shameless: A Gallagher Weakness

Ian Gallagher sat at the kitchen table eating some waffles he’d made while reading the paper when his big brother, Lip, walked down from upstairs and made his way to the fridge, pouring himself a glass of juice like he was supremely thirsty. “There’s plenty more vitamin c where that came from; you don’t have to chug it” Ian added with a light laugh. “I need something other than beer in my stomach” Lip answered as he perused the kitchen for some kind of breakfast. “Late night with Dani?” “She kept me up all night, dude” “Up, huh?” Ian teased with a smirk. “Just eat your stupid waffles, alright?” Lip dismissed before finding a granola bar.

“What’s up your ass?” Ian questioned as he finished his plate. “Why are you worried about it? You’re over here monitoring how much fucking juice I drink and shit…” Lip barked back, clearly in a mood. “Nothing like breakfast time at the Gallagher house” Ian added like he’d decided not to get into with him, instead watching him from the counter pour another glass of juice. But as Lip started in on it with his back to Ian, the playful red head surprised him with two hands tasering into his sides. “WooAoAaThTTheEEFFUuHCcK?!” Lip became a limp noodle against the other counter, struggling to keep his footing as Ian prodded in just below his ribs.

“This is the best way to handle a grumpy pants” Ian teased as his dagger fingers became claw hands clamping around his lower sides and squeezing in back and forth. “NNoOAOhA! GGeETThHEEFFuUUCCkKooOOFfmMEEDDuUuDDEE!!” Lip demanded as his laughter got the better of him and he couldn’t help but crack a smile while trying to fight Ian off. “I didn’t know you were still so ticklish” Ian taunted as Lip tried to get away, fumbling into the fridge but still not having escaped him. “FFuUuCCkKOOoFFmMAANN!! CCOOMmEEoON!!” Lip protested through his own heavy laughter but Ian wasn’t backing off, determined to get him out of the funk.

Lip attempted to lock his arms down and prevent anymore tickling but Ian forced his way into the armpits and rocketed Lip’s laughter up several notches. “AHAhAHAFFuUCCK! AohAHAOASSTToHOHPP!! SSTThoHOHOPPPIiITT!!” Lip shouted as he writhed against the fridge and tried to grab Ian’s hands but couldn’t force him off, allowing Ian to dig into both underarms with devious enthusiasm. “Still gonna be a dick?” “AhOhAohAohAAFFuUUCCkKYYooUUDDUuDDEe!” Lip spat out but Ian sank in a little deeper until he was wiggling around in the very depths of his pits and Lip became a rag doll floundering against the fridge, wrecked by his own forgotten weakness.

“OOkK! OoOKK!!” Lip shouted only a couple minutes later like it was hard to get the words out and Ian happily accepted his victory. “I’ll make a morning person out of you yet” Ian smiled as he pulled back and let Lip regain his composure. “Shit…you know I don’t fucking like getting tickled” Lip added while catching his breath. “Yeah I know” Ian answered with another grin before heading out the front door for work, leaving Lip to finish his breakfast and plot his revenge in peace.

That evening, while Carl was at work policing and Debbie was out with a friend, Ian sat stretched out across the couch in the living room watching TV after a long shift. His size 9s rested just past one arm of the couch, airing out in the white crew socks he’d worn that day with his boots on the floor beneath them where they’d been kicked off. Unbeknownst to him, Lip’s own socked feet were creeping across the floor, inching closer to his unaware little brother from behind. The normally pretty serious 24 year old couldn’t hide the smirk of anticipation on his face as he zeroed in, keeping any eye on his brother’s unsuspecting feet. Lip was within a few steps away when Ian rolled over onto his stomach, surprising Lip but he realized that was even better, knowing they would be an even easier target in that position.

