a small town lawyer in big trouble

Julian Dewan was a big fish in a small bond. With three billboards across town, he was the most popular lawyer around and for good reason. He won people money, rarely lost in court, and was known as a pillar of the community. At only 33, it didn’t seem like he could do any better than he already was in life or in his career. His practice was booming, he was charming and attractive enough to win over most people, and he seemed to have it all. The only real problem with Julian was his seemingly insatiable appetite for women, and men. On the surface, an affinity for multiple sexual partners isn’t a bad thing at all but Julian was married. He had the public image of a top-notch lawyer and doting husband but he had a whole other lifestyle, one where he fancied himself an irresistible stud and did blow on the weekends.

Julian secretly spent an obscene amount of money on his lovers, buying them jewelry and whatever they wanted to keep them his. As the son of Indian immigrants, he’d been raised in America but he was still expected to marry to appease his parents, a box he’d checked years ago but since his parents lived out of town, the hotshot attorney was free to fuck and party as much as he wanted as long as his two lives didn’t affect each other. However, as well as he usually kept a handle on things, his spending soon began to get out of hand, too worried about keeping his side pieces happy to make sure his finances didn’t get out of control. That secret money trouble led him to a man named Vince Carver, a real estate mogul of sorts, another big fish in the small pond, but Vince was far wealthier and had privately loaned Julian $75,000.

Julian had to agree to pay him back within 6 months but as the last few days of that period passed, no repayment had occurred. Dewan hadn’t heard anything from Mr. Carver and thus assumed a late payment wouldn’t be a problem, and that’s exactly what he looked like, a man without a care in the world as he nursed his third whiskey at one of the local bars that Saturday evening. A woman sat next to him with her hand back and forth to and from his thigh as he bought her a drink and she laughed at his jokes, incredibly interested in anything he had to say.

“So I told the guy, I said you can’t sue your brother because he made a shitty macaroni and cheese for Thanksgiving” Julian explained with a flashy smile, getting another laugh from the woman. “You must deal with all kinds of cases” “Yeah, I see a little bit of everything but I can handle it. That’s why nobody wants to go against me in court; I’ve seen lawyers drop cases just because they saw I was representing the other guy” Dewan gloated. “Wow, you must be pretty good then” “Oh, I’m the best” Julian assured with another cocky grin. “Ya know, my apartment is a couple blocks over if you wanna check it out” she offered. “You read my mind” Julian agreed and put some money on the bar before walking out with the smitten blonde.

Julian’s footing wasn’t as solid after the drinks as he followed her into the apartment, then quickly making out with her before she could even shut the door. His advance didn’t seem to surprise her and she matched his passion, turning him on as easy as a light switch as he began taking off his shirt. “I wanna show you something” She managed to get out after a few minutes and Julian obliged, following her again until they were in what looked to be a spare bedroom. “Woah haha. What the fuck is that?” he asked after laying eyes on the red piece of furniture sitting in the middle of the room. “It’s how I like to play with my men…the ones I really like anyway” she explained, ratcheting Julian up until he was practically bursting through his pants. “Oh yeah?” “Yeah” “You wanna tie me up, huh? Kinky…I could be down for that” Julian admitted and let her strap him into the strange chair, leaving his arms out to his sides and his legs out in front of him locked in a set of stocks.

“Comfortable?” “Fuck yeah” he agreed with a big, goofy, horny smile as she ran her hands over his soft upper body. He wasn’t overweight but he had a small belly from drinking, leaving a couple cute rolls sitting just above his plaid cargo shorts, a casual weekend look for the attorney. “Now that you’re all locked in, my friends wanna talk to you” “What? What friends??” Julian asked with sudden confusion before Vince Carver and his associate, Mick walked in” “I thought you were supposed to be a smart lawyer, Dewan…” Vince greeted as Julian’s eyes flared open like he knew he was in trouble and the woman left the apartment now that her job was done.

“What’s going on?? Come on, we’re friends right, Vince?” Julian tried to point out as he tested the chair’s bondage. “My friends don’t owe me 75 grand” Vince answered. “I’m gonna pay you back! I swear! Come on, guys! You’re blowing this out of proportion!” Julian added with his usual, nice guy tone to try and extinguish their animosity. “Your time is up, Julian…now we’re gonna have to make you earn that money. Mick, take his shoes off” Vince instructed and Mick started prying off both slip-on loafers. “Hey! What are you doing that for?? I’ll get you your money! This is crazy, guys! Come on, you know me!” Julian tried his best to convince as both leather shoes were peeled off and his fresh bare feet were revealed in front of them.

