ben platt & the funny bone

Pride 2021 was nothing short of a party with a collective celebratory feeling among all of the LGBTQ+ community attending various gatherings around the country. Of course L.A. Pride was among one of the biggest and people lined the streets in colorful outfits to enjoy the floats and festivities more than usual after missing out the year before. In attendance this year were Ben Platt and his boyfriend, Noah Galvin who’d recently announced they were an item after much speculation. They loved attending when they could but after being recognized only a few times it snowballed into the pair of them taking close to 50 photos with fans and as much as they enjoyed meeting people, the constant selfies quickly got old and they soon dipped down a side street for some privacy.

“Well that was more attention than I thought we’d get today” Ben admitted with a laugh as they started down the less populated section. “I thought that one girl wasn’t gonna let you go for a minute, especially when she started singing from Evan Hansen” Noah added, getting a bigger laugh from his boyfriend. “I wonder if there’s anything else to do down here that won’t wind up on somebody’s Instagram?” Ben questioned as they explored the side street. “What’s that over there? The Funny Bone?'" “Let’s check it out” Ben decided before they went across the street to investigate the Pride-themed booth. “Are you guys shutting down?” Noah asked. “Yeah, we didn’t really get much business today so what’s the point of sitting out here any longer?” the discouraged 30-something answered.

“Do you tell jokes or something? We weren’t really sure what the name meant” Ben prodded with a friendly smile. “Not exactly. This is a photo setup for people to pay and take pictures here but nobody seems to be that interested” “Oh like those western photoshoots people do?” Noah asked. “Something like that” the rainbow-haired vendor explained while Noah and Ben watched him continue closing up shop and realized they both felt bad for him. “…we’ll take a picture” Ben spoke up. “It’s ok, you really don’t have to” “No, we want to. We’ve gotta support each other right?” Noah added and watched the man’s face warm up a bit. “Alright, great. Well, it’s $6 for a photo and $15 for the works” he explained. “I guess we’ll do the works” Ben answered before handing the man some cash and he lifted the sheet off the main prop.

“Woah haha, I wasn’t expecting that” Noah laughed as they both assessed the set of medieval stocks. “It looks like something from one of my high school drama productions” Ben chimed in with similar amusement. The stocks were wooden but with padding around the wrist and ankles holes and a padded seat that attached to the actual stocks. “So we just sit in it and you take a picture?” Noah questioned. “Yeah, go ahead” “I guess I’ll go first. It actually looks pretty comfortable” Ben added before sitting on the designated spot and the vendor pulled the top half of the stocks up so he could place his wrists and ankles in the holes. Noah watched with a humored smirk as his boyfriend got settled in, “All you need now is a Renaissance get up”. “You’re right haha. This is way better than a high school prop though; it’s sturdier than it looks” Ben answered while testing the stocks, his hands and sneakered feet wiggling a little on the other side. “I’m ready to take a few pictures if you are” the man announced. “Yeah, I’m ready” Ben answered and the grateful vendor started snapping a few with Platt making goofy faces of despair, getting a laugh from Noah off to the side.

“Nice job; those will turn out great” the older man added as he walked up to the stocks and turned the latch on the side to lock the halves in place around his wrists and ankles. “What are you doing? I thought that was it” “You said you wanted the works didn’t you?” he answered. “I guess we forgot to ask what that entailed” Noah mentioned. “Getting your picture taken is part of it but the ‘works’ gives you the full Funny Bone experience. The stocks aren’t just a fun prop; they’re really designed for tickling” the vendor explained rather casually as the boys shared a similar look of surprise. “Wait, are you serious??” Ben asked with a smirk of disbelief. “Yep. You can get started whenever you’re ready, kid” the man pointed out toward Noah and even opened up a box filled with various tools. “Oh…this is for real haha” Noah realized while Ben grew more squirrely in the stocks.

“Thanks but I don’t think we uhh…need the works, really. Just keep the change” Platt added as polite as possible. “Well maybe we can just test it out, I mean you’re already locked in” Noah suggested with a smirk as he walked closer to his boyfriend. “What? No, the pictures are enough. Really” Ben tried to deter with nervous laughter as Noah took the left sneaker in his hand and started tugging it off. “Noah! Come on, you know how ticklish I am!” “Yeah but you always get me worse than I can get you so this is a perfect opportunity to ya know, even things out” Noah explained as he pulled the second shoe off to expose both white-socked feet. “I usually limit it to 20 minutes but it’s not like there’s a line so go as long as you want” the vendor explained, making Ben’s eyes grow even wider before Noah’s familiar fingers started dancing along his trapped feet.

