harry potter: the dream

Ron Weasley tossed and turned in his bed close to 1 a.m. His ginger mop fell and tossed about every time he’d turn over or move around, terribly restless as the dream plagued him again. It’d only been roughly a year since the battle at Hogwarts and thankfully the nightmares about that had mostly subsided but a new, recurring dream occupied his unconscious mind at least once a week now. This kind of dream wasn’t passive, didn’t allow him to be some onlooker or detached from what was happening; he was at the center of it.

He was back at Hogwarts. The castle was still intact, with no signs of death eaters or Voldemort ever even being there. The grounds looked how they did in early fall, with the naïve peace of no evil wizard plotting in the shadows and whispers of the school. Ron was the same age he was now, almost 20 years old, but for some reason he was back there. Only this time, things made even less sense to him than the mysteries they’d gotten wrapped up in while actually attending Hogwarts. He was tied to the trunk of the Whomping Willow, his arms over his head tied at the wrists by a rope that went around the tree and his legs bent at a curved angle so his feet sat at an almost vertical position toward the back of the trunk.

“Look who it is, one of the pathetic Weasleys” a familiar, venomous voice greeted as the icy blonde figured showed himself. “Malfoy?? Are you mad?? Untie me!” Ron demanded as he struggled for an escape, only making Draco laugh. “Why on earth would I do a stupid thing like that? Why would I deprive myself of the fun I could have?” Malfoy pointed out, he the same age as Ron but just as unpleasant as ever. “I’ll make you regret this, Malfoy!” Ron warned. “Revenge? From a Gryfindor? Well, that’s a new one” Draco mocked before getting a bit closer and Ron’s eyes gauged him like a poisonous animal ready to pounce. “Tell me something, Weasley, are you ticklish?” Draco asked and Ron’s eyes grew even wider, stunned by the question as his ass clenched a bit.

“What? No, I’m…that’s for kids, don’t be sillyyYAaH!” Ron was cut off by his own outburst once Malfoy dug into the right armpit through the t-shirt. “Too bad old Dumbledore isn’t here; he’d take 5 points from Gryfindor for lying” Draco teased as a nervous Ron struggled in his situation more but couldn’t avoid the second wave, the real attack Malfoy had prepared for him. “AAhAohAOhANNNoAOHAOHA!! SSTToOpPIIIITT!!” Ron couldn’t help but erupt with a boyish roar of laughter, a departure from his now deeper speaking voice. Draco’s sinister pleasure from tormenting Ron was on full display as he grinned in front of him, wiggling around in both tender pits like he was digging holes in the ground. “I don’t know why they even let a pansy like you have a wand!” Malfoy taunted as he seemed to grow more vicious the longer Ron was laughing and fighting in front of him, almost feeding off his ticklish humiliation.

“MMAALLLFFOOOYYySSTTOOHOP!! AOhAOhaGGEETToOoOFFFYYYooUUUTTWWAAATT!!” “A twat? You really think it’s wise to insult me right now? You really are dense, Weasley” Draco answered before ramping up his assault, proving he’d still been holding back a little as he wiggled faster and sank in right at the bottom of both underarms. “AAAHAHAHASSHHIIITT!!” fired out of Ron with newfound power, total belly-laughter that he couldn’t control with Draco annihilating his armpits like that. His pale fists grew pink with strain and his nipples poked through the t-shirt with stimulation, his whole body surging with ticklish rage and embarrassment as his Hogwarts bully milked the one thing he’d never gotten the chance to exploit about him until now.

Amidst Ron’s violent attempts to free himself from the tickle nightmare and escape Draco’s merciless fingers, the weight of the trainers on his feet suddenly disappeared and the fresh air of Hogwarts met his socked-feet. “HHAohEEYY! AohAOhAWWHhAATtaARREEYyooUuDOOIiInNNNGG?!” Ron tried to make sense of, attempting to look back to see who’d stolen his shoes and then looking back to Malfoy like he’d made it happen. “Don’t look at me, Weasley. I haven’t even touched my wand” Draco assured as Harry stuck his head around so he was next to Ron’s ear. “Looking a little tied up there, buddy” “HHAARRYY!!?” “Potter’s not as innocent as everyone likes to believe” Malfoy pointed out as if he and Harry shared a devious streak after all.

“Your feet are still ticklish aren’t they, Ron?” Harry asked before finding out for himself with 10 skittering fingers across the grey-socked soles, adding fuel to Ron’s already wild laughter. “AAHAoHNNOO!! AohAohAHHAARRyYYDDOOoNNNTT!! BBLLOOOoDDDYYHHEEELLL!! CCOomMEEOOONN!!” Ron howled with even less authority over his own reaction at this point as Harry’s nimble fingers crawled and scribbled all over his helpless feet and Draco started attacking his belly with a barrage of pokes and prods. Ron bounced against the famous tree like his body was trying to defend against the tickling but even in all the predicaments he’d been in, this felt the most hopeless. “These aren’t the same socks you used to wear, are they Ron? They have enough holes to be Swiss cheese” Harry teased as his pointer fingers highlighted his point, sneaking into the holes of the socks at the balls of his right foot and heel of the left.

