the tutor

When I was 18 my parents hired a tutor for me. It seemed juvenile at the time, unnecessary for a man who’d just graduated high school, who could join the army and fight for his country if he wanted. But the truth was that I’d barely done well enough to get out of high school. I wasn’t particularly invested in my education my last year, more invested in Jeremy Carver, the guy I’d been secretly hooking up with during lunch. Despite my lack of interest in any more schooling, I was headed for college in less than a few months and my parents feared I’d flunk out entirely if I didn’t get my head on straight, for lack of a better term, before starting in the fall. Enter Ben.

I distinctly remember waking up to the sound of someone knocking. The sun already had its high-beams on, blasting through my window as I turned over and forced myself to get up, instantly annoyed by being woken up like that and walking to the front door before looking through the window pane and seeing a man I didn’t recognize. “Can I help you?” I asked without opening the door. “I’m Ben. I’m the tutor” he announced and part of me felt embarrassed for not just opening the door. “Oh, ok” I answered and opened the door to him as I rubbed my eyes a little more to wake up better.

“Morning” he greeted with a friendly, slightly teasing smile. “It sure is. What time were you supposed to be here? Isn’t it kind of early for tutoring?” “It’s 11 a.m.” he answered without too much judgment, again tempering my bit of attitude. “Right…well, come on in I guess. Take a seat wherever…I’m gonna go put on some real clothes” “Thanks” was all he said back as he surveyed the living room for a seat and I went back to my bedroom to find whatever clothes weren’t super wrinkled or dirty. He was better-looking than I expected. That made me even more flustered than I already was. He was also older than I imagined he would be, likely late 30s and not the 20-something home from school looking to make extra cash.

I returned with a more tutoring session-appropriate outfit on and found Ben sitting on the couch rather stiffly, like he didn’t want to get too comfortable on furniture that wasn’t his. “You alright?” I asked. “Yeah, great. I was hoping you hadn’t ditched me and gone back to sleep” he laughed off. “Nope, I’m up. I’m all yours” “Well, if you want to go ahead and get started we can…maybe at the kitchen table?” “Sure. Let me just get some caffeine real quick. Want anything?” “Water if you have it” “Gotcha” I answered, slightly humored by such a polite choice.

We quickly got down to business assessing my levels with different types of math. His pace was fast but not unreasonable, forcing me to get with the program and take the tutoring thing seriously if I actually wanted to not fall on my face when I started college-level courses. But as our first session continued, I couldn’t help but get caught up looking at him more than the equations being worked out at the table. He seemed to get more attractive the longer we sat there. His features were dark but his wavy hair was a couple shades lighter, almost like it didn’t match, and his jaw was strong, slightly less sharp than it probably was years ago, like how ex-football players look at their high school reunions. He wore a burgundy polo shirt and khaki pants with brown loafers, a professional look for the occasion I assumed, a look he filled out just right with subtle muscles I grew to appreciate when I wasn’t looking at math formulas.

“Alright, man, I think that’s a good place to stop for today. How are you feeling about it?” Ben asked. “Good I think…you’re a better teacher than Mr. Grady” I answered, getting a light, flattered laugh out of him that really showed off how killer his smile was, nearly striking me dead in the process. “Well, thanks. That’s my job” Ben answered as he started packing up his zip-up briefcase and my curiosity began to get the better of me. “Speaking of jobs, what is yours exactly? If you don’t mind me asking” I tacked on to not seem too rude. “No, it’s fine. I’m actually a manager at a gym across town” “Then how are you so good at math?” “I guess it’s just one of those freak things. I was always really good at it in school and I never really lost it” Ben explained, still only partially satisfying my nosy side.

“So how did you get into tutoring? That seems kind of random for a guy like you even if you are really good at math” I pressed as casually as I could as he stood at the table prepared to leave, looking like an actual professor with his glasses tucked in the dip of his shirt and the briefcase in his hand. “Well…that’s not as simple of an answer” he started with what I perceived as reluctance. “Oh, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. I was just curious” “It’s cool. I got divorced last year and believe it or not, managing a gym doesn’t leave you swimming in cash when you have alimony to pay” he explained with a light laugh as if he still couldn’t believe his situation.

