ryan seacrest & the laughing stocks

“Welcome back to Live with Kelly and Ryan and as you know Kelly isn’t here today but filling in for her are Nick and Joe Jonas!” Ryan Seacrest announced to the studio audience as they came back from commercial. “Yes, we are very happy to be filling in today” Nick added with a charming smile from his seat next to his brother. “We’re actually taking over; next week will be Live with Jonas and Jonas” Joe joked, getting a big laugh from the crowd and Ryan. “I guess I should start looking for another job then” Seacrest played along as he prepared to read his next card.

“So today, as you all know, is about wellness secrets and before the break you heard from Dr. Leonard about the benefits of green tea. Well, our next wellness secret is a spin on an old-fashioned one” Ryan explained. “That’s right. I’m sure we’ve all heard that saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’, right?” Nick continued. “But what if you could actually benefit from laughter on a daily basis, like taking a pill?” Joe proposed with a skewed eyebrow to entice the audience. “Well, we have a prototype device here today that could revolutionize just how much laughter we can experience anytime we want” Ryan announced before two assistants walked out, one carrying a sturdy table and another carrying a black, padded device.

The audience grew louder with speculation and anticipation upon seeing the unassuming device in question as the table was sat down in front of the three hosts and the device was placed on top before being clamped in place to the table. “Alright, I think Joe will be testing it out for us today so we’re ready whenever you are, man” Seacrest announced. “Sorry, Ryan, change of plans. Nick and I decided between the break that you should be the one to test it out” Joe corrected, getting a nervous laugh from Ryan and a small uproar from the crowd. “Oh, I think I should let one of you do the honors; you’re the guests after all” “Yeah, which is why you should do us the favor of testing it out” Nick insisted with a mischievous look toward Ryan, knowing he probably wouldn’t like the surprise change.

“Ryan…Ryan…Ryan!” Joe started a chant to urge him on until the whole audience was chanting along, pressuring Seacrest and quickly convincing him to cave. “Alright, alright” Ryan obliged with a polite smile as Nick pulled his chair over for him to sit in. “The device is called ‘The Laughing Stocks’ and is actually just a pair of portable stocks…padded for comfort but built sturdy for longtime usage” Joe explained. “You just, open the top half, sit your ankles in the two slots, and close it back” Nick demonstrated as Ryan reluctantly let him put his feet in place. “Don’t forget to lock it though; this helps make sure you get the full experience” Joe pointed out with a playful wink to the crowd as he turned the lock on the side of the small stocks and Ryan laughed again with growing apprehension, knowing of course what the stocks were used for and thusly why he’d planned on Nick or Joe doing the demonstration.

“Alright, once you’re all locked in tight, you’re ready to get started” Joe added as if he and Nick were doing their own infomercial. “Now you may be wondering, what exactly do you need this for? Anybody wanna take a guess?” Nick questioned as Ryan grew visibly more antsy. “Ryan, why don’t you fill the people in” Joe suggested with a chummy hand on his shoulder only for Ryan to start to answer and Joe playfully cut him off, “Why don’t we just show them instead, huh?” Joe decided before he and Nick each took hold of one of Ryan’s shoes and tugged them off, revealing his crisp navy-blue ankle socks. “Just uhh…go easy on me, fellas” Seacrest laughingly tried to convince. “Oh of course, sure thing” Nick sarcastically agreed, getting another rise out of the audience as Ryan’s feet crunched and flexed a little in the socks in front of them.

On cue together, Nick and Joe reached down with one hand each and let their wiggling fingers tease Seacrest’s nervous feet and instantly got a big giggly outburst. “ooWoAoha! OkOohOK!” Ryan blurted out as he gripped the arms of his chair and went to squirming around while the crowd erupted. “If you haven’t figured it out by now, the stocks are for tickling, more specifically to keep you from pulling your feet away while you’re getting tickled” Joe explained while still running along the left foot desperately trying to escape him. “Of course you have to be ticklish for The Laughing Stocks to do much good but if you’re anything like our friend, Ryan here, you should be just fine” Nick added while the 48 year old host lost all composure on national TV.

“EeaAssYy! EEAaSSyAHahAA!” Ryan protested with a pearly smile as he endured the dancing fingers and his face grew increasingly red. “The only other time we’ve seen you tickled on this show was just with a little paintbrush; that was easy enough. We wanna see just how loud you can get” Joe pointed out, assuring Ryan that they wouldn’t be as restrained as Kelly. But thankfully the brothers stopped after a few minutes and Seacrest relaxed in the chair with visible relief, “Alright…I think they get the idea” Ryan insisted and reached forward to undo the lock but Nick caught his wrist, surprising him. “What now?” Seacrest asked, getting another laugh from the crowd but he was doing his best to hide his lack of control over the segment.

