ocean’s 11: To catch a thief

Danny Ocean and his team, Ocean’s 11 had pulled off one of the biggest heists in history after robbing Terry Benedict’s Las Vegas casino. They were calculated, they were swift, and they were efficient but their success had earned them a new enemy in Mr. Benedict. The money was ensured so it’s not like his wallet was hurt by the robbery but his ego was more than bruised, landing a target on each of the 11’s backs but Benedict was also calculating. He’d have his time with the whole team but right now three of them sat in one of his homes’ basements waiting to find out why they’d been abducted and who out of all the people they’d scorned had finally gotten the jump on them.

There was Danny, the salt and pepper leader who’d won his ex-wife back from Benedict along with the massive loot. He talked smooth, he was usually the smartest guy in the room, and his handsome features set him apart from most criminals in the game. Sitting to the left of him was Rusty Ryan, Danny’s pretty boy right hand man who could charm just about anyone. Despite being younger than Ocean, Rusty was already a pro at scams and manipulating people any way he wanted. To Danny’s right was Linus Caldwell, a skilled thief still finding his footing as a criminal but not nearly as confident as Rusty or Danny. He was closer to 30 than Rusty with a bit of a baby face that couldn’t hide the genuine anxiety running through him as they sat strapped in the bizarre chairs, tape-gagged and clueless as to what awaited them.

Footsteps coming down the spiral staircase demanded the trio’s attention and by the time they reached the basement floor, the trio knew exactly why they were there. “Danny Ocean…we meet again” Benedict greeted with a smarmy grin, more than pleased to see him all tied up and helpless. Danny tried to keep from reacting to avoid giving him the satisfaction but Linus was freaked enough for all three of them. Benedict motioned for the tape to be removed and Danny stretched his face a little to loosen back up before taking on Terry, “Is this how you operate now, Benedict? Kidnapping?” “Don’t be so dramatic, Danny…at this point we’re just old friends catching up and we have a lot to discuss” “What’s it been, 6 months? Don’t’ tell me you’re still mad” “It’s been 5 months 2 weeks and 3 days and yes I’m still mad, you smug son of a bitch” Benedict answered as Danny subtly tried testing the straps around his outstretched arms and the stocks his feet sat in.

“What do you want? You got your money back, the bank made sure of that” “I want you to suffer…I mean really suffer” Benedict answered, admittedly rattling Danny and Rusty this time. “If you’re gonna start cutting my fingers off just get on with it; the whole villain thing is boring” Danny tried to undermine. “Tied to a chair and you still think you can work any situation don’t you?” Benedict pointed out with an annoyed laugh of disbelief as he motioned for Linus and Rusty’s tape to be removed too. “This is a little kinky for you isn’t it, Benedict?” Rusty taunted. “You can’t just abduct us!” Linus tried to point out. “Your naivety is almost cute but as you can see, I can do whatever I want and what I want, is to make you three regret ever coming anywhere near my casino” Benedict explained as he started tugging on one of Danny’s loafers.

“I wear an 11 if you wanted to know that badly” Danny added as the leather slipped off and his sheer sock was exposed, trying to hide the mounting concern in his gut. “Come on, Benedict what is this?? Why are we here?” Rusty asked as if he was getting impatient. “Nice arches…”Benedict commentated without acknowledging Rusty before running a couple fingers along the high curvature, getting a surprised twitch in the black chair. “WhAahT are you doing?” Danny asked while fighting his natural reaction. “Nice socks too, silky smooth” Terry continued as he tugged off the other shoe and began gently gliding along the deep arches with his fingertips until Danny started getting squirmy. “OokkoOK…wwhAAT do you wahAnNT?!”

“I already told you what I want; suffering…and laughing and crying and begging” Benedict answered rather casually as he glided along the mature feet and Danny struggled to keep his usual cool. “Let us go! People will be looking for us if we just disappear, you know that right?!” Linus attempted to warn but his initial fear grew more intense the longer he watched Terry tease Danny’s feet, terrifying the clean cut thief with what it must mean for them. “eEEnNNOouGH!” “Enough what?” Benedict challenged without losing his rhythm up and down the socked soles. “You play with your food before you eat it too?” Rusty challenged with his typical attitude, this time to mask his nerves after connecting the same dots Linus had.

