Timothée chalamet’s tickle nightmare

“Welcome back, everyone. I’m your host Jimmy Fallon and we’re here with Jason Momoa and Timothée Chalamet!” Jimmy Fallon announced as they came back from commercial break with the camera panning to the tattooed muscleman and Chalamet grinning with his usual goofy charm. “Their new movie Dune is out later this year and I personally cannot wait to see it. Timothée, how was it working with Jason on this movie?” “Oh, it was great. He’s big and tough and I mean he’s Aquaman and all but he’s a big teddy bear” Chalamet answered as Jason smirked from beside him. “Is that true, Jason?” “…yeah I guess so. I can be tough when I need to but I’m pretty chill most of the time” Momoa explained. “What about you, how was it working with Timothée?” Jimmy questioned. “Horrible; he’s a real asshole” Jason answered, getting a roaring laugh from the audience and his co-star doubled over with a shared reaction. Jimmy’s signature animated response was in full affect as he flashed a big smile at the joke and Jason soon couldn’t help but grin too at the playful lie.

“I find that hard to believe but it seems like you guys get along ok” Jimmy added. “Yeah I guess he’s alright” Jason answered, getting another string of giggles from the heartthrob as well as Jimmy. “Ya know, my friend John Mulaney actually does or should I say did have some beef with you because he said his wife had such a thing for you” Jimmy added and Timothée blushed a little at the reminder. “Yeah I’ve heard that but he’s a handsome guy, plus he’s really funny. I don’t have that haha” Chalamet tried to play down. “I actually was a little intimidated by Jason before I met him but then I was just obsessed with his hair; it’s beautiful” Timothée admitted, prompting Momoa to flip his long mane around a bit to tease the crowd. “That’s right, I guess you two hadn’t really worked together before this movie. What’s something you learned about each other that most people don’t know?” Fallon asked.

“Hmm…that Jason doesn’t like to wear shoes. He’d just walk around barefoot or in socks whenever he wasn’t filming or in wardrobe” Chalamet answered. “It’s true” Jason confirmed with a laugh. “What about, Timothée? What’s something most people don’t know about him?” Jimmy questioned while his other guest waited to hear the answer too. “I can show you better than I can tell you” Jason assured as he casually reached down to grab one of Chalamet’s legs and pulled it up closer to him, keeping a firm grip around his ankle. “Oh no…” Timothée said to himself, burying his face in his hand and slumping in the chair a little while Jason tugged off the black shoe and let it fall to the floor to expose his socked foot.

“I don’t think most people know that Timothée Chalamet…is super ticklish” Jason answered with a mischievous twinkle in his eye before fluttering up the lean foot to get Chalamet squirming around in his chair and trying to suppress his bubbly laughter. “Haha that’s hilarious!” Jimmy added with another huge smile as Timmy tried to pull away but Jason just pinned the ankle down on his knee and started scratching a little faster up and down the socked sole until Chalamet was a bumbling mess next to him. “See what I mean?” Momoa pointed out without stopping as Timothée sunk down in the chair further and writhed around between the arms with no control over his body at this point, only able to stop when Jason finally let go. “Wow, now that’s a fun fact. You heard it here first, everybody” Jimmy pointed out as Timothée put his shoe back on and tried to compose himself, obviously a little embarrassed about his extreme sensitivity.

After the show Timothée called a car to drive him home and he was still buzzing a bit from the interview, laughing a bit to himself in the backseat about what’d happened as a song from the radio caught his attention. “Hey, can you turn that up, please?” “Sure thing” the driver answered and Chalamet enjoyed the last half of ‘Golden’, Harry Styles’ newest single until they arrived at his stop. “Thanks, man. Have a good night” Timothée added before closing the door behind him and walking toward his house. By the time he got in bed his phone was sounding with notification after notification, people sending him the video clip from the Late Show or texting him about it. “I guess this is gonna go on for a while. Haha fucking Jason…” the 25 yr. old predicted just from the coverage it was already getting and turned his phone off to make sure he got some sleep. However, as Timothée drifted off and his body grew still his mind began to wander, about to take him on a ride whether he wanted to or not.

