glee: Sam & blaine’s christmas duet

“Very nice, Artie…I don’t think I’ve ever heard jingle bells as a rap but I liked it” Mr. Schue added as the innovative singer rolled back over to the others. “So, I have some homework for you guys for tomorrow” the glee club leader explained. “Mr. Schue this is the one class that doesn’t give out homework, why are you starting now?” Santana challenged. “Yeah, I have to take Lord Tubbington to the cat dentist after school” Brittany chimed in. “It’s not regular homework - don’t worry. I want each of you to prepare a holiday song to sing in class tomorrow; it can be a solo, a duet, a trio – whatever you like” Will explained with more excitement than anyone for his own assignment. “Are we allowed to perform more than one?” Rachel asked. “Let’s just leave it to a single song this time and I’ll see you guys tomorrow” Mr. Schue extinguished before the group disassembled.

“Hey, Blaine did you plan on singing with Kurt tomorrow?” Sam Evans asked with a look of optimism on his handsome face. “Actually no, he’s going out of town for a few days so I was going to just perform alone. Why?” Blaine answered. “Well…if you want to, I was wondering if you’d like to do a duet? You’re like the best guy singer and I think it will be a surprise to see us work together on this so we could totally win” the blonde laid out as if he was nervous to propose the pairing. “That’d be great, I’d love to! I’m kind of surprised Quin or somebody else didn’t grab you already” the clean cut teen replied with a friendly grin. “I know haha but I’m glad you said yes, I was a little worried you wouldn’t think I was good enough to sing with” Sam explained, humble as ever. “What are you talking about? You’re incredible and I’m happy to do a duet with you. Do you wanna just come over to my house tonight so we can work on it? I’m cooking; you’re welcome to join” Blaine offered. “Wow, yeah I’m there haha. Just text me your address and thanks again, man!” Sam agreed with a wide smile of glee as he left Blaine and headed toward his next class.

“That was the best Chicken Pot Pie I’ve ever tasted and I’ve had KFC’s” Sam complimented as genuinely as he could. “Haha I’m flattered; it’s a new recipe I’ve been working on. So, do you have any ideas of what song you want to sing?” Blaine asked as he sat down on his bed and the goofy blonde sat in the nearby leather chair. “Well…I’ve always liked ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ and ‘Santa’s Coming to Town’” the football player offered. “Those are good choices, classics…maybe we can brainstorm a bit” the fellow 18 yr. old suggested while untying his Dockers and slipping them off to get more comfortable, letting his warm bare feet air out after a long day at school. Blaine sat back up to find Sam’s eyes on his naked feet, almost bewitched by them. “I hope you don’t mind; I just tend to be more creative when I’m the most comfortable. Make yourself at home” Blaine explained while his smooth pink toes wiggled on the carpet. “Oh yeah haha, it’s your house, man. You do whatever you want” Sam replied after having to shake himself out of the trance, flashing a pearly smile to hide his sudden nerves while he kicked off his Converses. “I think I’m gonna write down our ideas so we can keep track of what we're thinking” Blaine added as his attention shifted to a nearby notepad, unknowingly allowing his buddy to stare his gorgeous feet.

Sam felt himself hardening the longer he looked but he couldn’t pull away or focus on their assignment; the sight was too arresting. The raven haired singer sat with one leg under the other so one foot was wrinkled under his thigh facing Sam while the other dangled so his bubbly toes barely grazed the carpet. His feet were perfectly plump yet slender with mild arches and supple, deep bubblegum pink soles. Sam had tried to suppress his intense foot fetish once he started at McKinely and he’d been pretty successful but this unforeseen temptation was too much to ignore, watching Blaine scribble down song names just as a hint of the savory flavor from his size 10s made Sam’s arousal grow nearly an inch. “What about ‘It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas?' I think it would suit a duet pretty well” Blaine suggested as he turned back toward Sam, watching his guest quickly avert his eyes back up to address him. “Yeah, I love that one” Sam agreed with a giggly smile. “Great, I think we can make that something special” Blaine replied as he returned to the notepad and watched Sam out the corner of his eye. He noticed the loveable jock checking out his feet but unbeknownst to Sam, the admiration was mutual; Blaine was just more subtle.