Just then Ian went to grab his phone and dropped it on the floor, pulling his attention away from the TV when Lip pounced, quickly sitting across the back of his ankles on the arm of the couch and unleashing on the socked feet. “HEeyAAHohAoAHAha!!” Ian came alive with a shocked outburst of wild giggles as Lip scribbled all over both feet. “Not funny when it’s the other way around, is it?” Lip taunted as Ian flailed and tried to jerk his feet free but Lip did his best to anchor himself in place. “CCOoOomMmEEoOONN!! OOkOokAOhOAHAAEEnNOoUUGGhH!” Ian protested with increasingly frantic floundering on the couch but he couldn’t save his trapped feet. “I guess this really is the Gallagher tickle spot” Lip added to rub in the shared weakness before reaching up to grab the loose toes of Ian’s dirty socks.

“No! You’re not taking my fucking socks!” Ian tried to argue while reaching back toward him to intervene. “Well there goes one” Lip narrated as the right slipped off. “Stop!” “And the second one…” Lip announced once the last sock landed on the floor and Ian’s strawberry pink soles sat naked in front of him. Lip could hear the panic in Ian’s voice as he protested from behind him, doing his best with violent lunges toward him to pry him off as his feet wrinkled and his toes curled with uncomfortable vulnerability until Lip’s fingers made their return.

“NNooOAAOAOhAOHAohAOHASShHHIIiITT!! AOhAOhaohAAFFFuuUCCkKKOOooFFFF!!” Ian howled with raging laughter, harder than Lip had ever heard from him as he scratched up and down the length of his smooth arches. “And I thought I was ticklish…” Lip teased while his nails terrorized the tender soles. “AhoAHAYyYYYOoUUUuAARREEAASSShHoOLLLEEE!!” Ian was quick to remind but it was hard to act like he had any kind of leverage with his ankles pinned to the couch and Lip proving how embarrassingly sensitive his feet were. “I think I want to hear a surrender…a sincere submission” Lip explained without missing a beat on the captive feet. “AAHoAYYyEEAAhHhRRiiiiGGhHTT!!” Ian refused like he knew he could turn the tables eventually.

“I don’t think you have a choice, man” Lip pointed out before moving north onto the buffet of long pale toes. “GGEeTTTThHEEFFuUUCCkK OOoFFmMYyYTTOOOEESSDDUuDDEE!!” Ian shouted between sharp shrieks interrupting his robust laughter. “I’m not hearing a surrender” Lip added as he ignored the demand and clawed along the undersides of both rows, exploiting their soft nature with each scratch. “AAHAHAHAAHMMoOoTTHhHhEERRFFuUuCCkKEER!!” Ian raged with his fists pounding into the couch and his legs fighting for dear life to break free of the hold. Lip couldn’t help but laugh at how bad Ian’s toes were trying to curl or avoid him, prompting him to show his brother there was no sanctuary for him or his ticklish toes as he used one hand to force the left ones back and started raking along the stretched-out undersides with sinister concentration. “AAAAAAHaAHAHAHGGGOooODDAAMMMIIitTT!! AhAOHAOAHAASSTTTOHoHHOPP!!” Ian almost screamed with horrified disbelief on his face as his brother proved how evil he could be and how much control he had, torturing the supple toes the best he could.

Lip relished in the power trip that came with such an upper hand, a thrill he hadn’t experience in years since they didn’t rough house as much anymore, prepared to tickle Ian’s feet as long as it took until he forced him into an admission of defeat. However, despite the solid advantage Lip had, Ian was still a bit stronger than him and only a second after Lip switched to the other set of toes, the former army man finally got one leg free and kicked Lip off the couch and onto the floor with a thud. “Shit, man!” Lip laughingly complained but when he looked back at Ian, he was already on his way to get his own revenge. “Oh fuck!” Lip exclaimed as he got to his feet and scrambled away but Ian was too fast and tackled him into the floor.

