The private Russian facility was eerily isolated, the hallways long like they’d go on forever with seemingly countless doors to rooms hiding secrets as well as people with secrets. “HELLO!! HELLO!! Commies!! This is BULLSHIT!” Sheriff Hopper shouted with lingering attitude from his holding room. His wrists were red after fighting the cuffs for hours but his frustrated efforts hadn’t tired out, ready to pummel the next person to come through the door. “Ah, Mr. Hopper…good to see so much life left in you; I just hope you’re smart enough to know what’s good for you” the Russian General greeted as he and two guards entered the room. “You’re dumber than you look; you can’t shut me up – I know what I saw” Hopper assured with a confident smirk like he had the upper hand. “Are all Americans so foolish? You don’t know what you saw…not enough to make anyone believe you” “Wanna bet? I have a feeling the U.S. government would be very interested in a Russian science experiment in Hawkins” Hopper challenged from his metal chair.

“Foolish and mouthy...but your untimely involvement in our little operation does give us an opportunity to test our latest technological development” the general explained as the guards moved around closer to Hopper, one of them holding him in place and the other putting a device on his head. “HEY!! Get off me, commie bastards!!” the captive sheriff objected as he struggled in the chair but couldn’t prevent the strange helmet from being secured on him, covering his eyes and muffling his hearing. “What is this thing?!” “This brilliant piece of technology is something of our own creation, not yet known to the rest of the world. It taps into the mind in a very intimate way to immerse the user in an incredibly realistic scenario, utilizing all five senses well enough to portray a seamless illusion. It also exploits any thoughts in your head, however private or suppressed, to enhance the experience” the general explained even though Hopper couldn’t really understand him. “So, despite the scene Mr. Hopper witnessed under the mall, this helmet is sure to make him forget whatever he saw down there. The cerebral dreamscape will counteract the last bizarre thing he witnessed with something even stranger, effectively wiping the previous memory from his mind” the general elaborated before flipping the switch on the helmet and immersing the helpless tough guy in the virtual reality. 

Hopper blinked a few times and he wasn’t in the holding room anymore, instead in his house back in Hawkins. “What…what the hell is going on?” he asked like he was waking up from a dream, quickly realizing he was in his recliner and in his sheriff uniform. “Hey! HEY! Whoever did this, you’re in for a world of hurt!” Hopper warned upon realizing he was tied to the chair, his arms tied with a long rope over the back of the chair and his legs tied to the leg rest extension but no matter how hard he jerked or pulled he couldn’t get loose or bring the leg extension down. “Chill out, sheriff...I thought guys your age practically lived in their recliners” Steve Harrington greeted as he walked in the living room. “Steve?! What are you doing here…? Did you do this??” “Maybe I did; what are you gonna do about it, big guy?” the cocky 19 year old challenged with a flashy grin as he stood in front of Hopper.

The confused sheriff blinked a few more times in disbelief but Steve didn’t disappear, still looking down at him with a humored expression. “I don’t know what’s going on but you need to untie me now before things get really ugly” “Ooh! I’m shaking in my boots!” Steve mocked with a laugh, still wearing his Scoops Ahoy uniform. “What do you want, you little shit??” Hopper barked. “Just relax, dude” Steve encouraged with a blasé attitude before flopping down on the couch next to the recliner and tugging off his sneakers. The frustrated man fought against the homemade bondage while Steve propped his socked feet on the arm of the couch in perfect eye line of Hopper, pulling his attention almost immediately. “What are you doing??” “What does it look like? I worked a 6 hour shift on my feet today so they desperately some airing out” Steve explained as his high arches flexed on the arm and his socked toes rubbed against the balls of the other foot. “…I don’t…I don’t care how much ice scream you scooped; just let me go!” Hopper ordered with a forced stern tone.

“Shouldn’t you be able to get free on your own? I mean you are the sheriff, right?” Steve taunted while Hopper’s eyes struggled to avoid the socked feet teasing him from the couch. “Screw you, Harrington! You’re going down for this when I get out – I promise you that much” Jim tried to intimidate but the sudden smell of Steve’s cheesy feet distracted his efforts, drawing his eye back toward the preppy pair seducing the macho man. “And they make us where these dumb socks…I look like a schoolboy who failed freshman English a few times” Steve complained as he took the elastic top of the right tube sock and peeled it down his leg until the white cotton slipped off his fresh foot, revealing a buttery pink sole Hopper couldn’t believe. Steve’s juicy bare toes fanned out and he smiled back at Hopper to find him totally entranced, “Haha I knew it – you’re a foot guy!” Harrington gloated with another boastful laugh, making Hopper turn his head the other way.

