the boys: secret weapon part 3

The Boys stood outside the same room that they’d tickled A-Train in almost a week earlier, looking through the two-way mirror as the one and only Homelander struggled on the black Y bondage table totally naked. Despite Defuse keeping his powers shut down, a collective anxiety plagued the group. He was a scary motherfucker, even totally tied up and helpless without his laser eyes or super strength. Everybody knew he was a monster in a hero’s outfit and imagining what he could do to them was seriously unnerving, even for Butcher although he refused to admit it. “Defuse, you sure you got him?” Butcher asked. “Yeah, he’s good” “Well let’s get in there and see how bad we can wreck this asshole” Butcher encouraged. “Right…” Hughie agreed with obvious butterflies before they walked in with their ski masks on to get the show started.

“You guys have really stepped in it…oh, boy you are FUCKED!” Homelander warned with an almost mocking smile as he struggled on the table, refusing to believe he couldn’t escape. “Ya know, for a giant action figure, I thought you’d have a bigger wanker” Butcher teased. “Oh, it’ll be plenty big when I’m shoving it down your throat!” Homelander barked back. “That a promise?” Butcher undermined and Homelander’s shredded body flexed to assert his usual strength but he couldn’t bust free, bound by the collection of impressive straps and sleeves on his arms, legs, shoulders, and waist, not to mention the toe ties.

“Did you go to all this work just to see me naked? Surely there’s some porn parody online that would’ve gotten you off just the same” Homelander taunted. “I prefer the one with Deep fucking the mermaid” Butcher answered with a cheeky grin. “Let me out of this fucking thing before I rip your ribs out and stab you with them!” the leader of The Seven angrily demanded with his usual authority but without glowing eyes to back up his threat, Butcher and Hughie just stood there. “I think it’s time we show our special guest why he’s here” Butcher suggested and Hughie pressed a button on the remote to trigger the machine under the table, incredibly anxious that for some reason it wouldn’t work on him or something would go wrong but as the back scratchers appeared at the ends of table and landed on his feet, Hughie breathed a sigh of relief.

“AhAH! AAGGHHoAoOhFFuUCCkKIInNGgHhEElLL WWhHaAATTHHEEFfuUUCcKKiISsTTHHHAAT?!” Homelander demanded to know with surprised laughter as the claws of the two metal scratchers raked down his taut soles. “What’s wrong, mate?” Butcher taunted while the powerhouse hero tried and failed to contain his reaction, only able to bite his lip or clench his jaw for seconds at a time as his whole body tensed up to try and resist but he always broke with more gushing laughter. “FFuUCCkIiInNGSsttoHOHPP!! IIILLLFFRRYyyOoUuRRBBRRAAIiNnsSSooUuUTT!!” Homelander shouted with fiery aversion to the tickling but Butcher and Hughie just looked at each other with quick acknowledgement; this was gonna be good.

“Come on then, show me those famous laser eyes…or better yet, fly out of here” Butcher teased to kick the hornet’s nest that was Homelander in front of them, positively steaming and unable to control himself as the scratchers clawed down the length of his peachy pink soles over and over. “Wearing those boots all the time must leave your feet pretty soft and smooth…and sensitive” Hughie rubbed in with growing confidence. “LlLEETTmMEEGGOOO!! NNOOOOWW!!” “All that power and worldwide fame and you can’t handle a little tickling? What a pussy” Butcher deliciously taunted while the simple drag of the scratcher’s teeth refused to let him get a grip on his overflowing laughter.

