hell week: part 2

“Holy shit! These burgers are incredible!” Zack Hanson exclaimed with a satisfied palette as he scarfed down his lunch. “You’re gonna choke haha” Troy Valdez commented laughingly as the small group of freshmen watched the eating machine make his way through the first burger. “He wasn’t eating like usual last week because he was worried about throwing up during hell week, I guess he’s making up for it now” Aidan McCoy explained, happy that he and his roommate had made it through the unpredictable initiation into Alpha Phi. “I know what you mean…my nerves were too bad to eat some days” Troy replied. “My brother was in a frat and all they did was binge drink every night…Tommy and Chad must’ve really wanted to make this initiation special” Patrick Harmon chimed in, all of the boys at the table new members of the most popular fraternity on campus.

“I think they wanted to show off, like they wanted to take things up a notch and really push us. It’s not like they weren’t going to induct us” Troy pointed out with a confident tone between fries. “Chad’s just Tommy’s lap dog, he’d probably wipe his ass if he wanted; Tommy’s the real asshole” Devon Upman interjected. “Richasshole; his family’s loaded” Zack added. “I heard he holds a high school record for football” Aidan educated. “He went to a private suburban high school and if they worshiped him like everybody does here, they probably just gave him the damn thing. Chad’s just some has-been wrestler who tries to hook up with grad students” Troy interjected with attitude, making the table of 18 yr. olds laugh in agreement. “I could’ve punched that cocky bastard Tommy right in his Abercrombie face when he was tickling me...smiling the whole time like he loved it” Devon tacked on with his own axe to grind with the preppy Alpha Phi president. “Why did we even join if we hate Tommy & Chad so much?” Patrick asked, rethinking his decision to pledge the celebrated frat after the intense hell week. “Because we want a place to belong, friends that last past senior year…” Troy answered. “Yeah and the parties!” Devon chimed in with a mouth full of apple pie. “That too haha. I don’t hate Tommy or Chad, they’re our brothers now but that doesn’t mean we can’t even the score” Troy suggested with the glimmer of an idea in his studious eyes.

“What do you mean?” Patrick asked. “I think we can all agree the tickle torture was the worst part of hell week, right?” Troy asked. “That shit was insane, I’m too ticklish for all that” Aidan agreed. “Then let’s return the favor; tickle the upperclassmen and disrupt the dynamic of freshmen at the bottom of the hierarchy” the clever lad proposed. “So…revenge?” Devon questioned. “Right” “Hell yeah! I call Tommy” the spirited teen obliged with excitement at the thought of wrecking the king of Benson University. “I’m in” Zack said. “Me too” Aidan agreed while Patrick nodded in solidarity. “So it’s settled, we can do it tomorrow night. Tell the rest of the new pledges too and everybody make sure to have your phones so we can record it, to ensure this doesn’t blow up in our faces. We can pick up some handcuffs and duct tape tomorrow…we’ll decide on a time later” Troy laid out with a determined look, causing Devon to sprout a grin of rebellious enthusiasm at the plan, “Game on”.

By the next evening, the freshmen’s plan was fully established thanks to a group chat between the new Alpha Phi pledge class. They weren’t supposed to move into the frat house until later that week while the upperclassmen partied to celebrate a successful hell week.