“Shit, my bad. I didn’t mean to get in your business like that” I offered. “No, no. It is an odd side job for a 37 year old man but I might as well put my brain to use right?” he answered with a quick smile pivot from his momentary embarrassment. “Use what you have to get what you want, right?” “I like that. I might actually steal that from you” he grinned. “It’s not mine, I heard it somewhere but it’s all yours” “Haha great. See ya tomorrow, Christian” Ben added before leaving around 2 p.m. For the first time in my life I was looking forward to more math.

I thought about Ben a surprising amount that night after finally putting my phone on the charger and trying to go to sleep. Part of me hoped I’d made a good impression on him. I found myself wanting him to like me but he wasn’t there to be my friend. I had to remember that and him liking me shouldn’t really matter but that didn’t mean I didn’t still want him to. I couldn’t get the image of his strong black eyebrows reacting to my answers during our session or the encouraging smile he’d flash when I was right about something. Even without saying he’d been married to a woman, he came off as very straight to me, not aggressively hetero like so many guys but I didn’t get the slightest hint of swinging for my team, probably for the best. Any potential for that type of connection would’ve been worse than wanting him to just like me as a person.

Aside from just wanting to be in his favor, I was dying to know what his feet looked like. His shoes looked wide, like they had to be to contain what I imagined were big beefy feet like John Cena or Chris Pratt. I pictured them with subtly tan tops like the rest of him and with deliciously pink soles soft to the touch and supple enough to melt into. He’d worn black crew socks that sat mostly scrunched around the tops of his ankles and didn’t even play with his shoes under the table like a few guys in my history class used to so I figured getting any kind of look at Ben’s feet was likely never going to happen. That didn’t mean I couldn’t think about it. The trouble was, thinking about Ben and his hopefully gorgeous feet quickly became far too intoxicating, a hell of a lot more intoxicating than math.

After a couple more days at the kitchen table working through increasingly difficult levels of algebra, I found myself having to constantly redirect my attention toward the actual reason Ben was there. The numbers and variables all began to feel like pieces of alphabet soup floating away anytime my mind would stray, looking over at his strong hands and studying his palms when I could, trying to use them as a reference for what his soles might look like. “Does that make sense to you?” Ben suddenly asked and for all I know he could’ve been talking about the stock market. “Uhh, yeah. I think so. Sorry, I’m just having trouble concentrating today” I admitted. “We can take a break if you want” “Yeah, let’s do that. I can get us a snack or something” I suggested and got up from the table only to realize the mild arousal poking out from my gym shorts, immediately making me shake my leg a bit to loosen things up. I’d die if Ben noticed.

I came back from the fridge with some fruit and cheese sticks and I tried to keep as cool as I could, fearing I’d embarrass myself right into the grave if I got hard again and Ben saw it. “So, what are your plans for college? Are you looking to join any clubs or anything?” he asked between grapes. “Maybe…I haven’t thought about it really. I used to swim my freshman and sophomore year so who knows? Maybe I’ll get back into that. I should probably look for some kind of job while I’m there too” I answered. “I didn’t actually finish college” he added, earning a surprised look from me. “Really? But you’re so smart” I added without really thinking about it, getting a light laugh from him.

“Just because I’m good at math doesn’t mean I’m good at school. Honestly, I was like you and wanted to make some money while I was there but that ended up kind of being the reason I didn’t keep going” Ben explained like he was content to leave it at that but I surely wasn’t. “What happened? You don’t seem like you’d sell coke or something on the side between classes” I joked, assuming I was wrong. He was a clean-cut guy but I could sense a bit of edge to him, almost like those edges maybe had been softened or refined over the years. “I don’t know if I should really go any deeper into that whole story” “What? No way, you can’t just leave me hanging like that. Did you start working for the mob? Did you and your friends hit a random guy with your car and have to cover it up only for him to come back and haunt you about it?” I questioned, hoping he’d understand my I Know What you Did Last Summer reference.

Ben laughed some more as his cheeks grew a bit redder. Either he got my reference or was anxious about the subject he’d accidentally opened up. “Alright, fine. But don’t tell your parents about this. Just between us - got it?” he laid out, a little more serious than usual. “Yeah, of course” “I sort of got into adult entertainment when I was a junior in college” “You’re messing with me!” I challenged with a reaction I quickly regretted, fearing I’d come off too judgey, too animated to seem cool about it, too reactive for him to not regret telling me. “I’m not. A friend of mine’s cousin was in town one weekend and he thought I’d be great for it so I did it and didn’t really look back for a while” he continued, blowing my mind in the process but I restrained myself the best I could.

