the pride fundraiser

“Welcome to the 2023 Pride Charity Fundraiser, I’m your host Anderson Cooper and joining me today are some famous faces from the community that you may recognize but I’ll let them introduce themselves” Anderson explained into the camera across the table from him before letting the guy on his right start. “Hello, everyone, my name is Tom Daley and I’m very excited to be here today” the lovely Englishman greeted before the person next to him took their turn. “What’s up, I’m Lil Nas X and I’m happy to be raising money for the LGBTQIA+ community” the rapper/singer introduced with an almost nervous grin. “Right, my name is Kit Connor. You may know me from my TV show Heartstopper and this is my first fundraiser event so this should be fun” the bright-eyed 19 year old greeted before it moved onto his neighbor. “Hey, everybody, my name is Matt Bomer and I’m thrilled to be able to raise money for a cause that is so near and dear to me and I hope you guys at home enjoy” the film, TV, and Broadway star added before Anderson explained how the fundraiser would go.

“Now that you know everybody, I can fill you in on why we’re all sitting around this table and why there are two scary-looking straps stuck to it. As you know, this is a livestream where people can donate money to whichever participant they want since they’re each playing for different charities but the real meat of the fundraiser is the game we’re going to play. If you’ve seen the show Silent Library, today’s game is a little like that but it’s all going to involve tickling” Anderson laid out with a seemingly permanent smirk on his face as the others giggled a bit and grew antsy in their seats.

“There is a stack of cards in front of us all with different challenges on them. Most of them will have a time limit and some may have tasks to be completed while being tickled but if the person who drew that card wishes to tap out before their time is up, they do not get the money allotted for that card. However, you can pass your card to the next player if you don’t like what you drew but each player can only pass a card they drew once so keep that in mind. We, along with other guests you may see tonight, have each contributed to the pot that the allotted money will pull from and the money is divided up among the cards with varying amounts. And yes, in case you were wondering, I will also be participating and not just hosting this event so if everyone is ready, I guess we can get started” Cooper announced with collective agreement from around the table.

“Alright, Tom, I’m gonna let you start us off” Anderson explained. “I’m a little scared but hopefully it’s something not too bad” Daley added before reaching out and grabbing the first card on the small deck and reading it aloud. “You must receive six raspberries on your bare stomach with your neighbors holding your arms and the youngest of the group delivering the raspberries - $100. Oh no…” Tom laughingly whined like it was worse than he imagined. “I guess the youngest is Kit” Bomer pointed out. “I’ve heard you’re pretty ticklish so this should be good” Lil Nas X teased as he and Anderson stood up to do their part.

“Just don’t blow too hard, alright?” Tom tried to convince as he took his shirt off and Kit approached him. “I mean, I wouldn’t want to half-ass my first fundraiser” Connor answered with a playful smile as Anderson and Lil Nas held Tom’s arms and Kit knelt down to eye level with the Olympian’s shredded stomach. “Matt, you keep count, alright?” Cooper suggested. “Got it” Matt answered with his own smile, eager to see how this would go before Kit leaned closer to Tom’s tensed-up body and blew his first raspberry right over his bellybutton. “AoAoAOhAOhANnoAOAO!” Daley came to life like a cartoon character, instantly trying to break away and with no control over his wild laughter. “Well, that was one” Matt announced with a laugh at the animated reaction and Kit went back in for another one, letting his full lips flap across his stomach for almost 10 seconds before doing another one right after. “AAHAOOKOOKAOhAohA!” Daley squirmed in place and forced Lil Nas and Anderson to hold him tighter but they were laughing too, making it a bit difficult.

“3 more!” Bomer announced and Tom looked at him with an eye roll of disbelief before the Netflix star blew another impressive raspberry that got Daley floundering in the air with hilarious laughter and then delivered his 5th one just with just as much enthusiasm as the first four. “AAHAHAEEeAASSsYY!!” Tom tried to convince but Kit fully rejected his request and even held his hips in place with his hands to make sure the last raspberry was the most atomic. “AAhAOhAONNAOOAohAohAohAOOoOKKAoAOHA!!” Tom erupted like a volcano and jerked around as Kit’s lips continued tickling his belly for almost 20 seconds this time, impressing the others with his lung power until finally, he backed off and Daley was let go.

“Good job; your charity is now $100 richer” Anderson pointed out as they all settled back down around the table and the excitement for the whole thing ballooned greatly after such a fun start. “That’s great and all but holy shit…that was awful” Tom admitted as he put his shirt back on and sat down. “Sorry, mate, hope you don’t hold it against me” Kit added. “We’ll see about that” Tom teased as Lil Nas X prepared to draw his first card. “What the fuck, dude?” Lil Nas laughed to himself like the card was too wild to be right. “What’s it say?” Kit questioned. “You must endure 3 minutes of grooming gloves on your bare feet with your ankles strapped to the table. A special guest will deliver your tickling - $400” the 24 year old explained like he hated to even tell everyone. “Well, that means we get to meet our first guest; everyone please welcome rap sensation, Jack Harlow!” Anderson announced and the curly haired superstar made his way out to tickle one of his best friends in the industry.

“No fucking way haha, oh my God” Lil Nas laughed in disbelief but Jack was grinning from ear to ear with the gloves in his hand. “You could at least look a little happier to see me” Jack teased. “Not right now I’m not” Lil Nas answered, fueling Harlow’s already obvious excitement. “Just take a seat on the table and we’ll get you locked in the straps” Anderson instructed and Lil Nas just laughed to himself like he wished he would’ve chosen a different card before sitting on the big round table and letting his ankles be strapped into the pair of cuffs attached to the edge of the table. “Remember, I know where to tickle you too so just don’t go too crazy on me” Lil Nas warned. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” Jack answered with a mischievous grin before popping off the sneakers and making quick work of his socks until Lil Nas X’s feet were totally exposed.