“AAHNnAOOAHA!! TThhEEyYyREEnNOOoOTT!! AohAOhooahAPPLLLEEAASSEEHAhA!!” Ron begged with his socks having betrayed him and allowing his best friend’s curious fingers to get at his soft soles. “Leave it to a Weasley to not even care about how holey his socks are” Draco rubbed in as he dominated the soft stomach with a front row seat to Ron’s animated reactions. “FFuUUuCCkKYYyoOuUUMMMAAAALLFFFoOOYY!!” “What a potty mouth…maybe you need to learn some manners, Weasley” Malfoy decided with the idea of a new scheme giving his angular face a new hue, one Ron didn’t like the look of as Draco made his broom appear seemingly out of nowhere.

Sat atop the broom now, Draco hovered off the ground and reached down to one-by-one pry off his loafers, revealing a pair of black-socked feet. “These are what socks should look like, Weasley, not those holy pieces of fabric you wear. Why don’t you kiss them for me?” Malfoy suggested as he brought one foot up to Ron’s face and let the balls of his feet sit only inches away. “AhAhANNoOOOWWAAAAYY!! TThhAATTsSsDIiSSGGUuSSTTIIiNnnGG!!” “Perhaps I was being too generous when I said ‘maybe you should’. Kiss my feet - now” Draco commanded with a slap of his foot across Ron’s cheek. “I’d do it, Ron…he’s not going to let up until you do” Harry encouraged, very out of character. “NNoOoOAOA!!” “Take off his socks then, Potter” Draco instructed and Harry reached up the legs of Ron’s jeans to grab the tops of both socks and start pulling them down.

“HARRY! What are you doing?!” Ron questioned as he caught his breath and looked back to try and make eye contact with Harry, his toes curling with dread as he anticipated the sock strip. “Kiss my feet and he’ll keep them on” Draco pointed out, giving Ron and ultimatum he didn’t know how to navigate. His panic-stricken face showed every wheel turning in his head as his socks became scarcer and the stench of Malfoy’s cheesy feet demanded his affection. Harry had the socks down past Ron’s heels before the lesser of the two evils was chosen, “OK! OK! Keep my bloody socks on – I’ll do it!” Ron gave in. “I knew you would” Draco answered with a wiggle of his right toes and Ron puckered his lips to plant a few quick kisses along the balls of his foot.

“What was that??” “I kissed your foot like you wanted” “You can do plenty better than that, Weasley. I want you to make out with my foot like you’re in love with it. Oh wait, don’t you already like feet, Weasley? That’s what Potter says” Draco questioned like he knew he had an ace up his sleeve, striking new dread in Ron. “Harry?!” “You couldn’t expect me not to tell someone” Harry laughed. “I didn’t tell you anything like that!” “I’ve caught you staring at my feet plenty of times, Ron. You’re my best friend; I’m gonna notice that kind of thing about you” Harry explained as Draco relished Ron’s uneasiness.

“Since you’ve dragged this out, I’m not even keeping my socks on for this” Malfoy announced as he peeled them off and balled the pair up in his hand before forcing both bare feet on Ron’s face. “Malfoy, honestly! This is mad!” “Too late, Weasley; your secret is out. Get to it” Draco demanded and Ron’s reluctant mouth surrendered to his situation. He figured if it kept his socks on, he’d have to swallow his pride enough to appease Draco and Harry. He wasn’t in any state to keep up with the mind games being played. Ron’s pouty lips met Malfoy’s fresh foot and gave into one his deepest desires while trying to act like it wasn’t, pretending that he totally hated his situation and that Draco’s Slytherin feet didn’t smell amazing and that his sole wasn’t supple and inviting.

“I want to see some tongue, Weasley” Malfoy instructed and Ron gave a put-on groan before sticking his tongue out and lathering the undersides of the slender toes, getting a ticklish, satisfied smile from Draco as his toes wiggled and teased Ron’s nose. “Don’t forget the other foot” Draco instructed and Ron obeyed, letting his tongue run up the low arch and sideways across the rosy balls of the opposite foot until Malfoy’s foot was shiny and clean. “Off with the socks then?” Harry proposed moments later before yanking them the rest of thew way off Ron’s unsuspecting feet, unable to even clench his toes first.