“Where the hell are you going?!” Ian challenged as he wrestled with Lip on the ground. “I was getting you back for earlier! We’re fucking even!” “You didn’t really think I was just gonna accept being even did you?” Ian mocked with an eager smile as he tried to get the upper hand but Lip wasn’t giving up, rolling around with him and avoiding getting pinned until Ian finally landed on top of him and planted his knees on his arms to keep them down. “Ugh! Come on! This isn’t fucking gym class” Lip whined as he tried to get up and actually forced Ian to really focus on keeping him down, with the older brother putting up a good fight but it only got more interesting when Mickey walked in the front door.

“Woah, what the hell is going on here?” Mickey questioned with a confused laugh. “Mickey, get his feet!” Ian instructed. “No! Just fuck off, man!” “You think I fuck off just because someone tells me to, Gallagher?” Mickey challenged before wrangling his boyfriend’s brother’s legs in a headlock. “Tickle his feet! He hates it!” Ian shouted. “Are you serious?” “Yes!” Ian assured and Mickey followed suit, ripping the sneakers off and making quick work of the ankle socks until Lip’s bare feet were all his. “2 on 1 isn’t fair! This is bullshit!” Lip argued while desperately trying to fight his way free. “Too bad” Ian laughed before plowing into his ribs with both hands.

“AAHAHAFFuUUHUUcCKK!! aohAhOhAAOhAFFuUucCkKYyYOOU!! GGGeeTToOoFFF!!” came gushing out of Lip like he hated to let it out and Mickey’s face brightened up at the severe laughter, “Huh…I guess he is ticklish” Milkovich concluded and decided to test out the feet in front of him with a flurry of wiggling fingers all over both supple soles. “AAhAOhAaNOOO!! OAhAOhAOhAAMmoOOTTThHEERRFFuUuCCCkKEERR!! SSSTTToHOHOPP!! LLEEAAVEVEMMYyFFEEETAAAlLOOnNEE!!” Lip shouted like he was ready to kick both their asses. “Sorry, can’t hear you over all that little bitch laughing his ass off…oh wait, that’s you” Mickey taunted as his taste for fucking with people took a different form, quickly realizing how much fun it could be to torture Lip this way.

“Lip thought he could sneak up on me and make me submit” Ian explained while wiggling into the top half of the ribs with ruthlessly stiff fingers. “I guess we’ll have to return the favor then” Mickey happily suggested as he started scratching more than wiggling, laying into the smooth pink soles with mounting enthusiasm and horrifying concentration on wrecking the trapped feet. “AaHoAOHAFFuuUUCCkKIInnGSSSTTOhOHPPP!! IIMMGGOonNNAAKkIIILLLYYoOUUGGUuYySSS!!” “Making threats now, huh? I don’t know how smart that is while you’re pinned to the floor” Ian teased before jumping into the wide-open pits and spiraling his laughter even higher with violent jerks to escape the tickle nightmare he’d gotten himself into.

Mickey’s playfully sadistic nature made him an evil tickler, even worse than Ian as he dragged his nails along the arches of both feet, alternating between the left and right to keep Lip shrieking with embarrassing outbursts. “Try his toes too” Ian suggested after another few minutes. “FFFuUuCCkKKTThhAATT!! DDoONNNNTToOoUuCCHMMyYYTTOOOEESS MmiICCKKEEY!!” Lip forbade with sudden panic on his face, looking down to try and get any kind of clue as to what Mickey would do but got his answer very soon. “The toes, huh? Let’s see about that” Mickey decided with cruel teasing as Lip did his best to iron-lock his toes into a curled position but all it took was a quick tease at the very tips to coax them open and Mickey was ravaging the plump toes of the right foot with a fresh wicked smile on his face.