“If you think that’s bad, then you’ll really hate this” Hughie warned before pushing another button and adding another two scratchers onto his supple soles, shocking his system like a jolt of electricity. “NNOAOAoAOAHAMMOooTthHEERRFFfFuUUCCKkKEEERsSSS!! TTuUURRnNiIiTToOoFFF!!” Homelander shouted as the four scratchers raked up and down his feet, with each pair moving in opposite directions just like they had on A-Train’s feet. His eyes flared wide with volcanic rage and he fought against the table to break free and destroy both masked men but he was totally powerless for the first time in his life. Butcher walked down to watch the scratchers dominating his tan feet, leaving faint lines on his flawless soles with every trip up and down, “It’s a good thing nobody knows about how ticklish you are or Vought might have a real problem on their hands” Butcher added while Homelander’ fleshy toes strained against the ties to fight off the relentless scratching.

“IIMmGGoOonNNAAKKIIIILlLLYYOOUUubBoOOOTTThH!!” Homelander swore with an almost maniacal laugh mixed in with his normal one, putting some renewed fear in Hughie but Butcher wasn’t fazed. “What makes you think we won’t just tickle you to death? Huh? From the looks of it, it might not take that much” Butcher countered before grabbing the remote from Hughie and triggering another part of the machine, a new addition neither of them had seen in action. Two electric toothbrushes appeared on the sides of his sleeved legs and the arms they were attached to guided them into the hole Frenchie had put in on both sleeves so the heads of the brushes could land on the back of Homelander’s knees.

“AAhAOHAAGGOOoDDDAAmMMiiIITT!! WWHhAATTiIISSTThHAHAATT?!?” fired out of the 38 year old with heightened frustration as the buzzing bristles of the toothbrushes proved a nice touch. “Even the backs of his knees are ticklish; I thought he was supposed to be indestructible” Butcher mocked as Homelander shook on the table and tried to bend his legs but the sleeves kept them perfectly straight and ideal targets for the battery-powered tools. The isolated torment of the toothbrushes going to town on the backs of his bare knees made it even harder to try and fight his laughter but losing such control made the beloved hero even angrier, trying his best to engage his powers and laser his way out, so much so that Defuse had to concentrate more to keep him down.

“Now that we know his feet and knees are ticklish, I think it’s time we check out the rest of him, you know…while he’s all tied up and bare-assed” Butcher announced before turning on another new installment, one he was personally eager to see. Homelander’s fingers had been strapped down so his palms were facing upward and he found out why when a feather appeared next to each hand at the top of the table, held in place by arm extensions that started making figure-8s with the pointed tips on his palms. “AOAoAohAohACCHhRRiIisSSTT! AohAohATTuURRnNnTTThhAATTSShHiiITTooOFFFFF!!” Homelander exclaimed with a surprised look like he couldn’t believe the newest development but his shock didn’t stop the ends of the feathers from drawing all over his hands like pens to paper.

“Oh my God haha, that’s some evil shit” Hughie laughed as he watched Homelander’s fingers desperately try to make a fist. “Suits him then” Butcher answered, relishing in his biggest enemy’s misery and eager to push him as far as he could. “YYOOoUUBbEEETTTEeEERRLlLEEETTmMeEGGOOO!! NNOOOOAhAOOWWW!!” “Listen to that, I think he’s getting mad” Butcher taunted to rub in Homelander’s humiliating situation and pushed another button on the remote, triggering a trusty vibrator wand but this one landed right on his taint, making the naked hero jump on the table the little he could. “OOOWoaOHAohA OAoAohOAHOAHSsHHHIIIIITTT!” Homelander’s laughter spiked another notch as the head of the wand tickled his wide-open taint and the base of his hanging balls. His head shook around until his perfect hair was disheveled and he tried to close his legs but the table stopped him, forcing him to endure the unruly vibrations teasing one of the most delicate spots on his body.

Hughie was content to watch Homelander slowly lose his battle with the machine until he hopefully admitted defeat or started begging but Butcher’s lust for absolutely annihilating him moved things along faster. Butcher looked over the remote to see what he would do next but Hughie spoke up, “You know we don’t have any information to get out of him, right? There’s not a rush” “Maybe I just wanna see how loud I can make this cunt scream” Butcher answered with unyielding hatred for Homelander and proceeded to put the forehead strap over his head but not without having to dodge a few bite attempts. “Bite me and I’ll bite you back” Butcher warned before turning his attention back to the remote and causing four new feathers to pop up around Homelander’s immobile head.

