austin butler wants a win

“Austin Butler…I would say I’m surprised you’re here but many talented men before you have doubted their success too. I guess even after receiving such high praise for your performance as Elvis, winning a Golden Globe…or a SAG Award…and maybe even an Oscar would really do wonders for your career” The Masked Tickler pointed out as he sat on his knees atop the bed, looking down at the famous blonde tied to the footboard. “Yeah…I know I have a good shot at winning some of them but you never know if you’ll get this chance again…I wanna win now” Austin explained with a gulp in his throat, still nervous about such an unusual situation. “I understand; even as good as you were in the film, I wouldn’t want to leave it to chance either” the mysterious man assured while Austin anticipated what was coming his way.

He sat on his back on the carpeted floor with his body bent at a 90 degree angle and his legs stretched straight up along the tall footboard so his ankles landed just over the edge, tied to the horizontal bar so his shiny loafers reflected the dim lights around the room. His arms were out to his sides, cuffed at the wrists to the floor with his palms up and each finger slipped into individual sleeves so he couldn’t make a fist.

There were even straps around his biceps and waist attached to the floor to help keep him in place, forcing his mind to run wild with reasons why he’d need to be this restrained. He figured maybe the guy was just really into bondage and just overdid it for the look, at least that’s what Austin told himself. His black pants were still on but his dress shirt sat on the chair in the corner, allowing his golden upper body and sprinkling of chest hair to be on full display as his breathing struggled to stay at a normal pace, unable to hide his anxiety as he sat so defenseless in front of the masked man.

“So how does this work?” Austin asked as if just to break the silent anticipation. “Well…I tickle you as much as I want and you laugh. Then…later, you get all those trophies you’re lusting after” the mystery man explained, refusing to divulge any details of the exchange before tugging off the left shoe with one good pull. Austin buttoned his lips and let out shallow breaths through his nose as The Masked Tickler eyed his socked foot, “Sheer socks…brave choice” was all he said before prying the other one off to leave both upturned feet barely protected, thinly veiled under the black material. The Masked Tickler knew Austin had come straight from a black tie event, explaining his outfit and fancy socks and meant that his feet had been marinating in the expensive shoes all evening.

The man’s hands landed on both soles and gently stroked down the lean feet, making Austin flinch and his stoic face break a little. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing…nothing’s wrong” Austin assured with his new signature deep voice and a focus in his eyes, hinting to The Masked Tickler that he was gonna try to white knuckle his way through this. He wouldn’t react naturally if he could help it; he’d fight it the best he could but he was too naïve to know how many others that strategy had failed before him. Both hands suddenly switched to just fingertips, landing at the balls of Austin’s feet and wiggling down all the way to his heels. “AAhAshiT!” Austin grimaced with a low giggle he couldn’t stop from escaping. He instantly tried to regain his control and clenched his jaw shut but The Masked Tickler wiggled back up the silk-socked feet and teased out another adorable outburst as Austin’s toes crunched in a reflexive defense.

“I’ve tickled plenty of feet so I can already tell yours are pretty sensitive…but baking in those shoes for hours tonight must’ve made them worse…a lot worse” The Masked Tickler pointed out to taunt his plaything as his fingertips glided up and down the tender soles and they wiggled in place against the ropework. “OOkOokAoKK! oOhiIGgeETTiIiT!” Austin tried to assure as if he could appease him but the fingers didn’t stop, strumming from his heels to the base of his toes and back down over and over until Butler’s stubborn lips couldn’t help but flash his pearly whites with a reluctant smile. “CCoOomMEEoOoN!” Austin argued through the steady giggles being forced out but The Masked Tickler didn’t respond, steady wiggling along the socked soles like a broken machine with no off button.

“SstToOhOPp! GiIvVEmMEEAaBbREaAK!” “From what I’ve heard and read about your time filming Elvis, you don’t seem too fond of breaks…willing to put your body through long hours and push it to the extremes to make a good picture. I don’t expect any less here” The Masked Tickler made clear as his fingertips slipped off the heels per usual but this time snuck under the elastic edge of both socks, giving Butler the break he requested but only long enough for his socks to slip off and reveal the full view of his stunning bare feet. He suddenly wished he could trade the short break to keep his socks on.