“Harry! What the hell?! I licked his feet!” Ron argued. “Yeah, and you’re gonna keep licking these perfect feet” Draco redirected to assert his authority as he dominated Ron’s kind face with his bare feet, smushing his face into wrinkled expressions and rubbing over his lips while Harry returned to the pair of 10s he’d been waiting to tickle again. “OOhHAGGhHANAOHHHAARRRYY!” Ron shouted with fresh, frustrated laughter once Harry started spidering across the Easter Bunny pink soles, watching them squirm and crinkle with desperation from the unwanted attention.

Ron’s feet were as pale as the rest of him on top but the bottoms were more vibrant, normally not this pink but the adrenaline and surreal nature of his circumstance seemed to give his soles a livelier tint. Harry’s fingers moved with playful cruelty, dancing and scratching all over the doughy soles with a fiendish smile out of his place on his unassuming face. Ron’s laugh was typically a bit raspy or halfway held-in but he had no choice but to let it all out now, well as much as he could with Draco’s tangy feet making his face their stool. “HhAARRyYYYAhAASSTTToHOOOPPTTIIICCKklLIInNGGMMEEE!!” Ron shouted at the top of his lungs but Harry refused, instead zeroing in at the tops of his high arches and really giving them his full attention with sharp, harsh drags of his nails. “AAAhAAAhAHAHAFUCK!” came raging out of Ron like he was being exorcised, his mouth wide open with full-body laughter.

“That’s right, Weasley, open up” Draco added as he stuffed Ron’s exaggerated smile with his right toes, even playing with his tongue with his biggest, juiciest toe until the taste of Malfoy’s salted butter feet was fully steeped in Ron’s mouth. “If you want to make someone your foot save, I could show you how it’s really done, Malfoy” another voice spoke up out of nowhere, barely loud enough for Ron to hear it over his hurricane laughter. “George!” Harry greeted with an excited face as he continued tickling Ron’s soft soles. “Another Weasley? I thought I smelled hand-me-downs” Draco added. “GGEEOOORRGGEE!! HEELLLPPMMEEE!!” Ron shouted the best he could with the privileged toes in his mouth. “Oh, I don’t know about that…you’re a pretty capable guy. I’m sure you’ll figure your own way out. But until then, I’d love to get off my feet” the older Weasley added as he swished his wand and made himself float in the air, seating now like he was on a regular chair.

“WWhAHAATTARREyYOoUUDDOOoIInNGG?!” Ron tried to make sense of through Harry’s incessant fingers now teasing the tops of his feet. “Normally I’d settle for a foot rub but I think a nice cleaning will do just fine” George answered with a scheming grin as he tugged off his right shoe and then slid down his plaid sock until his giant size 13 was fully bare. “Bloody hell, Weasley, are you sure you aren’t half-giant with feet like that?” Malfoy questioned. “How about you give them a whiff and tell me what you think, handsome?” George offered as he extended his leg until his naked foot was near Draco’s face. “Ugh!” Malfoy scoffed as George and Harry laughed at his reaction. “Now, be a good little brother and worship my foot, huh?” George instructed as his long, smooth sole sat in front of Ron’s face, the spot left vacant my Draco’s once he recoiled at the smell of George’s ripe foot.

“NNOoOHAO!!” “I never liked that word” George answered as he got rid of his other shoe and sock and reached his new bare foot out before letting his long toes start wiggling into Ron’s side/ribs. “AoHAohaaFFuUuCCkKOooFFFAOHAohA!” “You can tickle someone with your foot?” A surprised Malfoy questioned. “I’m not an amateur, Malfoy” George assured with his usual confidence as Ron was forced into heavier hysterics and Draco’s curiosity led him to use one of his own feet to tickle Ron’s neck, immediately proving it was a good target. “AhAGGH! AohAOhAOHFAAOhAsSSTTTOHOOPPpIIITT!!” Ron raged like he didn’t know what to focus on trying to prevent, with Harry now clawing away at the base of his plump toes, George and Malfoy’s toes tickling him, or the lingering inevitability that he would have to service two pairs of feet he’d always secretly admired. Ron knew his fetish was out there now but he didn’t want to actually give into it in front of them; it was too vulnerable. He may have been the clumsy, lovable sidekick to Harry Potter his whole life but he saw himself as tougher now, more formidable, and worshiping Draco and George’s feet undermined that. But what choice did he have?

The make-up of the dream was a bit different each time but the dynamics weren’t ever really new. The scenario usually included Ron’s private love of feet coming out but the people involved each time were like musical chairs. Sometimes Harry’s feet would be the ones he’d be worshiping or Neville’s. He’d been tickled by Hagrid and Draco and Gilderoy Lockhart. He’d even had his own feet worshiped a couple times by Cormac McLaggen and Dean Thomas. Tonight’s roster was just the newest in a long line of friends turned foot masters and familiar faces eager to tickle him senseless.

