high school musical: a taste of troy

“Good game, Wildcats! That’s what I like to see out there!” Coach Bolton commended with obvious excitement after winning the regional basketball trophy. “Thanks, coach! We couldn’t have done it without you” Chad added. “Suck up” Troy teased his best friend from the same locker room bench. “A few brownie points can’t hurt” Chad pointed out before Coach Bolton left the locker room still grinning from ear to ear. “Nice game, man; you’re really getting faster” Troy complimented as he slipped off his sneakers, airing out the sweaty white socks. “Thanks, you too but that’s nothing new haha” Chad replied with a flashy smile back at his teammate but his gaze suddenly shifted down toward Troy’s feet. “I’m sure you’ll get a scholarship” the star Wildcat added, looking back at Chad to see him not so subtly staring at his socked feet. “Chad, you good?” “Oh, yeah haha…totally fine” Chad assured while taking off his jersey. “I don’t know, dude…it looked like you were checking out my feet” the handsome 18 year old proposed with a mischievous tone Chad recognized by now. “What? No way, you’re crazy” the shirtless senior refuted, trying to hide his panic over Troy’s hunch. 

“Oh, come on, you can’t lie to me” Troy pressed with a grin at Chad’s persistence. “I’m not lying so you can chill out with that” Chad answered with mounting anxiety manifesting as aggression, unsure what to do now that he’d been caught. “Alright, fine…whatever you say” Troy added while his buddy fiddled with his locker but Chad couldn’t resist stealing a glance at the glorious bare feet as they were stripped of the Wildcat socks. They were perfectly tan and his soles were a bright pink from playing the whole game, just a wiggle of his handsome toes enough to get Chad drooling. “I knew it! You can play with them if you want, man, I promise it won’t be weird” Troy suddenly offered with an animated enthusiasm, shoving his bare foot toward Chad’s face. “Hey! Come on!” Chad tried to refuse. “Lick em’ clean if you want; nobody’s around” Troy pointed out as Chad surveyed the locker room to see they were suddenly alone. “…alright” Chad nervously agreed with butterflies in his stomach, taking the ankle in his hand and extending his tongue to finally get a taste of Troy Bolton’s feet. “BAN BAN BANNN!! BAN BAN BANN!!” Chad sprang up to shut off his alarm clock. The 18 yr. old had to take a minute to catch his breath after the surreal dream, looking down to see some major morning wood courtesy of his best friend’s feet.  

“Ok, everyone, we’re getting started. Time to cut the chit-chat or whatever you all are calling it these days” Mrs. Montgomery announced from the front of the class later that day. “There’s not really a new replacement for chit-chat” Ryan pointed out as politely as he could. “Well then, I guess I’m not too old. Everyone please open your books so we can pick up where we left off with the Canterbury Tales she instructed, the class of mostly seniors taking out there books except for one student. “Mrs. Montgomery, I think I left my book in my locker” Troy explained with a look like he knew he’d screwed up. “He can look on with me, Mrs. Montgomery” Chad volunteered, getting a smirk from Troy. “Oh no, you two will jibber jabber like a couple of old ladies the whole time. Ryan, would you let Troy read along with you?” she questioned. “Sure, why not” Ryan agreed, trying to seem as blasé as possible. 

“Thanks, man. I owe you one” Troy greeted as he pulled a chair over next to Ryan’s desk. “Don’t mention it” the blonde answered while arranging the book so Troy could see. Mrs. Montgomery started reading aloud while everyone followed per usual but Ryan was anything but focused on the classic story. He’d had a thing for Troy since he’d worked at their family’s country club but Ryan wasn’t one to just come out and say it, not even his sister knew. Ryan had never been so close to him and couldn’t help his eyes from secretly studying every inch of the talented jock. His wildcat t-shirt was just fitting enough to show off his biceps and the way Troy played with his slip-on Vans made Ryan’s heart rate speed up, only worsened by the faint smell of savory Bolton feet drifting up toward him. 

“Do you understand this stuff?” Troy whispered, bursting Ryan’s day dream. “Umm, for the most part, yeah. Do you?” “A little; it’s not really coming to me” “Do you read along in class?” “…I’m easily distracted” Troy admitted with a subtle smile. “I get that…maybe I can help you out before the test? But only if you want” Ryan offered while trying to seem just barely interested. “That’d be great! I have practice today but maybe you can meet me after? How’s five?” “Yeah, I’ll be there” Ryan agreed. “Boys! This isn’t social hour” Mrs. Montgomery scolded. “Sorry; I was just explaining something to him about the book” Ryan answered. “Fine, just a little quieter next time” “Of course” Ryan assured with a smile, impressing Troy with his quick wit. 