“Fuck…” Austin almost whispered to himself with the newfound vulnerability, suffering in suspense for a few long seconds until The Masked Tickler fluttered down the fresh feet with obvious excitement. “AAhaohSshIiTToaOOoHOAh AaLLrrRiIiGGhHtT!” bubbled out of Austin with surprised eyes, already trying to protest the new tickling but it quickly became clear how serious The Masked Tickler was about no breaks. “God…I don’t even think I should be touching these…they’re like butter” the mystery man confessed, indulging in the dreamy soles with just his fingertips as Austin squirmed on the floor beneath him.

Butler’s attempt to control his reaction slipped away more and more every second, unable to stop smiling or laughing with the pesky fingers dancing across his heavenly feet. His narrow soles wrinkled and flexed to try and avoid at least some of the tickling but The Masked Tickler didn’t grant him such luxury, moving with his feet every direction that they looked for sanctuary. “HAoAOhHhoOoWlLLOOoNnGGG IiissSTThHiIiS?!” “If you never saw a time limit on your contract then one could assume there isn’t one…” “WWhhAAhAT?! NoOoAOhAoCCoOmEEOoONNMmAAAnNnN!” Austin objected with newfound panic in his eyes, fearing how much trouble he’d really gotten himself into for the promised awards.

“Your feet really are amazing…so smooth and soft and pink like cotton candy…even when they wrinkle up, it looks like they’ve been painted on to perfection” The Masked Tickler explained without pulling away from the handsome pair. “AhAJjuUuSsSTTsTToHOpPp FFoOrRRAaAMMIiiNnuUuTTEE!!” Austin tried to persuade as his bubbly laughter grew louder and more unstable. “I thought you wanted to be rewarded for your performance…to cement your place in Hollywood as a real movie star” The Masked Tickler challenged as the delicious feet writhed under his greedy fingers. “AhoAIIIDDOoOO! IIIJjUuSStTNnNEEeEdDaAAsSEecCCoOnnNDDD!” “Your mistake is thinking you get any say in what happens in here” the mystery man corrected before starting back at the base of Austin’s plush toes and clawing down both feet.

“AAAhAhAAHFFuUuCCKAOaohANNOOO!! aohAOhAOhAAOHAAGGoODDDAAmMmIiITT! AohAOhAsSSTTOHOOP!” Austin lunged forward as much as he could at the abrupt shift with a wilder look than before, as if he didn’t know it could get this bad. The brutal raking felt like jolts of electricity on his unprotected soles, like a shock to his system every time the nails would make their way down, “AohAOhAFFuUuCCkK!! SSTTohOhoPP!” Austin howled and shouted with an urgency in his voice and on his pretty face as he fought to get away from the hellacious tickling, now realizing the real reason he’d been strapped down so securely.

“Is this worse than you’d imagined, Austin?” “ahoAhAOhAYYYYEEeSS!! NNOoOWWJJuUSSST GGiIIVVEmMmEEAAA BBbRREEEAAkKkaAhAHA!!” “Did you know your feet were so ticklish?” “AhAOhAOhNNnOhOOO!” Austin admitted, a question he’d never been asked before and hated to have to answer now. “I can hear the disbelief in your voice…” The Masked Tickler taunted as the captive heartthrob struggled with his own sensitivity and the lack of control over his situation, unable to fight back, run away, or even try to reason with the masked man without sputtering into more helpless laughter. “I’ll admit I’ve been eager to get my hands on your feet since you sent me that picture before we made the arrangement…I’d hoped they were as ticklish as they looked…but I find it hard to believe that you would’ve been so willing to bait me with them if you’d known just how bad off they were” The Masked Tickler explained while raking down both soles again as Austin floundered against the straps on the floor.

Austin didn’t get to breathe normally for another 10 minutes, not until he was glistening with a layer of sweat and his feet were tingling from such extended stimulation. “Oh my God…” was all Austin could say once the fingers finally stopped, taken back by his first real taste of what The Masked Tickler could do to him. “I think I’m going to put these back on for now” the mystery man added as he slipped the shoes back on Austin’s bare feet without explaining why but Butler didn’t have time to question it before he was surprised again by the man straddling his stomach to face him, getting a look of nervous dread from the frazzled blonde before the same relentless fingers landed on his ribs.

