a weapon of ticklish destruction

“I’d be surprised if anything survived all this, I mean it looks like a scene from Indiana Jones” Spencer added as he and the lead scientist, Jeremiah explored the remains of the fallen government. “The Pentagon believes the dictator had his own team of scientists developing a bioweapon of some kind; the American government just isn’t sure about the nature of the weapon. The satellite images showed some type of lab located around this area only three months ago” the 26 yr. old blonde explained with a steady focus on the mission. “Let’s just hope it’s not whatever turned the Hulk” Spencer replied as he looked around behind Jeremiah. The two young scientists had been friends since they’d started working together at the Pentagon, both serious about their work but Spencer was more laid back than Jeremiah. Their main focus was on military related science and today was no different; they’d been sent to retrieve a mysterious weapon thought to have been left behind when the foreign government rebelled against its dictator and the small country fell apart. As the only two scientists aboard the SS Discovery, the pair of brilliant men had the critical task of preventing the abandoned weapon from falling into the wrong hands.

“Hey, I think we’re onto something!” Jeremiah announced as he spotted a door handle sticking out from a fallen building, leading them to investigate. “It looks like some kind of bunker” Spencer added while they both put on protective gloves and Jeremiah carefully opened the doors. “Just be careful down here; we don’t know what we’re walking into” the ambitious scientist reminded before the duo descended into the underground bunker. With two powerful flashlights, they followed the steps until they discovered an array of computers in front of a large clear tube. “None of the computers seem to be operational but there are some papers and files here” Jeremiah pointed out as he looked through them, Spencer more preoccupied by the tube of pale blue gas. The files were mostly documentation of some kind of experiments of whatever secret project was being conducted down there. “I think this is the lab; these reports talk about the effects of several experiments” Jeremiah added. “The weapon must be the gas in here” Spencer replied while his partner further examined the perplexing files. “You’re right – the weapon is a gas; these say when exposed to it the subjects laughed, a lot, more uncontrollably as exposure continued” Jeremiah read aloud. “Like the kind they use at the dentist?” “I don’t think so…apparently whatever body part it made contact with had a reaction, a tingling sensation…almost tickling the subjects” the blonde continued with growing intrigue/confusion, an anxious twinge running up his spine at the thought of such a weapon being used on him. “It tickles people? That’s kind of childish for a chemical weapon isn’t it?” Spencer laughingly asked. “Or just evil. Regardless, we have to take this back to the ship; I’ll call the Pentagon to brief them on what we found” Jeremiah instructed as he and his junior partner dislodged the tube of gas and carefully transported it back to the SS Discovery docked at the shore.

“Good evening, Captain Watkins; we have something we would like your men to secure in the cargo section of the ship” Jeremiah greeted as they made their way back onto the ship. “I’ll see to it, sir. I’m assuming this is the weapon you were looking for?” Bryce Watkins asked. “Yep and it should be treated with the utmost caution. The last thing we need is to lose this thing” Spencer answered just as they handed the tube over to two other marines. “Considering this weapon is being transported on my ship, what’s the nature of the weapon?” Bryce questioned with a curious expression. The two scientists exchanged a look of hesitation before Jeremiah decided Bryce should be clued in. “We’re calling it Pluma for the time being and it’s unlike anything I’ve come across before, you too I’d imagine. The files we recovered detailed experimentation with the gas with the intent that it could be used on the country’s enemies, primarily the U.S.” Jeremiah explained. “I’m still not clear on what it does, sir. I need to know what kind of risk I’m putting my men at” the muscleman pried. “You know that saying about truth being stranger than fiction? The gas tickles people; from what I gather whatever part of the body is exposed to it a tickling sensation will manifest and grow in intensity until you’re bumbling on the ground like a madman. I know how it sounds ridiculous but from what I read in the reports, it could be a huge interest for any government which is why we need to get this back home safely, secretly as possible” Jeremiah elaborated while the three of them walked across the deck. “That is strange and I’ll make sure it’s kept quiet. But why did you name it Pluma?” the 29 yr. old captain asked. “It’s Latin for feather”

