that 70s’ show: basement brawl

The usual gang occupied the Forman’s basement that afternoon like they always did, with Eric, Hyde, Kelso, and Fez all sitting around after school while Donna and Jackie were out shopping for prom dresses. “Why the hell would my shop teacher think I couldn’t build a bookshelf? It’s just a shelf” Eric questioned like he was insulted by the comment he’d received earlier that day. “Maybe he knows you’re kind of a wuss, Forman. Mr. Pauly is a real man’s man” Hyde teased. “What? I’m a man’s man!” Eric assured. “Yeah ok” Kelso chimed in with a mocking laugh. “Like you’re some tough guy” Eric fired back. “Yeah, I am” Kelso asserted with a flex of his biceps, only for Fez to sneak a few wiggling fingers onto his ribs.

“AhAohASsTTHOOhOP!” Kelso instantly became a giggly, squirming mess on the end of the couch until Fez pulled back. “Yeah, a real macho man” Hyde added as Kelso tried to regain his composure. “Dammit, Fez! You know I hate that” “Yes, I know, why do you think it’s so much fun?” Fez answered with a playful grin. “Alright, so I’m ticklish. I’m still a man” Kelso tried to reassure as if his ego was on the line. “You’re about as manly as a Ken Doll” Hyde disputed, getting a laugh out of the others. “Well I could at least put a bookshelf together” Kelso pointed out to at least put himself above Eric.

“I never said I couldn’t make one…it’s just taking a little more time than everyone else’s” Eric tried to explain. “Maybe you can convince Mr. Pauly you’re not a total pansy by the end of the year; just don’t let him find out you’re stupid ticklish too or you’ll never get a decent grade” Hyde added. “Hey! That was one time! I can’t help how sensitive my feet are, ok??” Eric defended with a flustered look. “What one time?” Fez questioned. “We’re not talking about it!” Eric tried to diffuse but Kelso and Fez were eager to hear what Hyde was referring to.

“You guys remember when Red was painting that fence a few months ago?” Hyde questioned. “Yeah…” Kelso and Fez answered at the same time. “Well this genius over here somehow knocked over the bucket of paint and walked through it in just his socks. It ended up soaking through them and his feet were whiter than they normally are” Hyde explained. “Hyde! Just let it go!” Eric tried to stop, knowing how embarrassing the story was. “Forman was too ticklish to even get the paint off his feet in the shower so Red had to hold his legs down and scrub his feet clean in the sink. Now he’s paranoid that somebody's gonna tickle his feet again; why do you think he always wears shoes?” Hyde finished with a devious smile as Kelso and Fez grinned from ear to ear at the hilarious visual. “No way! Haha that’s hilarious” Kelso added with his usual goofy excitement. “Now that I would’ve paid a pretty penny to see” Fez chimed in.

“Alright, we get it; I’ve got ticklish feet, big whoop. Everybody’s ticklish somewhere” Eric tried to point out as he stood up and started toward Hyde to prove his point. “You really wanna do that, Forman?” Hyde challenged before intercepting Eric’s attempted attack and sneaking into his pits while his arms were up. “AhAhAhANNoOoNNoAOhAO!” Eric fell apart on contact and jerked to get away but Hyde followed him around the basement, running up and down his sides while Eric danced around trying to get away. “Make him pee his pants!” Kelso encouraged as he and Fez watched the impromptu show until the door to the house opened, interrupting the humiliating tease.

“Do you hooligans think you could be down here without waking the dead?? I can barely hear myself think” Red Forman reprimanded. “Sorry, Mr. Forman” they all answered except Eric who was trying to not look like he was just getting tickled silly. “The trash isn’t gonna take itself out, Eric” Red added. “Got it, thanks, dad” Eric answered while putting some distance between he and Hyde before his dad shut the door back. “Well as much as I wish I could stick around and make Forman cry, I’ve got a date tonight” Hyde announced. “There’s always tomorrow” Fez pointed out, getting a dirty look from Eric. “Don’t start without me” Kelso added, earning him a squeeze around his waist form Fez. “AhAhoAohCCuUTtiiTTOOuUTT!” “We could just charge people a few dollars to watch you guys get tickled and pay for our prom tuxes” Fez suggested. “I’ll make a sign to put up a school” Hyde added with a cheeky smirk before leaving the basement, making Kelso and Eric shiver at the thought.