“We have a timer here we’ll use to keep track of the 3 minutes” Anderson added while everyone watched with anticipation and Jack put on the textured pet grooming gloves. “You better be watching that clock…Jack’s gonna try to keep going” Lil Nas added. “Come on, man, would I do that to you?” Jack teased. “And…go!” Anderson announced moments later and Jack wasted no time terrorizing his friend’s vulnerable feet. “AaaHGGSShHiiITTAohAOhA!! SStTohHOHOPPP!!” flew out of Lil Nas X before he could prepare himself but from the looks of it, trying to hold back wouldn’t have done much good anyway. Jack’s smile grew as he scrubbed the thin plastic bristles across the satin soles, totally dominating the narrow feet trying their best to wiggle out of reach.

“AaLLRRiIGGhHTTAhAHA!! CCOOoMMEEoOONN!! FFFuUuCckkAoha!” Lil Nas X writhed on the table and reached forward to try and stop Jack but couldn’t make any difference as his buddy went to town brushing as brutally as he could. “2 minutes left” Anderson announced and the howling singer even tried to grab the timer to stop it early, making the others laugh as they watched him go crazy on the table. “It’s these arches, isn’t it?” Jack happily pointed out before focusing the gloves on the middles of both tan soles and letting his hands contour to his feet with each back and forth. “AAHAHAHAHAANNOOO! AohAohAAJJJAACCckKCCooOmMmEEoOONN!! FFuUuCCKkiInNngGSSTTohOHOPP!!” Lil Nas X raged with newfound hysteria as Jack milked the opportunity to fuck with him, giving the tickling his full attention and best effort. The palms and fingers of the gloves being textured made each stroke blend together with the next one so it all felt like one unending brushing on his 13s, forcing Lil Nas into squeals of ticklish overload as he pounded the table with his hands.

“HHOoOWwMMuUcChHLLOoNNGGEERR?!” “1 minute” Cooper answered with his own smile at the hilarious show and the distressed entertainer couldn’t believe his ears. “I can make one minute feel like 5” Jack taunted like a devilish big brother before moving up to his slender toes and almost massaging them between his gloved fingers. “AAhAANnOoOTThHEETToOoEEESsAhAHA!! MMoOOTThHEERFFUUCCkKERrRAhAA!” Lil Nas roared louder and again tried to intervene but Jack just repositioned himself so his back was facing him and he could really explore the undersides and the in-betweens of each row. “I’m glad I didn’t pick that card” Tom laughed like his raspberries were beginning to pale in comparison as they watched Lil Nas X endure the last moments of his 3-minute tickle torture. “Time’s up!” Anderson announced and just like Lil Nas had warned, Jack didn’t stop brushing. “AAOOkOOKAohA!” Lil Nas shouted before reaching up and digging into Jack’s sides, forcing him to retreat. “Sorry, I guess I didn’t hear the timer” Jack lied as Lil Nas X reached up to undo the cuffs. “I’m gonna get you back…just wait” “Well, thanks for having me, guys. Good luck with the rest of the fundraiser” Harlow added on the way out with another smirk before his friend could make good on his threat.

“Well, that was something” Anderson added as Lil Nas X got down off the table and put his footwear back on. “Y’all just had to bring Jack out here…” he laughed like he wasn’t thrilled about losing it like he had. “Alright, Kit, you’re up” Anderson pointed out and the English actor reached out to grab his first card. “You must have your ankles strapped to the table and have your toes nibbled on by the oldest of the group for 3 minutes - $400” Kit read aloud and immediately began to blush. “Oh shit” Tom laughed. “You said we can pass the card right?” Connor questioned. “Yep, to your right” Anderson explained and Matt’s eyes lit up with realization. “Come on, it can’t be that bad, right?” Bomer tried to persuade as genuinely as he could but Kit slid the card over to him. “I don’t think I could handle getting my toes nibbled on; I might cry” Kit admitted as Matt’s head drooped with his new fate. “I’m the oldest so I guess I’ll be doing the nibbling? Who made these cards??” Anderson laughed like he was surprised that was an option.

“Well, I got a pedicure earlier this week so you’re welcome” Bomer explained with a smile before sitting where Lil Nas X had just been and letting Kit secure his ankles in the cuffs. “I’ll watch the timer” Tom announced while Kit took off Matt’s loafers and peeled back his thin dress socks to reveal his beautiful feet. “Good thing we have these straps; I wouldn’t want you kicking me in the face. I’d hate to have to explain a black eye the next time I’m on air” Anderson pointed out. “I’m not all that sure how ticklish my toes even are so maybe it won’t be that bad” Bomer proposed. “I guess we’re about to find out” “Alright, fellas, time starts…now!” Daley called out and the white-haired stud got at eye level with Matt’s long toes before stuffing a few smaller ones from the right foot in his mouth and grazing across them with gentle aggression. “AAhA!” OoohAohAoOHMYGODDohaohA!” came bubbling out of Bomer with a pearly smile as he squirmed on the table and Anderson struggled to keep nibbling on his fresh toes thanks to his own laughter.

“How do they taste?” Kit teased. “Actually, not bad” Cooper answered like he wasn’t totally hating the experience and Matt fell apart in the most charming way possible as his toes proved just as ticklish as the rest of his feet. “AhAoOKOoKAAohA HHOoWWMmUuCCHLlooNnGGEER??” “A little over 2 minutes left” Daley answered, fully entertained by the sight in front of him. Anderson’s mouth soon migrated toward the bigger toes of the same foot until the juiciest one and its neighbor were between his lips and he was lightly gnawing on the savory snacks, forcing Matt into heavier laughter.