The next thing he knew he wasn’t in his bedroom anymore, instead on a familiar stage in front of cameras and an audience all staring at him. “Wha…what’s going on??” “Don’t play dumb now, you know exactly where you are” John Mulaney answered with a smirk from a few yards away in a tuxedo and top hat. “John Mulaney?? Hold on…are we at SNL?” Chalamet questioned as he recognized his surroundings more and noticed the fact that he was wearing dress pants, shiny black shoes, and a white button-down. “Please give our brave volunteer a round of applause; participating in a Mulaney the Magician show is a big deal” Pete Davidson added as the crowd clapped for the confused actor. “Pete?? Dude, what the hell is this? Why am I here?” “You’re here because you volunteered, silly. Now, if you’d be so kind as to step into the box, I will perform my first trick” Mulaney instructed with a long black box in front of him used for sawing people in half.

“What?? No way, no. I’m not doing that” Timothée refused but as he started to walk off the stage, he suddenly found himself in the box with his head and feet sticking out either ends. “Hey! I said no! I don’t wanna volunteer! Let me outta this thing!! Pete, come on, man – help me out!” Chalamet tried to convince as his bouncy hair flew around, his lively reaction getting a big laugh from the audience. “What the fuck!? You can’t just lock me in here!” “Sure he can because he’s Mulaney the Magician!” Pete chimed in with a goofy voice as John’s assistant before removing his buddy’s shoes and socks, sparking another laugh from the onlookers as Chalamet tried to get out and his fresh bare feet anxiously wiggled in place next to each other.

“Instead of cutting my friend here in half, I decided today I wanted to do something a little different. See, I hear my volunteer is very VERY ticklish and I think we should have some fun with him” John explained toward the audience with a flashy smile and Timothée’s eyes got even bigger, floored by the announcement. “NO! No! Not that, come on, guys! Really!!” Chalamet protested as humbly as he could to hopefully get through to them but it fell on deaf ears as Mulaney and Pete stood at his pale bare feet, watching them writhe around for only a moment with panic before scribbling all over his bubblegum pink soles. “OOAAhOaAHAaohAASshHiIT! AhoAohAnNoONNOO!! AHoHoHoHAoAHCcOOmMmeEEOON! AhoAHohAAOHASSTTToOOPPPIiTT!!” erupted from the trapped ‘volunteer’ as 20 eager fingers scratched across his ridiculously ticklish feet with no way for him to stop it.

“Oh wow - he is ticklish” John announced to the crowd to elicit another collective laugh while he and Pete went to town on the 10 ½s. Timothée’s head shook back and forth and he tried to push the box open from the inside but it wasn’t budging and his objections only seemed to fuel the twisted sketch. “GGUUUyYySSCCoOMmmEEoOnN!!“ “I think his toes are moving around too much, Mulaney” Pete pointed out. “You’re right. Let’s see if we can fix that” John agreed and flicked his magic wand, leaving all ten slender toes fanned out and both feet frozen in place. “What are you doing?!? Why can’t I move my feet??” Chalamet demanded to know at the sudden panic-inducing immobility but again was laughed at from the stage audience. “It’s all part of the trick – don’t worry!” John assured with a wink toward the crowd before he and Pete started clawing down the unbelievably smooth, immobile feet.

“AAAHAHoAHAOHAOHFFFuUuCCkKK!! AoAOhAOHANNOoNONoAHoaHAPPllLEEAASSEE!! AHoHAoaASSTToOohOOPPP!!” Timothée shouted with no attempt to tough his way through the ‘trick’. “I don’t think he likes it, Mulaney” Pete suggested. “What are you talking about? He’s laughing his head off!” John answered while his short nails dragged across the baby soft sole in front of him and Pete mimicked his technique to keep Timothée roaring with heavy laughter at the other end of the box. “AooAHohaOHAFFuUuCCKKiiNnGSSTtOoOOPP!” Chalamet yelled through the forced smile as Pete scratched up and down one of the long arches with fiendish enthusiasm. “You’re the one who volunteered for the trick, dude” Pete answered. “AHAonNNOOoIiIIdDDiiIDDNnTT!!” he barked back just as Pete started scratching faster along the velvet sole and John mirrored his playfully vicious attack to get Timothée squealing from the top of the box, desperate to wiggle his feet around or just wrinkle them a little to lessen the focused tickling.