Inside the Alpha Phi house, beer flowed and video games roared as 10 sophomores, juniors, and seniors disregarded the fact that it was only a Wednesday night. “I really thought at least a few of the freshies were gonna quit or piss themselves haha” Duke bragged. “Me too, I think Devon would’ve sucked your dick if you would’ve just stopped tickling him” Chad chimed in with pride in their efforts only a few nights earlier. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him doing that before graduation…” Tommy answered arrogantly before taking another swig of his beer, making the crowd of his brothers/followers laugh even harder. “That was fucking genius, dude…how did you think of using tickling?” Jamal asked. “Well…there was a kid on my football team in high school who annoyed the shit out of everybody, real know-it-all type. But one day some of the guys found out he was really ticklish, I mean can’t walk across grass barefoot ticklish…so they held him down one day after practice and tickled him until he wasn’t a problem anymore. That always kind of stuck with me and it just popped in my head before hell week” President Stephens explained from atop the kitchen counter. “We’ll have to use that again next year!” Perry suggested with a big smile, sparking cheers of agreement from his frat brothers. “I want to make a toast…to our creative, ingenious, legendary leader; the best fucking president in Alpha Phi history!” Chad King announced with his beer held high, provoking the others to join in cheering Tommy on as the gorgeous blonde laughed and flashed his pearly whites before guzzling his drink with his brothers.

By 12:55 that night the massive alcohol consumption had taken its toll on the frat house full of jocks, preps, and darlings of the university; all of them passed out in their respective rooms or throughout the house after hours or partying. The gang of freshmen gathered outside like a well-organized team, each armed with a bag of tools for the night’s festivities. “I don’t hear anything” Troy said as he listened at the front door. “What does that mean?” Devon asked. “That means they’re asleep, they’ve probably been drinking since this afternoon and out cold by now. Everybody be as stealthy as you can when we go in and pick any guy except Chad and Tommy, Devon and I have them covered. Remember to record the whole thing too…let’s go” Troy Valdez pep talked before he used his new key to open the door and the squad of scorned pledges spilled into the large Alpha Phi house on a mission for ticklish revenge.

Troy, the unofficial leader of the freshmen led the way as all of them dispersed throughout the house like some kind of covert team. Patrick found a senior, Duke stretched out on a leather couch wearing a simple white t-shirt, gym shots, and tall white tube socks. The eager 18 yr. old carefully tapped the boy’s big hands behind his back and his then his ankles the same way before using the silver tape to hogtie Duke. Aidan chose a junior, Jamal asleep on a large chair in the den. The new frat brother used two pair of cuffs to restrain the soccer player’s wrists to the back legs of the chair and taped his bare ankles to the coffee table in front of him. Zack followed Troy and Devon up-stairs to the second level of bedrooms, none of them locked because of the false sense of security living in a frat house gave the upperclassmen. Zack slipped into the first bedroom they passed, targeting a member of the university student counsel, Perry. The 21 yr. old was wrapped up in his covers like a cocoon, inspiring Zack to roll him just a little tighter in his own making and use the duct tape to secure Perry in a blanketed mummification so his pristine bare feet stuck out the bottom.

Devon’s excitement radiated off him like the herbal smell of his last drag as he and Troy made their way down the hall to the president and vice president’s rooms. “Good luck” Troy added to his new friend before parting ways. “Save it for Tommy boy, he's gonna need it” Devon replied with a devious grin before quietly entering the king of the castle’s room, closing the door behind him to find the statuesque stud sleeping like a baby on his stomach. He was only wearing a short pair of navy blue cotton shorts while his meaty bare feet reached close to the end of the luxurious bed, enticing the fiendish side of Devon before he made his move. Within five minutes the golden god of Benson University was totally helpless, his hands cuffed behind his back and his ankles taped to a nightstand Devon had pulled around to the edge of the base of the bed for perfect access to the naked feet. Troy was just as successful in his capture of the second in command, taking advantage of Chad’s position on his back to cuff him to the bed posts in a spread eagle fashion, allowing Troy more than enough room to get at the abundance of vulnerable spots left open by Chad’s lack of clothes. He liked to wear only underwear to bed but had passed out before he could strip his khaki shorts and black ankle socks; nothing Troy couldn’t and wouldn’t remove.