“You fucking wish! The Packers are gonna smoke Ohio” Miles assured with a cocky smile. “We’re on the way to a bowl game this year, the Packers can stuff their faces with cheese in Wisconsin” Mike fired back with an equally confident tone as the two marines stood in front of the cargo section of the Discovery. The handsome soldiers had an almost brotherly rivalry, both high school football players before joining the military and competitive by nature, their playful back and forth filling the time while guarding various cargo. “Captain” Miles and Mike suddenly saluted as Bryce entered the room with Jeremiah and Spencer. “At ease. This piece of cargo is particularly fragile and important so I expect your full attention while guarding it” Bryce explained as the tube was secured behind them. “Of course, sir” Mike replied. “I mean it; if I catch you two arm wrestling or arguing over NFL teams again, I’ll throw you overboard myself” Bryce added as he escorted the two scientists out of the large area and allowed his subordinates to relax. “Isn’t there a storm coming, Captain?” Spencer questioned. “Yes but I don’t think it will be bad – nothing to worry about” Bryce assured as the night sky grew ominously dark outside.

The ocean water rocked and grew more violent over the next couple hours but nobody on board was concerned with the storm, the SS Discovery thought to be too large to be affected by a simple storm. Most of the crew on board was trying to get some sleep but Jeremiah was busy going over the files he’d recovered in his quarters. “Excuse me, sir. Are those the reports you found with the bioweapon?” a curious marine asked at his door around 11 p.m. “Umm yes, they are. May I help you with something, Castillo?” the scientist asked as he read the name tag. “Brian, you can call me Brian. Sorry to disturb you or interrupt but I’ve heard some rumors about what we’re carrying and I have to say, it’s fascinating. Would you mind if I looked at some of the documentation?” the 20 yr. old inquired. “I’m sorry, these are top secret files now; I can’t just divulge them to anyone” Jeremiah explained with a friendly expression to avoid coming off harsh. “Oh, right. I didn’t mean to pry, it’s just that we don’t get much excitement around here and I wanted to see if the gas really tickles people” Brian explained. “That’s need to know, Brian…sorry” “Alright, have a good night” the Latino marine replied with false satisfaction after being rejected. Brian was making his way down the corridor when the ship suddenly rocked harder than he’d ever felt it. “What the hell was that??” He looked around to see if anything was happening but it was only a rogue wave that’d hit the ship enough to shake the crew, the water calming after that. Brian held his breath for a moment as he waited to see if another wave would hit but within seconds everyone on board, including him, returned to their usual duties after the rough turn of the ocean proved to be an isolated blow. However, despite the only momentary aggression of the storm, it was enough to knock the tube of Pluma over and allow the gas to leak out in the cargo freight.

“Did you hear about what the guys are saying this thing is?” Miles asked from just outside the cargo room. “What do you mean?” Mike replied as they guarded the mysterious weapon. “They’re saying it’s a tickle weapon; those scientists found it while we were docked” the tough guy explained with a humored expression. “Are you shitting me?” Mike questioned with a laugh just as the pale gas began to spill through the thin crack of the door behind them. “Nah, man, I’m serious! That’s what they’re saying but it sounds like a waste of time to me to transport it back to Virginia; guns and muscle win wars, not some stupid sci-fi shit” Miles added with his usual mega-macho attitude when a sudden giggle escaped his lips. “What was that?” Mike asked. “I don’t knOhoAW” the 24 yr. old answered as he tried to control the urge to laugh. “Are you alriGhAhaHT?” Mike asked as a sudden tickly feeling ran up his body too, looking down to see a layer of gas surrounding his booted feet. “What the FUAuaACkK?!” fired from the 23 yr. old as he tried to dart out of the way and escape the gas but even once he was no longer standing in it, the tickling continued. “IiTSsahAOaHTthhEe aOAHaohGgAaSS!” Mike shouted while trying to suppress the intensifying feeling quickly taking over size 13s. “nNoOoFFHAuUuCckKIinNGG AHaOwWWAAyY!!” Miles refused to believe, stomping around to try and shake the growing sensations but nothing stopped them.

