Dylan Minnette & THe Lotus

Nearly a year off of the Scream 5 train, Dylan Minnette followed Jack Quaid into his L.A. condo one Friday afternoon like friends hanging out after high school. The pair had become real friends while filming the movie and during its many press interviews, well the whole cast had but Dylan had bonded with Jack over their music taste. In fact, that was the reason Minnette was getting to check out Quaid’s place, a rare vinyl record that needed to be shown off and admired.

“I think you need to hook me up with your realtor” Dylan added as he quickly fell in love with the house. “Yeah, I lucked up on this place. She’s a beauty” Jack answered with pride as he affectionally patted the wall, getting a small laugh from his guest. “Oh, shit, was I supposed to take my shoes off at the door?” Dylan questioned with sudden concern after noticing Jack was now only wearing his socks, a change he’d been too distracted by the condo to realize. “Nah, you’re good. I’m just getting more comfortable. I mean take yours off if you want to but it’s not like a rule or anything” Jack casually assured as he crouched down to look for the record he’d been hyping up while Dylan looked down at his favorite Vans like they’d nearly gotten him in trouble.

Jack thumbed through his record collection and Dylan looked around the house some more to occupy himself, appreciating how the sun light came through the window and illuminated the house, making it seem even bigger. “I know I didn’t let somebody borrow this thing…” Jack talked half to himself and half to Dylan as he continued scanning the records but Minnette’s attention had been stolen by something else. “Hey, Jack, what’s this over here?” “What’s what?” Jack asked without looking away from his collection. “Dude, I don’t really know haha. It looks like some kind of belt or something” the 26 year old answered with humored curiosity, this question enough to pull the slightly older actor from his investigation.

“Oh that, that…was a gift. Sort of a gag gift really” Jack explained with another light laugh and funny grin, like he’d forgotten he now owned such a thing. “…so what is it?” Dylan questioned with lingering interest. “I mean I guess I can show you” “It’s not gonna start vibrating or something is it?” “Haha no, it’s not alive. Hold your arms up and I’ll introduce you two” Jack invited and Dylan followed suit, raising his arms up so Jack could wrap the black belt around his waist and secure it with a built-in locking mechanism on the side. “Now what?” “Come sit over here and I’ll finish it up” Quaid instructed and again, Minnette obliged as he took a seat on the large retro rug between the couches of the living room. “You have to sit with your legs crossed like you’re in school” “Criss cross apple sauce?” “You got it” Jack laughed as Dylan’s jeaned-legs got into the pretzel formation and his anticipatory smirk grew the more elaborate the whole thing got.

“Let me see your arm” Jack instructed. “Why?” “It’s part of it” Jack assured and Dylan somewhat reluctantly let him guide his arm around his back before the feeling of leather landed around his wrist. “Woah, what is that? A strap??” “Strap, cuff, whatever you wanna call it. They do the same thing” Jack answered rather nonchalantly before repeating the step with the other arm, not bothering to ask this time before securing the second wrist behind Dylan’s back. “That’s got to be it then” Minnette added like he couldn’t imagine it going any further. “Not quite” Jack answered before proving there were matching black cuffs attached to the front of the belt by holding one of Dylan’s legs up a little and wrapping the right strap around his ankle, getting eyes of growing uncertainty from his guest. “No way, are you serious?” Dylan laughed with a bit of nervous disbelief as the whole picture came together. “Yep” Jack assured as the second ankle was cuffed and he stood up to see his friend totally fixed up.

Dylan rocked a little back and forth on the floor, tugging at the straps behind him and trying to move his crossed legs around only to realize his mobility had been severely limited. “I can barely move in this thing, man” Minnette admitted with more nervous laughter at his realization. “It’s called ‘the lotus’ and yeah, that’s kind of the whole point. Comfy?” Jack teased. “I suddenly feel like I’m in some bootleg version of 50 Shades but sure” “I’ll take that as a compliment” Quaid smiled, as playful and cheeky today as ever. “So what’s the deal with this thing? You just watch somebody try to get out of it? Or is this actually a sex thing?” Dylan asked as if the ambiguity of the lotus was beginning to become unnerving the longer he sat unable to escape it.

