full house: Jesse’s perfect feet

“You know, Joseph…I don’t think getting my band back together was a good idea after all. I mean they might have forgotten how to play or something, who knows?” Jesse thought out loud as he drank his 6th beer. “I know, Jess…they’re probably not still as cool as you are either” Joey agreed while still working on his first as they hung out in the attic turned bedroom. He’d never seen Jesse so close to drunk but his old bandmates ditching their plan for a reunion had really gotten him down. “Yeah I’m still cool, right? I mean I’ve still got all my hair and don’t have a gut” Jesse pointed out with a boozy smile, his cocky side coming out a little thanks to Joey’s compliment. “Absolutely but you know what’d be even cooler is if you gave me the beer and laid down. How about that?” Joey tried to persuade as he reached for the bottle. “Hold on” Jesse answered before turning the beer up to finish it and slamming it down on the counter like he did in his younger days at the clubs.

“Great, I’ll even pull the covers back for you” Joey offered but Jesse flopped down before he could finish. “Oh alright, that works too” the blonde comedian added as Jesse turned over on his stomach and pried off his right black boot with the toe of the other and repeated the same thing until he was more comfortable. Joey returned to the small bar and cleaned up the beer bottles before leaving but one look back at Jesse stopped him in his tracks, the socked feet grabbing his attention and refusing to let go. “No…I can’t, he’d kill me” Joey tried to convince himself while grabbing the last few bottle caps to throw away but couldn’t help from looking back again, this time watching the toes twitch a little in his sleep as a tingle went up Joey’s back.

He could already feel his jeans getting tighter the longer he admired his friend’s feet, with every flex and sleepy wiggle drawing him in more. The goofy uncle walked over to Jesse’s bed as quietly as he could and peeked his head around to make sure he was still out cold before kneeling down at the end of the bed and leaning closer to take a big whiff of both feet. “Oh my God…that’s incredible” Joey exhaled as his excitement grew another inch. With Jesse’s legs close together Joey could breathe both feet in at the same time and it was glorious, the charming smell of mild sweat and seasoned leather almost too good to be true. The addictive aroma was suddenly like a drug he needed more of and Joey buried his face in the socked soles, the warmth of both feet on his cheeks almost too much to handle.

He watched through the grey heels as Jesse rustled around a little but never actually woke up, allowing Joey to indulge in his macho essence unbothered. The white tube socks were good enough to keep as a souvenir but Joey’s desire to get at Jesse’s bare feet soon became insatiable, convincing him to reach in the legs of his jeans to slowly and I mean slowly peel the socks off. Both rosy heels peaked out first and Joey felt his adrenaline kick in as he continued until inch by inch the wrinkled soles were unveiled and the cotton layer slipped off the unbelievable toes. Joey practically had a kickstand between him and the bed by now as he studied the luscious feet, mesmerized by every curved line across the strawberry soles and the way each toe looked juicier than the next. He was almost drooling after a couple minutes but knew he could still back out; Jesse wouldn’t think it was that odd if Joey had taken his socks off after he fell asleep. He could at least explain that away but if Jesse woke up to Joey doing what he really wanted, there was no way to know how it would go.

Joey watched his back rise and fall with steady breaths and figured that meant he was asleep enough to risk it before leaning closer and running his tongue along the length of his left foot. It was like an out of body experience, too surreal to believe but he quickly went in for seconds, this time flattening his tongue more to lick along the right sole from balls to heel while his body practically vibrated. Jesse’s legs adjusted a little on the comforter but nothing more and Joey continued, snaking across all ten bubbly toes to savor the Greek hunk’s unique flavor as a light giggle slipped out from the head of the bed. “I knew his feet were ticklish!” Joey quietly announced with a grin of satisfaction before kissing along both perfect soles like he wasn’t worthy to worship them, ending on the right heel and winding his tongue back down the pristine sole. “OoAHoa” Jesse let out and Joey froze in suspense for nearly 30 seconds, making sure he hadn’t actually woken him up before going back for more.