Devon looked onto his prize with a twisted sense of joy before making his move on the slumbering Alpha Phi president. He stood at the side of the bed, reached into Tommy’s shorts to get a solid grip on his briefs and yanked up to deliver a serious wedgie and thrust the bound lad into the land of the living. “AAHHH!! SSHIIIT!! What the FUCK?!?” he shouted as his body arched at the childish wakeup call. “You! You little shit, what are you doing??” Tommy demanded to know as he moved to confront Devon only to realize he couldn’t. “What the fuck is going on?? Untie me, dick head!!” Tommy ordered with a pull on the cuffs and a strong attempt to break out of the bondage. “It’s your turn now, Richie Rich” Devon replied as he walked back toward the bottom of the bed and stood between the delicious bare soles waiting for some stimulation. “No! NO! FUCK THAT!! Don’t you fucking dare!! Let me GGOOAOAOAHOAOAOAHAOAAOAHOAHOAHAOAHOAHAOAHOAAAHAOAAAAAHHAHAANNOOONNNNOOOAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAAAHAHAHAASSSTTOOOPPP!! SSSTTOOPPPPPPPIIIITTTT!!” Tommy wailed at the abrupt attack to his rosy feet, both of Devon’s hands raking up and down the flawless size 13s as they wiggled in place. “AhAHAAYyYYyOOUUUUuAHAHAHAHAAFFFUuUUCCckkEERRR!! AHAHAHAHAAHAHAIIIILLLLFFUUucCKkIIiiNNNGGGAHAHAHA KkkkIIILLLLAHAHHAAYYYOoOUUUU!!” President Stephens threatened with violent thrashing on the bed, his explosive reaction a combination of the severe sensations dominating his feet and a heated desire to break free. He’d never been so powerless or even so exposed in his cushy life so this situation was a nightmare for the 23 yr. old like no other. “You didn’t stop when you were tickling the shit out of me and the other pledges…you kept on going like you got off on it” Devon refused while his fingers did most of the talking, using all ten short nails to deliberately drag across the heavenly soles without missing a beat.

“Come on, Mr. President…bust out, I wanna see you do it!” Devon taunted with a smile of sadistic pleasure in Tommy’s ticklish agony. The 18 yr. old could tell why the older boy was so sensitive; his feet were softer and smoother than any Devon had ever come in contact with, like velvet against his fingertips and beautifully pristine enough to complete the stunning package that was Tommy Stephens. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAGGGEEETTTOoOFFFFAHAHAHAMMMYYYYAAHAHAHaaahAHAAFFEEEEETTT!!” “But they’re so nice…do you make Chad give you a pedicure every week or something?” the freshman teased laughingly as his nimble fingers scratched along the high arches and made Tommy’s laughter jump an octave, his reaction reaching an embarrassingly high pitch every time the nails caressed his instep. “I’ll admit that whole tickling thing during rush was original but I hate being tickled, I mean I’ve always freaked out and swung on anyone who tried it. But It looks like you’re just as ticklish…” Devon taunted before sitting on the nightstand between the macho bare feet and attacking the trapped soles from a different angle, zeroing in on the plush heels. He started employing a zealous scratching motion on the privileged flesh that kept Tommy bucking and flailing with every back and forth of Devon’s vicious nails. “AAHAHHAHAHAOAHAOHAOHAOAHAAHAAAHOOHH! HHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAAuUuuNnNTTTTIIIIIEEEEMMmmEEEE!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA UUNNNTTTIIIIEEEMmmEEENNNOOOOWWWPpPLLLEEDDGGEEE!!” the blonde bombshell ordered while his face gushed with laughter against his mattress. “In case you haven’t realized, this isn’t hell week anymore and you’re not in control – I am” Devon assured as he continued ravaging both trapped 13s to his satisfaction.