“AAAAHAHAHAHAHASSHHHIIIITT!! SSHHIiitttsSShHhIIIIT!!!” Lip roared with sharp squeals breaking through the normal hardy laughter, instantly ruined by Mickey violating his super ticklish toes. “Oh shit! Haha listen to that” Mickey taunted, proud of the unhinged reaction he got from Lip and continued scratching along the soft undersides as if he’d somehow missed out on this method of bullying over the years. Ian watched Lip lose his shit under him and his head thrash around like it’d come flying off but he wasn’t backing off until he’d secured a victory over his brother, prompting him to reach backwards and latch onto his hips.

“IAAAnNnnoOOO!! aOhAOhAOAHAOAAFFFUUUuCCCkKKEERR!!” Lip couldn’t help but freak out again once Ian was squeezing into his hips just above his jeans, recalling that spot to be a good one as well from years ago. “Damn, you Gallaghers are a ticklish bunch” Mickey pointed out after hearing Lip’s laughter spike again. “That stays in this house, got it?” Ian made clear as if he didn’t want that shared weakness to become common neighborhood knowledge; he hated to think how Kevin would tease them with it. “Don’t worry; once we make the brainiac pee his pants it’ll be our secret” Mickey offered before pulling out his set of keys and letting his tickle monster side takeover as he started running the jagged side of one key back and forth across the balls of both soles. “AAAOhAOHAOHWWWhhAATTThHEEEFFFuUUuHuUCCCKKK!?!” “Like that, Gallagher?” Mickey teased as the pointed pattern proved more torturous than his fingers.

“Ready to tap out and submit?” Ian questioned while still squeezing into his hips. “FFFUUuUuCCkKyyYOOoUUU!!” Lip fired back with an attempt to break free but Ian just grinned at his refusal and went after his neck, spidering all over between his chin and collar bone, knowing it would help drive him crazy enough to surrender. “AAHAOHAAOHAAOHAOAHIIIFFUuUCCkKIIInNGGhHAATTEEyYoOUUU!!” Lip sputtered through angry laughter as he tried to block the relentless fingers but of course couldn’t. The determined red head also knew tasking Mickey with tickling Lip’s feet would assure they weren’t shown any mercy and his troublemaker of a boyfriend didn’t disappoint, now running the same key along the base of the left toes in a sweeping motion.

“FFFFuUUUuuCCCKkiIiNNnGGSSTTHoOHpPP!! MMiIiICCKkKEEEYYyYYOOOUuuUUUAASSSHHOOLLLLEE!!!” Lip tried to insult but Mickey loved how easy it was to get him so riled up and exploit the peachy pink toes. “I have more keys, I can always make this worse, man” Mickey enlightened before slipping a key between each finger of his free hand and forming a fist so he could claw all over the buttery blue-collar soles. “AAAAHAHAHAAHHAHAAFFuUUUHUCCCKK!!! AOhAohAOAHAOAOKOOKOOK!!!” “You give yet?” Ian questioned while still tickling his neck. “AHOAHAOHAYyYYEEEESSS!!” Lip forced out like he hated how submission tasted in his mouth but Mickey wasn’t stopping, having far too much fun tickling Lip’s hilariously sensitive feet.

“Mickey! Mickey; it’s over!” Ian announced as he got off Lip. “Says who?” Mickey challenged without pulling away from the captive feet, too enthralled in driving Lip up the wall. He didn’t stop until Lip sprang forward and yanked him off before getting to his feet with an exhausted, humiliated look on his face. “Too bad I didn’t know how ticklish you were when I was still in high school; I would’ve made you do all my shit for me” Mickey laughed. “Yeah, like that would’ve fucking happened” Lip dismissed with a slightly bruised ego. “Now we’re even” Ian added with a triumphant smirk before he and Mickey headed up stairs and Lip brewed with a new, more severe appetite for payback.

The next day, around 10 a.m. Ian’s bare feet landed on the floor, ready to enjoy his Saturday without work. He quickly decided a run was a great way to start his morning and got dressed but when he went to grab a pair of socks, the drawer was empty. “What the hell? I just put some in here the other day” Ian questioned but he figured Carl had just borrowed some of his and went over into Lip’s room to grab a pair. He opened the drawer and on top of the pile of socks was a pink sticky note reading ‘Gotcha!’ “Gotcha?” Ian asked aloud before Lip sprang out of nowhere and slipped a sleeping back over his younger, sockless brother.

