hell week part 10: finale

The next day was the first time since he’d started college that Tommy Stephens had been in Dean Adams’ office for a bad reason. His leg bounced nervously with his size 13 loafer moving up and down on the carpet in front of the desk as he sat in front of the middle-aged man glaring at him with a unique anger in his eyes. “What the hell was that yesterday, Tommy? Five freshmen tied up in a fraternity house – students I’m responsible for??” “It’s hard to explain, sir” Tommy answered, the most anxious or unsure of himself he’d been in years. “I was tipped off about something funny going on at Alpha Phi and I figured I should check it out. I imagined it was something silly or perhaps the report was baseless but I was very wrong. Was this some form of hazing?? Because if it was you know we don’t tolerate that here; I know Greek life has a reputation for it but I won’t allow it in any capacity” Dean Adams laid out with a stern voice as the preppy blonde tried to think of a way out of this. 

“It was harmless…we were just goofing around” “Goofing around?! What were you doing to them, hmm?? What was so harmless that I had to force my way in to see what was going on??” “…we were uhh…tickling them” Tommy answered, knowing how crazy it sounded as it left his lips. “Tickling?? I thought tickling was relegated to children or playful roughhousing but those boys were tied up, unable to fight back. You might even call it tickle torture!” Dean Adams reprimanded while wrapping his head around the bizarre explanation. “Please enlighten me as to why you and your fellow upperclassmen were tickling them; I’m very curious” “…you wouldn’t believe it if I told you” “Try me” Dean Adams pressed with a firm brow of intense frustration just waiting to hear what Tommy would say. Tommy wrestled with the idea of telling the real truth at the risk of digging his hole deeper but as this point he just had to hope a sizable donation to the school from his family could soothe over what he was about to admit. 

“Last semester when the freshmen were pledging Alpha Phi we initiated them by-“ “Hazed them” Adams corrected. “…yeah, we hazed them. We got these desks that had stocks built into them and put each of the pledges in one and got them to memorize something to recite; I don’t even fully remember what it was but if they got it wrong, they got tickled. I mean, we figured it was better than a lot of the other hazing that goes on” Tommy added as if to cushion the confession. “After that the pledges turned on us; they ambushed us and tickled each of the upperclassmen and videoed it for blackmail. They used that to make us their personal slaves; doing their homework, laundry, and all types of stuff. We tried to reassert the natural order of things but they refused to cooperate with us so we decided to force them to get rid of the videos so we could have our lives back” Tommy explained and watched Dean Adams think on things for a minute before responding. 

“You mean to tell me a bunch of freshmen took over your fraternity by tickling you??” “I know how it sounds but they were going to expose us to the whole school; we’d all be a joke!” Tommy stressed. “Out of all the young men and women at this school how is the most upstanding, admired, and celebrated student among them at the center of such a debacle?!” Adams asked with a pound of his fist on the desk. “It got out of hand, sir. I know hazing isn’t allowed and that was our fault but they took it too far; I mean they’re the ones who joined a fraternity. They knew what they were getting into!” Tommy tried to rationalize and save face but it just got a low snicker from Dean Adams as a small smirk of disbelief grew on his face before facing Tommy again. “The way I see it is, you and your fellow Alpha Phi brothers started this. You hazed them and set the standard for your house and the freshmen ran with it; you just didn’t think you could be out-smarted or maybe you didn’t think they’d ever dare to retaliate but you did this to yourselves” “But, Dean!” “But nothing! I should expel you and your little friends for this; there could be five lawsuits on my desk by the end of the week after what I saw yesterday but I have another idea” Adams explained while Tommy’s usual confidence began to sweat. 

“Do you still have the stock desks you mentioned?” “…yes, sir. Why?” “As punishment and a way to settle this dispute between you and your pledge class as well as atone for your actions, you and the rest of the upperclassmen will be put in them and tickled by the freshmen” Dean Adams explained. “Sir! You can’t be serious – they already got us back! We were their servants for months!!” “I don’t care. All I’ve seen for myself is a group of students at my school being hazed or tortured or whatever you want to call it and I’m going to make sure this goes away as quietly as possible. I’ll talk to the freshmen boys and make sure they understand our deal and this situation will disappear. Am I understood?” “But, sir” “Am I understood, Mr. Stephens??” “…yes. I understand” Tommy answered but couldn’t believe the outcome. He could tell even a fat check or phone call from his father couldn’t make Dean Adams change his mind this time but at least expulsion would’ve been quick; this was going to be hell. 