“Ya know, this is great and all but I think our volunteer can handle a little more” Mulaney the Magician announced before waving his wand toward the lean feet, leaving Chalamet only to guess what he could mean until he felt something start snaking between his perfectly spread apart toes. “AAAhOHOAHAOhANNooNnOAHoaHWWHhAATTHheEefFFUuUuCCKK!?!” shot out of the horrified star as Pete grinned at the new development. A thin piece of rope was now weaving between each of his toes, moving from his right to left foot and back again like a toy train on a track. That combined with Pete’s fingers now running across both rosy soles was totally unbearable, tickling the handsome feet way more than they’d ever been subjected to. “Oh, I almost forgot!” John added after another few minutes and used his wand again, this time producing 10 tiny feathers that floated in place in front of his immobile toes to dance along the cushy undersides of each one. “AAAHOhAOAHoHAOHAHHOOOLLYyySSHHiIIITT!! NNoOOONNOOOHAoAAohaA!!” Chalamat’s laughter spiraled even higher and more distraught with Pete ravaging his tender soles, the rope weaving between all ten toes, and the mini feathers now stroking along both rows like a mini army hellbent on driving him insane.

Chalamet could feel a few tears welling up in his eyes through the extreme laughter but couldn’t do anything but pray they’d soon take a break. He’d never been so helpless, so defenseless, and it seemed to make the tickling that much more intense. His fists slammed into the box from the inside to try and break out or even just tip the box over but nothing worked, not even a little, reinforcing his new reality that his perfect, uncontrollably ticklish feet belonged to John and Pete now. “Too bad they don’t give out Oscars for most ticklish actor or you’d have a whole shelf of them by now” John teased as he watched Timmy lose his mind in the box and Pete started raking down both soles faster, helping to force their volunteer into even higher-pitched hysterics of pure ticklish agony until finally everything suddenly ended.

Timothée blinked a few times and wasn’t on the Saturday Night Live stage anymore, looking around to check out his new surroundings and realize another familiar face was staring back at him. “Jason?? Where am I? Why am I tied up?!” Chalamet tried to figure out while pulling on the cuffs around his wrists, both cuffs chained to a large T shaped structure against the wall behind him that left his arms out at an angle above his head. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Momoa questioned with his usual grin as his co-star fought the bondage more only to see his ankles were locked in place as well with a spreader bar connected to the floor so he couldn’t move his legs at all.

“What the fuck is this, man?!” the confused actor tried to make sense of, now in just a pair of gray boxer briefs hugging his slim hips; only a faint memory of the strange SNL sketch had stuck with him so he didn’t have much of an idea what this was about. “You’re looking a little thirsty, buddy. Let me help you out there” Jason answered, ignoring the demand for answers altogether and brought a large bottle of water up to his lips. “What? Just untie me!” Chalamet tried to redirect but was indeed a little dry-mouthed so he took the water but Jason didn’t pull back until the bottle was empty, forcing him to drink it all. “Feel better?”

“What the hell, man? I wasn’t that thirsty” “No?” Jason challenged before suddenly plunging into both exposed armpits. “AahohAohaohAAAohANOOoNNoOOOTTiiCCKKliINnGG!!” Timothée tried to deter with fresh, bubbly laughter as he fought against the new bondage and Jason’s meaty fingers dominated the hairy pits with ease, wiggling right in the middle on each side. “Man, I sure hope you don’t have to pee soon” Jason teased with a more menacing smile than before. “aAhoOAhAAohAFFuUCCKkYyOOuDdUuUDdEE!! AhoAHohAOhAaGGEetToOoFFFMmeEE!!” he fired back but Jason only sped up his attack and happily wrecked the defenseless underarms. Timothée could already feel himself needing to pee but wasn’t about to let Jason humiliate him like that and did his best to ignore the near liter of water he’d just downed.