Even later that day, just a little after 5, Ryan Evans entered the large East High gym. “It smells like sweat and testosterone in here” Ryan added with a laugh as he looked for Troy, walking across the gym floor toward the locker room. He could hear Troy singing from the back room and continued in without announcing himself but Chad spotted him and took it upon himself to greet Ryan. “You must be lost, Evans” Chad teased, only wearing his gym shorts and tube socks from practice. “I’m actually supposed to meet Troy for a tutoring session; I’m guessing he’s around considering the Hall & Oates karaoke” Ryan answered. “Yeah he’s showering, shouldn’t be long though” “I guess I can wait for him” “Be my guest; we’re the last ones here anyway” Chad informed as he went back to his locker and took off his shorts to reveal a pair of light blue boxers, knowing Ryan was probably watching. Everybody at school knew Ryan was gay but Chad wasn’t quite out. It was widely rumored and Troy didn’t care either way but Ryan perhaps was the only other guy at East High who Chad had actually told, feeling he could trust him after they became friends over the summer. 

“We could have some fun with him, you know…he won’t suspect a thing, especially from you” Chad suggested a few minutes later. “What do you mean?” “I’ve seen how you look at him; we could just fool around” “I’m not following and you really shouldn’t assume who I look at” Ryan pointed out. “Come on! We goof around all the time and if it’s us he’ll know it’s just for fun, nothing serious” Chad tried to persuade but could tell Ryan still wasn’t on board. “Troy does happen to be super ticklish; that’s always great to play with…” Chad added with a devious smirk. “…fine but if he freaks out I’m saying it was your idea” Ryan reluctantly agreed, intrigued by that side of Chad and the fact that he’d included him. “When you hear him walk back this way, we’ll ambush him” Chad instructed. “This is not the kind of tutoring session I figured I’d be having today” Ryan admitted to himself as the water turned off and Troy’s damp bare feet slapped across the tile floor toward his two friends, just waiting to surprise East High’s golden boy. 

“Hey, Chad...do you have any deodorant I can borroOoOW?!” Troy asked just as Chad pounced, putting the towel-clad boy in a full-nelson so his arms were behind his head. “What the hell are you doing?!” “Ryan, now!” Chad announced as the blonde appeared with an apprehensive yet interested look. “What’s going on?? Let me go!” Troy demanded with confused frustration. “It was Chad’s idea; I’m just an accomplice” Ryan informed before plunging into the perfectly exposed pits, kneading into the hairy hollows and quickly proving Chad right. “AoAOAOhOAAAWWHAahTT!? HOohanNOONNNOoHohoAAOAACCcoOMMEEOONNGGuUYYSSS!!” Troy flailed in the wrestling hold but Chad held tight, flashing a wicked smile at the reaction. “Wow, he is ticklish!” Ryan pointed out while digging into the base of both pits right below the dark hair. “AahaoAOHOhGGEeTtTooOOFF! TTHhHiISSiiiSSnnTTffAaAIIRR!” “Who said anything about being fair?” Chad teased while Ryan continued in the damp underarms, using his nimble fingers to really get into the toned pits.  

“His ribs are killer too” Chad announced to his buddy’s horror. “HAhAANnOOnNoO!! HoahaoahaAOAHoAaohaSsTToOpPIiITT!!” “You said the ribs? I guess I can try them out” Ryan obliged with a grin, leaving the pits to poke up and down both sides of his vulnerable ribs. “AAAHOAHaohAOohAOHAAOoohAOAHAOANNOOnNOOO! HAOahAAAOhANnOOmMMooORREE!” Troy tried to diffuse but his reaction was too great for either of them to consider stopping. “I know I was supposed to help you out with the Canterbury Tales but maybe we can catch up on that after, huh?” Ryan proposed as he continued counting the ribs one by one. “AAhohoAOhaAohACcOOOMmEEOOoN! TTHHiISSiiiSSHoaaccCCRrAAZzzyy!” Troy protested through the steady laughter, trying to get loose from the hold but the tickling kept him mostly on the defensive. After counting both sides a few times Ryan suddenly changed techniques, spreading his hands out across the ribs and running all ten fingers up and down like he was strumming an instrument. “AHAHoOAONNoOHoAHARRRYyAAnNnHAoahSsTTooOOPpP!!” Troy burst and writhed against Chad, letting the other jock know he’d picked the right partner to mess with Troy. 