That Saturday had been decided as the day to settle the Alpha Phi problem and every single upperclassman struggled to accept the decision. They’d managed to get the upper hand and had the freshmen right where they wanted them and it was pulled out from under them; on top of that now they were gonna be forced to endure another round of tickle torture?! It was like some kind of cosmic joke and the whole thing was a difficult pill to swallow, even if it was to keep them from getting kicked out. “This is some serious bullshit” Chad griped as he and the rest of the upperclassmen stood in the living room that afternoon in front of the line of stocks. “Did you say something, Mr. King?” Dean Adams questioned from nearby. “…no, sir” “That’s what I thought” he replied as the freshmen stood on the other side of the stocks with smug looks of satisfaction, eager to give their Alpha Phi brothers the tickling of their lives. “Just wait until Adams leaves; I got rid of the padlocks so we can probably get out at some point” Tommy assured in a whisper to Chad. 

“Alright, let’s get started. I don’t have all day” Dean Adams announced, prompting Tommy, Chad, Perry, Jamal, Logan, and Duke to each take a seat so the freshmen could get them locked in until there was a row of sneakered and loafered feet waiting for some unwanted attention. “Dean, I brought the locks I mentioned when we spoke. I couldn’t find the other ones” Troy spoke up, getting a look of death from the real president now that his plan was ruined. “Very good, Valdez” Adams answered while each of the stocks were secured with padlocks to make sure the guys had no chance of escaping their punishment. “I can’t fucking believe this shit” Duke said to himself. “You should be thanking your pledge class! They were reasonable enough to agree to this rather than pursuing any kind of real action” Dean Adams reprimanded as Devon struggled to avoid laughing at the smackdown while they zip-tied the upperclassmen’s hands behind their backs. 

“Is everything good to go, Mr. Valdez?” “Yes, sir” “Well, I’ve brought a timer and it’s synched up with my phone set for 2 hours. I will return at the end of those two hours and make sure everything went accordingly” Dean Adams announced. “2 hours?!” Logan asked with a look of disbelief. “After what I saw this week, you boys deserve every minute” Dean Adams added before starting the timer and leaving through the front door. “You heard him, boys. Let’s get going” Devon announced with an eager smile as he started tugging off Tommy’s loafers. “Just let us go now and we’ll call it a truce” Tommy offered as his big socked feet felt the fresh air. “No way, Richie Rich; just be glad we didn’t pursue real action” Devon answered, stealing Dean Adams’ words to fuel Tommy’s fiery frustration. “When I get outta you’re fucking dead – all of you” Jamal assured as his own shoes hit the floor. “Go ahead; maybe we’ll get to do this again” Troy proposed before launching onto Chad’s socked feet with 1 hour and 59 minutes to go. 

“aAAhAHFUuCK! AhoAOhAOHAAohHANoNnO! hAohaohAAHFFuUCckKOooFFFAAsSSHhOOlLeeE!” Chad demanded the best he could but any authority he may have had went out the window when he was locked in the stocks. “You know, you guys really should re-think the whole hazing thing. You wouldn’t be in this situation if you had” Troy suggested as his fingers scurried up and down the grey ankle socked-feet, the socks far too thin to really protect him very much at all. “AAHoAoAHoaAohAMMOoTThHEERRffuUcCKEERR!!” Chad raged as he realized how wicked the stocks really were, clenching his fists and trying his best to break the zip-tie but he quickly realized he wasn’t strong enough and that only pissed him off more. Troy avoided focusing on any one spot just yet to mess with Chad’s head more and wiggled across the savory soles with unwavering enthusiasm, happy to make the cocky jock jerk around in the stocks and hurl insult after insult to try and endure the steady tickling. 

“You know what they say about guys with big feet…” Devon teased while scribbling across Tommy’s size 13s, already having ditched the socks. “MmIIiNnAARREeGGoOIInNGGUUpP YyYOoUuRAAsSs!!” “No, there’s more to tickle, duh” Devon answered with his usual smart-ass humor as his spirited attack gave Tommy no room to wiggle away or avoid a single stroke. The big man on campus couldn’t control his heavy laughter no matter how much he wanted not to give Devon the satisfaction but his feet were indeed just as ticklish as they were big, making it incredibly easy for Devon to keep him a bumbling mess. “I’m kind of surprise the dean let us do this but that dude’s fucking legit haha” Devon taunted with a smile Tommy couldn’t stand as his scribbling technique became more concentrated, suddenly shifting to work on just the balls of both feet and watch Tommy buck in the stocks with fresh ticklish agony. 

