malcolm in the middle: Tickle war

“Malcolm, you could at least pick up after yourself. Do they have maids at college you’ve become accustom to that I don’t know about?” Lois added with an annoyed tone as she made her way through the dirty living room, stepping around chip bags and empty soda cans. “I’m planning to sell the cans; every nickel counts” the 18 yr. old replied with his usual sarcasm. “Look, I know you’re upset about missing your trip so I’m gonna ignore the smart ass routine this time but you’re gonna have to move on, honey. It’s your spring break; at least try and enjoy yourself instead of being miserable” Lois encouraged. “I would be enjoying myself if I was snorkeling or hiking…you know, like they do on the trip I should be on right now” Malcolm reminded with obvious bitterness toward his situation. “I understand that you’re upset and you’re right, it’s not fair but life isn’t fair. I don’t work at the Lucky Aid because I like pointing people toward the diapers; we needed to fix the car and your college refund was our only option. I’m sorry about the trip but try to get past it and for God’s sake clean up all this crap” Lois added before walking out the door.

Malcolm was used to being disappointed in the dysfunctional family but he thought he’d finally gotten an opportunity to do something for himself, something more luxurious than he was used to. But no, the 3,000 dollars extra he was awarded in scholarship money ended up being pulled out from under him for the family car and now instead of relaxing on a beach or swimming with dolphins he was stuck at home sulking on the couch. “You look like shit” Reese pointed out as he flopped down beside Malcolm. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? Oh, I forgot you got fired for eating the merchandise” “Trevor Baxter bet me that I couldn’t eat four pizzas and I did so now who looks dumb?” the older brother fired back with pride in his asinine achievement. “If it wasn’t for you messing up the car I wouldn’t even be here” Malcolm reminded. “Are you gonna whine about missing that dumb trip the whole week? Don’t be such a baby” Reese added as he pulled his dirty white sock off and tossed it at his little brother’s face. “Gross! Don’t you ever change those??” “When I think about it” Reese answered with a smile as the second one came off and the 20 year old flexed his smelly toes on the coffee table, only annoying Malcolm more as they watched the Cops marathon together.

“Boys, I’m going to work. You two gonna be here ok by yourselves?” Hal asked as he entered the room. “Dad, we’re adults. You don’t have to worry about us” Malcolm replied. “I’m more worried about you burning down the house than anything, just don’t let Reese cook while your mother and I are gone” “It’s not my fault the microwave can’t handle my appetite” Reese pointed out. “Just be careful. See ya later, boys” Hal added before leaving them alone. By 11:30 Malcolm was passed out on the couch after two ham sandwiches that’d left him ripe for a mid-day nap while Reese read his secret dirty magazine in their room. All was quiet in the Wilkerson house until “REESE! I’m gonna kill you!” Malcolm shouted from the living room, stomping toward their bedroom until he found his prankster brother already laughing his head off. “Do you always have to be such an ass?” the angry teen genius spouted in frustration while Reese laughed even more at the sight of Malcolm’s bare feet covered in the chocolate pudding he’d placed by the couch.

“It worked ahaha! I can’t believe you stepped right in it!” Reese teased as Malcolm’s temper flared. “You’re dead” “I’d be more worried about the mess you made; mom’s gonna be pissed” Reese pointed out as Malcolm looked back to see the chocolate pudding foot prints he’d left behind. “You’re cleaning that up!” the younger boy insisted. “Haha…ok, fine…the look on your face was worth it. I’ll even throw in a foot cleaning for giving me such a laugh” Reese offered almost sarcastically. “Whatever…just hurry up; I don’t want to get all sticky” Malcolm agreed as his twisted brother got to work cleaning up the foot prints before returning to the bedroom. “I’m waiting” Malcolm added with his bare feet out in front of him to avoid dirtying up the floor any more. “Chill out; I’m getting there” Reese answered before sitting down in front of the pale feet and ran a towel across the left sole, getting a quick giggle from Malcolm as his toes curled. “Easy” Malcolm instructed while Reese tried to hide his grin; his plan was working. “Looks like somebody’s still pretty ticklish” Reese pointed out as he grabbed a pair of toy handcuffs from his back pocket and quickly secured Malcolm’s ankles to the leg of the bed.

