taming the lions part 4: the captain

JD didn’t even wait until he got home to text Chris about what’d happened. His feet were still tingling a bit in his shoes and he felt like he’d just gone through a whole other round of football practice, not to mention the guilt weighing on him for ratting Chris out. All he told Chris was that he’d just gotten out of Coach Hecker’s office and that Eric and Joe were right about the stocks, prompting Chris to invite him over. 

The new Lions quarterback sat down on Chris’ bed like he could’ve taken a nap right there, exhausted from the extended tickling. “So what happened?” “Your parents aren’t the kind that listen at the door are they?” JD questioned before answering. “No, I told them you were coming over to work on homework. Now tell me!” Chris pressed and JD exhaled with lingering dread. “He wanted to know who threw the party Saturday” “What’d you say??” “...I told him I didn’t know; I must’ve told him 10 times but he broke me down” “So he knows I threw it?” “Yeah…he knows” JD answered like he’d failed his friend. 

“I tried to hold out but I didn’t realize how ticklish I was…and Coach Hecker didn’t hold back. He wasn’t gonna stop until I gave you up; I think he already had an idea anyway” “So now what? Am I off the team?” Chris challenged. “I think you’re next on his shit list” “Yeah, you’re probably right. So you’re really ticklish enough to let Hecker get to you?” Chris asked with a teasing grin. “Yeah I guess so, alright??” JD admitted with an obvious embarrassment about being so ticklish. “I’m not worried; I’m not ticklish like you guys” “Well you should still avoid Hecker tomorrow. He’s not just gonna let the party go” “Yeah he’s got a real stick up his ass about these rules. Maybe I’ll just skip practice tomorrow” Chris suggested. 

“That’s probably not a bad idea. Man, I’m sorry about giving you up like that. I just couldn’t take anymore” JD apologized. “It’s alright…I guess some guys just aren’t tough enough to handle a little tickling” Chris teased, getting a small grin from JD. “But I do actually have to get back to my homework. It takes a lot longer now that Eric isn’t helping me out” Chris added. “Ok, I’ll see ya tomorrow” JD answered before leaving Chris’ bedroom and the Lions captain couldn’t help but smile to himself, now knowing JD’s weakness if he ever wanted to get to JD. 

The next day just after 3 p.m., Chris, Eric, Joe, and JD all left fourth period History out the side door closest to the parking lot per usual. “So you’re really not going today, huh?” Joe asked. “Nah, fuck Hecker…if he thinks he can tell me what to do my senior year, he’s dumber than he looks” Chris assured with his standard cocky attitude. “Alright, catch ya later” Eric added before they headed toward the locker room and Chris toward his car but standing at the edge of the lot staring right at him was none other than Coach Aaron Hecker. 

“Is there some reason you’re avoiding practice today Hilbert?” “Just got something to take care of, that’s all” “Bullshit. Either you head on to practice with everybody else or you sit out next game” Hecker called Chris’ bluff, stunning Chris a bit; nobody ever challenged him like that. “...whatever” Chris reluctantly agreed and slammed his car door shut before heading toward the locker room ahead of Hecker who made sure he actually went. 

After practice Eric, JD, and Joe all tried to speculate what would happen to their defiant friend. Practice was normal but Chris seemed to be preoccupied, like he too was wondering what awaited him. “I thought you weren’t coming today” Eric questioned. “Yeah well, Hecker was fucking stalking me in the parking lot” “What do you think he’s gonna do?” JD asked. “I don’t know but I’m ready for anything” Chris answered as he undressed in front of his locker. Everyone trickled out of the locker room just like they always did but before Chris could make it out the door, he heard his name. “Hilbert, my office” Aaron called out, stopping the headstrong 18 year old in his tracks and redirecting him the opposite way. 

“Yes?” Chris questioned upon arrival. “Follow me” was all Hecker said before leading him to the storage room his friends had all talked about. Chris rolled his eyes after Aaron told him to walk in and he finally saw the tickle chair that’d punished his friends so severely. “That’s it?” “Take a seat” “Dude, you're wasting your time. You’d be better off making me do push ups or run laps; this isn’t gonna do anything” Chris assured like he was saving him the effort. “Just sit down” Aaron insisted and Chris sighed with compliance as if it was too silly to take seriously. 