The former Warbler had always found Sam cute but he’d never seen his feet and now his athletic socked feet rested on his bedroom floor, his long toes flexing in the black cotton every few minutes unaware they were toying with Blaine. He’d been more successful with controlling his love of beautiful feet than Sam but the night was developing into a surreal scenario Blaine couldn’t resist; good thing Sam was too distracted to realize his mate was lusting after his massive 14s just the same time. Blaine felt his heart speeding up and his train of thought derailing as the idea of stuffing his nose in Sam’s big feet overshadowed any plans for the duet, frazzling the perfectionist mentally and physically. “Hey, where’s your bathroom?” Sam suddenly asked, breaking the intensifying silence. “Just down the hall on your right” Blaine answered as his mate left the room. “Oh my God…just breathe, Blaine, breathe. Just ignore it – he’s here to work on the song” he tried to re-focus. However, the lingering smell of Sam’s seasoned sneakers began to taunt him from across the room; a nutty, sour smell more enticing than anything Blaine had experienced in person. “I shouldn’t…I can’t! No…no way….well, maybe just a little” he talked himself into before peeking out the door to see Sam hadn’t come out of the bathroom yet, prompting him to kneel down on the floor, pick up a worn sneaker, and cover his face with the aromatic shoe. “Ooh my God…” was all he could say as he inhaled once, then twice, then soon enough 8 times until his khakis were full of a solid erection begging to be satisfied.

“Dude…” suddenly came from the door and Blaine dropped the shoe as he spun around to see Sam staring at him with a dumbfounded look. “Sam, I was umm…I couldn’t remember what size you wore; I was gonna buy you some new shoes for Christmas” Blaine did his best to excuse before trying to head back to his bed when he remembered the raging boner in his pants, prompting him to sit back down like he’d chosen to work from the floor. “Maybe I should get going…I can just sing something by myself” Sam concluded as he moved to grab his shoes. “Sam, you don’t have to go! We can still do the duet…I’m sorry if that weirded you out” Blaine tried to save, not wanting to alienate his friend. “You weren’t really checking my shoe size were you?” he asked with his sneakers in hand. “…no, just don’t say anything about this, please?” Blaine asked, full of panic and embarrassment. Sam could see how uncharacteristically anxious Blaine was and sat down beside him on the floor, “I may not be the best singer in Glee or the smartest or the best dancer but Icankeep a secret” he explained with a comforting grin, playfully bumping shoulders with Blaine to break the tension. “Thanks…I promise it won’t happen again” Blaine assured with a nervous laugh. “It’s not that weird is it?” Sam questioned while picking up one of Blaine’s discarded shoes and taking a big whiff as if it was only to comfort his friend. “Sam…what are you doing??” “Haha you smelled mine, it’s only fair” the comedic teen replied like he hadn’t been dying to do that. For once Blaine didn’t know what to say or what to make of his situation, being caught and Sam’s reaction too much for him to process. Funny enough, Sam’s nervous desires had somehow steadied and he was more sure of himself; a strange role reversal.

“We should probably get back to the song” Blaine suggested as he stood up but Sam caught his ankle and pulled his attention back down at him before the blonde brought the lush foot to his face and slipped the big toe in his mouth, wrapping his tongue around the juicy flesh to indulge in the glorious temptation. “Sam…what, what are you doing?” Blaine asked as a wave of disbelief and pleasure shivered through his body and he sat on the bed. “Itisthe season of giving right?” Sam replied with a smirk after tasting the big toe and returning to the mildly hairy foot, running his tongue along the undersides to enjoy every bubbly toe. “Ooh my God…that feels so good” Blaine admitted as his eyes fluttered a little and his manhood stiffened up once again. Sam’s eager tongue snaked back and forth across the row until they were glossy evidence of his adoration, making Blaine drown in ecstasy as the sudden foot worship continued. “We’re supposed to be…working on the song” the raven haired teen tried to remind as Sam slithered down his naked sole to satisfy his intense hunger. “We can work on it tomorrow before class” he replied between licks. “I have Chemistry and Spanish before Glee…I won’t have time” Blaine explained as the studious side of him nagged his conscious. “You worry too much” was all Sam said back before taking the other bare foot and sucking the four smaller toes to enjoy the rich salty flavor of his feet after soaking in the loafers all day.

Blaine didn’t know what to do with himself, conflicted by the surreal intimacy and how intensely magical it all was; he’d never felt so free and reluctant at the same time. “Your feet taste amazing…” Sam added before licking along the buttery pink balls. “You do this often?” Blaine laughingly asked. “No…one guy at my old school but you’re the first at McKinley; I’ve wanted to for a while now” the comedic pretty boy explained before traveling down the length of the tender sole in a curvy pattern to tease his friend. “HOaha” “I didn’t know you were ticklish, Blaine” Sam pointed out with a grin just as he repeated the same motion down the soft foot to make him giggle and squirm again on the perfectly made bed. “AhOAaoJjuSstAlLiIiTttLlEe” Blaine replied the best he could as he watched Sam soon abandon the ticklish affection and start sucking and licking along the smooth heel, his own cock pressing against his jeans as if it’d burst any minute. “You’re really good at this…like really good” Blaine added while his arousal pulsated just as urgently. “Perks of having a big mouth” Sam replied just as Blaine reached down and grabbed one of the socked feet from the floor, taking a big whiff of the seductive aroma. Sam watched his buddy exceed his expectations by wrapping his lips around the meaty edge of his foot and suck the sweat of the day from the black sock.