The next day, Eric, Kelso, and Fez were the only ones at the normal hangout. Jackie had roped Donna into returning her dress with her and Hyde was in the process of scoring them some booze for prom that Friday. “Alright, now when he gets here we’re gonna act like Fez just finished bench pressing the couch and it’ll be Hyde’s turn” Eric explained. “Are you sure this is gonna work, man?” Kelso questioned. “Yes, just play it cool” Eric assured just before Hyde opened the door to the basement and walked in to find Fez under the couch and Kelso and Eric on either side holding the ends. “25…” Fez finished counting and slid out from under the couch. “What the hell are you guys doing?” Hyde questioned like he wasn’t sure what he’d walked in on.

“We were just taking turns seeing how many times we could bench press the couch. Ya, know seeing who’s the manliest and all” Eric explained. “What? You’ve never heard of weights?” Hyde answered to point out how dumb that was. “Eric got 15 and I got 30” Kelso added. “And I got 25. I can feel my muscles growing already” Fez announced with a proud smile as he got up. “Don’t expect me to get under that nasty ass couch” Hyde made clear, sparking a bit of concern on Eric and Kelso’s face that the plan wouldn’t work. “That’s alright, Hyde…you probably couldn’t do many anyway” Eric added, knowing it would prod the stoic 18 year old’s ego. “Forman, if you lifted that thing 15 times, I could at least get 40” “Show us then” Kelso chimed in while trying not to seem too pushy.

“…if it’ll shut you guys up then fine, but if I beat Forman, you guys are paying my part of the beer money” Hyde laid out as he got up and sat down in front of the couch. “Deal” Eric agreed while he and Kelso held the couch up and Hyde slipped under it on his back. “Alright, you can lower it now” Hyde announced and Eric signaled Kelso for them to do so, planting the couch across Hyde’s upper half and letting go. “Hey! I can’t lift it like this! It’s on top of me!” Hyde argued while the couch sat only a couple inches in front of his face and his arms laid out to his sides, without enough room under the couch for them to bend and actually try to push it off.

“What? You mean you can’t even get it up once?” Eric teased. “Not with you two dropping it on me!” Hyde argued as if he just wasn’t given a fair shot. “Well just get out and we’ll try again” Fez added and they all watched Hyde’s legs and booted feet kick around to try and wiggle from under the couch to no success. “I can’t, I’m stuck – just lift the couch up!” Hyde barked like he was getting more agitated by the second while the other three exchanged looks of shared excitement. “Stuck? Oh no” Kelso added with a cartoonish concern to his voice. “If you can’t get out then I guess now is a good time to see if you’re actually ticklish” Eric announced and Hyde’s legs stopped kicking around for a second, as if the tough guy of the group was stunned by what he’d just heard.

“No! You dirty assholes better not even try it!” Hyde forbid before fighting to get out again but he couldn’t stop his buddies from going through with the plan. Eric and Kelso each trapped one of Hyde’s ankles between their legs and Fez grabbed the heels of his boots to tug them off with one good pull, leaving his white crew socks exposed. “I swear to God, don’t touch my feet!!” Hyde warned like a line in the sand but Kelso and Eric were too giddy at the rare occasion to care about consequences. They ripped off his dirty socks and they all watched his fresh bare feet writhe with anticipation while Hyde bucked like an angry bull under the couch to get out and stop them before Eric and Kelso let loose on the warm pinks soles.

“AAhGGHH!” shot out of Hyde once they started spidering all over his feet but he quickly bit his lip and clenched his jaw to control himself, hating the idea of giving them the satisfaction. “Ooh what was that? Was that a laugh?” Eric teased. “I think he’s fighting it” Fez pointed out as the couch bounced up and down and Hyde’s legs tried to kick free. “He can’t fight it forever” Kelso assured before suddenly switching from the spidering technique to clawing down the surprisingly smooth sole, forcing Hyde to react. “AhAohAohSSHHiiITT! AohAGGeEETToOoOFFF!!” “There we go!” Kelso announced with a big smile with another brutal drag of his nails from the base of his toes while Eric started using both hands to really turn up the heat.

“AhAohnNOOoO!! YYoOOUuGGuUyySSAAARREEEdDDEeEAADD!!” “Oh no, I think he’s getting angry” Fez mocked with a front row seat to Hyde’s bare feet wrinkling and squirming to try and combat his buddy’s enthusiastic attack. “So, I think it’s obvious that I’m not the only one with ticklish feet…” Eric pointed out while dancing all over the left foot. “AhhAhOhAEEaAAATTSshHIIITTFfooOOoRRRmMMAAANN!!” “You really wanna tell the guy who has your foot locked between his knees to eat shit? Is that smart?” Eric taunted before mimicking Kelso’s clawing technique but vertically so all ten nails could rake up and down at the same time across his foot. “AAAHAOhAohAOhADDAAmMmMmIIIITT!! JJUuUSSTTSSTTToOPP!!” Hyde howled harder than any of them expected to get out of him, putting a giant smile on Kelso’s face.