Jason left the right armpit for a moment and cranked the T structure behind Chalamet a few times until it grew another foot higher, leaving him even more stretched out and unable to bend his arms at all. “Seriously?? Jason, come on AohAaHoAyYYoOOUUDDiiIICCK! AHoHAOHASSTTOOOpPpIIITT!!” “No way, this is too much fun” Jason taunted as he dove back into both pits and leaned in closer to start flicking his tongue across his left nipple, making Timothée jerk against the chains with the sudden rush. Momoa’s tongue felt like an electric current was going through it as he suddenly jumped to licking across the second nipple and forced the younger actor’s laughter up higher, all while digging around in his armpits as if his hands were on autopilot. “AAhohaAOhAohACcoOoMMEeoOoNN!! AHoHohaAJJUuSSTLlEAAVEEMMeEEAAALLooONNEE!!” “Why the hell would I do that?” Jason asked before producing a set of nipple clamps and clipping them onto both sides of his now perky chest.

“What the fuck, man?!” Tim argued with the mild pain that came from them but Jason just laughed at his reaction and pushed the button on the clips that made them vibrate, tickling Chalamet in a way he wasn’t expecting before Jason started lapping up his right armpit like a friendly dog. “AAAhAOHaoOOhOHSSHHiIiTTAOhoAHANNONNoAHAOSSTTOoOPpLLIIcCkKIInGGmMEEAaA!!” Timothée howled with wild eyes as pressure built against his bladder and he tried to hold it but with his body so vulnerable, Momoa had plenty of ways to break him. The tattooed hunk proved as much when he sunk into his co-star’s thighs, with his giant hands wrapping around the slender legs and squeezing with a mighty grip. “OOHOAoHAohOHAAOHFFuUuCCkKAOHAOhoAHAnNOoNNNOAOhAOhA!!” Timothée raged with more explosive laughter as the strong fingers dug in and Jason’s wily tongue switched armpits. “You don’t have to pee yet do you?” Momoa taunted, knowing he was surely about to bust by now. “AhoAHoHAAAOHAohA IiimMNNnoOOOtTTPpPIiSSiINnGGmMYySSEEelLFF!!” Chalamet tried to insist but Jason could tell he was having to focus on not slipping up.

“You really think I can’t make you do whatever I want right now?” Jason challenged with a mocking laugh as he pushed a button on the wall and two skinny feather dusters protruded from the T structure and started tickling the back of his knees, spinning the collection of pink feathers in place while Timmy couldn’t bend or move his legs. “AAohAOHAWWhAATTHEEFFUUCCKKK?! AoAHANONOnNNoOAOahOHAoHAOHA!!” barreled out of him with a look of surprise like he couldn’t believe there was more and Jason saw a few drops leak out. “What was that about not pissing yourself?” “AHAoHAOHAFFfuUuCCKkoOoOFF!! AhoHAohaAOHAAAohA SSTToOOpPPpTTiIIiCCkKLlIINGGmMMEeE!!” Timothée shrieked with obvious frustration as he desperately tried to hold out and resist giving Jason the satisfaction. Momoa couldn’t help but be humored by Chalamet’s attempt to tough it out, motivating him to lean down to the pale belly and press his lips against it before blowing a fat raspberry right over his bellybutton.

“AAAAAHoAHAOHAOHAOAHAOHASSHHIIiTTAoHA! sSTTOOHOOP!!” “Again?” “NNOOAohAohAAOAohAAAAOhAOhAAOH!!” Timothée let out with gushing, hardy laughter from his gut as Jason delivered another wet raspberry, followed by a third with a little tongue action in his navel until a fourth blow gave him no choice but to surrender to his aching bladder. “Haha there it is!” Jason announced with sadistic glee as the light gray underwear grew dark with an admission of ticklish defeat, a heavy release that just kept going as Jason laughed in victory. “What happened, tough guy?” Momoa teased with another few jabs along his waist with the vibrating nipple clamps and spinning dusters on his knees both still going.

