grease: a ticklish t-bird

The T-Birds were a few short of their usual flock today, with only Danny and Kenickie at school to represent the coolest group at Rydell High. With slicked hair, their signature leather jackets, and a carefree attitude, the two seniors hung out outside the back of school as fourth period went on without them. “So whatever happened with that one girl? What was her name…Brenda! Yeah haha, whatever happened with Brenda?” Danny questioned between drags of his cigarette. “Ah man, nothing happened with Brenda…which is why I somehow misplaced Brenda’s phone number” Kenickie explained, making Danny laugh more at how quickly his best friend went through girls.

“Shit, I guess I might have to lose her number too then. You going to the garage after school?” Danny asked. “Yeah I guess…my old man is being a real asshole these days so the longer I can stay out, the better” Kenickie enlightened. “Well, hell just stay at my place tonight, man” “You sure about that? Your parents alright with you bringing home strays?” “Whatever, man you’re not a stray. It’s fine” “Thanks, Zuko…I haven’t been to a sleepover since I was about 8” Kenickie teased, getting a playful shove from Danny as they smoked through the rest of the school day.

That night Kenickie sat on Danny’s bedroom floor watching the small TV on his dresser while Danny sat near the open window so his parents wouldn’t smell him smoking. “God, that Beaver kid really knows how to screw shit up doesn’t he?” Kenickie added. “I’m waiting on an episode where he just burns the house down. Let’s see June Cleaver clean that up” Danny chimed in, getting a laugh from his guest before closing the window and tugging off his shoes. The sound of the window pulled the fellow T-Bird’s attention just in time to see Danny’s second saddle shoe hit the floor, allowing his white tube-socked feet to air out after baking in them all day.

Kenickie suddenly couldn’t control himself, his gaze paralyzed by the sight of his friend’s socked feet and the possibility of the cotton coverage disappearing as well. The smooth 18 year old was oblivious to Kenick’s staring and started slipping off his socks one foot at a time, sticking his thumb past the elastic edge and peeling down until his right bare foot was exposed and then his left. The sock strip moved almost in slow motion for Kenickie as his eyes took in every second and he got closer to drooling with every inch of skin that was revealed. He was too entranced to notice Danny looking back up until Kenickie was snapped out of it, “You alright, man?” “Oh yeah…yeah, I’m good. I guess I was just having one of those day dreams or something” Kenickie tried to explain away.

“You looked like Sonny trying to answer a question in Algebra” Danny teased with a pearly smile before sitting down on the bed. “Oh man haha” Kenickie laughed off as he turned his head back toward the TV but the smell of Danny’ fresh feet was already drifting his way, sitting on the carpet within arm’s reach like they were tempting Kenickie to check them out some more. The slightly older T-Bird tried to look straight ahead, to avoid even entertaining the idea of looking at his friend’s feet again but he soon heard pages flipping. He looked over to see Danny looking through a car magazine and Kenickie couldn’t believe his luck; now was his chance.

He subtly turned his head until they were in sight and could silently admire the masculine beauty of Danny Zuko’s feet. The tops were pale, like they only rarely saw sunlight, contrasting the scattered black hair along the middle and some of his slender toes. Danny ended up laying back so his feet rested on the balls and toes which nearly made Kenickie gasp with excitement, surprised by the side view of his soles now arched toward the bed. The strong pink color really did it for Kenickie and the way he could tell how smooth they were, without a rough patch in sight even on the heels. His toes, even stretched out and relaxed tended to curl in a little, like they didn’t wanna be on display or something but Kenickie was studying every bit he could.

They’d been friends forever so he’d seen Danny’s feet before but it’d been years, too long for Kenickie to remember much about them. Of course the T-Birds were too cool for any kind of self reflection but Kenickie knew he had some kind of kink or something, something drawing him to guys’ feet that he didn’t understand and frankly didn’t want to. He didn’t like to acknowledge it even just to himself but with Danny’s bare feet taunting him like that, he couldn’t deny how interested he was or how tight the crotch of his jeans were becoming the longer he eyed them.