“I mean I think it’s normally used if you’re feeling like having a kinky night but it’s not totally nsfw if you don’t want it to be. Sure it’s funny to watch somebody try to break out and all but if you really wanna be a dick, you can always do this…” Jack explained as he knelt down behind his clueless friend and snuck between his arms to latch around his ribs. “AAHAH! NNoOOA!!” Dylan erupted with immediate rejection as Jack’s long, skinny fingers wiggled into both sides of his ribs. “See what I mean?” Quaid teased while Dylan’s arms yanked at the straps keeping him from fighting back or swatting him away but the lotus wasn’t known for its mercy. “OoKOOK!! AOhAOhANNOOOoTTiiiCCkKLLIIInNGGG!!” “No tickling? But you’re in the perfect position for it” Jack taunted with delicious, friendly sadism while Minnette thrashed around in place looking for some kind of sanctuary from the surprise attack.

“GgoOoDDAAMmiIiT!! AhoAohACCoOMmEEoONN!!” “Sorry, you’re gonna have to be more specific” “AhoAhSSTtoOoOPpPFFFuHUCCkKIIiNnGG TTiiiCCkKLlIIINnGGmMEE!!” “Oh that? No, I’m good” Quaid refused as he watched his defenseless buddy buck around like a contained hornet’s nest, his pale face contorting to wild expressions and giant smiles that he had no control over. The way Jack’s nimble fingers got between his ribs was a nightmare but both hands sank down after a few minutes out of nowhere, suddenly locking around his sides with a tighter grip and squeezing before Dylan could even register a new storm was about to hit.

“AAGGhAHAHAFFUUCKK!!” rang out of the blue-eyed star like an alarm once Jack was going to town on him again, kneading into his lean sides and edges of his abs through the thin band t-shirt. “JJAAACCkKK!! FFuUuCCkKIIInNGGGEETToOoFFFMMEEEMmMAAHANN!!” Dylan tried to convince as he shook like a battery-powered toy but Jack’s excited hands didn’t listen. “I never even knew you were ticklish; this is a great surprise” the 30 year old offered back with a tickler’s delight as he squeezed up and down the sides and felt Dylan’s bubbly laughter rumble in his stomach beneath his fingers.

“There’s a bellybutton around here somewhere…” Jack pointed out just to fuck with Dylan more as his right hand moved around in search of his destination. “NNOAohAOHFFuUuCCkKYYoOoUuAH!!” “Come on, don’t hide from me” Quaid answered as Dylan squirmed and jerked around from the relentless left hand still digging into the side of his belly until the right hand rejoined the party by slipping under the shirt and drilling in with a brutal index finger swirl. “AAHAhAHANNoOoAohAOHA!! LLlEeAAVVEEiIiTAALLLoOOONNEE!!” Dylan shouted with ballooned laughter as the persistent finger played around in his bellybutton and the other hand shifted down closer to his waist for more squeezing.

“AhAHAHASShHiIiTTAHOAOHAOHAnNoOOnNOO!!” poured out of Dylan with another wave of heavy laughter and Jack grinned from ear to ear behind him pulling the strings. “I didn’t plan on showing the lotus to anybody but you’re the one who asked about it” “AHOAFFuUUCCkKYYoOuuUAohAHO!! JJuUSSTLLEETTmMmEEGGOoOOHA!!” “You could at least ask me nicely” “FfuUUCCkKOOOOFFAoAOhA!! SSEeERRiIIOOuUUSSLLYY!!” Dylan refused, not wanting to give into Jack. “Well, if you won’t ask me nicely, I guess I’ll keep going” Quaid concluded as if Dylan had made the choice for him and bent his arms to force Dylan’s wider before going after the newly exposed armpits.

“NNOOOAOAohA!! MMoOOTThHHEERFFuUCCkKKEERRAHAHA!!” Minnette exploded and instantly tried to clamp his arms down but Jack’s were in the way, forcing Dylan’s pits to stay open for business. “Sounds like it sucks pretty bad, man” Jack rubbed in while digging into the depths of both pits and keeping Dylan’s laughter at embarrassing heights. “YyYEEAAAhHIITTFFuUUCCKKiInNGSSuUCCkKSSS AASSShHoOOLLEEAHAHA!!” “Now I’m an asshole? Really?” Jack challenged before sinking in more and really turning up the heat, forcing a squeal of ticklish agony from his bound friend. “SSTTOHOOPOP!! AohaohJJAAACCKKCCoOmMmEEoOONN!!” “Say I’m sorry for calling you an asshole” “AHAOHOOKOOK!! IiMMmSSoOoRRYY!!” “For what?” “FFoOoRRCCAahALLIinNnGGYYoOuUAANnAASShHoOoLLlLEEAHA!!” “Thanks, buddy” Jack answered with another smirk but his armpit assault didn’t end like Dylan expected.