Miles still wasn’t totally convinced it was the gas stirring up the ticklish feeling on his size 14s but he couldn’t deny something was happening in his tan boots. Nobody knew he was ticklish, not even Mike but he couldn’t fight or hide the rising laughter bubbling up in his fit body. “AaaoaohaoAOHAohAAWwhhaAATTthHEeEA AHAFFuUuCCkKDDuuDDEe?!?” Miles tried to make sense of as a wave of panic came over him, banging his booted feet against the wall while the gas spread throughout the room and up toward the ceiling. “TtAAaaKKEeoOoFFAohaaOHAYYOoouRR BBOoOOTTSShahaoAHHAA” Mike instructed with a forced smile as he unlaced the heavy duty shoes, revealing his green socked feet. Part of him thought he would find something tickling him, something he could extinguish or remove but nothing was there. “IiIcCCAanNTT AAHhAsSTToOoOPpiIiITTT!!” the older marine shouted as he went a step further and yanked off his tube socks to find whatever it was tickling his smooth feet only to be more freaked out. He tried rubbing his right foot to soothe the sensations but it only got worse, like 20 feathers weaving through his long toes and gliding back and forth along the surface of both soles driving him crazy. “nNNOoOAhOHAOhAOMmMIIiLlLEeEsSSAHAOAAhAHA IiIiCCAAAnNnTTTAhAhAHATTTAAkKEEeiiiIiTTT!!” Mike admitted as the ghostly sensations suddenly amplified on his socked feet, his laughter shooting up an octave like someone was dragging his soft soles across a never-ending field of ticklish grass.  

As the pair of guards flailed and laughed into hysterics, the gas soon made contact with their legs and then their strong thighs. “oOoAHaohOAHAOAHWwhhAAATThEEHeeAhoAHAOAHOAHA HHhEEELLl??!” Miles let out as the sensations grew up his legs, teasing his calves, behind his knees, and the insides of his thighs like an all knowing tickle monster. “AhAoAOAhAAWwEeEhHHAaVvEE TTTooOTTEEllLAhAHAA TTTHHEEAhahaCCAappTTAAIiNnN!” Mike announced as his sharp mind formed a plan of escape. The younger marine did his best to ignore the maddening tickling on his feet as he moved toward the door to punch in his access code but the sudden sensations on his legs practically paralyzed them, like hundreds of fingers digging and spidering all over him from the waist down. “RRAADDiIiooOAHahAO SSsoomMMEEebbBOoODDdYYYY!!” Mike shouted through the wild laughter as he writhed on the ground and became engulfed in the blue gas. “AhAOhAOHSsSOOmmEEEBbOODDYyY AHAHAHAHhHhEEelLLPPP!! AhaOHAOAHAOAHTtThEEHAhAHAGGAAASSS!!” Miles attempted to radio out as he too was overcome by Pluma and howled on the ground, the diabolical weapon overwhelming his chiseled body.

In the SS Discovery’s kitchen, Conrad Gates took the opportunity to relax while most of the crew slept, totally unaware the bio weapon had leaked out from the cargo freight. The laid back 20 yr. old sipped from his secret flask like he was back home, his California life-style not shaken by the strictness of joining the marines. “Are you supposed to be drinking?” a voice suddenly asked as he entered the kitchen. “Who died and made you captain?” Conrad replied upon seeing Cole Collingwood, a 19 yr. old who took the military much more seriously than the blonde. “Are you on duty? I thought everybody else was asleep” Cole questioned. “If I give you some of this will you chill out?” Conrad offered. “No, I’m on duty and I’m not even old enough to drink” the straight-laced ginger rejected, making Conrad chuckle. “Whatever, man” the older boy replied with another sip. “You should probably keep a clear head right now; we’re transporting that secret weapon” Cole informed. “This ship’s got over 60 people on board; I’m sure somebody’s guarding it” Conrad replied with a severe lack of interest. “I don’t think it’s just a regular weapon; some of the other guys were saying it’s something special or weird” the rookie explained as if to provoke some concern from his fellow marine. “Is this your first assignment or something?” “…why does that matter?” “I’ll take that as a yeah but trust me, there’s nothing to worry about so if you don’t mind I’m gonna finish this” Conrad concluded before bringing the flask back to his lips and turning it up.

Cole didn’t know what to make of his rebellious peer, watching him down the whiskey while the pale blue gas leaked in through the air vent behind the teenage marine. Conrad was too preoccupied with getting a buzz to notice the gas flowing onto Cole or himself. “Hey! What is that??” Cole asked as the other kitchen vent poured out more of the gas right onto Conrad. “What are you talking about?" the blonde replied, looking back to see the same gas on Cole. “Dude, something is coming from the vent!” Conrad pointed out but it was too late for either of them; the gas was already surrounding their necks and the top part of their upper bodies. “What the fuck is this?!” Conrad panicked while trying to wave away the gas. “I don’t know! It might be the bioweapon!” Cole figured based on the rumors he’d heard, those same rumors sparking a shared panic on his pale face. “NOoOAaHaA….DdoOontTAAHhATTooOuUUCchHIiItT!” the red head warned as he ran away from the gas but he’d already been exposed and the effects were already happening. What felt like a trio of feathers danced and moved around his neck, ears, and his collarbone forcing him to try and swat the invisible ticklers. But it only snowballed when his armpits and nipples suddenly felt a rush of sensations like a playful tickle attack while Cole tried to clamp his arms down and protect his sensitive chest through his camo.