“AhAhAOoHAOhAohIiITTFFEeEELLlSSoOWwEeiIRRDD!!” Bomer admitted. “Don’t act like you haven’t had your toes sucked before, man” Lil Nas X teased. “TThHAAATtSsDddiiIFFEeRREEnNTT!” Matt answered as the news anchor proved to be quite good at using his lips to hold onto the toes so he could nibble on them just right.

“A minute 30” Tom announced to Matt’s surprise, in obvious disbelief that there was still half the time left. “I guess I should move onto the other foot” Cooper decided before leaving the now shiny toes for the other row. They curled a bit with anticipation and Anderson ran a few fingers along his foot to relax them, “HeEeHY! That’s not part of it!” Matt laughingly argued. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself” Anderson admitted before surprising them all by filling his mouth with the entire set of slender toes, shocking the 45 year old actor before he was a bumbling version of himself again on the table and trying to yank his foot away.

“NnOOAoAohAohAAAnNDDEErRrSSoOOnN!” Matt couldn’t help but howl as the esteemed reporter perfectly nibbled and grazed on all five of his toes at the same time. “Damn, did you skip lunch or something?” Tom asked as Bomer struggled to stand the severely ticklish challenge, contemplating tapping out but he didn’t want to lose the money for his charity.

“20 seconds” Daley called out and Anderson seemed to take that as a signal to go all out, surprising Matt again by suddenly letting go of the toes in his mouth only to grab the other foot and nibble on both big toes at once. “AAhAHAHASShHIIITT!!” Bomer nearly squealed as he bounced around on the table and Anderson made every second count until the timer went off and he released the tender toes. “Do I owe you money or something??” Matt asked like he must’ve done something to earn such a spirited delivery. “You sounded like you enjoyed it to me” Anderson teased as he helped un-cuff his ankles and Bomer slipped off the table to grab his shoes and socks.

“Alright, Matt, you’re up” Anderson casually announced as they sat back down. “What?? I just went!” “Actually, Kit passed his card to you. That doesn’t take away your turn” Cooper explained with a subtle grin like he enjoyed torturing his buddy a little. “You’ve gotta be kidding me; I haven’t even put my shoes back on yet” Bomer laughed like he couldn’t catch a break and reluctantly drew his card, always a good sport. “You must have your thighs squeezed by the person with the most money donated to them – 3 minutes, $300” Matt read like he hated to bring more tickling his way so soon. “Well, according to the website, Tom has the most money donated right now by the viewers” “Sweet!” Daley let out as Matt rolled his eyes and Tom walked over to him before Bomer turned his chair around.

“Hey, Kit, why don’t you hold his arms back so he doesn’t shove me off?” Tom suggested. “You guys are having too much fun with this” Matt halfway joked as Connor grabbed his wrists and held them slightly behind the chair. “Time starts…now” Anderson announced and Tom smiled as he plunged into the lean thighs with both hands. “AHAAOhAJJEESSuUUSs!” Matt couldn’t help but let out with surprised eyes as he endured the wrath of Tom’s incredible grip strength chomping up and down his knees/thighs. “You should’ve just passed your card” Daley added. “IiIfFoORRgGOOoTTIiiCCoOUulLLDD!” Matt admitted, getting a big laugh from the other participants as his socked feet smacked the floor and he shook in the chair like each squeeze was another electric jolt.

“2 minutes left” Anderson announced and Tom, like Cooper before him, amped up his approach to make the rest of the time that much worse. “AAHANNOOO! YYOoUURR’EESSUUPPoOsSSEEDD TTTOObBEEAANnIIiCcEEGGUuYY!!” “I’m not the one who was nibbling on your toes like a hungry squirrel” Daley pointed out, earning him a shifty look from Anderson as the baby-faced diver wreaked havoc up and down Matt’s thighs through the trousers until he was trying to kick him away and Tom had to trap one leg between his thighs just to keep tickling him. Thankfully the time for this one seemed to go by faster than the one for his toes and before Matt could start sweating, Anderson announced that his turn was over. Matt relaxed against the back of the chair like he’d just gotten off the treadmill after Kit and Tom backed off, “I’m gonna need a nap after this” Bomer confessed. “I’m afraid it’ll have to wait; we’ve still got the rest of the game to finish” Anderson reminded. “Alright, alright…” Matt answered before turning his chair back around and putting his loafers back on while Anderson drew his card.

“No way…” Cooper challenged before even letting everyone else know what was on his card. “Oh he must’ve gotten a good one” “I might have to pass this one” Anderson proposed. “Just think though, your next one could be worse and you won’t be able to get rid of it” Tom pointed out in an effort to avoid whatever horrible fate was on the card. “…you must endure 3 minutes of a hairbrush on your bare feet. A guest will do the brushing - $400” Cooper read aloud just before his best friend and TV host, Andy Cohen joined the gang. “Why did I agree to this?” Anderson questioned as Andy walked closer and rubbed his shoulders a bit to mess with him. “I already have my hairbrush; I’m just waiting to get started” Cohen pointed out as giggly dread took over Anderson and he started removing his shoes and socks.

“Are you supposed to use the straps?” Matt asked. “I’ve got him, don’t worry” Andy assured with a playfully evil grin before wrapping both ankles up in a headlock and Anderson put his hand over his face like he was already embarrassed for what was about to happen. “3 minutes set…and go!” Bomer announced and Andy let loose with obvious enthusiasm. “AaHAGGHGFFuUCKMEE! AohAohAOhAhAOHAOOOkKOKOK! AohAOhAsSSlLOOOWWEERR!!” Anderson tried to convince as he reached out toward Andy but there was no stopping him. “I knew your feet were ticklish but not this bad” Cohen teased while running the square-shaped brush all over the bright pink soles, focusing on whichever one was trying to protect the other at the moment.