Across the hall Troy Valdez was having his own fun with Chad King, the fraternity’s VP and Tommy’s best friend. “AHAHAHAAHAHAAATTTHhHiIIiSSSSIIIIIISSSAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FFFUUucCKkKIiIiinNNGGGAHAHAHAAHAHACCCCRRAAZZZYYY!!” Chad wailed as he raged on his bed, pulling on the cuffs with all his impressive strength. “I don’t disagree but you didn’t think it was too crazy during hell week? When you had us locked in those stocks and ready to make us cry or pee or both!” Troy replied with his hands deep into the 22 yr. old’s pits, digging around in the hairy hollows to wreck Chad and piss him off more and more every minute. The lady killer had always prided himself on being able to overpower his opponents, using his muscles and prowess to secure any win but this was different; he was defenseless for the first time in his adult life. “We’re not gonna be like a regular pledge class doing whatever the upperclassmen want just because that’s the dynamic we’re supposed to expect, no…things are about to change” Troy explained while he prodded into the area just below his pits where the hair stopped, making Chad jerk harder than before. “AHahAhHAHHAHAHAHAFFFFFUuUUCCCKkKAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAYyYYOOooOUUU!! AHAHAHAHAHAaaHAHAAIIiIiITTtttSSNNNOoooTTTTAHAHAHAHAHHHAAAApPPeEEnnnIiiinNGGGG!!” the arrogant jock refused. He’d endured his time at the bottom of the frat ring and wasn’t about to let some freshman demand something he hadn’t yet earned. “You’re gonna change your tune by the time I’m done” Troy assured with a grin from his mounted position atop Chad, drilling into his underarms with ten stiff fingers as the VP surged with booming laughter.

“I know what you’d like” Troy announced with a menacing tone before taking one of his nipples and twisting it playfully. “AhAHAOAAAHH!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAANNOOO!” Chad protested as Troy multi-tasked, jabbing his fingers into the meaty upper body while using a childish tactic to make Chad bend to his will. “AHAHHAHhAHAHAAYYYYOOouUUSSSOOONnnOoOoFFFAAAaBbBIiIIITTCCCHHH!!!” “Haha I wonder if your high school wrestling team ever found out how ticklish you are?” Troy wondered only to mess with his victim. “AHHAHAAHAHAFFfFUUUCCKkkyYYYOoOuU!!” “They did, didn’t they? Somebody probably got you in the ribs by accident and they all decided to have fun with the star wrestler…and I’m sure you fucked them up afterwards real good on the mat. How’d I do?” Troy taunted with his imaginative retelling, looking down to see the solid confidence leave Chad’s face long enough to confirm Troy wasn’t far from the truth. "I'll take that as a yes" he said before suddenly dancing his fingers across Chad’s unprotected neck and watching him desperately try to dodge or block the merciless attack. “AhHAaoaohoahAAHoAOAHOAHAOHAOHoAHAOSSStTTOoPpPAHAHAOHAOHAOAHohOAAHANoOoNoNOoOO!!” bubbled out from the senior with a forced smile on his handsome face. Troy was surprised at how much he was enjoying the revenge scheme, never one to cut loose like this but college had made him freer, riskier. “What about the rest of you…is it as ticklish as your armpits?” Troy questioned with a momentary break. “You’re dead, pledge…fucking deAAAHAAHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAahAHAHAHAHAHAAA” shot out of Chad with uncontrollable power as his arms and legs strained to break the cuffs keeping him from tearing Troy apart.

