ctw: finale

john krasinski vs mason gooding vs Henry cavill

“Well Celebrity Tickle Wrestling fans, we’ve made it to the finale and you are all in for a show tonight!” Eugene Lee Yang announced from the ringside announcer table. “That’s right. Our finalists John Krasinski, Henry Cavill, and Mason Gooding will compete in a 3-way match for the title of Celebrity Tickle Wrestling Champion as well as the cash prize of 2 million dollars!” Josh Peck elaborated next to him as the whole arena roared and cheered with excitement. “For the final round, tools will be available ringside for the competitors such as duct tape, hair brushes, feathers, etc.” Josh informed. “There are no rules for this round other than no direct physical harm so our ref, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson will only interfere if that line is crossed” Eugene added. “Speaking of our ref, let’s welcome back, the one and only DWAYNE JOHNSON!” Josh announced as the larger than life wrestler turned actor made his way to the ring like he too couldn’t wait to see what would happen tonight. 

“Ladies and gentleman, give it up for your finalists!” Eugene announced while Henry Cavill, John Krasinski, and Mason Gooding all walked toward the ring from different directions, a third path having been created for the 3-way match. Mason threw his hands up to amp up the crowd more and they went nuts while Henry waved to the audience with his usual smirk and John threw more shirts into the audience, these with a picture of the moment he beat Zachary Levi the week earlier on them. They each wore matching outfits of black or white tank tops and classic gym shorts that hit a couple inches above the knee, John in red, Henry in blue, and Mason in green. Each competitor also sported white baseball tube socks with their sneakers to help provide a more even playing field as far as layers of protection went. 

“Good to see they’re letting kids wrestle now” John teased Mason. “I guarantee you I’m old enough to kick your ass, Halpert” Mason snapped back, getting a laugh from Henry. “You two seem more worried about trash talk than wrestling” Henry interjected. “It’s alright to smack talk in the states, big guy, as long as you’re gonna win” John answered with a confidence neither Henry nor Mason could tell was put-on or real. “Are we flapping our gums or are we wrestling, fellas?” Dwayne asked. “A little bit of both I think” Henry answered. “Well each of you will need to get in your corners because we’re about to start” “Yes, sir” Mason answered with a bit of smart-ass salute before heading to his respective corner along with his opponents. “Alright, everyone; the moment you’ve all men waiting for. The Celebrity Tickling Wrestling Finale starts in 3…2…1 - GO!” Josh announced as the whole arena watched the hunky trio begin what was sure to be a match to remember. 

Henry looked at his opponents at first, prepared to take on whoever came his way but what he didn’t expect was John and Mason both coming at him at once. “Woah! It looks like Krasinski and Gooding are double teaming Cavill!” Eugene pointed out. “Oh man, they must’ve planned this; I mean they were just fighting two seconds ago” Josh tacked on as the match unfolded and Henry tried to manage both wrestlers. “A gang up, huh?” Henry asked while struggling against them, with John and Mason each taking hold of an arm and trying to make him lose his footing. “Well there wasn’t a heavyweight class for you so we figured it was only fair” Mason answered before Henry finally fell against the ropes and slid down to the ring floor

John and Mason moved like they had indeed thought this out, both of them wrangling one of Henry’s massive arms between their legs to keep him on the defensive and his body wide-open. Cavill grunted with focused strength to try and break free but failed to out-muscle his opponents before all 20 fingers landed all over his armpits, chest, and ribs. “AAAHOAhnNOOOnNAoHAOHaGGeEtTOOoFF!!” Cavill burst without much hope of trying to hold it back. “Oh man, this has gotta be really humiliating for you” John taunted with a big smile while drilling into his cavernous armpit with one hand and digging into his hairy chest with the other, reaching through his tank top to find a sweet spot just under his nipple. 