Cooper’s usual composure went out the window as he howled and yelped with hilarious laughter and struggled to stay in his seat with the stiff bristles terrorizing his incredibly smooth feet. “AaNnDDyYY!! AAOhAOhACCoOMMEEoOOONN!!” Anderson shouted through his animated laughter but Andy was a vicious tickler not known for his mercy. “You signed up for this, not me” Cohen reminded, getting a major kick out of driving Anderson so crazy. “A minute and a half left” Bomer added and Anderson tried stop the timer prematurely but Matt snatched it first. “If I have to do a whole 3 minutes, so you do” Bomer pointed out as Anderson proved himself to be no match for the hairbrush, like he’d been put in some kind of laughing trance he couldn’t snap out of.

“What about just one foot? I wanna see if I can really do some damage” Andy suggested before dropping the left foot and tightening his grip on the right before really giving Anderson the worst he had to offer. “AAAAHahAHAHANNOO!! MMOOoTThhEEERrfFFuUcCkkEER!!” Cooper nearly screamed with the brush now going twice as fast on his foot and quickly wrecking the silver fox. “Yeah, there we go!” Cohen taunted like he was satisfied with how distraught his friend had become and continued brushing with no clear target on the soft sole, more interested in an all-out assault to get the biggest reaction possible. “SSTToHOHOPPP!” Anderson tried to argue before finally falling out of the chair and onto the floor but Andy didn’t stop, instead forcing Cooper into a cartoonish version of himself writhing around on the floor laughing his ass off until the timer finally went off and spared him any more humiliation.

“Damn, this was a lot of fun. Let me know if you need me to come back later” Andy admitted as he let the foot go and helped Anderson up. “No, you aren’t allowed back!” Cooper insisted with lingering giggles still leaking out. “Well at least you guys got a good show” Cohen added before trying to tickle Anderson again on his way out. “Who knew hairbrushes were so lethal?” Anderson questioned as he put his shoes and socks back on. “I’m just glad you didn’t pass it to me” Tom answered before grabbing his next card. “You must endure 2 minutes of hip squeezes while your neighbors hold your arms. The last person to pass their card is your tickler - $300 dollars” Daley explained as he smiled with apprehension. “I guess that’s me again” Kit announced as he stood up to walk closer while Anderson and Lil Nas X prepared to hold him like before. “It’s just 2 minutes, right? It’ll go by fast” Tom tried to assure himself. “Nah, I think it’ll feel more like five” Lil Nas teased as Tom stood up and they each grabbed an arm to hold out to his sides while Kit prepared to tickle Daley once again.

“Go!” Matt announced once they were set up and Kit sank into Tom’s toned hips just above his pants. “OoAohAohAooAohAAhAOhAAhoANNoONNoaoAoHA!” Daley gushed without being able to even kind of control his reaction as Kit’s strong hands kneaded into him, somehow already knowing to really utilize his thumbs. “Get him, Kit” Lil Nas X encouraged to mess with Daley more and Connor didn’t disappoint, working in with rhythmic back and forths until Tom was dancing around in place. “OOoKOOKK!! aoHAohAOhAAohA!!” Tom reminded everyone in the room and the thousands watching the livestream that he was extremely ticklish while Kit dug into his hips and Lil Nas and Anderson did their best to make sure he didn’t break away. “Time’s up!” Matt soon announced and Tom was visibly relieved. “Mate, I don’t know what workouts you’ve been doing but you’ve got some strong hands” Daley confessed. “I never thought it’d come in handy like this” Connor laughed as they sat back around the table to see what would happen next.

“Does anyone know how many cards there are?” Matt asked. “There are 13 so we have 7 left” Anderson answered, knowing they were really in the thick of the game by now. “Kit, it’s your turn” Lil Nas X pointed out. “What? Tom just went…it’s your turn” Kit answered with his usual politeness. “It’s his turn; he’s trying to trick you!” Tom clarified, getting a laugh out of Lil Nas X. “You almost believed me though” the rapper teased Connor before drawing his card. “You must let the person to your right write on your bare foot all the names of the participants around the table and then have it scrubbed off - $600” Lil Nas read with an audible reaction from the rest of the table at the sure-to-be intense challenge. “Ya know, that sounds like it would suck really bad so it’s a good thing I can still pass a card” Lil Nas X pointed out before sliding it over to Kit and watching the youngest of the group realize how screwed he was.

“It’s like the worst version of getting a Draw 4 put on you in Uno” Tom laughed. “Too bad you can’t pass it on to me” Matt rubbed in as Kit let out a nervous sigh like he was accepting his fate. “I think the cuffs are a good idea for this one” Anderson added. “You might have a point; I have a feeling this is going to be a rough one” Connor agreed before sitting on the table like he was just ready to get it over with while Matt, his tickler grabbed a ballpoint pen and a scrub brush from a nearby table. Kit got rid of his shoes and socks and looked down at his pale bare feet with anticipation before Matt and Lil Nas X got his ankles strapped to the table so his naked 10 ½s were hanging over the edge. “I guess we can divide the names between both feet so two for each. Am I supposed to do first and last name?” Bomer asked. “Who cares about surnames? First names are fine” Kit spoke up to try and shorten his suffering.

“There’s nothing on the card about last names so just do the first names” Cooper answered. “Well let’s see here…” Matt began with a click of the pen and Kit cringed, already on edge as he waited for his first challenge to begin until the pen started dragging across the balls of his right foot. “AoAohOH!” escaped him before he could try and control his reaction a little but that first stroke was quickly followed by another as Matt put a line through the ‘A’ in Anderson. “N…D” Matt announced as he made a brutal zig-zag for the ‘N’ and a quick curve for the ‘D’ and quickly had Kit letting out vibrant outbursts every few seconds. “E…R…S” Bomer continued with the point of the pen gliding across his supple sole with torturous patience. “CCooMMEEoON! GGoOFFAAsSSTTERR!” Connor tried to convince to shorten the awful strokes. “Damn, I wrote the wrong letter; I’ll have to scribble that one out” “NO!” Kit objected with wide-eyed panic before Matt ran the pen back and forth across the letter his ‘accidentally’ wrote.