Jack’s hands moved around so his thumbs were near Dylan’s shoulders and the rest of his fingers were still very much in both pits, giving him a different angle and a better grip. “Alright! You got me, just chill out and undo this thing!” Minnette tried to persuade once he could talk without laughing. “I feel like I’m pretty chill as it is. Thanks though” Jack dismissed before picking up where he’d left off and wiggling into the tender pits at full speed to Dylan’s horror. “NNOOOAohAOHAHAAH!! SSTTtoHOHOOPPPIIITT!!” Minnette roared like he never had, his pale face now red from laughing and throwing himself around trying to escape. “I know you came here for the record but I’ve gotta tell ya, this is way more fun” Jack taunted while terrorizing the most southern parts of Dylan’s pits just above his ribs. “NNOoOOiiITTsSSnNNOoOOTT!!” “Agree to disagree” Jack casually brushed off as if he wasn’t driving his friend absolutely nuts.

Minnette’s hands were free enough to move around even if it was really only in place but it was enough to reach out and try to grab Jack’s wrists. Quaid didn’t much care since he was never successful but at one point Dylan managed to grab him, getting a handful of his shirt and yanking on it as hard as he could. “Hey! I like this shirt” “TTHHEENNSSSTOopPTTiICCkKLliINGGmMEE!!” “Fine” Jack answered and for the first time since in what felt like hours, Dylan’s pits were vacant, allowing him to breathe like a normal person and regain some of his composure. “Holy shit…” was all Dylan said as he let go of the shirt, relieved that the tickling had ended but Jack surprised him again by grabbing his right hand. “What the fuck?? What are you doing now?? I let go! It’s over!” “Who said that? Besides, you haven’t even gotten the full lotus experience yet. Thanks for reminding me” Jack answered as he manipulated Dylan’s right hand, forcing his thumb, middle finger, and pinky finger into what felt like smaller leather straps.

“The hell did you do?? Why is my hand stuck??” “This thing is great, right?” Quaid answered before grabbing the other hand and fighting with Dylan until he had it just as secured to the belt, leaving both hands wide open so his palms were facing Jack and with no way to make a fist or even wrinkle very much at all. “This is fucked up…where do you even get something like this? A torture store??” “Oh, Dylan, cute, naïve Dylan…I’m so glad you came over today” “Lucky me” Dylan answered with disgruntled sarcasm as his hands continued testing their new bondage. “These finger straps keep your hands from getting in the way but they also serve another purpose…” Jack pointed out before letting his fingertips skitter across both pink palms.

“oOhAohAWWhhAATTthHEEHhEELL!? NNoO! AohSSTTOoOpP! TThhAATTSsSSOomMEESSEedDDuUPP!!” “I know, right? It’s awesome” Quaid agreed like he was impressed at how well it worked, watching Dylan’s free fingers try to close his hands up as his delicate palms endured the unusual torture. “FFUuCCKKIInNGsSTTOOhOPpMMAANN!” “Why?” “AhOAbBEEcCAAUuSSEEiIiTTTiiCCKKlLLEESS!!” “Yeah, that’s why I’m doing. Duh” Jack teased as the light tickling proved uniquely infuriating, refusing to let Dylan’s adorably frustrated giggles die down. “What about just some circles?” Jack suggested as he started drawing spiraling circles on the center of both palms and watched Dylan’s shoulders scrunch and widen like he was dying to rip his wrists out of the straps. “AAHAHALLRRRIiGGhHT!!” “Alright? Great, I’m glad you’re coming around to it” Jack pretended to misunderstand as the steady invisible circles on Dylan’s exposed palms kept him bumbling over his words with continuous laughter.

By the time Jack left Dylan’s hands, the lines of his palms had been traced and retraced close to 25 times, leaving both hands tingling with ghostly sensations even after it was over. “Who the fuck even tickles somebody’s hands?? That’s so weird!” Minnette questioned with obvious attitude as he caught his breath. “Ya know what? You’re right. I guess I should focus on more important spots” Jack answered as he reached around Dylan’s arms and found a lace from each of the sneakers between his fingers, earning a panicked look from Minnette down at his green Vans as the laces pulled loose. “No! Shit! Don’t mess with my shoes! Enough! COME ON!” Dylan tried his best to convince with anxious dread in his voice but Jack seemed to relish in making him squirm so much.

