succession: Kendall vs the Swede

Waystar Royco was in jeopardy. Logan Roy was gone, Gojo was closing in on the company, and the Roy siblings were playing chess against each other in hopes of securing their own respective desired futures. But perhaps the most troubled was Kendall. His whole life had been leading up to him becoming CEO of his father’s company but with Matsson’s company Gojo posing a credible threat of stealing it away from him, he was wound tighter than usual. As he lay there in his bed one night, unable to quiet his mind enough to just drift off to sleep, the 42 year old couldn’t help but run through scenarios and game plans in his head. Kendall was under serious pressure, mainly from himself, but pressure nonetheless and the stakes of the situation were enough to keep him on edge most of the time.

Eventually he took a pill to go to sleep and crawled back into bed around 1 a.m., trying to think of anything else other than the business but Matsson’s smug face kept popping up. Was the Swedish tech mogul really going to get in the way of him and his rightful place as CEO? Was his family’s legacy really going to be bought out by that arrogant prick? It was all spinning around in his brain until finally, the pill kicked in and he fell asleep within 20 minutes. But despite being able to get some sleep, the immense stress that’d been plaguing Kendall unfortunately followed him into the unconscious as well.

The next thing he knew he wasn’t in his bed, instead in the conference room of the Waystar Royco office where he’d been hundreds of times before. He was lying on his stomach on a narrow platform off the ground a couple feet. It looked like a bizarre massage chair with his wrists and forearms strapped down on either side of his head and his knees were bent behind him so his feet were in the air and his soles upturned, his ankles locked in a set of small padded stocks connected to the bench.

“Hey…HEY! The fuck is this?! Rome?? Is this you, man?! If this is some fucked up joke, it’s not funny! Just let me out, alright?? Come on!” Kendall, the control freak tried to assert as he fought the bench only to realize he couldn’t get out. He would’ve been more upset if he would’ve realized he was only in his boxers but he couldn’t see behind him really, only forward and to his sides. As Kendall pulled and jerked against the bench, a tall blonde man entered the conference room with a familiar smugness. “Kendall Roy…kind of late to be in the office, isn’t it?” “Matsson?! The fuck are you doing, dude?? Why am I stuck in this thing??” Kendall demanded to know with his usual pissy face.

“Right to business with you, huh? You need to relax, bro…you Americans are so uptight” Lukas teased. “Fuck you! Let me go!” “I will…right after you agree to see things my way, the way of the future…” Matsson explained rather casually like he knew he had the complete upper hand. “I’m not letting Gojo take over; it’s not happening so you’re wasting your time” Kendall assured with a forced toughness in his voice. “I think I can change your mind…I can be pretty persuasive” Matsson answered with an infuriatingly unbothered tone before running a single finger down each of Kendall’s unsuspecting feet. “oAoWOoAH! Hey! Don’t fucking touch me, dude! Alright?? Not fucking cool!” Kendall tried to forbid with restrained panic on his face. “Haha damn…I guess they were right; you are ticklish” Matsson teased with a taunting laugh.

“Who the fuck are ‘they’?” “I probably shouldn’t reveal my sources but I asked around about you…the best way to get through to you, your weakness” Matsson explained while circling him. “I don’t care who you asked; they’re full of shit, alright?! Now just let me out of this!” Kendall shouted. “So Roman, Tom, and Greg are all full of shit? I find that hard to believe” Matsson challenged, toying with Kendall about the fact that they all said the same thing about him. “Listen, I don’t care what you think you know, this isn’t going to work! I’m not letting you take over without a fight” Kendall doubled down. “How did I know you’d make me work for it?” Lukas questioned before standing over Kendall’s bent knees and reaching forward to land at the base of his armpits.

“aoAOhFUUcCKaOah! NoOoHA! FUuCCKKInNGgSSTToOPPIIIT! CCOhOOmMEEOON!” Kendall argued while fighting his own laughter as hard as he could as it came out in reluctant leaks. But Matsson didn’t respond, instead digging in with just two fingers on each side right above his ribs with consistent pressure as Kendall slowly lost his grip. “ALLRiIGGhHTT! FFuUCkKOOAoAhAFF!” Kendall protested with frustrated giggles growing more frequent but the fingers didn’t back off and his wall was quickly crumbling. He bucked on the bench and tried to shake Matsson but his long fingers just kept making circle after circle until Kendall couldn’t control himself anymore. “AhAOOOokOokAohAOhA GGoODDAaMmMMMIIIT!! GgeEETToOOFFmMmEEDDuUuDDEEEAhAHA!” Kendall objected through the steady stream now pouring out of him with a forced smile.

