the try guys try tickle torture

Try Guys Producer: So what are you guys doing today?

Ned Fulmer: We’re getting tickled! I actually don’t know why I said that so excited; this is gonna suck…

Zach Kornfeld: We’ve been getting requests to see us get tickled, specifically tickle tortured, since we started this channel and we’re finally giving you guys what you want. I don’t know why you want this but it’s 2021 and dammit we’re doing it!

Eugene Lee Yang: I can’t believe I agreed to this.

Keith Habersberger: We’ve paired with a sponsor for this video and they’ve agreed to donate money to the charity of our choice. That amount is determined by us; the longer we last getting tickled, the more money they donate. It’s gonna be interesting, that’s for sure haha.

Zach: We actually rented something called a ‘tickle table’ from a place online and we’re gonna each be getting strapped down so we can’t move around and tickled by the rest of the Try Guys until we use the safe word.

Try Guys Producer: What’s the safe word?

Eugene: Get the fuck off me.

Ned: The safe word is dinosaur because that’s the symbol on our merch and stuff.

Try Guys Producer: Who’s the most ticklish Try Guy and who do you think’s gonna last the longest?

Keith: I know Zach and Ned are pretty ticklish and I used to be; I haven’t been tickled in a long time though so we’ll see. Eugene may not be ticklish at all and he could win the whole thing! Who knows?!

Eugene: I think Ned might win because he’s so competitive but I also know he’s very ticklish so it's hard to say. I was hardly ever tickled when I was younger and my boyfriend tries sometimes but I shut it down pretty fast. I'm not actually all that ticklish but I know one spot for sure so we'll see how well the guys do considering.

Zach: I’m pretty damn ticklish but I am NOT tapping out the earliest, no way. Ned or Eugene will probably win and I’m fine with that, just as long as I’m not in last place. Keith has some good spots that I know of and there is just a lot more of him to tickle in general so maybe he’ll lose?

Ned: I may be ticklish but I’m not losing a tickling competition to these guys; I’ll never hear the end of it. Eugene is the one I’m most unsure about going into this and I know he doesn’t like to lose but they all better watch out because these fingers aren’t gonna stop. No mercy, baby!

After losing the coin toss, Ned was the first one up on the table, doing his best to pump himself up for a win as he sat on the edge and peeled off his ankle socks. “I’m about to set the bar real high for you guys” Ned assured as they strapped him down. “How long do you think you’re gonna last?” Eugene asked with a humored smirk. “Oh I’m calling 30 minutes right now” the athletic blonde answered. “At $100 a minute, that’d be $3,000. You really think you can do that?” Keith challenged. “Bring it on – let’s do this!” the 33 yr. old dad welcomed, now in just his shorts and t-shirt. By the time they were done there were straps on his wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles so he was flat on the table sitting about 4 feet off the ground.

“We’re ready when you guys are” one of the producers announced with a stopwatch in hand as Zach, Keith, and Eugene grinned at the devious opportunity. Eugene stood on Ned’s left, Keith took his ride side, and Zach positioned himself at the bare feet while Ned began to surge with anticipation. “On 3; 1…2…3!” Keith counted down until the trio started in on their very vulnerable friend. Eugene knew Ned’s ribs to be ticklish already and decided to begin there, wrapping his hands around the rib cage and wiggling in, watching Ned bite his lip to resist laughing so soon. Keith’s giant hands started playing around in his armpits, fluttering up and down the entire scoop of his underarm with minimal effort. “Oh no, he’s already getting red” Keith commented with a laugh as Ned struggled to keep it in.

“Then he’s gonna hate this” Zach added as he made things worse by raking up both smooth soles, dragging his dull nails from the heels to the balls. “You can’t hold it in forever” Eugene reminded as Ned’s fists tightened and his body tensed up more, fearing the sooner he started laughing, the sooner he’d give up. “His armpits seem to be pretty ticklish, let me just…” Keith added before wiggling in deeper. “AaOhoahaAhaohoAHaohaOHAAOhaOokKK!” Ned burst with a giggly stream only a second later, proving Keith’s suspicion. “There it is!” Zach announced before following Keith’s lead and dialing up his approach. He started raking faster up and down the peachy-pink soles and Ned’s hardy laughter spiraled higher, only encouraging Zach to keep it up. Ned’s feet were tough in some spots after years of sports but after a pedicure with his wife a day earlier, they were softer and even more sensitive than usual.