Kenickie was too invested in how supple Danny’s feet looked to realize the magazine pages had stopped turning until he heard a low rumbling sound from the bed. He stuck his head up to see Danny out cold with the magazine on his chest, stirring Kenickie’s butterflies as he sat back down and his adrenaline pumped harder now that he didn’t have to risk being found out. He carefully scooted closer to Danny’s feet until he could see the white sock lint left behind between two of his toes, suddenly wanting nothing more than to lick it out with his tongue. It was an urge Kenickie didn’t know what to do with, petrified at the idea of creeping Danny out but his heart was practically showing through his shirt from beating so fast.

Kenickie looked back up to make sure Danny was still asleep and he leaned closer, relishing the cheesy, sour smell and struggling to control his breathing the more intense things became. Kenickie reached out and flicked the lint from between the creamy toes and nearly had a heart attack when he heard Danny giggle, springing Kenickie back into the spot he was before to avoid being exposed but nothing happened. Danny went right back to snoring and Kenickie sat back beside the feet, pressing his luck before he could talk himself out of it by fluttering a few fingers across the top of the left foot, getting more sleepy giggles from the coolest guy at Rydell. He couldn’t believe it; Danny was ticklish.

Kenickie’s breathing became more shallow and irregular the more excited he became but he couldn't stop himself, now using his other hand to dance along the right foot and watch his toes wiggle in ticklish response. Kenickie’s smile grew twice as big and his fingertips soon moved to the edges of both feet, teasing down the sides below his pinky toes to get Danny mumbling in his sleep and giggling even more. The light tickling was like sips of beer Kenickie was already getting drunk off of but he wanted to chug the whole bottle, dying to get his hands on the soles and really see how sensitive they were. He knew in his gut that they must be crazy ticklish; as soft as the sides were and as pristine as both feet looked, there was no way they weren’t.

Kenickie was almost possessed by his secret fetish after several minutes at the dreamy feet, even taking them in his hands without a clue what he would do with them. Without thinking at all, his fingers started gently scratching across the tender bottoms and Danny laughed harder in his sleep, now with a wide smile Kenickie couldn’t see from the top of the bed as his best friend indulged in new territory on a high he never knew existed. Kenickie’s hands moved before his brain could stop them as they inched closer to Danny’s toes to see if they were as lush as they looked until a knock at the door sent a wave of panic up Kenickie’s body and he quickly flung himself back over in front of the TV.

“Danny? You awake, son?” Danny’s dad asked before opening the door. “Oh, hey Kenickie, I didn’t realize you were staying here tonight” “Yeah, Danny said it’d be alright” “Sure it is” “What’s going on, pops?” Danny asked as he slowly woke up. “Your mom made a pie if you boys want any” “Alright, thanks” Danny answered before his dad shut the door and Kenickie did his best to seem his usual laid back self. “I guess we’re running a diner now. You want some pie?” Danny asked. “Haha yeah, I think I could go for a piece” “Yeah me too” Danny agreed and they headed toward the kitchen, Danny still trying to wake up and Kenickie still trying to cool down.

The next day Danny and Kenickie were still the only T-Birds at school, the others having come down with the flu they learned earlier that day. The school’s auto shop had become their typical hang out where they could work on the car they’d been fixing up and despite how much Danny cared about keeping his hair perfectly quaffed and his black jeans clean, he loved spending time under the car fixing it up and didn’t mind getting a little dirty for his soon to be ride. Kenickie was better with the aesthetics and opted to go through paint color options for the car while Danny worked under it, “Hey, Kenick, pass me that wrench will ya?” “It’ll cost ya a coke” “Yeah right, just pass me the wrench” Danny laughed before Kenickie grabbed the tool and handed it to him.

The night before still had Kenickie shook up, unable to think about anything for more than a few minutes without the thought of Danny’s bare feet popping into his head. As he sat on a stool near the collection of tools, Kenickie watched Danny’s feet move around every so often, rekindling the severe desire to get at them again. The same feeling that’d struck Kenickie before was knocking again, like an internal peer pressure to really have his way with Danny’s feet now that he knew how amazing they felt and smelled and how incredibly sensitive they were but he couldn’t do it. The T-Birds never tickled each other, not even if they were goofing around or teasing each other; doing it now would be far too risky. Kenickie had no idea how Danny would take even a playful attack. He’d have to think of something else.

