don’t wory darling: The arrangement

Jack Chambers rang the doorbell and put his hand right back in his pocket as he waited to be invited in, his hands fidgeting in his pants with an anxiety he still couldn't get a total handle on. But as he checked his watch to distract himself, the door opened and Frank greeted him with the same charming smile as usual. "Jack! Come on in" Frank instructed and Jack followed suit with a friendly smile back. "Good thing the girls had their weekly party to go us guys some time to cut loose, right?" Frank added as he poured two drinks.

"Right" Jack agreed before he was handed his glass of bourbon. "This your new bottle?" Jack asked. "Only the best" Frank assured before he started in on his glass and Jack mimicked him but Frank only took a few sips while Jack finished his in one go. "Haha woah'll go home with more hair on your chest than when you left if you’re not careful. Alice might get suspicious" Frank teased with a pat on his shoulder as the handsome brunette began to really relax. Frank was his boss but his friend too, Victory's leader of sorts that everyone looked up to so it was always important for Jack to please him whenever he could. He was the kind of man you wanted to like you because his approval felt so damn good and in Victory, it was just about the best feeling in the world.

The older man finished his drink to keep up with Jack and set his glass on the bar before turning back around to face him, silently studying the white button down tucked into his slacks that lead to the pair of brown loafers, a casual look Jack's wife had always fancied. "Did you wear the socks?" Frank asked, prompting Jack to toe off his shoes one heel at a time to reveal the sheer brown socks barely concealing his feet, following Frank's eyes as he watched his toes rest into the carpet floor. "Very put the shoes back on" Frank instructed and Jack did so, leaving him back where he was before Frank moved closer and Jack's breathing grew more irregular, less than the first couple times but still shakier than normal.

Frank's hands landed on Jack's waist and slowly moved north, caressing his stomach and sides as a wave of goosebumps covered Jack's skin. His handsome hands soon slowed almost to a stop, letting Jack get use to the embrace before suddenly darting into his unsuspecting armpits. "AAh! AohohAFFRrAAnNKkK!" Jack buckled and fell into Frank as he wiggled into the pits and Jack's arms clenched to his sides for a useless defense. "Still as ticklish as ever, huh?" Frank taunted as Jack tried to grab his wrists but could hardly do more than flail as his own laughter consumed him. Frank refused to pull away as he dug into the deepest depths of both pits through the button-down shirt, plastering a huge smile across Jack's face as he wrestled with him to stop.

"AhAoAOoKOoKK!! CCOoMMeEoOnNmMmEERRCcCYY!" Jack surrendered the best he could but Frank wouldn't listen, only stopping once he tripped over Jack's feet and they landed on the floor. Jack landed on top of Frank but he quickly moved around to straddle Jack's waist, looking down at him as he caught his breath, admiring his cute smile and the anticipation in his eyes. Frank didn't break eye contact until he reached down and ripped open Jack's shirt, surprising the suburban stud. "Relax, I'm sure you have plenty more at home" Frank pointed out as he opened the shirt the rest of the way up and out of his pants to see Jack's sun-kissed body, recalling the small patch of hair on his chest and the exquisite trail of hair from his bellybutton to his waist.

Jack eyed him like a mirror, trying to guess what his next move would be until Frank's fingers suddenly started dancing all over his exposed stomach, forcing Jack into another fit of warm laughter. "NoOAohAohA! SsTTOhOhOHPP!!" Jack reflexively protested like most people would but Frank fed off his reaction like a vampire, practically beaming as his fingertips moved across Jack's tight belly. "Someone's been doing sit-ups" Frank teased as Jack squirmed and his perfect hair began to fall just out of place onto his forehead. "OOkOKAhAaH YYOoOUWWiIiNN!!" Jack roared a little louder once Frank's fingers sank into his stomach with heightened enthusiasm, as if to count the abs Jack had been working on.

"Giving up already? Come on, Jack...a Victory man like you should be able to handle anything" Frank countered with a scheming grin as Jack's laughter grew and his legs kicked around on the floor. Frank wiggled into the sides of his belly with parallel attacks only to suddenly focus around his navel, jumping back and forth until Jack was trying to curl into a ball to block it but Frank wouldn't let him, too obsessed with his charming, bubbly laughter to let him earn any relief. "FFRrAAnNkk! FFRRaAhAANNkK!!" Jack called out as if it were a safeword but he knew by now there wasn't one. The fast fingers dominating his stomach didn't pull away until Frank grabbed Jack's wrists and forced them onto the floor over his head, leaning down closer to Jack's face in the process.