“I think I need to hear you say how ticklish your feet are before we can stop” Eric laid out, knowing that would kill Hyde to say. “Yeah and that you’re a pussy” Kelso chimed in to worsen the deal. “And that Fez is the most handsome guy in town” Fez added before joining in to help with one hand on each foot, leaving 15 vicious fingers going to town on each of Hyde’s rarely seen bare feet. “AAHAOhAOhAAOOkoOKK!! AOhAOhAIIihHAAVVEETTiiiCCkKLlLiISSHhFFEET!!” “Louder!” Eric insisted. “AAhHLLlRIiIGGHhTT IIIHhAAAVVEETTiiICCKKKLLLIIIISShHFFEEEEET!!!” “And you’re a pussy” Kelso reminded while showing his bubbly toes some attention. “AHAA! AOhAOhAIIIMmMAAAPPpUUUSSSYYY!!” Hyde forced out between outbursts as his friends continued terrorizing his helpless feet. “Don’t forget about me being the most handsome guy in town” Fez instructed with his focus on the creamy arches. “AAHAHAOAANNDDFFEEZZIIsSS TThHEEMMMmOoOSSTTHhHAANNdDDSSOOmMMEEGGUUUYY IinNNTTOOOWWNnAHAHA!! NnNOOOWWSSTTOHOHOPPP!!” Hyde shouted like he was ready to explode, obvious piping mad from the sound of his voice and unable to stop laughing no matter how hard he fought it.

Kelso’s long fingers pried back Hyde’s toes and he started scratching along the undersides with harsh concentration, helping to really shatter Hyde’s tough exterior until he was yelping under the couch and thrashing around in place. “Oh man! His toes are super ticklish!” Kelso pointed out and Eric and Fez doubled teamed the other foot’s toes while Eric held them back, allowing Fez to even wiggle a few fingers between them like a corkscrew and get Hyde roaring even louder. “AAAHAohAHOAGGOoODDDDAAAMmMMmiiITT!! AOHAOHASSTTOHohoPP!!” Hyde demanded like he still couldn’t quite believe they were actually tickling his feet. “No way, this is too good” Eric rejected as he continued scratching along the big toe in front of him but although Hyde couldn’t initially lift the couch off him, the situation had brought out enough adrenaline to help him force it off long enough to get out, surprising the gang when they saw him pop out ready to kill all three of them.

“What?! How did you do that?! You’re supposed to be stuck!” Eric questioned like he wasn’t prepared for any possible retaliation, struggling to get away from his angry friend on the floor. “The only thing that’s gonna be stuck is my boot up your ass!” Hyde fired back as he grabbed Eric’s leg and pulled him closer, forcing the clean cut ring leader to try and scramble away like he was being attacked by some horror movie monster. “Oh man, Hyde’s gonna destroy Eric!” Kelso pointed out with new excitement. “He’s a goner I’m afraid” Fez added. “You two can either help me or you can be next” Hyde warned as he wrestled to get Eric’s leg in a headlock. “We’d rather help” Fez answered before he grabbed the other ankle and Kelso sat on Eric’s back to pin him down.

“Guys!! You’re supposed to be on my side!” Eric argued as Hyde ripped off one shoe and Fez did the same. “Who said there were sides?” Kelso challenged before his large hands started wiggling up and down Eric’s sides. “AAHAhNNOOoOOH!!” Eric couldn’t help but erupt with embarrassing, higher-pitched laughter under Kelso but it quickly ballooned when Hyde and Fez got their hands on his bare feet. “AAAH! AAAAhAHAhAHANNOOO!! AOhAOhAOHAaNnOooTThHEEFFEEEETT!!” Eric shrieked with genuine panic as Hyde got his revenge and Fez showed how playfully vicious he could be. “Scream for me, Forman” Hyde taunted while scribbling all over the incredibly soft foot locked in his arm. 

“His feet are like butter” Fez pointed out as his nails wiggled along the balls of the opposite foot. “Yeah, Forman’s got the nicest feet around…super manly” Hyde teased to rub in how screwed Eric was while Kelso made sure he didn’t get away, dominating both sides with his long arms as Forman floundered under him with hilarious distress. “AAhAOHSSTTohOHPP!! aohAOHAGGUUyyYSSCCCoOMmMEEoOONNN!! PPLLEeAASEEE!!” “That’s it, keep begging” Hyde added as he got his sweet revenge and proved Eric’s feet were as ticklish as he’d told them. Hyde’s brutal scribbles made Eric’s tickling look like child’s play as he dominated the silky sole, determined to punish Forman for thinking he could tickle him. Fez on the other hand, had more fun with it, letting his fingers fly up and down Eric’s foot as it writhed in place, “I think I could do this all night” Fez admitted. “Sounds good to me” Hyde agreed before grabbing Eric’s toes and forcing them back like they’d done to his, sparking fresh panic in Forman as he felt his defenseless toes become the center of attention.