“Looks like they weren’t full of shit, Ken…not even a little” Matsson teased with a humored laugh while the repetitious technique continued proving Kendall’s sensitivity. “JJUuUSSTtFFuUUcCKkiIINNGGSsTTohOOOPP!” “Tell me you’ll support the deal” “NNOOOHO!” “Then I guess you want to keep going…” Matsson answered before descending further into Kendall’s pits and instantly ratcheting up his laughter a couple notches. “AAhAHASSHiIiIT! CCoOOmMEEOoONNMMAANN!” the heir apparent tried to persuade as if it was one of his business bros he could reason with but Matsson wasn’t playing ball. “If this is bad for you, why don’t we go a little deeper…” Lukas suggested before wiggling further into Kendall’s exposed pits with more fingers. “AAHAHANNOOO! AohAohAMMoOOOTThHEERFFuUuCCkKkEER!! LlLEETTMmEEGGoOOHO!!” Kendall raged like he couldn’t stand giving Matsson such a strong reaction but he couldn’t help it. Despite how serious and formidable he usually tried to come off, he was indeed super ticklish, a curse he’d never been able to shake.

“I want to hear you say that you’ll stop trying to block the deal” Matsson explained while kneading into the meat of both pits. “FFuuUCCKkyYYOOOuUU!” “Kendall, you and I don’t know each other very well but I’m not a very patient guy…I don’t like unnecessary problems, like you” Matsson pointed out before suddenly grabbing a handful of Kendall’s hair and forcing his head onto the cushion in front of him so his cheek was pressing against it. “What the fuck, man?!” Kendall shouted like he wasn’t expecting to be manhandled but Lukas proved he was willing to fuck with him as much as he needed to when he started squeezing into his side and leaned closer to his ear.

“AAohSShHiIiTaohAOHAnNOoAohA!” Kendall erupted with more laughter before Matsson started talking into his ear just above a whisper. “I want this company, Ken…I want you and your overrated family out and I want to bring it into the 21st century” Lukas explained with an exaggerated way of talking that drove him fucking crazy. “AAhAOHAOHGGEETTooOFFMMMEEAHAH!” Kendall objected with obvious anger but Matsson was only fueled by his aversion. “You’re going to stop getting in my way…and you’re going to stop throwing a fucking tantrum because you’re losing” Lukas continued right into his ear until Kendall was vibrating with rage from the hand working into his side and the maddening way Matsson was torturing him with only his voice and mouth.

“AhAAGGhH! AohAOHASSTToHOHOOPP!!” Kendall yelled with a red face like he’d explode as he tried to move his head but Matsson kept a firm hold on his hair to make sure he couldn’t move away. Suddenly the hand squeezing his side reached up and started playing with his nipple, tweaking and fluttering across the pink point to get Kendall laughing again before letting his tongue start flicking along his ear. “AAHAoAOhWWhhAAATThHEEFfFFuuUCCKK!?” “Are your ears ticklish, Kendall?” “NNAOoAohAOHA!!” “Really?” Matsson challenged while continuing to prove him wrong by running the very tip of his tongue along the shape of his ear.

Lukas could feel the heat coming off of Kendall as he tickled his ear with his tongue and teased his nipple until it was painfully erect, wanting to push him as far as he could. Soon his hand left Kendall’s chest and migrated south with his long arm extending its full length to latch around his hip after pushing down his underwear a little and squeezing in with a severe grip. “AAhAHAHAOhFFuUUcCkKAoAohA!! GGEETTTThHeEFFFuUuCCkKoOoFFmMEEE!!” Kendall demanded with more forced laughter but Matsson didn’t let go of his hair and kept on happily teasing his ear until waves of goosebumps covered his almost naked body. “Nobody’s in the office, ya know…nobody’s gonna come help you or even know you’re here…I can keep going all night” Matsson pointed out with another whispery delivery to drive Kendall further up the wall.

Kendall’s face was flushed with ticklish frustration and it seemed like Matsson was telling the truth about the slim chance of a rescue. Maybe he should just give in to tell him what he wants to hear, just go along with it enough to escape the surreal tickle torment and backtrack later? “AALLLRRiIiGGGHhTT!! ooKOOK! YYOoUUWWIIiNN!!” Kendall folded through his heavy laughter. “Are you sure?” Matsson asked with another licking. “AAHAYYEESSS! YYEESSS!!” “Amazing” Lukas answered before letting his hair go and relieving his hip from the ruthless tickling. “Fuck, dude…we’re fucking adults…you can’t just tickle people and lick their fucking ears!” Kendall reprimanded with disgust.

“It worked, didn’t it?” Matsson challenged with cocky assuredness. “Whatever, man, just let me out of this stupid thing” Kendall insisted like he couldn't stand to be so vulnerable in front of him any longer. “I’m glad you agreed to stop blocking the deal but I think I need to make sure you’re not going to screw me over later” Matsson explained. “What are you talking about?? Why would I do that?” Kendall played dumb, unaware Lukas was putting something on his pointer fingers. “I appreciate loyalty…and I’m not letting you go until I believe that I can count on yours” Lukas answered before stroking down Kendall’s rosy pink soles. “AAAhGghASShhIIIT!” Kendall jerked on the bench and his feet flexed and wrinkled against the acute sensation.