“Tap out anytime, big guy…we can do this all night” Mason assured, more confident now that their fake spat before the match had worked and Henry was able to be caught off guard by the teamup. “Now, if I remember right, Chris got you right about here…” Mason announced as he concentrated his efforts on Henry’s ribs with a sudden rapid-fire poking up and down the left side. “AAAAHAOhAOHAOOHASsSSTTHOHOOPP!!” Cavill roared louder with a surprised look on his sculpted face like he wasn’t expecting it to be that bad. “As powerful as Henry Cavill is, he may have bitten off more than he can chew with these two” Josh proposed while the English powerhouse kicked the ring floor and bucked around with booming laughter.

John ditched the digging technique after a few minutes and directed all his attention into the deep armpit facing him, wiggling around as fast as he could while Henry’s arm fought to clamp down and end it. “AAHOAHAFFFuUUCCkkIINNNGGAAsSSHHHOOOLlLEE!! GGEeTTTOOOUuFFoOOFFTThHEEReEEE!!” Henry shouted in his first moment of real ticklish frustration. “Well, I’m definitely staying now” John refused and started adding a few pokes as well, driving Henry wilder and wilder. “Oh my God his nipples are ticklish!” Mason announced with a bit of immature joy as he continued fluttering across the left nipple under his tank top and kneading between his ribs with his other hand. “AAHOAHAOANNoOOO!! NNoOoTTHEERREE!! IiImMMSSEERRrIIoOUUUSS!!” “You better stop, man; he’s serious” John teased and Mason kept it up, letting his fingertips dominate Henry’s tender nipple while he maintained the relentless rib tickling Cavill had never realized was so torturous for him before the competition. 

“Henry may end up being the first one out of this final round, Josh; they’ve really got a good hold on him” Eugene pointed out. “Hold on…wait, something’s happening in the ring!” Josh announced as Mason started squirming around more and jerking a little. “AOhAGgeTToOOFF! NNoOAohA!” Mason argued but couldn’t fight the hand now squeezing into the back of his thigh. “What’s going on?” John asked, looking up to see a big smile on Mason’s face and him failing to tickle Henry much at all. “It looks like Henry found a spot on Mason and he’s not letting go!” Josh explained while Henry’s iron grip kept squeezing into Mason’s thigh until the rising star was forced to let go of Henry’s arm. 

“No! What the hell?!” John exclaimed while realizing their plan was falling apart and Henry was on the offensive, his free arm swinging out to grab Mason. “He wouldn’t stop tickling my leg!” Mason announced while trying to avoid Henry. John took a minute to assess the situation but didn’t come to Mason’s rescue, instead leaving him to be quickly pinned by the former superhero. “John! Hey! Help me out!!” “Not so bad all by yourself, are you?” Henry taunted as he trapped one of Mason’s arms between his knees on the floor and planted the other arm over his head. “No! Henry, come on!! DonTHAohAohAoAoHAAohAohA!!!” barreled out of Mason after only a couple seconds of Henry attacking his stomach, having pulled the tank up to leave his abs fully exposed. 

“And just like that Henry Cavill has turned the tables on Mason Gooding! Oh and here comes John but who will he side with??” Eugene asked before Krasinski sat across Mason’s knees and turned on his partner. “It’s his thighs that are ticklish, right?” John asked Henry with a new, chummy attitude. “Yeah” “AhAOAYYOOuUUAaASSShhOOOLLEE!!! AhoOHAohOAAOAH!!!” Mason’s head flew back and his laughter skyrocketed as John started squeezing in above the knee of one leg and digging into the inner thigh of the other. “Sorry, man, kind of hard to hear you when you’re laughing so loud” John lied while kneading into both strong legs as ruthlessly as he could, proving his allegiance was really only to himself. 

Mason shook in place and his impressive arms surged against Henry but he was no match for him, forcing him to endure Cavill’s targeted stomach assault. “Looks like you work out a little” Henry teased, only pissing Mason off more as he laughed his head off. After a few minutes John tugged Mason’s shorts down a little until his underwear was showing, surprising Mason as he tried to look down before Krasinski plunged into his waist/flanks. “AAAHAOhAOHFFuUuCCKkOOoOFFWWIiiTTHHhAAATT!!!” “Nice underwear, by the way” John toyed with Mason after watching him freak out even more at the new attack. His hips bounced around the little they could and he tried to shake John’s hands but the older actor never lost control. 