“AAoHAohOAHOHAWWhHAHAATtt…IiISstthHIiiISSsSSHhIIiITT?!?!” Conrad demanded to know as the same sudden assault targeted his neck, pits, chest, and even his back. He danced around in the kitchen like he’d lost his mind as ghostly nails trailed up and down his back just aggressive enough to tickle him, a strong feathery stimulation swirled around his hardening nipples and along his neck, and what could only be described as spinning brushes filled his underarms like they were trying to clean them out. “AAaoahaoAHoahoaHAIiiTTSssahAHATThhhEEE AhaaahahAGGGAaASssS!! AHaoAHOhaAhoaHAOHAhaOhAOHAOHaHO” spilled out of Cole faster than he could control it, his fit torso dominated by the maniacal weapon he’d heard so much talk of; he just never thought it’d actually be true. The young marine’s family had a history of military service which persuaded him to join the marines but no kind of training or preparation could’ve prepared him for such a uniquely challenging scenario, evident by his mounting panic as the effects of Pluma intensified after a few minutes. “WwhhaatTTDDOOoOWeEeeDDDODOOOOoOHAOHAOHAOHAOHAAA” erupted from Cole as the amount of feathers on his neck tripled, the ones on his nipples suddenly felt more like two people were flicking their tongues all over his chest, and the initial tickling in his pits became as bad as the times his brothers pinned his arms down and went to down on his super sensitive underarms. 

Cole fell into the nearest wall and slid down as the tickling drained his strength while Conrad quickly realized why Cole was so overpowered. The feathery sensations on Conrad's lean body grew in number just the same while the annoyingly ticklish fingers on his back shifted onto his stomach like several hands drilling into his abs and the invisible spinning brushes in his pits started almost pulsating into the base of both hairy hollows. “AAAHoAHoaHAOmMMoOOOTThHHEeERRRAoAHaohaOHaFFFuuUuCCkKKEEERRAHOAHAOhaOHAAHOahoa TTTHHiIiisSSSHAHAHhAHahACCRRAAAZzzYyYyYY HAHAOAHoAHAOIIIICcAAANnNTTTAHOAHAOHASSTToooPpPpHHAHAAHA LlLlAAAUuUGGHhIInNNGggGG!!” Conrad confessed with a wild expression of ticklish horror as he too gave way to the gas and writhed on the floor of the kitchen. Neither young marine knew how to combat the allusive enemy, both boys howling and squirming just hoping it would soon go away but the gas trickled across the floor and over their boots for another line of attack. Cole’s 10 ½ feet suddenly felt like they’d been dipped in feed and hungry cows were slurping all over his ripe soles and toes while the worst part of any pedicure wrecked Conrad’s size 12s as two ghostly scrub brushes worked across his heels, balls, and arches until he was practically crying from laughter. 

While Cole and Conrad filled the kitchen with unhinged hysterics and Mike and Miles rolled around outside the cargo freight possessed with laughter, the ominous gas continued moving through the SS Discovery. The air vents proved to be the perfect way to spread throughout the large ship and after only 30 minutes of being leaked, it reached the main bunks where the bulk of the crew were sleeping. Among those getting a good night’s rest was Brian Watkins, the inquisitive 20 yr. old who wanted to know everything he could about the mysterious bioweapon; little did he know it would be rolling in across the foot of his bed. The Pluma gas drifted onto his covered bare feet but the blanket offered no protection as the weapon targeted the tan size 10 1/2s. A slow yet steady raking started up both of Brian’s feet, moving from his heels across the low arches and hitting a particular sweet spot at the rich balls. “HMmmNM” mumbled out of Brian while he slept, the tickling not enough to wake him up. However, as the gas repeated the combing feeling back down his supple feet the sensations began to mess with Brian’s head and invade his slumber. “HMMNhNnOonOHAAhOaooAHOHA” was all he said as the ghostly points dragged across his soles on a loop, making Brian dream of something equally laughter inducing.