“That’s…wild haha” was all I could think to say as the notion that I’d possibly seen him in a video I’d jerked off too started plaguing my brain. I certainly couldn’t act like I was thinking about that though. “Yeah it was fun most of the time. I guess I should clarify; I didn’t do full-on porn. I mostly did other types of stuff, stuff that wasn’t what you’d imagine” Ben elaborated as he seemed to become a little more comfortable the more he talked. “What kind of stuff did you do then?” “Well, most people think everything people get off too is just sex but there’s so much more out there. That was sixteen years ago though so I can only imagine what it’s like now but I did a good bit of wrestling videos, bondage stuff, some feet stuff, muscle videos, and a good many tickling scenes” Ben answered as my chest became tight as steel with disbelief and shock at the admission. How was this actually happening?

“...I uhh…ok, I mean you know I’m gay, right? I’ve seen plenty of stuff online” I offered as if to seem less like some naive 18 year old kid even though my heart was pounding like a drum in my ears and my arousal was back with a vengeance under the table. “Yeah, I kind of picked up on that haha. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot; younger people now have a lot more exposure than when I was your age” Ben answered, his growing relaxation confirming our switch of who was the anxious one at the table. I thought through every tickling and foot video I’d ever watched trying to match Ben’s face with a guy I’d seen, mentally combing through every site I could think of that was around 16 years ago but I couldn’t land on anything. “Did you have a fake name or something?” I thought to ask as casually as I could, hoping that might help me put two and two together. “Harvey James” he answered with a little more reluctance coming back to his voice. The name didn’t ring a bell.

I was DYING to pull out my phone and look him up, to see him tied up or his bare feet or even better, see him tickled. It felt like I was forgetting bits of the English language the more I speculated and my head spun with ideas of the kinky treasures I was going to find the minute I wasn’t around Ben. Like a gift from the universe, Ben’s phone started ringing not a moment later, commanding his attention. “Damn, that’s my lawyer. I’ll be right back” “Sure” was all I said as he got up from the table and walked outside the front door to take the call. The moment the door shut I whipped out my phone and nearly forgot my passcode as my mission to find Harvey James commenced.

It didn’t take long at all. Right there within the first few image results was a 21 year old Ben locked in a pair of stocks with his big, GLORIOUS bare soles staring at me as the same magic smile I’d been lucky enough to witness was stretched even wider by what looked like volcanic laughter. I recognized the setup he was getting tickled in and the man digging into the sides of his juicy pecs. It was from the Laugh Daddy website. I’d seen plenty of their videos but not all of them; seeing Ben aka Harvey all toetied and strapped in getting tickled silly told me his must’ve been some of the ones I’d missed. At that point my gym shorts had no hope of containing the excitement my discovery had unleashed.

I could still hear him talking outside so I kept looking, quickly finding another picture of him in just a jockstrap and tall baseball socks posing on a locker room bench with a sexy scowl. Next to that was a picture of him with his feet through a pair of glory holes, a side view picture that showed him sitting down on one side with his hands duct-taped under his legs and his mouth taped shut and a masked man tickling his naked feet on the other side of the wall. That one was from Tickle Fantasies. It felt like I’d slipped into some kind of dream, a surreal dream that had no chance of being real; it was too amazing, too good to be true but it wasn’t. My hunky tutor, Ben was right there on my phone, inching me closer to a heart attack than I’d ever been and forcing dumbfounded pre-cum to stain my shorts under the kitchen table.

I wanted to keep going but the front door opened and Ben walked in, now off the phone, forcing me to put my own phone away and try to look anything but as horned-up and crazed as I felt. “Sorry about that. My wife, my ex-wife…is making things a bit harder than they need to be” he explained like he was too easy-going to get as frustrated as most men in his situation would. “Sorry. I’m sure that’s tough” “Funny enough, my old career was kind of the final straw of the relationship” he confessed as if we were friends now who told each other things like that. “Really?” “This is probably not the most professional conversation to be having with a client but yeah. One of the studios I used to work for from time to time reached back out to me looking to see if I was interested in shooting again” “What’d you say?” “My first thought was no. I’m out of that world and have a different life now; I’m too grown up, ya know? But then another part of me wanted to do it. I used to enjoy it. Making good money wrestling, laughing, and just showing off my feet was a hell of a lifestyle. Why not dip back into it a little? But Kim wasn’t having it” Ben explained.