“Let’s say you buy The Laughing Stocks to use on somebody else, to help them have a few laughs, but they have a hard time not getting in the way. All you’ll need is a cheap pair of handcuffs from the dollar store to keep your friend, husband, or whoever from interfering” the 30 year old singer explained as he shocked Ryan again by producing a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and clicking one half around his wrist. “Don’t you think this may be a bit much for the average user, guys?” Ryan tried to contradict without seeming too concerned. “The Laughing Stocks don’t actually endorse the use of handcuffs; this is just a little tip from us to you” Joe clarified as Nick pulled Ryan’s other arm behind the chair to cuff the other wrist, leaving Seacrest totally defenseless and with a put-on, humored smile for his audience.

“Now that Ryan is good and secure, we can take things up a notch” Nick added before he and Joe grabbed the elastic edges of his socks and swiftly yanked them off to reveal Ryan’s famously handsome feet. The crowd laughed and cooed at his socks being stolen and his bare feet being so exposed while Ryan couldn’t help but blush a little, “Wow, your feet are even nicer in person” Joe admitted as the pair of 12s wrinkled a little and his toes wiggled a bit with nervous energy. “Thanks, I’ve gotten that a few times” Ryan admitted. “People say Joe’s feet are nice but I think you’re putting him to shame” Nick pointed out, getting an eye roll from Joe before he toed off one of his own sneakers and reached down to peel off his ankle sock, making the crowd go even wilder as he propped his fresh bare foot on top of the table to compare.

“What do you guys think, huh?” Joe asked as he wiggled his juicy toes and Ryan laughed along, just happy he wasn’t being tickled. Nick gave a funny look at Joe’s impromptu foot tease as the crowd shouted both he and Ryan’s names as the winner, “I think it’s a tie. Congratulations, you both have nice feet” Nick admitted, convincing Joe to put his foot back down but left it bare as they turned their attention back to the demonstration. “Right, now that that’s settled, we can show you just how effective these stocks can be” Nick explained as Ryan crunched his toes with anticipation to protect himself at least a little but fully crumbled the moment Joe and Nick’s playful fingers were back running along his now naked feet.

“OoohAohOhohoOOKKOaHAohA!” Ryan bubbled over with hardier laughter than before and floundered in his seat as Nick and Joe spidered up and down his stocked feet worse than he imagined. “Man, they’re super soft too…it’s crazy” Joe pointed out with the silky foot writhing under his fingertips. “It’s honestly impressive; I could probably take a nap on them” Nick agreed as the audience ate up every second. “GGuUYySsAhAHCCoOmMmEOOONN!” Ryan tried to intervene, dying to reach out and free his feet from the stocks. “Come on as in come on go faster?” Joe questioned. “nNoOOhAoh!” “I think that’s what he meant, Joe” Nick added. “Well let’s do it then” Joe decided before the spidering and teasing turned to scratching on a dime, sending Ryan nearly flying out his seat with wide eyes and a giant smile.

“AAhAHaOhAohANNOONNOAOOAH!! IiIiDDiiIDDnNnTTsSSaAAyYyTTHhHAAAATT!!” Seacrest tried to argue but he could barely focus long enough to get the words out as they scribbled across his buttery smooth feet. “Now, this would be a more intermediate level for the stocks, not recommended for beginners” Nick teased. “IIMmMAaABBeEEGGGiIinNnEERR!!” Ryan tried to point out but it just got another laugh from the audience. “Good thing we brought out the cuffs” Joe added with a smile to the crowd to egg them on even more. The usually highly composed professional had never been so out of sorts on any show, howling with goofy, uncontrollable laughter and thrashing around in his seat like a wild man but there wasn’t a thing he could do.

“Once you know the user is ticklish, then you can start focusing on certain spots” Nick pointed out as he isolated his attack to the pristine arch of the right foot with harsh, concentrated rakes. “AAAhAHANNOoAhoAHOAH!! STTOHoHOHPP!!” fired out of Ryan with a high-pitched yelp. “See what I mean?” Nick added with another smirk toward the crowd before going back in to claw down the arch some more. Ryan couldn’t help but flail around and let out tortured outbursts with every rake down the middle of his foot but Joe quickly made things worse with his own addition, “Now, you may have noticed these little ties up here; these are for the toes to help further restrain the user’s feet” Joe explained before forcing the first few biggest toes of the left foot into the black ties and tightening them back to leave his sole taut.

“Once you have that all set up, The Laughing Stocks can be even more effective” Joe continued before scratching along the peachy balls from side to side. “AAAAHAHAHAOOOHoHPPlLlEEAASSEE! AAhAhAHAGGuUUYYySSSseEENnNOouUuGGGHH!!” Ryan went nuts, now bucking and bouncing around in his seat with explosive laughter as the pair of brothers had their fun wrecking his perfect feet. “With the toes tied back like this, you eliminate any wrinkling or wiggling or any fighting back at all” Joe pointed out to rub in how screwed Ryan was while he continued dragging his short nails across the balls and Nick clawed down his opposite arch without so much as a two second break between each raking.