“This may be a bad time to tell you but I wore those socks yesterday too…I was out of clean ones” Sam informed. “Even better” Blaine answered with a look the blonde had never seen on him as he embraced the flavorful sock, his tongue wiggling against the cotton coverage while his lips caressed the top and bottom at the same time. Sam took both velvety feet and held them in front of his face before running his tongue all over both soles while Blaine shared his enthusiasm by sucking on the right row of socked toes like they were covered in sugar. “AahOEEAssYY” bubbled out of Blaine once Sam’s tongue flicked along his creamy arch. “What? Did you say something?” Sam lied before lapping up and down the middle of both feet simultaneously to tease him more. “AAHoAoaSSTToOOoppAHOHAOhoAHAOHSSAaAAAmMm!!” Blaine protested with an adorable laugh as he tried to pull away but Sam soon stopped after nearly a minute of lickling the gorgeous feet. “That’s how you want to play it?” Blaine challenged with a riled up look before slipping off the right sock and flicking/wiggling his playful tongue up the length of the plump sole. “AaAahAahAACCoOmmMMEEOooNNNAHaohaoa CCUuTTiIiITTooOuUUTT!’ Sam tried to persuade as he jerked around on the floor but Blaine held on tight and relished in the delicious opportunity. “AhAOHAoaookKKOoOKkK!! AOhaohamMmEERrCcCYY! AhhaAYyYOoUUWWiiIInNN!” Sam soon gave in once his second sock came off and a few fingers joined the party on his naked left foot. “You’re meaner than you look; they teach you that at Dalton?” “The Warblers do more than sing haha” Blaine answered with a smirk before sinking back into the pair of luscious feet.

He held both ankles in his hands so the rosy soles were facing him before slowly licking along the edge of his left foot, starting at his heel to snake all the way up to his long toes. “Oh shit…yeah, just like that” Sam encouraged with his full attention on being worshiped, having dropped Blaine’s feet during the tickle attack and letting him take the reins. The hair gel enthusiast moved in a single motion until he was running down the edge of the other foot, coaxing Sam’s arousal to a frenzy in his jeans with every passing second. By the time he reached the right heel his tongue was covered in the specific taste of the blonde’s savory feet and it only made him want more. Blaine latched onto both big toes at the same time like two suckers stuffed in his mouth, sliding his tongue back and forth over and between both meaty toes. “OOohh fuUuCkk…oh yeah” Sam let out with more pleasure than he’d known in his young life, never having been on the receiving end to experience how fantastic it felt. “You like that?” Blaine asked as if it wasn’t obvious after releasing the juicy toes and letting his tongue slip between each of the left foot’s smaller toes in a continuous motion only to repeat it again, the second time electrifying Sam even more this time as a small stain of pre-cum began to form on his jeans. “OOh shit...I think I'm goOnNAa…” the blonde let out while Blaine's tongue licked down the curve of his thick foot.

“Sam…” Blaine suddenly said as his tongue pulled back and he set the foot down. “Why’d you stop? That was incredible, beyond incredible – I was almost there!” Sam asked with confused disappointment. “We may have gone too far…” Blaine said with sudden concern as he stood up and Sam pulled his bare feet off the bed. “What do you mean?” Sam questioned. “We almost crossed a line...a line I can't cross” the devoted boyfriend explained. “…Kurt; I get it” the blonde deduced. “And I thought we were going to work on a duet” Blaine said with a mild laugh as he sat back down on the bed. “We still can” Sam offered as his athletic toes flexed on the carpet. “…I don’t know, I’m too worked up now” Blaine replied, unable to deny how close he too was to shooting a massive load, a lingering hard on still visible in his khakis. “I can leave if you want…I don’t want things to be weird between us now” Sam explained as he sat next to him. “No, you don’t have to but my head’s too all over the place to focus on the duet tonight” “So what do you want to do? Watch a movie or something?” Sam proposed. “Actually…I think I know something better than a movie; have you ever heard of Scandals?”