Minnette tried jerking his feet out of reach but the cuffs around his ankles attached to the belt kept them virtually immobile other than wiggling in place, granting Jack all the control in the world as he grabbed the heels and casually popped the shoes off his feet a little. “Stop stealing my fucking shoes!” “Why?” “The hell do you mean, why??” “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t take your shoes off” Jack instructed, seemingly giving Dylan an opportunity to save his feet. “Because! …because they’re MY shoes! You said I could leave them on when I asked earlier! Yeah! You said that!” Dylan recalled with a surprised/relieved tone as if he’d found an actual good reason. “Yeah, well, my house, my rules. Now they’ve gotta come off” Jack answered as he yanked the sneakers the rest of the way off and Dylan’s black-socked feet sat in his lap horribly exposed and unusually vulnerable.

“I swear to God, Jack! I’m beating your ass when I get out of this!” Dylan threatened in a rare biting moment as he continued struggling to get free. “Beat my ass? In that case, I guess I should make it worth it and ditch these socks too” Jack answered before reaching back around and catching the elastic edges of both ankle socks, quickly getting another frantic look from his guest. “NO! I take it back! I take it back!! Come on!!” Minnette tried to correct as his last line of protection was ripped away by what Jack painted as his own fault, driving Dylan insane with building anxiety and anticipation as his pale bare feet felt the unnerving fresh air on them.

Minnette fought the wrist straps and finger cuffs like an escape artist with seconds left on the clock, trying to look back at his bondage as if he could just see what he was doing he’d be able to get out but Jack’s hands slipped through his arms and commanded his attention once again, like sharks in the water putting Dylan on edge until the same long, devious fingers that’d gotten the better of him so well already landed on his bright pink soles with obvious excitement. “AahGH! FFUUuCK! AohAOHANNOO! AAhAOhAOHAHAAGGHHMmOoOTTHhEERFFUUUCCkKEERRAHAHA!!” Dylan had no choice but to explode as Jack’s fingers moved like curling claws across the middles of both defenseless feet. There wasn’t a direction Minnette could move them that wasn’t in reach, like a rigged carnival game Jack was setup to win no matter what.

“Good to see that my feet aren’t the only ones this soft fresh out of my shoes” Jack taunted from over Dylan’s shoulder as he bucked around in place and roared with newfound desperation. “IIiIFFuUUCCkKIInNNGGHHAATTEEYyOOoUUAHAH!!” “Nah, you know you love me” Quaid dismissed with playfully evil enjoyment out of tormenting his friend in such a way, never once leaving the supple, wrinkling soles as Dylan lost his shit. Minnette’s legs kicked and shifted around dying to extend and relieve his feet, anything to get them away from Jack but the straps around his ankles didn’t budge, with the belt keeping his feet perfect targets just like it was designed to so Jack could have all the uninterrupted fun he wanted.

“OOhOHmMyyYGGGoOODDAohAOHaAH!! FFuUHUCCkKOOOFF!! CCoOmMEEOOONNMMAAANN!!” “Now that I think about it, I guess it’s not really fair for you to be barefoot and not me. Let me fix that” Jack added as he took a moment’s break from tickling the creamy 11s to peel off his own grey socks. “That’s not what I was talking abo-HgGhhA!” Dylan tried to point out before the pair of dirty socks was shoved in past his lips and promptly locked in by a hand clamping over his mouth. “Much better. Now where were we?” Jack asked with another wicked grin as Dylan’s eyes flared out in shocked frustration and Quaid’s right hand slithered back out to pick up scribbling across the balls of the left foot, forcing Minnette into a fit of fiery muffled laughter.

“MMPHAMMphMHM!!!” Dylan’s lips vibrated against Jack’s hand as he bounced around in his grip while his milky-white toes curled and fanned out from the constant tickling. “I think I’ve only seen you without shoes or socks like, maybe one time…no wonder they’re so sensitive” Quaid pointed out after realizing how foot-shy Dylan really was. “MMPHFUHMMPhMMH!!” “Yeah yeah, fuck me, I know” Jack mocked as he suddenly expanded his attack and let his long fingers spider across the entire foot for perfectly controlled ticklish chaos. “MHPAMMAPHMPHM!!!” Dylan’s laughter spiked with a giggly squeal as he descended into more muffled laughter, howling into Jack’s hand and the surprise sock gag.