“What about down here?” Ryan proposed a minute or two later before sinking into his tight stomach, using his thumbs to dig into the tan abs. “OOOHAOhAOhAAooAoAoaHaohaaahoAAAAEEenNnNOoOUuGGHH! HAOhAYYyoOOuUWWIIiInN!! JJUuuSSSTTOOoPPP!” Troy shouted at the rush of sensations, almost having forgotten how ticklish he was until now. “Damn, you’re pretty good at this, Evans” Chad complimented while holding Troy in place and watching the blonde exploit his glistening stomach. “Beginner’s luck” Ryan assured with a wink before leaning in and blowing a giant raspberry over Troy’s bellybutton without missing a beat on the rest of his stomach. “AAAHAHAAAHAOHAOANNOoNNNOO!! AHAAOhOAHOoAHAAYAYyYOOuUDDIICCkK!” Troy gushed with even harder laughter at the classic move, Coach Bolton’s favorite way to make his son lose it. “NNoOOHAOOOHOOOoO!” Troy roared as the second raspberry landed on his tight abs and a violent jerk allowed him to slip free of the full nelson. “Oh shit!” Chad exclaimed as Troy darted the other way but his escape wasn’t long lived. 

“This is bullshit!” Troy laughingly barked just as his towel dropped and he slipped on it, falling to the locker room floor. “Good try!” Chad taunted as Troy attempted to scramble away. “No! No more tickling!!” Bolton protested but Chad caught his ankles and performed another of his favorite wrestling moves. “I just wanna get dressed!” Troy informed with a grin like he didn’t totally hate it but he knew two on one didn’t leave him much of a chance to turn the tables. “Too bad!” Chad answered, flipping Troy onto his stomach, sitting across his thighs, and bending Troy’s legs back so they were in his control. “You asshole! This isn’t funny!” “I don’t know, it’s pretty funny from here” Ryan added as he laid eyes on the glorious bare feet now on full display right in front of him. “Hold his leg” Chad instructed as he gripped the right ankle. “No! Not the feet!! I’m serious, you guys!! Chad don’t!!” Troy objected, trying to squirm out from under him but his usual strength was undercut when the eager fingers attacked his upturned soles. 

“NNOooOOO!! AhoAHAOHAOASSHhIIITT HAOahoaoAoHAAOANNOoNNnOHOHaoaNNOoOTTthhEEfFFEEETT”!!” fired out of the naked 18 yr. old as his eyes grew wide with ticklish panic, realizing how helpless he was to his fiendish friends. “Something tells me this is his worst spot” Ryan suggested while spidering across the incredibly smooth sole, his fingers gliding back and forth with ease. “For sure, he can’t stand his feet being tickled” Chad answered with vicious pleasure in wrecking his best friend. “aAaOhAOhaohahoHAOAAOAAHAOoFFFuUuCCkKIIiNngGHOAHAOSSSTToOOOOPP!!!” Troy raged as he bucked on the floor, annoyed at how right Chad was about his feet. The socked jock opted for a more concentrated approach on the flawless foot, holding the toes with one hand and raking down the taut pink sole over and over like something from Troy’s worst nightmare. “AAOaohaohacCCHhAHAADDDHoHAAOHOAHAAAaCCHHIIILLlooOUUUUTT!!” “I swear it’s almost like you’ve gotten even more ticklish” Chad teased as his short nails kept Troy howling under him. “How did you know he was so ticklish? I mean I know you’re best friends but you really seem to know his spots” Ryan questioned. “One time I gave him a pair of handcuffs as a gag gift but when he actually ended up in them, I tickled the shit out of him haha. It was hilarious” Chad recalled with a sinister laugh. “I’m impressed” Ryan answered, happy to have his chance to tickle Troy just as relentlessly. 