Patrick was perhaps the most happy about having another chance at the upperclassmen considering they’d screwed him over and was currently taking out his feelings on Duke’s socked feet. “NNOOhOnNOONAOhOhAACCOOomMmEEOOOnnMMAANN!!” “You guys tickled me until I thought I was gonna cry just for me to spy for you and then you turn around and fuck me over?? Why would I ever show mercy right now?” Patrick challenged while gliding back and forth along Duke’s arches as viciously as he could. “AhAoHAoHaoAaIiMMSSOOrRRYY!! JJuUSSTTSSTTOoOhoHOP!!”  “Little late for that” Patrick answered as he happily indulged in the sweet revenge, following Duke’s feet whichever way they writhed without ever giving him a moment of relief. Like Chad, the socks barely helped him out at all but Patrick’s tickling was mean enough for the line of protection to not really matter, clawing up and down the length of both arches with a uniquely cruel finesse. 

Zack and Aidan had double duty thanks to being one freshman short, leaving them to tickle Logan, Jamal, and Perry at the same time. Logan was between Perry and Jamal and Zack and Aidan stood between the three sets of stocks to get all three guys. “AhoAohAohAAOhFfuUuCCkKYyYoOoUUGguUUyyYSSS!” Jamal shouted while Aidan scratched along the base of his naked toes. “We’re just following what Dean Adams said” Aidan taunted while mimicking the same tactic on Logan’s longer toes. “AohATTHhIiiSSiiIISSNNTTFfAAAIiRR!!” Logan pointed out as he got tickled by Aidan and Zack, each of them on a different foot. “Who said anything about fair?” Zack challenged with a grin while raking with wide fingers up and down the length of Logan’s smooth bare foot. “Ya know, I should really put how good I am at multi-tasking on my resume” Zack laughed while dragging his nails along Perry’s perfectly kept foot at the same time as Logan’s, raking across the supple pink sole as the clean-cut blonde thrashed around with bubbly laughter. “AHoHAOhaAohAFFuUCCkyYOooUuR RREeSSuUmMmeE!! LLeETtTmMEEGGooOOHO!” 

By now Troy had gotten rid of Chad’s socks and was working over his 11 ½s with slow, focused raking from toes to heel. In contrast to the random approach from earlier, this forced Chad into long gushes of deep laughter like Troy was draining him of every giggle he had. “AAAhoHAOAHAOAhoAHOOhOhSSHHIITT! AhOAHOAHNONNoO!! HHAohAohAAASSTtoOHoHOOPPYYoOUUuSsHHIIIT!!” “What’s wrong? I’m barely even doing anything” Troy teased just as he started down the bare feet again, watching the new sensations command Chad’s body until he was pouring laughter again. “I don’t know how you made it through high school this ticklish but then again anybody who probably tried got beat up; am I right?” Troy taunted, knowing the ex-wrestler was ready to punch him through the wall right about now. “AHAoHAhoAHAFFFUUcCckKkYYOoOUUUNnNEERRdDD!!” “This nerd isn’t the one locked up in his own stocks” Troy reminded before suddenly raking down faster a few times to make Chad nearly fly out the seat and his laughter to shoot up higher.

“I know it’s still a little early but fuck it; I’m ready to try this thing out” Devon added as he pulled out one of the massagers they’d used on them. “What? No! Fuck that!! Let me out this shit!!” Tommy demanded in the momentary break. “Oh ok yeah, sure. Nevermind” Devon answered as he started to put it back in his pocket. “Haha yeah right” Devon corrected after psyching Tommy out. “Motherfucker!” “You should’ve seen the look on your face when I agreed haha” Devon teased before turning it on and landing the vibrating massager right in the middle of Tommy’s left foot. “AAAHoHAAOHNNOO! aHoAHohAOHAOAHAAAahoaDDAAmMIiITT!! AhoAhoHAoAHaohaAhoAAOHaAOHAAFFFUUCcKTHhAATTTTThHiiINnGG!!” “You brought these to the house, might as well use them” Devon added as he fell in love with how easy it was to get Tommy roaring and thrashing around with the electric tool. He moved it up and down the long foot like he was giving Tommy’s sole a good clean but of course he wasn’t satisfied with just that and quickly returned to the other foot to scratch along his arch and heel at the same time, the new technique cranking up his reaction to another level and intensifying his hatred for Devon just the same. 