He wrapped his lips around the side of his left foot just under his pinky toe and started sucking along the salty treat with tender affection, his tongue soon joining to wiggle along the soft sole at the same time. Jesse giggled again and his other foot tried to itch whatever was tickling him but ended up rubbing on Joey’s face instead, the silky toes wiggling across his cheek and up the side toward his forehead before falling back onto the bed. Joey smiled with euphoric disbelief and took an even bolder turn of moving both feet even closer so the big toes were touching and lathering up both soles with a winding motion like he’d always fantasized about. Jesse actually let out a low moan after a few licks but Joey knew by now it wasn’t anything to worry about, convincing him it was alright to take the left foot in his hands and slip the big toe in his mouth. He wasn’t even thinking about the risks at this point as he sucked the big toe and soon moved down the line until all he could taste was Jesse’s feet then slithering his tongue between each of the tan toes like he could go on forever.

Joey’s enthusiastic tongue lapped up every bit he could but just as he began running along Jesse’s soft arch, the Elvis fanatic started mumbling something and shifting around on the bed. Joey’s eyes grew wide with panic and he hurried to his feet, scrambling to get out of sight before Jesse could sit up. He practically flew down the short stairs and carefully closed the door behind him just as Jesse looked around like he was trying to make sense of a strange dream. “I can’t believe that just happened…” Joey smiled as he sat on his bed moments later, reeling from the unique intensity like it was his own strange, fantastic dream.

The next day was a typical Saturday in the Tanner house with Danny cleaning from top to bottom, even deeper than usual while the girls weren’t home and Jesse and Joey finishing lunch at the kitchen table. Joey struggled to think about anything for very long without the night before popping back into his head, especially with Jesse just sitting there reading the paper as if nothing had happened. “You alright there, Joey? You haven’t told a bad joke all morning” Jesse questioned. “Oh yeah, I’m fine. Anything good in the paper?” “Since when do you care what’s in the paper?” “Oh ya know…it doesn’t hurt to stay up to date on current events” Joey tried to explain as Jesse gave him a suspicious look only interrupted by his attention going back to the paper.

He could hardly act natural with the thought of Jesse’s delicious feet in his mouth, having to focus just to avoid getting stiff under the table. Fulfilling such a wild fantasy was beyond satisfying but after confirming Jesse was indeed ticklish, Joey was dying to really tickle him, desperately eager to get his hands on the handsome pair again. Licking and sucking on them was one thing but he knew tickling would be easier, innocent enough to not weird anyone out and still allow him to get at Jesse’s marvelous feet. “Hey guys, would you mind helping me out a bit?” Danny asked as he came through the kitchen door. “As long as it’s not cleaning the gutters; I saw no less than two dead squirrels last time” Jesse answered with a reluctant face. “No, not the gutters. I still have to dust and mop so if you two could flip my mattress for me, that’d be great” Danny explained. “Flipping your mattress is part of your cleaning routine?” Joey asked. “I do it every few weeks; it keeps my back from getting too stiff” Danny answered. “Yeah, we can take care of it. Come on, Joey” Jesse added before they left to head up stairs.

“Has Danny always had two mattresses?” Jesse questioned upon finding the two identical mattresses filling the frame. “I guess he ditched the box spring” Joey answered as his wheels started turning. “We could just not flip it and tell him we did; I doubt he’ll even notice” Jesse suggested with a sly grin. “You think Danny Tanner won’t notice something?” Joey challenged. “Yeah you’re probably right” “I’ll uhh…take the right side and you get the other one. I’ll push my side up and you push down” “Easy enough” Jesse agreed with a hand through his gelled hair before moving around to grab his side. “Ok, on 3; 1…2...3!” Joey counted down and Jesse started pushing down as instructed but Joey waited a few seconds until he could tell Jesse was really straining. “Anytime now!” Jesse reminded and Joey suddenly pushed up, making Jesse fall forward between the mattresses as the top one fell on him. “What was that, Joey!?” Jesse questioned as he squirmed between the mattresses and Joey quickly made sure the top one was in place before lying across it.