“IiIGGiiIVVeEeuUppP!! AHoaaYYOOouUWWIIiInnjJJuuSSTTSSTTtoOoOPP!!” Troy tried to submit in hopes it was enough to satisfy them. “I think I’d rather keep this up than try to explain Canterbury Tales, how about you, Chad?” Ryan pointed out with a smirk. “Oh no, I’m not done yet…I might even call the rest of the guys to come help out!” Chad suggested just to hear Troy’s reaction. “AhaohaAFFuuUCCkKTTHhAATTT!!” “No? Alright, I guess Ryan is the only one that gets to see my special move then” Chad added, slightly nervous about actually fulfilling his long-lived fantasy but he feared there would never be a more perfect opportunity. “WwHhaaTTAARREeyYOoUUTTAallKkiInNNGAABBbOoOUuT?!” Troy tried to figure out as both boys continued raking and teasing his luscious feet. “What are you talking about?” Ryan asked. “Watch this” was all Chad said before holding the ankle tight with both hands and licking across the entire silky sole like he’d been dying to, sending Troy into a fresh panic. “AAHH! NOOONNnOO!! HoHAAoaoHAAATTHhAAATTsSSSFfUuCCkKEeEddUUpPP!!” Ryan was taken back by the tongue action but suddenly very interested in trying it for himself while Chad went in for another lengthy lick, high off the adrenaline of finally getting a taste of Troy’s dreamy feet. 

“Let me try that” Ryan proposed before mimicking the hold and using his tongue to wind across the buttery sole from the toes to his heel. “HAAAOOHoAOHAANooNNNOO!!! hohANNoOoONnOommMoOoRREEEllLiIICckKIInnGGG! CCoomMEEOoNN!!” Troy protested with his fists pounding the locker room floor but his feet were too addictive to give up, especially after realizing how much the licking tickled. Like before, Chad was more aggressive, now slurping on the meatier sides and lathering the tender heel with passionate enthusiasm. Ryan enjoyed licking all over the rosy sole but soon started exploring the jock’s toes, slipping a few smaller ones in his mouth and sucking on them to see how such handsome toes tasted. “OOOHOhAOASSHHIIiITT!! AHOahananoONNNNooOOHoaooahaohaAOHoaOoOHmMYYGGOoODD!!!” Troy erupted with violent laughter but Ryan kept going, even slipping his tongue between the toes as they wiggled in his mouth. “I hope you’re not trying to out-do me, Evans…because if you were I’d have to up my game with something like this” Chad questioned before wrapping his mouth around the edge of Troy’s foot and playfully nibbling to keep up with Ryan’s technique. “OOOOHOhaohaoaoOAoAOAOAHFFFUUucCKkFFUUUUCCK!! HOhOAHoAoaaoAHOHAOAOHANNOoNNNOoSSTTOOOPPpPP!!!” The basketball star howled with eyes full of ticklish overload like he couldn’t believe how bad it was or that Chad and Ryan were actually licking/sucking/nibbling his feet.  

“You’re meaner than I thought…I could at least be a little nicer” Ryan pointed out as he let go of the delicious toes and licked across the lush balls, still tickling Troy but the unpredictable back and forth was enough to keep him on edge no matter what. Chad leaned into the ‘mean’ comment and moved up to the toes before nibbling on the bubbly ends, sneaking his tongue along the base of them at the same time to really fuck with his best buddy. “OOohAOHAAOoAHOHohohHHoOLlyYSshHiiITT! OAHaHOAOHAIIiihHAATTEeEEyYOouUGGUuyyYSSS!!” Troy hurled like he was ready to kill both of them but it only fueled them more, especially Chad. Bolton may have been stupid ticklish and was at a total disadvantage but there was still fight left in him, soon reaching back to try and retaliate but all he caught was Chad’s ankle. “Oh no, you’re not getting me” Chad assured, yanking his leg out of the way and leaving Troy with only Chad’s dirty sock in hand. “Why don’t we try something else?” Chad suggested as he got up and Ryan followed his lead. Troy tried to get away but the fellow seniors were too invested in seeing how far they could go to just let him escape, prompting Chad to execute another pin perfect for all kinds of fun. 

Chad used his knees to pin Troy’s arms down out to his sides and held his legs back in the air at an angle so his ass was totally exposed and Troy was even more vulnerable. “Guys…really, come on…this is ridiculous” Troy tried to persuade as he caught his breath. “Don’t tell me the East High legend, Troy Bolton can’t take a little tickling” Chad teased with a sadistic smile. “Let’s switch spots and we’ll see how you do!” Troy answered, getting more frustrated. “Haha you wish! I actually heard a rumor from a couple of the other guys that you have a seriously ticklish butt…is that right?” Chad questioned. “What?? No, that’s bullshit” “I kind of want to find out now” Ryan interjected, taking the cue to test out the bare ass so perfectly on display. “NO! Ryan, fuck I’m serious!!” Troy argued, hoping to keep at least one spot a secret but Ryan’s fingers were fluttering along his cheeks before he could say anything else. “OohOoHohoHAOAHaoooHAOHOAohoSShhIiTTHoOhooohnNOoNNnOOoO!” “Look at that!” Ryan added with an excited laugh while teasing the pale ass and Chad held his legs out to keep Troy from blocking the maddening sensations. 