“Isn’t counting ribs a thing people do to each other?” Eugene asked as if it was a myth he’d heard about. “NnooNnoOahOAHAOHo IiTTSsnNOoTtTT!” Ned tried to convince while he squirmed on the table. “It’s definitely a thing; trust me” Keith answered before Eugene executed what he imagined the technique to be, using two stiff fingers from each hand to poke between each rib as he counted aloud to taunt Ned. “1…2…3…4” “You’re supposed to act like you lost count and start over” Keith informed. “Why?” “Because it’s evil” “Works for me” Eugene answered before beginning again at the top of Ned’s tender ribs but never getting the whole way down without starting over to drill between each of them on a maddening loop. 

“5 minute mark” a producer announced from the wings. “Wow, I didn’t realize it’d already been that long. I guess I need to go a little harder” Keith concluded with a fiendish smile. “NnOOANOAohAOHAOHA DDoONnTTDdOOoTthhAATT!” Ned attempted to deter as Keith leaned in a little closer. “Oh it’s coming” Keith teased before digging into both armpits right under the puffs of hair. “AAAHoAHoaHAOh SSShiiItTAoahOAHOANNoNNoAHOHAA” shot out of Ned with a forceful yank on the straps like a geyser, surprising everyone in the room. “Damn, I didn’t know he was that ticklish” Eugene pointed out. “Yeah, I think we know his worst spot now” Keith pointed out as his long fingers continued working into the helpless armpits and Zach zeroed in on his own discovery.

“No way! We get tools??” the youngest Try Guy laughed with excitement before picking up a small hairbrush from the box and moving in front of Ned’s left foot. “WhHAHAT??!” Ned tried to figure out but he got the idea when the stiff bristles made contact with his arch. “oOAhOAHaooAHoHAOAOOhOAoahAOoAHNnOONNoAHoA WWwHhAATTiIiSssttTTHhAAhAaATTT?!” “Oh my God haha – this is great!” Zach gushed with the friendly type of twisted pleasure, hearing Ned swear like his favorite soccer team was losing on TV. “Now that’s evil” Eugene added as Zach scrubbed across the trapped foot. The longer they tickled Ned, the more each of them got into it, quickly realizing why so many people had suggested they try this. Eugene, who was originally against the idea, had also developed a taste for tickling since they’d begun and moved on to Ned’s thighs just as the 10 minute mark was announced.

“Let’s see…what about this?” Eugene tried out with a quick squeeze halfway up Ned’s thigh, getting a violent buck against the straps. “I’ll take that as a sign to keep going” Eugene added before latching onto both thighs the best he could and squeezing into each of them with a back and forth rhythm. “AAAAHoAHAOhAOnNONNoOOOhAOhaohAohAahoHAA” Ned raged even higher like he was ready to kick Eugene off him. “I have an idea you’re really gonna hate” Keith explained like he was eager to see it in action as he got onto the table to straddle Ned’s stomach. “This table can hold me right?” Keith asked. “Yeah you’re good” a producer answered. “Sweet!” Keith responded with another flashy grin as Ned tried to avoid his hands now descending toward his painfully wide-open pits. “Where ya going?” Keith taunted like a sadistic big brother before sinking into the both pits on full blast and fueling Ned’ already wild laughter. “AHAhoAHAOHAnNONNNhOONNOHoAHAOhAohaaohaOHAOHAOAHAFFFUUuUCCKKAHoahaOAHA!!!” Eugene and Zach couldn’t help but laugh at Ned’s thunderous reaction and knew he couldn’t hold out much longer, no matter how competitive he was.