“I don’t know if I should be here, man…I’m not even gay” Sam said as he and Blaine walked into the nearest gay bar in Ohio. “Just relax, you don’t have to be gay” the dashing 18 yr. old assured while ordering two cokes at the bar. Sam looked around to see several men staring at him, the attention starting to flatter him after a few minutes. “Blaine Anderson out on school night!” a familiar, flirty voice greeted as he leaned against the bar next to Blaine. “Sebastian, funny seeing you here” “Leave Liberace at home?” “Kurt’s out of town, we just came to hang out” Blaine explained with a hint at Sam standing behind him. “The Ken doll is with you? I’m impressed, Anderson” Sebastian replied with a flashy grin toward Sam. “He’s just a friend. Sam this is Sebastian Smythe; we use to go to Dalton together” “Yeah I know” Sam greeted with a handshake. “Nice to meet you, really nice actually” Sebastian said with his own brand of Slytherin charm. “Let me buy you two a drink, the punch ok?” the Warbler offered as he waved the bar tender. “We’re not even old enough” Blaine added. “They don’t card me here” Sebastian explained. “He probably screws the bar tender” Sam whispered to Blaine. “Only once” Sebastian added to the surprise of the New Directions, flashing another toothy grin to win them over.

Only 30 minutes later Sebastian, Blaine, and Sam were a few drinks in but Sebastian was further gone than his fellow singers. “You should really drop that whole public school thing and come join us at Dalton, Blaine…I mean we’re gonna wipe the floor with you guys at sectionals” Sebastian gloated with a boozy laugh. “Don’t be so sure” Sam interjected. “Oh, I’m sure and if we had Blaine back I’d be even more sure” the sly teen answered as he caressed Blaine’s hair. “It’s kind of loud in here, don’t you think? Is there anywhere quieter we could hang out?” Blaine asked. “Sure thing, handsome; follow me” Sebastian instructed as he led them to the bathroom, locking the door behind them with the idea he was finally going to have Blaine plus a welcome third. “Now, it’s been a while since I took on two at once so be gentle…well not too gentle” Sebastian said as he leaned into kiss Blaine but he pulled away. “Actually...what about something a little kinkier?” Blaine suggested. “Wow, I'm surprised at you haha. Be my guest” Sebastian agreed just before Blaine guided him over to the counter and Sam handed him a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. “Am I under arrest, officer?” the smooth Warbler asked with a surprised laugh. “Something like that” Blaine answered as he cuffed his hands to the metal bar behind him while Sebastian sat on the countertop.

“Looks like you’ll have to do most of the work” Sebastian pointed out with a playful eyebrow. “That’s the idea” Sam replied as he and Blaine took hold of their rival’s ankles and tugged off his brown ankle boots to reveal a pair of dark green 'Merry X-Mas' socks. The horny showman expected his pants to come off next but instead his socks were both pulled off until his bare feet were on full display. “Damn…you were right” Sam added as he admired the beautiful pale feet with long toes and supple pink soles already tempting him. “Right about what?” Sebastian asked. “I had a hunch you'd have nice feet considering how appearance conscious you are” Blaine explained while he too enjoyed the gorgeous feet. “That’s kind of a weird thing to think about haha but ok” “Let’s see how they taste” Blaine suggested as he and Sam brought the feet up a little closer to their faces and both boys indulged in the reason they came to Scandals. Sam started licking across the rich balls while Blaine slipped the big toe in his mouth and massaged it with his lips. “I didn’t know you were into feet, Blaine…you are kinky” Sebastian added at the surprising turn, a pleasured smile growing on his face as he watched.

Sam lathered the silky area below the prep school boy’s toes with fiery enthusiasm, dragging his tongue back and forth with less hesitation than with Blaine. Part of him really disliked Sebastian but his soft feet were to die for and he wasn’t worried about sustaining a friendship with him which gave Sam much less pause when worshiping their cocky rival. Blaine was just as into it as Sam, sharing a disdain for Sebastian but the hint of leathery sweat teasing his nose while he sucked the smaller toes one by one had his pants tight with heated excitement. “Yeah, just like that…get between my toes too” Sebastian coached with a sense of dominance despite being totally at their mercy. He'd had a few guys suck his toes during sex but nothing like this, however being serviced so passionately fed his ego and turned him on even more than he already was. “Do you get a pedicure like every week or something? They’re practically perfect” Sam added as he took a second to study how perfectly kept and smooth the size 11 was. “Every other week but thanks for noticing. Why haven’t I ever seen you here before, Sam?” Smythe asked. “This isn’t really my scene but I’m glad I came” the blonde replied before licking down the length of the flawless sole, making Sebastian’s toes curl at the stimulation. “OoOoh fuck…” slipped out of the brunette’s lips without thinking, Sam’s passionate tongue charming Sebastian’s own manhood to life as he moaned with pleasure. After glazing each of the pink toes, Blaine wrapped his mouth on the high arch and started nibbling on the salty flesh while sucking the tasty treat. “AoAHoahHEEYY! AhOAaohEEAasSsyYY!” shot out of Sebastian as he squirmed on the counter. “What’s wrong?” Blaine asked. “Maybe we should just ditch the foreplay and help me get these pants off” the Warbler suggested as if to divert attention from what had just happened.