“Well, I can’t just let your feet sit here…” Chad pointed out before slipping a couple toes past his lips and slurping/licking on them like a thick milkshake. “AAAHoAHAOHAOHAOHoHOAHNNOonNnoOO!! HOhaoaAOhoahohaaMMmOOTTHheerRRFfFuuCckKEEERR!!” Troy shouted with fresh ticklish terror but there wasn’t a thing he could do to stop either of them. Now that he’d gotten a taste of his friend’s feet, Chad’s lust for them was insatiable and the worship/tickle technique was quickly becoming his favorite. Ryan was enjoying himself just as much, still teasing the toned butt with his hands while his eyes started wandering just north; his desire for Troy now more intense than ever. Without pulling away from the ticklish ass, Ryan leaned in closer and took Troy’s balls in his mouth, sucking on them and caressing them with his tongue for a surprise Chad didn’t see coming. “OAoahOAhaohhEEyYY! hOAohaOAHAoohCCUUTTiIioOOUUTT!” Bolton tried to stop but the sudden shock was eclipsed by how good it felt, that combined with Chad’s mouth on his toes provoking a sudden arousal. 

“I didn’t know you had it in you, Evans” Chad added with a grin before switching feet but Ryan didn’t even reply, too caught up in pleasuring his crush. The same mouth that’d sung so many show tunes on stage proved to be excellent for relishing such juicy balls, using his lips to massage them just right as his tongue lapped up every bit he could. With one of Troy’s big toes in his mouth, Chad watched Ryan coax out a growing erection and decided he wanted in on the action. He let go of the plump toe and leaned forward until he was between Troy’s thighs and took his teammate’s cock like only a best friend could. “OOoohShhiitt…OoHohOoOMMyyGGooDDdOohOhOOh” Troy moaned in pleasured disbelief as Chad went down on him and a surprised Ryan complimented the move by teasing Troy’s ass again, using his fingers and tongue to make his dick jump in Chad’s mouth. The most popular guy at East High had never felt anything quite as good as this, his amazing toes curling in the air as his eyes closed with ecstasy to enjoy the incredible pleasure. Ryan’s light tickling and Chad’s impressive mouth charmed Troy to a solid 7 inches quicker than Troy had every gotten himself to but Chad didn’t even stop to admire how stiff he was, steadily sucking him closer and closer. 

Ryan started flicking his tongue up and down between Troy’s beautiful cheeks and along his taint for a rush of conflicting sensations Bolton didn’t know how to deal with but too enveloped in the powerhouse blow job to protest the tickling. “OoOoHOOhOOHOOAohoHOAOffuUuCCKKkOoooHOHOhoOHoh” Troy let out louder and louder as Chad kept going, pumping up and down as pre-cum began to spill out in his mouth. Ryan could tell Troy was close and he added even more by reaching up and dancing along his naked feet while still licking his ass, pushing Troy further until “OOOohOOoHoOOoSshHIiITTtoOHoOhAOoOOAOhaOOhohoh…” The star Wildcat came in Chad’s mouth like he hadn’t blown in weeks, giving Ryan and Chad a unique sense of accomplishment as Troy came down from the full-body high. The mastermind of the surprise attack moved off the shaft and licked it up one more time to tease Troy’s tender head, reminding him they were still in control. 