“Ya know, since you tickled my nipples, it’s only fair that I go after yours” Henry pointed out as he lifted Mason’s shirt up more to reveal a pair of very juicy nipples. “ANnOOnNOoOAhOAHAFFuUuCCkkIInNGGSSTThOHOoPPP!!!” “Oh, it’s happening” Henry assured before dancing back and forth across both sides of his mountainous chest to see Mason’s face light up with fresh panic. “Haha no way! That’s hilarious” John added and decided he could help break Mason, leaning down a little and digging in on his stomach with his stubbly chin. “AAAOHAoaHAOHAWWHHAATTThHEEFFFFuUCCKK!?!” Mason nearly squealed as his whole body focused on getting free and escaping the gang up. 

“Leave it to John to pull out a classic evil uncle tickle move” Josh added with a laugh. “I never even understood why it tickles so much but it really does” Eugene pointed out while Mason’s reaction seemed to only get more out of control, desperately trying to get away from Henry’s nipple play and John’s two-fold approach. “AAHoHAoAhaAASSTToOhoHoPPPPIIITT!!!” “It’s not my fault your nipples are so ticklish” Henry answered. “But are they licklish??” John asked. “What’s licklish?” “I’ll show you” John answered as he left the stomach to move up a little, stuck his tongue out, and started flicking it all over Mason’s plump nipples. “AAAAH!! AohAohAOhAOhAANNooNNOOAHoAHoAHANNoAOhaOAHAOH!!! OOKookoOKOKAOAHaOOKK UUnNCCLLLEE!! IIITTTAAPpP!!! JJJuUUSSTTSSTThoOOHOOPPP!!” Mason erupted with wild eyes and a high-pitched laugh like he couldn’t fucking stand it. 

“I think you got your answer” Henry added as John finally stopped and The Rock escorted Mason out of the ring with a defeated look on his face. “That was fucked up!” was all a disgruntled Mason said as he left and Henry and John took positions back in their respective corners. A five minute break was allowed for the two finalists and the crowd buzzed with speculation, bets, and overall suspense until Dwayne Johnson gave Henry and John the heads up that they were about to go again. “Here we go, everybody…our final bout of the competition; who’s it gonna be? The mighty Henry Cavill or the cunning John Krasinski” Eugene questioned while Henry and John prepared to take the other down. 

“Alright, on my mark; 1…2…3 - GO!” The Rock announced and the final two wrestlers collided in the middle of the ring, locking hands for a minute before Henry let go and wrapped John up in a bear hug. Krasinski tried to shake free but couldn’t get loose before Henry took him to the ground and tried pinning his hands above his head, “Too slow!” John teased as he avoided getting fully pinned, keeping Henry’s attention on securing the advantage until he heard something click. “What the hell?” Henry asked upon realizing one half of a pair of handcuffs was locked around his wrist. “Just a little something I snagged while you were busy with Mason” John informed as he quickly locked the other half around the middle rope. 

“No way! John Krasinski has hand-cuffed Henry to the ropes!!” Josh announced. “I don’t even remember him going to the tools table! He really is slick” Eugene added in shared surprise while they all watched Henry try to free himself and a scheming John casually return to the tools table. “What’s he going for this time??” Eugene asked as John made his way back to Henry and grabbed one of his legs, focusing all his efforts on keeping a firm hold on it before he started duct taping his ankle/calf to the nearest corner pole. “Come on! I thought we were wrestling! This is rubbish!” Henry argued. “Is wittle Henwy a sore loser??” John mocked with a devious smile before yanking Henry’s sneaker clean off. 

“Oh man, John is going for his foot! What will Henry do if he’s just stuck there?!” Josh questioned as John took the tube sock in his hands and ripped it open, getting a giant rise from the crowd. Henry’s usual cool was becoming a nervous sweat as he fought with the layers of tape and the handcuff but his efforts took a major blow when John let loose on Cavill’s big, meaty bare foot. “AAhaoAhFFuUuCCKkAoHAohAOANNoOOO!! SSTtoOHPPP!!” Henry burst with a sudden roaring laughter he couldn’t contain, persuading John to keep going. “Nice feet, man” Krasinski teased as he scribbled all over the fresh, buttery sole as viciously as he could from just outside the ring.