Close to 20 minutes later Danny was still under the car and Kenickie stood up, “Hey, I’m gonna go smoke real quick” “Alright” Danny answered and Kenickie walked off, his boots trailing away from the garage until they couldn’t be heard anymore. Kenickie took off his boots so he wouldn’t be noticed and quietly walked back over to the car in his socked feet before yanking the car jack out from under the car, letting it fall and land at its normal height. “Shit! What the hell was that??” Danny exclaimed, not hurt by the car or anything seeing as how it was still over him a little, with inches between him and the bottom. “Kenickie? Kenickie! Hey! Who’s there?? This isn’t funny! I’m serious!!” Danny shouted to put fear into whoever it was trying to mess with him but his confused anger quickly transitioned when he felt someone tugging off his right shoe.

“Hey…hey! What are you doing?? Leave my shoe on, man!!” Danny ordered but his second shoe was stolen just the same moments later. Ambiguous panic covered his handsome face now that his socked feet were out in the open and he couldn’t get out to intervene but his last line of protection was soon stripped away despite his best effort to hold on with his toes. “NO! Leave my feet alone!! Get outta here, man!” Danny shouted with very little cool left as he struggled to get out from under the car, not used to being messed with or the butt of a joke.

Kenickie sat down and trapped the ankles between his knees as he locked his own ankles to keep Danny’s feet from getting away, acting on pure adrenaline as he finally tested just how ticklish his buddy was. “WWhhaATTT? AhoAhaoHANnONnNOAohA!! SSTToOaAOohhoOPPP!!” Danny totally freaked as Kenickie scribbled all over the warm, buttery soles. Kenickie couldn’t believe how heavy his buddy’s laughter was, never having heard him like this but it was better than he imagined. “SSTTohOPppP!! GGEETToOOFFFFmMYyyFFEEETT!! IImMmmGGOOnNnAAAKKKiIiCCKKkyyYYOouURRAASSS!!” Danny tried to threaten through the wild laughter but there was no stopping the eager fingers from dominating his embarrassingly ticklish feet.

Kenickie had to suppress his own laughter to avoid being recognized as he used his nails to rake across the lush balls. “AAAHAHoAOAAOhaAoaHHOOOllLyYySShHHIITT!! AOhAOHAAohASSTTThohOOOPPP!!” Danny jerked and writhed under the car the little he could as sharp squeals started slipping out, a sound he would never make any other time. His almost shy toes wiggled and curled as Kenickie focused on the balls like they were tempting him to go there next, enticing him to soon really give them something to wiggle about. In an abrupt shift, Kenickie left the balls and started scratching along the undersides of all ten toes from above, allowing him to keep them from scrunching down for protection. “HHAAAHAOHAOAOAOhAnNoOOTTTThHEETTooOOEESS!! ahoHAOhAaWwhhAATTDDDOoOyYYyOoOUUUWWAAANnTT MmAAAN!?!” Danny attempted to figure out, growing more desperate by the minute but Kenickie was in heaven.

He couldn’t believe how fleshy and soft the toes were on his fingers, adding a layer of pleasure to Kenickie’s indulgence as he tickled Danny senseless. The euphoria of teasing the sultry toes was soon becoming too much for Kenickie, almost forgetting to breathe as he enjoyed them. He’d never known such ecstasy in 19 years but wasn’t about to let the glorious feet go yet, instead targeting Danny’s arches with chaotic spidering fingers. “OoOhoHAohAOhAAOhAACCCOOmMMEEOOONN!! AOhAOhAAOhAAJJuUUSSSSTThOhoOOPP!!” Danny roared like he truly hated getting tickled or even just being ticklish. Kenickie swore he heard him stop himself from actually admitting to being tickled in his protests, knowing Danny wouldn’t wanna even say the words.

Kenickie added more pressure to his tickling and immediately got Danny howling harder while his legs kicked stronger but he couldn’t get free. His long fingers soon began covering more ground to scratch along the heels, balls, arches and even the tops a little until Danny’s laughter was all over the place, “AhAohaOAHNNoOnnOoHoAHAOoohohOAOHOAHA SSTTTohOHoHOOPPIIITT!! AOhAOhAooAOhAOhohohAAohAHAA!!!” Part of Kenickie was conflicted by how badly he was wrecking his best friend but the other part of him, the secret foot lover couldn’t get enough. Every time get forced out a humiliating high-pitched shriek or when Danny would have to stop himself from begging, those moments were like hits of a drug he couldn’t pull himself away from but the longer his mouth watered over the handsome feet, it became clear that tickling wasn’t enough; he needed to know how they tasted.