The entire Alpha Phi house was full of desperate laughter as the freshmen class wreaked vengeful havoc on the upperclassmen. Each of the boys who’d helped tickle torture the pledges were feeling the wrath of disgruntled teenagers with forceful fingers and a united goal to make the older frat brothers regret their unique initiation method. Among the new Alpha Phi members, Patrick, Aidan, and Zack were some of the most enthusiastic in their efforts. Patrick had Duke’s long, slender feet wrapped in a headlock, going to town on the fleshy soles while the hogtied senior bucked in the tape like a madman. “AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAMMMmeERRCCYYY!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAPPLllEEAASEEEAHAHHAHA IIIIIMMmTTttooOOAHAHAHaATTTIiIICCkKklllLLiIiSSSHHH!!” Duke begged from the leather couch. In the den, Aidan was digging into Jamal’s bare sides while he rocked in the chair as if he was trying to break the furniture just to escape. “Before last week I didn’t know tickling could be so useful” Aidan enlightened while pumping high pitched howls from the jock. “AHAHAHAHAHAAWWWEEEeEEDDDdiiIDddNnN’TTTTAHaHAHAHA KKKnNoOOOOWWWAHAHAHA TTTOoOmmmYYyWWAaASSSGGOOonnnaAAADDdoOOoOOIiIIIITTT!!” Jamal admitted in an effort to save himself. “That didn’t stop you from joining in though!” Aidan answered with no sympathy for the guy who’d found his nipples to be so damn sensitive last week. Zack was perhaps having the best time of the trio, sitting on Perry’s legs while he scribbled all over the wrinkly soles rendered helpless in the blanket/duct tape wrap. “CCCOooOmMMEEeooOnnnnNAHAHAHAHaHAHAMMMAAAAANNNNN!! AHAHAHAHAHHaHANnNNOoOTttHHhEEETttOOOOEEeeSSSS!!” “You said please the toes? Whatever you want, dude” Zack teased while playing with the buffet of bubbly frat boy toes, all his to enjoy.

“This is…fucking bullshit! Everybody has to go through hell week…it’s tradition!” Tommy reminded as his captor gave him a moment to breathe. “But you took it further than you had to, didn’t you? I could tell by the smile on your face that you liked torturing us in those stock things” Devon answered, his grudge for the president unwavering. “You’re not special, Devon…just because you have it out for me, you’ve still gotta live here come next week. You really wanna make me your enemy?” Tommy challenged while the suspense of whatever Devon was going to do next kept him on edge. “We’re not gonna be enemies or the entire campus will see how big and bad there favorite student is; smile for the camera!” the freshman added with an animated tone to his teasing, prompting the handcuffed lad to turn his attention to the phone positioned so his whole body and face was in the video’s frame. “You mother fucker!! I’m gonna make your life a living heLALLAAAALLAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHNANOAAOAOAHWWWHAATTTTAHAHAHTTTHhHEEEAHAHAHAHAHHAHFFFUUUUCccKkKK??? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHaASsSTttTOOOPPP!! SSTTOOoOopPPpPpPPP!!” Tommy burst in a fresh fit of vibrant bucking on the bed at the bizarre stimulation. “Feels crazy doesn’t it? Like a thousand little prickly things running across your foot?” Devon taunted after finding the same electric toothbrush that had been used on him, concentrating its vibrating head on the undersides of his lickable toes. “AHahHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHaADDdrrRoOpppTTTTHhEEEEEAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAABBbRRRUUuSSSSHHH!! FFffFUUUCCKkKIIIIinnGGGGAHAHAHAHAHAHACCCUuUTTTiiIITTTOoOOUUTTTT!!” Tommy protested as he tried to kick his feet free and break through the tape.

The circular spinning and pulsating toothbrush kept the idolized senior howling with mighty laughter as Devon switched to the other bare foot, running it along Tommy’s delicious arch while scribbling his fingers along the lush balls of the free sole. The cocky pledge almost felt like he was siphoning President Stephens' power from him as the minutes passed, utilizing the energetic nature of the dental tool and his rapid fingers to exploit Tommy’s best kept secret. The gorgeous blonde had always been on top; captain of the football team, the oldest of his siblings, prom king, and now president of his frat so it only made the situation worse that the one pledge he already didn't like was the very one using Tommy's own tactic to shake his life-long superiority.  “AhahAHAHahAHAHAHATTttTHHHIIIissSSHAHAHAHAIiiiSSSAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAFFFFUuuCCKkKIIIiiNNGGGAHAHAHAHHAHANNnUuUUTTTSSS!! AHAHAHaHAHAHAYYYyyoOOuUuGGGgOooTtTMmMEEEAAAHAHA BBBAAaaCCCKKKAHAHAHAHAHAHAHALLlLEEETTMmMEEEEGGgOoOOO!!” President Stephens tried to reason, hoping he could manipulate the younger boy into thinking he’d evened the score by now. “You don’t get to say when I’ve returned the favor…that’s my call” Devon corrected before sitting on the nightstand again, using the brush to polish Tommy’s right heel while squeezing his calf over and over for a double attack. “AAAAAAAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAYYyYooOUuDDdooNnnNTTTAHAHAHAA DDDEesSSEERrRVvveeETTtOoOoBbBEEE AHAHAHAAHAHAIIIIInnnAAAlLLPPpHHAAAAPphhHIIII!!” “I paid my due and I made it through hell week…not to mention this video; I’m in whether you like it or not!” Devon assured as his muscular victim struggled to endure the ticklish karma.