Jack struggled to hide the surprise on his face at the change of pace, taken back by the commanding return of Frank's domineering nature that Jack had seemingly forgotten. But before Jack could try and guess what was coming next, Frank's head dipped down into his right armpit and stuck his tongue out for a long taste, flattening against the side of his chest and licking all the way through his underarm until his tongue slipped off his bicep. Jack gasped at the new affection and Frank smiled at him before returning for seconds, holding both of his arms down as he slinked through his pit again to savor every bit of flavor he could. "You taste so fucking good..." Frank whispered into his ear, giving Jack another wave of goosebumps before the eager tongue went after his other armpit, running through the small bit of brown hair as Jack couldn't help but giggle.

Jack's fists clenched with ticklish discomfort as Frank lapped up the left pit with his winding tongue and took big whiffs of the cologne that’d mixed with his natural smell, that intimate attention soon hardening Jack's nipples just two inches from Frank's own chest and making his toes curl in his loafers. When Frank finally left Jack's armpit, he looked like he'd taken some kind of happy pill, clearly on cloud nine as he indulged in Victory's newest golden boy. He kept his wrists pinned above his head with a strength they both knew Jack couldn't overpower, leaving him to wonder what would come next until Frank's head snuck into Jack's neck on one side. "OohohAAohNnoAohA" Jack came alive with another giggly outburst as Frank licked and nibbled on his neck, with the sound of Jack's legs floundering around illustrating how insanely ticklish it was.

Jack tried to block him with his head but Frank wouldn't be denied, "Oh no..." Frank added before forcing one of Jack's wrists next to his other so he could keep them both pinned with one hand, freeing his other to hold Jack’s head back and leave his neck unprotected. "AhAhAohAohFFRrRAAnNkKNNoOAohAOh!" Jack bubbled over as the mild stubble and wily tongue sent waves of electricity through him. Frank’s mouth made small chomps mostly with his lips while he wiggled his tongue around and let his bristly chin rub around to really help drive Jack crazy on the carpet, "AhAohOhoOHAaLlRRiIGGHTThAHA!! AALLLRRiiiGGhhTT!!" Jack tried to diffuse with another wide smile but Frank just readjusted, forcing his head back the other direction now so he could have his way with the other side of his neck.

"NNNoOohOhoAohAohAhAOHA!!" Jack wiggled and bucked under him with an intoxicating laugh as Frank went to town, lapping up his neck with slippery licks and playfully gnawing on him like he couldn't get enough. At one point Frank planted his hand over Jack’s mouth to muffle him and hold his head in place at the same time before getting back to business on his neck, shocking Jack as he laughed and whined into his firm hand, “MMpHMmHPAFFRRHAOhPhAhAMmPhM!!” A few minutes later he finally left his neck and Jack let out a sigh of relief but Frank went straight back into his right armpit, this time devouring him like a buffet. "AohAOHAFFuUCCkkKAHoAHoANNooONNOOO!!" Jack let out a muffled howl as his arms tried to come down and Frank went back to holding them down with both hands as his tongue went wild and his chin rubbed around at the same time until Jack could hardly yell for Frank to back off.

Frank only stopped when Jack fell into silent laughter, a reaction he didn’t care for; it wasn’t fulfilling enough for him. He wanted to hear Jack’s suffering, even if it was behind his own hand. When he stopped, Jack's armpits were glossy and his neck was tingling with ghostly sensations left behind but he was just happy to be able to think straight again. "Man, you're a hoot and a half...I sure am glad you and the misses decided to stay in Victory. This place wouldn't be the same without you" Frank added as he let go of his arms and sat up right, still on top of him. "Me too...I love it here" Jack assured as if to remind himself why he'd agreed to this. It was their third time getting together like this but it might as well have been the first; the arrangement was generous but forced Jack out of his comfort zone. Frank had a way of doing that to people.

Losing his job in the real world a month earlier meant Jack couldn't afford for he and Alice to live in Victory but Frank made him an offer he couldn't refuse; agree to let him play with him, no questions asked once a week and he'd pay for he and Alice to stay. Jack knew it was a bizarre deal but Frank could make drinking nails sound like sipping champagne and Jack practically worshiped him, hell all the men in Victory did. How could he say no? No to his perfect house, no to the way Alice adored him now, no to this perfect life? No to Frank? He’d had no idea what being 'played with' meant when he'd agreed but he figured whatever it was, it was worth staying in the desert utopia that was Victory.