“Hey! What the fuck, man?!” Ian protested and tried to yank the sleeping back off him but Lip quickly zipped it as much as he could until the opening was closed around Ian’s ankles. “This is what you get for trying to steal my socks” Lip added with a satisfied smile as he tipped him over, knowing full-well he’d stolen all of Ian’s to put the plan in motion. “We’re even! Come on!!” Ian argued just as Carl entered the room. “Cool – it worked!” “Carl?! Help me outta this thing!” Ian instructed. “Sorry, man…Lip told me the deal and I couldn’t pass this up” Carl informed and helped Lip prop Ian’s feet on the bed while the rest of him laid on his back on the floor. “Are you guys serious right now?! Let me goOhAOhoAOHAA!!” Ian couldn’t even finish his demand before Lip was sitting across ankles going to town on the defenseless bare feet.

“Woah, I didn’t realize you were this ticklish” Carl added with a humored, excited smile. “AOhAOAHFFuUuCCkkIInNGGhHhEEElLlPPmMMEE OoOoRRyYYOOUuURREEnNnEEExXXTT!!” “Sounds like a threat, Carl” Lip added. “Big talk from a guy trapped in a sleeping back” Carl agreed as he knelt down next to his squirming brother and launched his own attack, firing sharp jabs into his stomach and ribs. “AAHoANNoOO! IITTAAkKkEEiIIITTbbBAAACCkK!!” Ian tried to smooth over as his arms struggled to block the strong pokes. “Like I believe that” Carl dismissed as he gave into the intoxicating high that came with being a tickler, not used to ever having the upper hand on either of his big brothers.

Lip was never usually a mean tickler but this was special circumstances and he was ready to let Ian have it for double teaming him yesterday, clawing up both lean soles over and over from the heels all the way to his toes. It wasn’t long before Ian started trying to fight back with his toes crunching back down or even trying to capture Lip’s fingers but it backfired when Lip just started focusing on his toes instead with tight scribbles that Ian instantly hated. “AhAOhAFFuUuCCkKoOoOoOFF!!! AOhAohAoHAACCoOmMEEOoNNyYOOuUGGUUYyYSSS!!” Ian tried to persuade as he writhed around in the sleeping bag. “Maybe Mickey will show up and help us out too since he just likes dropping in” Lip proposed, striking new fear in Ian at the thought of being on the receiving end of his boyfriend with no way to fight back.

“AAHoAohWWEEeERRRREEEEVVvEEEnNN!! NnOOoWWSSTTOhOHOHOPPTTiiIiCCkKLLIInnGGmMMEEE!!” Ian raged like he’d bust out of the sleeping bag but Carl quickly made it harder for him to make demands when he started digging into his chest, using his knuckles to knead into the sides of the tight pecs. “AANnoOoAOhAOhAA DDAAmMMIiITTCCAAAArRRlLL!!” “Yeah you’re way more ticklish than I thought” Carl pointed out as he milked his new target to great success. “How were you supposed to be in the army? You’d spill all the government secrets; the enemy would just have to tickle it out of you” Lip rubbed in with a mocking laugh.

“EEAAATTSSHHhIIiITT!!” “Hey, Carl, hand me that phone charger would you?” Lip asked and Carl abandoned Ian’s chest long enough to deliver the charger. “Ugh! Let me go, assholes!” Ian shouted with a series of violent jerks to break free of the childish bondage but only seconds later he felt something moving between his toes. “Hey! Don’t doOAoAH tThhAAHAT!” he could barely get out for laughing as Lip weaved the braided, textured charger cord between all five of Ian’s left toes. Carl couldn’t see what Lip was doing but returned to his own post with the same rolling knuckles on the sides of Ian’s chest, commanding his attention while Lip finalized his plan.