“Oh man, his toes are ticklish too!” Zach announced as he scratched under the plump toes of both feet while Eugene moved up a little higher on Ned’s legs until he was digging into his inner thighs. Ned’s strong legs tried to bend or even close to block the unwanted attention but the straps kept him from fighting back hardly at all, forced to endure Eugene’s relentless hands. But they still weren’t as bad as Keith’s wrecking Ned’s armpits, refusing to let up for even a moment of relief. Ned was already starting to sweat and his winner’s mentality had weakened upon realizing just how ticklish he was and how bad it would be not being able to move, surprised by how viciously his friends were going at him. “15 minute mark” the same producer announced. “AhAOhOOKkOoKKHAoHOAHAO DDdiINNOOoSsAAUURrrRR!! AHOAhaOHAOHAAOHA iIICCAnNNNTTAHAOHAoahATTTAAKKEEIIiTT!!” “What was that?” Eugene asked as if they hadn’t heard him. “AhOAHAOHAFFFuUCckKKiInnGGDDIInNnOoSSaAaUuRR!!” Ned forced out through the heavy laughter and the other Try Guys stopped tickling with the click of the stop watch. “15:18” the producer announced.

“Well that’s not exactly 30 minutes but it’s still pretty good” Zach added as they let Ned out and he rested against the wall for a minute. “You guys are good ticklers…like, really good” Ned admitted as he caught his breath. “Or maybe you’re just really ticklish” Keith answered like he was surprised how easy it was to drive him crazy. “Alright, whenever Ned is ready we can start round two” the producer announced. “Who’s next?” Eugene asked. “Zach” “…fuck” Zach said almost under his breath with sudden dread, making the others laugh at his ticklish fear.

Within 10 minutes Zach was on the table, already nervous giggling as they strapped him down in just his jeans and t-shirt. “So Ned lasted 15 minutes, how long do you think you’ll last?” the producer asked. “I want to raise a lot of money but at the same time, I think I’m gonna end up being a little bitch once it starts” the comedic 30 yr. old admitted with a laugh from the other Try Guys. “Don’t worry, we’ll go easy on you” Keith teased with a sarcastic tone as they chose their spots around the table. “I’m excited now that I’m on this side of it” Ned added with an eager smile as he stood behind Zach’s head, Keith took his feet, and Eugene picked the left side. “You ready, Zach?” the producer asked. “Not really” “Too bad; 3…2…1” Eugene counted down this time before the stopwatch started and they dove in.

“AahoHAohOhaoAHaohhAOha DdAamMiiTTAHoAHOAaaAo” Zach broke instantly as all six hands found a spot on his slim body to torture. Eugene started on his stomach after lifting up the shirt, vibrating into the side of his pale belly with dagger-like fingers. Ned had a newfound understanding of how defenseless it was to be in Zach’s position and relished in the chance to get back at him now that the tables had turned. “I think I wanna try this feather; I bet that tickles a lot” Ned added before grabbing it from the tool box and testing it out on Zach’s neck/collar bone. “OOhOAHoOhAonNoNNOhaoAHAOHA FFuUcCkkTTHhAaTTFFEEAATTHHEErRR!” Zach protested while his head tried to block the fluffy red feather. “I’ll just hold your head down if that’s what it takes” Ned assured before planting his hand on Zach’s forehead to keep his head out of the way and dancing the wicked feather anywhere he wanted. “AhaohAOHAOAHAHaoAH TTHhAaTTsSSsSOOFFFuUcCkKEEddUUPPpP!!” Zach complained through the non-stop laughter as Ned’s sinister technique also got a laugh out of Eugene.

Keith was enjoying himself almost just as much down at Zach’s feet as he scratched along both narrow soles, barely even having to move his large hands situated in front of each size of the size 8s. “I’m barely even doing anything and it’s working” Keith pointed out while watching Zach try to pull his feet away. “5 minute mark” the producer announced. “AHOAIiTTSsoOONnLLlYBbeEnNFFiiVVVEEmMIiiNNUtEeSS!?!” Zach questioned with a wide-eyed look of disbelief like time was suddenly moving slower. “You can go ahead and say the safe word if you want; last place can be all yours” Eugene taunted as he moved onto Zach’s sides. “AhoAHOAhaFFuUCCkKYYOOOuUGGUUuYYSS!!” “We can always make things worse” Ned added before his hand left Zach’s forehead and ambushed his armpit. “AaAhaohaOAHANNOnNNOAhOAHOHAOHA” Zach let out with fresh panic while Ned wiggled around in the new spot and continued teasing his neck with the feather.