"Turn over" Frank instructed. "Ok" Jack agreed, again unsure what Frank was up to until he heard Frank taking off his belt and positioning Jack's arms so his forearms were parallel to each other. Frank fastened his belt around Jack's wrists behind his back and Jack's eyes opened wider at the development. Bondage was new. Frank flipped him back over onto his back and moved around to sit on his knees next to Jack's legs, "You don't think your wife would come back early from the party do you? I know sometimes it ends early" Jack suggested with a tone of anxiety in his voice. "No, she likes to stay out for a while...usually ends up getting a drink at one of the other wives' houses" Frank assured before sitting between Jack's legs and grabbing one of his ankles.

Frank slipped the left shoe off and brought it to his face, filling the opening with his nose for a deep inhale of the seasoned leather, "Fucking amazing..." was all he said like his usual vast vocabulary escaped him, clouded by the wonderful scent. Jack knew Frank enjoyed his feet by now but seeing him relish in them was still surreal, watching his gaze as he admired the thinly veiled foot now all his to drool over. Without ever touching them, Frank ran his nose along the contour of Jack's fresh foot, laughing when Jack's foot flinched. "Haha relax...I'm just enjoying the view" Frank pointed out before going back in for another long whiff, forcing his cock to grow against the zipper of his pants. Jack looked on in disbelief as Frank went in for another smell, this time resting his nose in the bit of extra material between the balls and toes while his manhood grew again like an inflatable toy.

Jack didn't know what to think but Frank was entranced, soon sticking out his tongue and letting it run up the length of Jack's socked foot with a firm grip on his ankle. "Jesus Christ..." was all Frank could say as he seemed to let go of his signature control and give into the beauty of Jack's feet as if he was alone. The sheer sock had soaked up all the sweat that’d built up during the day and covered Frank's tongue the more he licked, soon being able to taste nothing but Jack's dreamy feet. His tongue flattened against the heel and slid all the way up along the curve of his arch and up the meatier side before running across the undersides of his toes, even licking the top a little and kissing back down his foot until he was slurping on he savory heel. Jack looked down to see Frank’s pants struggling to contain his excitement, the heated worship having supercharged his whole body. "Does your wife know you like feet?" Jack asked like he couldn't stand the mounting intensity any longer. "Why would I tell you if she did?" Frank answered, looking back at Jack with the same unreadable stare he'd seen so many times before.

"Ya know, you should be careful asking about another man's wife...he may take it the wrong way" Frank enlightened before letting his fingers fly all over the socked foot. "AAhAHAAohANNOO! IImMmSSoOORRYY!!" Jack immediately became a floundering fish on the floor with Frank spidering across his barely protected sole. He tried using his other leg for some leverage but Frank quickly subdued that one by trapping it between his knees, allowing him full access to the ripe foot. "FFRRAAnNkkAohAOhAPPLlEEAsSEEAohAhA! CCuUUTTiIIToOOUuUTT!!" Jack begged like he knew it was all he could do but Frank's smile only got bigger, once again thriving off Jack's wild laughter and genuine distress.

His shoulders rocked back and forth on the living room floor and his captive foot writhed in place but every stroke of Frank's fingers still tickled like hell, cranking out embarrassingly heavy laughter that nothing else ever got out of Jack. Frank's fluttering fingers soon grew stiff as they started scratching down the middle of his sole, flaring Jack's eyes wide open and spiraling his laughter even higher. "AAAHAOhAOhANNOoOO!! aOhAohASSTToHoHHOOPP!! CCoOOOmMEEEoOOONN!!" Frank's sadistic delight was all over his face as he tormented Jack's horribly sensitive foot, a weakness he'd discovered during their first meeting of the arrangement and had been obsessed with ever since.

"I think it's time we got rid of this sock" Frank announced and fresh panic came over Jack as he felt Frank grab the edge of his sock. Jack wanted to argue, to fight him with his toes and curse him for taking away his last line of protection and with any other man he would have, but it was Frank. As much as he hated watching his sock peel off his foot and how nervous it made him for Frank to hold his now bare foot captive, he still wanted to please him. He was still the king of Victory and who they all aimed to be like; if Frank had a twisted side, part of Jack was flattered to be his pick to live it out, his object of devious affection. He hated being tickled like this but they were playing Frank’s game, living in Frank’s world; Jack knew he was just lucky to be a part of it.