“AHANNOO! NNOOO!! GGUUyyYYSSSTTOhOHOPP!!” “You can’t have toes this nice and not expect people to tickle them, Forman” Hyde teased before scratching along the taut undersides with severe concentration. “AAAHAOhAOHAAO!! HHyYyDDEEPPLLLEEAAASSEE!! AOhAOhAAOHDDoOnoNNNTT!!” Eric almost screamed as the rigid nails clawed down his pristine toes and Kelso laughed along at his insane reaction. “Dude, he’s losing it back here!” Kelso announced as he did his part to make things worse by swiveling around and digging into his armpits before he could try and stop him, instantly rocketing his laughter up higher. “His toes keep wiggling at me so I guess I should spend some time with them as well. I wouldn’t want them to feel left out” Fez pointed out before targeting the slender toes locked in his arm by twisting his finger between each of the spaces like he had with Hyde’s and shaking the basement with Eric’s desperate laughter.

“AAHahAHAHAHOoHHMmyYyGGOOoDD!! AOhOAYyOOuUuGGUUyYSSHHAAVVEETTOoOSSTSOhOHOP!! mMMERRRCCyYY!!” “Mercy? We’re just getting started” Hyde rejected with a real taste for destroying Eric but what he hadn’t counted on was Kelso going rogue and suddenly tackling Fez onto the ground out of the blue. “Woah? Where the hell did that come from?” Hyde asked as he watched Kelso wrestle to get the better of Fez. “Fez always tickles me and makes me laugh like a little girl in front of everybody; well now I’m gonna make him sound like a little girl!” Kelso explained as his own impromptu revenge scheme came to fruition. “It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish” Fez combated with another playfully evil smile before Kelso was able to sit across his back and start getting rid of his shoes and socks.

Eric was just happy he wasn’t getting tickled anymore and as much as he wanted to get back at Hyde, he wasn’t brave enough to risk another backfire, prompting him to help Kelso tickle Fez instead. “No! We were supposed to tickle Hyde! Not me!” Fez protested as he tried to escape the pin but the gang turned on him just as fast as they had Eric. “Sorry, Fez, tickling is kind of an every man for himself game” Eric argued while trapping the other ankle between his legs and Hyde pulled his arms out so they were stretched above his head and sat on them before going after his pits. “NNOoAohAOhA!! NnOOoTTFFFAAAiIiIRRR!!” Fez cried out with bubbly laughter as he felt his buddies’ wrath. “You guys trapped me under a couch just to tickle my feet; fair went out the window a long time ago” Hyde countered as he plowed into his exposed pits while Eric and Kelso had their way with his handsome bare feet.

“Let’s see how you like it!” Kelso taunted before unleashing on the tan foot locked in his arm and instantly ramping up Fez’ laughter just like he’d hoped. “AAHHAAKKKEELllSSoOnNoOAOhAoh!!” “Yeah! Not so funny now, is it?” Kelso teased as he really leaned into the tickler role for the first time, letting his long fingers fly every which way across the peachy pink sole. Eric recalled how effective the clawing motion had been on Hyde and reused that same technique on Fez’ velvet sole, focusing on the balls and arch the best that he could. “AAHAhA!! GGuUYyYSSPplLlLEEEAAAsSEE!! AOhOHohAaMmMEERrCCYy!!” Fez begged like he had no intention of holding up some tough front, knowing he was too ticklish for that. “You can’t dish it out and not expect it to turn back on you at some point” Hyde pointed out while kneading into the base of his wide-open pits like the ruthless tickler he was.

“AHAAHIIIMmMmSSOORRryY!! IIVVeElLLEEAARRnNEEddmMMYYLLLLEESSoOONN!!” “Yeah right!” Kelso dismissed with a strong grip on Fez’ ankle and a real taste for tickling the shit out of him as he suddenly went after the lush toes, getting a sharp squeal out of Fez. “No way! Haha this is awesome!” Kelso announced while scratching along and between the toes trying so desperately to escape. “It’s the toes, huh? I’m starting to think our ticklish spots have synched up” Eric teased before milking the shared weakness and concentrating on Fez’ wiggling toes to crank his laughter up to humiliating heights. “AAHAH! NOoNNOOO!! AOhOAHAOHALLlEEAAVVEEmMyyYTTOoOEEEsSSAAALLLoONNNEE!!” “You heard him, stay on his toes” Hyde suggested to make sure he got the worst treatment possible, reminding Fez that friends make for the most sadistic ticklers.