“AAohAOhOSSTToOHOHPP! IiTTsSSGGoOoDD!! iITTssSSGGOoODD!!” Connor assured until the mistaken letter was covered in ink and he started on the rest of Anderson’s name. “Where was I?…O…N” Matt finished as Kit jerked around on the table like a puppet and somebody was pulling his strings. “Who’s next? Tom. Well that’s a short one…is Tom your real name?” Bomer asked. “Thomas, actually” “Fantastic” Matt answered. “Tom!” Kit reprimanded while Anderson laughed at Bomer’s enthusiasm before the pen started going again, this time writing vertically to cover the rest of Kit’s rich sole. “AohAohNnAOAOH!” Connor couldn’t help but fall apart again with the ‘T' and ‘H’ starting from his heel and moving up toward his paler pink arch.

“O…M…A” Bomer narrated each letter to add to Kit’s ticklish misery as his sole wrinkled and flexed with every new addition. “S…wait, that looks more like a 5; I better go over it a few times” Matt explained with another horrified look from Kit before the pen started repeating the same curving motion to make the ‘S’ more obvious. “AAhAOhAOhEEnNNOouUuGGgHH!” Connor shouted as his warm, bubbly laughter made it difficult to want to stop but Bomer soon finished perfecting Tom’s name. “Right, so now we can move onto this other foot and start with Lil Nas X” Matt announced and Kit’s shoulders drooped with fresh dread. “Why did I pass that first card?” Connor asked himself as his donations grew exponentially from the online viewers and Matt prepared to start on the third name.

“I think we should do the toes this time” Bomer decided before holding his big toe in place and starting with an ‘L’ at the very top. “AreE yOOoU ssEErrRIOUSAHA!?” Connor questioned as if he wasn’t expecting Matt to show his toes any attention. “It works out great” Bomer assured as the pen pressed into the plump big toe and ran across the soft middle. “’I’…’L’…now for the rest of them” Matt teased as he grabbed the balls of his foot to anchor the toes in place before starting on the second one with a ‘N’. “AoAOhA!” Kit yelped with a higher-pitched laugh and tried to wiggle his toes to lessen the pen’s effect. “If I mess up, I’m gonna have to start again” Bomer warned as he moved onto the rest of the toes with an ‘A’ and ‘S’ and a small ‘X’ on his pinky toe that really made Kit buck on the table. “Luckily, Matt isn’t my real name either; it’s Matthew” Bomer enlightened and Connor shook his head with forced acceptance, “Go on…do your worst” Kit answered, prepared to endure the elongated home stretch before Matt got started with another vertical name starting from the rosy heel.

“’M’…’A’…’T’…’T’…” Bomer read aloud like he had before with the slowest pen strokes thus far, dragging out Kit’s charming laughter with a big smile on his face. “HHH! IITT’SS HH!” Kit tried to move along as if he thought Matt had forgotten the letters of his own name, humoring the rest of the table. “Right, H…’H’…’E’…and ‘W’” Bomer finished on the balls of the graffitied foot and Kit’s body finally un-tensed with relief. “Bloody hell…that was brutal” “It’s not over yet, buddy” Bomer reminded as he put down the pen and produced the scrub brush with built-in soap and water. “Oh my God…it just won’t end” Kit complained as he relaxed on his hands. “Hey, Nas, there’s another brush; you could help me out here” “Good idea” “If this wasn’t for charity I would’ve tapped out before he finished ‘Anderson’” Kit admitted just before Lil Nas X and Matt each took hold of one foot and started scrubbing the ink off his creamy soles.

“AAhAOhAOhANnoONNOOAOhAOHaOSSshHiiITT!!” Connor went wild on the table as the countless bristles brushed across the balls, arches, and heels of his feet. “At least it wasn’t permanent marker” Anderson pointed out but it didn’t make the scrubbing any more bearable as Matt made soapy circles all over the left sole and Lil Nas went for a more back and forth motion. “AohAohAIIMMGGoOnNNAAPPpEEmMYyPPAAnNTTSS!!” “I guess we better hurry this up then” Matt realized and the brushing kicked into high gear, suddenly blasting away all over his wide feet. The writing was soon all gone from his soles but Lil Nas X realized his own name was still on Kit’s toes. “Shit, I forgot the toes” “Just leave it!” Connor insisted but couldn’t stop the same brush from destroying his long toes with the vicious bristles until he was shaking the table from thrashing around so hard.

“Alright, nice and clean” Lil Nas X announced with a put-on accent like he was working at some rural car wash but Kit wasn’t amused. “I still have to pee, ya know” “Oh, right” Matt answered before they un-cuffed his ankles and the up-and-coming actor hurried off to the bathroom with his bare feet smacking the floor the whole way. Waiting on Kit gave them a bit of a break until he returned and Matt prepared to see his new fate with another card. “Wait, it’s Kit’s turn, isn’t it? He got the card passed to him but it’s like with Matt earlier; he still has a turn to go” Tom pointed out. “I guess you’re right but I think the kid’s had enough for right now. The writing and the brushing were kind of two challenges in one; I’ll take one for the team and go ahead” Bomer decided.

“Thanks, mate. I owe you one” Connor added with a grateful smile before Bomer read his new card, “You must have your wrists strapped to the table, lie across it without your shirt, and have two guests lick chocolate syrup out of your armpits – 4 minutes, $500” Bomer explained. “That sounds gnarly…should I pass?” “You still have another turn to go; it could be a lot worse than that” Anderson warned, using the same trick Tom had used on him earlier. “Fine, I guess that is a lot for my charity. Alright, let’s do it” Matt announced before taking his shirt off, lying on his back across the table, and letting Kit and Lil Nas cuff his wrists in place.