The avid reader’s mind was trapped in a dream of military espionage like the novels he enjoyed with him as the spy behind enemy lines. “I’m not telling you where the bioweapon is” Spy Brian refused as he sat tied to a chair. “We have ways of making you talk” the interrogator assured as he held one of the bare feet and his accomplice held the other before both men started raking a fine toothed comb up and down the soft soles. “AAAOhaoaHaoIIIILlLhAlahaoha nNnEEEVvEerrr TtEelLlllL!!” Spy Brian reiterated while he mumbled the same message in his sleep, squirming in his narrow bed while the other marines around him started bumbling and giggling just as much. “Tell us where it is or we’ll have to make it worse for you” the interrogator threatened. “AhOAhoaHoaHANnnEeeVVEErrR!!” Brian held out just as two other men in his dream moved closer to him and started squeezing the area right above his knees and teasing the undersides with a single feather each. “AAHOAAHaohaohaoaNNoOnnNOoOHAOAHOAHAOHAAOHaOHOAHAA” gushed harder from the sleeping marine as the gas moved up his legs and intensified his dream. “Tell us or we’ll tickle you to death!” the dream interrogator assured while the four men tormented Brian. “AAOhoAHAONNOOOAHaoha IiIIICCCAaannNnTTTAOAHAOHA!!” he refused just as the second phase of the gas kicked in and amped up the tickling for all the marines in the bunks including him.

“HoOhAOhaiaiIiIIWwWooONnNTTahahTTAalLKkK!!” Brian shouted as the tickling grew powerful enough to wake him up, reflexively throwing the blanket off to see nothing causing the extreme sensations. “AhaoHAoHOAoHAWwhhhaaattTHHehEEAhoahaOhAAHhhHEEElLlHAAHAHA iIISSSGGGoOOoIiNnGGHaohAOAHoaOOnNnn??!?” he tried to make sense of as the raking, squeezing, and teasing continued on his knees and feet but nobody responded; they were all too busy laughing just as loudly. Brian looked around the dark bunk to see flashlights looking around as well and he spotted a hint of the pale blue gas around the floor, his eyes growing wide with fear at what exactly they’d been exposed to. “AhOAAOhaoAhaahAAHAHAhaOahOHASSSTTToOoOPpPP!! AAoahoahaoahaoHhoOHAOAHAA” he tried to soothe as he rubbed his naked feet and kicked the bed but nothing alleviated the unwavering onslaught of ticklish sensations now aggressively raking across his soles and torturing his tender knees, only getting worse by the minute. Captain Bryce Watkins heard the roaring laughter down the hall in his office and checked the time to see if was unusual for any of his crew to be horsing around. The beefy 29 yr. old walked down the corridor ready to take control of the situation but as he got closer, the pale gas flowing out the door of the bunks stopped him in his booted tracks. “What the…it’s the gas!” he deduced with a rare wave of anxiety before taking off toward the Pentagon scientist’s quarters.

“Jeremiah, the bioweapon is loose on the Discovery!” Bryce informed. “What do you mean? I thought it was secure in the cargo freight?” “I saw it coming out of the barracks; it must’ve leaked or something went wrong. How do we contain it?” The blonde scientist felt a rush of fearful adrenaline at the news, standing up from his desk while trying to form a plan. “We need to get Spencer; maybe together we can figure something out” Jeremiah explained as he put his shoes on and they headed down the hall. “Figure something out?? You don’t know how to handle the gas?” Bryce questioned. “I’ve been reading the experiment documentation but it’s not totally clear how to combat its effects” “Does it really tickle people like you said? You have to be straight with me here” “…yes it does” Jeremiah confirmed as his nerves grew worse at the thought of an outbreak. “Spencer! Spencer, it’s important” the scientist knocked. “What is he doing?” Bryce asked a moment before the junior partner opened the door with messy hair and a groggy expression. “What’s going on?” “It’s the bioweapon – something happened and the ship has been exposed” Jeremiah explained. “What?? How many people have been affected?” Spencer asked. “We don’t know but we need to contain it” “How do we do that?” “Let’s go back to my room and look over the files again; maybe that’ll prove useful” Jeremiah suggested while Spencer put on a shirt and his shoes before they headed back the other way.