But as much fun as the gang was having at Fez’ expense, Hyde wasn’t about to let Kelso off without a turn, especially not after seeing Fez prove how ticklish he was so many times before. “Alright, I want to see how loud Ken Doll over here can laugh” Hyde announced before pouncing on him from behind, pulling him onto his back and allowing Fez to go on the offense again. “Hey! What the hell, Hyde??” Kelso tried to make sense of as Hyde trapped his arms between his knees. “You didn’t think you were getting off free, did you?” Hyde challenged as he dove into his buddy’s pits like he couldn’t wait to get in there. “AAAH! AohAohADDAAmMMIiITT! AHAAGGEETToOOFFmMMEE!!” Kelso exploded within seconds while Eric and Fez happily stripped his sneakers and socks right off his big goofy feet.

“I’ve never actually tickled Kelso’s feet before but I have a feeling this will really get him screaming” Fez added with a playfully sinister enthusiasm as he sat on Kelso’s shin and got his revenge on the foot in front of him. “Wow, Fez…remind me never to make you mad” Eric answered before locking the other ankle between his legs and letting all 10 fingers see just how rowdy Kelso could get. “AAAAH!! AOHAOHANnOONNOO!! AOhAOHAAnNOOHOH!! AOhAOhAaGGUUUyyYSSCCOoMMEEOONN!!” Kelso tried to convince as he floundered against the floor but they held on tight. “Wow, Kelso…you’re as bad as Forman” Hyde teased with both hands deep into his pits. “AAhoAohIiMmMNNOOOoTTT!! AOhAOHAiIiISSwWWEEAARRR!!” “Is that a challenge, Kelso?” Eric questioned as if he needed to make sure he wasn’t deemed the most ticklish of the group and really let the foot in front of him have it. “AAhAhAHAHAHAHAHSSShHIiiIITT!! aOhAOhAOhANOONNOO!! AOhAOHAOOkOoKKAOHAOHA!!” Kelso practically screamed with a violent jerk against them as Eric’s short nails annihilated his long, smooth sole.

“I bet his toes are bad too” Fez suggested while locking onto his new target and grabbing the long toes back for an evil raking. “AAAHAAAHAHA!!!” Kelso shrieked with embarrassing power and panic on his face as Fez concentrated on the strawberry pink toes with a smile on his face. “This little piggy went to the store…and this little piggy went to the market…and this little piggy, wait…where do the rest of them go again? Oh well” Fez teased as he made his way down the line of toes only to realize he didn’t know the whole song, redirecting his isolated attacks to a full-on blitz across the whole line of wiggly toes. “AAhoAOhAohAAHoAHFFEEEZzZAOhAOAHACCoOmMmEEoOoNnAhAHA!!” Kelso roared with hilarious roller coaster laughter but Fez was having way too much fun to care how crazy he got and Eric and Hyde couldn’t seem to get enough either.

“So, Kelso, you paying my part of the beer money or what?” Hyde challenged. “AAHoANnOOoOWWAAAYYY!!” “What now?” Hyde challenged before digging in a little harder to wreck the pretty boy of the group. “AHAAOOkoOKK!!” “Mine too, right?” Eric chimed in before going after the toes in front of him like he was digging in sand at the beach. “AAAHAHAHAALLlRRiIiGGGhhTT jJuuUSSTTSSTTToHOoOPP!!” “Mine as well please!” Fez tacked on with a sudden dual attack on his sole and toes at the same time, giving Kelso no choice but to give in. “AAAHAHAOOKkOohOOKKK! IILlLBBUUyYYAALLLTThHEEE bbEEERRRAhAHAJjuuUSSTTOOpPTTIiICCkKlLliiINnGmMMEE!!” Kelso surrendered like he would agree to anything just to be free of the tickle attack, unaware that if he would’ve just lasted a few seconds more he would’ve been saved.

“Are you pack of dumbasses trying to piss me off?? I can’t even hear the television for all this shouting and carrying on!” Red chastised after opening the basement door. “Sorry, Red” they all answered collectively as they let Kelso go and the feather-haired 18 year old put his shoes and socks back on to protect his crazy ticklish feet. “What the hell are you even doing down here?” Red questioned. “Oh we were uhh…just rough housing a little dad, no big deal” Eric tried to explain. “Well rough house quieter…next time I’m kicking you all out” Red warned before closing the door back, putting an end to the tickle fight before someone got kicked in the face or Kelso could agree to buying anymore beer. 