Henry’s toes wiggled and his foot kicked around the little that it could but he’d forgotten how ticklish his feet were and John was totally milking the advantage he’d given himself. “AhoAoAAOhAGGooDddAaMMMIIIT! OAhoAHAOHAGGGEetToOOFFMmyyYYFFoOoOTT!!” Henry raged with a frustrated smile but John refused to let up, using both hands to rake and scratch up and down every inch of the tender sole. “I’m not stopping until you give up!” John reassured with complete focus on wrecking Henry’s writhing foot but his concentration backfired when he failed to notice the tides shifting again in the ring. “Wait…what happened to the rope?? Oh my God; Henry Cavill sawed through the rope with his handcuff! He’s free!!” Eugene announced like he couldn’t believe it and watched Henry surprise John, grabbing his shirt and pulling him back into the ring.  

John slid onto the ring floor and took a minute to get his footing, allowing Henry the time to rip the duct tape around his leg and free his foot. “You broke the fucking rope??” John asked, still on the floor. “Yep” was all Henry said as he pounced on John and flipped him onto his stomach before sitting across his back. With his legs bent, he forced John’s arms behind his knees so he couldn’t fight back much at all and played to the audience with wiggling fingers in the air to tease what was coming. “NO! Henry, come on, man!!

Just let me up and we’ll start again!” “You sound a little nervous, John…let me help you relax” Henry offered before diving into the spot between his ribs and armpits. “AAAAHoAHAOHAOhAnNNOoNnOOAHoHAOA!! AOhAAOHAAFFFUUuCCCKKOOOofFF!! AOhAOHAAoHAA!!” John erupted under Henry as his eyes closed to endure the horrible tickling and he tried to break free of the impressive hold. 

“The tables have turned on John and Henry is not messing around!” Josh explained. “Yeah, this move looks especially hard to get out of and I don’t think Henry plans on letting John tickle him anymore tonight” Eugene added while John’s big feet kicked around and his violent laughter told everyone in the arena how crazy ticklish he really was. “I’m not even using all my fingers!” Henry taunted with a taste for revenge now as he dug around at the top of John’s sides. “AhOAHAOYYYoOoOUUUFFuUuCCkKKEERR!! SSTtTToOopPpPiIiITT!!” “You know how to make it stop and it’s not calling me names” Henry reminded with a tone like he knew he had all the power. “I bet your pits are bad too; let’s see” Cavill proposed and snuck up into them with the same devastating energy before John could even argue with him. 

“AAAAAAHOAhOAHAOHAAOHAhoAHAnNOonNNOO!!” rang out into the stadium and the entire audience was on its feet watching the scene unfold, completely locked-in by the action. “Woah! Listen to that laugh! John is really in trouble up there” Eugene pointed out. “I can’t tell if Henry is that good of a tickler or John is just that ticklish but either way, yeah; he’s in a bad spot” Josh agreed as they watched John struggle to do much more than laugh. “Hey! What are you doing?!” Henry asked after a couple more minutes when he felt something tickling the inside of his knee. He quickly realized it was John having found a spot to target and Henry tried to stop him but John didn’t back off, taking the chance while Henry was too distracted and grabbing his shorts to yank them down. However, he ended up pulling Henry’s underwear down with them and flashed the entire audience with his gorgeous pale ass.

“What the hell?! Did we just get mooned by Henry Cavill??” Josh asked. “I fucking love this show” Eugene answered as Henry stood up to pull his shorts up, sufficiently embarassed and rattled by the cheap trick but it gave John the opportunity to get away. Krasinski moved quickly and tried to tape up Henry’s legs but the now even more vengeful Cavill wasn’t having any of it, grabbing John’s wrists and hurling him into one set of ropes. “Ooh! I don’t think I’d wanna be in John’s position right now; Henry’s out for blood” Josh added while John tried to get up after hitting the ground but Henry grabbed his wrists again and forced him almost entirely out of the ring, only leaving his lower half in so John was dangling off the edge of the ring floor. 