“AHoHAaohAAAASSshHOoOOLllEE!! TtuURRnNIIITTOoOoFFF!!” the embarrassed star tried to convince now that he’d been officially broken and fully humiliated. “Actually, I think I’ll keep them on” Jason answered before planting his hand over his co-star’s mouth and leaning closer to blow several raspberries in his right armpit with a lot of tongue action this time, slurping it up with a voracious appetite for ticklish Timmy suffering. “MMpHMPHMMAhpHMmhM!!”Chalamet shook in place at the playfully evil tickling while Jason and his tools forced him to pee even more until the underwear was more dark gray than light gray and his lips were vibrating against Momoa’s hand with muffled, miserable laughter. But only a few minutes later, just like before, it was all over without so much as a lingering smell of Momoa’s beard oil.

Without a distinct change of scenery or any real memory of how he got there, the young movie star realized he was now lying on his stomach. “mMMPHMM!” he tried to make sense of only to realize he was gagged, his mouth covered in layers of duct tape and on top of that he couldn’t see either, blindfolded so all he could do was hear what was going on around him. He tried to move around but his arms were taped to his sides from the wrists to shoulders in a duct tape wrap but he couldn’t move his legs much either, bent at the knee and with something around his ankles keeping his feet in place. All Chalamet could do was imagine what was going on until he heard footsteps around him followed by a voice he quickly recognized as none other than Harry Styles, a man he’d only really talked to during that phone interview years back.

Harry took a seat at the kitchen table that Timothée couldn’t even see he was under and toed off his ankle boots before putting his socked feet under the table and right against either side of the actor’s face, even rubbing them a little on his cheeks to toy with him. The unique smell of sweaty, tangy feet after hours of soaking in seasoned leather flooded Tim’s nose, unable to even move his head around thanks to the collar around his neck attached to the floor. Harry picked up a lid from the table and smiled at the delicious bare feet now sitting in front of him through a hole in the middle, “Mm! You don’t get this kind of dinner very often. Must be my lucky day” Styles teased as the upturned soles wiggled a little, the fresh air across his feet letting Chalamet know what Harry must’ve been referring to. “MMMhMpHMM!!” “I can’t believe this is all for me!” Harry played along to fuck with him a little more as he grabbed two metal forks from the napkin and started dragging them along the bubblegum pink soles.

“mMpHMpHMmHpM!!” Timothée writhed around on the floor the little he could at the fresh stimulation and Harry grinned from ear to ear at the giggly response, watching the smooth feet wrinkle and the toes curl as if they could get away. He zig-zagged the forks back and forth down both inviting soles with just the right amount of pressure to keep Chalamet laughing without much effort at all. “Nice and tender, just how I like em’” Harry commentated as he continued playing with the ‘meal’ in front of him and his own socked feet dominated Timothée’s face. The steady stroking kept him squirming and laughing behind the gag but a sudden shift filled the room with louder muffled laughter as Harry focused on his right foot, quickly running the forks across just his arch in opposite directions. “MPhHMPHMmPhMnM!!!” The panic in his voice was evident even under the tape and Harry kept right on going, dragging the metal prongs back and forth with concentrated teasing before suddenly jumping to the other irresistible foot and repeating the same move, getting a muffled scream from under the table.

The captive star’s inability to see what was happening or even try to talk to Harry and get him to stop proved to be a real mind-fuck, making the tickling that much worse and even though he tried to protect one foot with the other and defend himself a little, Styles proved he was a master tickler. Any attempts to combat him were laughably useless. When the singer’s forks finally did stop terrorizing the angelic pair in front of him, Timothée let out a sigh of relief only to take in another deep breath of Harry’s own flavorful feet. “I guess I could get a little more comfortable…” Styles decided before reaching down and peeling off both of his white crew socks and placing his bare feet back at Timothée’s face with an exaggerated flex of his rich toes across both cheeks, getting a moan of objection from Chalamet. “Well, I guess it’s about time to dig in” Harry announced, confusing his guest before leaning closer to the trapped feet and licking along the length of his left sole, commanding Timothée’s body as another long lick back down the narrow foot refused to let him relax. “Mmm, tasty” Styles added before snaking down the opposite foot with even more enthusiasm to really indulge in them like the delicacy they were.