“She didn’t like it?” I asked. “She lumped it all together with ‘porn-porn’ and said I was too old for it, said she didn’t want to be married to someone who did that kind of thing and that it was weird” “Oh…damn. I mean, I don’t think it’s weird. I think a lot of people are too vanilla to accept anything that isn’t just as vanilla as them. My bad, I know that was your wife and all” “It’s ok. Yeah, you’re right. I guess I didn’t realize that part of me was still there that liked all that still” “...did you end up doing the shoot? I mean, now that you guys are divorced?” I asked as if he’d forgotten to include that part of the story. “No” “Why not?” “Maybe I am too old for it. I was a kid back then. I could eat a whole pizza every day and still have abs. I don’t even know if I’m good enough for it; I’m sure there’s a lot more competition nowadays” Ben explained, surprising me. He seemed so confident.

“I think you should do it!” “I don’t know…I was pretty sure about it before we broke up but now I’m having second thoughts. Maybe she was right” “Dude. You’re fucking hot. Sorry if that’s too much but you are and I’m sure your feet are just as great as they used to be” I offered like I was skating on ice I was hoping wouldn’t break with his reaction but Ben just smiled with flattery. “Thanks, man. I appreciate that” “It’d also be a good way to make extra money with the whole alimony thing, probably pays better than tutoring” I offered, impressing myself that I’d come up with that argument.

“You’ve got a point there. Maybe I’ll get back into it at some point if they’ll have me” Ben answered, effectively ending the conversation. He settled back into the chair like he normally sat and turned his attention back to the textbook before finishing off the last grape but there was no way I was going to be able to think about some silly math problem with such a bombshell occupying my entire brain. I knew tickling him was too crazy of an idea to pursue, even after what we’d just talked about. He may have opened up to me about it but just reaching over and trying to wiggle into his stomach or side would potentially ruin the dynamic we had going but I had to have something, something to quench the unnatural thirst I’d developed. “ does that kind of stuff even work. Like, how did you know your feet were nice enough for those kinds of videos?” I questioned rather clunkily but at least I said something.

He chuckled a little at the question like he wasn’t all that surprised by my curiosity and scooted the wooden chair back before hiking his left leg up and resting his ankle on his opposite knee so the sole of his loafer was facing me. “I guess I can just show you instead of trying to tell you. You can make up your own opinion about it” Ben offered as he yanked off his brown shoe and I gulped without any air coming in for at least 15 seconds, taken back by how well my inquiry had worked. I didn’t have time to come up with some stupid line of fake disinterest in actually seeing his feet before he peeled off the blue sock with one swoop and allowed me to judge for myself why he’d been a foot model. It was instantly obvious.

Ben’s foot surpassed my expectations. I’d seen it in the tickling picture but it hadn’t done him justice. His foot was wide as hell, like his shoulders, and meaty enough to make my mouth water. I’d seen some guys’ feet that looked almost overfilled, somehow too thick but not his. It was just right. The balls were a bright pink color and looked soft enough to sleep on, stretched out beneath his doughy toes that he even casually wiggled for a second. His arch wasn’t overly dramatic but a healthy swoop like a slice of watermelon perfect for putting your whole mouth on. The middle area was the palest and most wrinkled, like a scoop of vanilla ice cream between the strawberry-pink heel and balls. There wasn’t a blemish or a patch of rough skin anywhere to be seen; it was perfection, the dreamiest foot I’d ever seen in person without question. I wanted to bury my face in it. I wanted to convince him to strip his other foot clean and let me get lost in the pair of mighty bare feet as I imagined the warm, supple, leathery suffocation I’d happily suffer under them. But I couldn’t say all that.

Despite my raging excitement in that moment, I needed Ben as my tutor. I couldn’t give in to what I wanted, not if I was going to keep up the good working relationship we had. I couldn’t cross that line. I had to be smarter than that or risk jeopardizing the good thing we had going. I was learning and he was making money. It’d be selfish to creep him out or something and tank the whole thing. “Wow, they are super nice” I forced myself to say with all the self-control I had. “Thanks. Good to see they’re still nice enough to show off” he simply laughed off before putting his sock back on as if I wasn’t about to poke a hole through the kitchen table with my out of control rager.