The Vice President of Alpha Phi was experiencing a different yet equally devastating tickle torture, Troy using his expertise as a history buff to add a sadistic layer to his revenge. “Wrong again…” Valdez answered before raking his dull nails up and down Chad’s cuffed foot, his five fingers sparking pure hell on the creamy 11 1/2 sole. “AAHAOHAOAHoAHAOHAOAHOAHAOHAAHAOHANNnoOOMMMmOOORREE!! AHAHAHANOONNOOOO!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHANNnOOoMmMMOoORrRREEETTIiiCcKKKLllIINNGGG!!” “If you would’ve paid as much attention in class as you do at the gym, you would be in better shape” Troy added with a smile as the bubbly toes wiggled next to him. A couple minutes later the clever freshman retracted his fingers and sat between Chad’s spread legs. “Next question; what year was the liberty bell first rung?” “…17…1777” Chad answered with mild confidence for the first time during the line of questioning. “Ooh, so close; 1776” Troy replied as he shifted targets, clamping both hands onto the vulnerable knees and squeezing them as fast and energetically as he could, making Chad’s legs jerk like a wild horse to avoid the wicked sensations. “AAAHAOAHOAHAOHAOHAOHAOAHAAHOAFFFUuuCCkKKKIIinnnGGGAHAHAHAHHHHEELLLL!! AHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHASSSTTTOopPPPAHAHAHAFFFUuuCCKkIinnnGGGAHAHAHAHA QQUUuuIiIIZzZzIiiiNNGGGmmMEEEE!!!” the 22 yr. old jock objected as the tickling wrecked him and the history lesson pissed him off more and more with every wrong answer. Chad had always HATED when anybody grabbed his knee to tickle him like that, his dad using it to mess with him to this day; he wanted nothing more than to break the cuff on his ankle and knee Troy right in the face.

“Alright, alright…that’s six wrong and zero right; not the best record but you can always redeem yourself” Troy taunted as he watched Chad catch his breath and fume with anger, his temper heating up while the boy he’d tickled only nights earlier continued relishing in the turned tables. “Hmm…let’s see. Ah, I’ve got it; although he was the first president of the U.S., what product did George Washington become well known for manufacturing in the 18th century?” Troy asked. “No more fucking questions! I’m gonna stomp your ass in the ground, pledge!! Let me go, NOW!!” Chad tried to intimidate with a forceful yank on the cuffs. “I’ve been beaten up before but I doubt the rest of the university or anybody on your social media knows how INCREDIBLY ticklish you are… So are you gonna answer the question or should I go ahead and find a new spot?” Troy teased. “You fucking asshole!!” “The answer is whiskey just in case you were wondering” Valdez informed before sinking both hands into the athlete’s tight stomach, wiggling into his impressive muscles with enthusiasm as Chad raged on the bed and pumped out a marathon of wild laughter. “AAAOHAOHAOAHAHOAHAHAHAOHAOAHHAHAHAHAHAHAYYyyoOOuuUUrRREEEEEAHAHAHAHHAFFFUuuCCKkKIiIiNNGGGGAHaHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHDDDEeeAADDD!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHADDDEEEAAADDDD!!!” Chad threatened as every muscle in his body surged to escape and his reputation as a hot-head was on full display, laughing just as intensely as his hatred for Troy grew. The older student always got a kick out of tickling other people, he and Jamal pinning Perry to the pool table just last week to get at his ribs butbeingtickled always pissed him off and left him ready to attack whoever was getting the better of him. “Can’t forget about the bellybutton!” Troy added as one finger dipped into the navel and swirled around like a Q-tip, making Chad jerk sharper and more frantic with every swivel. “AHAHAHAOHAOAHOAHAOHAOHAAOHAOAHOAHAHAHAFFFFFuUUuUCCKKkKAHAHAYAYYYYOOOOUUUU!!!”