“AhhaaOOkOOokKKAOhAOHAoh!! WWEeEEhHAAVVEETTOoOGGOOo TTOOoCCoOmMMEERrCCCiIiAALLL!!” Ryan shouted after getting a reminder in his earpiece and he’d never been happier to have to end a segment. “Alright, we’ll be right back” Nick signed off into the camera with a smile as they finally stopped tickling Ryan. “Oh my God…that was brutal” Ryan laughed, seemingly less distraught now that it was over. “We may be on commercial but we still have a whole audience here to entertain” Joe pointed out, confusing Seacrest. “Wha…I don’t understand. We usually just get water or something during commercials” “Yeah, well, not today. Hey, Jeff?” Nick corrected as he called over an assistant to bring something else out.

“Guys, come on, just let me go. The segment’s over” Ryan insisted with a light-hearted urgency in his voice. “I told you we were taking over the show” Joe teased as he received the box from the assistant and opened it up to pour the contents on the table. “Now, even though we’re on commercial, we love this product so much that we want to show you just how much you can get out of it” Nick announced as the audience eyed the items now sitting in front of Ryan’s beautiful feet. “What was in the box?” Seacrest asked, unable to see over the stocks. “Just some tools we thought might be useful for anyone who wants their own set of stocks” Joe explained before grabbing a small hairbrush from the table.

“I know what you’re thinking; this is just a normal hairbrush. But there are plenty of everyday household items that can be used to take the stocks to a more advanced level” Joe elaborated as Ryan watched in terrified awe, speechless at the thought of the plastic bristles on his unreasonably ticklish feet until it became a nightmarish reality. “WWOAohAohAOhWWOoaohAOhAohAOAOhAO!!! JJJJOOoOEEEE!!” Ryan practically screamed once the brush was running all over his taut sole, absolutely destroying the helpless host. The audience couldn’t seem to get enough of watching them tickle torture Seacrest and laughed along at his ticklish suffering while Joe worked the brush in small circles over every inch of the flawless foot.

“If you’re like me, you have a lot of reusable straws at your house and most of the packs come with one of these; a handy cleaner” Nick explained as he held up the thin, wiry brush. “If you have a few of these lying around, I suggest grabbing one of them and putting it to use with The Laughing Stocks. You could run it across the sole of the foot or even tease the tops a little but my favorite is going for the toes” Nick continued before putting a few of the right toes in the other set of ties and demonstrating his point by slipping the thin row of wiry bristles between the big and second toe of the right foot and simply pulling back and forth. “NNNOOAooAOhAOhAOHAOOH!! OohoHmMYyYGGoOODDdOHAOHAOHA!!” Ryan instantly spiraled higher with desperate, unhinged laughter and a permanent smile on his face.

Joe brushed the left foot in constant circles from the very top of the balls to the base of his heel and everywhere in between while teasing his ankle with his free hand after realizing even it was ticklish. Nick was just as relentless sawing the straw cleaner between each of Seacrest’s plush, pink toes as they sat perfectly immobile in the ties but he too couldn’t resist using his other hand to make things worse for Ryan. He soon switched off hands so the straw cleaner was in his left one and continued working through the toes and his right hand could grab the pen on the table to write on his sole, tickling like hell with every stroke.

“AAhAOOAohAohAOHA!! PPPPLLLEEEAASSEE!! SSTTOhOhOHOPppTTiIICckKliIINnnGGmMmEE!!! YYOOUuUWWIiIINNN!!” Seacrest begged as he twisted around in the chair and laughed his ass off. “Another Jo Bro tip is if the person you’re tickling is too loud and you want to avoid the neighbors calling the cops, you can put something in their mouth to shut them up a little” Joe suggested before grabbing his discarded sock from earlier, leaving the stocks, and moving back toward Ryan to shove the dirty sock in his mouth while he was laughing. “MmPhMmAHAMPHMM!” Ryan protested the best he could behind the gag, visibly shocked by the sock being put in his mouth but Joe just tasered into his side a little to keep him from spitting it out and Nick finished writing ‘Number 1 Jonas Brothers Fan’ on Ryan’s right foot.

“The Laughing Stocks are not yet sold in stores but keep an eye out for where to buy them later this year” Joe announced while moving onto Seacrest’s armpit. “That’s right and if you’re a number one Jonas Brothers fan like our buddy Ryan…” Nick added as he stopped tickling and gestured to the message on Ryan’s foot, “Then be sure to check out our new album coming out next month!” Nick announced as he stood by the stocks facing the crowd and Joe continued tickling the gagged and exhausted host for as long as he could.