Patrick couldn’t help but laugh at how crazy Tommy was now laughing with the massager on his foot but wanted a little more time on Duke’s before whipping his out. Instead of just focusing on his arches, Patrick switched to a more random scribbling all over his soles to show Duke things could always get worse. “AAAhoAHOAooHoHAOhSshiITTHoAHohaoAHADDuuUdDDEE! AHoHAAOhAAAHAOHAOOkOOKOHAoAHJjUUSSTGGiIVEEeMmeEAABbREAAAKK!” “I don’t remember you guys giving me a break; plus I had to buy that damn textbook at full price when you didn’t actually have it” Patrick added with ample reason to want to get back at Duke. The ginger’s fingers seemed to glide perfectly along the surprisingly soft soles without much effort at all and that only made it tickle more, allowing Patrick to get his balls, heels, arches, and even his toes without Duke ever knowing what to expect. “When I told Dean Adams about how you guys were treating us I was worried he wouldn’t believe me, especially considering Tommy’s Mr. Perfect but he didn’t even ask many questions. Then again, finding us all tied up that night proved me right pretty quickly” Patrick explained while ravaging the cotton candy pink soles. “AAHAOhAOHAiIITTWWAAASSyYOOUU!?” “Yep” Patrick answered with a satisfied smile as he continued pumping out rampant laughter from the clueless upperclassmen. 

Zack and Aidan were having a blast getting Logan, Jamal, and Perry all at once and proved they really could manage 3 at a time judging by the trio’s reactions.  “AHoAHaaGGEEETTOOOoFFFmMmEEEE!!” Jamal ordered the best he could but Aidan didn’t budge, instead pulling out his massager and firing it up across the tan arch of his left foot. “AAAHoAHOANOO! AHoHAohAAOHAATTuURrnNNTTTHhAATTSSHiIiTTOoOoFFF!!” “What? Can’t really hear you when you’re laughing like a little bitch” Aidan taunted with the same sentiment the upperclassmen loved to use. “I didn’t forget about you” Aidan assured while grabbing something from his pocket as Logan watched the second massager land on his foot. “AhOAAohaDDUuDeEEnNoO! HAohohAoAahoANNNoOTTHHAATT!!” Logan tried to prevent before the hellacious buzzing started dominating his lush sole and turning up his laughter the same way it had with Tommy and Jamal. “Oh yeah, this is a breeze” Aidan laughed while just moving the massagers across the pair of trapped feet. “I actually found something else I wanted to try” Zack answered as he grabbed two hand-held scrub brushes he’d found around the house, presumably used by former pledges to clean the floors. 

“Sweet! That’ll be brutal” Aidan added while Perry watched with anticipation until Zack had a brush in each hand and started in on Perry’s right and Logan’s left feet. “oohAoAHOaohAOHFFUUCCKAKHOAHANOOnNOOO! AhoAohAOhaaAOhAOhA!!” Perry rang out with an overwhelmed look on his chiseled face as he desperately tried to yank his handsome foot free of the stocks and Logan’s already wild laughter soared higher at the fresh hell. “AHOAHOAHAAoAAOhAOhAANNoNNooOOOTTBBOoOTTH! AOAAhAAHoAAMMmeEERrRCcCYYY!!” Logan tried to convince as his thick hair flew around and he floundered in the stocks, totally wrecked by the massager/brush combo. “Come on, Logan. Just think about it like pledges massaging and cleaning your feet” Zack teased while scrubbing his and Perry’s as ruthlessly as he could, moving up and down both feet with a horizontal back and forth motion neither one of them could hardly stand. 