“Wait, what was that?” Ryan questioned with mischievous intrigue before taking the cock and rubbing his palm all over the freshly drained rod. “OOohoahNnOOnNNOO!! SSTtooOPPIiITT!! SSTTOOoPPP!” “Would you rather us just tickle you?” Ryan asked. “AHoANAnooNNoOnNnoOoNnNEeooFFIIITT!!” Troy rejected as the post-orgasm torture drove him wild. “Say you want to be tickled and he’ll stop” Chad instructed. “AhAOahOHAAFFfuUuCCKKNNOONnooNOO!!” “Say it!” Ryan pressed while still polishing the hyper sensitive head. “HaoHAooKkOoOoKK!!” “Ok what?” Chad asked. “AhOAHAIIiIWWAanNTTTOOBbEEETTiIicckKllLEEddD!” Troy reluctantly gave in. “Well, we can help you out with that” Chad answered with another devious look as he swiveled around to secure Troy in yet another position. “No! I didn’t mean it! Fuck!!” Bolton exclaimed while struggling to get free of Chad’s hold, holding one of Troy’s arms out and using his legs to wrap around the other so his head was on Chad’s thighs. “Come on! You guys got me good enough, I can’t take anymore tickling” Troy confessed with his naked body once again terribly vulnerable. “Just consider this payment for tutoring you” Ryan offered with a grin before plunging into Troy’s inner thighs near his crotch.

 “OOoHoHoHAaaoOHOhSssHhIIITTSSSHhIIiTT!! ANANoonNNOOOO!!” The high school heartthrob raged at the sudden assault, already a bumbling mess within minutes. “Nobody ever told you shooting your load makes you more sensitive?” Chad teased before sinking into the wide-open armpit and wiggling in every direction to prove his point. “OoHOOAhaAaohSsSTTOOoOPPP!! AAOHaOhahssSTTOoOPpPiIIITT!!” Troy begged while trying to free his arms for a chance of getting out but he’d underestimated Chad’s strength, keeping him totally defenseless. Ryan straddled his knees to prevent his legs from kicking him and continued in the thighs, working into the solid muscle to hear Troy laugh in ticklish desperation. Chad’s hand in the underarm was just as lethal, recalling a specific place near the bottom of his armpit that always made Troy squeal with just a poke but Chad did much more than that. He suddenly started daggering into the sweet spot as fast as he could and watched Troy’s face light up like it’d triggered an alarm in his head. “AAAHOAHAOAHANNOONNNoOO!! HoAHaHAoaaOHaOhaaFFFUuUCCkKIInNnGGSSTTOoOoOOPP!! AAHOAohAhoAHAOAAAHAnNOONNNnOOOoO!!” Troy tried to convince but he couldn’t persuade either of them, forcing him to think of another way out. 

Despite the roaring laughter and hellacious tickling, Troy spotted Chad’s bare foot and remembered accidentally pulling the sock off it earlier. He knew Chad was almost as ticklish as he was and figured it was worth a shot to try, moving his hand around to scribble across Chad’s unsuspecting peach sole. “oAOhaohAOHheEY! TTHheheeLLl?!” Chad let out with a violent kick to protect his foot, allowing Troy just enough time to slip out of the boys’ hold. “Tickling me is the worst thing you could’ve done!” Chad assured with an evil laugh as Troy got to his feet and started toward the lockers but Ryan reached out and caught his ankle, tripping him up in the process. “No! Ryan, come on!!” Troy tried to pull free or convince Ryan to let him go. “Maybe if you hadn’t stolen my spot in the musical last year I would” Ryan answered with a cheeky smile before scribbling along the trapped foot and ruining his escape. “HAohAonaaNnOONNOoIIiMmSsoOoRRryy!” Troy shouted but before he could actually get loose, Chad landed on him and pinned his arms to his sides by straddling his stomach. “You did take Ryan’s part, man” Chad added just to keep the idea that he deserved to be tickled going before seeing if Troy could pop his top again. 

He bent over and stuffed his friend’s balls in his mouth, eager to see what he’d missed out on before and started squeezing his flanks/hips with both hands. “AAHAOHAOHAOANNoohaohoaAOOOAHAOhaaooWWHhAATThHEEhoAHAHAFFUuCkK?! haohAOhaoAhoAohaAAAhaSSTTOOOoPPP!!” Troy’s laughter spiraled higher as Chad sucked on the tender balls and exploited yet another sweet spot on his lean body. “If we’re doubling up I guess I will too” Ryan added before grabbing the second bare foot and wrapping his legs around the ankles so the soles were facing him. Troy was laughing too hard to anticipate what Ryan had planned until he felt his tongue licking all over both feet, gliding across every inch of both irresistible soles. “AAHaOHAAOHAAAHH!! NNOoNNNONo!! AHOahaohNANOOOTTThHHaaAAATT!!” Troy yelled as Ryan lickled him into hysterics, acting as a one-two punch with Chad’s divided attack to wreck the naked superstar. It wasn’t long at all until Chad felt something against his chin, looking back to see Troy was already on his way to another hard-on. “OoHAoaOoAAOAOoohOAOAOhohAOaoaSSHHiiiITT!” Moans of pleasure started sprinkling throughout his laughter once again and Chad knew he wanted to make this climax even better than the last. 