"Reese what are you doing?!?!" Malcolm asked with confused annoyance, trying to jerk free. “Just because you wanna mope around all week doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun” Reese assured before tackling his brother onto the bed and producing a second pair of cuffs for his wrists. “Get off me, dickwad!” Malcolm objected as one cuff was locked around his wrist, prompting him to fight back more but Reese overpowered him and secured the second so his hands were behind his back. “What are you doing?! Take these off!” “You know, for a genius you’re pretty dumb” Reese taunted with an accomplished grin before returning to the now captive bare feet. Malcolm couldn’t help but be nervous as he watched Reese’s devilish eyes lock onto his helpless feet but there wasn’t any time to object before Reese commenced the tickling.

The college boy was quickly reduced to squirms, yelps, and panicked laughter as Reese started drawing circles on his pudding-covered soles. Every now and then his vicious fingers ran across the softest area near the arches and earning Reese a louder, sharper version of Malcolm's giggly yelps as he floundered on the bed. It was obvious how much Reese was enjoying himself by the wicked smile on his face and soon started tracing the lines of the right sole with his nails, making Malcolm shriek in surprise. "AAAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA SssSSTtTOoOOoO TtiIiCcKkLLLIiiINnGG MY FEEEEEEHEHEHEEET HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Malcolm tried to convince as his brother continued wrecking the smooth pink feet.

After a minute or two more Reese started wiggling his devious fingers in between Malcolm’s sensitive toes, driving the pretentious teen extra crazy. "HAHAHAHA STTTOOPPPP NNNNOOOTtTT MmMYyYY TTTOOOEEESsSS!!!" Malcolm howled as the fingers twisted and wiggled between each of his long toes, proving he was just as ticklish as he was smart. Reese knew his brother to be ticklish but he’d never realized to this extent and he loved using it against him, focused on torturing Malcolm as his nails raked up and down the chocolate soles. Reese had always been mischievous and a little sadistic but something about having such sensitive feet in front of him to play with drove him wild with excitement.

Tickling his brother’s feet was a major thrill for the prankster but it was sweetened even more by the pudding all over them, bringing out his love of chocolate. “CooOMMmEOoOnn!! haoHAOHAOHAAssSTTOOopPIiiITT!!” Malcolm shouted through the wild laughter but he hadn’t even seen the worst Reese had in store for him. The older brother tied his big juicy toes together with some thin string and started tickling Malcolm’s extra sensitive arches with all ten fingers. "AHAAHAAHOAHAOHOANNoONNNoOHAOHA YYoOOuuUuAAASSsHOOLLlLEEE!! haoHaOAAOAHOAHOAAOhAOHAANNoooNNoOOHOhAOA!!” Malcolm erupted into higher pitched laughter only for a hellacious minute until Reese suddenly started sucking the tied toes. “AAAAHHAOhAOAHOAOAHWWHAAAATTThHEEHOHAHHeELL!?!” Malcolm nearly flew off the bed at the bizarre sensations, shrieking with wild laughter as Reese slurped on the chocolatey toes. The older boy’s tongue wiggled and snaked between and all over his plump big toes to get every bit of sugary goodness, even using his teeth to nibble on the supple flesh to make Malcolm buck on the bed in hysterics. “AAHoAHANNOONnNOOHAOAHAAASSTTOOoPP!! aHoaHAATTHhAATTSSsooOoGGRROOooSs! AHoaHAGGeEETTtoOoOFFmMYYYTToOoeeESS!!”

Malcolm couldn't believe what Reese was doing, I mean he had never had his toes sucked, much less by his brother and it tickled like some kind of strange and unusual punishment. After cleaning the toes, Reese started licking along the pudding covered soles, using long strokes of his tongue and quick slurps around the rosy heels. Malcolm almost thought he was hallucinating as he watched his brother lick his feet so enthusiastically but it tickled far too much for it not to be real. “AAHAOAHaohAOhaOAHSSSTTOooOoOPPP!! HAOhaoahAAAHOhaAIIIiCcAAAnNNTTtAAAKKEEEiiIiTT!!” a bumbling Malcolm begged in sensory overload as Reese's chocolate addiction was finally satisfied after he sucked and licked all the pudding off the genius' now squeaky clean toes and shiny soles.