Frank's hand lifted up to start back tickling the naked foot but stopped before ever making contact, seemingly bewitched and distracted by what he held in his hand. It looked like he was studying Jack's foot, the low smooth arch, the peach tint of his heel and balls with just a hint of pink in there, like an extra treat to find for anyone willing to stare long enough. They were so almost didn't make sense to Frank for a man to have feet so beautiful, as if they'd somehow been crafted to perfection to match Victory's pristine nature. "Are you ok, Frank?" "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Frank challenged with another smirk to dismiss his intense adoration and proved his point by unleashing on Jack's delicious foot.

"oAohAOHSShHIiITTAOhAohAOhA!!!" Jack nearly flew off the floor but Frank kept his hold, wrangling his ankle in his arm and proceeding to really give him something to freak out about. "AohAOhAOHNNOONnOOO!! NnoOoOTTThhHEEFEEEET!!" Jack protested through his outrageous laughter but Frank couldn't be stopped, now scribbling all over the heavenly sole as it wrinkled against his fingers. "Maybe you should try not wearing shoes more often like me...might cut down on some of that sensitivity" Frank teased as he ravaged the trapped foot with unbridled passion and Jack’s throat struggled to keep up with how hard he was laughing.

Jack couldn't stand it. He didn't understand how it was so bad but Jesus alive, Frank tickling his feet was a torture he never knew existed. He'd had his way with them before but Jack realized why he'd been tied up today; Frank wanted more out of him. He had the most perfect feet in Victory at his mercy and he was going to make the most of it even if that meant driving Jack insane in the process. "AAHAOhAohAFFRRAAnNNkKkAhAH!! SSSEEERRiIOOuUuSSlLLyY!" Jack tried to call out, hating to even do that but he couldn't help it. Jack hadn't figured out that his hysterics only fueled Frank but as if the rapid fingers on his foot weren't enough, he soon felt Frank's mouth slip around his toes to join the party.

"AAAAHAHAHA!! AOhAOHAOhAOhAohAAANNNnOOOoOHAOhA!!" was all Jack could say as his head shook back and forth and Frank nibbled and slurped on his juicy toes. The house practically shook with Jack's volcanic laughter but Frank didn't care, snacking on the salty toes while he worked over the arch and balls at the same time. His tongue moved with impressive finesse through each buttery toe like a hidden talent, slinking back and forth to invade the fleshy betweens while gently using his teeth on the bubbly ends for a one-two punch Jack could hardly wrap his head around. The fingers were brutal on their own but all of it together was more lethal and Jack could believe.

Despite having a good handle on his other leg, Jack became so rowdy that it soon slipped free, nearly kicking Frank once it was loose. "We can't have that" Frank decided as he grabbed the other leg and stood up, forcing Jack onto his stomach and then sitting across his lower back. "NO! Frank, please, I can't do both feet! Please, go back to my armpits or my stomach!" Jack begged in a risky move, knowing no man in Victory would ever try to tell Frank what to do. "You say that like I have to choose between them; I can always show your pits and stomach some more attention later if I want" Frank assured with a scary calmness to his voice before pulling off the second shoe, breathing in the socked foot until his cock was hard against Jack's leg, and then ripping the sock off too so both feet were totally exposed.

Jack tried to accept his fate as Frank corralled both ankles in his arm but was still taken back when the flurry of fingers landed on his upturned soles. "NNOoAOhAOhAOhAAOAhhAohA!!! FFUuUuCCKKKAhOAohAOhAA!!" Jack screamed with laughter and Frank nearly blew his load right there, beyond excited to hear such an extreme reaction. Victory's leader clawed up and down both supple soles with devoted concentration, jumping back and forth between the right and left quicker than Jack figured he could've. His plump toes wiggling for dear life helped the sweet and sour smell of his hypnotic feet drift up for Frank to enjoy, driving him wilder as he tickled the delectable soles to his heart's content.

Jack couldn't believe the sounds coming out of him as he squealed and shrieked with high-pitched laughter, even tugging on the belt around his wrists as if he was now desperate enough to try and pry Frank off his defenseless feet but he couldn't focus long enough to make any headway, forcing him to lose his mind without any hope of escape. "Since I got to smell your feet, you can give mine a whiff while you're down there; it's only fair" Frank announced as he toed off his own loafers behind him and proceeded to shove his own sheer-socked feet onto Jack's face. Jack had no choice but to breathe in the mature feet as he laughed himself dizzy, overwhelming his airways with a nuttier, cheesier smell than his own as Frank kept the warm soles against his nose and cheeks.