“ohOoAoONNonNooOOhoohAOhASStTOoOOPP!” bubbled out of the Broadway star as his head bobbed around between his jerking shoulders, still trying to pull his arms free of the middle holes. Noah watched with an indulgent smile like he knew how much he’d lucked up and wiggled all over the cotton covered soles just enough to keep him squirming. “AhoHOACcOOMMEooOONnAhoAHoooOoHhoHNnoOAoOH!” Ben protested while his feet writhed back and forth in the stocks, convincing Noah to start scratching along the middles and heels for a more focused approach. “This definitely makes up for missing last year” Noah teased as his devilish side came out the longer he enjoyed the uninterrupted tickling. “AhOooAohohaAOOKOooKKhOhOAanNoOMMmoORREe!” “You heard the man; we can take as long as we want. We can’t quit so soon” Noah answered before leaving the tender feet and moving around to behind him while Ben tried to gain his composure.

“You got me, now we’re even…no more tickling” Ben attempted to convince while trying to see what Noah was up to behind his back but Noah didn’t respond this time before tazering into his sides near the top of his ribs. “AAhAHoAHoAOahoOohSShhiiITHAOAoOOhaoAohA!” barreled out of Ben like he was belting a note and thrashed around on the seat but couldn’t shake the few fingers drilling into both sides. They’d been living together for around a year and Ben knew Noah was getting him back for months of prolonged hip squeezing and ticklish foot massages but considering Ben was usually able to fight off any retaliation off, he never knew his boyfriend was such a devious tickler. “Now that I think about it…I don’t think I’ve ever tried your armpits” Noah mentioned before diving into the slightly sweaty underarms through the white t-shirt. “NnOOnNOAoAHOAhAOhAohaohAaOHA! OOkOkkYYOOoUuWWIIInN!! MmEerrRRCcyY!” “You’re the one who said you wanted the ‘works’” Noah teased while burrowing into the pits kept open just enough by the stocks for excellent access.

His nimble fingers were like hell in Ben’s armpits but after a few minutes both hands suddenly left, letting him relax but only for a moment until Noah wrapped around his lower sides to wiggle into his stomach, sides, and back at the same time. “OooOAOhAOhaoAOooHMMYYGGoOodDDaooAHoaAOhAOha” Ben gushed with more giggly laughter than before while Noah’s hands moved up and down between his hips and ribs. “I know it’s your turn to pick a movie tonight but I still wanna watch the new Conjuring…” Noah reminded with a scheming tone. “nNnOOoOOWaAYYAhoHAaHAAA TTtheeYyRRETTOoSscCAARRyy!!” “But I really want to” Noah pressed as he jumped to Ben’s flanks with deep squeezes. “AAhAhAHOOkOOOKKAoHAoahaWWEECcAAANnWWAATTCCHhHiIIITT! WWeEecCAAnNWWaaTTCCHHIiITT!” Ben quickly gave in as his back bowed away from Noah and he jerked against the stocks to get loose until his boyfriend pulled away and moved back around to the front.

“If I have nightmares after that movie…I’m waking you up” Ben assured while catching his breath. “Haha deal” Noah laughingly agreed as he realized how easy he was to persuade him in this situation. “There’s a stool there if you want it” the vendor pointed out. “Oh, thanks” Noah answered before grabbing the stool and taking a seat in front of the stocks. “Come on, you already got me to watch The Conjuring. What else could you want? A pony??” the fellow 27 yr. old tried to deter with a hilarious desperation to his willing expression. “Where the hell would we put a pony?” Noah quipped as he took the elastic ends of Ben’s socks between his fingers and started peeling them off both feet. “No, not the feet! We can watch all the scary movies you want!” Ben offered while trying to cling on with his toes but couldn’t keep the socks from leaving and adding to his vulnerability. The vendor couldn’t help but be impressed with Ben’s feet as he watched from the sidelines. They were lean and smooth with long creamy arches that led up to wide, peachy balls, only complimented by the buffet of plump toes now wiggling with anxiety.

Noah smiled at his boyfriend’s protests and dragged his short nails down the length of both rich soles, watching him yank against the stocks with obvious sensitivity. “OAoHAAhoOK!!” Ben let out with 0 to 60 laughter after just one teasing stroke. “Holy shit…please, just give me a secoOOoNNDAhoaHoAhAOoAAAHoAHhOAA!!” Ben attempted to convince before Noah returned with lightning scribbles all over both soft soles to make him explode in the stocks. Ben’s head flew back with full-bodied laughter like a flood gate had been opened, putting his singer lungs to work while Noah happily tickled the handsome feet the longest he ever had. Baking in the shoes and socks for close to 5 hours before getting in the stocks had left Ben’s feet even more ticklish than usual and wonderfully soft under Noah’s quick fingers wrecking him with insane ease. “AAhoAohAOHOAHAOHOOAHnNOoNNnOHAohaohAAOHAoaAAohA JjuUuSSTTTLLEETTmMeEEoOOUUuTT! AHohoahaohAoahaohAAAOHOAHAAhoHANNOOMMmOooRREE!!” Platt begged with no hope of trying to hide how bad it was but thankfully for him, Noah’s curiosity soon convinced him to give Ben a break.