“Wait, who are the guests?” Matt asked. “Oops, I forgot to bring them out” Anderson realized. “Please welcome, one of Matt’s old co-stars, and one of his new ones; Channing Tatum and Jonathan Bailey!” Cooper announced and Bomer couldn’t help but laugh at the realization, “Oh shit…” “I heard somebody needed a lickin’” Tatum greeted with Bailey in tow. “Hey, buddy, how’s it going?” Jonathan asked as he and Channing didn’t bother hiding excitement. “I really didn’t think today would go like this” Matt answered with a light laugh. “We’re just happy to help the cause” Tatum assured before he and Jonathan opened their bottles and started covering Matt’s wide-open pits with the chocolate syrup. “He’s like a human sundae” Kit pointed out as Bomer’s underarms were fully doused in the sugary liquid and he began to fear just how bad this would be.

“Well, he looks good to go to me so whenever you guys are ready” Anderson added after setting the timer for four minutes. “I think we’re ready” Jonathan answered with a thumbs up from Channing while Matt clenched his fists to brace himself and Anderson started his time, “Go!” Channing licked his lips to tease his buddy even more before diving into the right armpit like he had the biggest sweet tooth ever, starting at the very middle and lapping up the pool of syrup that’d collected. “AAhAhA!! AAHAHAHNNNOO!! AOhaohAOhAHHoOlLYySSSHhIIITT!” Bomer lost it, unprepared for how ticklish the tongues would be devouring his pits. “He’s a squirmer!” Jonathan playfully shouted before they grabbed his arms to keep him from pulling himself up and closing off his pits.

The rest of the gang watched in awe as the two actors went to town on Matt’s tasty pits and all of them couldn’t help but love watching Bomer laugh his head off. While Tatum began at the middle, Jonathan started at the base of his other armpit just above his ribs with long, winding licks to make sure he didn’t miss any syrup before traveling around the outline of his underarm with the same greedy appetite. “GGUUyyYYSSCCoOoOMMEEOoOOhONN!!” Matt howled with high-pitched shrieks escaping every few seconds but neither of them showed any signs of slowing down. “Too bad we don’t have any whipped cream or sprinkles” Channing taunted as his eager tongue flicked and snaked along the area just below the puff of brown hair and Bomer pulled on the straps like he couldn’t stand it.

“Just a couple more minutes, Matt” Anderson announced and Bomer’s eyes flared open with disbelief. “EENNOOUuGGHH! AAHAHAsSSTTOhOhHOPPPLLLIIICCkkIINNGGmMEEEAHAH!!” “If you can’t lick your friends, who can you lick?” Jonathan teased while getting to the same pool that Channing had started at in the opposite pit, sending Matt’s laughter even higher once Bailey’s tongue started slurping up the chocolate syrup like a dog at his water bowl. “AAHAhAHAHAAHASSTTHOHOOPP!” Bomer’s hair lost its style as his head bobbed around and his legs flopped about on the table like he was possessed, never having realized before now just how bad his armpits were.

“I guess we know one of his sweet spots” Lil Nas X chimed in with a smile at his own joke, making the others laugh while Matt continued proving him right. “1 minute left” Anderson called out as Matt descended further into hysterics in front of them and Jonathan and Channing’s relentless tongues cleaned out his handsome pits like they were competing with each other. Tatum went around the lining of his underarm to get the few drops he’d missed while Jonathan slurped up the bit of syrup he’d accidentally got on his chest and nipple, only making Matt laugh more and test the table’s strength. “Time’s up!” Cooper soon announced and the two guests stood back up while Bomer wilted onto the table and caught his breath. “This was fun, man…you guys should do this every year” Channing suggested. “Good idea” Anderson answered as they let Matt’s wrists out of the cuffs and he sat up on the table. “That was fucking terrible” he admitted with a tired laugh. “Well, your donations went up a lot if that’s any consolation” Anderson pointed out. “Good, they better have” Bomer answered as he and Channing and Jonathan said their goodbyes and the five of them got back to the game.

“Anderson, you’re up” Tom reminded. “You’re right…at least I know getting my armpits licked out isn’t an option anymore” Cooper teased before reading his card. “You must lie across the table with your arms locked above your head while the player to your right counts your ribs for 3 minutes - $300” “That’s me!” Daley declared like he was eager to do some tickling. “I can keep my shirt on, right?” Anderson. “If the card didn’t say then I guess so” Tom answered but Matt wasn’t ready to let that go. “Maybe we should put it to a vote” Bomer suggested. “A vote? Really?” Anderson laughed. “Consider me a scorned player. Besides, the people at home might want some more eye candy. Alright, all in favor of Anderson losing his shirt?” Matt asked and everyone but Cooper raised his hand. “Well, that has it” Matt concluded with a devious smile. “Fine…” Anderson answered before peeling off his collared shirt and laying down to have his wrists strapped in.

After he’d been secured and his toned body was on full display, Tom got on the table next to him for better access to his target. “If you ever would’ve told me I’d be tickling Anderson Cooper, I wouldn’t have believed you” Daley admitted. “Don’t get used to it” Cooper answered as Kit presided over the timer. “3 minutes starting…now!” he announced and Tom pounced onto Anderson’s ribs like he couldn’t wait. “1…2…3…4” Daley began with quick pokes back and forth between sides and the 55 year old host instantly failed to hold in his reaction. “OoOoaoAoAOh SshhIITTAohAOa” “5…6…7…wait, hold on, what number was I on?” Tom pretended to mess up just to add to Anderson’s torture and started back at the top of his ribs with the same, annoying jabs on either side.