He tried to look and see what was happening but failed to get a solid idea until two feathers were dusting along his jawline and the other two were flicking along his ears like they had on A-Train and Hughie. “AAAAGGHAHAA!! FFuUUUuCCKkiIInNnNGGSSTTHOHHOPP!! IIiSSAAAIIIDDSSTTTOHOHOPPP!!” Homelander demanded with enough conviction and expected authority to rattle Hughie again while Butcher grinned at his violent outburst, knowing that only meant the tickling was getting to him more. “Good thing the machine can multitask” Butcher pointed out with a laugh as they watched the collection of tools tickle Homelander so efficiently. The four back scratchers never missed a beat clawing up and down his handsome feet, the feathers on his palms swished around and around, the toothbrushes on the backs of his knees wouldn’t die out for another few hours, the buzzing wand perfectly dominated his taint, and the team of feathers on his jaw and ears couldn’t have performed any better if they were being manually controlled.

“I think this would drive most people crazy; he may be more ticklish but he must be a tough son of a bitch to not be crying yet” Hughie pointed out as the barrage of tools worked on Homelander’s defenseless body. “I don’t know if he even can cry…but by the looks of it, he can get a stiff one” Butcher added as he noticed the growing erection in front of them. “I guess so…” Hughie answered like he didn’t know to navigate that aspect of the torture but Butcher was quick to make the most of it. “Look at what we have here…I didn’t expect you to get horned up during this” Butcher added as he walked closer.

“BBLLlOOOOWWwmMmEEEEEAHAHA!!” Homelander fired back. “Sorry, mate, not a big fan of cock…I prefer beef, myself” Butcher teased, knowing how badly Homelander would soon be aching to get off and how much fun it would be to watch him beg for help getting off. “Nah, can’t help you there but that mouth of yours…I think we need to do something about that” Butcher explained while toeing off his signature black boots and reaching down to peel off his dirty black crew socks, out of sight of Homelander thanks to the head strap but Hughie stood by in awe of the development.

“IIiIMmMGGGOONNNAAEENNNjjOOOYYY DdDEEESSTTRroOYYiIiNnNgGYy-“ Homelander was cut off by one of Butcher’s rank balled up socks being shoved in his mouth. Hughie couldn’t have described the look on Homelander’s face if he wanted to, some mixture of shocked, angry, and homicidal all at once as he got a mouthful of Butcher’s personal flavor of sweaty feet. The now barefoot Englishman grabbed a staple gun from Frenchie’s workstation and stapled one end of his other sock to the table before stretching it across Homelander’s mouth and stapling the other end to the other side of the table to keep the sock gag in. “There, much better” Butcher added with pride in his devious addition while Homelander’s muffled laughter roared on behind the socks.

“I never would’ve thought to use socks as a gag” Hughie admitted. “What’s wrong? Ain’t you ever seen any kind of porn that isn’t totally vanilla?” Butcher questioned. “I guess not the same kind you have” Hughie answered as Homelander’s face grew red from frustration and being able to taste nothing but Butcher’s sour sock while his cock reached a standing ovation and his body surged with ticklish overload. “MMPHmMAPHMM!!” The Seven’s leader fumed with high-pitched laughter from the back of his throat as he had no choice but to soak up the marinated sock between his cheeks; he looked like he was on the verge of short-circuiting but Butcher wanted more.

“Let’s flip him” “You sure?” “Don’t I look sure?” Butcher challenged before turning the machine off and forcing every tool tickling him into retreat. Homelander took deep breaths through his nose and his eyes closed with relief but shot back open when the table suddenly turned him upside down, “MmPHmPMHM!!” “Sorry, love, can’t hear you with my dirty sock in your mouth” Butcher laughingly taunted as Homelander jerked in place to try and get free again but had just as much luck as before.

