the amazingly ticklish spider-man

Peter Parker was a young man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. After battling Electro, Harry Osborn, and losing his girlfriend, he didn’t know if he had much to offer the world but the responsibility of protecting the city was still there. Peter felt like he’d hit rock bottom but Spider-Man was far from dead and there were more villains to take on. Peter strolled to the store for his aunt one after noon in a fairly good mood when he heard a cry from an alley. “Guess that’s my cue” Peter said to himself before slipping out of sight and changing into his suit, swinging down the alley only moments later. “What? Nobody told me it was prank the superhero day” Spidey added as he looked around the empty side street without a victim or criminal in sight.

He climbed the walls to discover nothing on the roof and still no sign of trouble but suddenly from a distance he heard a mechanical noise getting closer. “What the hell?” He sprang up and put his guard up, looking over the edge of the building when he got a quick blow to the face. While Peter got to his feet, a man with several metal arms made his way onto the roof. “Who are you supposed to be?” Spider Man asked. “I’m Dr. Octopus and I’m here to eliminate the insect scum from the city” “How original; I hate to break it to you but you’re not exactly the first one to give it a try”  “But I will be the last” Doc Oct assured with a wicked, clenched smile. “Whatever you say buddy” Peter replied as he prepared to counteract whatever the man had up his sleeve.

The new villain came after Peter with his 8 metal arms, swinging and slashing at him but he was able to dodge them all. “Is that it?” Spider Man joked between moves. “Big mouth for a dead man” Doc Oct fired back as he shot a tentacle at him, diverting the hero’s attention so he could catch his leg with another tentacle. “Hey! I’m gonna need that leg!” Peter argued while he was hoisted upside down. “This is your chance to surrender, Spider-Man” Doc offered. “Sorry, I left my white flag at home” Peter refused as he attempted to escape the hold but Doctor Octopus started slinging him on the roof like an angry toddler until he was unconscious. “My, I thought the great Spider-Man would be harder to catch” Dr. Octopus laughed as he scaled back down the building with Peter’s limp body.

A few hours later Dr. Octopus watched as his prey regained consciousness, picking his head up and his eyes slowly opening. “Wha? Where am I?” he asked with confusion. “You’re in my lab” Spider Man looked at the upgraded man and remembered what happened, quickly realizing his mask was gone. “What do you want?” Peter questioned with mounting frustration as he fought the strange apparatus he was attached to “You’re a pest and pests need to be dealt with…” Doc explained while his catch struggled against the giant vertical X. His arms were locked into the top 2 bars and his legs into the bottom 2 with his boots lying on the floor, making Peter’s imagination run wild as to why. “Do they have some kind of supervillain allowance I don’t know about? How do you afford such fancy toys?” Peter questioned, his attitude masking his fear.
“You’re petty insults don’t hurt me, Spider-Man; I’m a man of science on a mission. I suspect your gene makeup holds many secrets to human mutation and I also suspect you’ve done your own research; I intend on extracting every one of those secrets” “You honestly think I’m gonna tell some wacked out scientist the information it took me freakin forever to find out? You’re crazier than you look” “Oh you’ll tell me all I want to know soon enough” Doc Oct assured with a grin.

The mad scientist’s metal tentacles began moving around near the trapped super hero, making the young guy nervous as to what awaited him. He used 2 mechanical arms to hold himself up while the other 6 started producing different objects at the ends. When the transformation was complete, Spidey realized he really had a reason to be worried. 2 tentacles had spinning bristles like round hairbrushes. 2 of them became dull, metal claws, and the last 2 were vibrating probs. “What’s wrong? Nothing to say?” the villain taunted. “Wha..what are you gonna do to me?”  “Just a little interrogation; it’s proved quite affective in the past…”  “Good luck, squiddy” Peter tried to undermine as he watched with wide eyes. The devices descended onto his oh so vulnerable all at once, the spinning bristles slithered toward his bare feet, the vibrators aimed for his pits, and the claws just now reaching his sides. Unfortunately for Spidey, although his suit was still on, the material was thin enough to allow almost as much feeling as if he was naked.
The minute the torture devices landed on his lean body he knew it was gonna be a long night; the claws began dragging up and down his exposed sides from the base of his pits to his waist. The metal teeth weren’t sharp enough to cut him and weren’t applying enough pressure to stab him but just enough to exploit Peter’s wild sensitivity.  