“Thanks for the snack” Reese added with a satisfied grin but just when Malcolm thought the torture was over, the relentless tickler started spidering all over both buttery soles as fast as he could to torment his brainy little brother. "STTTOOoOOoOPPP NNNOOOOOO MMOOOORRREEEE NNNOOOO MAHAHAOOORREEEE!" Malcolm begged through the worst tickling he’d ever endured, thrashing on the bed as he squealed with desperate laughter, he and his naked feet totally at his brother’s mercy. Reese’s fingers moved with masterful ease along both creamy soles, soon opting to rake up and down both feet, dragging his nails from the heels to the pink balls over and over as Malcolm laughed harder than the last time Francis targeted his embarrassingly sensitive feet.

“Say you’ll do my chores for the rest of the week” Reese instructed while dominating the slick soles. “AHAOHAnNOOnNOoooWWaAAAyY!” “Say it!” Reese pressed, scribbling faster to break him. “AAAOhAOAOoKkOOOKKKhAOHOAHOhAA yYyOOOuUuWWWIiIINNN IIIiLLlDdooOTThhEEEMmAHOAHAA!!” Malcolm reluctantly gave in, unable to take anymore of the tickle torture. After another five minutes of tickling the velvet soles Reese finally stopped and let his brother go, unlocking both sets of cuffs with a sense of reaffirmed dominance. “Your feet should be pretty clean now – you’re welcome. Oh, and my hamper is full so you should probably get to work on the laundry” Reese added with a grin as Malcolm caught his breath, already planning on how to get him back.

Reese was proud of himself for pulling yet another top-notch prank and spent the rest of the day on the PlayStation, riding the high of tickling the shit out of Malcolm. He gamed for a few hours but when Malcolm came back into the room after washing Reese’s clothes, he found him asleep in front of the TV with the screen flashing ‘Game Over’. A brilliantly evil grin sprouted on Malcolm’s face as he put the hamper down and moved closer to Reese to see he was fully knocked out on the floor, giving Malcolm a green light to take advantage of the opportune situation. The clever teen grabbed the controller and used the cord to hogtie Reese, leaving his rank bare feet upturned and giving Malcolm a twinge of excitement for what was to come.

He used a few fingers to diddle along one of Reese’s slender feet to wake him up, watching the sensations hit him as his eyes fluttered open. "AhohHsToOoOp Hey! What's going on?!" Reese demanded to know as he woke up, immediately struggling in the hogtie. "Did you think I was just gonna let the pudding prank go? This is revenge” "What?! No, come on dude, I'll uh, I'll do your chores for a month!" Reese tried to deter, realizing he couldn’t escape and fighting back wasn’t an option. "I’m not looking to get anything out of this other than tickling you until you piss yourself” Malcolm informed with his own mean-streak coming through.

"Come on, Malcolm! Let me go, man!!” Reese shouted while jerking on the floor with nervous anticipation, suspecting he was still just as ticklish as his little brother. "Alright...I guess I won’t" Malcolm surprisingly obliged as Reese let out a huge sigh of relief but he couldn’t see Malcolm walking to the nearest bathroom. “Aren’t you gonna untie me?” Reese asked only a moment before a buzzing sound filled the room, “Malcolm…what is that?! Hey! I thought you were gonna let me go!” “I lied” was all Malcolm said before landing the electric toothbrush on the vulnerable soles. "AAAAAAHAHAHA STtTTAAahAOAHAOOOPPP!!!" Reese exploded with wide eyes of panic as the moving bristles wreaked havoc on his trapped feet. "AAHAHAAHA MMMAALLLCcOOLLLmMM SSTTTOOOOP PPpPLLLEEEAaAASSSEEEE" Reese begged as he realized he was no match for the powerful tool. “Wow, I didn’t realize you were this ticklish. I’ll have to remember that” Malcolm taunted before focusing the bristled end on the bubbly toes, leaving it on each one to let the toothbrush return the ticklish favor.

Malcolm wasn’t as devious as his brother but he did love making him lose his mind and writhe on the floor with just a toothbrush, indulging in the rich revenge. “HoHoahaohaASSTTOOOPpP HAOhOhaaAHOAHAHIIiMMMGGgOoNnnAAKKIIlllYYOouUuUOAOhaohOHA!!” Reese threatened in an attempt to scare Malcolm into stopping but it was no use. The wiz kid instead started scraping up and down the super sensitive feet with his nails, forcing out a burst of booming laughter as Reese fought against the hogtie even more to avoid Malcolm’s merciless fingers. “I think I’ll do this instead of hitting you or telling Mom the next time you prank me; this is way more fun” Malcolm proposed with a smile to mess with Reese as he laughed in ticklish horror, fearful that Malcolm wasn’t kidding. The tickle revenge was indeed very sweet but as he continued tickling the smooth feet, it almost became a way to get back at him for ALL the pranks he’d pulled over the years and for making their parents use his money for the car.