“NNoOAoAOh! YYoOOuUUCCAAnNTTdDOoTThhAATAHA!” Anderson struggled to argue through his famously adorable, bubbly laughter spilling out. “I can’t help if I lost count, mate” Tom countered with a fiendish grin as he made his way down the ribs and finally finished counting them. “2 more minutes to go” Kit pointed out. “Right, I guess I can start from the bottom this time” Tom decided before drilling into both sides simultaneously, taking Anderson by surprise and spiking his laughter. “AhAHAATtoOOMM!” Cooper shouted like he wasn’t expecting him to be so good at this but Daley proved he was almost as good of a tickler as he was ticklish. The combo of his pointer and middle fingers drilled between each rib all the way up but stayed in one spot for a few seconds at a time to really make the most of each blow, “8…9…10” Tom counted aloud while Anderson shook on the table and put a smile on everyone’s face with his uncontrollable laughter until his ribs had been sufficiently accounted for.

“Time’s up!” Kit announced. “You really fake people out with that sweet face; you’ve got a devilish side to you” Anderson pointed out like he was kind of impressed but surprised by Daley’s knack for tickling. “I’ll take that as a compliment” Tom answered as Matt and Kit un-cuffed Anderson’s wrists and he put his shirt back on before sitting back down. “Let’s see if I can pull a nice card this time” Tom hoped as he drew another card and told the group what it was, “You must endure 2 minutes of feather tickling on your ears by your neighbors - $200” “That is a nice one” Kit added. “Yeah but my ears are really ticklish” Daley admitted. “Why am I not surprised by that” Matt teased as Anderson and Lil Nas X each grabbed a white feather from the table nearby. “Kit, do you have the timer?” Cooper asked. “Yep” “I think Anderson’s itching to get started” Bomer added. “It’s just a little revenge, nothing serious” Anderson admitted. “I think we should hold his arms down so he doesn’t try to stop us” Lil Nas suggested. “Good call” Anderson agreed as they both took hold of his wrists to keep them by his sides as he sat in the chair. “Oh great…” Daley groaned with anticipation until Kit announced that the time was beginning and the feathers started twirling and flicking across Tom’s sensitive ears.

“OAooAhhAOhoAOhAohAFfuUCCkkAohA!” Daley was right; he couldn’t stay still or not laugh for even a second with the feathers dominating his ears, jerking around in the chair and trying to dodge the tickling but there was no direction to go. “Look at his face” Matt laughingly pointed out as Tom’s scrunched and contorted expression illustrated just how miserable he was between the dastardly feathers. “SSHhUuTTuUUPAhAHa!” Tom tried to fire back but could barely make much sense, not with Anderson twisting his feather between his fingers right in the middle of his ear and Lil Nas X flicking his up and down the opposite one.

“TTIIiMmEE! TTIIimMEE?!” “Oh uh, 30 seconds” Kit answered after realizing what he meant and Daley nearly fell back with the chair as he writhed around and his neighbors happily continued tormenting him. “Hey, try the top half of his ears; they’re the worst” Cooper suggested. “Bet” Lil Nas X agreed before focusing his feather toward the top of the ear on his side to match Anderson and they quickly had Tom on the verge of ticklish tears.

“OOKoOKOOK!!” “That’s time” Kit announced and Daley rubbed his ears the minute he could to alleviate the horrible sensations. “I didn’t know they were that ticklish” Tom admitted as his neighbors pulled their chairs back in. “How do you even clean your ears?” Anderson asked. “Carefully” Daley answered, putting another smile on the older man’s face before Lil Nas X took his turn.

“You must have your bellybutton licked for 2 minutes by someone at the table. Everyone must guess a number and the closest to the number on this card is the tickler - $300” Lil Nas explained. “So we all have to guess a number?” Kit questioned. “I guess one through ten” the singer answered. “Alright, I guess I’ll go with 3” Matt started. “7” Anderson added. “1” Daley guessed. “9” Kit answered. “It was 3 so Matt that’s you” “At least as I’m not the one being licked or nibbled on this time” Bomer answered before Lil Nas X stood up and took off his shirt to reveal his lean, ripped physique. “Looks like you’re gonna be licking a washboard” Anderson teased as Lil Nas X playfully posed and let everyone admire his abs. “He’s cocky now but it won’t not last long” Tom added. “I wonder if outies are as ticklish as innies?” Kit questioned after noticing Lil Nas’ bellybutton. “Good question” Matt answered before Anderson set the timer and told him to start.

Lil Nas X folded his arms behind his head and locked his fingers before Matt leaned closer and let his tongue go to work. The pop/R&B sensation tensed his muscles and tightened his jaw to resist reacting but he was quickly slipping, surprised by how energetic Bomer’s tongue was flicking across his bellybutton. “OoohAAlLrRiIGGhT! AooaoAohAoohA” “There it is” Tom teased as the damn broke and Lil Nas X began struggling to keep his arms up and his body still enough as Matt began slinking his tongue around in the mostly outie bellybutton as much as he could. “OAoAoh!” Lil Nas couldn’t help but yelp and Bomer smiled at the reaction he was getting, motivating him to really do his worst between the sea of muscles like he was trying to get the last bit of something out of a cup.

“OOKOoKAohAohA CcHHIILlOOuUuTT!” “10 seconds” Anderson announced as Lil Nas X wiggled in place and failed to get a handle on his giggly laughter until the timer stopped. “That’s one way to get an ab workout” Matt teased as he stood back up. “Damn, I guess I need to stop flashing my stomach off…I don’t need anybody else figuring out how ticklish my bellybutton is” Lil Nas added with a smirk like he didn’t totally hate his latest challenge. “Kit, you’re up, mate” Tom pointed out. “Maybe we’ve gone through all the rough cards” Kit added before grabbing the next to last one, “You must do a plank on the floor for one minute while your neighbors dust your sides and armpits with feather dusters - $100” Connor explained with a premature laugh like he wasn’t sure how this would go.