Eugene had found another good spot just below his ribs and with just a few fingers was kneading in on both sides like a tickling machine. The overwhelmed YouTuber tried to jerk in either direction to dodge Eugene’s hands but they never let up, “If Ned didn’t escape I don’t think you are” Eugene taunted while digging in even faster. Meanwhile, Keith discovered a different feather in the tool box, a smaller one with a prominent pointed end that caught his eye. “Oh yeah, let’s see how this does” Keith anticipated as he took hold of the right set of toes to steady Zach’s foot and started zig-zagging all over the supple sole. “OOAHoAHaohAOHAoAHOANNOoOoHaOHAoAHAA KkKEEIiTThHH!!” roared out of Zach with a new sense of desperation in his voice, trying look down and see what the hell Keith could’ve been using. “I think he likes it” Keith said into the nearest camera as he started writing his name on Zach’s sole with the stiff feather, “Keith was here”.

“10 minute mark” the producer announced a couple minutes later. “I’m honestly surprised he made it this long” Ned admitted as he ditched his feather. “He might end up beating you, Ned” Eugene suggested. “Can’t let that happen” Ned answered before moving down to Zach’s stomach. “I have an idea” the determined blonde announced to Eugene as he leaned down and blew a giant raspberry across Zach’s belly. “AAhAoAHoahAOAHOOHHmMYyGGOoODdhaoHA” Zach let out like he wasn’t expecting it to be that bad. “Gotta love a classic raspberry” Keith commentated from the end of the table while Ned went in for seconds. “OOHAOhAohAoHAOHASsSTtoOHOOPP!” Zach tried to intervene with a louder laugh than Keith was already forcing out. “Let’s both do it, back to back” Eugene suggested with a spark of cruel genius. “Hell yeah!” Ned agreed before blowing another raspberry right over his bellybutton and Eugene quickly followed by delivering another right after to keep Zach a bumbling mess. “AHoAHAOHaohAOHAOAHAOhAOHAnNoONnoAHoAHAOHAA HoHAoHAOOkOokOAhAa DDdiinNOoSsAAAuUurRRAHoAHa JJUuSTSTToOPPpHAOAHOATTiIcCKKlIInGGmMEEe!!” Zach submitted after nearly 12 continuous raspberries.

“12:04” the producer announced. “Whoo! Still on top!” Ned gloated as Zach took a moment to finally rest on the table, “Now I know why they call it tickle torture.” “Just be glad it wasn’t Keith giving you raspberries with his giant mouth” Eugene answered. “Good point” Zach agreed before they un-did the straps and he downed a bottle of water. “Alright, Keith, you’re up” the producer informed. “Oh shit, alright. But I should mention to my fellow Try Guys that a substantial bribe could be at stake if you were to hold back this round” Keith offered with his usual brand of failed subtlety. “Not after that, dick” Zach answered, getting a laugh from the rest of the studio at his new appetite for sweet revenge.

Keith’s tall frame stretched almost across the whole table but the straps still secured around him the same, suddenly at the mercy of his friends in just his shorts. “I didn’t realize how little I was gonna be able to move on this thing” Keith admitted as he tried to wiggle around on the table. “Yeah, it’s not fun is it?” Ned answered with a quick poke into Keith’s side. “HeEaY! We haven’t started yet!” “I’m ready when you guys are” the producer added. “Actually, I should probably go pee real fast” Keith spoke up. “Oh well” Zach answered before he counted down and they let loose on him from around the table. Ned chose to go after Keith’s massive size 13s and was already gleaming with a tickler’s high, scratching back and forth on the long, creamy arches to spark a marathon of Keith’s unique goofy laugh.