“What are you doing?? Help me out of here!” Jesse shouted with his feet kicking on one side and his head on the other trying to see what was going on. “You must’ve pushed too hard” Joey offered as he faced the writhing boots and his own socked feet rested inches above Jesse’s head. “Why did you get on top of the mattress?? And why do your feet smell so weird!?” Jesse demanded to know just as he felt his boots being tugged off. “Hey…HEY! Joey! What are you doing with my boots??” “Uhh…sorry, Jess…I can’t hear you from down there” Joey tried to excuse as the second boot hit the floor and he quickly got rid of the tube socks, spiking Jesse’s attempt to get out. “What the hell are you doing?!? Come on, I’m serious – get off me!!” “You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish would you, Jesse?” Joey asked as if he didn’t already know just to mess with him more. “What?! No…no I’m not ticklish, now stop fooling around and help me oOUutTTAHoHaohAohhAohAHAHoHA” burst out of Jesse like a damn breaking the minute Joey started raking up the trapped feet. “Oh wow, looks like you lied, buddy” Joey teased as he enjoyed the mouthwatering soles, dragging his short nails along the length of both feet like he had all the time in the world.

“AHoHohAJJjJoOOoeEYYYSsTToOOOPP!! AhoAoahOhAHAAhoALLLEEAAAVVEeMmYyFEeeTTAAlLLOOnNneeEE!!” Jesse howled with his gorgeous hair flying back and forth under Joey’s rank feet. “I’m just having a little fun, Jesse…no need to lose your cool” Joey taunted before reaching down to explore the toes and scratching along the undersides where they met the balls. He could feel Jesse floundering between the mattresses even harder at the new attack and Joey kept right on tickling, making sure to really get in there and wreck the golden toes. “AAohAOhAOhANnONnoOOMmmOoRREE!! AoHAoHAAHiIIIMmMMEEAaNNiIiITT!! GGEeTTTOOoFFf!!” Jesse yelled through the steady laughter but there was no derailing Joey now that he had the stunning feet at his mercy. He’d known Jesse for years and had lived with him for several but could only count on one hand the number of times he’d seen Jesse walk around barefoot, explaining why the ex-rocker’s soles were unusually soft and picturesque, especially for a man his age. Unfortunately for Jesse, that also meant they were wildly sensitive and every stroke across his heavenly soles was absolutely killer.

“Man, check out these arches…they’re not too flat or too high; you might even say they’re just right” Joey commented as he his fingers started running along the curvature of both feet while Jesse desperately tried to jerk them out of reach. The part-time ventriloquist smiled from ear to ear like he was on cloud nine, clawing along the mild arch from the balls to heels with just the right amount of pressure to drive Jesse crazy.

“AAHoAhohOAHAOHAAAhoAHoahAhoAEENNnoOUUUGGGhh!! AHOAHoHAJJJoOOoEEEYYyYyPpllEEAASEEE! AHoAHoHAAAohAHASsTTOoOoPPpiIiTTT!!” “Did you say it wasn’t enough? I mean I thought I was doing a good job but if you want more…” Joey answered before taking both big toes in one hand and raking up and down the tasty soles twice as fast as before. “AAAAAHH!! HAOhOhOHAOHAAnNNOOO!! AHoHAIIMMGGOOONNnAAKKIIlLLyyOoUUU!!” “Jess, you really shouldn’t threaten people while you’re stuck between two mattresses” Joey added as he started toeing off his own socks until they fell to the floor, landing on either side of Jesse’s face so the comedian’s flavorful feet were hitting him from above and below. “AhAOhyYoOUuRReEEDdiiSSGGuSSTTiiINNGG!!”