The next evening, the gang was back in the Forman’s basement, again without Donna or Jackie who were back at the store returning Donna’s dress this time. But with Red at his weekly poker game across town, the guys could finally get high without the risk of him bursting in to bust them. “Ya know, guys…prom’s a big deal…I mean people will talk about that night at our 10 year reunion…at the 20 year reunion…hell even our 30 year reunion” Eric pointed out as his thoughts flowed freely. “Nobody goes to their 30 year reunion, Forman” Hyde countered. “I might go in 30 years…I bet a lot of the girls will be divorced by then and ready to jump into Fez’ arms” Fez chimed in. “Do you think they let you go to the reunions if you don’t graduate?” Kelso asked with a bit of paranoia. “Haha no, they arrest you at the door and make you sing the alma mater” Hyde teased as he passed the joint off. 

“Who did you guys vote for on the senior superlatives?” Eric asked. “I actually wrote in my own submission” Hyde answered. “What do you mean? You can do that??” “Yeah; Eric Forman for most ticklish senior” Hyde explained, getting a laugh from Kelso and Fez. “Wait, are you serious?? You’re ticklish too! You were laughing your ass off yesterday!” Eric defended. “Forman, you’re way more ticklish than me; don’t even try it” “I am not!” “Wanna bet?” Hyde challenged before suddenly grabbing one of Eric’s ankles and tipping him out of his chair. “Woah! What are you doing?!” Forman argued but couldn’t stop himself from falling onto his stomach and allowing Hyde to sit across him and pin him down. 

“NO! Hyde! Don’t! No more tickling!! I’m serious, man! Come on!!” Eric frantically tried to persuade but Hyde couldn’t be deterred, ripping off Eric’s shoes and socks like he couldn’t wait to make Eric his tickle bitch again. “Make him give me back my beer money!” Kelso encouraged from the sidelines as he stood up with excitement to watch Hyde wreck Eric again but was too distracted to realize Fez had his own plan. With a single shove, the gangly air-head fell over the couch and before he could try to get back up, Fez quickly corralled his ankles across the top of the couch. “Hey! Fez?!” “Without Red here to interrupt me, I can really see how ticklish your feet are” Fez explained as he whipped off his belt to tie around the ankles and started stealing Kelso’s boots and socks while he tried to reach out and stop him. 

“Hyde, come on!!” Eric desperately tried to interfere as he reached back in hopes of grabbing Hyde’s shirt but he couldn’t stop him. “This is gonna make the first time look like nothing” Hyde assured as he locked the naked size 10s between his knees on the floor and went nuts on his buddy’s wrinkled soles. “AAAHaHA!! AOhAohAoAHAHHHYYyDDDEE!!” Eric let out like a siren as Hyde’s merciless fingers wreaked fresh havoc on the supple feet. “Yeah, laugh it up, Forman” Hyde taunted with a fiendish smile as Eric’s horrified laughter and fists pounding the floor filled the basement. “You think Luke Skywalker had feet this ticklish?” Hyde added while dancing all over the trapped feet, knowing the idea of Forman’s fictional hero being ticklish would only mess with him more.

Meanwhile, Fez was having just as large of a time torturing Kelso’s naked feet on the couch, making sure to keep his wait on the ankles as Kelso flailed and thrashed around on the cushions. “AAHoHAFFEEZZSSTToOHOPPMMmaAAANN!! TTTHHiiISSiIiSSCCRrRRAAZZYyYAAHA!!” “The only crazy thing about this is how ticklish your feet are; I thought only girls had this problem but I guess you and Eric are the exception” Fez answered while running his dull nails along the bright pink balls of both feet he’d taken prisoner. “AHhAAhA IiICCAAnNNTThHhEELLlPpPPIIIITT!!” Kelso admitted like he’d never realized how severe this weakness was but Fez was happy to show him. Fez was an enthusiastic tickler but not quite as mean-spirited as Hyde, viewing the exchange as more of a platonic bonding dynamic than Hyde who was more than happy to torture his ticklish friends, especially Eric.

“HhyYyDDEEpPlLlEEAASSEE!! AhoHAAGGEETToOOFFmMyYYFFEEETMMMAAAnNN!!” Eric pleaded, having to throw his pride aside in hopes of appeasing the curly haired devil sitting across the back of his legs. “Keep begging and we’ll see how long it takes for me to feel sorry for you” Hyde answered as his focus shifted to the middles of both soft soles, this time angling his fingers a little to use his nails for a harsh raking back and forth. “NNOOAoHAOHAOH!! AOhAOhAAhAOhOOhMMYyyGGOoODDAOhAOAH!! PPPLLlEEAASEE!! AOhAOHASSTTOhohPPP!!” Eric howled harder with higher-pitched squeals slipping out every few seconds that he hated to let out but he couldn’t control himself. He’d never paid much attention to how nice his feet really were before Hyde teased him about it but they were, smooth to the touch, well-shaped with a medium arch, and slim yet rich toes that were somehow even softer than his soles. He wasn’t a sporty guy that wore his feet out or outdoorsy enough to let his feet get roughed up; he was a geek for lack of a better word and geeks like to say inside, letting his feet stay nice and untouched. Too bad for Eric, that just made them easier targets for someone like Hyde.

