mark consuelos overplays his hand

If you’ve ever played poker, then you know the feeling of looking around the table and realizing you’ve lost. But you likely haven’t lost to the same person eight times in a row, unlike Cole Sprouse and KJ Apa. “Dude! How the hell do you keep winning?!” Apa laughingly protested after seeing Mark Consuelos’ flush laid out on the table. “I thought you guys said you were good at poker…” Mark answered with a cocky grin. “I thought I was decent but I guess not. Are you like a secret pro poker player on the side or something?? Are you just hustling us?” Cole questioned. “Don’t beat yourself up, fellas. I’ve had a few more years than you to practice my game” the 52 year old assured as he collected the pot, adding to his already sizable stash of winnings he’d beaten out of his younger Riverdale co-stars.

Like usual, there was a good amount of down-time on set but this time the cast looked particularly strange out of context of the show. Considering Riverdale had gone back to the 50s for its last season, Cole and KJ wore preppy sweaters and their hair was perfectly combed while Mark wore a snazzy plaid suit with shiny black loafers. “You boys wanna play another hand or what?” Mark asked. “Yeah, I guess” “I’m gonna hit the bathroom first. Maybe I can learn how to cheat in five minutes” Cole added before he left the table. “Yeah, I better go too” KJ decided and followed him out of the room.

“How is he smoking us so damn hard?” Cole complained. “I don’t know, man but he is. I think I’ve already lost a couple grand” KJ answered. “Yeah, me too. He’s a fucking shark” “Too bad we can’t win some back…or at least beat him once” KJ added. “…what if we just fuck with him a little? I mean, we clearly can’t beat him at poker but we could have some fun with him instead” Cole suggested with a look in his eye that KJ recognized by now. “Oh shit haha. Yeah, I’m down. What did you have in mind?” “Haha he’s gonna fucking hate it.”

Mark could hear KJ and Cole walking back in while he shuffled the cards for their next round. “You two strategizing against me?” Mark teased. “No, I was just telling Cole about a TikTok I saw that said it’s impossible to reach back and touch the ground while you’re sitting in a chair” KJ explained. “What? Haha is that some kind of myth or something?” Mark questioned. “Apparently it’s true. It was on some kind of dumb facts account I found” Cole added. “So you’re not supposed to be able to just reach back and touch the floor? Surely that’s not true” Mark challenged while KJ and Cole stood by. “You might have longer arms than us, I don’t know” Cole offered. “Well now I have to see for myself” Consuelos concluded like he couldn’t not test out the myth and set the cards down before leaning back against the chair and reaching his arms down to try and prove them wrong, extending his fingers out to try and touch the ground before the sound of clicking plastic caught his attention.

“What was that?” Mark asked and tried to sit up but quickly realized his arms were stuck. “What the hell?? Guys, come on! What did you do??” he tried to assess as he struggled against the sides of the chair but his wrists had been zip-tied to it around the sleeves of his sports coat. “I can’t believe you thought that was a real myth” KJ laughed. “Alright, you got me, just untie me and we’ll play another game” Consuelos tried to convince with a humored smile like he was being a good sport as he fought the ties. “I think it’s time for a different game, one we can actually win” Cole answered before he and KJ pulled his chair back and grabbed his legs to hoist his feet onto the table. “Guys, come on! What is this?? You’re upset about poker? It’s not that serious” Mark assured before Cole reached out and undid his tie.

“Come on! Cut it out! Seriously, you got me!” Mark attempted to convince with mounting uneasiness, unsure what the duo were up to. The older actor was no stranger to the gym and put up a hell of a fight as they wrangled his legs to tie his ankles together, forcing KJ to wrap them up in his arms while Cole secured the flashy red tie around them. “Don’t fucking tie me up! It’s just a stupid poker game!” Mark argued as he kicked around the best he could but couldn’t stop them from capturing him. He tried to get up and move around but Cole shoved the chair back closer to the table, forcing him to sit with his knees bent and his bound feet propped up on the table in the expensive loafers.