“How are those socks tasting? Nice and sour I hope” Jack teased as he had his way with one of the two baby-pink soles trapped in front of him. Somehow him enjoying himself so much made the whole thing worse. “MmMPHMMAMMPHM!!!” Minnette raged with random shrieks and obvious protests as the socks that’d been marinating on Jack’s feet all day dominated his mouth and the unrelenting fingers continued terrorizing his poor left foot. “What about we switch it up? I’d hate to make one foot think I like it more than the other” Jack suggested before letting his right hand leave the left foot and his left hand go after the right foot, giving Dylan a moment to try and spit the socks out but Jack was just a second too quick, shoving them back in. “Yeah, those aren’t going anywhere” Quaid assured as the tangy socks filled Dylan’s mouth again and the left hand did its worst on the right foot.

“MMAPhMMPHMM!!” Dylan instantly came back to life with full-body laughter once the short nails were scribbling across his buttery sole, zipping and skating all over the exceptionally smooth foot with terrifying ease. It was almost cruel; feet as soft and shy and ticklish as his never stood a chance against someone like Jack. “Oh, you’ll love this. My cousin used to do this to me” Quaid announced before leaning closer to Dylan’s ear and whispering exaggerated nothings to create an extremely annoying ‘whispsps’ sound with his mouth. “MMHMM!!” Dylan cringed with immediate aversion and tried to jerk away but with Jack’s hand already on his mouth, it allowed him to anchor his buddy’s head in place so he had no choice but to endure the ticklish whispers until his whole body was covered in goosebumps.

Part of Dylan figured Jack would leave his feet alone if he was moving onto something else but no. Instead, the vicious scribbling fingers zeroed in on his right toes and invaded them with the same excitement and persistence as they’d shown the rest of his foot. “MmPhAMmPHMM!!” Minnette squealed again with violent laughter as Jack conquered his bubbly toes like he owned them, punishing the plushy undersides with every stroke and rake to drive Dylan more and more insane while switching ears to share the sinister whispers. But in a surprising turn of events, Dylan soon managed to jerk his head free of Jack’s hold and quickly spit out the smelly socks. Not only that but his momentum led to him tipping over onto his side and then his back, earning himself a break from the incessant foot tickling.

“Woah, look at you” Jack laughed. “I hate…this fucking belt” Dylan admitted as he caught his breath. “No way, the lotus is perfect on you” Quaid contradicted as he moved closer to him. “No! No more tickling!! Fuck that!!” Dylan argued as he tried scooting away but Jack was again too fast, pinning Dylan on his back by leaning on his bent knees so they were against Jack’s stomach. “NO! Get the fuck away!! I’m serious!! I’m gonna kill you! NOAH! JJAAAhAHACCCKK!!” Dylan fell apart as Jack hiked his t-shirt up and drilled into his bare abs with one hand and went after the right foot with the other.

“NNooOAohAOhAOAOhAOHAFFuUUCCCKKoOOOFF!!!” “It’s not my fault you’re so fun to mess with” Jack pointed out as he plowed into the tight stomach, the one Dylan liked to show off when he played with his band and that he now wished was buried under a thick sweater. “You’re so easy! What about just a couple fingers?” Quaid laughed as he let his tickle monster hands become only pointer fingers, earning a skeptical look of death from Dylan before Jack tested his theory by wiggling into his belly again. Minnette’s lips quivered as they clenched tight, fighting to not react as if he wasn’t on the verge of bursting already, watching Jack like he didn’t trust taking his eyes off him as he poked and dug into his abs like he could do it all day. Minnette was holding on for dear life, hoping that if he could resist reacting that Jack would give it all up and stop tickling him but all it took was one of the fingers wiggling around on his stomach to dip into his bellybutton and Dylan’s whole defense fell like a game of Jenga.

“aooOhAOhAAOhSSHIIITT!!” “I knew it! Just two fingers, that’s all it takes!” Jack pronounced with triumph as the rest of his fingers returned and both hands covered his belly for total domination. “NNoAohAOOHOAhAOHAAOhSSTToHAOAHOHOPP!!” Minnette roared again with a giant forced smile and a strong, enduring laugh built up during his time as Wallows’ front man. Dylan rocked back and forth on the large carpet trying to escape his fiendish friend but Jack kept him right where he wanted him, even making things worse a few minutes later by going back and forth between Dylan’s fantastically ticklish feet and his abs with the occasional bellybutton swirl thrown in. “NNoOOOAohAOHAOH!! PPLLEEAASsSEEeAAHAH!! UUNnCCLLLEE!! AOhOHAAAIIiGGiIVVEEEuUUPPP!!” Dylan surrendered in a moment of pure defeat between his increasingly delirious laughter, hoping admitting that Jack had tickled him into submission would be enough to end the whole thing.

