titans: Team Dynamics

“Gar, I’m still waiting on that protein shake!” Hank Hall aka Hawk shouted from his bedroom, pressing Beast Boy to hurry up with the snack. “I’m coming” “What?” “I’m coming, sir!” Gar replied with an eye roll he quickly got rid off before returning to Hank’s room. “Thanks, man…you always make the best shakes” the muscled hero assured with a teasing grin before taking a big gulp. “Mmm yeah, that’s fucking delicious” Hank laughingly proclaimed like a king on his throne. “Where is Conner with my new laptop? You’d think Superboy would be a little faster” Hank pointed out just before Con zipped into the room with the new computer. “Sorry, they didn’t have the exact one you wanted at the first store so I had to go to a few more…in a different state” “That’s the kind of dedication I expect from my slaves” Hank praised but both younger heroes didn’t actually care how satisfied Hawk was; they had to obey him regardless.

What’d started as a harmless game of inside baseball between Gar and Conner ended with about $20,000 worth of damage to the Titans Tower. Wanting to avoid having to deal with telling Dick and face whatever punishment he would surely dish out, Hank offered to help them out and say it was his fault, but only if they agreed to do whatever he said for the rest of the week. He was normally a pretty cool guy, like a potty-mouthed big brother that’d sneak you a beer but it was only day two and king Hank was on a serious power trip.

“Alright, boys, I think I’m gonna watch some TV so you just take some time for yourselves” Hank explained with a chummy smile. “Thanks, sir” Conner answered and they started out the room, “But don’t go too far; ya never know when I’m gonna need something” Hank pointed out and the duo continued out the room with their feet dragging a little bit more. “And I thought Hank was the fun one of the OG Titans” Gar added as he and Conner sat down in the kitchen. “Maybe we should just tell Dick the truth” Con offered. “No! We can’t…Dick will have us training 7 days a week like machines. Hank’s milking this master thing a bit much but it’s only for a week right?” Gar tried to remind, talking himself into sucking it up too.

Luckily Hank spent a good chunk of the evening working out, leaving Gar and Conner to play video games in peace, that was until their playful competition was interrupted, “Hey, slaves! Get in here!” the macho man called from his bedroom, getting a sigh from both boys as they put down their controllers. They found Hank stripping off his shirt and toeing both sneakers off before getting comfortable on his bed, spreading his legs wide and letting his arms stretch across the pillows on either side. “Man, what a fucking workout…check out this pump I’ve got going” Hank pointed out with a flash of his hulking arms and a jump of his solid pecs. “Nice” Conner added. “Yeah, super nice” Gar chimed in, even less enthused.

“Well you boys are about to get a good taste of what a real workout does to a man. I want a foot massage” Hank instructed with a wide, toothy smile of pure dominance and wiggled his toes in the gray socks. “Are you serious??” Gar questioned. “I mean if you guys don’t think you can handle it, I’m pretty sure I still have Dick on speed dial. I’d be happy to ca-“ “Fine! We’ll do it” Conner answered for them. “Dude!” “What? It’s just a week, remember?” Con tried to encourage as they took a seat on either side of the bed, already getting notes of the big sweaty feet waiting on them.

“Conner, don’t be afraid to use some of that super strength with your thumbs; really get in there. And Gar, don’t let him do a better job than you; otherwise, you’re massaging my ass next” Hawk warned. “Yes, sir” Gar agreed like his mouth didn’t even wanna make the words. “Alright, get to it” Hank instructed and the pair took the feet in their hands to start rubbing them the best they could. The half-alien hero didn’t disappoint as he started focusing on the balls of the right foot, working his thumbs in just like he’d been told to with more pressure than most humans could deliver. “Oh fuck…that’s amazing, Conner…keep doing that” Hank gushed with the enthusiasm of a frat-boy getting good head at a party.

Gar noticed the grin on Conner’s face and was confused by his apparent lack of reluctance but his distraction soon became a problem, “Hey, animal boy, step it up. These dogs aren’t gonna massage themselves” Hank corrected. “Sorry” Garfield apologized and started concentrating on the arch with his knuckles. “Ooh yeah, now we’re talking” Hawk approved with another pleasured smile as Conner kneaded into the balls and heel with excellent devotion while Gar did his best with his more nimble fingers. “How do they smell, Con?” “Sweaty” “Come on, you can do better than that; get in there!” Hawk pressed as he shoved his socked feet onto both boys’ faces, forcing them to inhale the rank, sour flavor he’d worked up.