“Should we start with the pits?” Hughie questioned. “Nah, one at a time is too nice for him; let me see the remote…let’s just do this” Butcher decided as he pressed a few buttons and triggered multiple attacks at once. “He’s gonna fucking hate that” Hughie added with a humored smirk. “Good” Butcher answered as they watched two vibrating wands plunge into his stretched-open pits, the wiry scalp massagers start spinning across his shiny abs, and the buzzing nipple clamps attach to his chest and fire up. “MMMApHAMMphMMPHMM!!!!” Homelander erupted behind the gag and shook against the table with zero to 100 hysteria, fighting mad and struggling to wrap his head around the new sensory tornado.

The clamps vibrating his nipples to their hardest potential and tickling like nothing Homelander had ever experienced in combination with the wands like mini ticklish earthquakes in his golden pits and the jellyfish-like scalp massagers spreading their tendrils all over his stomach had him unable to think straight. His laughter bellowed out with nowhere to go and overloaded his throat while his cock stood at full attention with a slight curve toward his belly, now dripping pre-cum onto the floor without any chance of him helping himself blow the heavy load. “Do you think he can actually cum like that? You know, without any help” Hughie questioned. “Maybe but I doubt it; I imagine he’d be hard pressed to focus on much anything at the moment” Butcher happily answered as the surreal show continued.

What Hughie and Butcher didn’t know was that Homelander had hardly been tickled ever in his life. He knew what it was of course and encountered the occasional accidental tickle but nothing direct, not high school friends messing with him, not college roommates rough housing around, not a girlfriend wanting to make him smile; nothing of the sort. So, this was new territory for him; he was a living weapon, a symbol of America’s power and confidence, an idolized protector with a monstrous twist most people didn’t know about. He didn’t even know how bad off he was because nobody would ever dare try tickling him, that was until now.

“MphmMmPHAMMPHMM!!!” Homelander raged with his laser eyes almost flaring up every now and then from the stress of it all but Defuse held steady in the other room, keeping full concentration on preventing him from powering up while Hughie and Butcher continued their takedown. Only, Hughie didn’t know where it ended; with A-Train there was a goal in mind but now, it wasn’t as clear. “I don’t know how long Defuse can’t hold him…maybe we should call it soon” Hughie suggested. “Are you fucking mad? We have the most powerful supe in the world and biggest asshole on the planet tied up, naked, and in the palm of our fucking hand…I’m not letting this go until I’m ready” Butcher assured. “Fine…it’s your call” “Damn right it is” Butcher answered before pushing another button on the remote and introducing Homelander’s smooth toes to the eyebrow spoolies.

“AAMMPHMMPHMM!!!” “Haha how’s that, mate? You got ticklish toes?” Butcher teased as the eight skinny brushes sawed between each of the tied back toes at the ends of the table, rocketing Homelander’s laughter up to new extremes. His plush toes fought against the ties for dear life but couldn’t budge a lick as the fine bristles weaved back and forth, showing Homelander that no spot on his body was safe. That realization was only further proven when two new electric toothbrushes appeared from the machine and planted their buzzing heads on his inner elbows thanks to the new cutout in the sleeves. He pulled on his arms with all his strength but couldn’t even kind of protect the delicate skin left so vulnerable and his laughter started dipping with reluctant whimpers, almost as if he didn’t have the energy to hide his growing desperation.

“Oh, is the big bad hero gonna cry?” Butcher taunted as he bent down to look at Homelander, making eye contact with the muffled blonde and seeing the seething rage mixed with undeniable misery they’d brought him to. The puddle of pre-cum was only getting wider and his cock throbbed with a dire horniness but Butcher refused to help him out, “I bet you’d love a quick handy right about now…shit, right about know you’d probably bust if I even blew on it, wouldn’t ya?” Butcher mocked as Homelander fumed with uncontrollable, whiny laughter, a far cry from the powerful, almost haughty reaction he’d started with. “Hey, why don’t you show our friend here what you did to our first guest” Butcher suggested. “Seriously? Again??” “Come on, you were so good at it before” Butcher insisted while Homelander tried to argue. “Here I was thinking that was a one time thing…” “Atta boy” Butcher answered as Hughie made his way down to the right bare foot and gave in to Butcher’s request by winding his tongue along the macho sole.