“What’s wrong, Danny?” Benedict asked to get under his skin more as he watched the mastermind’s face tighten with frustration. Danny exhaled sharply through his nose and bit his lip but the fingers never stopped, stroking back and forth across his trapped feet without any sign of stopping. “You’re tough but I guess my question is how tough?” Benedict taunted as he let the edge of his nails make contact with the sheer feet before taking another drag back down. “AAooHADdaAMMiiIT! JJuUSSTSSToOOPP!” “I’m not sure what the problem is, Danny, you’ll have to be more specific” “SSTToOPPTtiIiCCkKLIIiNngGMmMEE!” Danny fired back with reluctant admission, figuring as much as he hated to admit he was ticklish, it would hopefully get Benedict to stop.

“Well I don’t believe it, the great Danny Ocean is ticklish…lucky me” Benedict added with an even wider grin as Danny collected himself in the chair but the air in the room was different now; his confidence was shaken and a unique fear began to set in. “Tickling? That’s your grand plan for revenge?? You must only watch cartoons all day in that big fancy house” Rusty tried to embarrass him into reconsidering but Benedict left Danny and positioned himself in front of the blonde’s feet instead. “You’re wasting your time, Benedict. You could be getting old ladies’ retirement money from your slot machines right now” Rusty added as one of his $300 shoes was pulled off to reveal he wasn’t wearing any socks.

“Wow, I’ve never seen such beautiful feet on a man; I’m impressed” Benedict pointed out with genuine admiration for Rusty’s supple pink soles, perfectly kept nails, inviting toes, and mildly hairy tops. The mouthy criminal’s poker face started to crack with his bare foot so exposed, always haven been fairly foot shy but Benedict didn’t give him much time in suspense before dragging a few fingers from the heel all the way up his foot to the top of the balls. Rusty clenched his fists and cringed in the chair with sudden intensity, surprised by how hard the simple stroke hit him. “Baby soft too…” Benedict added before repeating the motion back down and watching Rusty strain against the straps with silent panic. “If you wanted to play with men’s feet I’m sure you could’ve done it in Vegas” Danny added to hopefully spare Rusty but Benedict pulled off the second shoe and nearly gave the ladies’ man a heart attack as he dragged his nails down both velvet soles.

“AAHhhhHHMMOoOTThHEErRfFuUCkKEEERR!!” Rusty let out with wide-eyed overload but Benedict raked back up the same way, making him buck in the chair with newfound motivation and laugh more than Danny had ever even heard him. “HAOKOOOkK!! GGoODDddAaMmMIITT!! AhoohAGGGEETtoOoOFFF!!” Rusty hated to say but he couldn’t take it. “Too bad you didn’t wear socks….at least you would’ve had some level of protection” Benedict teased with sweet sadistic pleasure while slowly clawing down both lean soles and Rusty jerked against the straps with fiery aggression, already sweating in his white-button down.

“We could just get you back your money! I know you already got it back from the bank but we can pay you back, just call this off!” Linus offered after seeing Rusty of all people struggling. “That’s an interesting offer, Mr. Caldwell…but I doubt you have enough to cover it with interest” Benedict answered a couple minutes later as he left Rusty’s naked feet and stood in front of Linus’ chair. “No, but I can get it…just give me some time” “You’re in no position to be negotiating. But I don’t think you’d be trying to if you didn’t have anything to worry about” Benedict pointed out as if Linus’ uneasiness wasn’t obvious. “Leave the kid alone, Benedict, you’re problem is with me” Danny spoke up just as Linus’ left shoe hit the floor.

“You’re right, Danny, you are one of my problems right now” Benedict agreed before the hired muscle behind Danny suddenly sank into his sides. “OoOahOAH!” shot out of the 40 yr. old before he could prepare himself for the drilling fingers moving up and down his vulnerable body. “Mr. Benedict, really, we can settle this like adults!” “Adults? I didn’t think adults were this ticklish” Benedict countered before the second shoe fell and he was fluttering along Linus’ navy blue socked feet. “NNoOOnNNooHAoHAAhASSTToOOpPpIIiT!!” Linus burst without half of the fight his friends put up as Benedict relished in his hyper sensitivity and bubbly laughter.