“Come on, just relax for a minute or something!” Austin tried to negotiate as the fingers began slowly gliding along his sides. “Why would I want to do that?” the man challenged before the gentle teasing suddenly began daggers jabbing into his ribs. “AAoOAFFuUccCCK! AOhAOhAohCCoOmEEoONAOhAOH!” Austin came alive again with a strain of his arms like he could defend himself but he was quickly reminded how little power he had. The stiff fingers sank between each rib on both sides in opposite directions, one going up while the other went down to make Austin jerk in place under him like a limp noodle. “SSTtoOHOP! AohAoOoAohAohAOOkoOkKK!!” Butler argued as the tickling seemed to intensify the longer it went on, the fingers almost becoming more lethal with each blow.

“I’m beginning to think you had no idea how ticklish you were at all…you’re a good actor but it’s all over your face” the mystery tickler teased as Austin’s upper body pinballed between his knees but nothing made it any better. “AALlRRIiIiGGhHTT!! AohAOhaAPPPLLlEEAASEE!!” “You sound like you want me to leave your ribs alone…” “YYYeESSS!! AOhAOAHSsTTohOHOPPP!!” Austin agreed like he’d finally been given an out but he’d mistaken mind games for mercy, completely caught off guard when both hands left his ribs and plunged straight into his armpits. “AAAAAHAhAHAHAANNOOO!! AoHAAOhAohAohAOAHFFuUUCCKkMmEEE!!! AOhAOhASStTOHOHopPP!!” barreled out of Austin with horrified eyes and fresh panic in his voice.

“All this for a few trophies…all this delicious suffering for a little recognition…that is if you still want it” The Masked Tickler taunted while digging into the base of both underarms and watching Austin try to endure the concentrated attack. “AAhOAhAiiIDDOoOO!! AOhAHOAAOh JJuUuSSTTGGoOoEEEAAsSSSYY!! JJUuSSTFFooOORRAASSEEcCOONnDD!!” Austin desperately tried to convince as sharp yelps began slipping out before he could finish each word. “A man in my position doesn’t stop just because his tickle slave wants him to…isn’t that right, tickle slave?” “AhAohAohAaohAPPLLEEAASEE!!” “Isn’t that right, tickle slave??” The masked man reiterated as he sank in deeper and forced Austin’s smile to a cartoonish size, “AhAYYyEESS!! YYYEESS!!” Butler shouted with tears welling in his clenched eyes before both hands retreated moments later, allowing him to wilt back into the carpet with a new appreciation for free air.

“That’s gotta be it…right?” Austin questioned like he couldn’t fathom anymore tickling but the mask shielded any kind of read he could get on the man’s reaction as he stood up. “You have such nice hands…did you know that?” “Sure…I guess” a confused Austin answered while The Masked Tickler knelt by the right hand and Butler watched in anticipation, racking his brain to even imagine what he could have up his sleeve until he saw an electric toothbrush come out. “You gotta be kidding…” Austin realized before the brush turned on and the bristles started running across his open palm.

“oOoOhAohwWwhAAattoAOHAo NnOoohAohAoWWhaaTThEEFfuUhUCCkAoOOH!” Austin’s face contorted with another flare of disbelief as the toothbrush buzzed across his hand and tickled like crazy. The Masked Tickler watched Austin wrap his head around the technique and blush at his own sensitivity. How could even his hands be this ticklish? “CcOOmEEooOn SsttoHOOppPiIITT! SSEeeRRIiOouSsLLlY TThhAATTsSFfuuCCkEEDduuPP!” He stumbled through his words and laughed with another charming smile as the strap around his wrist and small sleeves on his fingers kept his hand a wide open target.

“I’m guessing you don’t get your palms read…they may have a difficult time with you” The Masked Tickler teased before bringing out a second toothbrush and firing it up to join the first, getting a wide-eyed look from Austin as the vibrations doubled and the brushes started making circles on his pink palms. “AAhAohAOhNnoOoNnOoAhohA EEnNOooUUGGhHAohAoha!!” Butler struggled far more than he thought he would, somehow this part bruising his ego more than the rest as his smooth voice bubbled over against his will. “SsTTOOoHHOpP!! JJuUuSStTTCChHIIlloOoOuUTT!” Austin protested with sweat rekindling on his forehead and pieces of his golden locks sticking to it but his words had no effect as the countless bristles brushed and vibed across every inch of his smooth palm.

