugh and breathe in the ripe feet even more until he nodded his head in agreement. “That’s what I thought. Michael and I will probably head out here soon but the security guard might show up around 11 and find you and let you out” “MMHM!” “Yeah, yeah, just keep sniffing…” Dwight dismissed as Jim hoped he would soon wake up from the horrible nightmare and Michael hoped his insane stroke of luck would never come to an end.