The 19 yr. old bit his lip to suppress the bubbling reaction, fighting back the laughter on the verge of bursting out; he didn’t want to give Doc the satisfaction. But that resistance was strained even more when the spinning brushes made contact with his naked soles, hundreds of stiff bristles rotating across his hero feet. Peter’s long toes curled at the electric sensations just as two other tentacles attacked his armpits with the vibrating probes, plunging into his underarms kept wide open by the X. At first young Spidey was able to contain his laughter but once the combination of the tickle places built up, he was no match for the hellacious treatment. He honestly didn’t consider himself too ticklish of a guy but the direct, hardcore tickling was too much for any person to bear. “AHHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHHAA IIISSSS AHAH THATTT ALLLLL AAHHAHAHA YOUUUUUU AHAHAHA GOOOTTTT??? HAoHAOAHoAHoAHAIIiiILLloOoOVVVvVEEIIiIiTTT!!” Spidey tried to psych out; he hoped faking that he actually liked being tickled would persuade his captor to stop.  

“You want more, Mr. Hero?” the mad scientist questioned as he cranked up the tools to level 2. The speed increased on the spinning bristles, the vibrators’ intensity amped up, and the claws began moving faster along his stretched body. Peter’s head flew back with loud laughter as the newly revved up tickling sensations hit him; there was no holding it in this time. “AAHoHoAaoahaohaohaohaoaHAOAOAHoHAoAHAOHAHAOAAAAA HOHAOhaohaOHAAALLLEETTmMmeeeGGGOOoOO!! AHOAHOAHAOHaOHAAOAHAOHAAAA!!” Peter howled with a panicked face. Every single bristle seemed to have another 10 attached to it like a tiny army scrubbing up and down his pink soles. To Peter’s horror the two brushes suddenly changed up their pattern, rotating around his feet to brush across his soles and tops of his pale feet,  showing him how sensitive even his tops were. The ticklish attention on his feet was enough to drive Peter mad but the claws on his upper body were giving the bristles a run for their money. The simple tools worked like a charm, raking along the entire length of his slender frame for a steady, maddening sensations Peter wished he could avoid. “AhOAhaohOAHOAHAEEEnNNnOOouUuGGGHh!! AHoHOAHAOHaohaOhaOhaOAHSSSTTOOooAAAHhPPPP!!” “Are you going to tell me how your mutation works?” Doctor Octopus asked. “AhoAHOAHANNNnOOOooOOOoHOAHOHAAOOHOAOHAA” “Stubborn and sensitive; that’s a dangerous combination but I can do this as long as I need to” the determined villain teased.

The teen’s reluctance caused Doc to adjust the claws, both sets now moving in a zig-zag motion up and down Peter’s sides, ribs, stomach, and chest. “AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAH REEEALLLYYY????  AHoAAHoAHAOHATTTHhHhiIiSSSIiiISSjjJuUUSSTT AHOAHAOhAAMmMMEEEAAAnNN!!” Spider-Man roared with desperate laughter as the tickling dominated his super human body. The ever present vibrating probes were pulsating harder than before at the same time, wrecking his super ticklish underarms worse than any bully ever had. It felt like a million fingers were digging into his pits and he couldn’t bring his arms down to guard himself no matter how hard he tried. After nearly 30 minutes of merciless tickling the vicious Doctor stopped his tentacles from tormenting the city’s hero. “Now, are you going to tell me what you know about your mutation?” “Why….would…I do…that??” Peter responded in his smart ass way between deep breaths. “You seem to underestimate my ability to break you and overestimate your ability to resist!” the crazed man shouted in aggravation, his patience wearing very thin. The tentacles fired back up and the owner of those tickle appendages bumped up the power to level 3, the next to highest level of intensity. “You gotta be kidding me…” Peter added with an eye roll of annoyance as the claws suddenly grabbed his suit and slit down the sides of his suit to reveal his entire upper body.