“This was easier than I thought it’d be” Cole gloated as he and KJ laughed at their handiwork. “It won’t be so funny when I get out of this…you better laugh it up now” Mark threatened with an almost villainous laugh and flash of his brilliant smile, not fully willing to hide his growing frustration as he fought to get loose. “Oh, is he gonna get out? Is he gonna do it??” KJ narrated with fake suspense to taunt Mark, earning him another menacingly unbothered laugh from Consuelos as his legs squirmed on the table to get out of the tie and accidentally prying off one of his shoes in the process. “Well, if we were playing strip poker you’d be on the right track” Cole teased with a playful single run of his finger up Mark’s right foot, getting a sharp yank back as far as his legs could go as his toes clenched down tight in the sheer sock.

“No way…you’re ticklish??” KJ questioned upon seeing his strong recoil. “No! No, I’m not…I just didn’t want Cole messing with my feet. I don’t know where his dirty hands have been” Mark tried to explain away with another dig at his co-star. “No, I know ticklish when I see ticklish” Cole assured before grabbing the tie around his ankles and pulling the feet back toward them on the table, fighting Mark’s powerful legs the whole time. “Grab that staple gun over there that wardrobe left out” Cole instructed and KJ spun around to grab the gun and they worked together to staple the tie to the table. “Seriously?? What the fuck, you guys??” Consuelos protested as he realized he couldn’t jerk his feet away and KJ quickly pried the other loafer off before Mark could even scrunch his toes in defense.

“This isn’t funny! Just undo all this shit…I thought we were playing cards!” Mark attempted once again to get through to them as he shifted in his seat and fought the zip-ties. “I mean, maybe it’s just not funny because you’re not laughing yet” KJ pointed out before leaning against the table and reaching out to scratch along the left arch, earning another fiery jerk from Consuelos. “Aah! Fuck off!” “I knew it” Cole smiled before mimicking KJ’s position and going after the other foot with a similar focused attack. “NnOaOhA! GgeETTOoOoOhFFMmyYyFfEEET!!” Mark demanded with frustrated laughter bubbling out. “What’s wrong, Mark?” Cole teased as his fingers dragged up and down the low arch as he held the toes with his other hand to further anchor his target, the strategy good enough to convince KJ to do the same.

“FfuUuCckKYYoOuU! AohAWWEeE’RRReEEsSUuPpOOoSsEEdDDTToOBbEE PPLLLAAyyiiNngGCcaAARRdDSS!!” “I think this is more fun, don’t you?” KJ answered with a devious smile that only confirmed how much trouble Consuelos was in as the pair stroked up and down his socked feet and watched him squirm. “Yeah, I mean if you weren’t ticklish I don’t think you’d mind” Cole added to poke Mark’s temper. “JJuUSsSSTtSsttOoHoOOPpPIiITT! IIImMEEAAnnNIiiTT!” “Oh shit, he means it” Cole mocked as KJ laughed beside him, perfectly pissing Mark off even more. “If we’re being serious about this then I guess we should step it up” KJ suggested before letting his restrained technique blossom into a wide-fingered assault on the whole 10 ½ sole at his mercy. “AahAAhAnNOOoOAohAOHA!! SShHiiITT!!” barreled out of Mark louder than either of them expected but the explosive reaction was like catnip to Cole, instantly persuading him to match KJ’s enhanced approach.

“AAhAGGhhAohAOHAFFUUUCCKK!!” Mark shouted with a look of wild disbelief in his eyes as Cole clawed up and down the length of the right foot without ever losing contact, making for long, unbroken rakes along the sheer sole while KJ scribbled his way all over the opposite, terribly handsome foot. “Ya know, I think we should get our money back…” KJ suggested. “IIiWwWWOoOonNNtTThhAAATT!” “Yeah, I agree…I think you should give it back to us” Cole reinforced as they both milked the glorious weakness they’d discovered with Mark’s macho feet. They all knew that none of them really needed the nearly four grand Mark had won but the principal of making him forfeit his winnings to them was the fun of it, the fun of bending his will with a few persistent fingers along his defenseless feet just because they could.