“The hell are you doing?! Dwayne, come on!” John challenged. “It’s still not against the rules, John” The Rock assured as John tried to get himself back up but Henry had other plans, having grabbed a pair of the padded cuffs and locking John’s ankles into them before wrapping his legs around them. “Henry Cavill is going for the feet! There goes one shoe…and there’s the other!” Eugene announced as Henry stripped the socks off John’s helpless feet. “Dammit! Leave my socks on!!” John protested to no avail but instead of the full-scale finger attack everyone was expecting, Henry surprised everyone again by grabbing half of the rope he’d broken attached to the ring and yanked it off. 

“What is Cavill gonna do with that?? Oh…oh no - it’s for his toes!!” Josh realized as if he knew how brutal it would be and watched Henry thread the bungee rope between John’s right big and middle toe before pulling back and forth just fast enough to drive Krasinski out of his mind. “AHAAAAAAOhOAhAOHAAOHAOWWHhAAATTHHHhEEFFuUuUCCKK!?! NNOOnNNOO!! AohAOHAOAHAAOhAAFFFFuUUuCCkKIIInNNGGSSTTOHhOhOPPP!!” John practically screamed with desperate laughter as he floundered on the side of the ring, his hands in his hair like he didn’t know what to do as the slightly grooved rope sawed between his incredibly ticklish toes. “Submit!” Henry encouraged with the first real sadistic smile anyone had seen from him this season but John was laughing too hard to even really hear him. 

“I’ve got plenty more toes to try out if you don’t wanna give up” Cavill assured before moving onto the next space over and cranking out another wave of overwhelmed laughter. His smooth toes tried to fight the rope by curling and even spreading out but nothing made it any better and Henry never stopped pulling back and forth, ready to tickle John until he had no choice but to surrender. “No…he’s putting the rope between two more toes at the same time! He’s gonna make John cry!!” Eugene announced and Henry did just that, snaking the relatively thin rope between two toes of each handsome foot to get John going totally berzerk behind him until finally. “AAHoAHOOKOOK!! AohAoAHAIIIFFuUuCCkKIInnNGGQQUuuIiIITTT!!! PpLLLEEAASSEESSTTTOOhooPPPP TTIIiCCKKlLlIIinNnGGmMMEEE!!” John tapped once his body overrode his ego’s desire to win at all costs and he simply couldn’t take anymore. 

“And we have a winner! Henry Cavill has just become the Celebrity Tickle Wrestling Champion!!!” Josh Peck announced full of adrenaline. “That was a very impressive victory over John Krasinski; I mean he really didn’t make it easy for Henry but man, he earned this win no doubt” Eugene added and Dwayne Johnson took Henry’s arm to hold it up and announce him as the winner. John slid the rest of the way out of the ring and laid there catching his breath before he even un-cuffed his ankles. Cavill smiled with pride and Eugene and Josh left the announcer’s table to present Henry with the champion’s belt and cash prize but before they handed it over to him, Dwayne stopped them and grabbed the mic from Josh. 

Nobody seemed to know what was going on and the audience quieted down to hear what was about to be said. “Henry, that was a very exciting and impressive match I’ve gotta say but I have another challenge for you…” The Rock explained, getting a sound of shock and awe across the arena. “What do you mean?” Henry asked. “You’ve just one 2 million dollars but how would you like to make it 3?” Dwayne proposed, igniting a fresh uproar in the arena. “You and me right now in our own tickle wrestling match; if you win, I will give you another million dollars of my own money. If you lose, you still get the 2 million and the title but you’ll always live knowing that I beat you…” The fellow movie star laid out with a challenge far too big, far too juicy to turn down. 