“Shit! The gas! We can’t go that way” Bryce pointed out as the blue gas traveled toward them in the narrow hallway. “But the reports are down there” the blonde reminded. “I know but you can’t be exposed too” the respected captain replied as he redirected the three of them the opposite way. The trio rushed down the corridor with the hopes of finding a safe place to think when a sudden gush of Pluma came from the lower level air duct, flowing out around the captain's feet and legs. “NO! What do I do?? How do I stop it!?” Bryce asked with a panicked look. “I told you we don’t know!” Jeremiah answered as he walked away with Spencer, trying to avoid exposure. “Shit! I’ll deal with it; you two go, go!” Bryce instructed, trying to accept the fact of his situation. The usually fearless muscleman slowly felt something begin happening on his meaty size 12 feet, a tingling sensation between his juicy toes in the warm boots that only made him more on edge for what was to come. “No…this can’t be real” Bryce tried to assure himself but as the seconds passed he couldn’t deny the ticklish feeling of ghostly bristles moving along his marine feet. It felt like the head of 10 toothbrushes were scrubbing down the sides, tops, and bottoms of both feet as if he didn’t have on boots and socks at all, polishing his secretly sensitive flesh to the horror of the Discovery’s captain. “AAoahoahANO! …HAAoahaoaHoahaoa….AoAoahaoaHOAHaOhaFFuUuCckK” shot out of Bryce despite his best efforts to fight the laughter. The former football, basketball, and wrestling star is the last guy anybody would try and tickle but Pluma didn’t care how tough he was; the gas was already wreaking ticklish havoc on him.

Bryce tried to wiggle his feet in the boots to relieve the sensations but it didn’t help him like it didn’t help Mike or Miles, the ticklish feeling only intensifying as time passed. “HAhoaOHOHAAOAhoAHAOHAA NNnoOoNOO!!” he shouted with frustration just as the invisible bristles doubled in number and sped up like they were trying to clean his big feet. “AAHoAhAOHoAHAAohAOAHAOHAOFFFuuUUCCCKkkHAOAHAOHA NNOooNNOOoHAOAhAOAHOAAAA” barreled from the seasoned marine harder than he’d ever heard himself laugh. Convinced he could counteract the gas, Bryce took off his shirt and jacket to wrap around his boots for another layer but the tickling continued raging all over his protected feet to push him even further. “AHAOAHAOhaoAAhOAhaOHAWWHhAATTHhHEEEAoAHAOAHAoh HhEElLL??!” Bryce let out as he tripped onto the floor of the corridor and into the lingering gas. He didn’t know exactly what would happen once he was engulfed in the bioweapon but he soon got an answer as the same bristles on his feet appeared on the rest of his body. Thousands of devilish, ghostly bristles brushed across the contour of his pecs, inside his closed pits, around his neck, inside his belly button, down his sides, all over his crotch, and at the undersides of his knees as well as his feet. “AAHAOhAOHAoHoAHAOHAOaNnOoOnNNONOoAHaOHaOAHAOHAOHAOAHAAhaOAHOAH MmmMAAAKkKEEeiIiITTTAhoAHAASSTToOoOPPPP!!” raged down the hallway as Pluma devastated the jock turned marine captain physically and mentally.

Jeremiah and Spencer found their way to the only area of the ship seemingly not reached by the gas, hoping they could put the genie back in the bottle. “What can we even do to stop this? I mean we don’t have an antidote” Spencer reminded. “I know, I know. The reports didn’t say much about stopping Pluma from working but from what I read, it seemed like the gas dominated the sense of touch and almost tricked the subjects’ minds on some level. Maybe if we can overpower the crew’s senses or target another sense it might counteract the gas” Jeremiah proposed as the wheels turned in his head. “It’s worth a shot…there’s an alarm in the control room we could use” Spencer offered. “But what if it’s exposed to Pluma??” “We’ll have to take that chance – we’re the only ones left to fix this” Jeremiah replied before starting toward the control room at another part of the ship, Spencer following with even more nerves. “Oh shit” Spencer said upon seeing the cloud of Pluma as they turned the corner. “We have to go that way; the control room isn’t far” the blonde assured. “But we’ll be exposed and I’m too ticklish to see what will happen!” Spencer objected out of genuine fear of his weakness being exploited. “I don’t like it either but we don’t have a choice” Jeremiah guided before running into the hallway and through the gas while Spencer did just the same.