“Weeks from now…when you’re all dressed up…and they call your name as the winner…I want you to remember what got you there…how you were tickled from your hands to your feet for something that’s going to sit on a shelf somewhere in your house…how a couple of electric toothbrushes got the better of you” The Masked Tickler taunted while Austin tried his best to move his hand and grew more frustrated on the floor. “AhAohOOkKOoKKK! AOHAOhoAOhAOHA JJjUuuSSTTTUuURRnNTtThHEEMMOoOFF!!” Austin pleaded with a redder face than before as the toothbrushes milked a weak spot he never knew he should be worried about, almost angry at how much it tickled.

The brushes powered off a few seconds later and Austin’s fingers relaxed against the floor, tired from fighting the sleeves and trying to escape. The new Hollywood ‘it’ boy watched the tickle master move around, never any less worried each time he knew a different target was on the horizon but this time the man disappeared under the bed. “What the hell?” Austin asked himself as he tried to look around and find him again but was given an answer when a secret slit in the footboard opened up and created a wide window along the middle. Austin couldn’t hide his surprise at the reveal and watched as the man pushed down each of his pant legs just past his knees, “What are you doing now??” Butler asked, reminding the man how smokey and smooth his normal voice was. But The Masked Tickler didn’t answer, savoring the suspense that came with the dynamic until Austin heard the whirring of the electric toothbrushes again and he cringed with anticipation before they landed on the backs of his knees.

“NoOOAHoOHAOhsSShHIiITTAoAohaAOhA FFuUcCKkkTTThhAATTAhAHA!” Austin immediately crumbled as if this spot wasn’t news to him and he knew full well how bad it was. “Maybe you could bend your legs and stop me…” “AhoAAoAiIiICCAaAnNNTT!!” “Oh that’s right” the man pretended to have forgotten just to antagonize his tickle toy as the same insufferable bristles buzzed along the newly exposed flesh in zig-zag lines. Austin’s head shook back and forth on the floor and his legs strained against the ropes on his ankles to prove the man wrong and defend himself but he failed miserably every time. “AAhoASSTTOOOpPP WWiiiTThHTThHEEEbbBRRuUSShhESS!!” Butler yelled like they had become his new worst enemy but he was just wasting his voice, still not having fully accepted just how defenseless he was.

After a minute or two the brushes stopped moving around but Austin didn’t even really notice until he realized why. “AAaAHAOhAOhAaFFuUuCCK!! AohAoAHAOhNNOONNO!! aOhOaohAOhAOhaASSHhHIIITT!!” erupted out of the bound blonde with a blindsided look as The Masked Tickler sank into the back of his thighs and started squeezing up and down through the same window of the footboard. “Good thing you have such lean legs…I can wrap my hands almost the whole way around them” the man rubbed in as his monster grip proved his point. “AAhAOAHOAHFFuUuCCkKIinNGGSSTTTHOOOPP!!!” Austin roared like things had just leveled up but all he could do was laugh and thrash his head around praying for it to end. The toothbrushes had been secured to the inside of the footboard so they could keep buzzing on the back of his knees and free up The Masked Tickler’s hands, a brilliantly evil trick that quickly had Austin on the verge of tears again.

“I wonder if any of the other men in the awards conversation with you would be so easy to torture…Colin Farrell…Brendan Fraser…Paul Mescal…but who’s to say they didn’t try to make the same arrangement you did?” The Masked Tickler suggested, toying with his head once again. “AAhAOhIiiDDoONnNTTKKNNnOoWW!! AhohAohAAcCCoOmMEEOOONN! MmMEEERRCCCYY!!” Austin begged as the strong squeezes up and down his thighs kept him in a humiliating uproar and the toothbrushes teased his delicate knees like that’s what they’d been created to do. “Do you think any of those guys are as ticklish as you…that they’d be floundering on the floor laughing their heads off as wildly as you are…willing to be my tickle slave for some awards assurance like you are?” the masked man taunted as squeals began escaping through Austn’s thunderous laughter with every chomp into his thighs. “AhOAAiiiTToOlLDDYyOouUU iiIDDOoONNTTkkNNnOoOWW!!” “I would be surprised if any of them…probably even any of the men you’ll shake hands with that night will be as ticklish as you are, Austin” the mysterious man continued, getting inside his head as much as he was wrecking his body.