“I guess it’s about time I test mine out too” Troy decided after hearing the other guys’ jump in laughter. “No! Troy, come on!” Chad tried to deter while catching his breath. “Come on with the massager? Alright sure” Troy ‘obliged’ as he turned on the buzzing device and started toward Chad’s left foot but stopped short after seeing his toes curl with anticipation. “Or should is do this foot?” Troy toyed with him by moving over to the opposite foot and watching his toes crunch the same way as if it was the only possible line of defense he had. “Haha this is more fun than I’d imagined” Troy added before grabbing the left set of nervous toes and forcing them back. “NO! Fucking dick – don’t use that thing on meEEEEHOAHAOHAAA!!!” Chad quickly ascended to high pitched howls of sudden hysteria with the vibrations moving across his taut sole. “Tickles doesn’t it?” Troy taunted, knowing first-hand how insane the massager felt but he wanted Chad to get the worst version of this treatment and held his foot in place to run the buzzing metal balls all over. With no way to flex his foot or even try to dodge the concentrated tickling, Chad jerked in the stocks harder than before like he’d break them in two but Troy knew that just meant he was really getting to him. “AAAAHoAHOAHAOhAOaOHhOOOLLYySSHHIiTTT!! AOahaGGGEEETToOOOfFFFF!!!” 

Devon never got tired of seeing Tommy’s pristine, pretty boy image get totally wrecked by some serious tickling and today was the worst that’d ever been as he floundered in the stocks like a Looney Toon and sweated through his expensive button-down. The senior’s main nemesis since day 1 now had free reign to tickle him as bad as he wanted and Devon was making the most of it. “I know how much you like the massager but you know what’s better than that…2 massagers!” Devon announced with a look of pure panic on Tommy’s face as the buzzing sound he’d grown to hate doubled in front of him and he jerked his legs around hoping to somehow escape until the dreaded massagers were going full-force on both of his perfect soles. “OoOhOHOHohAOHFFUuUUCKK! haOHAohAoAhoANNOONnOO!! AOhAoAHoOhAOHAohAAAAHAOhaOhAA!!” Tommy raged at the spike as Devon worked the tools in circles across the balls, arches, and heels to exploit how incredibly tender every bit of the macho feet were. 

“I told Devon he could use my massager so I hope it’s cool if I use something else” Patrick added as he pulled away from Duke’s feet long enough to grab two plastic combs. “What!? Are you serious right now??” “Completely” Patrick answered before lining the combs up with Duke’s bubbly toes and sawing back and forth across all ten. “AAAH! HAohAOHAohAoOOHOHoHAoahaaoOOHAohNNOOnNnOOO!! AHohaohAAAAFFUUCCKKiInNGSSTToOHOOPPP!!” Duke shouted with newfound desperation as the plastic teeth moved across his toes like the worst pedicure ever. “Damn haha. I guess it works” Patrick laughed at Duke’s reaction as he tugged on the stocks with all his strength, willing to break out anyway he could to avoid the hellacious technique. “What’s worse? This way…or this way?” Patrick questioned as he sawed to the left then back to the right, knowing there was no actual difference. “AHoAHAOHABbOoOOTTHH! aohAOhAohAJjUuSTSSTOoOOpPP TTTHAATtTSSHHiIITT!!” Duke tried to persuade but it only convinced the former spy to keep going, soon leaving his toes altogether to run the rows of teeth zig-zagging down the rest of both feet. 

“Hey, Devon, would you hold this on his foot for a second?” Troy asked. “Sure thing” Devon happily agreed before ruining Chad’s second of relief with the return of the massager as Troy went down to the other end of the row. “Hey, so I have an idea you guys might wanna try. Devon and I tried it before and it’s pretty terrible” Troy explained as he grabbed a long string from the couch and handed it to Zack and Aidan. “What do we do with it?” Zack asked. “Weave it between their toes and pull back and forth; simple as that” “Really? And that works?” Aidan asked. “It did for us” “Alright, thanks, man” Aidan answered as they returned to Jamal, Logan, and Perry and turned off the massagers to follow through with the plan. “What the fuck are you doing?!” Perry asked. “You give speeches with that kind of language??” Zack teased the wannabe politician. “Don’t put that shit between my toes, man! That’s fucked up!” Jamal protested but none of them could stop the duo from lacing the long string between all 30 of their toes. 