“WWWoOOoAoahoAHOHAOHAOHAOOHAohAOAOhaO sSShIiiTThAOhAOhAOAH!!” Eugene added to the hilarious reaction from his spot at the head of the table as he targeted the underarms, digging into the very center for a more focused technique. Zach bypassed the traditional approach and went straight for the tools, grabbing two electric toothbrushes that only made him want to tickle somebody more. “Now we’re talking” Zach added before firing up the brushes and hitting two different spots, slipping one under Keith’s knee and filling his bellybutton with the other buzzing head. “AAHhAOahAHAoOohHFFUuUCCKK!?! AhoaHaOhAoAHAHnNoONNOAhOAhaOhaAhaoha NNOoTttHHEeTTooTThHBbRRuUSsheSs!!” Keith let out with growing hatred for the array of tools, having forgotten the toothbrushes were even an option. “That’s genius and horrible at the same time” Eugene laughed at the vibrating brushed wrecking Keith so easily. 

“5 minute mark” the producer announced. “You still have 10 more to go to beat Ned” Zach added while swirling the toothbrush in his bellybutton. “AHAOhaOhAoAHAAOhAOH FFFuUcCKkKmMMEEEeHAA!” “He probably won’t even beat Zach” Ned chimed in to mess with Keith more as he turned his attention to the long toes, prying them back with one hand and scratching long the softer undersides with the other. “AAAAhhAAHoAHOAHAOHAOHOHHHOOlLylYSsHHiITT!! HAOhAaoHAnNnooNNAOhAOAH NNOoOTTTHHEeEtToOOeEEESsSS!!” “Oh you better believe I’m getting these toes” Ned assured while fighting back the row of toes desperately trying to curl and protect themselves.

Eugene soon decided to grab a tool after seeing how well they worked for Zach, choosing two of the fluffy feathers from the earlier round for what would surely be an annoyingly effective attack. “He’s gonna fucking hate this” Eugene said with a scheming smile into camera before returning to his position and wiggling the feathers back and forth along Keith’s ears and neck. “OOhOHoHOoWWhHAATthEefFUuCkK!? CCoOMMeEoONNAHaoHAoahANNoONNOHAoHOHA!” Keith laughingly argued as he tried to move his head out the way but with two feathers there was no way to avoid both of them. “Do you remember that time you tricked me into sitting on your lap and then Zach and Ned sat on my lap? This is the equivalent of that” Eugene explained with a satisfied smirk as he watched Keith get more frustrated between the hellacious feathers. “I wanna try that thing he did earlier and get on the table” Zach announced just as the ten minute mark passed. Keith looked down to try and anticipate what he had in mind but got his answer sooner than he expected when Zach sunk into the spot right below his armpits on both sides, cranking up Keith’s already booming laughter even higher. “Wow, I didn’t expect all that haha” Zach admitted with a surprised smile as he straddled Keith and continued drilling into the electric spots.

“I know what he’ll like” Ned proposed as he returned to the tools and grabbed two bigger hairbrushes than Zach had used on him. These were wider and with three times the bristles but for feet as big as Keith’s, that’s exactly what he needed. Keith was too caught up in fighting the feathers and trying to throw Zach off to really think about why his feet were suddenly abandoned but Ned quickly ramped things up when he started scrubbing across both rich soles at the same time as fast as he could. “AAAAAHAHaohAOHAnNOONnOhAOhaoAHoaHA MMoOOttThHEERRFFfuUCCkKEERR!! AhoAHOAHANNooNNoOAHAOhAOhaoAGGEETToOoOoFFF!!” Keith practically screamed as his body jerked against the straps for an escape. Zach and Eugene laughed along at his animated reaction and could tell the brushes must’ve been brutal but they didn’t stop teasing his ears/neck or digging into his sides.