“You’re out of your mind, kid!” Hopper dismissed with sudden embarrassment he refused to show, jerking harder in the ropes to mask his admiration. “It’s your house, man…I don’t care if you check my feet out; I mean they are pretty rad” Steve added with a smirk before stripping off the second sock and watching Hopper fight to not get another look as the gorgeous feet teasing out a part of him that he kept under lock and key. The trapped sheriff tried to resist but couldn’t help himself from returning to Steve, awestruck by the lush, deep taffy pink soles and some of the sexiest toes he’d ever seen. Steve watched Hopper gush over his feet as one caressed the other, feeding his ego like a charm but the mischievous part of him wanted to see just how much he liked them. The Hawkins’ ‘it’ boy suddenly moved off the couch and started closer to the recliner, interrupting the foot tease after a few minutes.

“What are you doing? Steve!” Hopper questioned with nervous anticipation until Steve hiked his leg up and planted his plump sole on the sheriff’s face. “What the hell??” “How’s that smell, huh? Get a big whiff” Steve laughingly encouraged with a flare of the old bully coming out as he dominated Hopper. “Get off my face!” Hopper tried to assert but there was no hiding how much he liked the warm foot on his cheek and across his nose, already caught up in the tangy smell of Steve’s savory size 11. “Come on, Hopper…it’s just us” Harrington pointed out as the hypnotic flavor undercut Hopper's usual inhibitions until he was breathing it in like lavender. “There we go…holy shit, is that a boner??” Steve noticed with a surprised laugh but Hopper knew he couldn’t conceal or control it, his only options being to fight the obvious or indulge in the luscious foot. “I bet you’d really like a taste…go ahead…just don’t get too crazy; I’m pretty ticklish” Steve offered like he was reading Hopper’s mind. The stunned sheriff didn’t even respond, instead following his arousal and licking up the smooth arch like he was in a fantasy. “Man, this is wild…Sheriff Hopper worshiping my feet. I should write a book” Steve relished in the devoted affection. After the first, reluctant lick Hopper didn’t hold back, snaking back and forth across the rich balls and along the tender toes to savor every bit, “AoHAOHhEy! Easy, man…I told you I’m ticklish” Harrington reminded as Hopper’s hard-on filled his uniform.

The sheriff’s tongue finessed up and down Steve’s smooth sole until he was rock hard, riding the intense high of the forced worship until, “Holy shit…I’ve seen it all now” Billy Hargove kicked the door open with signature bad boy style and ass-hugging jeans. “Dude, did nobody teach you to knock?” Steve greeted with a grin. “Billy?” Hopper asked as his tongue pulled back. “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, sheriff” Billy answered with a pearly smile Hopper didn’t trust. “This is insane! Are you two in this together??” “You could say that…but it looks like you guys got started without me” the hunky blonde answered with a playful squeeze into Steve’s side. “CuUtIiTTOouT!” Steve tried to shake, sharpening Billy’s devious grin before prying off his boots. “I don’t understand what’s happening; why am I tied up and why are you two in my house??” Hopper asked in a moment of clarity. “You ask a lot of questions for a guy who was just licking Steve’s foot like a Tootsie Pop” Billy teased before he ripped off his own tube sock and pressed his warm sole over Hopper’s face, ambushing his senses with the sweaty, lush treat.

“Oh shit…” was all Hopper could say as Billy wiggled his pale toes across his nose and teased his lips with the plump balls like flipping a turbo switch on his 42 year old cock. “That’s right, soak it up” Billy instructed as he dominated the older man, getting off on how much he loved his rank foot. “You think he can handle two at a time?” Steve proposed before pulling up a chair and adding to Hopper’s euphoria, putting one foot on the other side of his face and massaging his raging erection with his other. “OooHOhh” Hopper quivered in the chair as the pair of glorious feet filled his nose and pleasured his deepest desires, breathing in the magic combination of the boys’ supreme feet while his dick leaked through his tan pants. “Oh shit, looks like the sheriff is gonna blow his load haha” Billy pointed out but Hopper was too caught up to care. “Maybe I should go a little slower to keep him from shooting too early” Steve suggested as his marshmallow sole started stroking back and forth along the stained crotch just enough to keep Hopper on edge.