"I think these feet need a little lubrication" Frank announced a few minutes later before leaning down and lathering the right sole with his tongue, commanding Jack's body with the surprise slurping but it was only followed by another sloppy licking of the other foot until both soles were nice and shiny. Jack prayed Frank would go back to just worshiping his feet after tasting them again; that he could handle, but no such luck came his way. "Much better. Now let's see how loud you can really get" Frank proposed before scribbling as fast as he could on both slippery feet, "AAAHAohOOHOOAHAOhAOhAOhAoA!!! FFFRRAAANNKK!! AohAOhAohAASSSTTOHOHOOOP!! SSSTTOAOhAOhAAOOPPP!!" Jack wailed with newfound power, partially muffled by Frank's feet but his desperation was crystal clear. Frank flashed an evil smile as he continued wrecking the gorgeous soles, focusing on the balls and the undersides of his toes to really get him screaming as Jack inhaled load after load of Frank’s pungent feet.

"That's it, laugh for me!" Frank taunted with more of a power trip than usual while Jack squirmed under him and tried to kick his feet free, fearing he'd pee himself if it didn't soon stop and he didn't think he could stand the embarrassment of that, not in front of Frank. "FFRRRAAnNnKkPPLLlLEEAASEE!! AhoAhoAohAJJUuUSSTTGGiIiIVVEEmMMEAAAbBbREAAAKK!!" "A break? Why would you need a break?" Frank questioned as he focused on the soft arches of both feet at the same time with his nails. "IITTTTiiIICCkKLLlEESSTTOoOOMMUUuCCH!! AohAOHaPPLLLEEAASSEE!!" Jack struggled to admit as his words fought for enough air to talk. "Tell me how my feet smell" "AAHoAHATThHEEEyYySSSMMmEEElLlGGOoOoDD!!" "Really? Would you lick them clean if I asked you to?" "AhOAHAOYYyEeEESS!!" "You'd do anything for me wouldn't you, Jack?" Frank asked just to hear Jack say it. "YyYYEESssSS!! iIILlLDDoOOWwHhAATTEEVVEERRyYYYOOuUWWaaAANNnTT! JJUuuSSTTTSSTTOOOPPPTTiiICcKkKLIIiNNGGmmMYYyFFEEETT!!" Jack humbled himself the best he could to appease Frank and his fiendish fingers and to Jack's great relief, it worked.

Frank let his feet go and flipped Jack back on his back, showing how red his face was and how distraught he'd gotten. "Damn, I think you drooled on my socks" Frank laughed as he pulled his feet back and Jack caught his breath, beyond happy that was over. Jack looked down to see Frank was stiff as a board, pushing the stretch of his pants after such a thrilling time at Jack's feet. "Is that it? Are we done? I think you got me good enough for today, Frank...really. Alice will be home soon and get worried if I’m not there" Jack tried to reason, making Frank laugh.

"You still think you have a say here, don't you? You think because I welcomed you into my house and let you drink my good bourbon, that I don't own you, Jack? Until you get another job out there and as long as you want to stay here, in paradise, you're mine" Frank made clear, reminding Jack that this arrangement wasn't as friendly as he liked to think. Frank may have liked him, he may have favored him in public, but on days like today, once a week, the rules were different.

"Now that we understand each other better, I recall you wanting me to tickle the rest of you" Frank pointed out, twisting Jack's pleas around on him. "I didn't...that's not what I meant" Jack tried to correct. "You're not trying to call me a liar, are you, Jack? Because that would be really...really, stupid right now" Frank assured as he straddled Jack's midsection and plowed into the sides of his bare chest. "NnOAoOAhOhAOhAAOHA!!" Jack came back to life with another wave of laughter that he had no chance of controlling, with Frank's weight keeping him mostly in place as he writhed around and his tight fingers proved just as killer as before, hardening Jack’s nipples within seconds.

Frank drilled into his chest for several minutes before moving down to his ribs and continuing the same concentrated technique, refusing to let Jack rest. "AAhANFFRRAaANnNKkK!" was all Jack could say, knowing 'stop' or 'please' wouldn't help him, if anything maybe make things worse but Frank was already itching to turn things up a notch. Without pulling away from his ribs, Frank leaned down and started licking Jack's right nipple, stunning the bound Englishman. "WWhhAAATThoAOhAOH!? NNONNOooAohAOA!!" Jack sputtered through confused laughter as Frank's tongue wiggled and flicked across the tender tip, proving his chest was yet another hot spot.