“What about these heels? They look nice and smooth” Joey proposed loud enough for Jesse to hear him as he started wiggling along the sandy pink heels. “OHOhoOhOahAohAOhAAAHoAoahADDAAamMIiITTjJoOOeEYY!! CCCuUTTIiiITToOOUUTT!!” “Hey - that’s my line!” Joey reminded as the lighter technique proved even the mildest touch was enough to get a lively reaction. He focused on the heels for close to five minutes until curiosity persuaded him to try somewhere else, reaching around to the tops of Jesse’s feet and gently scratching along them toward his ankles. “OOohoOhaoHNNoOnnOHOAoAoAoOAhAOHAaAhAAhA” bubbled out of the ladies’ man almost instantly. “Oh man! Even the tops of your feet are ticklish! I’ve never seen that” Joey gushed with excitement while moving up and down the tender tops and Jesse tried to press his feet against the mattress but with the hands in the way, there wasn’t a thing he could do.

“Alright…I guess I’ll stop” Joey soon announced as he stopped tickling the tops and started rubbing the soles with the pads of his fingers for a very gentle massage. “…just stop touching my feet and let me outta here! This is ridiculous!” Jesse barked, breathing as if he’d just run a mile. “You know what I think is ridiculous? Lying to your best friend about being ticklish; I mean that’s just silly” Joey answered while still enjoying the almost luxurious feeling of his velvet soles. “We are two grown men; grown men don’t just tickle each other! Now let me out!!” Jesse fired back. “I think someone needs to be more honest…” Joey concluded as he grabbed the big toes again in one hand. “NO! Joey, DO NOT mess with my feet anymorREREAhAhoAhAOAaAhAHAOHOoAohAHAHA!!” erupted from Jesse with violent jerking between the mattresses as Joey raked up and down both feet even faster than before.

“I want to hear you admit you’re ticklish” Joey instructed. “AhAOHAoAAAHOAHoAHAAAHoAohAAJjuUUSSTTSSTTOOoAOAHOhoPP!!” “Admit you’re ticklish and I’ll stop” Joey doubled down while forcing the feet tauter and getting his balls, arches, and heels in every stroke. “AAHoAoHAAOAohAAoAHAAHAOOKOoKK!! AHoAHAOHAiIiMMMMTTTiIiCCKKLLiIiSsSHH! AHoHoAHAHAOHAOhAOOKK!?? HAoAHAONnnOoOWWCcoOmEEOOoNN!!” “And that you have two very ticklish feet” “AaHOAhAOhaohOAHAOhhOhAohAoHAAHAALLlRRRIiGGHTT! AHOAHAiIIHhAaaAVVEEETTWWOoOTTiIcCkKlIlIiSshFFEEET!!” “Two VERY ticklish feet” “VVEeEERrRRyyTTIIIccKKLLlIIiSsHFFEEeETT!!” Jesse forced out through the wild laughter, struggling to get the words out with girly squeals interrupting his efforts.

“Guys, what’s going on up here…?” Danny asked as he walked through the doorway a few minutes later, finally getting Joey to stop. “Oh hey, Danny. We were just in the middle of flipping your mattress” Joey casually explained. “…we’re kicking Joey out” Jesse added. “What are you talking about?” “He’s a menace and can’t live here anymore!” Jesse assured with vague frustration. “And why is Joey a menace?” “Because I found out how ticklish Jesse is” Joey answered. “No, no…that is not why. He just trapped me between these unusually thick mattresses and has been messing with my feet this whole and you don’t mess with a man’s feet!” Jesse tried to explain. “I thought it was the hair you didn’t touch” “Yeah that too” Jesse answered. “Maybe you should just see for yourself, Danny” Joey suggested as a curious smirk grew across the clean freak’s face. “Danny, no! Just help me out of this! Don’t listen to him!” Jesse tried to deter but Danny was already walking around to the other side of the bed. Joey ran a single finger up Jesse’s right foot as a demonstration and got a quick yelp from the opposite side. “Oh wow…you weren’t kidding” Danny added. “Danny, don’t! Just get him off me!” “Alright, Jess, I’ll help you out…just give me a few minutes. This is too good to pass up” “What?! No! Guys!! Don’tAhAAoAOAAoAoohAoAOhAA!!” Jesse went berserk with hilarious laughter as twice the fingers let loose on flawless feet, confirming his secret was officially out and his friends would never let him forget it.