Timmy had never had his feet licked or even experienced a quick heat of the moment toe sucking so he didn’t know how to take such unbridled affection. Not only that but It was Harry fucking Styles. Running his tongue up and down his trapped feet like they were in some kind of kinky movie together all of a sudden. Part of him was just happy he was free of the forks but damn if his tongue didn’t tickle too, every flick and wiggle getting squeaks of laughter from behind the duct tape and making Chalamet flounder in place. However, the devoted tongue action soon shifted to Harry’s lips wrapping around the edge of that same foot, nibbling along the side and down the middle. “MmpHMpHMmhMM!!” Timothée burst with wide-eyed, booming laughter under the table and high-pitched squeals escaping every few seconds as Styles playfully gnawed down his lean foot before soon moving onto the other one again, happily enjoying his buttery heel and tasty arch.

Chalamet shouted from behind the gag to try and convince him to stop but of course Harry couldn’t understand him and continued devouring the incredible pair until finally pulling away several minutes later once there were faint bite marks decorating the sides of both dreamy feet. “Damn, I almost forgot about the chocolate” Harry added and Timothée’s ears perked up a little, trying to anticipate what he meant until he felt something drizzle across his now shiny soles. “MMmHMmM!” “Oh yeah, now we’re talking” Harry gushed as the chocolate syrup covered feet sat in front of him, just begging to be gobbled up and that’s exactly what he did. Before Timmy could even try to brace himself, Styles jumped right back in to lick off his favorite topping with a serious sweet tooth, even prying the toes back to keep the feet from moving at all so he could really have his way with them.

“MmHPHMMPHmMHPHmMHMHM!!!” Chalamet freaked out under the wooden table with another stream of robust laughter as the tongue flicked and wiggled along every inch of the sugary soles, soon slurping along the edges and licking between his toes to make sure he didn’t leave any syrup behind. A sudden sharp shriek caught Harry’s attention and he stopped for a second only to lick between a couple toes again and get the same heightened reaction. “Nothing like crazy ticklish toes, especially ones as sexy as these” Styles pointed out as he grabbed something else unbeknownst to Timothée.

As if the ticklish worship wasn’t enough, Harry’s lush, tattooed feet seemed to somehow smell stronger the longer they sat at Chalamet’s face but his pointless attempts to keep from inhaling them so much were quickly undermined when a new, truly hellacious sensation attacked his toes. “MMpHMMPHmMPHMM!!” The bound actor bubbled over with desperate shrieks between his thunderous laughter as Harry sawed two straw cleaners between each of his toes, all ten of them now suddenly tied down. The tools were like craft pipe cleaners but with thin, stiff, prickly bits all the way down, simple devices that, in the right hands, were weapons of ticklish destruction.

Harry laughed at Timothée’s horrified reaction and how hard he was trying to escape the strange set up as he pushed and pulled the cleaners between each of Chalamet’s long toes, taking his time to really make him feel every tiny bristle. “Man, I haven’t had a treat like this in a long time. I better make sure I really enjoy it” Styles added before running his tongue along the left sole to savor Timothée’s wickedly ticklish feet while still sawing between all ten toes over and over again. “MMPHMMPhAmmPHmMHPhMMphM!!” Chalamet laughed and begged with even a few tears while Harry continued torturing him, totally disinterested in how much he could or couldn’t take. Styles pressed his powerful, pungent feet closer to Timothée’s nose and started nibbling on the upturned soles again without showing his toes any mercy either, pushing him to new heights of ticklish misery and forcing his body to try and keep up with the overwhelming laughter until once again it all disappeared.

Timothée found himself in yet another different position before he knew it, this one perhaps the most vulnerable yet. “Man, it’s hard to beat a view like this” Jason Momoa added with a playful smack on Chalamet’s ass, getting a grunt from the bound star as he tried to stand up or move around. “What the fuck?! Jason, come on!! Let me outta this thing!” he protested with a little more attitude than before, still hazy about what’d happened before this. “Oh it’s not just me you have to worry about” Jason assured as John Mulaney slapped his butt too, followed by Pete Davidson, and Harry Styles landing quick smacks like they were in some frat house. “Dammit - alright! Stop fucking spanking me!” Timothée barked with a jerk on the bondage bench/horse. “But your ass is in the perfect position for it” Styles teased with a quick pinch of his right cheek through the boxer briefs to piss him off a little more. Secured with a plethora of straps on the horse, he was stuck on all fours with his ass just as on display as Harry said and his knees and elbows bent on the chair’s four extensions so his whole body was totally vulnerable and wide-open.