“The hell are you doing?!” Julian tried to make sense of while Mick manhandled his toes until they were all tied back to the top of the stocks. “You know what doctors, mayors, and businessmen all have in common, Julian?” Vince asked. “No…” “They’re all usually pretty fucking ticklish…even if they don’t think so; there’s always somewhere” Vince explained and Dewan’s eyes widened again in disbelief. “Vince, you’re fucking with me, right? Haha this is some kind of joke, right??” Julian asked with a nervous laugh. “And do you know what else doctors, mayors, and businessmen all have in common? People will pay to watch them get tickled…I’m guessing lawyers aren’t much different” Vince elaborated as he started recording on his phone and propped it up on a table facing Julian struggling in the chair to break out.

“Vince, please! This is crazy! I can pay you back!!” “You’ve had half a year to pay me back, party boy…now I’m gonna have to get money from you in a different way. Mick, go ahead” Vince cued before Julian looked back down at the older man just before he landed on the trapped bare feet. “AHaAH! HAhAhANO! AohAohAohSSTOoOHOP! OOhoHMYyGoOODDSSTOhOP!” Julian fell apart within seconds and put a smile on Vince’s face like he could already tell this would be a bestseller. Mick wiggled from the base of his toes all the way down both bare feet with a restrained touch but even that was enough to get the town’s most beloved attorney howling and bucking in the bondage chair. “Jesus haha, I think we hit the fucking jackpot” Vince laughed on the sidelines while his trusted hired hand continued grazing up and down the rosy soles trying their best to get away.

“OokoOKK!! AAhoAEEnNOOuUugGH!! AohAOhYyOOUuCCAAnNHHAAVVEEmMMYYRRAANnGGEERRoOoVVEERR!!” “Why would I want that? I have a car” Vince rejected between puffs of his cigar as Mick’s initial teasing transitioned into more direct rakes across taut soles, forcing Julian into heavier high-pitched shrieks. “AAHAMMiIicCCkKDDoOoNNTT!! IiICCAAnNNTTTtAAkKEEiiITT! AoAooAOhAOhaSSHHIiiTT!!” Julian raged with hilariously animated laughter, like nothing Vince had seen from any of the men he’d had to use this with before. The former mayor had laughed with hardy reluctance from his belly and the principal of the high school had a more bubbly, gushing laughter but Julian’s reaction was a rollercoaster of explosive highs and long, almost annoying releases like a whiney car engine trying to turn over.

“His feet look pretty soft from over here…am I right?” Vince asked. “Baby soft, sir” Mick assured while clawing down the edges from the pinky toes and spreading his fingers out to rake down the width of the soles back and forth, intentionally changing things up to keep Julian from guessing what would happen next. “NnOoAOh!! VVIiinNcCEeCCoOMmEEOONN!! AohohAJJUuUSSSTtSsTTOhOHAOHPP!!” Dewan begged through his insane laughter but Vince didn’t care. “You could’ve saved yourself the trouble months ago…but you decided to spend it on pussy, cock, and coke like they were going out of business” Vince reminded as he watched Julian’s impossibly perfect soles endure Mick’s seasoned fingers. “AahAhAPPLLLEEAAsSSEE!” Dewan pleaded with ticklish misery on his face as he jerked in the chair and pulled on the straps as hard as he could but as generous as Vince could be, he wasn’t known for his mercy.

“Why don’t you see where else gets him going?” Vince soon suggested and Mick left the buttery feet, relieving Julian in the moment before he knelt down next to his upper body. “No! Vince, I can go to the bank right now!” Julian offered as he tried to inch away from Mick as far as he could. “You don’t think I know what you have in the bank?” Vince challenged before Mick drilled into Julian’s ribs with just a few fingers. “AAHAH! FFuUcCkKAohA!! OHAooAohADDaAAMMmIIiTTCCoOmMEEOONAHAHA!!” Dewan came to life again with another humiliating uproar as Mick’s strong fingers made their way down his rib cage. “Good to know lawyers are just as ticklish as doctors, mayors, and the business guys” Vince teased while Julian’s head flew back and forth and he writhed against the back of the chair between Mick’s relentless hands.