Austin’s cheeks were sore from smiling and laughing so hard and a few tears couldn’t help but fall as the masked man proved far more ruthless than he’d ever imagined. Austin had heard rumors and whispers of a man that could lean the odds of winning awards in your favor but he’d figured it was a money thing like everything else. He knew he couldn’t throw a million dollars around on the chance that he could secure a couple awards but when the contract arrived at his door and he realized it was tickling, as bizarre of an offer it was, he figured it would be a breeze, a quick exchange that he’d giggle his way through while some man indulged in his kink a little and he’d walk away with a new title to his name afterwards; Golden Globe winner Austin Butler, Academy Award winner Austin Butler. He never dreamed it would be like this.

The toothbrushes finally turned off and the squeezes up and down the back of his thighs stopped at the same time, “Look at that…a break” The Masked Tickler added while Austin caught his breath, his sweaty chest moving up and down to replenish his tired lungs. “Jesus Christ…you’re gonna fucking kill me” Butler confessed as his body came down from the unique adrenaline high. “If I did that you wouldn’t be able to thank me in your acceptance speech” the man answered as he came back around and straddled Austin’s waist. “Come on…you got me enough!” Austin whined like he’d fallen into his own circle of hell that refused to end. “You’re right. I’ll just leave you here to get out on your own and maybe you’ll do another great movie next year to get you what you want” The Masked Tickler answered as he stood up and started toward the door.

“Wait! Wait…alright” “Alright, what?” “I can take it” “Are you sure?” “Yeah…I wanna win” Austin reluctantly gave in with a swallow of his better judgment and a deep breath out. “Everybody does…” was all the man said back as he repositioned himself across Austin’s waist and produced two small vibrator wands, surprising Butler again as he studied the white wands. “Shit…hold on, I didn’t…” Butler tried to deter as if he feared things were taking a different turn but the wands turned on and landed on the insides of his elbows of all places.

“OOoaohAOoohOAhAWWhhaoaOTTohaoOhOhSShHiITToOAoHAohA!” gushed out of him again in a long, uninterrupted stream as he tried to shift his arms around but of course couldn’t. “You’d be surprised how many spots on a guy like you are just waiting to be exploited…” The Masked Tickler pointed out as the rubber ends buzzed along both arms and Austin’s beautiful smile flashed again. This he could handle. As annoying and strange as it was, he was more than happy to endure a little elbow tickling but his dreams of easy mode were quickly shattered when The Masked Tickler scooted down a little and leaned forward to start wiggling his tongue along the sun-kissed chest.

“AAhANoOoO! AOhAOhAFFuUCCkkAOhAASSTtHOhoOPP!!” Austin’s laughter instantly ballooned higher and more aggressive, his body suddenly plagued by goosebumps as the enthusiastic tongue lapped up his savory skin. The mask had been lifted up just enough for his tongue to escape but Butler couldn’t make out much of his face at all, not that he could focus on trying to figure it out for more than a few seconds anyway. “CcoOMMEEoONAohAOhA NnOOoOtTTOonNnGGuUuEE!!” Austin protested like it was getting to him in a different way than the regular tickling and that’s exactly what The Masked Tickler wanted.

The textured tongue snaked around his nipples one at a time until they were perky and alert and flicked like a fish’s tail across the rest of his chest while the vibrators teased his inner arms. But as manageable as that part was, the wands soon started traveling up both arms, slowly creeping toward his pits. “AhAhNNooO! HAOhAANNoOOFFuUuCCk!! SSSTTHoHOOP!! DDoOonNnNTT!!” Austin begged as his head bobbed back and forth watching the wands get closer and closer until they filled his hairy armpits with ticklish electricity. “AAAaAhAHAHAAOAOMmoOoTThHEERfFFUuUCCkKEeERR!” fired out of Butler as he lunged forward against the straps, rocked by the intensity of the wands now blasting into his tender pits.