“OohmmyGgOooDD” Hopper shuttered with mounting passion at the steady coaxing while alternating between Steve’s baby soft heel and Billy’s peach balls, the punch of his foot after soaking in the biker boots all day dominating his nose. Steve enjoyed being worshiped and teasing Hopper’s arousal but Billy was more aggressive by nature, soon grabbing the sheriff’s hair with one hand to assert total control. “Open your mouth, sheriff; my toes need cleaning” Billy instructed before putting his buttery toes past Hopper’s lips and watching his tongue lick along the pink undersides. “There you go, really get in there” Billy coached with an alpha attitude before Hopper started getting between each of the rebellious toes, putting a ticklish smile on the blonde’s face that he refused to acknowledge. Steve was impressed with Billy’s approach and slipped a few of his own in, giving Hopper a mouthful of delicious toes that his tongue could barely keep up with to enjoy. 

“I bet he’s in heaven right now; that dick’s probably throbbing like crazy…just begging to cum” Billy taunted with a smile as Steve giggled at the commentary but he was right; Hopper was on the verge of climaxing as if he hadn’t had a release in months. “I don’t think we should let him shoot already…it’s more fun if we make him wait” Steve suddenly suggested as he leaned into the foot master role, feeding off Billy’s dominant energy. “Good idea, Harrington…and I still have a whole other foot to clean later” Billy agreed with one more tease of his big toe on Jim’s drool-covered bottom lip. “Guys…come on, I’m so close” Hopper tried to persuade, totally out of character. “Come on, Hopper…what’s a good movie without suspense?” Steve taunted. “Maybe we should check out your feet…I mean you got to see ours” Billy proposed with that same wily look in his eye of unpredictability. “What? No, come on…leave my feet alone” Hopper tried to prevent, nervous about what they had planned. “Yeah, it’s only fair…” Steve agreed with a grin before he and Billy tugged off the work boots to air out the socked feet at the end of the recliner.

“Damn, you’ve got some big feet haha” Billy added with genuine intrigue at how meaty they were even in the socks. “Oh, man…when’d you change these socks?” Steve teased with a whiff. “This morning, Scoops Ahoy” Hopper quipped back. “Oh, you’ve got jokes now? Alright” Steve answered before grabbing the top of the tube sock and pulling it clean off the thick foot. “Hey! What are you doing??” Hopper nervously tried to intervene as Billy followed suit so both feet were totally exposed in front of them. With another mischievous look, Steve ran just a few fingers up the left sole and watched Hopper jerk in the recliner with a surprised laugh, quickly realizing what he’d let slip. “No! Steve, come on…this is ridiculous!” “Don’t tell me he’s ticklish…” Billy pointed out with a viper smile. “No – I’m not!” Hopper desperately tried to convince. “Oh no, he’s super ticklish; look how nervous he is” Steve added. “Oh man, and they’ve been baking in those boots all day; they’re probably sooo sensitive by now” Billy added with his own brand of sadistic teasing before both boys let loose on the copper feet.

“AAHoAANnOOnNNOo!! oHoahohoHOAHAASSTOoHOOOPPPHOAHAOHASSTToOoOOpPPIiITTT!!” Hopper howled as he bucked in the recliner and tried to pull his feet back but the ropes kept him perfectly vulnerable. “Now I know how to get out of my next speeding ticket” Steve laughed with obvious excitement as he scribbled all over the supple sole, using all ten fingers to really wreck Hopper while Billy held the plump toes with one hand and raked down the tender foot with cruel focus. “AAhAOhOAHoAAOhAOHAAoHOSsSTTooOOPpPPTTTiiCCkKLIinNNGGmMmeEE!! IIiMMmSSEERRRiIOoOuuUSSS!!” Hopper tried to assert his authority but the boys weren’t fazed; they knew they had all the power even if he was the sheriff. “Turns out Hawkins isn’t so boring after all” Billy admitted with a smirk just as Hopper let out a high-pitched yelp. “Hold on, I think I found your spot!” Harrington announced to Hopper’s horror before focusing on the area again just below the rosy balls. “AAAAHAHOAHA!! AAHAOHAASSTTTOOoHOOPpP!! HAOHANnOOoNoOMMmoOOoRRREEE!!!” 

“Oh, I’ve got an idea” Billy soon announced as he pulled out a pen from his pocket. Hopper was bumbling too much to prepare for the new sensations until the ball-point made contact with his supple sole, sending another shockwave through the foot-loving sheriff. “NnOOoNNOohOH!! HAOHAAOHWWHHAATTiIissTTHhAHTT!?!? AHOAHOAHAAOHAOHAACcooMmEEOoONnN!!” Billy laughed at his hyper reaction and continued writing on the handsome foot, holding it steady as the pen stroked every few seconds to keep Hopper thrashing in the recliner. Steve couldn’t hide the smile on his face from driving the sheriff up the wall but his next move surprised Billy and Hopper, pausing for only a second before wrapping his mouth around the three smallest toes and slurping/nibbling on them like a hungry fish. “WWOOAHOAAHAAOhAANnOhAOAHnNNoOOHAOHAOHAAOhAOHAAOHOOOOHMMYYyGGoOoODDDHOahAOHAOHAAAHOH!! HhHHARRriIINnNGTTOoNNhOAHAOHA!!” Hopper erupted with unhinged laughter but Steve held steady, using his tongue and teeth like this was far from his first time. “You’re crazier than you look, Harrington” Billy laughed as he finished writing on the wide sole.

