grant gustin loses a bet

“I cannot believe I agreed to this…” Grant Gustin admitted with a nervous laugh and mounting regret as he became more and more immobile. “Believe it, buddy” Stephen Amell answered as he happily duct-taped Grant’s ankles to the support bar running across the bottom of the wooden chair, his legs long enough to bend so his socked soles were facing away from the chair. His wrists had already been taped to the chair down by his sides and Stephen had even put several layers across his knees and waist to cut his movement even more. “You didn’t tell me you were a fucking pool shark! You hustled me into this!” Grant complained as if he could negotiate his situation. “It’s not my fault you didn’t know I was a secret pool pro but don’t act like you wouldn’t be doing the same thing I am if you would’ve won the bet” Amell answered, getting a ‘whatever’ laugh from Grant like he was trying not to sweat his position as Stephen finished up.

“Comfy?” Amell asked as he stood up. “Just get this shit over with, alright?” Grant answered, ready to suffer through his punishment for losing. “Come on, you’re not that ticklish, right?” Stephen teased with an eager smirk, knowing damn well how ticklish his fellow TV hero was. “You are such a dick” Grant laughed like he knew Stephen was eating it all up before he squatted beside the chair and watched Gustin grow more antsy with anticipation. “Oh, come on! What are you doing??” “Are you saying you want to be tickled?” “No but don’t just fucking sit there!” “Why not? Something wrong with me sitting here not tickling you?” Stephen happily toyed with Grant.

“Ya know, I could just fuck with you while you’re all tied up…not even tickle you” Amell pointed out as he flicked Grant’s nose and messed up his hair. “Dude! Cut it out!” “Cut what out? You don’t wanna be tickled so here we are…” the mischievous 42 year old reminded before leaning closer and whispering right into his ear just loud and obnoxious enough to annoy the shit out of him. “Agh! Fucking stop that!” Grant demanded and jerked his head back with a frustrated laugh but Stephen grabbed his head with both hands and held it in place so he couldn’t get away from the hellacious whispering, quickly sending goosebumps across his whole body.

“FfuUCckKiInG SToHOP!” Gustin shouted with angry laughter like he was about to blow his top until the hands left his head and suddenly sank into his stomach. “AAhOAhAOhohOASSshHIIITT!!” shot out of Grant with a shocked look as he jerked back and forth in the chair to escape the kneading fingers. “Happy now?” Amell teased while digging around in his solid stomach through the t-shirt. “FFuUuCCkKYYOouUU!!” “Maybe you should’ve just been better at pool and avoided this” Stephen taunted with a sadistic grin as he terrorized the newly developed abs, knowing Grant had recently really gotten into working out; too bad his new muscles wouldn’t help him much here.

The gorgeous CW star fought the desk chair as hard as he could despite having agreed to this, willing to break his own furniture if it meant sparing his body from Stephen’s playfully evil fingers. “You’ve really been hitting the weights, huh? I wonder if I can count your abs now?” Amell questioned before stiffening his fingers like daggers and tasering in just above his waist on both sides. “AAohAOHASSSHHIIiTTOHAHA!” “That’s 2…” Stephen counted while wiggling in to keep Grant squawking in the chair before jabbing into the next two above them, forcing Gustin’s head back with more reluctant howls. “4…” Stephen continued with the same tremors and soon left that spot to jump onto the next pair only to surprise Grant again by wrapping around his sides instead and squeezing up and down.

“AAhOAHNNnoOOAohAOhA!! CCOoMOmMEEoOONN!!” “How many balls did you even make? 3? Why did you think you could beat me in the first place?” Stephen taunted with a tickler’s smirk as he worked along Grant’s lean sides with a monster grip, cranking out enough laughter to make Gustin’s neck turn red. “HhOoOWWMMuUuUCCHHLLoOOnnGGEERrRR?!” “What do you mean?” “IIIOOnNnLLLYYHHAAVVEETTOoODDOOo TTEEEnNMmMIIiNNuUUTtEEESS!!” “Says who?” Stephen challenged, knowing he had all the power in that moment. “AAWhhAATT?! IIIiTtSSSTTEEENNMMiiInNUUutteESSS!!” Grant insisted the best he could with Amell’s enthusiastic hands mercilessly dominating his sides. “Well I didn’t really set a timer so…” Stephen admitted. “AAhAHAmMOoOTTThHeeRrFFUuUCCkKEERRRAHAha!” was all Grant could say, realizing how stupid it was to have given himself over to Stephen like this.