The Masked Tickler didn’t react to Austin’s outburst, too busy cleaning his chest with devious licks and long tastes of the savory flavor he’d worked up from laughing and fighting the whole time. The distressed star tried to pull his shoulders up and away from the vibrators but they followed him, sinking into the depths of both pits and moving around like they were looking for something. Austin struggled to keep up with his own laughter and could barely make words coherent enough to be understood as another wave of goosebumps overwhelmed his body, brought on by the tongue flicking across the tip of his right nipple and then quickly repeating the same thing on the left until Austin was squealing and shrieking every few seconds.

The sudden push of a button on both wands turned them up to full power and Austin screamed into the air with wild-eyed shock before falling back into more desperate, hardy laughter. “AAHAohAOAHAOOKoOOKK!! aohAOhAoAHohAHOApPlLlEEAAHA PPPLLEEAASSEE!!” Austin managed to shout with a strain of his neck as the wands buzzed around in his pits, forcing him to focus just to get a word out. “Beg me to tickle your feet” “AAhOAHAAHWWWhAhAATT?!” “Beg me to tickle your feet” he repeated after pulling away from the tasty chest. “AHohaohaHOaoHAPPPPllLLEEAAsSE!! AhoAHAJjuuUSsSTThOhoOOPPP!” “Beg me to tickle your feet” “AhaAOOKKK!! TTiIICCkKLLLEEmMyYYFFEEET!!” “More” “AoAHAOHAPPPLLLEEEEAAsSEE TTIIiCCCkKllLLEEmMyYYFFFEEET!” Austin obeyed against everything in him, fearing what he’d asked for but the wands were too much to stand for any longer.

The Masked Tickler turned the vibrators off and pulled his mask back down as Austin’s body relaxed on the floor once again, overcome with relief. “Water?” Austin looked back up to see a bottle of water that’d seemingly come out of nowhere being offered to him. He was reluctant at first but he knew his throat and mouth wouldn’t forgive him if he turned it down, prompting him to lean forward enough to guzzle most of the bottle. “Great” was all the man said before tossing the bottle aside and returning to the bed, this time draping his legs over the edge of the footboard on either side of Austin’s feet.

The water brought him back to life a little but it couldn’t cure the fresh anxiety that seeing The Masked Tickler at his feet induced, “Do you know why I put your shoes back on earlier?” he asked before tugging the left one off. “No” “All this time that you’ve been thrashing around and laughing, they’ve been baking in these shoes…staying as soft and buttery as when I first laid my eyes on them today” he explained, putting Austin on edge as the second shoe came off and he could tell just by wiggling his toes against each other how right the man was.

The Masked Tickler watched Austin watching him, like if he could tell what was going to happen it wouldn’t be as bad. Those same nervous eyes grew wide again at the sight of two seagull feathers once the masked man showed them to him, twisting them a little between his fingers before running the soft ends along both upturned soles, letting them sort of dance down from his toes. “oohAohoHooOoaoh OokokOahOaooHAsSttOHOpP” “How did I know your feet would be feather-ticklish…” The Masked Tickler teased as the naked feet wiggled from side to side to try and dodge the feathers but he was out of his league; Austin couldn’t outmaneuver someone as seasoned as him.

“AALlRRiIiGghHTTHAaAohAoAO CcoOomEEOOnN!” Austin tried to argue, back to the same bubbly laughter as earlier. But the gentle touch of the feathers took a turn when they flipped around and the man adjusted his grip so the stiff ends were facing Austin’s feet before running down the middle of both of them one good time. “AAhAhAFFuUuCCKK!” shot out of Austin but before he could try and protest, the same points were winding down both angelic soles to trace the lines of his feet. “AAhOHAOhNOONNoOOAoAOha oOOHMMYyGGoODDdOAhoaOhAFFuUcCkOooOhOHA!” Austin let out as heavier laughter forced his mouth wider again but the feathers didn’t stop, following the same lines back up toward his toes and back down again like they were trying to deepen the natural grooves.