“NNOOoOWWAAayY!!” Mark refused with a stubborn rejection, hating the idea of surrendering to their demands. “Give us the money back and you can keep your socks on” KJ offered, getting another sharp look from Mark like he hadn’t prepared himself for the possibility of losing his socks until that moment. “AalLLrRRiIiGGhhTT! AAlLlLRRiIiIGGGhhTTTHhHAAVVEEEiIIITT!!” Consuelos quickly obliged to retain the last line of defense for his helpless feet. “I knew you’d come around” Cole added with another smirk before ending his tickling for a moment and sneaking past the tie around his ankles to grab the edge of his sock. “What are you doing?! I just gave you the money back! You said I could keep my socks on!” Mark protested with newfound anxiety. “You and Apa made that deal; I didn’t say shit about letting you keep your socks on” Cole corrected as he stole the right black sock and exposed the naked perfection that was Mark’s bare foot.

His soles were a rich, creamy peach color with hidden shades of pink throughout, accentuated by the low, wrinkly arch and wide balls. Nearly flat, both feet had little contour to them but instead, a richness and supple nature that made you wanna dig your fingers in and enjoy them. His toes were just as juicy and while the longer ones confidently stood out to be admired, the smaller few on each foot tucked close to each other from wearing the loafers all morning, almost molded together and only now flexing loose in front of Cole out of mounting uneasiness.

“Motherfucker…just put the sock back on, alright?? If you really wanna drool over my feet, I’ll let you massage them later” Mark added with an air of arrogant control. “That’s tough talk for a guy tied to a chair” Cole smiled back to rub in his upper hand before reigniting his attack and forcing Mark back to angry hysterics. “AAhAhANnOOOAaoh!! FfuUuUUCCKKiINNGGAhAHASSTTTohOHHOOOPP!!” “Jesus, his feet are smooth…it’s like I’m tickling a silk blanket” Cole announced. “I can tell even through the sock” KJ agreed as he narrowed his focus on the balls with tight, horrible scratches from side to side while Cole isolated his attention to just above his heel. “NNOOAAOAOH!! GGGEETTOOoOFFFmMMEEEDDAAMMMIIITT!!” Consuelos roared like he’d breathe fire if he could, hating that he couldn’t get a handle on his laughter but it was far too out of control to extinguish with both boys going to town on his beautiful, embarrassingly ticklish feet.

KJ soon started burrowing into his left toes out of nowhere and hurtled Mark’s laughter up a few notches, “NNoOOAaOH! AApPAAACCoOOmMEEOOONN!!” “Ticklish toes too? Damn, man” KJ laughed as he held the foot with one hand and made himself at home in the socked toes, the thin material allowing the 26 year old to feel his strong toes wrinkling and wiggling under his fingertips almost like there was no sock even there. Cole seeing KJ get such a big reaction only motivated him to try and do the same, ramping up his technique into vicious raking along the lush balls of the right foot and making Mark’s face light up with fresh, surreal panic. “AAhaAHAHAOOHMMYyyGgOOoDDDAohAOHAA!! JJUuuSSTTSSTTOhOHOHOPP!!” “I kind of want to hear him admit he’s ticklish” KJ confessed. “OOkOOK!! AohAOAHOAHiIMmMTTiiICCkKKLLLIIIIiSSHH!!” “How ticklish?” Cole questioned. “VVeEERRyYyTTiIICCkKlLLiIiSSHH!! AhAHohAANNoOOWWLLLeETTmMeEEGGoOO!!” Mark demanded after the humiliating admission but his fiendish co-stars didn’t comply.

Cole kept his toes pried back and let his nails explore past the balls until he was reaching the base of his plump toes with each stroke. “AAhAHAFFuUUCCCKK! EEnNNoOouUGGHH!! IIISSAAAIIDDEEnNOOoUGGHHH!” Mark shouted with some perceived authority and to be fair, the heated look on his face was enough to make KJ second guess continuing but dealing with his future wrath would have to be worth making the most out of the current hilarious opportunity. “Come on, show us what all those muscles can do” Cole taunted, knowing how proud Mark was of his impressive physique. “JJUUuSSSTTWWAaIIiITTuUUnNTTiIlLL IiGGEETToOOuUUTTToOOFFFTThHiIISSS!!” “Such a tough guy…” Cole laughed before tickling even faster, exploiting how easy it was to scribble across Mark’s incredibly smooth sole, not even smooth like his or KJ’s would be fresh out of shoes, but with a unique almost satin texture.