“No way…don’t tell me you’re ticklish, Sebastian…” Blaine teased while Sam polished the other preppy sole with his passionate tongue. “No, I’m not. But I don’t think you guys came here to lick my feet; there’s plenty more of me to enjoy” Sebastian tried to seduce with a hint toward his now stiff erection. “Actually…that’s exactly why we came here” Sam answered as he and Blaine exchanged a look to see they were on the same page. “This is fun and all but I’m not as patient as Kurt must be…” Sebastian replied with a pointed tone as if he was in control. “Well, let’s not keep him waiting then” Blaine added before he wrapped his lips back around the contour of the arch and Sam stuffed the entire row of tasty toes in his mouth with Sebastian watching in suspense until both New Directions started nibbling, sucking, and gnawing on his sexy feet.

“AAAAOhOhaaohAOHAHNNOoNNNOHohaOHAOAHAOHAOHA FFFuuUUCCKKkiIIInNnGSsStTOOoOPPP!! AhaOaAOHaOHAOHAAOAhaHAGGGeeEETTooOoOoFFF!! AHAOHAOAHOAHAOHAFFFuuUCCCkkKIinNNGGGHoAHOAHA FFfRRREeEEAAAKkKKSssS!!!” raged out of the arrogant teen with a face full of panic as Sam and Blaine tickled the hell out of him. Blaine’s teeth grazed back and forth on the sensitive arch like a big orange slice perfect for snacking while Sam nibbled and slurped on other foot’s seductive toes like a friendly dog. “AAOahoahOnNNOoOmMOoORREeeAHAHAHABbBlllAAIIINNNEEAhAOHAOAHAA AHOAHAOAHASSSTTOoOOPPP!!” Sebastian howled as his tried to free his cuffed hands and violently jerked on the countertop in ticklish agony. Sebastian had always been an 12/10 on the ticklish scale but he was so admired/feared at Dalton that nobody ever dared to try and test him let alone use it against him. Lucky for the New Directions, the fact that he was never tickled actually helped make the blitz attack on his beautiful feet even more torturous.

“HEY! Other people have to pee!” an angry voice banged on the locked bathroom door after close to five minutes of the tickle worship. “AhAHAHHEeEELlLPPPMmMEEEAHaoHAOAHA!!” Sebastian tried to call out. “Maybe we should go. I think we got what we came for” Blaine suggested, always more cautious than Sam. “You sure? I think he could use another hour” Sam asked as he scribbled along the dreamy foot. “AAHAAHaSSToOPP!” “I agree but I have an 11 p.m. curfew and we can’t do this all night” Blaine explained. “Alright…but just a little more” Sam obliged as he ran his tongue up the soft sole. “Get off! Let me go, assholes!!” Sebastian barked. “Yeah, maybe one more” Blaine agreed after Sam finished and held the foot in place while Blaine licked across the buttery balls one last time. “Where’s the key for these cuffs?!” Sebastian demanded to know with a sense of superiority despite his helplessness. “We’ll leave it with the bar tender, you guys are friends right?” Blaine replied with a wink. “Merry Christmas!” Sam added as he swiped Sebastian’s discarded socks and left the bathroom.

“It’s about time” a man added as the line for the restroom flooded in to find Sebastian barefoot and terribly vulnerable. “Hey! Don’t touch my feet! I’m serious!! DON’TAhaOhAaoAaoHAHaaaoHAOAHNNNoO!!” erupted from the bathroom as the door closed and Blaine gave the bartender the key. “What’s this for?” “Sebastian wants you to uncuff him in about an hour; it may get kind of loud in there but trust me – he loves it” Blaine explained to the confused bartender. “Maybe we can work on the duet on the way back” Sam suggested. “Good idea. Who knew we were such a good team?” Blaine answered as they got in his car. “Something tells me Sebastian doesn't think so” Sam replied with a laugh. “Tonight was a lot of fun, really. But we should probably keep this between us” Blaine suggested. “Sure. I told you I'm good at keeping a secret” Sam agreed with a satisfied smile and a pocket full of Sebastian’s marinated holiday socks, a souvenir of the Warbler's yummy feet and their Christmas duet.