“Oh, man…uhh…they smell like a locker room” Gar tried to answer. “What about you, Conner?” “Kind of like an unusual cheese” “Haha damn right they do” Hank laughed, proud of his smell. “Now get rid of these socks; it’s time to get down to business” the former jock instructed and Gar took a deep breath before peeling the crew sock off and Conner did the same but a little slower, as if he wanted to savor the reveal. “I wanna be impressed, fellas” Hank made clear as his naked size 12s demanded to be serviced. Conner took the foot in his hands again and started on the arch this time, showing the long stretch of flesh the attention it deserved as Hank’s sole wrinkled against superior touch. Hawk’s head fell back against the headboard with satisfaction, letting out low moans and gasps like he couldn’t believe how good it felt, putting another smile on Con’s porcelain face.

Gar decided to start on the sides of the opposite foot, rubbing the meaty edges between his fingers and making sure to dig in as much as Hank seemed to want. Hawk may have been one of the only people on the team without any powers but his feet were out of this world. They were lean but with rich bottoms and soles varying in shades of pink that led up to long toes with plump ends but perhaps the best part was how smooth they were. Gar’s hands practically glided along the soles while Conner’s melted in with every new push of his superhuman fingers.

The double team massage was so incredible that Hank’s eyes began to get heavy, unable to resist the immense pleasure of two foot slaves working on him. He was beginning to doze off when suddenly he sprang back to life with a giggly outburst as Gar started on his toes, “AhoAHhEy! SthOppiIT!” Hank demanded and yanked back both feet, shocking his teammates. “What just happened?” Conner asked. “The human zoo over here hit a nerve or something” Hawk tried to assert. “Nah, wait a minute…I tickled you didn’t I?” Gar contradicted with a smirk. “Yeah fucking right!” “Then why did you laugh like that?” Con pried, obviously rattling Hank’s iron confidence. “You know what, get out…I need to take a shower anyway” Hank announced as he hopped off the bed. “Alright” Gar answered with a smirk he was trying to hide. “And wash this stuff for me” Hank added as he pulled off his sweatpants and briefs on his way to the shower, letting his slaves get a good look at his firm, juicy ass on the way out.

“It must’ve been glute day” Gar added, getting a laugh from Conner. “You must’ve really hit a bad spot earlier” Superboy brought up. “No, dude! Hank’s ticklish! Do you realize what this means?!” “….should I?” “We can use that to get him to stop ordering us around!” “How? I thought tickling was just a playful thing people did with each other” “Yeah it is but it can also be like torture, especially if the person is really ticklish” “Torture? Really? But Hank’s our friend, why would we torture him?” “I’ve heard of tickle torture before in some of the fanfiction I’ve read but I never thought it'd actually come up in real life. This is great!” Gar exclaimed. “What’s fanfiction?” “I’ll explain later but right now we need to think of a plan” Beast Boy explained like he’d hit the jackpot.

Close to 15 minutes later Hank strolled back into his bedroom in just a towel, closing the door behind him and grabbing his phone to check the time when someone shouted ‘NOW!’ “What?” Hawk barely had time to see Conner before he’d taken him to the ground, planting him on his back and using his super speed to tie his ankles to the top railing of the footboard. “What the fuck is going on?? Conner, the hell is wrong with you, man?! Gar?? What is this shit??” Hank demanded to know as Conner kept him on his back with his knees on his arms out to his sides in a classic schoolboy pin.

“We’re not your slaves anymore, got it?” Gar asserted. “Oh so you want Dick on your ass for the next six months?? Sure, be my fucking guest!” Hawk threatened. “No, that’s not happening either because you’re still gonna tell him you did it” “Are you two high or something? I’m not doing shit!” Hank assured as he tried to get free. “Wanna bet?” Gar challenged as he turned into a tiger and jumped on the bed. “Hey, asshole! Get your paws off my bed!” Conner snickered a bit at Hawk’s frustration but watched his anger suddenly become something totally different with a wave of panic only moments before proving Gar’s suspicion right.