“The fuck is that?!” “What? You don’t like it?” Matsson taunted before slowly dragging down both soles again with his pointed, metal ring nails that encompassed most of his pointer fingers. “NnoOOAoAOhiIiDDoOoNNnTT!” Kendall shouted with newfound urgency but Matsson was beaming with sadistic pleasure in making him squirm. “I’m gonna need to hear that you’re my little bitch from now on” Lukas explained and Kendall’s knee-jerk reaction is the answer he got, “I’m nobody’s fucking bitch! Now get off me, dude!” “Maybe not but you’re gonna be mine by the end of this…” Matsson warned with his usual confidence before scurrying down the upturned soles again with the gnarly-looking nails.

“AaHAhAOhFFuUCCkKAohAnNOOnNoAohA! CCuUTTIiTTOOUUuTT!!” Kendall roared with growing anger in his uncontrollable laughter, still trying and failing to stop any of it from coming out. The point of the nails ran up and down the lengths of his smooth, slightly dry feet with horrifying ease, winding from his heels to his balls like they couldn’t decide which way to go. “I know you think you can hold out on me but how do you know you’re not the last one standing? How do you know you’re not all alone and that I haven’t already had this conversation with Roman, and Tom, and even little Greggy?” Matsson taunted. “NnoOOWwAaAYY! TThhAATtSSbBUULlSshHiIITT!!” “Sure, whatever you say” Lukas answered as if to let the idea of him having already tickled his brother, brother-in-law, and cousin into submission play on him and convince him that his obedience was just as inevitable.

“Maybe I even got them to tell me where your feet were the most ticklish…” Matsson enlightened before trailing down to the balls and making his toes curl with dread. “SSTThohOOP! JjUuUSSTFFuUuCCkkiIInNnGGSSsTTTOhOHOP!!” “You know what I want to hear…” Lukas reminded before dragging the tips of his nails side to side across the width of the supple balls as both feet wiggled in place. “SSHHiIIT! AAohANNOOO! FFuUUCCKkyYOouUU!!” Kendall refused with his pride in jeopardy but Matsson wielded his current power like a Bond villain, like he enjoyed toying with Kendall until he was wise enough to give in.

“Always the tough guy” Matsson laughingly mocked before suddenly putting on another two nails on his middle fingers and returning to the helpless feet to let them dance across the balls with fluttering fury. “AAhAohAFFuUUCCKK! AohAohAOhAhoAoGGOoDDaAMMmIIIITT!! AohAOAHCCOOmMMEEOOONN!!” Kendall raged with a new level of desperation in his voice, just as reluctant as ever but there was no hiding how unbearable the simple, sinister attack was. “Such ticklish feet…” Matsson teased like he was born to be a tickle master and got under Kendall’s skin like nobody else ever had as he focused on the ridiculously sensitive balls of both feet without giving him a moment of peace. Kendall shouted with fiery outbursts and fought against the bench as hard as he could as his mouth grew sore from smiling so much and he could feel his ability to resist Matsson slipping away. The blonde’s quick, unyielding fingers never lost momentum or missed a beat no matter how much Ken’s feet writhed around or wrinkled to try and avoid them but Lukas looked like he was barely doing anything at all, only wiggling his fingers back and forth while Kendall’s eyes began to tear-up and he filled the conference room with emasculated laughter.

“Say you’re my bitch and I’ll stop, convince me you’re going to be loyal to me” Matsson encouraged while toying with the incredibly sensitive feet in front of him. “AhoAoOKOOKK!! AohAOhAAALLlRRiIGGhHTTJjUuUSSTtSSTTOhOHOPP!!” Kendall gave in out of pure desperation, unable to handle another excruciating second with the nails. “I’m gonna need you to say it, Kendall” Matsson pointed out. “AohAOOKK! IiMMmYyoOuURrRbbIIiTTCCChH!!” Ken shouted in hopes of appeasing him and Matsson stopped tickling but once again surprised Kendall by grabbing the waist of his boxers and hiking them up for a massive wedgie as he leaned closer to his face. “Say it again” “AAGHFUCK DUDE!” “Say it!” Matsson demanded with a tighter pull on the underwear until it was firmly up Kendall’s ass. “Alright, I’m your bitch!” “Louder” “I’m your bitch!!” “That’s a team player!” Matsson answered as he let go of the boxers and gave him a playfully enthusiastic smack on the right butt cheek, stinging a bit but not nearly as much as it stung to surrender to the competition like that.

“Hey! Let me out of this thing!” “Oh, I may have told some of my friends you were up here and needed a hand with something so maybe one of them will help you out…but probably not” Matsson added with a devious smirk before leaving the conference room. “HEY! You asshole, come back here!” Kendall shouted as he fought to escape the bench before anyone tried to tickle him again but soon woke up in his bed, panting and sweaty as he realized it was all a dream. “Holy shit…where the hell did that come from?” Kendall tried to figure out but even if it was a dream, it’d felt real enough to make him hate Matsson even more and to be careful to never let him find out how ticklish he was in real life, just in case.