“I’m digging being on the tickling side of this” Matt confessed as he grabbed a green feather duster and Lil Nas X picked up the blue one. “Just take it easy, alright? I can’t be that dusty” Kit added before taking off his shirt and exposing his pale, muscular upper body. “It’s only a minute; you look like you could do a plank for about 10” Daley teased. “I doubt that but thanks” Kit answered before getting on the floor and into a plank position with his body in a straight horizontal line several inches above the ground resting on his elbows. “Ready?” Anderson asked. “Sure” “Alright then, 3…2…1…go!” Cooper announced and Kit’s eager neighbors went after him with the feather dusters.

“ahAhoOhohNNOOohAOohA” Kit immediately began to giggle and falter in his position but stabilized himself with his strong arms as Matt danced along his left side and Lil Nas X focused on his opposite armpit, swirling around in the hairy hollow to escalate Connor’s laughter and it worked like a charm. “AAhAOoOKOOKAohAOH!” “I think I’ll just stay here” Lil Nas decided to make the most of his discovery and Kit couldn’t help but bubble over with heavier laughter as he shook in place. “His sides are bad too” Bomer pointed out as he ran the duster back and forth from the base of the other armpit to the waist of his pants, helping to make the short challenge time feel a lot longer.

“AAoHOAGGGUUyYSSAhAOhA! SSEERRiiOOUSslLYAhAhA!” Kit tried to convince with a camera on him to make sure it was captured for the livestream while the older participants had a blast teasing him with such effortless ease. “TTHHAATThAASSTtoOObBEEAAMmMiINnuUTTEE!” Kit shouted like somebody wasn’t watching the clock. “10 seconds” Anderson answered to Kit’s surprise and Matt dusted a little faster while Lil Nas X let a few fingers join in along the ribs, getting a sudden squeal out of Kit just before the timer ran out. “You cheated!” Kit laughingly pointed out once he wasn’t holding a plank anymore. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I would never” Lil Nas answered with a mischievous grin before Kit got to his feet and regained his composure. “Longest minute of my life” Connor admitted as he sat back down. “Time does seem to go by a lot slower when you’re getting tickled” Anderson agreed before Matt and Lil Nas X rejoined the table.

“Looks like you get the last card, Bomer” Daley added. “Lucky me” was all Matt said before picking it up and reading it while the group watched his eyes grow wide. “Ya know, I still haven’t passed a card yet, have I?” “Dammit…” Anderson said under his breath before the card was passed his way and he picked it up to read it. “No wonder you passed it haha. Wait, I haven’t passed one yet either!” Cooper realized before sliding it to Tom Daley, now eager to see what it said. “You must lie across the table with your arms strapped in while the rest of the players tickle you all over at the same time for 5 minutes - $1000. It’s a good thing I can still pass one too” Tom added with an almost cocky relief but Anderson stopped him.

“A single card can only be passed twice” “What? Since when??” Tom challenged. “It’s just a rule” Anderson insisted. “You’re joking me right now…that’s not real!” “It is a rule; I saw it” Matt chimed in with just as much obvious put-on assuredness. “Yeah, I read that too” Kit added. “Yep” Lil Nas X tacked on as Tom realized what was happening. “You guys are rotten, the lot of you” Daley concluded with a laugh of resignation before standing up and getting on the table to finish out the game. “Just remember that your charity gets all that money” Matt pointed out as he and Kit cuffed his wrists to the table above his head. “Yeah, you’re right…I guess it’s worth it” Daley answered, now fully stretched out and ready to be gang tickled for the allotted time.

“Just five minutes right? Make sure that timer is set” Tom reminded. “Well, do we really need the timer? I mean…it is the end of the fundraiser” Cooper dismissed, not bothering to set the timer. “No! No, you can’t do that! It’s 5 minutes! It’s on the card!” Daley argued with nervous laughter and urgent eyes. “You guys ready?” Anderson asked as he stood near the cuffs, Matt stood on the side of him, and Kit and Lil Nas X sat on the table next to his legs. “NO! Somebody better set the timer!” “GO!” Anderson announced with full disregard for Tom’s objections and they all zeroed in on their chosen targets.

“NoOAoOAHAOhAOHAA!!” Daley exploded with laughter and went to pieces within seconds as Anderson dug into his out-stretched pits, Matt kneaded into his stomach, and Kit and Lil Nas X ripped his shoes and socks off to go absolutely as crazy as they could on his perfect feet. “SSTTohAHOAoOhOHOPPP!! NNoOOOTTFFAAIiIRRAAAHA!!” Tom did his best to protest but trying to persuade his fellow players to back off was pointless; they were all enjoying themselves far too much. Kit scribbled all over his right foot with a firm headlock on his ankle while Lil Nas clawed along his soft, bubbly toes with a similar lock around his opposite ankle. That combo alone would’ve been enough to get Daley freaking out but the other two were just as evil drilling into his pits and punishing his tan abs. “NNOOAOhoAMmOOOoRREE!! IIImMMTTOOoTTiIICCkKLLlIiSSSHH!!” “Yeah, we noticed” Matt answered with another flashy smile as they continued giving the gorgeous Olympian the tickling of his life.

“Well, that wraps up the 2023 Pride Fundraiser for all of you watching at home. Together we’ve raised a collective $80,000 for our LGBTQIA+ charities so thank you so much for all your donations and hopefully I’ll see you next year!” Anderson signed off the best he could into the camera with Tom laughing himself silly and bucking around on the table while his fellow participants celebrated their money raised by indulging in the most ticklish guy in the room.