"What about this side?" Frank soon asked, only giving Jack a moment to realize it wasn't over before Frank was slurping on the other nipple, spiking his laughter and forcing Frank to really keep him pinned down. Frank's tongue seemed to know exactly how to lick his chest to its apex, tickling Jack in a different way than he'd ever experienced but things only got worse for him when the cruel fingers kneading into his ribs started creeping up into his pits. "AhAOhNNOoONOOO!! FFRRAaNKkKk!! MMmEERrRcCcYYY!!" Jack begged despite being put in his place earlier; he had to at least try to stop him. But Frank wiggled his way into the closed-off pits within seconds, electrifying Jack's already exhausted body and making his nipples extra hard as Frank licked them over and over.

Jack screamed and squealed with humiliating desperation and kicked around on the carpet while Frank dug into his now sweaty pits on full blast and started nibbling back and forth, tickling just enough to finally make Jack start losing control of his bladder. "AAHAOHFFRRAAANNNkKK!! IIICCAANNNNTTT!! IIiCCAANNNTTTTTAAKKKEEiiIITTT!!" Jack shouted the best he could as pee started leaking out against his will but Frank didn't listen, too busy getting all the mileage he could from his tickle toy to care until Jack offered him something this time, something he never expected.

"AHOAHAAFFRRAaAANNKKK PPLLLEEAASSEE!! IillLLGGEETTyYYoOuUuOoOOFFF iIiIFFFYYYyOouUuSSTTOOOpP!! IILLlJJJjEERRKkyYYOoUuUoOOFFF!!" Jack shouted like it was his last resort to avoid totally pissing himself. " know what? I like that idea. If you can get me off, I'll stop tickling you" Frank answered as he sat up and pulled his hands back. "Ok...ok, just untie my hands" "No, you're gonna get me off but not like that..." Frank corrected as he backed up and sat on his knees between Jack's legs. "You’re gonna use your feet" "What??" "You heard me" Frank answered with a commanding tone, forcing Jack once again into new territory. Frank undid his pants, pulled down his underwear, and let his impressive cock flop out, prompting Jack to lift his feet up and do his best to satisfy Frank.

Jack's velvet soles started sliding down Frank's throbbing shaft at a slow speed, still in disbelief of what he was doing. "Faster" Frank instructed, prompting Jack to contour his feet around the pre-cum covered cock and pump faster. "Oh yeah...there you go" Frank encouraged as Jack's mouthwatering soles slid up and down his rod, almost softer than any hand or mouth that'd been there before. Jack pumped and pumped and Frank leaked onto the carpet but he wasn't getting off yet, persuading Jack to go with his gut and try something else. Instead of stroking, he took the head between his toes and started playing with it like he imagined would feel good on himself and Frank shuttered with a shockwave of moaning pleasure, "Fuck...that's amazing, fucking amazing." Jack took the cue and stepped it up, teasing the dripping head even more with his toes and delivering a few more powerful pumps with his now slippery arches until Frank finally came, shooting what must've been a pint all over the living room.

"Damn, that was great...really, fantastic job" Frank complimented with an impressed smile as he started peeling off his own socks. "Thank-" Jack started to answer before Frank shoved his dirty socks in his mouth, surprising Jack. "Mmphm!" "You didn't think I was really gonna stop tickling you, did you?" Frank pointed out like it was foolish of Jack to ever think he was telling the truth before. "MmPhmM!" Jack tried to talk back but Frank grabbed Jack's own socks and tied them around his mouth to keep the other pair in.

Jack tried to spit them out and get through to Frank but he was too busy moving onto his next plan, "You ever notice how after you have sex with your wife, you don't have that unique satisfaction that usually comes with getting the job done, the release makes you wanna move onto something else? That's one of the many perks of living in Victory; no post-cum clarity. That means wanting to do whatever tickles your fancy never really gets out of your system" Frank explained and Jack realized exactly what he meant. Even after he and Alice would be intimate, he'd still be ravenous, rock hard within a few minutes and ready to start again like nothing had even happened. That clued Jack in that Frank would be nearly impossible to satiate; he might never get enough of toying with him.

Frank made his next plan clear when he moved Jack onto a large nearby rug and started rolling him up in it, "MMPhmMPHM!!" "I told you our wives would be at that party for a while. It's just me and you until at least until 8, Jacky boy" Frank pointed out, filling Jack's eyes with dread as Frank stopped rolling, landing him on his stomach. Jack tried to move around just so he wasn't so helpless but he couldn't budge and Frank proceeded to sit across the bottom half of the rug so he was facing Jack's marvelous, unreasonably ticklish bare feet, "Now where was I...?"