“NOoONOoMMmOoORREE! IIiCCAANnPPAAYYYYoOUUBbAACCKK!! IIJjUuSSTnNEEEDTTIIIMmEE!!” Julian desperately tried to assure. “A second ago you made it seem like you already had it in the bank. Which is it?” Vince challenged before Julian squealed with newfound horror from Mick digging into his stomach. “AAhAAHA! NNOO! NOOOAOAOH!!” Vince couldn’t help but chuckle to himself at the electric reaction Julian had when the right buttons were pushed and watched Mick knead into the small gut and the sides of his tan belly while Dewan freaked out in the chair. “VVIINNCCEEPPPLLLEEASSE!! AhoAOhAhAoAhA!!” Julian begged without an ounce of control over his cartoonishly large reaction. “I thought you were a bigshot attorney…this isn’t a very compelling argument, counsel” Vince taunted before Julian let out another sharp yelp once Mick dipped into his bellybutton.

“Do it again, Mick…maybe stay there for a bit” Vince instructed and Dewan looked like he’d seen a tornado coming toward him. “Fuck! NO! NOAoAOoAOhAOoAHAOH!!!” Julian went nuts with brilliant hysterics the likes of which Vince had never witnessed. It seemed strange for a grown man to be so ticklish and have such an over-the-top reaction but Julian was a tickler’s dream, only reinforcing Vince’s hunch about how well this particular video would sell once it was on the market. Mr. Carver himself wasn’t a tickle lover but he understood how useful it could be and how much money it could make him from men who failed to hold up their end of his deals, convincing him to make it his punishment of choice in these situations. The now sweaty lawyer floundered in the chair with a giant forced smile and overwhelmed laughter as Mick continued swirling around in his deep bellybutton like he was looking for loose change. “OOKoOKKAOHAOHA!! GGEETToOOuUUuTTOOOFFTTHhEEERREE!!” Dewan tried to convince while fighting the bondage chair but Mick just licked his finger and went right back in, thrusting Julian into another fit of frantic laughter.

Vince watched Mick focus on the bellybutton and destroy Julian with a single finger for close to 10 minutes, amused by how incredibly easy it was to totally wreck him until he called it off. “Alright, Mick, hold up” Vince announced and Julian relaxed against the chair with exhaustion. “While you’re here, I should explain the terms of our new deal” “…new deal??” “Well, since you fucked the first one up, I’m going to make sure I get the rest of my money back. This won’t earn me the 75 grand but your law practice will” “What are you talking about?” “You’re going to give me a percentage of every case you take on until you pay off the rest of the money you owe” “Vince, that’s crazy! I…I can’t do that!” Julian explained. “You’ll just have to cut back on your spending…all the extracurriculars” “Vince, come on, we can be reasonable about this!” “Reasonable? You’re the one who can’t be reasonable…you think you can snort your money away and fuck anybody that gives you a second look and then go home to your wife at night before church on Sunday” Vince laid out, reminding Julian that he’d gotten himself in this position.

“Vince…I can’t give you a percentage, I just can’t!” “I wasn’t negotiating; that’s the deal” Vince answered with a stone face before telling Mick to keep going. “What?! No! I thought it was over!” “You thought wrong” Vince answered before Mick plowed into Julian’s meaty pits. “NNOOAOAOHAoAOHAOHAoOOOAOhAHOA!!” came flying out of Dewan with renewed panic on his face as the skilled tickler dug in just below the hair on both sides with tight fingers. “You don’t disappoint, do you?” Vince laughed as Julian proved once again how ridiculously ticklish he was, entertaining Mr. Carver more than any of his previous ‘confrontations’ had.

Julian’s arms pulled on the straps to come down and hopefully block the attack but he had no such luck and Mick was only getting meaner as he dominated the propped-open pits. “VVIiIINnCCEEEAoAOhAAOHA!! FFuUUCCkkIiNnNGGSSTToHOOHOOPP!! OOoHHPPLLEEEaASSEEAhAHA!!” Dewan shouted as humbly as he could to stop the concentrated tickling. “Good thing you don’t lose many cases…I doubt a judge would like seeing you bitch like this in court” Vince mocked as Mick kneaded into the most tender parts of his underarms and gave them hell. Julian continued rattling the walls with his outrageous laughter as Vince soon walked out to his car to retrieve a couple things, one of which he didn’t plan on grabbing until he realized from outside just how loud Julian was. “Hey, Mick, pop this in” Vince instructed with a toss of the ball gag to his associate. “What?! You can’t fucking gag me! Come o-“ Julian was promptly cut off by Mick shoving the red rubber ball past his lips and then securing it around his head. “The customers are gonna eat this up but you’ll get the cops called if you keep laughing like that…not that I don’t own a few of them too but still” Vince added as Julian argued with muffled frustration.