“I don’t feel anything” the brunette added. “Me neither…but I don’t think the effects are immediate. It may take a minuteAHaohaoa” Jeremiah informed as his giggle proved his point. “Oh nohaoahoA” Spencer replied while the gas started on him too, both of their entire bodies haven gone through it. They searched for the control room but they quickly became distracted once Pluma really made itself known; their feet reacting to it first. “AAOoAhohaohFFuUuCkkmMmEE!” Jeremiah let out as he tried to run while what felt like the stiff ends of two feathers started tracing the lines on each of his size 10 soles, both invisible feathers running all over his terribly ticklish feet like they were road maps. He knew his handsome feet were deathly ticklish thanks to his girlfriend’s playful nails but this wasn’t anything he could avoid or jerk away from; it was created to tickle without mercy. “OaoAHoAHoHAoaHoaHAJJjEerRREemmMIIiAAHhAhAOAHAOHaaAhAOhAOHAA” Spencer tried to call out as if he could make it stop. The 24 yr. old was about as ticklish as they come and Pluma took full advantage of that; two feathers danced and teased along both of his buttery size 12 ½ soles, the wispy sensations enough to send Spencer howling and nearly falling into the walls.

“WwEehAhaOahhhaVVEETtoOooAHAO KKEEEppPGGoOOIiNngghAHOAHAAHAHAHAA” Jeremiah reminded as they got closer but the Pluma intensified, two ghostly hands suddenly jabbing into his toned stomach and poking all over his ribs while the two feathers on his feet became 4 on each. “AAHOAhaoaOOOAhaohaohahSSHHhIiiIITTAOAHAOHAOHAOHAOAHAOHAAOOOOOHoHOhMmyyYGGgGOOOdddhAOhAOHAHOAA!” exploded from the lead scientist while trying to stay focused on the mission. “YYYOoOUuDddiiIDdnNnTTTAoaoAOAHH SSSAaayyYIIitTTWWWAASS aHAOHOHATTTHhIiISSAohaOAHAOBbBBAAAADDD!!” Spencer shouted as his body came under fire too; what felt like several strong fingers digging into his armpits while two new feathers circled his nipples to tease them like crazy and the feathers on his feet moved faster across his soles. “HHoOOwWwmmMUuUcChAOahaohFFFUuRRrTHHHEErRRR?!?” Spencer asked like he couldn’t go much more without giving into the crippling tickling. “AhAOHAOAAAALlLMMOoOSSTTT hAOAHOAHoahaTTHhEERREeahoaoaHOAHAOHA!!” Jeremiah tried to encourage as his run became more of a forced walk toward the control room. The ambitious scholar had never experienced such torturous tickling and he didn’t know if he could push past it; the four sharp ends moving all over his smooth feet only worsened by four new feathers now weaving between his bubbly toes. “AhOAAOhOAHaOAIIIICCaAaaNnNTT HAOhaoahohaOHAOHAIIiITTssSAHoaHAOTtTOOOO HAahahahaMMmuUuUCCChHH!!” Spencer suddenly let out as he fell into the wall and thrashed on the floor overwhelmed by the additional feathers between his toes as well, sawing back and forth in each fleshy space to wreck the second Pentagon scientist.

“AhOAhAOHAOAhAHAHAHhHOOOlLLDDDoOOoONNN!!” Jeremiah tried to encourage just before a vibrating sensation ignited in his bellybutton, the new attack forcing him to his knees as he pushed himself to crawl toward the control room with unhinged laughter. Barely able to concentrate and think of anything but how much the Pluma tickled, Jeremiah finally reached the control room, found the red button, and hit the alarm with one forced stretch of his hand. The alarm sounded throughout the SS Discovery as loudly and forcefully as it was meant to; radiating into every corridor and room where the ship full of marines were laughing, flailing, and squirming in a ticklish hell.

“AhOAhAohOHohOHOAHOAHAHaohOAOHAOHAOhHAHAAOHAoAHAHAOHAHOAOhaa…” Jeremiah let out as the powerful laughter stopped and he could breathe a sigh of relief. “It worked…it worked!” he exclaimed with accomplishment before stepping out of the room to see Spencer sitting up with obvious exhaustion. “Well…I think we found an antidote” Spencer added with a reluctant smile. Not a minute later Jeremiah’s phone rang, “It’s the Pentagon” he announced. “Answer it…maybe just don’t tell them everything” Spencer replied as Jeremiah answered. “Yes, sir…we had the weapon but something went wrong and it affected the entire crew…I know, I know but I think we can potentially re-create it from studying the files we recovered” he explained. “What does the bioweapon do? I think it may be best to just explain when I get back…you’re not gonna believe this.”