“AAohAOsSSTTohOHOPP! NNOOOnNoAooahAOH!! SSSTtooOhPPWWiIiITThhH TthHeEEFFeEEAATThHHEERsSS!” Austin shouted as if he could make demands but suddenly to his surprise the feathers did stop, giving him a false sense of sympathy until he felt something slip between his big and second toe. “WoAh! What are you doing now??” “Whatever I want” he answered as he used Austin’s own discarded dress sock to loop around his big toe and tie it back to the top of the footboard. He tried to move his foot around and realized he could barely wiggle it, sending a terrifying shiver up his back while his opposite foot was tied in place the same way.

“I can pay you! I’ll pay you 10 grand to stop tickling my feet…I can write you a check right now” Austin offered in a surprising hail mary. “You’d spend $10,000 just to keep these two feathers from your feet?” “Yes…I would. Is it a deal?” Austin admitted like he couldn’t believe he’d become that desperate. “Well I would…but you were begging me to tickle your feet not even 10 minutes ago. I wouldn’t want to let you down” The Masked Tickler answered, shattering Austin’s hope of a loophole before tightening his grip on the feathers and scribbling across the taut soles even worse than before. “NNOOOAohAohOhAOhAOhA!! AhAoOAhAOPPLLLEEEAASSE!! aOhAOhAAOhAOHAAOhACCoOMMmEEOOONN!!” he begged the best he could through violent laughter as the stiff ends of the feathers ran all over his beautiful feet as smoothly as pen on paper.

In the midst of Austin’s hysteria, a sudden lick all the way up his right foot caught him off guard but it was followed by another quick slurp up the opposite foot before the cruel feather points landed back on his shiny soles for more carnage. “OOoAOhAoAHOAHooHMmyYyGGOOODDOAHOAHAOHA FFUUUCCkKkIinNNGGSSTThoohOHOPP! PPPLLlLEEAaASsSSEEE!!” Austin screamed with his hair frantically flying all over the place and his body still testing the straps for some miracle of an early escape. After almost two hours Austin hadn’t realized the wilder he reacted, the more tickling it earned him. ‘Please’ and ‘stop’ were as good as asking the man to keep going, to keep terrorizing his flawless feet as viciously as he could.

“I guess your voice isn’t totally stuck in Elvis mode…” The Masked Tickler teased as he coaxed out sharp shrieks and embarrassing squeals of desperation from the California stud. “AALLlRriIiGGHHHTT!! AohAohANNoOoOOMMmoOOrRREEAohAOH!!” Austin raged as his feet tried to wiggle away out of reflex only to make the sheer socks weave between his toes and tickle himself more, a mistake he couldn’t stop from making every few seconds. The added slickness from licking Austin’s feet helped the feathers move in lightning strokes, faster than he could believe until he began feeling a crack in his sanity, “PPLLlEEeAASSEeE!! AOhAOhIiiICCAAAnnNTTTAAkKEEiIiITT!!” Butler confessed as humbly as he could as his throat struggled to keep up with his insane laughter and he couldn’t tell how many feathers were on his feet anymore.

“I’ll give you a choice…the feathers or something else?” “AhAOhAOhAOhJJUuUSSTTSSSTTtOOoOPPP!!” “I need an answer or I’ll keep going” “AhAoAALlLRRiIIGGhhT! SSOOmMEETThHiIInNNGGGeEELLLSSEEE!!” Austin answered like he didn’t care if he brought out an industrial scrubber at this point; he just needed the feathers to stop. “Please go somewhere else…anywhere else but the feet” Austin pleaded with tear-stained puppy dog eyes once the feathers backed off. “You signed up for this, remember?” The Masked Tickler challenged as he prepared to start again, fiddling with something Austin couldn’t see.

“Yeah, I fucking know that but just tickle somewhere else! Go back to the knees or my armpits; there’s plenty of other spots! Please!” Butler tried to convince with more bite to him this time and another jerk against the collection of straps. “You’re right…I could spend the next few days teasing every other spot on you…like you said, there are plenty but feet as sexy as yours deserve to be enjoyed as much as possible, punished even…they’re almost too perfect” the masked man answered before launching onto both soles with a pair of stiff-bristled hair brushes before Austin could even tell what was coming.