“If you wanted to see me without a shirt you could’ve just asked” Peter quipped just as the claws came back and renewed their tickling with the up and down, and side to side feature. They attacked his torso with unwavering ferocity, dragging and raking in every direction across his pale torso for an all-encompassing technique to get at his nipples, abs, sides, and ribs. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LEETTT AHAHAHAHAHAH MEEEEE AHAHAH GOOOO AHAHAH YOUUU AHAHH TICCKKLEEEE AHAHAAHAH FFFRRREeeAAAAaAKKK!!”  Peter hurled at his genius tormentor with unhinged laughter. “As soon as you tell me what you know this can all stop” Doc reminded while watching him squirm and squeal. Peter knew he couldn’t tell him what he’d learned about the mutation; such an evil man could use his findings for horrible things but even Spider Man could only handle so much tickling. If only he could focus on coming up with a convincing lie instead of having his body go through tickle torture, perhaps he could escape the cruel interrogation.

The spinning bristles at his feet rotated against every inch of his tender soles, lingering in the sweaty undersides of his toes between the balls and toe tips. The menacing Doctor noticed how the toe area seemed to be the most sensitive for his young victim and figured some extra concentration there would add to his ticklish agony and loosen his lips. The slick flesh writhed in response as it left little room for friction for the bristles to encounter, allowing them to move as fast as they could.

“AAHOAAAAHaohAOHAOAHhAOAHAOHAOHAAASSTTtoOoppPTTTHHheeAHOAHoaHA bBbbRRUuSShHHESsSSS!!!”  “I know you aren’t expecting mercy” Otto teased with a toothy grin. The supple soles of Peter were on fire with ticklish sensations, almost on par with the powerful probes in his hairy pits. Both vibrating tools refused to die down as they tormented his completely helpless armpits, driving Spider Man up the wall with insanity. As bad as his feet were, he was learning his unprotected armpits were his worst spot. He couldn’t do anything but laugh and slowly lose his mind while he writhed against the X, kept totally helpless as his most ticklish areas were targeted to no end. When Peter was bullied in school and his bigger peers would use his ticklishness against him it was always hell but it rarely lasted past 10 minutes; they just wanted to humiliate him but Doctor Octopus was willing to totally destroy his ticklish body.

“AHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH SSSTOOPPPPP!! AHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHA NOOOO MOREEEE!!AHAHAHAHHAHHAHA!” he pleaded during the intense torment but just as Peter thought he’d pee himself the tickling suddenly stopped. “I’m going to ask you one last time…are you going to tell me what you know?” Instead of a quick, sassy response this time Peter debated what to do. He was so damn ticklish and didn’t know how much more he could stand but he feared what Otto would do with such powerful information. After a few minutes of waiting, Spidey heard the brushes, probes, and claws start back up, moving closer until he quickly spat out an answer. “Wait! Wait, ok…ok, I’ll talk”  “I thought you’d see it my way with a little persuasion” Doc Oct replied with satisfaction. “Research on my mutation is in a private lab at Oscorp” “Sensational, Spider Man! You’ll have to excuse me while I retrieve the documents” Otto added. “I told you what you wanted to know, let me go!” Peter demanded. “You thought I’d just let you go? You’re all mouth and no brains, kid” Doc Oct added with a laugh as he left to head toward Oscorp.

“Dammit! I thought lying would at least get me out of here” Peter said with frustration, fighting to get loose from the metal restraints. Moments later 4 metal arms came out from the wall behind him and the floor. Another 2 bristled extensions snaked toward his savory hero feet and he could instantly tell they were on full blast this time. That only meant the vibrating probes would be worse than ever, digging into his bare pits before he could escape the X. “AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA MAAKKKKEEE ITTT AHAHAHH SSSTOOPPPP!!! NNOOOoOoOONNNOOoOhAOHAOHAOAAAoAHoHOAHAAAAA!!” he cried out to an empty lab, exploding with desperate laughter at the 4-way blitz. Spider Man struggled to have a solid thought, let alone a plan of escape as the mechanical tickle devices didn’t look to be stopping anytime soon. Peter Parker knew the only way out would be to stop the tickling devices and break free of the restraints all before a sure-to-be pissed off Doc Oct returned; should be a piece of cake.