“What are these?” he asked while messing with the loops of string attached to the tops of the stocks. “They’re for the big toes; it helps keep the feet in place” the vendor explained. “What?! You gotta be fucking kidding me…” Ben added with exhausted disbelief. “Wow, that’s extra evil” Noah answered before securing both big toes in the ties and leaving his feet more immobile. “You’re getting in this thing next” Ben mentioned as if to warn Noah all this would come back to bite him. “Who said anything about that?” Noah challenged with a grin as he raked along the taut soles with short scratches all the way down. “WwOoAHoAHoHAoAAAHhAOoHOAoAHAOHAohASSSTTOoAhOHAHAOPP!!” Ben erupted with thunderous laughter and wide-eyed horror like he couldn’t believe how much it tickled. Noah replicated the first drag with another drawn out raking across the balls, arches, and heels while high-pitched squeals slipped out between the heavy laughter.

“Hold on, I almost forgot about the tools” the fiendish tickler announced as he pulled back from the feet several minutes later. “No, no tools…you don’t need tools” Ben tried to assure while hearing him rustle around in the box until Noah held up his hands now complete with short, dull, metal nails slipped onto his fingertips. “What are those?!” “The claws” the vendor answered while Ben shuttered to think what they’d feel like on his lush soles. “This must be what Freddy Krueger feels like” Noah added with an excited grin before running the cruel claws along the length of both feet, lighting up Ben’s face with a fresh reason to panic. “WwOoOAOAhohohaooHAOAOoAOHaohaAoOAHFFuUCCkKAHoAohaoAOaoaohASSTTOOOooPpP AhoahaoSSTToOHAOAPPP!” Ben argued as the claws proved their worth with every acute, intense stroke. “Oh I like these” Noah added before scratching across both soles at an angle this time, watching Ben jerk and flounder in the stocks with every back and forth. “I can’t forget the toes” Noah mentioned aloud to freak Ben out more as the nails started teasing the velvet undersides of all ten toes.

“AAoAhoAOoAOAOhoAOAOhAOOAHANNoOOTtTHHEETToOoeEESS! AHoAHAOHANNOOAooAOaHAH!! AHoHAoHAAOhAAohOOAOohNNOoTTTHhEETTTOoEeESSS!!” Ben begged with high-pitched laughter while his toes curled as much as they could to block the hellacious claws. Noah barely had to move his fingers along the toes to get the explosive reaction and the sadistic part of him loved getting the better of his boyfriend, especially now that he knew Ben was this ticklish. “We could raise some money and just set up a sign and let people pay to tickle you” Noah playfully suggested. “AHOhOhaNnooNNOOO!! AHohAohOhAAOHAoAohANNNoOoOWWAAAAyYY!” Ben disputed as if Noah was serious, even getting a laugh out of the vendor. The TV star soon ditched the claws and returned to just his fingers for a more intimate technique, this time targeting the high arches and thick balls with his most enthusiastic attack yet.

“AAAAHAHAohAoAHOAOOhAOhAOhAOOAHAaHAOhSStTAAOAhOoHOpP!! HAOhaoHAohAhoAHoaAAhOPPlLLEeAASEEE!! HAhoaOAOAHOAHoHOAHAAAOHANNNnOoOoAhAAAHh!!” Ben lost his shit and nearly broke the Funny Bone stocks, proving his soles were actually worse than his toes. “Woah haha, I think I found your spot” Noah taunted while running all over the balls and arches as the toe ties kept Ben’s feet perfectly exposed. “AhAOhaohAAAnNnYyTThHiiIiNNnGGGbBUUtTTTTThheEEFFEEET! NnoOoOAAHhCCCoOMMEEoooOOnNAhOAHAOHA!!” As good as the soles felt and as fun as it was to mess with Ben, Noah looked up a few minutes later to see just how worn out and sweaty he was, realizing he should probably stop soon if he didn’t want Ben to actually be mad at him. “Alright…I think you’ve had enough” Noah announced after a few more minutes of pure madness and Ben relaxed in the stocks with relief. “I haven’t seen anybody go at it like that in a long time. I hope he’s not big on grudges” the vendor added. “No, he’ll be fine” Noah assured with one last quick dittle along the sexy toes. “AaAAohshit!” Ben let out with another giggly yelp before the vendor and Noah helped him out the stocks.

“That was fucking terrible…I never knew you had a mean streak” Ben explained while putting his shoes and socks back on. “Ok, maybe I went a little too long” “A little??” “If it makes you feel any better we don’t actually have to watch The Conjuring” “Thank God” “Hey, fellas. I have your photos ready” the vendor mentioned. “Great” Noah answered before taking the pictures to see the first couple of Ben making funny faces in the stocks and the rest of him laughing his ass off with Noah tickling him. “I didn’t know you were taking them during all that” Ben pointed out with sudden concern that there was proof of what’d happened. “I can’t wait to get a frame for some of these” Noah added. “Yeah right!” Ben laughingly shut down before grabbing the photos and the boyfriends left The Funny Bone with Noah ready to hit a food truck on the way out and Ben already eager for some sweet revenge.