Back in his current dream, a disgruntled Ron surrendered to his big brother and ran his tongue up the length of his sole, following the narrow bottom half as it became wider at the balls. “There ya go, mate” George smiled as Ron went back for more, battling himself on how passionate he’d be, if he’d actually let himself enjoy it or not. George arched his foot the next time so it was even longer and smoother, giving Ron’s tongue more surface area to try and lather as his mouth struggled to stay steady through the relentless tickling. “AAooAohAAOhHhHAARRrYYY!!” Ron whined between licks, his stomach and cheeks sore from laughing so much by now. “I think he wants you to nibble on his toes, Harry!” George called out, earning a sharp look of panic from Ron behind his brother’s velvet toes.

“NNOoO! HHAARRyYYDDOOonNTT!!” Ron tried to protest but couldn’t keep it up for long, not with Malfoy’s toes now tickling his belly and George’s in his armpit. “Good idea, George. I could use a snack” Harry agreed and cradled Ron’s left foot in his hand so it couldn’t move around before slipping the nervous toes in his mouth and using his teeth to give just the right amount of slobbery nibbling. “AAAAAAHAHAHAH!!!” Ron screamed with laughter into the air and this time George shoved his toes in his open mouth. “That was my move, Weasley” Draco informed as he stuffed his toes in too until Ron’s mouth was propped open by 10 tangy toes. “Wow, I can’t believe they all fit” George laughed as Ron’s eyes began to water and he drooled all over the buffet of toes between his cheeks. Harry’s novice nibbling proved that Potter was indeed good at whatever he put his mind too, slurping and gnawing away at the bubbly ends of Ron’s plush toes to keep his friend going absolutely mad.

Like with most dreams, it ended abruptly. Ron woke up panting and with a funny taste in his mouth as he sat up and realized where he actually was, in his own room and not at Hogwarts tied to the Whomping Willow. “Bloody hell, that was…intense” was all Ron could think to say about what he’d dreamt up, his heart still racing and his feet tingling a bit from the imaginary tickling he’d experienced. After a glass of water and a few minutes to calm down, Ron went back to bed, hoping to actually rest this time but his mind wandered again, only this time conjuring up a different scenario than before.

The next thing Ron knew, he was at Hogwarts again. He panicked a bit considering what he’d just dreamed but this time he was in a classroom, one he didn’t recognize. His expressive eyes looked around to see no other students but Professor Snape appeared at the front of the room and started lecturing like he used to. “Snape?” Ron questioned. “Mr. Weasley, are you going to sit there with your mouth agape like a buffoon or are you going write down what I’m saying so you have a chance of passing my exam?” Snape questioned. “Oh, right, yeah” Ron obliged like he was a student again, looking down to find his notebook but saw three pairs of feet instead. “What the…?” “MMphMmPHM!!” Muffled attempts to say something steered Ron’s attention in front of the desk and he stood up to see who the feet belonged to.

Harry, Draco, and George laid on their backs with their hands stuck behind their backs and their legs in the air with their bare feet sticking through the desk so their soles sat upturned in front of Ron. Tape covered their mouths and each piece had something written on it, convincing Ron to look closer until it could read them – ‘Monday’s socks, Tuesday’s socks, Wednesday’s socks’. “Are those socks in your mouth??” Ron asked in humored disbelief. “Yes, Mr. Weasley, they are socks, your socks. Now, start taking notes on this or I will fail you right now” Snape answered, confirming that Harry, Malfoy, and George all had a pair of Ron’s dirty socks soaking in their mouths.  

Ron sat back down with a peculiar smirk on his face, suddenly buzzing with satisfaction at the tables having turned in his favor. The three pairs of feet being locked into his desk hadn’t made sense until he realized what Snape wanted him to take notes on, the lack of paper proving their purpose. “I guess I should write some of this down” Ron concluded as if he’d decided to be a good student, grabbing a quill from the desk and dipping it in ink before starting on Harry’s plump soles. “mMMMPHMM!!” Harry came to life with bubbly giggles as he shook on the floor and tried to curl his pale toes but they’d each been tied back into place, leaving Ron with very taut surfaces to write on.

“Maybe I’ll leave myself some space for extra notes later” Ron soon decided as he dipped his quill again and started on Draco’s narrow soles, finessing the pointed tip with unyielding strokes until Malfoy was shrieking under the tape and saturating his mouth with Ron’s dirty socks even more. “If you’re wise, you’ll remember that this potion can only be made twice by the same wizard” Snape added. “I guess I am a wise guy” Ron said to himself before inking his quill again and writing the comment down across the balls of George’s left foot, sparking the warm, charismatic laugh he’d heard plenty of times before as the tasty toes curled around the ties keeping his soles so perfectly exposed. “Well, I think I finally like Snape’s class.”