Three months later I was a few weeks into my freshman year of college a little over an hour from home. My roommate wasn’t too strange, the food was decent, I’d gotten an interview at the local movie theater for a job, and my grades were starting out fairly strong. Ben’s sessions had certainly paid off. For the first time since middle school I wasn’t struggling in math class. We kept in touch a fair amount. I’d ended up confessing my love of feet and tickling to him and praised his feet without coming on too strong about it over text one evening. He was cool with it, even saying that he’d suspected something like that that day he told me about his past as Harvey James. He told me he ended up doing the shoot he’d been asked to months earlier, even sending me a few pics from it that got me swooning all over again. It was for a bondage/foot site and the photoshoot was of him in business attire with his ankles tied together on top of his desk and his arms over his head with his big, hairy pits on full display to accompany his beautiful bare feet on the desk. Mature Harvey was better than ever.

Another two weeks passed and Ben invited me out to dinner at the hotel he was staying at in town where I went to school. I was a bit nervous since it was the first time I would be seeing him since revealing so much of myself to him but when I got to the hotel room door, I tried to play it cool. I knocked and waited as casually as I could but Ben didn’t open the door. Instead I was greeted by a guy somewhere between mine and Ben’s ages, throwing me off as he met me with a friendly smile and proved he knew my name. “I don’t think…this must be the wrong room. My bad” I quickly concluded as I started to turn away but a familiar voice called out to me. “Christian! It’s me! Come on in” “Ben?” I was beyond confused but hearing him invite me in was enough to get me back in the doorway and proceed to walk in. Thank God I did.

“Wha…what?!” was all I could say at the sight in front of me. “Sorry if you really had your heart set on dinner but I figured you might like to check this out first” Ben explained with a smile like it did him good to see me so awestruck and speechless but how could I not be? There sat my summer math tutor tied to the hotel bed in nothing but his sneakers, socks, and gym shorts. He sat up straight against the backboard with his arms secured out to his sides like he was a goal post and his ankles had been locked in a set of stocks that attached to the footboard of the bed, a heavenly set up I was having a hell of a time wrapping my head around.

“I told you I got back into being Harvey and since this shoot was in town, I wanted to show you a bit of what it was like” Ben added with another grin. “Wow…this is fucking nuts, man” I gushed with bright red blushing cheeks. “I’m Neal, by the way” the man that’d opened the door for me interjected with a handshake. “Right, sorry. I’m Christian” I answered by meeting his hand with mine. “Harvey told me about you and that you’d helped get him back into this whole thing so thanks for talking him into it. I just started my site a few years ago and I used to love watching him get tickled” Neal explained. “Oh, you don’t have to thank me. I honestly can’t believe this is happening right now” I answered with a bit of a nervous laugh, humoring both older men.

“Well, we were about to get started if you want to hang out and watch” Neal offered, gesturing to the camera on the tripod. “Yeah, that’d be amazing…thanks” I added to both of them, still a bit flabbergasted. “How’d that math test go yesterday?” Ben asked as Neal checked the camera one more time. “Oh, it was good. 85” “Nice” Ben answered with a proud smile before Neal announced he was ready and the camera was turned on. “After over 10 years of not getting tickled, I get the honor of being the first person to get my hands on the one and only Harvey James” Neal explained as the scene began and he took a seat next to Ben/Harvey on the bed.

“Yeah, I figured it was time to come out of retirement” Harvey answered with an almost cocky smirk, a foreign look on such a kind face. “Lucky me” Neal answered before scooting a little closer and reaching out so both hands were hovering near his exposed pits, making Ben cringe a bit with anticipation as Neal’s skinny fingers began to wiggle, inching closer to the tan underarms. My jeans were tight in no time as I watched the scene unfold, admiring how Ben’s toned beefiness made his armpits look like they’d been carved out of stone as Neal finally descended into them and within seconds had Ben/Harvey bubbling over with an eruption of hearty laughter.

Ben’s thick chest shook back and forth as he squirmed on the bed and his hands became fists on either side of him as Neal teased his wildly defenseless pits. It was like I’d won yard line tickets to the Super Bowl. I was buzzing with adrenaline and surreal excitement as Ben’s laughter proved just as fantastic as it was in the older videos, only now a bit deeper and more macho. But it was clear he was just as ticklish, if not worse and Neal seemed to think so too. “I think you’ve gotten more ticklish over the years” the brainy-looking tickler added as he got to know the delicious pits. “AohAiIiTthHiINNkKSsoOOHO!” Ben couldn’t help but agree as he failed to get a break from the forced laughter, indeed too ticklish to not react even for a second.