“Tell me again why you shouldn’t win most ticklish senior, Forman” Hyde teased as he clawed back and forth along the tender arches. “AahAOhAOhAohAIIIiTTSsSS EEMMbBAARRAASSSiinNNGGAHAH!!” “Yeah I guess you’re right but it’s still true. I don’t know though, Kelso might be giving you a run for your money over there” Hyde admitted as Kelso’s wild shrieks and heavy laughter kept up with Eric’s own animated reaction. Eric looked like a wet noodle being slung around as he bucked and writhed on the floor, doing his best to jerk his legs free or pry Hyde off but Hyde was like a rock, refusing to give Eric any room for an escape. However, Eric soon realized he had one hand he hadn’t played and reached back to grab one of Hyde’s ankles before pulling it closer. “Hey! The hell do you think you’re doing, Forman??” Hyde tried to stop but Eric knew he had to move fast, ripping off the boot and dirty sock before finally scribbling all over Hyde’s foot as brutally as he could to even things up.

“AAHSShHiITTAOhA!! GGETTooOFFF!!” Hyde objected while kicking around but Eric held on for dear life, knowing it was the only real chance he had of forcing Hyde to stop that wasn’t completely humiliating. Hyde fumbled in place and struggled to keep his upper hand as Eric did his best to retaliate, “Yeah! Now who’s laughing?!” Eric taunted while doing his worst on the fresh, wide foot but Hyde soon re-focused enough to return the favor. “AAhOAhAnNoOOHO!” Eric couldn’t help but lose all control again and allow Hyde to pull his foot back. “You’re really gonna get it now” Hyde warned before spreading his fingers a little wider and raking as fast as he could down the length of both feet. “AAhAoaAOAhAOhAOHAohAAIIMMmSSOOORRyYYYAAhAhA!!” “You’re gonna be” Hyde assured while Fez also continued torturing Kelso just a little over a yard away.

Kelso had managed to turn himself around while freaking out so much that he was now on his stomach, allowing Fez to anchor himself even better onto the back of his ankles. “FFEeEEZzsSSTTTOoAOhAOPP!! EEEnNnOOoUuGGhH!!” Kelso argued through his violent laughter like he couldn’t believe he was even in this situation but Fez wasn’t fazed. “Alright I’ll stop…as soon as you tell me ten reasons why Fez is the best” he explained while focusing on the heels. “AAAHAOoOkoOK! YYoOOUuUrREECCoOOOOLL!! AohAYAyYoOOuuURREENnoOoOTTuUUGGGlLLYY!!” “Continue…” Fez instructed as his ego was fueled and his fingers extended out to scratch along the lengthy arches, getting a quick scream from Kelso the first time he raked all the way down as he tried to name off more reasons Fez was the best. Like the rest of Kelso, his feet were gorgeous; lean, well-kept, naturally smooth, and incredibly sensitive, not quite as bad as Eric’s but not far behind at all. Fez had tickled Kelso’s ribs and sides and hips when he could but had never tested out his feet until this week; too bad for Kelso, they were Fez’ new favorite target.

“EeHAOohAohAYYOOuUuURREEeAACCEEenNnTTiIIISCcCOOoOlLLL!” Kelso named yet another reason as he tried to think of more but Fez’ unforgiving fingers kept him a total mess, dragging down both beautiful soles over and over with cruel concentration. “That is only 5; I need to hear 5 more reasons” Fez reminded as he started clawing faster and harder. “AAAAHAH!! AOOKOOKOK! AOhAOhAohAOHAAHAYYOouUUURREEESSMmMAAARRTT!!” “That’s 6…” Fez pointed out as he milked the Achilles Heel as much as he could. Kelso pulled on his hair like he was losing his mind and his mouth refused to shut as he raged with laughter like he’d short-circuited, struggling to think of another compliment for Fez. “If you can’t think of any more reasons, I guess I’ll have to give you some more motivation” Fez announced as he moved down to Kelo’s lively toes. “FFFEEEZZZNNOoOHAOAHAOAH!! CCOomMmEEOoONNN!!” Kelso begged with wide-eyed panic as Fez infiltrated all ten toes and really went to town.