Grant’s eyes were going back and forth between clenched shut and wide open so Stephen waited until they were shut again before rocketing into his armpits.“oOAoAOOAHOAHfFFFUuUuCCkAKAOhAO! SSoOonNooOFFAAbBIIiTTCcCHAhAHA!” “Keep insulting me, that’s the smart thing to do right now” Amell laughed while wiggling into the depths of both pits after successfully invading before he could clamp his arms down. Stephen was stronger than most guys after years of training for Arrow and now for his wrestling show and his grip strength was just as superior, his fingers never wearing out or losing their power as they dug around in Grant’s barely opened pits.

“Maybe I should call one of the producers and see about getting a tickling scene written into this last season of The Flash” Stephen suggested. “NNoOOHAOHA!!” Grant vehemently rejected while still uselessly trying to protect his underarms. “If I had to do a scene shirtless chained from the ceiling, you can do a little tickling scene…maybe it should be a whole episode about it” Amell continued messing with him to make the most of the unique situation. “CcCoOMmEEOONN! IIiTTHHAAsSSSTTooOBbBEE AAlLMMoOOSSTTTTIIIMMEE!” the 33 year old assured. “I wasn’t joking about the timer; it really slipped my mind” Stephen answered before traveling toward the base of both pits just above his ribs and narrowing his focus with just a few fingers making circles like he was drawing in the sand.

“IiMmGGOoNnAAKkIIILLlyYoOoUuAhAH!!” “What was that?” Amell challenged as he started zig-zagging in the same spot as fast as he could. “AAAHAHAOOKOOK!! AOhAOHaiIITTAAkKEEiIiTBBBAAACCKK!” “Ya know, I don’t think that’s good enough…I think I need to hear you say you love being tickled” “FFuUuCCkKkoOOFFF! JJUuUuSSSTToOOOHPPP!” “Come on, let me hear you say ‘I love being tickled’” Stephen pressed with his fingers still digging in back and forth at the bottom of his pits. “OoKOOkK! AohAAIILlOOOVVEEBbEEIiInNNnGGTTiICCkKLLLEEdD!!” Gustin reluctantly gave in as if the words tasted bad in his mouth. “Very nice” Amell answered like a satisfied big brother as he pulled out of Grant’s pits and let him catch his breath.

“Seriously, though…it has to have been 10 minutes already” Grant tried to reason. “I don’t know why you think I’m worried about following the bet’s rules; it’s not like you can do anything about it if I don’t” Stephen pointed out with a devious laugh at Grant’s naïve expectations before moving around to the side of the chair. “I just had to make a fucking bet…” Grant groaned before he jolted against the chair and his eyes shot back open. “AoAOhAOh! NoO! SHIT! OHAoHAAOhAohaAohANNoO!” Gustin couldn’t help but let out with bubbly frustration as Stephen scratched across the balls of his black socked feet. The way Stephen had taped his ankles left his feet only able to wiggle in place but nothing more, unable to plant themselves on the floor or kick away from unwanted attention.

“Damn, you’ve gotta let me borrow that duct tape some time; it works like a charm” Amell teased while Grant bucked in the chair and his trapped feet suffered a steady flurry of fingers. “IiIFFuUCCkKIiInNnGGhHHAAATTEEYYoOuUuU!!” “You hate me…? It doesn’t sound like you hate me” Stephen countered to piss Grant off more before expanding his attack onto the rest of his feet with strong rakes down the long arches and heels. “OOAohaSShhiiiTTAOhAOhAOAH!!” Gustin roared louder with a wide-open smile and reflexively tried to fight off the claw hands but Stephen couldn’t be escaped. “It’s honestly a good thing you didn’t win the pool game because if you would’ve tried doing this to me I would’ve probably broken out and gotten you even worse…if you think I’m bad now, you really wouldn’t like me after getting tickled” Stephen explained just to toy with Grant some more, as if there was no scenario where he didn’t end up getting tickled silly.

“GGEEetTTToOoFfFFFMMyYyFFFEeEET!!” “Alright, let’s go back to this” Stephen obliged before sinking back in around his lower sides and squeezing just as brutally as before. “AHOAOAoaAohA IIiDDiIDDnNTTMmEEAANN DDOooTTHhAAAT!!” “Back to the feet then, alright” Amell answered before launching a fresh assault on the captive feet, just barely protected by the thin athletic socks. “NNoOAoAoOHA!! GGoOoDDAAMMMiiTTAohA!! JJuUuSsSSTTHohoHPP!!” Gustin laughed like he was going crazy, unable to talk his way out of getting tickled and unable to control his reaction even a little.