“Come on, Keith…I can do this all day if I have to” Ned warned as the onslaught of plastic bristles annihilated his giant feet with each stroke. “AhAOhAOHDDDIINNoOSSsAAuURRRDdiIINnOoOSSAAuURRR!!!” Keith shouted only moments later and the other Try Guys stopped tickling. “14:45” the producer announced and once again, Ned cheered with reigning supremacy. “Oh my God…you guys are fucking mean” Keith added as he was let out. “And you aren’t?” Zach challenged. “I wasn’t trying to make you guys pee yourselves!” “Wait, did you actually have to pee?” Eugene asked. “A little may have come out toward the end there, not gonna lie” Keith confessed as they laughed at him more. “Last but not least, Eugene” the producer pointed out as Keith, Zach, and Ned’s attention shifted to the Try Guy everybody knew would hate it the most.

“I’m not even that ticklish so my time is just gonna embarrass you guys” Eugene tried to assure as he pulled off his shirt and starting tugging off his sneakers. “Yeah yeah yeah, just get on the table” Ned brushed off. “Maybe we should set a time limit just in case this goes on too long and our sponsor ends up having to pay 10 grand for just me” the confident 35 yr. old suggested with a cocky grin as the others strapped him down. “You guys ready?” the producer asked. “Yeah we’re ready” Zach answered. “Yeah, I guess” Eugene agreed. “Alright, in 3…2…1!” Ned counted down like he was eager to prove Eugene wrong until the time started and they each chose a different spot to test out. Keith started digging into his armpits the same way he’d pushed Ned over the edge but Eugene barely reacted, only grimacing through it with clenched fists. Zach explored his stomach by wiggling all over and teasing his bellybutton but again, he was hardly affected. Ned tried his neck and chest but all that produced was a quick giggle, not even promising enough to keep going.

“Well shit!” Keith complained. “I told you guys” Eugene reminded like he’d just aced an exam. “Hold on a second, why are your socks still on?” Zach questioned as he moved down toward the end of the table. “Oh, I must’ve forgotten to take them off” Eugene tried to excuse as casually as possible. “You can’t be the only one who doesn’t go barefoot; that’s cheating” Ned added before Zach ripped the black ankle socks off to expose Eugene’s gorgeous feet. “Maybe he was keeping them on because he didn’t want us to try his feet” Keith suggested. “I told you I just forgot” Eugene interjected but they wanted to see for themselves now. Zach and Ned each stood in front of a foot and let a few fingers fly up his soft pink soles and Eugene bit his lip with serious concentration all over his face. “I don’t know…I think he’s holding out” Keith suspected but Eugene knew he couldn’t dispute him without breaking.

“Oh we’re gonna get him” Ned promised as he took hold of the right foot and started raking up and down where his arch met his heel. “…AAhoOhOOkOOK! ahoAHohaOHAOhAOaoh EEnNNnOuUuGgHH!” Eugene finally cracked, lighting up his friends’ faces with renewed enthusiasm. “I knew it!” Keith added while Zach and Ned indulged in their discovery. Ned sat across his ankle for even better control and grabbed his big toe to steady his foot before scribbling all over the buttery smooth sole, hearing Eugene howl with reluctant laughter behind him and squirm on the table. Always a fan of the tools, Zach grabbed yet another kind of brush, this one with a circular bristle head used for scrubbing your face. “I didn’t even see that one in the box; that looks like it’d be terrible” Keith laughingly added as Zach turned on the brush and let the spinning end start moving across the balls of that foot.

“HaahOAhAOAHOoHoHAoHAOHAGGeEtTOOoFFF!!! AHoAHAOhaAHoHAACCOOmMEEOOON!! AHoHAOHAAOHAHAiIIMmSSEERriIOoOuuSS!!” Eugene raged harder than any of them had ever heard him laugh. “Then just say the safe word” Ned suggested while working over the perfect foot. “AhOAHOAHAOHAohAOHaohAHAOAHFfFUUuuUCCKK!!” Eugene let out with obvious frustration, not wanting to tap out so soon and have the shortest time; he knew they would never shut up about it, especially if it was him. “5 minute mark” the producer announced. “I don’t know if he’ll make it to 10 minutes at this rate” Zach predicted, only pissing Eugene off more. “I wanna get in on this too” Keith added as he grabbed two of the smaller feathers from the box and sat on the edge of the table near Eugene’s leg. “HANnOOnNOoHOAAAOHOHAFFuUuCCKkOOofFFKkKEEEIiITTHH!!” “That’s not very nice” Keith replied with a teasing tone before trying a more uncommon approach, using the feathers to dance all over the top of the foot Zach was already tickling.