He stopped tickling his flanks and reached under Troy to start tickling his butt like Ryan had, using his other hand to grip Troy’s cock. “AaoooOhoAoAhAOAOoohAhHAhAoHahoaoOhoHHFFUUCkkOHAoahAOhoHAOA” Troy’s mind and body were overwhelmed by the combination of sensations as he laughed/moaned and he got harder in Chad’s strong hand. Ryan’s tongue licking his feet clean worked perfectly with Chad sucking his balls, pumping his dick, and teasing his ass; even the smell of Chad’s feet from either side of Troy helped edge him closer to another powerful orgasm.  Just as a stream of pre-cum began dripping down Chad’s hand, Ryan stopped licking the feet and started slowly dragging his nails down both shiny soles. “AAoohAAAOooohoHAhaoOoSShiIITtiIhOAHOAHoohhHOoHaoAOhHAAHoohaAohaAhOOohoh” Troy surged with ticklish pleasure as Ryan kept raking across his feet and Chad slurped on his balls with the fingers wiggling along his ass helping put him over the top, charming Troy’s manhood until “AOAAAAAOOHOhOHoHAOOOOHHOOOohSShiitt…” Troy came even more and the immense satisfaction dominated his sun-kissed body. “That was insane…” Troy admitted as Chad sat back up and Ryan let his feet go. Just as Chad was about to fire another quip, they heard footsteps coming toward the locker room. 

“Oh shit!” All three boys moved like the wind to hide what’d happened, just in time for Coach Bolton to enter the Wildcat locker room. “Troy, what are you doing? I was in my office and your mom called because she thought you’d be home by now” Coach Bolton asked upon finding Troy sitting next to Ryan on one of the benches with a Canterbury Tales book. “My bad, I guess I forgot to let anyone know Ryan was tutoring me today” “Hi, Mr. Bolton” Ryan added with a wave. “Hi. Ok, just let your mom know. …where are your shoes?” his dad asked as he realized Troy’s bare feet seemed out of place with the jeans and t-shirt he was wearing. “Oh…I uhh, I just wanted to be comfortable…you know, I wanna be able to focus on the book” Troy lied as quick as he could. “Right…well, good luck. I’ll let you boys get back to it” Coach Bolton added as he left and Chad came out of hiding, “That was close” 

“I’m gonna kill you guys” Troy assured as he threw the book at his best friend but Chad just laughed and the three of them got their stuff together to leave. “Can we do a real tutoring session tomorrow? Without any surprises” Troy asked. “Yeah, that’s cool with me. I better get going but I guess I’ll see you guys in class” Ryan added as he left. “Sorry, maybe we went too far but you can’t say you didn’t have fun” Chad pointed out with a flashy smile. “Yeah yeah, whatever…” Troy tried to avoid agreeing. “See ya tomorrow, man” Chad added while Troy grabbed his shoes but couldn’t locate his socks. “Hey, Chad, have you seen my socks?” “Can’t say I have but I’m sure they’ll show up” Chad answered, turning to leave when Troy noticed his dirty socks hanging out of Chad’s back pocket. 

The next day in Mr. Montgomery’s class it was getting close to 10:15 and everybody was there except one. “Has anyone seen Troy? He’s not usually late” Mr. Montgomery asked. “Maybe he overslept” Chad offered, also curious about the attendance anomaly. Not a moment later Troy walked in just as cool and collected as ever. “Mr. Bolton, glad you could make it” “Sorry, I overslept” Troy made up as he took his seat next to Chad. “Hey, did you really overslee…” Chad started but the sight of Troy’s bare feet derailed his train of thought. “Yeah, I overslept. You ok, man?” Troy asked as his golden toes flexed in the brown flip-flops. “Yeah…I’m good” Chad assured with a forced smile as he secretly stared under the neighboring desk. Troy NEVER wore flip-flops to school, not in all the years he’d known him and Chad couldn’t help but be suspicious. Although, it was hard to care why when he had a front row seat to such a rare show. Troy couldn’t hide the smirk on his face as Mr. Montgomery started teaching, knowing Chad was practically drooling on his desk unable to do anything but look; illustrating the brilliance of Troy’s revenge foot tease.