“Let’s give it a shot” Aidan added and pulled one way with his end before Zack did the same until they had a solid motion going and each of the three upperclassmen realized what they were in for. “AaAOhoOhaAOOohOHSshIiT! HAOhAOHAHoAnNOoNnO!! AOhAOhAaGGOoDDddAmMIITAoahA!!” Logan, Jamal, and Perry laughed almost in a kind of harmony as they all felt the string pulling between their toes, beautifully exploiting a place most people never even think to tickle someone. Each of them tried to wiggle their toes free or pull their feet back enough to get out but nothing worked and Aidan and Zack continued pulling back and forth at just the right speed. “Ya know, we still have one free hand” Aidan pointed out. “Shit, you’re right” Zack answered as he grabbed a scrub brush and Aidan picked up a massager to go after Perry and Jamal’s feet.  

“AAAHAHAOHAAOHAAWWWHHAATTHHEEFFUUuCCCKK?! AHoAHoAHAOHaaAOAHAOAYyoOouCCAANTTDDooOoOTTHhAAT!!” Perry tried to object. “What are you gonna do about it?” Zack challenged with a smirk as they worked the string between the buffet of frat boy toes and buzzed along the nearest feet like it was the easiest job in the world all while Logan, Perry, and Jamal fell apart with unhinged laughter. After switching the massager to the opposite foot and scratching along Chad’s plush toes for a while Troy looked over at the timer to see there was only about 20 minutes left, prompting him to make a move while the freshmen still had the upper hand. “We’re interested in making a deal so listen up” Troy started without breaking from tickling. “AhAWWHhAAT DdeEAALLL!?” Tommy asked. 

“Agree to get rid of any videos you have of us being tickled and we’ll get rid of the ones we have of you. We can live out the rest of the semester with no beef between us and no servant/master roles so we can all actually enjoy Alpha Phi” Troy laid out, hoping the upperclassmen could think straight enough to answer and be reasonable enough to agree. “And no more trying to fuck with us” Devon added as he moved the massagers around faster to tickle Tommy’s golden feet even worse. “AAHoAhoAhoAOOkoOOOKK! AhOAHAOHAOAHADDeEEAalLL!” Tommy agreed somewhat against his better judgement and ego and Troy breathed a sigh of relief. “SSOOoLlLETTUuUSSGGooOHAO!!” Logan shouted with the string still snaking between his toes. “I’m glad we settled that but we still have to keep tickling you until Adams gets back or he might not be willing to let the whole thing go. Sorry” Troy answered with a halfway sympathetic look before running the massager down Chad’s rosy sole again. “AAHoahAOHACcoOMMEeOONNOAHohAOAHA!!” Chad tried to argue as the rest of the freshmen continued tickling their respective targets, just maybe not quite as mean as before. 

The timer ticked down to 30 seconds and about that time Dean Adams walked through the door to see the Alpha Phi boys still at it, half of them laughing through their sweaty exhaustion and the other half going strong. Troy and Patrick were pulling the string between Chad, Tommy, and Duke’s toes now with Devon alternating the massagers between the six feet while Zack and Aidan used the scrub brushes and combs on Logan, Jamal, and Perry’s stocked feet until the timer finally sounded. “Well it looks like you boys served out your punishment” Dean Adams added after seeing the last bit of the action. “…yes, sir” Tommy answered a little slumped over in his seat. 

“Very well. I hope you all have learned a lesson today that hazing isn’t brotherly or bonding; it’s wrong and if I hear of anymore mistreatment in this house I’ll be forced to remove the offenders from this university. Am I understood?” “Yes, sir” they all answered together. “Good. You can let them out now and all of you remember, I don’t want to hear of anymore trouble from Alpha Phi again” Dean Adams added before leaving the house and the newly truced brothers made good on their promises of deleting any leverage they had on each other. “Well, Mr. President. I hope the rest of our semester together is a peaceful one” Troy added as Tommy finished putting on his shoes and socks. “Yeah me too. You’ve got some balls, Valdez. I like that…just don’t ever tickle me again” “Agreed” Troy answered. “Now let’s put these stocks in the basement where they belong” Tommy suggested. “I think we need to fucking burn em’” Duke added, getting a big laugh from everyone in the room. 

The following weeks went on without a hitch. Most of them actually became pretty close over nights of video games and Greek Life parties and both sides were happy to live without the threat of tickle attacks or humiliating videos getting exposed looming over them. Troy finally got to have the fraternity experience he’d wanted and they all agreed next year would be a fresh start for Alpha Phi with no hazing or bullying or anything of the sort and if anybody would ever try to ruin their new brotherhood they made sure to keep at least one set of stocks handy. Just in case.