“What do you guys want from me??” “We’re just here for a good time; you don’t really have to do anything” Pete answered with a cheeky smile and chummy pat on his shoulder. “Yeah, just try and relax” John teased before moving around behind him next to Jason while Harry stood at his upper body and Pete positioned himself at the front of the horse. “How did I never notice how nice your feet are? I knew they were ticklish but damn” Jason complimented as he rubbed the one in front of him a little with his powerhouse hands before suddenly wiggling his tongue up the tempting bare foot like he was auditioning for Venom. “AoAohohaShiT! AhOhnOnNNOo!” Timothée tried to object but the sweet and salty taste of his soles only enticed Momoa to keep going. His eager tongue winded up and down with heated enthusiasm while Chalamet tried to jerk away and the others watched him squirm but a few secure toe ties kept his bare foot stuck in place like Jason’s own personal buffet.

“These really are some beautiful feet…it’d be a shame if somebody were to wreck them beyond belief” Mulaney added before pulling out two small hair brushes that he didn’t bother warning Chalamet about before scrubbing across the balls and heel of the foot that wasn’t being licked down, “WWOoAOAOhAohAOhaOHAHoHAAOHOFFuUuCCkKHAoaHohaANNoOnNOOAhoAHA!!” Timothée exploded with animated laughter as the stiff bristles brushed his delicious foot with a steady pattern of small circles along the taut sole, “Well that was easy” John commented with a humored grin as Harry pulled out his own toys and fired up two vibrator wands, running one of them along his ribs and sticking the other one in left armpit. “AoOOhAohAOhAOhAWWHhaAaHAHAATTIiSstTHhAATT!?! AhoAohaASSTTOOoOPPSTTOOOPPiIiTT HoAHAhHAAARRRYY!!” Chalamet yelled with a sudden high-pitched panic in his voice as the electric sensations cranked things up. “I brought these from home just for you” Styles teased as he focused the pulsating head of one wand between each of his ribs down the line while digging around in his perfectly propped open armpit on full power.

Timmy was already going wild, floundering on the horse as much as the straps allowed and letting out more and more embarrassing shrieks as his laughter intensified, already struggling to think straight from all the stimulation. The licking, brushing, and vibrating was shaping up to be its own circle of hell but he’d almost forgotten about Pete until a peculiar feeling in his ear reminded him that the comedian had no plans of sitting out the gang tickling. “oOHohAOhAohAoAohaFFUuCckAoOhaOHnONNOOFFUuUCkKOoOFFWwiITTTHhAATT!!” Chalamet tried to persuade but Pete was already giggling at how effective the feather teasing his ear was. “Haha oh this shit is great” Davidson smiled as his famous curly hair flew back and forth but a second feather dancing along his other ear gave him no room to avoid Pete’s childish yet maddening contribution. “AhAHFFuUHUUCCkKKAohAOhAnNOoOO!!! DDuUuDDEE!!” He twirled both feathers between his fingers and followed Timmy’s ears whichever way his head tried to move around, obviously having a total blast driving his buddy crazy.

“Mmm, that’s fucking amazing” Jason gushed before slipping his tongue between Chalamet’s creamy, lassoed toes, licking between each of them one space at a time while reaching up and squeezing into the back of his thigh. “AAOAOAoAOhAohAOhAAMmMOOOOTThHEERRFFFUuUCCkKEERR!!” Timothée raged against the horse and pulled on the straps with all his strength, again desperate to escape and spare himself anymore humiliation but things only seemed to get worse for him. Mulaney’s rhythmic brushing technique suddenly sped up until he was scrubbing the heavenly sole twice as fast, cranking up Chalamet’s laughter almost instantly as his silky toes curled against the ties for dear life. “AHOANNOoNnOOhAOhAAOhAOHHhOOollYySSHhIiITTAHoAHAAOHA!! AoHaAOHaMmMEERRCCYY!! PPLLLEAAASsSEEESSTToOOPP!!” Timothée begged with a new moan/whimper to his laughter like he didn’t care how pathetic he sounded, craving even just a little sympathy.