Hecker knew Chris’ reputation by now. He was a top dog at Richland High; the captain of the football team and wrestling team, homecoming king, and the unofficial leader of his friend group. Aaron could admit that he was a nice looking guy, a stud really with a lean yet muscled body, a head full of dark hair, and a naturally mischievous/charming smile. The problem was Chris knew all that too and wasn’t shy about being cocky and relishing in his cool guy, jock status, especially during his last year of high school. Hecker also knew he was a good athlete but he’d have to be humbled a bit if he was gonna stay on the team. 

Aaron locked Chris’ arms above his head with the same straps his buddy’s had been in and got him to put his legs in the stocks to lock his ankles in place too, all while Chris remained cool and collected. “Bro, I’m not even ticklish…not even in this chair unless it’s magic or some shit” “Yeah your friend, JD said that too but he crumbled pretty quick” Hecker dismissed as he sat in front of the big size 13 feet now firmly locked in the stocks. Aaron took the heels of both sneakers in his hands like he had the players before and tugged them loose with one good pull before taking them the rest of the way off. “I’m telling you, Coach, this is seriously a fucking joke; it’s not gonna work” Chris doubled down before Hecker grabbed the edges of his sweaty socks and put them in the sneakers on the floor. The tops of his feet were a bit sun-kissed and the soles were the bright shade of pink that gave away how much work they’d been putting in the last few hours, just as soft and smooth as JD’s and Eric’s after the other practices. 

“Where’d you even get this chair? Pervs Plus?” Chris mocked with his arrogance on full-display but Aaron wasn’t nearly as vexed as he would’ve been, not with him so vulnerable in front of him. “Ya know, I wanted to punish Marquez and Orlowski for doing the wrong thing and JD too for the most part but with you, partying is just the tip of the iceberg. You walk around like you own this whole school and can do whatever you want because you’re popular and play football; a guy as cocky as you deserves to be taken down a peg or two” Hecker explained but Chris just laughed and brushed it off. “God, college football must’ve made you a pussy…or maybe you always were” Hilbert answered but Hecker didn’t respond this time, instead running his index fingers up both bare feet. 

His feet immediately jerked in the stocks, reflexively trying to avoid the tickling but Chris quickly realized how trapped they were as Aaron dragged the single finger up and down over and over. The mouthy jock bit his lip and looked away like he was focusing and Hecker could tell he was having a real ‘oh shit’ moment in his head, unable to hide or control his body’s reaction. “What’s wrong, tough guy?” Aaron taunted as Chris exhaled sharply through his nose and his jaw tightened, even looking up to see if he could force his way out of the straps but he was totally stuck. “It’s just a finger, it can’t be that bad can it?” Hecker piled on to mess with Chris’ ego and his macho image as he continued gliding up and down the supple soles. 

Chris’s face grew red and his arms surged with all their strength to bust out as he struggled more and more to hold it in, his breathing becoming irregular and his frustration intensifying in the chair the longer it went on. He didn’t have any reason to think he was ticklish before today; he couldn’t recall being tickled even as a kid and nobody sure as hell tried it now but Hecker was proving him wrong with every stroke down his powerful feet. Aaron waited until Chris looked like he was ready to spit fire and suddenly started raking down both feet with four fingers on each foot and just like that - bingo. 

“AAhohAAohFFUuuHUCK! AohAohAGGEETToOoFF!! iIiSsaaIidDGGEETTooOFF!! SSTTOHOHAOopPP MmEeSSsiIinNGGWWIiTThhmMyYFFEETT!!” fired out of Chris with a robust stream of laughter as he shook in the chair and his feet wiggled in place but of course Aaron didn’t miss a beat. “Not ticklish, huh?” “AhOAAFFuuCCkKYYoOuUU!! SssTTOoOpPpTThhAATTsSshHiIiTT!” Hilbert tried to enforce but he didn’t have any authority here. “I want you to stop throwing parties and partying this season at all” Hecker pressed while making sure his fingers were wide enough to get the entire sole each time he dragged his nails down them. “AAhAOhANnOOO!! AOhAOhaAohAIImMMNnOooTTDDoOOOiiiNnGGiITT!!” “Always the hard way” Aaron answered, humored by how stubborn all the seniors were. Chris may have turned out to be seriously ticklish but he had a reputation to keep up and it was his senior year afterall; he wasn’t about to stop partying and having fun just to appease their new coach. Chris’ pride wouldn’t let him surrender to Hecker so easily, if at all but Aaron planned on changing that. 