The pledge class’ 1 a.m. strike time had flown by, 3:30 a.m. showing on the phones filming the tickle revenge as one of the freshmen got an idea to make things come full circle. Patrick’s indulgent fingers were wiggling into Duke’s hips with a devilish smile when he saw one of the Alpha Phi paddles hanging above the fireplace. “Oh, I bet you'd love this…a little taste of the Greek tradition we’re all supposed to follow” Patrick proposed while Duke took the moment of relief to test his bondage again. The 18 yr. old reached up and took the wooden paddle off the wall. “Come on…please, no more tickling…I can’t take it!” Duke begged in the hogtie. “I doubt this will tickle” Patrick replied before smacking Duke’s tight ass with the paddle. “AHH Shit!! What are you doing??” “I wanna hear thank you, sir” Patrick answered before another swing onto his bum. “AHH! Fuck you!!” “Try again” Patrick replied before beginning a dual attack, running his fingers all over the upturned soles while using the paddle to humiliate the upperclassman. “AAAAHAHAHA!! AhahAHAHAAHAHAASSHiIIT!” “Let me hear it!” Patrick reminded without a moment of hesitation but Duke was reluctant to give the freshman the satisfaction.

The fitting form of justice somehow spread throughout the Alpha Phi house, Patrick just being the first to think of using the symbol of brotherhood against them. It was only a few minutes later before Troy’s history trivia aligned with the same paddle that rested on Chad’s dresser. “Troy…please…I’m gonna piss myself…I had too much beer, man!” the senior pleaded as Troy pulled away from his ribs, the relentless tickling finally wearing him down to the point of begging. “Here’s a question that you may actually get right… What year was the first college fraternity established?” the freshman asked while taking the paddle in his hand. Chad’s tired mind tried to recall the year he knew he’d heard at least once and figured it was worth a shot to answer, “1803?” “Sorry, Mr. Vice President…that’s a no” Troy replied with a swift paddle to the part of Chad’s butt that was accessible. “Don’t fucking paddle me!! I’m your superior!” “Not anymore…what was it we had to say? Thank you, sir? ...say it” Troy demanded with another swat. “Fuck!! No fucking way!” Chad refused with too much pride to submit to a freshman, his mounting anger taking the place of his recent humility. “Have it your way” was all Troy said before digging into his thigh with one hand and paddling Chad every minute for a combined approach to break the hunky senior. “AHHAAHAhaHAHHAAHAFFUUCCKKYYOUUU!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHASSHhiIITT!!” “Say thank you, sir!” Troy ordered with his vicious fingers getting into the meat of his wrestler legs. “AHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHEEELLLLNNNOOOO!!” Chad rejected through the heavy laughter but Valdez was a determined young man, very determined.