“You sure?” Jack questioned without slowing down. “YYYEESS!! AohAOHAYYYEESS!! YYOoOOUUWWIIINN!!” Dylan doubled down as quickly as he could with Jack’s fingers still skittering all over his soles and annihilating his stomach at the same time until it all stopped like a tornado suddenly disappearing into the air after wreaking pure havoc. “Damn, that was fun. I’ll have to let Karl know I put the lotus to good use” Jack added. “Karl?” “Karl Urban. He gave it to me after the wrap party for the 3rd season of The Boys. He’s got a wild sense of humor” “That’s great and all but I actually have to pee like, super bad so I’m gonna need you to undo all this shit” Dylan explained, still on his back on the floor. “…I was gonna stop, I really was but now that you say that, I think I’m basically obligated to make you pee yourself” Jack answered as he got back on the floor next to Dylan. “What?! NO! Fuck you! Jack! DON’T!” Minnette shouted as Jack straddled his chest and gave his full attention to the pair of boyishly handsome feet still cuffed in place and deliciously helpless.

“NNOOOAoHAoHAOHAOHA!!!!” Dylan erupted almost harder than he had the entire time and Jack tickled with a new goal in mind as he ravaged both bubblegum pink soles from heels to toes. His feet would try to wrinkle or curl to reduce the amount of sole available whenever he could but the moment Jack’s fingertips grazed across his heels, both feet had no choice but to uncoil and give themselves over to be tickled, the constant losing battle only fucking with Dylan more every time it happened as his bladder ached for a release. But after a few minutes of Dylan’s feet as Jack’s personal tickle toys, it became apparent that he was losing more than one battle as a small dark spot began to grow toward the middle of his jeans.

“JJAAACCKk!! AOhAOHFFuUCCKkiINnNGGSSTTOhOOOP!! IIMMMGGoOnNNNAA PP-“ a distressed Dylan stopped himself before admitting how close he was to really embarrassing himself, embarrassing himself the way the tickler part of Jack wanted. “I mean how else am I gonna know that I really won if I stop now?” Quaid challenged with another flashy grin, ready to wreck his friend until he was satisfied. Dylan strained and struggled to hold on but he was laughing too much and too hard to keep control over his body, hating that his feet were this ticklish. In reality, there were plenty of other spots that Jack could’ve concentrated on to make him pee himself but something about his feet was the most fun, maybe because it was the only time Jack had really seen and been around them for more than a couple minutes. What better spot to tickle than the one that was always off limits before now?

Later that evening, after Jack had tickled Dylan into humiliating himself and Jack had bought takeout for them and had offered for Dylan to stay over, Minnette woke up around 1 a.m. in the guest room. His feet, now firmly in socks, hit the floor as he walked toward the bathroom and noticed Jack’s door was ajar just enough to show him sprawled out on his bed. Dylan didn’t think much of it at first, continuing on into the bathroom but once he was done, he looked back in the first bedroom and realized the opportunity that sat in front of him.

Dylan crept into Jack’s bedroom as quietly as he could, watching his friend asleep on his side to make sure he didn’t move. The calculated actor/singer had never been so careful in his life, moving with serious patience until his mission was achieved and he woke Jack up with a playful twist of his nipples. “HEY!” Jack shouted as he woke up and tried to reach for his chest to protect it from whatever had gotten his nipples but the pull of his arms made a clanging noise instead. “What the fuck??” Quaid questioned as he turned over a little to see both wrists were strapped to the lotus behind his back and the belt was secured around the thin side board of the bed. “Dylan?! Come on, it’s the middle of the night!” “Too bad!” was all Minnette said as his face lit up with the unique excitement of ticklish vengeance and he went after Jack’s stomach and thighs with everything he had. “AAhAAH!! NNOoOAohAOHA!! OOKoOK!! AOHAohACCOOoMMMEEEoOONN!!” “Yeah right! You’re fucking dead!” Dylan laughingly warned with a sharp smile as he dug into the soft belly and squeezed away up and down both lean thighs as mean as he could. If Jack had made him piss himself, he’d make Jack cry before he stopped. Absolutely no mercy. He’d earned it.