“These are some nice socks and all but I think we should lose them” Stephen pointed out as he grabbed the tops and started peeling them down, putting Grant on red alert. “NO! No, don’t take my socks! Stephen, please! Come on!” Gustin desperately tried to convince with his long toes curling and his soles wrinkling as a last line of defense. “Tell me why I shouldn’t take them off then” “What?” “Give me a good reason and I’ll leave them on” Amell answered like it was perfectly reasonable, putting Grant on the spot to save his bare feet. “Shit…I don’t know…just leave them on!” Grant answered without being able to think up anything in the few seconds and felt the socks start slipping off more. “OK! OK! I wouldn’t take yours off if I would’ve won the bet…I would’ve kept yours on” Gustin offered. “Well we both know that’s bullshit…” Stephen laughed before ripping them the rest of the way off and exposing every bit of his buddy’s size 10s.

His pink and cream soles faced Stephen as he moved to sit behind the chair, both feet squirming and fighting to figure out some way to protect themselves while Grant decided to focus on the tape around his wrists in hopes of getting out but his plan went out the window when Stephen’s fingertips landed on his arches. “AoAohAohFFuUCCKK!” fired out of Gustin with full-body cringe as Amell danced up and down the wrinkly middles, following the contour of his relatively high arches like a pre-set path for tickling. “You don’t care if I snap some pictures of your feet while I’m back here, do you? I could probably make some extra cash” “AohAOAFfFuUuCckKYYOoOUUu!” was all Grant could say as he floundered the most he could and hoped the chair would give out soon.

Stephen’s pearly smile was nothing short of sinister, delighting in the friendly torture as he ran up and down the smooth bare feet. “What about these balls? Let’s get back to them” Amell soon announced with taunting narration as he shifted back to perhaps the softest and pinkest part of his feet, this time with his nails. “AAAhAhAH! AAGGhAHASShHiITT! AohAOoOHMMyYyGGOoOoDDSSTTTOHOOOPP!!” Gustin raged with a more exaggerated smile and wilder laughter as the dull nails clawed across the velvet balls over and over. “Shit, your feet are wiggly…I’ll have to fix that” Stephen soon pointed out as he left Grant and went to his kitchen, recalling from his previous times there that they had a junk drawer.

Gustin took the opportunity to really concentrate on freeing himself, already planning his revenge once he did but Amell walked back in within a couple minutes, ruining any chance of a surprise escape. “The hell is that?” Grant asked with obvious attitude. “Don’t worry about it” Stephen answered before sitting back behind the chair and grabbing one of Grant’s feet. Gustin tried to fight him but that only earned him more tickles, convincing him to surrender momentarily until Stephen was done. “What the hell is around my toes, man?” “That’s not the point; the point is that you can’t move your feet now” Stephen answered as he admired his handiwork with the black electrical tape keeping Grant’s big juicy toes tied back to the furthest support bar under the chair and leaving his soles not fully taut but completely laid out for him.

“Stephen, I will buy you enough protein powder to last a year! Just give it up!” Grant laughingly tried to win over, realizing the whole thing had somehow come around to being kind of funny again in a ridiculous way despite how much he fucking hated it. “You’re offering me stuff now? I guess I should see how much I can get” Amell answered before raking down the length of both captive feet from his heels. “AAAAhAHAHAFFfUUUCCK!” Grant practically sang with horrified disbelief in his voice at the new level of intensity until Stephen’s fingers slipped off the balls. Gustin’s other toes tried to make some kind of difference but were immediately electrified back into a fanned-out position by another long raking. “OoAOhAOHHoOOLlySShHiiITTAOha!” “Good, right?” Amell teased before clawing down again and cranking out another overwhelmed outburst, only this time skating down the meatier edges of his feet and getting a higher-pitched end to his reaction.