“AAAhGGHOAhaohaOAOoAOhAOhAohAOAOAWWWhhAATTTHEEAOAHAFFFUUucCCKKAOhAOHAAOHAOA!!!?!” came roaring out of Austin harder than anything had the whole time with a horrified look toward The Masked Tickler as if he’d been holding back on pushing the nuke button this whole time, waiting to destroy him when he was his most desperate. The oval-shaped brushes were covered in thin plastic bristles that didn’t bend or contour to Austin’s feet; they were completely unforgiving as they scrubbed at an angle down the length of both taut soles. “AAAhOAHAOHAHPPLlLLEEAASSEE!! AohAOhAoAASSSTTOHOOOPPPP! AOHAOhAOhaAOoohOAHNoNNOOAHOAHAOhA!! IIiICCAAANNNTT!!” Austin screamed with waves of tortured laughter, completely annihilated by the everyday household items.

“You can’t? You don’t have a choice…that is if you still want awards to your name” The Masked Tickler pointed out. “AhAOhOAAIIIiDDOOOO! IIIDDOoOOOBbuUUTTT IiIITTSSSTTTOOOmMUUuCCHH!!” Austin admitted as his laughter grew more delirious and he shook in place like he’d combust, his throat overwhelmed with violent laughter and his bladder suddenly aching for a release from all the water he’d downed. A particularly sharp outburst escaped him at one point and The Masked Tickler took notice, zeroing back in on the now vibrant pink balls of his feet and brushing back and forth as brutally as anyone could have.

“AAAAAAAHAHAHAH!! AOAHAAoAHAOhPPLlLLEEAAASSEE!! AhOoAhOAhaOhAOhHAHooAHAFFuUuUCcKKIIiINnNGGSSTtOOhOhOHPP!!” Austin howled like he was on the very edge of losing his mind but the army of bristles just kept going, sawing across the sweetest spot of his tickle slave feet until he couldn’t think straight or see straight; he would’ve had to concentrate just to tell you his middle name. Butler had never scream-laughed until today but he couldn’t seem to stop, broken by the hair brushes but The Masked Tickler wanted more, soon tipping his mask up a little and nibbling/slurping on the right toes at the same time.

Austin looked like he’d go flying off the floor if he wasn’t tied down. His laughter dipped in and out of silent defeat and unhinged squeals while his watery eyes clenched shut and his juicy lips stayed wide open. He had no control over himself by this point. The brushes told him how loud to laugh, the nibbling and tongue snaking between his toes reminded him how powerless he was, and The Masked Tickler watched as the last bit of fight left his newest client, unable to do anything but surrender.

*Roughly Three Months Later*

Austin woke up the night after The Oscars with the worst hangover he’d had in years, still in his sheer black socks and boxers from the night before. He walked through the living room and passed the shelf with his Golden Globe and BAFTA award and the empty space he’d planned on filling. He’d lost The Oscar. How could he have lost? The Masked Tickler was supposed to guarantee him a win; that was the deal. He’d endured vibrators in his armpits, hair brushes on his feet, he’d even had his toes nibbled and sucked on like candy. But the sobering reality of not winning the award he’d wanted the most was one he wasn’t ready to accept, “Where the hell is that contract?” Austin asked with a sudden anger before finding the contract in a drawer and reading over it, looking for a possible explanation.

But to his surprise near the end of the third page, in fine print, among a list of rules were two lines he’d made the mistake of overlooking when he’d agreed to the deal, ‘Tickle slaves are prohibited to try and negotiate their way out of the agreed upon tickle session after it has begun, with offers including but not limited to monetary exchanges, personal favors, or professional advancements…’ Austin read as he tried to think back through his time with The Masked Tickler. Parts of it were a blur while other parts refused to let him forget but he quickly recalled one particularly desperate moment, “Shit…I offered him money…the 10 thousand…fuck, man!” Butler realized before reading the rest of the stipulation.

‘...If said tickle slave breaks this rule in any fashion, any previously agreed upon awards or favors are not 100% guaranteed and photos of the client’s feet are required to be sent to the number provided once a week at the behest of The Masked Tickler, regardless of time or place until further notice.” Butler finished with a look of disbelief on his chiseled face just before his phone sounded with a text notification from a number he didn’t recognize, ‘Photo 1 - feet propped up on a table, socks just hanging off your toes’. Austin read with an annoyed sigh and a look down at his handsome feet in the thin socks, “I’m starting to see why Leo just waited for his Oscar…”