“AAAH!! AHAHAFFUUUUCCKK!! aohANNOoNnOOAOAHAGGEETTOoFFMmMyYYFEEETT!! AohAohAOAHAAAAOHAAFFuuUCCKkIInnnGGSSTTOOPPP LLLLIIICCKkIinNGGmMEE!!” Hank roared with a huge forced smile as Beast Boy’s tiger tongue licked the fresh, manly feet like he’d skipped dinner. “Man, you are ticklish” Superboy laughed at how spirited Hank’s reaction was and how little it seemed he could do to control it. Gar’s big, textured tongue slurped up and down both upturned soles on a loop with flat, deliberate licks to keep Hank squawking like a wild man under Conner. “AHAOOKOOKK! AOhAOHAFFUuUcCKKIinNGGSSTTOhOOOPP!!” Hawk yelled the best he could but Gar didn’t stop lathering his tasty feet and Conner soon gave in to his own desire to get in on the action.

“Most humans have more than one ticklish spot right?” Con questioned before testing out Hank’s exposed pits with 10 wandering fingers. “AhAhnNonNOO!! AOhAHCCOOnNNEERRR!!” the shredded blonde bucked against the floor and his laughter jumped an octave with newfound hysteria as the stakes suddenly heightened. “Oh wow haha, your armpits are bad too” Conner pointed out with excited eyes as he wiggled into the propped open pits. “GGEETTThHEEFFuUUCCKkoOoFFmMMEENNNoOWW!!” Hank raged in the throes of ticklish desperation, unfamiliar with how to handle the shift in power or getting tickled without being able to nail either of them in the face. “So do we have a deal?” Conner asked after a few more minutes per Gar’s prior instruction. “AHOAHSSuUuCCkKMMmyYYDDiIiCCKK!!” “I’ll take that as a no” Conner answered before using his freeze breath to create two small icicles into his hands and running them along Hawk’s sides and stomach.

“AhoAHWWhhAATTHHEEeFFuUuCKKK!?! NOoNnOoOCCCOMmEEOoOOhOHoNN!!” Hawk began bouncing around on the floor as much as he could, taken back by how much the ice teasing drove him crazy. Conner had watched a video or two on tickle torture for research while Hank showered and one used ice cubes on their ticklee, enticing Superboy enough to try it for himself. “I can’t believe this actually works” Conner gushed while letting the ice melt along Hank’s toned belly and solid sides. But the ice treatment was quickly overshadowed when Gar’s tiger tongue turned its attention to Hank’s strong toes with quick licks to lap up a few of them at a time. “HHAAAAHAHAHMMoOOTThHEERFFFuUuCCKkEERR!! AhAOhAOhAAGGAARRiIMmMGGOOOnNNAAkKIILLlyYOOUUu!!” Hawk threatened as clearly as he could to hopefully intimidate Beast Boy but failed to even slow him down.

“I hope you don’t mind that we borrowed your toothbrush” Conner added as he produced Hank’s electric toothbrush and turned it on before letting it fall past his towel wrap and down between his bare thighs. “AAAhoAhAOHAohAFFuUuCCkKYYOoOuUUuAAHAH!! TTUuRRnNnIiiTTOOoFFF!!” Hank almost squealed with ticklish disbelief as the buzzing bristles tickled his thighs and even his taint/base of his cheeks. Gar soon started sneaking between Hank’s toes and it sounded like Hawk had been exposed to some of Joker’s special gas, consumed with uncontrollable laughter that jumped back and forth between thunderous howls and sharp shrieks that really stung his ego.

After dropping the toothbrush between Hank’s legs, Conner started teasing his neck and ears with his super fast fingers, fluttering back and forth along either side of his head. “AoAoAOhAOhAOOACChHRRiiIISSTT!! AhoAHAOHAOhaohAAFFFuUUCCkKIIINNNGGGSSTTHOHohOPP!!” Hawk practically screamed but Gar was having far too much fun now back wiggling his tongue all over the tender soles and Conner was letting his Lex Luthor side take the reins for a minute to help break his friend. “Just say you’ll tell Dick it was your fault and we’ll stop” Conner reminded.