“Beg me some more, come on” Harry encouraged before placing one of the vibrators against Chalamet’s hip and concentrating the other one on his nipple. “AAAOHHAOHPPlLEEASSEE!! AHoAHohAAhANoONNOOmMOoRREe!!” he obeyed with the wand having shoved down his underwear a little to really get at his hip while the other buzzed his nipple until it was hard as could be. Pete surprised Timothée again when he felt a strange sensation on the roof of his mouth, now using a single Q-tip to drag across it and take advantage of the fact that he was laughing way too hard to close his mouth. “AaAhAOoAohAoAohAOhAoOhAOAA!!” Timothée burst with a shocked look and horrified, high-pitched laughter, in disbelief at the cruel, unusual attack. “Shit, that actually worked!” Pete added with devious excitement before using his free hand to go for Chalamet’s neck at the same time like a real dick.

An impressed Harry laughed at Pete’s sadistic Q-tip idea as he continued focusing the wands on the naked upper body while Mulaney looked to be joining Momoa in his feast, suddenly licking along the left foot a few good times but it was just to lube it up a little before unleashing the stiff-bristled brushes back on the now very slick sole, lighting Chalamet up until he was practically rocking the bondage horse off the ground.

After tickling the roof of his mouth long enough to get Timothée shedding a few tears, Pete finally stopped and pulled the cotton swab out, relieving him from the sinister technique before tugging one of his own sneakers and socks off. “These smell ok to you?” Pete asked while rubbing his cheesy tube sock all over Timothée’s face like a pesky big brother. “AHAOahFFuUckKIINnGGRRoOSsSS!! GGEETTIIitToOoFFF!!” “Plenty of people would pay good money for that. You should be thanking him” Harry taunted with a grin. “See? Harry gets it” Pete pointed out before switching back to using his feathers all over Timmy’s other nipple and vacant armpit. “AAAoOAhOAhAOhAOhAFFFuUuUCCCKKk!! AHoAHAohaAAOHACCoOOMmMEEoOONN!!” Chalamet bucked like a lunatic and tried to pull away from them but no matter which way he jerked, Harry and Pete were waiting on either side to make him regret it.

“I think I want another taste of these feet” Mulaney announced as he went in on the freshly scrubbed foot next to Jason, nibbling, slurping, and licking along every inch as if he wanted to match the insatiable Momoa. “AAAAAAOhAOhAoAHAOHAHAAOHAOAHAOooHOHMMYyGGOoODDdAOAHoAHAOHAA!!” shot out of Timmy like someone had turned up his volume and he thrashed on the horse with unhinged hysteria as the group tortured him like their personal tickle slave. Pete covered Chalamet’s face with his sweaty sneaker to leave him no air to breathe but the sour flavor of his feet and dug around in the same armpit as mean as he could while Harry focused both wand heads on his ribs and John and Jason licked, sucked, nibbled, drooled, gnawed, and tickled his immaculate bare feet until they all had him screaming, begging, and on the verge of peeing himself again, stealing every breath he could to try and get them to stop. But they refused, even laughing at his intense desperation.

They’d broken him, having tickled him way more than any man ever should be and it still wasn’t enough. He wasn’t fully aware he’d been tickled a few times before this already but his body knew it, worn out from the hours he’d spent laughing and fighting his worst weakness. Timothée needed it to stop. If there was any God out there at all, it’d have to stop soon…it just had to. And just like before, out of nowhere, it finally did. He opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm ringing and sat up in his bed to see a giant fresh stain on his duvet and sheets, evidence of his sweaty, pee-inducing nightmare. Exhausted from the lack of any actual rest, he grabbed his phone to turn off the alarm and found what must’ve been 70 notifications about his ticklish interview on Fallon the night before, sending a shiver down his damp back and reminding him that he still had another day of press for Dune ahead of him. “…it’s gonna be a long day.”