The town’s bad boy soon looked up to see Hopper’s arousal was back at full mast, persuading him to move around and see just how close he was. Billy stole Steve’s chair from earlier, peeled off his other sock, and planted the meaty bare foot on Hopper’s face where it belonged, even shoving his toes in his mouth again for extra fun. “Show me how much you like these feet” Billy instructed, watching a laughing Hopper try to lick and suck his toes through the steady tickling. His lips were almost vibrating around the stud’s creamy toes while his other foot started massaging the sheriff’s stubborn erection, working the balls of his feet and his toes all over the concealed package with arrogant ease. “AAhoOAohAOoAoHAoaohAAAOhOAhAOAooAoAAaHAhAoooHAOHAAAaaOHohaoh” Hopper laughed with the set of rich toes in his mouth while Steve devoured his toes, soon moving up to the big one like he was trying to wear down a jawbreaker with his tongue. The overwhelmed sheriff could hardly think straight in the whirlwind of sensations, unable to shake Steve’s mouth lickling him to insanity or Billy’s incredible feet demanding his attention. “Make sure you lick under my toes too; they get so sweaty in those boots” Hargrove guided as Hopper’s tongue happily tended to the incredibly soft undersides. “That’s it, just like that” Billy encouraged as Hopper licked along every plush toe the best he could through the laughter, almost drunk off of how lucky he was to have four of the hottest feet in Hawkins in his living room to enjoy.

“I think he’s gonna blow!” Billy announced like he was watching a volcano as his right foot rubbed Hopper to a pulsating frenzy, prompting Steve to start licking back and forth along the base of Jim’s beefy toes while raking down the other foot for an electric contrast. “OoOhoOOAoAOhooOHoHoHOAAooHAOhAOAOOhOAOAOAHOAOH!!” Hopper moaned louder than before and his back bowed against the recliner, bleeding through his pants as the insane pleasure rocked his entire body. “Wow…you might have to get a new chair, dude” Steve added with a laugh at the massive stain on Hopper’s crotch. “…you might be right” the sheriff answered as he caught his breath and rode the lingering high. “Ya know, now that I think about it, I got a DUI earlier in the summer which I’d really appreciate if you could wipe from my record” Billy informed with a sly smile only a minute after the massive climax. “What? I can’t…I can’t do that, no way, kid” Hopper refused as if their spell had worn off.

“Come on, Hopper…it’s just a little favor” Steve tried to charm. “Guys, I can’t just get rid of a DUI charge. It’s not happening” “I’m a nice guy, sheriff but I can be a mean guy too, just as Harrington, but…it’s up to you” Billy explained to Hopper with a more serious expression. “That’s illegal, really illegal. It’s not just some speeding ticket, kid” Hopper refused with a clearer mind after the release. “Fine” Billy answered before grabbing the roll of duct tape on the nearby table and one of his and Steve's discarded socks. “What are you doOin-mmNhMh” Hopper tried to ask before Billy shoved pair of dirty socks in his mouth and taped it shut, watching the anxiety build in Hopper’s eyes as he pulled Hopper’s button-down open and ripped his t-shirt down the middle to expose his hairy upper body. “You take care of his feet; I’ve got the rest” Billy instructed. “Round two baby!” Steve announced with eager enthusiasm to tickle the shit out of Hopper again, taking the pen Billy had discarded and writing his own message on the left foot.

“MMHMmMHNmMMhnMHphPhMhH!” Hopper burst with fresh muffled laughter at the pen scribbling on his sole but before Billy started, he leaned in closer to the captive sheriff until only he could hear him. “Don’t expect to cum again until you get rid of my DUI…” he assured before diving into Hopper’s stomach with both hands, wiggling all over his belly to amp up the booming laughter and his desperate bucking, unaware that ‘BILLY HARGROVE WAS HERE’ was written on his right foot and ‘STEVE’S FOOT BITCH’ was being finished on the left while their smelly socks steeped in his mouth. The Russian general and guards watched as Sheriff Hopper laughed his head off and sparked a second arousal in the holding room as if he wasn’t even there, sure not to remember a thing about the underground operation after another 6 hours in the surreal simulation…