“MMPHMMPHMPHMM!!” Homelander shouted the best he could and his foot squirmed in place, praying to wiggle free somehow but Hughie’s textured tongue couldn’t be escaped. “How do they taste?” “You’re welcome to come find out” “I’ll leave snacking on the feet to you, mate” Butcher answered while he watched the look of emasculated horror on Homelander’s chiseled face and the sweat starting to drip off his forehead. The spoolies pushing and pulling between the pink toes were enough to drive Homelander insane but having Hughie lick his feet was a new kind of tickling he didn’t know existed; sure he’d forced Deep to worship his feet before but he'd made sure to only receive the softest kisses and slurps of manipulated admiration, not anything like what Hughie was dishing out.

While the spoolies and Hughie dominated his feet, the wands, toothbrushes, scalp massagers, and nipple clamps tickled his upper body to the absolute brink. His mouth was fully saturated with the taste of Butcher’s savory feet and his cock was painfully desperate to blow, with his balls tight as could be and the pre-cum having dried up after leaking out almost a gallon on the floor. “MMpHMMPHMMPPMMPHMPHHLLPHMM!!” “Is that a ‘please’ I’m hearing?” Butcher questioned while still looking at Homelander from his knelt position. “MMPmMPHMM!!” was all he could say back, unable to shake or nod his head due to the strap across it. “I think he’s begging us!” Butcher announced with a proud smile at Homelander’s horny, ticklish despair. “Does that mean I can stop licking now?” Hughie answered. “You keep licking until I tell you to stop” Butcher instructed and Hughie moved onto the left foot, wrecking the bound hero again with the fresh stimulation.

But after only about 10 seconds of Hughie’s tongue on his foot, Homelander’s raging hard-on erupted without so much as a stroke of encouragement. “MMMPHmMPHMMPHMM!!!!” His load shot against his thighs and stomach and across the floor like a broken sprinkler as he shuddered with immense satisfaction. “Woah! How the hell did you manage that, you crazy bastard?” Butcher questioned with surprise at the sudden release but as disappointed as he was that Homelander had managed to relieve himself, a new opportunity to destroy him quickly put a smile on Butcher’s face.

Butcher stood up and walked to the back of the large room, “Where are you going?” Hughie asked. “I’m looking for something” was all the answer he gave and Hughie went back to lathering the left foot, finding a specific spot on the center of his arch that really got Homelander squealing. “MMPhAmAMPHMPHM!!” shot out through the distraught laughter as Hughie wiggled his tongue on the sweet spot and Butcher returned within a minute with a few things in hand. “You see this? This is called a pocket pussy and I’m gonna show you how it works” Butcher explained in front of Homelander’s face before attaching the black and pink toy to an extra arm of the machine that hadn’t been used. “Hey, that’s mine!” Frenchie complained from the adjoining room as Butcher secured it to the machine and got it going.

Homelander’s eyes lit up at the sudden sensations and quickly grew even wider as the rubber opening started going up and down on his freshly drained cock for some post-cum torture. “MMAPHAMMPHMMPHMMPHMM!!!” Homelander screamed behind the sock gag and bucked against the table the hardest he had since the beginning as the device slid back and forth on his still solid dick and teased the hyper-sensitive head with non-stop attention. But Butcher didn’t stop there as he stood back up and slid open the secret door he’d had Frenchie add to the underside of the table, one that revealed Homelander’s perky bare ass. Hughie watched from his spot at the foot as Butcher ripped one and then another piece of duct tape off a roll and proceed to tape the cheeks apart to the sides of the opening, shocking Homelander once more.