I was grinning from ear to ear watching Neal re-initiate Ben aka Harvey into the tickling world but after only another five minutes of upper body attention, Neal motioned to me to join in, doing it just out of frame to avoid being seen while he tickled the pits. I questioned him with motions of confusion but he pointed to a ski mask to my right and waved for me to jump in. Part of me froze, unsure what to do while the other part of me screamed at me to grab the mask and indulge. Neal must’ve figured I didn’t want my face on camera and he was right; I wasn’t prepared for that but thankfully the mask hid my whole identity. I took a quick look in the mirror as Ben’s robust, almost animated laughter continued roaring from the center of the room before I made my legs walk toward the end of the bed and kneel down between both sneakered feet.

“HhEeyY! WWhhAATAaRrEEyYOouUDDoOiiNGG?!” Ben asked in a way that I couldn’t tell if he knew I would be joining in or not but I was on fire, surging like what I imagined being on coke felt like as I reached up and forced off both size 13s with one shove from below. “You’re a big strong guy; surely you can handle a little two on one” Neal teased before going after his stomach with both hands, sinking into the firm yet cushy belly and spiking Ben’s wonderful reaction once again. This man was made to laugh.

I forced myself to keep his socks on at first, opting to drag my tightened fingers down both wide soles and immediately got a loud shriek from Ben. My smile grew bigger behind the mask at the electric reaction and I went back for more within a couple seconds, clawing down both ankle-socked feet and getting another fiery howl from the seasoned pro. “TThhATTsSnNOOTTFfFAAiIIRR!! IIiCCAAnNTTEEVVEeEEnNnSSEEYYoOoOU!!” Ben protested and I swear I’d never felt so alive. My hands ascended again but this time landed on his arches before scratching in place with long, harsh strokes of my short nails. “AAAHAhaHASSHHIIITT!! AohANNOONNOOO!!” Ben raged and the bed shook as he bucked on it, telling me I was doing a great job.

“I think everybody deserves to see Harvey’s perfect feet without the socks…it’s been too long” Neal suggested as he started squeezing into Ben’s hips. “AAhAHANNOO!” Ben shouted, maybe just out of reflex or because he really wasn’t ready for his socks to be taken off yet but you couldn’t have kept me from getting my hands on Ben’s bare feet for anything in the world in that moment. I grabbed the elastic edges just above his heels and yanked them off in a flash, giving the camera the golden shot of Harvey’s to die for feet on full display in the stocks. I let them wrinkle and wiggle in place for a few seconds as Neal continued tickling him on top before finally reaching back up and dishing out the worst scribbling attack I could.

“AAAaGhGHAHAHAHANNOOO!! AOhAOhAOHaFFFuUUUCCKK!! OOKOOKAoHAOHAAOH!!! AOhAOHAIIIITTFFUuUuCCkKIInNNNGGTTiIICCKkKLlleEEESSS!!” filled the hotel room like a raging flood with Ben going crazy on the bed and laughing his ass off like he hadn’t in 16 years. His feet were smoother than I thought possible and felt just as immaculate as they looked, confirming my suspicion from that day at the kitchen table when I’d wanted to find out so badly. Now they were all mine. His lush toes crunched and his soles wrinkled whenever they could beneath my fingers but nothing helped it tickle any less and no amount of swearing or fighting the stocks helped Ben’s math-genius feet escape me.

“My new partner down there must be doing a pretty good job to get you losing your shit already. Too bad we have another 45 minutes to go” Neal taunted as Ben’s fat nipples got his full, sadistic attention. “AhAOhFOoORRTTTyYyFFiIiVVEEEMMmiIINnuUuTTeEEESS!?!” “Yep. And after we get done tickling you, my partner and I are gonna see if those legendary feet taste as good as they look” Neal added with a deviously playful grin next to Ben/Harvey as I continued tickling the pair of godly feet to my heart’s content, knowing by the time I would leave the hotel room that night, I would know exactly what euphoria felt like. I liked Ben as my tutor and friend but it was hard to beat enjoying Harvey James.