“Focus on his feet for a while; I think they’re the real killer” Vince added as he handed Mick two hairbrushes and inspired a look of true petrified dread on Julian’s face. The thought of the stiff plastic bristles on his severely sensitive feet was enough to make his ass clench and render him speechless, something rarely ever accomplished. But his stunned silence was quickly overridden by mounting panic, “MMpHMMPHMAPHMphMM!!!” “Do it” was all Vince said before Mick gripped tight around the hairbrush handles and started scrubbing at an angle across the rich balls and tops of his arches. “MMPhMMPHAMMPHMPHMMHNMMPHMM!!!!” Julian went berserk, berserk like Vince didn’t know a man could. The base of the chair shook on the floor as Julian raged like a hurricane in the straps trying to escape and his laughter became ticklish screams behind the gag, still whiny and repetitive but dialed up to an 11.

Mick looked back at Vince like he wasn’t sure to keep going, never having gotten such an extreme reaction but Vince just nodded and the brushes kept scrubbing. The oval shape of the collection of bristles allowed them to encompass most of Julian’s size 12s with each stroke, making each back and forth a powerhouse of sensations that the small town attorney couldn’t fucking stand. However, Mick didn’t keep that technique going for long, soon shifting to a vertical brushing to get at his heels, arches, and balls every time and Julian nearly flew out the chair. “MMPhAmAMPHMMPHM!!” Drool began to leak from around the gag and his cheeks grew red with overload but his voice was strong, desperate but strong, as if he could keep laughing like this for hours. “You’ve got some lungs on you, counsel…good thing we put that gag in” Vince teased while Julian suffered the cruel brushes on his amazingly soft feet.

“Hey, Mick, I think our friend here would be pretty disappointed if he didn’t get to check out the nifty toe ties” Vince pointed out after a few more minutes, confusing Julian. His toes were already tied back; they were the reason he could hardly move his feet. But Mick proved that the ties had a different function than just keeping his toes restrained when he flipped an almost hidden switch on the side of the stocks and the black string that sat weaved between all ten lush toes started buzzing. “MMAAMMHPMPHM!!” Julian’s eyes lit up with fresh terror as the thin ties tickled his toes like nothing he’d ever felt and got him roaring behind the gag within seconds. “You’d be surprised what a little upgrade can do” Vince explained as the enhanced stocks vibrated in place and caused the ties to keep buzzing as a result for an extra layer of tickle torture.

Julian was already struggling to endure the sinister twist now terrorizing his peachy toes but Mick returned moments later with the same hairbrushes. “MMApHAMMPHMAPHAMMPHMM!!!” Dewan bowed away from the back of the chair with a wild look in his eyes before falling back into the seat and scream-laughing with the full power of his throat, clenching his eyes as he shook his head like he could wake up from the nightmare he’d found himself in. Vince checked his phone to see they’d been recording for about 30 minutes and wondered how long Julian could really last. He usually called it off around an hour for the other men but Julian was so damn ticklish it was hard to say if he wouldn’t pass out before then. If Mr. Carver had been new at this then maybe he would’ve let Mick tickle Julian’s pristine feet into oblivion but he wasn’t; he knew how to play these situations by now.

“Alright, Mick, let him breathe…I wouldn’t wanna burn our friend out” Vince announced and he put down the brushes before turning off the buzzing toe ties. “Since it’s just us pals hanging out, I think we should make the most of it. There are some cases you handled in the past couple years that pertain to some friends of mine and you’re going to tell me what I want to know about them” Vince explained and Julian looked back at him like surely he was kidding. “I know it’s confidential and classified or whatever but we both know that I know how to get through to you now. There are plenty of spots we haven’t even gotten to yet…the knees, your neck, your thighs, your ears, your nipples, your hands, the hips, even the roof of your mouth; it’s all fair game. You may be a coked-out lawyer who thinks with his dick but I think you’re smart enough to save yourself any more time with Mick here. But if you wanna do this the hard way, we can certainly do that too…”