“What are you doing now??” Hughie asked like he couldn’t believe Butcher was willing to go so far. “You were working at a tech store less than a couple months ago; I’ve been playing this game for a long time, mate” Butcher explained before grabbing an electric toothbrush and feather he’d brought over. Hughie watched in awe as Butcher started running the electric toothbrush over Homelander’s ass and flicking the feather across his exposed hole, instantly sending the naked hero into unhinged convulsions against the table. “MMPHaAAMMAPHMMAAMMMAMMMAPHAMMPHMMMHMM!!!” The tears that’d been welling up fell from his eyes with a final slash to his massive ego and his throat couldn’t keep up with his violent laughter as Butcher tickled his asshole with demented glee and teased his cheeks with the buzzing brush.

“Why don’t you try nibbling on his feet a little” Butcher suggested and Hughie reluctantly obliged, wrapping his mouth around the edge about an inch down from his pinkie toe and nibbling a little with his teeth, pushing Homelander further into tickle hell with another wave of forced laughter. After close to 2 hours at the hands of the tickling machine and enduring Butcher and Hughie’s varying degrees of wrath, Frenchie alerted them that something was wrong. “Guys, A-Train is outside” “Shit” Hughie let out, giving Homelander a glimmer of hope that he was about to be rescued. “Deal with it; if he’s smart he’ll let it go” Butcher instructed into his ear piece and Frenchie walked out the back door to find A-Train on a mission by Vought to find Homelander. But after being reminded of the video they still had of his time on the tickle table, A-Train quickly decided to ignore discovering Homelander’s location.

“He’s gone but Defuse is about done; he’s running out of juice” Frenchie explained. “I guess that’s that then; we don’t need evil Superman here going nuclear on us” Butcher answered as Hughie stood up from the left foot. “That’s it?” “Yep” Butcher assured before leaving the hilariously ticklish ass and grabbing a dose of what they’d used to get him there, quickly putting the gas over Homelander’s face and knocking him out. The next afternoon Hughie, Butcher, and Frenchie filled Mother’s Milk in on what they’d done and to nobody’s surprise, he wasn’t happy.

“I don’t believe you guys! What if something had gone wrong? A-Train could’ve run right through you or Homelander could’ve broken out and torched all ya’lls asses” “Relax, mate…nothing went wrong. Defuse worked great and we took those super pricks down a few pegs” Butcher explained. “And we found out the real situation with Compound V” Hughie chimed in. “I guess I can’t take anymore time off” MM added with an annoyed look. “You worry too much” Butcher laughed as he handed him a beer and the gang started to discuss how to move forward with what they now knew about the superhero drug.

But what they didn’t know was that Butcher wasn’t finished with the tickle scheme like he pretended. He’d told Hughie and Frenchie that he’d dropped Homelander off at the same parking garage they’d left A-Train before he could wake up but in reality he was at a different, undisclosed location with a well-paid Defuse sitting nearby. He was still strapped to the bondage table upside down and sock gagged with every bit of the machine going all at once.

The eyebrow spoolies sawed between his toes, the back scratchers clawed up and down his feet, electric toothbrushes were buzzing away on the backs of his knees, inner elbows, and two had been taped to the edges of the opening to focus on his ass. Two vibrating wands sat on his pits and one focused on his taint, the nipple clamps kept his chest on fire, the spinning scalp massagers were in full effect on his stomach, feathers teased his ears, palms, and jaw, and the pocket pussy coaxed out load after load only to torture his head right after each release until he was on his way to another climax. Sitting directly under his face on the floor was a box of dirty socks he had no choice but to breathe in, a pair from A-Train that Butcher had held onto, a pair from Hughie he’d made up a reason to need, and a pair of Frenchie’s he’d stolen, creating one hell of a mixture of smells that dominated Homelander’s airways. He was Butcher’s personal tickle slave and he planned to keep torturing him as long as he could…