Kenickie’s fingers left the soles and his hands took hold of both ankles as he got on his knees facing the addictive 11s, “Oh my God…get off me! Enough of this bullshit!” Danny shouted from under the car with violent jerks but Kenickie kept a firm grip on both ankles and started licking from the left heel all the way up his foot, “WwwHAhaAA?!? DDOOnnNNTTLLIiICCkKKMmMEE!! OohAOhANnOoONOO!!” a mortified Danny yelled and laughed as Kenickie’s greedy tongue lathered up both tangy soles, jumping back and forth between the right and left with enthusiastic licks that tickled like hell judging from Danny’s reaction.

Kenickie couldn’t have been happier with the savory goodness on his taste buds and the way the soles wrinkled against his tongue with every lick. Danny was pounding into the ground and against the car like he’d explode but Kenickie loved hearing him lose it, actively defying his outbursts by flicking his tongue in zig-zags up and down the length of both salty soles to show Danny he could do whatever he wanted with his feet. Kenickie’s mouth had never come near a pair of feet in his life but it sure didn’t look that way as he devoured Danny’s, licking them clean and wiggling his tongue just the right way to keep his buddy hooping and hollering under the car with demands to be let go but Kenickie still hadn’t sampled his toes yet.

A moment of relief tricked Danny into thinking it was over until Kenickie started lapping up his right toes like a dog, appreciating every bit of flavor they had to offer as Danny came unglued. “AAAAhAOhAOAOOHAOhANnOonNOO!! AOhAOhaOOoHAoAH!! SSTTHOOhOHoPPP!! OOOOHHmMyyYGGGOOoDDPplLlEEEAAASSEE!!!” Kenickie couldn’t believe he’d just heard Danny Zuko beg, like a cherry on top of the perfect afternoon as he continued slurping up the juicy toes and driving his best friend absolutely crazy.

Kenickie had never flown that high in his life, surging with a surreal energy that he didn’t know what to do with as he savored Danny’s delicious, supremely ticklish feet. The fellow T-Bird had been too fixated on the buffet in front of him to realize how his own body had reacted to the intense exchange until it was too late, having ignored his own throbbing hard-on until he started sucking on both of Danny’s big toes at once and he suddenly erupted into his black jeans. A moan of unimaginable pleasure escaped Kenickie as the hands-free climax rocked his body and ruined his pants, having to put his hand over his mouth to muffle his reaction until finally he finished and let go of Danny’s ankles.

Kenickie was stunned by the turn of events, his head spinning from the insane rush and the fact that he’d even had the balls to enjoy Danny’s incredible feet but he was supposed to be having a smoke. If he didn’t return soon, Danny would surely get suspicious. Kenickie got off the floor and put his boots back on before pretending to walk into the garage, thankfully thinking to splatter some motor oil on his pants to hide the new stain, “Danny? What’s going on?” “Kenickie! Kenickie, help me out, man!!” “Alright, hang on” Kenickie answered and used the jack to prop the car back up so Danny could get out. Danny’s hair was disheveled, his cheeks were red, and his face was sweaty with overwhelmed eyes. “What happened, man? Talk to me” Kenickie tried to assess with put-on ignorance.

Danny didn’t even bother explaining once he got out, instead grabbing his shoes and socks and putting them back on like his bare feet weren't safe out in the open. “Somebody was in the garage! Did you see anyone run out or anything??” he asked while tying his shoes. “Yeah, I uhh…I saw Eugene run out when I was walking back” “Eugene?? Are you serious?!” “Why? What happened? How’d you get stuck under the car? And why were your shoes and socks over here?” Kenickie asked to see what Danny would say.

“Eugene’s a freak, that’s all…a real four-eyed freak” Danny answered like he didn’t want to say too much. Kenickie wanted to hear him admit how ticklish he was and how weird ‘Eugene’s’ tongue felt on his bare feet but no, it was clear Danny wasn’t about to say anything of the sort. Good thing Kenickie already knew how ticklish he was, how easy it was to get him squealing like a little girl, and how amazing Danny’s feet tasted. Eugene may have earned himself a spot on Danny’s shit list but Kenickie was still in good graces; he’d just have to be more creative next time he wanted to enjoy Danny Zuko’s sweet greaser feet.