Refusing to accept he had no way out, Rusty yanked and pulled on the arm straps with everything he had while fighting the stocks with his legs, too focused on escaping to see the hands reach around and rip his shirt open. “Hey! Where the hell did you come FRrOoOhohAAMM! AhAhAhASshHIIiT!” poured out of Rusty with a forced smile as his assigned guard dug into his golden armpits, now with perfect access to really get in there. Danny floundered beside him with a deeper, hardy laugh as the man at his chair focused on his stomach and lower sides. After opening his shirt too, the man’s large hands easily dominated Ocean’s belly and squeezed just above his waist to shock Danny with his own sensitivity. “AahAohACCOoOomMEeOoOOnN!! TThHIISSSiIiSRRiIDDIiCCuUULLOOuUuSS!!” Benedict just smirked with satisfaction at Danny’s attempt to get at him and continued toying with Linus’ writhing feet.

He stopped long enough to grab the edges of both dress socks and watched Linus’ eyes grow twice their size, “No! Come on, we can work something out! Just let us go!” “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were scared, Linus” Benedict taunted as the socks peeled off both pale feet and they tried getting away from him, wiggling around and even trying to cover one with the other. “Where do you think you can possibly go?” Benedict laughed as he grabbed the right foot and secured the first three plump toes in black ties attached to the top of the stocks. “What the hell are those?!” Linus questioned with curious, horrified eyes while his second foot was secured. Benedict watched him anticipate what was coming with sadistic glee as Linus realized he couldn’t move his feet and Terry quickly proved him right with all ten fingers on his baby pink soles.

“oOoHOHAohAAohANNoOnnNOO!! AOhAohAAOJJuUSSTtSsttoOOpPP!!” Linus howled while bouncing around in the chair but his poor feet could barely wiggle in place. Benedict concentrated his short nails on the balls of both smooth soles and filled the basement/wine cellar with Linus’ boyish laugh, contrasting and with his friends’ more robust reactions. “GgeEETToOoFFMmEeE!! IIICCAAAnNPpPAAyYYYOOuUUMMmoOoRREeE!!” Danny tried to convince but that just got him tickled harder after a signal from Benedict, triggering both hands to drill into the sides of his hairy chest. “AAOAOhAAFfFUuUuCCckK!” Danny let out as he fought the straps again in hopes of getting loose, never one to stay in a sticky situation very long.

Benedict raked down Linus’ tender soles one last time with a slow, agonizing drag until finally falling off the heels and letting him relax in the chair, panting with ticklish exhaustion. “God, you’re mean” “Thanks” Benedict grinned back and nodded, confusing Linus until he felt two hands lock onto his thighs and start squeezing from behind. “AAAAHHHA! NNOOnNOoOAOhAOhAAohA!!” barreled out of Linus with fresh panic as the strong fingers worked into his upper legs and Benedict made his way back to Rusty, still cursing and threatening the man kneading into his exposed pits. “Why don’t you try somewhere else? I bet he’s got plenty of sweet spots” Terry suggested as Rusty stared him down, biting his lip to try and hold out as he felt the guard start fluttering along his neck.

Rusty’s charismatic eyes almost warned Benedict of what he’d do to him as he fought to not react, his chiseled face growing red and his breathing shallow until a single finger down Rusty’s right foot pushed him over the edge. “AAohAaFfuUUcCCkKoOooFFFMmMmAAAnN!! CCuUUTTiIiTTOOUUTT!” Rusty demanded but the fingers refused to leave him alone, dancing all over his neck no matter how fast he tried to block them with his head, amusing Terry even more. “You’re a funny guy, Rusty…let’s see how hard I can make you laugh” Benedict explained as he finished slipping on the metal finger-tip attachments and returned to his feet to rake down both satin soles. “OoOOHoOoSSHhHIIIITT!!” Rusty peaked with sharper, surprised laughter, looking down to see what on Earth tickled that bad but any focus he had was quickly derailed when the dull claws started scratching along his pale arches.

“AAhhAoAOhAFFfuUuCckKIInNGSSTToOOPP!! TTWWiIisSSTTTEeEdDAASshHOOOLLEE!!” Rusty erupted even louder and thrashed in the chair like he’d break it as Benedict worked back and forth between the balls and heels of Rusty’s amazing feet. “BBbEenNNEEdDiIiCCTT!! LLLlEETTtthHHEEmMMGGOoO!” Danny shouted with the guard at his chair now squeezing his knees. “Why would I do a thing like that? I have you all here and you all stole from me; I just happen to dislike you the most” Benedict answered as he lassoed Rusty’s toes in the toe ties, leaving his feet more taut and terrifyingly vulnerable. “You gotta be kidding…” Rusty questioned with another flare of attitude, prompting Terry to reach back toward his bare feet but stopping short just to see him jump. “Haha I love it” Benedict taunted as he left Rusty and returned to Danny, positioning himself at the socked feet while two more men appeared from the unseen part of the basement to help tickle Rusty and Linus.