KJ accidentally dipped down the side of the left foot and got a high-pitched yelp from Consuelos, convincing him to return. “What was that?” KJ laughed as he started fluttering along the meaty edge of the mature foot down from his pinky toe. “AhAoAohAohSsHHIIT! AOhAOhANNoOnNOAohAOhaASSTTOHHOP!!” “Damn, you’re just full of good spots” Apa teased as he took advantage of his discovery and Cole explored a curiosity he’d suddenly developed. “I wonder if just one toe is ticklish without the whole row?” Sprouse questioned as he gripped the big toe with one hand and started using just one finger to tease the plush toe pad, instantly getting his answer. “AhAhA! NNOOA! TTthhAATTsSSFFuUuCckKEeDDUuPPP!” “It’s not my fault you’re in your 50s and still have such ticklish toes” Cole answered with a continued focus on teasing the very center of the big right toe to keep Mark laughing his ass off and hating life.

Cole and KJ had become so enamored with tormenting Mark that they’d failed to realize just how loud he was getting and thusly, how much attention he would attract. Neither of them picked up on it until two more cast members wandered to the back room to inspect what could possibly be going on, finding possibly the last thing they could’ve expected. “Holy shit…dude, what is going on?” Charles Melton asked as he and Casey Cott took in the strange scene. “Guys, get something to cut me out of this chair! Cole and KJ fucking tied me to it!” Mark tried to persuade once he could talk without laughing. “Were you guys tickling him?” Charles questioned. “Just untie me, alright?! Come on!” Mark demanded with a buck in the chair. “Dude, Mark is so fucking ticklish” KJ laughingly explained. “So that’s what we heard…” Casey realized.

“Guys, seriously! This isn’t funny! Just help me out!” Consuelos did his best to convince without shouting at them like he wanted. “Well, if you were tickling him, you’re doing it wrong…you left one of his socks on” Charles pointed out as he walked over and grabbed the loose bit around the left toes to pull it clean off with a playfully mischievous grin back at Consuelos. “NO!” Mark protested with realized dread in his eyes at the new development, “Let me out of this fucking chair right now!!” he commanded with another violent jerk. “Woah…sounds like you need to lighten up a little bit, buddy” Casey added, seemingly just as excited about what he’d stumbled into as Melton.

“NO! I swear to God when I get out of here…” Mark boiled with pent-up frustration. “I think you’re doing too much talking too…maybe we should fix that” KJ decided as he sat on the table and pulled off his sneakers before ripping off both stark white crew socks. “The hell are you doing?!” “Hey, Casey, come help me out…I think Mark’s man enough to handle two pairs at once” KJ instructed and Casey took a seat on the other side of Mark’s legs, following KJ’s lead and toeing off his own sneakers. “Keeping the socks on, bro? Really?” KJ laughed. “Yeah, you’re right…who needs socks?” Cott agreed as he reached down and slipped off his black ankle socks to show off his stunning bare feet, slightly wider and paler than KJ’s.

“So, Mark I know you’re kind of tired of our little game but if you want us to let you go, you’re gonna have to convince me and Casey here” Apa explained. “And we’re gonna need a lot of convincing…” Casey assured with a wiggle of his fresh pink toes in the air. “No…no fucking way” Consuelos refused with far too much pride to serve his co-stars’ feet. “I guess we’ll have to see about that…you can lick and laugh at the same time, right?” Cole challenged before unleashing fresh hell on Mark’s deliciously ticklish feet with a full-blown scribbling fit all over the left foot. “AAAhAH!! AhoAOhAANnOOOAoAOHA!!” Mark howled with an explosive wave of angry laughter and Charles was only seconds behind Cole, clawing along the opposite sole with one hand and teasing the bronze top with the other for a sadistic combo attack.