“AAHAohAACcCAARRlLLSSTTOHoHAOHAPP!!” “What will you give me if I do?” “IIiWwoOnNNTTkkIIICCkKyYYoOoUuRRAAsSS!!” “What kind of deal is that?” Carl rejected and started digging in a little deeper to really dive into the muscles and crank Ian’s laughter up even higher, only moments before he really went crazy once Lip started pulling the ends of the charger back and forth and the cord was snaking between his rosy toes. “AAAAAAAhAOHAOHAWWhHAATTTHHhEEFFFUUuUCCKK!!?! AohAOHAASSTTOHoHOPP!! SSSTTOHhoOHOHPpPIIIIITT!!!” Ian came unglued and squealed through the sleeping bag with sudden desperation, unable to process or handle the cord invading the baby soft spaces between each toe.

“You should’ve just let us be even…you brought this on yourself, man” Lip pointed out as he continued pulling it back and forth, even using his knees to anchor Ian’s ankles to keep his feet from wiggling it free. Carl looked back and got a glimpse of what Lip was up to, impressing the young cop but sending a shiver of fear up his back at the same time at the thought of it being done to him. Ian was a tornado of bucking and floundering around in the bedroom but the brothers did their best to keep him from escaping, Carl straddling Ian and Lip ratcheting down around his legs even more until they had a better handle on him but even then, Ian made Carl focus if he really wanted to get him good.

Carl made himself as solid as possible to keep his hold on Ian and soon sank into his obliques through the sleeping bag, giving Ian something else to laugh about. “FFuUUcCkAKAOHAAOHA FFFUUuCCkkIiiNNNGGSSTTToHoHOPPP!!” Ian practically screamed as Carl worked into his stomach and Lip extended his reign of terror by finessing the cord through the other set of toes and repeating the same, diabolical technique. The blue charger proved just as unbearable on the right toes as it was on the left, just textured enough to tickle like crazy and make Ian wish he'd never even thought about venturing in to look for a pair of socks; he’d rather run the block barefoot than endure this. Carl was enjoying himself but Lip’s sadistic side was out in full as he watched Ian’s strong toes suffer the steady sawing of the cord, wiggling and fanning out like Ian didn’t know what to do with them or how to protect himself from the insanely ticklish attack that Lip had somehow perfected.

“LLLEEETTTMmMEEGGGOhOHOO!! NNnoOoOOWWW!!” Ian yelled like he was good and pissed off behind the wild laughter. “Get out yourself, tough guy” Lip answered before pulling the cord a little faster and hearing Ian’s throat struggle to keep up with his own uncontrollable overflow of laughter. Carl’s police radio soon alerted him to a call and he stopped digging into Ian’s stomach long enough to listen, “Shit, I’ve gotta go, Lip” “Really?” “Yeah” “Alright, be safe out there, man. Thanks for the help” “Yeah it was fun” Carl added before leaving to get dressed and Lip started back weaving the charger but Ian used the window of not being tickled to reach down and grab the sides of the sleeping bag, allowing him to unzip it down enough for him to start escaping. “Oh shit!” Lip laughed like he didn’t realize how suddenly he was losing his upper hand and darted out of his room before Ian was fully free, knowing it wouldn’t be good if he was there when it happened.

The rest of Saturday came and went, then Sunday, and Monday all without any tickle antics to speak of. Everyone went about their days as usual but Tuesday was Lip’s birthday. Carl and Debbie wished him a happy birthday and Ian even got him a gift card, the most Lip would expect or want considering he didn’t like all the attention on him for very long. However, that evening while everyone was out of the house except Lip, he heard a knock at the front door. “Wonder who that is…Mickey just opens the door and everybody else has a key” Lip asked himself before getting up to check it out but what he found was the last thing he expected.