Kelso’s toes wiggled and crunched to try and defend themselves but Fez quickly realized he needed a better hold on them, convincing him to grab his big toes and pull them down so his free hand could scratch and scribble with uninterrupted access. “AAhAhAHLLLEETTGGoOoOoFFFmMYYYTToOOOEESSFFEFEEZZZ!! TTThHiIiSSSMMMEESSEEDDduUUPPPAHAHAHA!!” Kelso wailed as tears welled in his eyes and his hair flew all over the place but Fez wasn’t stopping, steady tickling the undersides of both rows with a devious smile on his face. “You still have 4 reasons to name, Kelso…I would get going if I were you” Fez reminded to exercise his upper hand while Kelso tried his best to think straight enough to appease his tickle monster of a friend.

Hyde heard Kelso’s reaction spike and immediately knew Fez had gone for the toes, convincing him to do the same. He pulled the feet up a little so they were off the floor and ratcheted his knees tighter around Eric’s ankles, “Spread your toes, Forman” “What? I’m not spreading my toes! Just let me go, Hyde, Jesus…” “Spread em’ or it’s gonna be twice as bad” Hyde demanded with a quick scratch along the heels until Eric reluctantly obeyed and his toes fanned out. “That’s what I thought” Hyde added before grabbing one of Eric’s old honor roll medals off the wall and flossing it between his helpless toes. “WWhAAohAOhAohAA!! AOhAOhAOhAWWhhAAATTAARREEYYYoOOuUDDOoOIiINNnGGG?!?!” “Whatever I want” Hyde confidently answered as he finessed the ribbon of the medal through the left toes like they needed a serious cleaning.

Eric’s face showed exactly how surprised he was by the move and how insane it felt but Hyde made it nearly impossible to get away, hellbent on destroying Forman’s unusually nice feet. The slight texture of the ribbon was absolute hell sawing between his bubbly toes and it pushed the limits of his throat as his laughter reached new desperate heights but once Hyde moved to the other foot and started between the second and third toe, Eric screamed one good time, a scream that would’ve earned him endless teasing from them in a normal situation but Hyde just smiled and flossed faster. “Come on, Forman, let’s see what you’ve got” Hyde challenged as he pulled the ribbon back and forth and Eric’s screaming laughter surprised even him, totally annihilated by the simple threading technique between his toes and Hyde was grinning from ear to ear with no intention of stopping.

“Hmm…between the toes does seem to be the real sweet spot” Fez concluded as he watched Hyde at work. That was enough to get him to relinquish Kelso’s big toes and instead started twisting his pointer fingers between all ten toes like a screw, igniting fresh hysteria from his exhausted friend. “FFEEZZAhAOhAOhAAOhANNOOAOOH!! YYoOUuCCAANNNTTTDDoOooTTHHAAATTAHA!” “Who’s going to stop me?” Fez challenged with his usual teasing tone as he wiggled down both rows, moving from the biggest to the smallest while Kelso’s poor toes tried and failed to get away. Kelso didn’t lose it quite as bad as Eric but it was such a new sensation that he didn’t know how to handle it, that and the fact that the weed added a unique effect to his and Forman’s ticklishness that seemed to make all the stimulation worse.

“HhyYYDDEEpPLLLeEEEAASSEE!! iiIiCCAANNnTTAAkKEEAAnNyYMMmOoORRRREE!!” Eric begged again, now sweaty and tickled worse than he’d ever been. “Come up with a good reason for me to stop and I will, until then these feet are mine” Hyde answered, knowing Eric would never be able to convince him to back off as he continued working the dreaded ribbon between each of his toes and Fez double teamed Kelso’s toes and balls for twice the torture. “AAhAOhAFFEEZZZAOhaohAA IIllLDDOoOWWhHAATTEEEVVEeRRRYYOoUuuWWAanNNTT JJUuuSSttTToOOOPPPTTiIICCkKLLIinNNGGmMmeEEE!!” Kelso offered like he would literally do anything Fez wanted just to spare his horribly ticklish feet. “Whatever I want, huh? Hmm…let me think about it and get back to you” Fez answered to make sure he came up with a satisfying trade as he indulged in his friend’s addictively fun feet to his heart’s content, just as happy to keep tickling Kelso as Hyde was to keep terrorizing Forman.

With Mrs. Forman at her sister’s house for a few days and Donna and Jackie at Jackie’s house, the only person that could possibly save them and break things up was Red. Eric never thought he’d want to see his dad burst through the door to the basement so much in his life but as his overwhelmed eyes caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall, he realized with a gulp of dread that Red wouldn’t be home for at least another hour. He and Kelso were totally screwed. He knew Fez would never get tired of playing with Kelso’s feet and Hyde was giving Darth Vader a run for his money, truly a dark sided tickler if there ever was one that even the likes of Luke Skywalker couldn’t withstand.