Hecker’s raking paid off when he heard a sharper laugh at one point, drawing him back to the spot as Chris shot him daggers from the chair. “This was the spot, right?” Aaron double checked to piss him off more before focusing on the rich, wide balls of both feet. “AAAHAoaANNOoAoAOH! GGooODdDdAAMMmIiITT!! AohAohAaTTHHiIiSSbBBuUlLLSShHiiITT!!” Chris howled as he confirmed the suspicion and Aaron scratched from side to side across the balls with slow, patient sweeps to draw it out. Part of Hecker became nervous after seeing how strong Hilbert really was, watching him shake the chair and pull on the back with the straps as hard as he could until his biceps were bulging but thankfully it kept him perfectly secure. At the same time Chris was horrified to see how solid the stocks were, sure he could break out but they didn’t give an inch. 

Aaron had never heard such heavy laughter from someone trying so hard not to let it out, almost as if he could hear the reluctance in his voice as he fought to contain the embarrassing reaction. But that’s what Hecker wanted, to make him realize he wasn’t as tough or cool as he thought he was. “GGeETTTThhEEEFFuUucCkKOoFFmMEEE AahoAOHA!!” Chris raged while still fighting the stocks but Aaron’s fingers didn’t stop, instead giving the balls a few more devastating scratches before exploring the extra-soft looking toes. 

“NnnOO!! DDoOnnTTmMEESSWWiiTThhmMYYTTOoEESS!! AohAOHASShHiIITTCCOOmMEEOoNN!!” Chris protested while trying to fan his toes out or crunch them down but Aaron just forced them back with a few tickles before really getting to the silky undersides and letting his nails do their worst. Chris’ head flew back with another wave of uncontrollable laughter as he floundered in the chair and Hecker grinned at the full-body reaction. “I guess it’s a good thing I got you to come to practice today or you never would’ve found out how ticklish you and these big feet are…toes too, can’t forget those” Aaron teased to watch Chris grow more frustrated. “AAHoAohAASSHHuuTTTuUUpp!! LlLEETTmMEEGGoOO!!” 

“Sorry, Hilbert…this isn’t homeroom or one of your little parties; this is my locker room and I’m in control here. You get out when I say you get out” Hecker reminded with a stern voice to reassert his dominance. “If you’re smart you’ll do what I say and save yourself more embarrassment” he tacked on as he drifted back to the balls and started clawing along them again. “AAhoAOhAohAAKKIiiSSMmyYyYAASsS!!” Chris refused, still laughing his head off but still not willing to give into Hecker. Aaron just laughed to himself at Hilbert’s defiance and finally left the ripe feet after about 10 more minutes, giving Chris the illusion of victory before he realized Hecker was only relocating. 

Chris’ t-shirt was a cut-off like JD’s but his was even less of a shirt, with most of his buff upper body on display thanks to his arms being stuck over his head. “Something tells me your feet aren’t your only spot…where there’s one there’s usually more” Aaron taunted while standing next to the chair. “You got lucky…that’s all” Chris assured as if his sculpted body could never be ticklish, his feet just a fluke. “Still so cocky…I can fix that” Hecker answered before reaching down through the large openings of the shirt and wrapping his hands around the bottom of his sides, feeling Chris’ muscles tighten up in preparation before he started squeezing. 

“MMMHM!!!” Chris fumed with the sudden sensations and lunged forward in the chair like he was doing anything to not laugh. Aaron smiled behind him after confirming his suspicion and got a kick out of how much Hilbert was willing to fight it but that only encouraged the new coach to keep going. Hecker’s strong fingers dug into Chris’ abs and along the sides and even his hips a bit with his by now, signature monster grip until the handsome captain couldn’t hold it back any longer. “AAohAOhAohASSTTOHOPP!! AOhAOHAMMooOTThHEERFFuUUCCkkEERR!! AOhAOhaGGETTOOofFmMmMEEE!!” Chris roared with a big, full-bodied laugh that didn’t seem to wanna end as he writhed in the chair. 

“Looks like you’re 0-2 there, Hilbert” Aaron pointed out in hopes of wearing down his ego some more. “AHOAOhAFFUUCCkKYYooUUuAohAOHA!!” Hecker knew that was all he could say back to retain some level of his image, having to face by now that he was indeed far more ticklish than he ever realized. Aaron started moving up his sides a little at a time to get more of Chris’ stomach and his laughter spiraled higher with more violent attempts to get away and his Instagram perfect abs proving no defense against the targeted attack.Hecker admired Chris’ resistance to giving in on some level, hell all the guys had made him really tickle the shit out of them but he had a feeling Hilbert would be the toughest to crack of the bunch. 