A beautiful brunette woman stood at his door dressed in a sexy men’s suit. “Hello?” he asked, obviously confused. “Are you Phillip Gallagher?” “Yeah…but the strip club is down the street” “No, silly! I’m here for you; it’s your birthday after all isn’t it?” she asked with a pearly smile. “Oh well yeah, it is” “Great, can I come in? I have a special birthday gift for you” “Ok…sure” Lip agreed like the promise of a birthday lap dance or tease was too hot to turn down. “Who sent you? If I’m allowed to ask” “Oh I’m not allowed to say. You just take a seat right here and let me wish you a happy birthday!” she explained as she pulled over a chair from the kitchen table and Lip sat down, too flustered to argue.

“What am I supposed to do?” “Not a thing; just relax” she insisted as she took off one of the men’s ties from around her neck and secured one of Lip’s wrists to the side of the chair. “Woah haha…is that necessary?” “It’s more for me than for you; keeps the clients from getting too handsy” she explained and Lip understood, allowing his other wrist to be tied with another striped tie. She moved on to do the same to his ankles on the legs of the chair and then stood back up to face him, “Now for the final touch” she added before tying another one around his head as a blindfold, putting a nervous smirk on Lip’s face as the anticipation built.

His curiosity began to get the better of him as he heard the stripper move around as if she was still setting up, “Everything ok?” “Yep!” she assured just before Lip heard the front door open and close back. “You still here?” Lip questioned but didn’t get an answer before his chair was tipped over onto its back. “Hey! What are you doing??” Lip tried to figure out, figuring this wasn’t usually how these kinds of things went but a real red flag popped up when he felt his shoes and socks being taken off, convincing him to try and move the blindfold to see. “What are you doing??” “Just getting ready to tickle the shit out of you” Ian’s voice answered with a smirk Lip couldn’t see before raking down both prepared feet.

“YyOouUUUDDIiiCCCkK!! AohAOhAOhANnOoNnOO!!” Lip instantly started protesting as his feet wiggled in the air and Ian took full advantage of his brother’s helplessness. “I can’t believe you let Cassandra tie you up haha. I thought you were the smart one” Ian teased, surprised his stripper friend was convincing enough to get one over on Lip. “FFUuuUCCkkYYoOuUUDDUUuDDEE!! UunNnTTiIiEEMMMEE!!” “Not until you admit you’re a ticklish little bitch and you won’t try and get me back” “AHAOAohAYyEEAAhHRRiIiGGhHTT!!” Lip refused like Ian expected him to and started scratching just along the thick balls of both feet, dragging his nails from side to side with harsh strokes.

“AAHAHOAFFuUuCCkKAOhAOHAAOHA!! sSSTTOhOHHOPP!!” Lip yelled into the living room with obvious urgency in his voice, knowing how screwed he was if he stayed in this position. “Come on, just tap out…I’d hate to see you embarrass yourself. Mickey’s gonna be pissed if I make you pee your pants and he’s not here to see it haha” Ian taunted while concentrating on the lush balls and watching Lip flail around in the chair. “FFFuUuCCkKOoOOFFF!! AHOAOhAATTHHiISSIiIISSbBbUULLlSShHiIIITT!!” Lip raged, hating how ticklish he was and that he'd allowed himself to be tied up. “Too bad Carl’s at work or he’d probably wanna help me too; I’m sure he’d switch teams if I offered” Ian added as his relentless fingers started extending onto Lip’s toes, sparking new panic in his big brother before scratching along all ten plushy toes.