Grant’s eyes filled with paranoia that Stephen had realized how sweet of a spot the edges of his feet were just then and he held his breath hoping he hadn’t but soon felt a lighter fluttering touch gliding down the sides from his heels up toward his pinky toes. “AoOAohaoAoAOhoaohAFfuUHuCkAooAohOhAnNOOnNOoAohA! SsTtoHHOOopPPIIiTT!!” Gustin let out with squeaky, up and down laughter as his feet tried to wiggle like normal. “I guess a lighter touch works too” Stephen concluded while barely teasing along the incredibly vulnerable edges like he’d accidentally stumbled upon a cheat code. “AoAOAOhCcoOEEmMmEEoOOnnAOhAOh!!” bubbled out of Grant with adorably distressed laughter as he writhed against the layers of tape keeping him in the chair but Stephen’s short nails continued grazing in short strokes along one of the most sensitive spots on his fantastic feet.

“Do you want me to go somewhere else?” “YyEeEESS!!” “Are you sure? It could be better or it could be worse, you don’t know” Stephen pointed out with a risky offer while still dancing down the plump edges on a loop. “FFiIINnnEE! sSoOmMEEWwhEeRreEEELlSSEE! PPlLEEaAsSEE!!” Gustin answered just to get a break from that spot but quickly realized he’d traded in a thunderstorm for a hurricane when Stephen went straight for his toes. “AahAOhAohaAAOHA!! SSHhiIIiTTT! aOhAohAohAnNNOOAohAohA! SSTTEeEPPhHEEnNN!! FFuUCCkKEERR!” “You said somewhere else; I did what you wanted” Amell reminded with obvious joy in putting Grant through hell as he scratched along the lighter pink undersides of his eight smaller toes.

They were long like the rest of Grant which made for excellent tickling targets and had bubbly ends he quickly realized were fun to focus on at random every few seconds to keep Gustin on edge. “How the hell do your toes feel like marshmallows? They’re so fucking soft” Stephen questioned in admiration as he continued to wreck them. “IiIDDoOoNNnTTKnNOooOWW!! PPllEEAASSEEAhAHa! JjUuUSSTtTSSTTOhOHPP!” Grant laughed harder and longer than he’d ever anticipated when he was initially being taped to the chair, but then again he didn’t expect Stephen to defy the 10 minute limit either and although it had to have been close to 25 minutes by now, he didn’t show any sign of slowing down.

The only thing that did persuade him to leave the dreamy toes was the doorbell ringing a few minutes later. “Oh my God…you fucking asshole” Grant let out as he caught his breath, almost unconcerned about who was even at the door. “Are you expecting a package or something?” Stephen asked as he got to his feet just as Grant realized who must’ve been at the door but the look on his face showed he didn’t know how to play it. “Uhh…it’s probably just one of those guys trying to sell something; he’ll go away” “I should probably check” Stephen decided and left Grant to open the door but the bound actor feared the worst if he was right about who was ringing the doorbell, motivating him to fight the abundance of silver tape again until Stephen returned to the living room with Brandon Routh and Amell’s cousin, Robbie Amell.

“What’s up, man?” Robbie greeted with a deceivingly warm smile. “I think somebody forgot about us hanging out today” Brandon chimed in with a similar smirk. “Yeah, I totally forgot, alright? Just help me outta this shit; Stephen’s gone all crazy on me over a stupid pool game” Grant tried to explain without telling the whole story. “I stopped by earlier and we ended up playing pool. Then Grant made a little bet with me on the game” Stephen added. “So what was the bet?” Brandon questioned. “It doesn’t matter, just help me out and we can hang out” “I could’ve sworn I heard laughing when we got to the door” Robbie pointed out with a suspicious look on his handsome face. “Maybe I should just show them what the bet was…” Stephen suggested as he walked to the back behind the chair again. “NO! Don’t fucking AoOAoaohaAOh!” Grant couldn’t help but erupt once Stephen was wiggling across his feet again.

“Oh shit…no wonder you were laughing your ass off” Brandon pointed out. “Alright, fine, he was fucking tickling me, now just untie me, alright?? Come on!” Grant insisted and his fellow CW stars made their way over but with a look in their eyes that he didn’t like. “Wait…guys! Guys, come on! Don’t! I’m serious!! GUYS! AHAOhAohAoOoAooHAoAHohAOHAAOH!!” Grant exploded with wide-eyed hysteria as Brandon started squeezing along the tops of his knees, Robbie pounced on his ribs, and Stephen picked up where he’d left off, now giving his full attention to the pads of both big toes taped perfectly in place. Gustin shook in the chair with a giant smile and untamable laughter as Stephen, Robbie, and Brandon had way too much fun gang tickling him, a rare even for a group of ever day grown men but as Grant learned, when one of your friends is taped to a chair, tickle torture is usually only one suggestion away.