“IIMMmGGoOnnAa GGEETTyYOOOU FFFIiiRrEEDDD!!” Chris threatened as the ruthless hands wiggled in on either side of his bellybutton and a quick twinge of anxiety ran through the young coach, surprised even Hilbert was ballsy enough to try that. “Making this public is only gonna backfire on you…everybody in school, and soon the guys at rival schools are gonna know how ticklish The Lions captain is” Hecker challenged, knowing that would really throw a wrench in Chris’ reputation/image. “YyYEEEAAHHRRRiiIGGhhTT!” “Try it and see” Aaron insisted before suddenly jumping to Chris’ ribs and getting another outburst of raging laughter. 

“AAhoAOhAFFFuUcCCkKAohAOhAANnOnNNoO!!” Hilbert’s mighty arms strained against the straps again but Aaron just kept digging in, using two fingers on both sides to work between each of the ribs all the way up and back down again. “Agree to stop throwing parties and I’ll stop” Aaron reminded. “AahoNnnOoO!!! JJuUSSTTLlEEETTmMEEGGOo!!” “Sorry, Hilbert…that’s not an option” Hecker rejected before his fingers started speeding up, drilling between every single rib with tighter concentration. “FFuUUAAHACCkkKAOhOAhANnoONANoAHOAH!!” Chris laughed harder and bucked forward and around in the chair like a tornado. 

Now a pretty seasoned tickler, Aaron heard a sudden spike in Chris’ laughter when he landed a certain way in the middle of his ribs and without even mentioning the sweet spot, dove back in and stayed there to exploit the discovery. “SShHIITTAhoAHANNoONNoOO!! AohAohaCCoOmMmEEoOoONN!!” Chris’ mouth opened wider with more intense, surprised laughter like he couldn’t believe he could have such a weakness. Hecker could be a real hard ass on the field but he was proving to be a far meaner tickler as he made Chris break a sweat from the merciless rib tickling. His stiff fingers jabbed into the stubborn 18 year old for close to 15 minutes until he finally decided to give his hands a rest. 

Hilbert wilted in the chair once the tickling ended and he caught his breath like he’d been running laps instead, his eyes shifting to Hecker like he was seeing a new side of the clean-cut coach. “I’ve been in your shoes, Hilbert…the one all the guys on the team look up to…the one they follow. It can make you feel on top of the world, like you’re untouchable…but it’s also a lot of responsibility. You have a high status at this school and what you do matters…that’s why you can be the one to really help The Lions reach their full potential” Aaron laid out. “The hell are you talking about??” “If you party, the team thinks it’s ok to party…but if you set an example and don’t break the rules, they probably won’t either” Hecker elaborated, trying to convince Chris to use his power for good instead of being a bad influence. 

“...you may be my coach but you can’t control what I do. It’s my senior year…I’m not letting you ruin it because you think you need to prove something your first year here. Fuck that” Chris refused with a sting to Hecker’s own ego. “You’ll change your mind…eventually” Aaron assured before returning to stand behind Chris but he let him sweat it out for a few seconds of suspense before finally plunging into both defined armpits. “OOHohASshHiiItTAOhOhaNnoOAhOAH!! GGEETTthHHEEFFuUuCCkKkOoFF AAASSshHOoolLLLEEE!!” Chris demanded through another forced smile but Hecker was more than happy to put him through it now.

“I think you’re the most ticklish senior on the team, Hilbert…what good is all this muscle doing you?” Aaron taunted with a slap on his triceps to fuck with him before quickly diving back into the hairy underarms, digging in with all ten fingers to see how loud Chris could get. The golden boy of Richland High had never wanted to put his arms by his sides more in his life, so used to being in control and on top in every situation that he didn’t know how to handle being so defenseless. “AaohaiIiSSWWwEEAaRRTToOoOGGOodDmMaaANN! YYyoOOOuUUbBEETTEeERrRsSTTHOOHPP!!” Chris tried to intimidate Hecker into backing down but Aaron just tickled him more, suddenly switching to rapid-fire jabs in both pits between the muscle-lining of his shoulders that gave Hecker such a clear target. 