Francis had always been a cruel tickle monster but Malcolm was proving to be a close second as he wrecked Reese so viciously. The older boy didn’t know how it could get any worse but the electric toothbrush soon buzzed alive again with Malcolm concentrating the bristles along the base of the tan toes. "AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOHOHOHOHOHO PLEASE NOHOHOT THERE NOHOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHERE AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The bound trouble maker almost catapulted off the floor at the new approach, shrieking and twisting to get away from the vengeful wrath. Reese even tried curling his toes to protect the hyper ticklish undersides but Malcolm held them back with one hand and let the toothbrush scrub every inch of the silky pink flesh. After brushing them clean, Malcolm dropped the tool and started scribbling right on the arches, knowing it was one of his brother's weakest spot. "AHoAHANNoONNnOoHOHAOAA mMmAAALlCCCOOlLLMMMSSTTOooOOOAOAP!! HOAHAOAIIiGGIIiVVEE IiIIGGGIiiIIVVEE!!” Reese pleaded in a moment of rare submission and to his surprise, Malcolm stopped. "Are you giving up?" asked Malcolm with a satisfying power trip. "Yes! Yes, please stop, anything but tickling" Reese answered, ready to say anything to make him stop. "Too bad!" Malcolm psyched out, hitting Reese with a flurry of rapid fingers all over both uber-ticklish prankster soles before he even knew what was happening.

Reese went insane with frantic laughter as Malcolm made sure to get every part of the savory feet before returning to the super ticklish arches. “AAAHAohOhAAOHAANNoONNNOOHOAHAA!! OAHoahAOahPPPLLLEEEAASSEE!! AHoHAOAHAOhaaOhmMMMEERRRCCYY!! AHoAHHAAHOA!!” Reese desperately tried to persuade, enduring years of built-up ticklish revenge. “Agree to stop pulling pranks on me” Malcolm answered. “AAHoahaoOKKOoOKKohAOhaOhAIIiWWOOnnNTTT!!” “And you won’t tickle me again?” “AHoAHAYYyYEEESS!! HoHOHAoAHoAHAAAhoAAALLRRIIGGHhTT!! AHohaAOHaOHaAAAHoAWWHhAATTEevvERrR YyYOoOuuWWAAnNNTT!” Reese agreed through the heavy laughter, letting Malcolm know he’d broken his big brother. Malcolm reeled with the clear victory and stopped tickling the cheesy bare feet, untying Reese and preparing for any potential retaliation. But Reese just laid there exhausted, catching his breath in humiliated defeat. “Don’t tell anyone…how ticklish I am or I’ll kick your ass” “Same goes for me” Malcolm agreed as he grinned with satisfaction after getting the better of his big brother.

Two Days Later

“Boys! Boys!! Boys – a little help!!” Hal shouted from his bedroom after hearing the front door open and close. Malcolm and Reese followed their dad’s voice to find him in an odd position, his legs sticking out from under the bed with the bed on top of the rest of him. “What happened?” Malcolm asked. “I was trying to fix something under the bed and it fell on me. I can’t get out” Hal explained as his jeaned legs kicked as if to demonstrate how stuck he was. “Does it hurt?” Reese questioned. “No, it’s just too heavy for me to move on my own. Lift the bed up so I can slip out” Hal instructed and the brothers exchanged a similar look as their wheels started turning. “Maybe we can get our curfew bumped to 12 for being such good sons and getting you out?” Malcolm proposed. “What? I’m your dad; helping me doesn’t get you a reward! Come on, boys!” Hal dismissed with his usual goofy tone. “I’m sure we can come to an agreement…” Reese added as he and Malcolm knelt down at their dad’s feet and each tugged off one of his sneakers. “What are you doing?? No, just pull the bed up so I can get out” Hal tried to correct just before his sons pulled the tube socks off to expose his mature, incredibly soft bare feet. “Boys…? What’s going oAohaohAOAoNNnOHAoHA?!? AhoAOAOAHOoAHNNOONNNOOhaohAOAHAoAOhAAhoaA!! AHoAHABBBoOOoOYYYSS!!”