Devon could hear the famous frat phrase from across the hall, recognizing the voice as Troy’s while he used the toothbrush on the back of Tommy’s knees. “AHAHAHAHAHhahhAHAHAHAAhahAHAAJjjJuUSSSSTTTooOPPPPPAHAHAHAHA TTIiICckKKlLlINNnnGGGMMEEEEAHAHAHAHAHAHA YYyYOOUUUDDdiiICcCKkK!!” “Whatever you say, bro…” Devon surprisingly obliged before getting off the nightstand and retrieving the president’s Alpha Phi paddle from his wall. “Here’s the deal…I’ll stop if freshmen get to call the shots this year” Devon explained. “Are you still high?? That’s fucking ridiculous!” Tommy dismissed. “I wasn’t asking, that’s the only way I’m gonna stop” the new recruit replied as he landed the paddle right on Tommy’s upturned cheeks. “MOTHER FUCKER!!” “Call me sir! Say thank you, sir!” Devon instructed with another slap of the paddle, the devious teen pulling down Tommy's shorts & underwear to expose his bare ass for better contact. “AAAH! FUCK YOU!!” “Let me hear it!” Devon reiterated before smacking the bubble butt again. “NO WAY ASSHOLE!!” “Fine” the freshman replied as he put the paddle down and quickly fashioned a hands-free tickle device to up the ante, duct taping the toothbrush to one of Tommy’s meaty, terribly ticklish feet so the moving bristle head sat right at the base of his toes. “AAOAHOHAOHAAHAOAHAOHAHOHAOHAOAHHAOHoHOSSHhHIIIITTT!!” “I’m not leaving until you agree to my terms and you address me as sir” Devon assured as the paddle met his bare ass again. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAahAHAHAHAACCOoOmMEEEOoONNNnAHAHAHAHHAHAA!” the campus royalty tried to appeal. “That’s not the right answer!” Upman replied with another smack like he’d received the week earlier. The paddling got worse with every swing but the brush at his toes was a different hell all together; non-stop vibrating and scrubbing on his wildly sensitive pretty boy flesh.

“AhAHAHAhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHTTTTHhHAANNnkkkyYYYOOUUAHAHHAHAAASSIIIRRRR!!” Chad King finally submitted after several minutes of paddling and the devilish hands on his thick thighs. “That’s what I thought…I’m so glad I got that on film” Troy pointed out with a proud smirk while Duke, Jamal, and Perry all gave into their captors over the next few minutes. The last one holding out was none other than their beloved president, Devon’s efforts chipping away at the ego fueled exterior he was hell-bent to crack. “There’s only one way out, Tommy…freshmen are on top the whole year” Upman reminded with another swift swat. “AHAHAHAHAHAHhAHAHAHAPPPLlLLEeAASSSSEEEESSStTOOOPPpPAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA IiIIiITTTTSsSSSNnNNOooOTTTTAHAHAHAHHHAAPPppEenNniinNGGG!” Tommy answered. “I get you’re a tough guy and all but…it doesn’t make you less ticklish” Devon added while mounting the nightstand between his feet and turning up the volume, using one hand to start spidering all over the other soft sole while paddling his president to bend him to his will. “AHAHAHAHaHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAFFFFUuUUCCKKFFFUuUCCCKK!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHASSTTTOoPPPP!!! SSSTTOOOoOoOPPP!!!” “Thank you, sir!” “AHAHAHAHAHaATTTHHHAANNNkKKYyYOOOOUUuUAHAHAHAHAHAA SSSIIiiRRRRRRR!!!” Tommy finally obliged after what must’ve been the 30th spanking. “And freshmen have control of the house” Devon encouraged. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaAAHAHAHA OOoKKKOOOKK!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhAHAFFFRRressSHhmmMEeennNnnAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAARRREEEEeoonNNnNTTTOOOoppPPP!!!! PPPLLLEeEEEAAAASSSEEEE AAAHHAHANNNOOoOMmMoOOOREEEE!!” Tommy submitted to Devon’s demands once the younger lad started scribbling faster on the trapped, luscious foot.

Not a moment later Troy opened the door to Tommy’s bedroom to see the king of the castle still giggling thanks to the attached toothbrush. “How’d it go?” Valdez asked his fellow freshman, seeing the big smile of satisfaction on his face as he got down from the nightstand. “It’s gonna be a good year at Alpha Phi”