“AAAhOAoAohAohANNnoOahoAOH!!” Hilbert let out with his fists clenched and a heated ticklish frustration that only seemed to get worse but Aaron was willing to push him as far as he needed to. “A case of beer on a Friday night can’t be worth this…not for such a ticklish guy like you” Hecker asked but Chris just grunted through the heavy laughter like he was ready to Hulk out of the chair, still not willing to accept how ticklish he was. 

Hecker’s brutal jabs soon started exploring more of Chris’ pits, slowly descending down until he heard Chris nearly squeal with a high-pitched outburst. Hilbert immediately clamped his mouth shut like he wasn’t about to acknowledge it but Aaron grinned from behind him and started jackhammering into that same spot between his ribs and armpits like pistons on a machine. Chris nearly bit his lip in half for the three seconds he was able to hold out until finally breaking and filling the storage room with howling laughter, in even a higher pitch than before which only made it more humiliating. “NNnoOOO!! AOhANNNOOOOHAOHAOAOhAASSTTOoOHAPPP!!” Chris shouted as he rocked in the chair the little he could but the frantic reaction told Aaron he was getting somewhere. 

Hecker’s focused assault was nothing short of catastrophic, refusing to give Chris a moment of peace or a second to catch his breath while the vicious fingers landed blow after blow into his tight body. “AAhOAHOAFFuUUCCKK!! AhoAHACCOOmMeEEOONNN!! NnOoomMMoOOREETTiIiCCkKliIInNGG!” Hilbert tried to persuade with his most humble tone yet, unable to handle such direct tickle torture after several minutes. As much as Hecker wanted to teach him a lesson and punish Chris, he knew this was the perfect time to pivot into his next move. He could keep going at the base of his pits but it wouldn’t do him much good if Chris passed out after 30 minutes there, so Hecker pulled away from the pits and granted Hilbert brief mercy. 

The blonde muscleman moved back around to the front of the stocks while Chris took a breather but the cocky captain couldn’t exactly relax, not with Hecker so close to his big bare feet. “Tell you what, Hilbert…if you can last 10 seconds without laughing I’ll let you out” Aaron offered, rekindling the look of macho confidence usually on Chris’ face. “10 seconds, that’s it?” “Yep” Hecker confirmed and Chris sat up straight in the chair, prepared to earn an easy escape. “Ready?” “Yeah” Chris agreed with a sweaty, focused brow before Aaron went to town on the handsome 13s. Hilbert jerked in his seat like he wasn’t expecting such a severe attack and tried to control himself as the killer nails scribbled all over his tender pink soles. 

Hecker’s fingers moved with lightning speed and cruel enthusiasm to really wreck Chris, far worse than the first time he’d tickled his feet. “5…6…7” Aaron counted and Hilbert had never looked so stressed, his face tight and red and his juicy toes wiggling in every direction for sanctuary until, “AhoAHOOkOoKKkoAOHAOAH FFUuUUCCKK!!” Chris erupted with ticklish defeat. “Ooh, so close” “No! Come on, let me try again!” Hilbert borderline begged. “Fine. Starting…now” Hecker agreed but began again sooner than Chris anticipated. 

This time he scratched down both feet with a harsh raking from the base of his toes to the heels just slow enough to make Chris wonder when each stroke would finally end. The hunky homecoming king bucked and kicked around in the stocks wilder than before like he could distract himself from the nails dragging down his supple soles as Hecker counted each agonizing second. “4…5…6…7…8” was as high as Aaron got before Chris broke, “AAhohOAhAAONNOONNO!! AohAOHOAOHaAhoSSTTOoOpP!! SSSTHoHPPP!!” Hecker obliged and backed off the smooth jock feet to see Chris realize he’d failed again. 

“Coach, come on, one more time…I can do it - I swear! Just give me a minute” Hilbert tried to negotiate. “Sorry, Chris…you had your chance to get out, two actually” “No! This is bullshit! I’m not doing this anymore!!” “You don’t have a choice, captain” Coach Hecker reminded to make sure Chris understood who was in control here and pulled his chair back up in front of the stocked feet like he was gonna be there a while. “NO! Don’t touch my fucking feet!! I’m serious, man!! I don’t give a shit, I’m still partying this year! You can’t stop me!!” “Well I’m not letting you out until you agree to my rules so until then; it’s you, me, and the tickle chair” Aaron made clear before prying back the toes of his left foot, prepared to tickle Chris until he regretted every party he’d ever thrown.