“OoHAohAOhOHAohOhNNOONnnO!! LLEeEAaVVEemMYYFFEEetTtAAALLOonnNNEE!!” “Oh wow, it worked! Even the tops of his feet are ticklish” Keith announced like he’d just won a small fortune as he continued running the tips of both feathers in every direction. “I’ve never thought about trying the tops; that’s wild” Ned commented as he watched Keith barely have to drag the feathers over his foot as Zach held it steady. After a couple more minutes Ned looked through the tool box and located the electric toothbrush Zach used earlier, “If the tops are ticklish, his toes must be really bad.” “He’s gonna kill you haha” Keith warned but that didn’t stop Ned from firing up the toothbrush and sticking it between Eugene’s big and second toe. “AAAAHoAHoAHAOhaohOHAOHAhOAhnNOoNNNoOAhOAHAOAa FFuUuCckKIiINnGGSSStTTOooOPP WwWIIIITTthHTThhEeETTOOOLLLSS!!” Eugene protested through his forced smile but of course Ned kept going, letting the vibrating neck sit between each of his toes and running the countless buzzing bristles along the silky undersides to really take advantage of the rare situation.

Eugene tried to un-do the straps around his wrists but he was laughing too hard to concentrate enough to actually escape, forcing him to take whatever the other Try Guys could dish out or use the safe word and be labeled the most ticklish member. “10 minute mark” the same producer announced. “I guess that means it’s time to take things up a notch” Zach decided as he grabbed one of the big daddy hairbrushes Ned had used on Keith. “Why don’t we switch?” Keith suggested. “Alright” Zach agreed as he handed off the intimidating brush and Zach started using Keith’s feathers between Eugene’s handsome toes, sliding one after the other down the line like a wicked game for one. “AhOAhaoAOhAOhAohA ZzZAaHAChH! SSEeERriIiOouSSLlLyYY!!” “Maybe if you admit I’m the best Try Guy I’ll stop” “AhAOahaohaAHAoahFFFuUuCCkKYyooOUUu!” “That’s literally the opposite of what you should’ve said” Zach answered as he continued feathering between his toes while Keith launched across the middle of his sole with the intimidating hairbrush and watched Eugene explode on the table.

“AAhAOAHOAHAOhAoHAoAAHAAHAOHAaHoAHAOHAOAHAhAHAOHANNOoNNnOAHAOAOH SSSTTTOOOHoAOAOPP!! AHoAHAOHAOAHDdiINnOOSsAAAUuRR!! DDIINNoOosSsAAAUUrRR!!” Eugene yelled the best he could less than a minute later. “One more time” Ned instructed as he kept brushing along the velvet toes. “AHoAHFFFuUuCCKKiIINnGGDdiINnOOSSsAauURRR!!!” “That’s what I thought you said” Ned answered as they finally stopped. “12:03” the producer announced. “Holy shit! I didn’t lose!” Zach exclaimed with excitement. “I hate all of you…so much” Eugene added as he caught his breath on the table. “Well, I guess that’s it. We managed to raise around $5,000 today for our charity and got a good workout doing it” Keith explained into the camera as he moved around behind the head of the table.

“Is somebody gonna let me go now?” “Yeah at some point” Keith answered before putting his hand over Eugene’s mouth and Ned and Zach took the cue to return to the end of the table. “MmHmMHmMHMnMH!!” Eugene tried to argue with wide, angry eyes as he watched them sit across his ankles and go to town on his ridiculously ticklish feet. “That’s today’s video! Make sure to check out our other videos, the Try Guys Podcast, and our merch at our online store!” Keith signed off with a big smile and muffled laughter in the background, ending what would become their most popular video to date even if they did have to watch their backs around Eugene for a few days, or weeks. It was totally worth it.