“I don’t really know what to do right now …” Eugene admitted, just as stunned as everyone else while the audience howled and cheered for the proposed heavyweight match. “...I accept” Henry answered with a confident look and turned up the volume in the room with wild enthusiasm while Josh and Eugene returned to their table just as eager to see the two giants go head to head in the encore match. “Well folks, things have taken an unexpected turn here at CTW and it looks like our winner, Henry Cavill will be facing off against our referee, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson for an extra million dollars!” Josh announced as The Rock stretched a little and Henry took a sip from his water bottle. 

Henry’s determination was all over his face, ready to beat Dwayne in whatever way he could but The Rock’s confidence was unsettling, physically imposing even to Cavill and a force not many would dare take on. “Alright, fellas, we’re gonna count down to three; 1…2…3 - GO!” Eugene and Josh announced at the same time and the two muscle men went after each other, trying to get the early advantage until The Rock proved he still had wrestling skills and managed to get Henry in a classic hold. 

“Woah! The Rock has Henry in a full-nelson!” Eugene announced. “Henry very well may have met his match here; we’ll have to see how it pans out. Hold on…something else is happening. No way - it’s the other wrestlers!! They’re heading into the ring!!” Josh explained with wide-eyed shock as Chris Evans, Simu Liu, Mason Gooding, John Krasinski, and Zachary Levi slipped through the ropes. “What is this!? I thought it was a one on one match??” Henry questioned while struggling to get free of Dwayne’s solid hold. “We just figured a real winner would be able to handle a little extra action” Simu explained as Henry grew more nervous. “Yeah, good thing you’re so tough” Zachary added while the five of them got closer to their champion, ready to take out any frustrations they may have had for losing the competition. 

“Guys, come on! You can’t!” Henry argued. “Take him down, Dwayne!” Chris Evans instructed and The Rock took a seat against the ropes and forced Henry to follow suit until he too was sitting down and Dwayne wrapped his legs around his to keep them from kicking around. “This is insane!! Seriously! It’s over!!” “You try going out in the first round” Zachary Levi added before they divided and conquered.

Mason Gooding put Henry’s already bare foot in a headlock and went to town with a hairbrush he’d grabbed from the tools table, Chris Evans knelt beside Henry and fired up two electric toothbrushes to tickle his beefy pits, John Krasinski got on the other side of Henry and went after his ears and neck with two annoyingly ticklish feathers, Zachary Levi found a spot between Henry’s legs and sunk into his steel thighs with both hands determined to squeeze and dig into them as mean as he could, and Simu Liu decided to get the worship he never received. 

“While you’re down there, why don’t you clean my feet off for me” Simu instructed with his freshly bared foot sticking in front of Henry’s face. “AAHOAhAAnNNnOooWWWaAAAyYY!!” “I wasn’t asking, Mr. Champion” Simu doubled down and gestured to Chris and John who started twisting and tweaking Henry’s nipples through the tank top. “AAAAhAOHAFFUUuCCKK!” “Come on, lick em’ up” Liu pressed with his savory sole now inches from Cavill’s face until he gave in and let his tongue get a taste of the smooth sole. “That’s right…keep it going” Simu ordered once John and Chris had stopped and Henry tried his best to obey, laughing the hardest he had the whole competition and trying to get loose but The Rock wasn’t letting go and his fellow competitors were having way too much fun tickling the shit out of him. 

Henry’s tongue ran up Simu’s foot the best he could like he hated every lick while Chris’ toothbrushes buzzed around in the deep pits on full power and John tormented him with the simple yet sinister feathers. Zachary proved his own strength the longer he worked into Henry’s thighs and Mason scrubbed the thick creamy sole in front of him like he still had a chance of winning. “Well, I really don’t know what to say…the finale has taken another, more bizarre turn here in the arena and it looks like our winner has become the tickle toy of his fellow competitors” Josh explained. “Don’t forget foot slave on top of that because Simu Liu is really making him lick his feet clean; it’s a sight I certainly never thought I’d see” Eugene added. “Well I’m sure this will end whenever somebody eventually decides to go get dinner or if Henry ever gets out but that’s it for Celebrity Tickle Wrestling. Have a good night and thanks for joining us for an amazing season!” Eugene and Josh signed off into the camera with the sound of Henry’s thunderous laughter in the background helping bring an end to the unforgettable competition.