“Tell Dick what was his fault?” a new voice questioned, cutting through the berserk laughter to command Conner and Gar’s attention toward the doorway. “Dick?? I thought you were in Gotham until the weekend” Conner questioned like he’d been caught cheating on a test in school. “The hell is going on? And why is Gar a tiger??” “SsoMMeEbboOoODDyyYYSSTTTOoPp TThhEETToOoTHHBbRRuUuSSHH!!” Hank pleaded as the buzz of the brush occupied the new silence. Gar turned back into human form and untied Hank so nobody would have to reach into his towel and the mouthy hero was finally able to turn the brush off and catch his breath. “Somebody better tell me what’s happening here and what happened downstairs” Dick demanded with his hands on his hips.

“I’ll tell you what happened; these two twisted assholes tried to get me to admit that I’m the one who fucked up the tower” Hank explained with renewed authority. “Is that true? You guys did that?” Dick asked. “It was an accident – really!” Gar tried to convince. “That’s gonna be a shit-load to fix!” Dick reprimanded. “Sorry, Dick” Conner added. “We can pay for it! We’ll get jobs or something” Gar offered. “Yep, we sure will!” Con agreed. “Hold on a minute, Dick, now we both know old man Wayne can fit the bill for the damage…I think we should settle this another way” Hank proposed with a sharp grin toward his rascally teammates.

- One hour later

“AhoAHOAPPLLEEAASEE!! AhoOHAOHAASSTThohOHOPP!!” “AohAOhaMmMEeRCCCyY! AoOohAOhAOAACCoOmMmEEOOnNnGGuUyYYSS!!” Conner and Gar laughed and begged from the Titans training room as they suffered the punishment Hawk had persuaded Dick to choose. With no shirts, shoes, or socks, both boys sat strapped to the floor while metal tentacles tickled them all over. The tentacles were typically used for combat training purposes but with a little re-programming, the hand-like ends mimicked a non-stop gang tickling on both young heroes while Dick and Hawk stood over them with remotes to the tentacles. Dick made the ones on Conner dagger into the sides of his pecs, dig around in his pits, and spider all over both rosy soles. Hank got the tentacles to dance across Gar’s stomach, tease under his knees, and focus on his toes after finding them just as much of a trigger for him as his own.

“You better keep licking or I’m gonna turn this thing up!” Hawk commanded with his bare foot on Gar’s face, refusing to let his buddy’s tongue stop worshiping his sexy foot. Gar could barely tend to Hawk’s foot from laughing so much but Hank didn’t give him a choice, even rubbing his dreamy sole on Gar’s face to remind him what his priority should be. “Come on, Dick…you don’t want your feet cleaned a little? I think Conner actually likes feet; you should’ve seen him massaging mine earlier” Hank encouraged with a cheeky smile toward Superboy.

“Ah, what the hell? I guess I could try it out” Dick agreed and slipped off his boot and sock before putting his warm sole on Conner’s face. But before Dick could even tell him what to do Conner was already running his tongue along the silky sole the best he could, “Haha I fucking knew it!” Hank laughed and Dick smiled at the reaction as he fed off Hawk’s dom energy. “Damn, I guess you were right” the ex-sidekick added as Conner laughed through the passionate worship, slurping up the arch and balls of Dick’s dreamy foot like he was itching a scratch he never knew he needed to satisfy until today. Dick couldn’t help but giggle every few seconds from his own severe ticklishness but Conner didn’t seem interested in exploiting that, too busy indulging in Grayson’s soft, savory sole through his own unending laughter.

The next day things were back to normal at Titans Tower. Starfire was on her own mission, Rachel was still out of town, Gar was reading in his room, and Dick was looking for Hank to update him on Poison Ivy’s escape. “Hey, Hank! We need to tal-“ Dick stopped short upon opening Hank’s door to see Conner with Hank’s toes in his mouth from his spot on the floor at the end of the bed and Hank’s legs dangling over the edge. “What’s up, man?” Hank greeted as casual as ever. “What uhh…what’s going on?” “Just a little Titan bonding…it was his idea” Hank assured and Conner smiled back at Dick in agreement. “Right…” “Take a seat; I’m sure he’d go for two of us at once” Hank invited. “I think I’m just gonna go get Gar instead” “You’re missing out!” Hank assured as Grayson started out the door and shut it behind him. “There’s a reason The Justice League doesn’t live together.”