“AAHAHAFFuUuUCKK!! GGEETTTAAWWAAYYFFRroOOMMmyYTTTOOOEESSS!!” Lip howled like he knew he was in deeper trouble. “You should just be grateful Mickey didn’t start using his tongue when he was on your feet the other day…you would’ve really hated that” Ian pointed out to mess with his head a little too as his nails destroyed all 10 bubbly toes. Lip couldn’t help but dip in and out of humiliating shrieks and guttural laughter, undeniably wrecked by Ian’s surprise attack but as he thrashed and bucked around in the chair, the ties keeping his arms by his sides grew looser and looser until finally the right hand was free and was able to quickly free his left. “Oh shit!” Ian exclaimed at the realization and tried retaining his unchallenged advantage but Lip took off the blindfold and moved fast enough to grab his wrists and yank him onto the floor.

“You’re fucking dead!” Lip warned as he wrestled with Ian but could only grab hold of his leg, allowing him to secure it in a headlock, rip off the shoe and sock, and do his worst. “NNOOAAOhA!! SShiIIiTTAohAOhAAOH!! GGEETooOFFF!!” Ian tried to force with his other leg pushing against Lip’s back but he held steady, his impressive bicep curled around the ankle to hopefully keep his target from getting away as he scribbled as viciously as he could all over the warm sole. “Yeah! Who’s the little bitch boy now?” Lip challenged while Ian writhed around on the floor with fresh hysteria. “YYYOOuuUAARREE!!” “Oh yeah?” Lip questioned as if he needed to prove his point and went after his toes like his own had just been attacked, dominating the cotton candy pink undersides. “NNoAOoAHoHOAHA MMmOooTTThhEERRFFUuuUcckKKEER!!” was all Ian could get out as Lip wreaked his own havoc along the velvety row and they wiggled in distress.

Ian was indeed just as ticklish as Lip but wasn’t about to accept defeat just because he didn’t have the upper hand, not a chance. Lip had shaken his legs loose of the ties around his ankles so his legs were on the floor, allowing Ian to wrangle both ankles in one swoop before Lip could block it. “Hey!” Lip argued but couldn’t stop Ian from securing his own lock around the ankles and picking up where he’d left off at the toes. Lip returned his focus onto Ian’s foot and did his best to prevent him from retaliating very well, focusing on the arch and rosy balls like a madman but as bad as it was, Ian was able to enact his new plan, leaving a rubber band from his pocket tied around Lip’s big toes so his feet couldn’t get away. “The fuck is that?!” Lip couldn’t help but ask, giving Ian the perfect chance to show him why the simple band was about to be a real pain in the ass.

“You’re really fucked now!” Ian assured before launching onto his brother’s meaty soles with wild fingers determined to annihilate him. “AAAAHAOhAOAHoHAFFFuUuUuCCK!!” Lip screamed with the sudden avalanche of sensations and tried to move his feet around only to realize how limited they were. “I told you” Ian rubbed in but Lip just returned the favor as he lit Ian’s foot up with the same, ruthless energy. “NNoOOAohAohAADDDAAMMMiiITT!!” fired out of Ian, hindering his own attack until they were struggling to tickle the other at the same time, both brothers their own laugh riot on the living room floor as they tried their best to push the other over the edge.

It was a standoff neither Gallagher was willing to lose, a gridlock of brotherly torture with no clear winner on the horizon. Lip’s juicy big toes remained prisoner to the rubber band helping keep his feet easier to tickle while Ian’s own toes became the target for one of the silky ties, subjected to a repeat of the god-awful snaking technique from days earlier. Ian soon began mimicking the toe weaving strategy after tearing out one of Lip’s laces from his discarded shoe and he’d never heard Lip laugh so hard in his life. But as devastating as it was, the brutal shoelace move was met with another bombshell when Lip recalled what Mickey had done to him and began using his own keys to scratch across Ian’s captive foot to thunderous success.

Their unending, increasingly exhausted laughter could be heard from a few houses down, neither of them willing to surrender or even try to negotiate a truce out of fear of retaliation or betrayal. Lip and Ian tickled each other well into the night just hoping the other would break or that Carl would be home soon enough and one of them could persuade him to take a side but either way, it looked like the Gallagher brother tickle war wouldn’t be over any time soon.