“AAHAOhAMmoOOOOTThHeERRFFFUUUCCkkKEERRSS!!!” raged out of Mark with a red face of ticklish distress and unbelievable frustration but he’d almost forgotten about KJ and Casey sitting in front of him ready to fuck with him some more. “Alright, I think we should start off with a few kisses…” KJ explained as he held his bare foot up to Mark’s face and he vehemently jerked his head away. “It’s the only way Cole and Charles are gonna stop tickling you. Come on, kiss my foot” KJ insisted as he shoved his buttery sole onto his cheek and Mark tried to resist but Charles’ harsh scratching and dastardly attention to the top of his foot combined with Cole’s raw enthusiasm quickly had Consuelos reaching new heights of humiliating laughter, shrieking and swearing almost constantly.

“He’s gonna be stubborn about this, isn’t he? You’re just making it harder on yourself, Mark…” Casey insisted as his foot occupied the other side of Mark’s face, leaving the actor/host nowhere to avoid the duo. “Pucker up, come on…” KJ pressed as his toes teased his chin and Casey messed up his hair a little with his until Mark let out a truly emasculating scream of laughter from Charles focusing on a tiny spot just below his pinky toe. The moment of fevered ticklish panic and sensory overload was enough to show Mark even he was no match for the boys’ tickling and reluctantly bobbed his head forward to kiss the middle of KJ’s supple sole. “There we go…don’t forget Casey’s though” KJ instructed as Mark struggled to focus enough to lean forward and plant a second kiss on the balls of Casey’s foot.

“Very nice…now stick out your tongue and show us just how badly you want them to stop tickling you” KJ explained and earned another look of burning contempt from Mark but it only took another few seconds of Charles’ and Cole’s brutal tickling to bend his ego some more. “AAhAohAOhAOOOkKAOOAhAOHAAOoAH!!” Consuelos gave in against everything in him and stuck out his tongue to lick up the length of KJ’s Kiwi sole and Casey was right next to him waiting on the same treatment, even flexing his arch so Mark’s shaking tongue had to travel along the exaggerated contour of his buttery soft foot.

“OoKOOOKK!! AOhAOhAOHAOHPPLlLEEEAASSEEE!! AoHAOHAJJUuuSSSTTSSTTOOHOHoOPP!!” Mark shouted with the taste of KJ and Casey’s tangy feet all over his tongue and Cole and Charles’ merciless fingers terrorizing his hopelessly ticklish feet. “Did he just beg us?” Charles asked. “Maybe…I think I’d need to hear it again though to be sure” Cole answered. “AhoAHAOPLLLLEEEEAAsSSEEE!! PPLLLEEEAAASSEEFFoOORRTThhEELLOoVVEEEooOFFGGGOOoODDD!! SSTTOOOPPPTTiIIICCkKLllIINNnGGMMMEEE!!” Consuelos pleaded in a direct contrast to his threatening, arrogant attitude from before. “Yep, sounds like begging to me” Cole concluded with a diabolical, satisfied grin. “I guess tough guys do beg if they’re ticklish enough” Casey teased as they watched Mark go crazy in front of them.

“What do you guys think? Has he had enough?” Cole asked. “YYYEESSS!!” Mark squealed. “I don’t know…my toes could use some attention too” KJ answered. “Oh yeah, can’t forget about the toes” Casey agreed. “NnOOAoAOH!! NnOOOAohAOHACCCoOMMmEEEOoOOONN!!” “Alright, full steam ahead then” Charles concluded as he and Cole continued their cruel crusade of tickle torture and KJ and Casey brought their wiggling toes up to Mark’s face to be obeyed. “AahOAhAOHaoaHAHohA IIMMmMGGOOONNnnAAKkIIILLYYOoUUUuGGUuYYYSSSSFFoOOrRRRTTTHHHiiIISS!!” Mark warned in a resurgence of his volcanic anger before KJ and Casey filled his mouth with their demanding toes, further bruising Consuelos’ ego while Charles and Cole chipped away at his sanity one tickle at a time.