“HeYyY!! NoOoNNoOmMMoOORREEAHaHA!!” Linus exploded with animated hysterics as second man unleashed two electric toothbrushes on his lush soles and toes. He sunk into the chair and shook back and forth with embarrassing laughter but there was no chance of him even trying to tough it out, not with the countless bristles scrubbing and vibrating across the base of his toes and along his feet. That alone wrecked Linus but the first man pulled his collared shirt over his head and went to work on his pits, using his thumbs to dig in with cruel precision and really get him squealing.

“Oh come on, one is already more than enough! Guys, be reasonable hereEHahoAoHAAaAHAOhAAFFuUUuCCkK!” Rusty couldn’t help but let out once the second man started dragging the sharp ends of two feathers all over his incredibly ticklish feet. The acute points zig-zagging and drawing circles across his newly restrained soles was nothing short of diabolical so when the first man started teasing his nipples at the same time, Rusty couldn’t help but fall apart. The typically cool and collected con-man was anything but as he overflowed with full-body laughter and even let out a sharp shriek every so often whenever the feathers hit just the right spots.

“Sergei, would you grab the brushes please?” Benedict asked the man at Danny’s knees. “No, forget the brushes…why the hell do you need brushes??” a tired Danny asked, still trying to undermine Terry anyway he could but it was hard for even him to keep a straight face when he saw his socks being pulled off. “You had your fun, you got us back…what else is there? I mean this is just silly” Danny attempted to reason while Benedict secured his tan toes in the collection of thin ties. “Ya know, I used to enjoy crushing my enemies with my money; burying their businesses or bankrupting them but you and your little team deserve special treatment. Anybody who thinks they can just walk in and take from me should be dealt with in a more personal way, one where I can break you myself” Benedict explained as the man handed him two medium-sized hairbrushes.

“Terry, come on! This is insane!” “You don’t know insane, not yet anyway” Benedict answered before taking a brush in each hand and launching onto Danny’s bare feet. “WWOooAOHAOAHAOhAahAhaahA!! NNOOoOO! SSTTOOHOOOpPpPpP!!!” Burst out of Danny harder than he was expecting but the stiff bristles were brutal, quickly forcing him into a bumbling mess as he raged in the chair. The plastic bristles were perfect for Danny’s slightly dryer soles, sawing back and forth across the sandy pink balls while Sergei shoved a vibrating wand between his thighs and started working into his stomach again with both hands. “AAAhOAoOhOHNNOONNnOOO!! AohAAOoOhMMYyYGGoOoOOoDD!!! AhoAOhAATTEEERRRYYY!!” Mr. Ocean practically screamed with violent laughter but Benedict was on cloud 9, more than happy as he began running the brushes up and down the length of Danny’s handsome feet.

Rusty prayed the toe ties would break and he could at least try to avoid the vicious feathers on his feet or that the man tickling his hard nipples would get bored and quit torturing him while Linus fought to keep from humiliating himself and peeing from laughing so hard thanks to the ruthless toothbrushes exploring his bubbly toes and the man now licking his armpits clean. But their brilliant leader was in just as much trouble, if not more as the hairbrushes started moving faster across Danny’s rich soles and Sergei concentrated on his bellybutton with a maddening single-finger technique. “AAHoAaSSSTTTOoOOPPPIiIiTT!! BBbEENnEEDDIIiCCTTTEEnNNoOOUuUGGH!!”

“You stole 160 million dollars from me so I think 160 minutes is a fair time don’t you?” “WwhhAHaATT?!” Danny, Rusty, and Linus all asked almost simultaneously. “Fine, I’ll make it an even 200. You convinced me” Benedict explained with another villainous grin. He knew they’d be a hard bunch to crack the way he wanted, begging through desperate laughter and fully broken after over three hours of tickling but they’d submit to him eventually. He wouldn’t give them a choice.