taming the lions part 8: settling the score

With a bruised ego and his severe ticklishness now common knowledge among the group, Chris joined JD, Eric, and Joe in JD’s living room after the impromptu tickle war. “You alright there, Hilbert?” Joe teased as Chris took a seat, “Never been better” the captain answered with a sarcastic smile and a laugh from the others before they got down to business. “Alright, so we play at home this Friday. That could be a good time to go after Coach Hecker” Chris suggested. “We could use the backdoor to the school; Mr. Richards never remembers to lock it” Eric added. “That dude barely remembers he’s a janitor half the time” Joe chimed in, a joke about the aging custodian JD didn’t get. 

“Sounds like a good plan to me” JD added. “But we’re gonna have to do more than just tickle him if we don’t want the plan to backfire on us. I don’t think just torturing him for a while is gonna stick; he’ll retaliate” Joe pointed out. “We could always film it…that way we have some leverage to make sure nobody else gets tickled and he doesn’t come back at us somehow” Eric suggested. “Good idea. He’s gonna fucking hate us after this haha” Joe agreed, picturing how pissed Hecker would be once they actually had him where they wanted him. 

That Friday night The Lions took on The Panthers, their long-standing rivals and the whole town seemed to come out to support the team. Aaron Hecker shouted from the sidelines and strategized the whole night while his players excelled on the field until the fourth quarter ended and The Lions were victorious. Everyone was excited about the big win but the four seniors knew the best part of the night was yet to come as they made their way to the locker room with everyone else. “That was a hell of a game, fellas! This is what can happen when we call play as a team and are on the same page. I know it’s been a rocky transition for some of you since I started but just remember how you feel tonight the next time I’m hard on you. It’s worth it. Alright, I’ll see everybody on Monday, now get out of here!” Hecker explained and the gang couldn’t help but exchange a similar humored look; they might have been more annoyed if any animosity they felt toward their new coach wasn’t about to be settled with his own methods. 

Within the hour the locker room was empty, with no Lion in sight but their coach still in his office. Chris, Joe, Eric, and JD slipped in through the backdoor after finding it just as unlocked as they expected and quietly returned to the locker room without alerting Hecker. Chris was the first to see him still at his desk doing something on the computer, his broad shoulders and short hair cut like a silhouette from the screen light. Like they’d discussed, Chris tossed one of the football tees across the locker room to get Aaron’s attention. The boys watched with anticipation as Hecker stood up and walked out of his office to inspect the noise, “Somebody still here?” he asked. “Yep!” Chris answered before they sprang into action. 

With Joe and Chris picking him up and Eric grabbing his keys to unlock the storage room, they carried him to the room with the infamous stocks. “The hell are you doing?! Let me go! NOW! I’m fucking serious!!” Aaron did his best to demand as JD and Eric prepared the stocks for him. “No! Fuck that!! I’m not getting in there!! Back off now or you’re all off the team!!” “Yeah yeah” Joe dismissed as he put his muscles to use to keep a hold on Hecker with Chris’ help. It wasn’t easy but they eventually got him locked in the stocks, one arm at a time and then his feet until he was in the same position he’d tickled each of them. 

“Let me outta this now! You guys are in deep shit when I get out…I’ll get all of you expelled for this! You think any college is gonna want you guys after being expelled? Huh??” Hecker tried to intimidate, hoping to scare them into ditching the plan. Chris could see the look of concern on JD and Eric’s faces like they were beginning to reconsider after the threat but the captain took charge like he was known to do. “Hey, Joe, help me with his shoes and socks” Chris instructed. “Sure thing” Joe agreed with a flashy, mischievous smile toward Aaron as his strong arms fought against the straps. Eric set up his tripod in the corner and got his phone ready to record while JD locked the locker room entrances before returning to see Hecker’s big size 15 feet now totally bare and completely vulnerable in the stocks in front of them. The sight was enough to convince him and Eric that their plan had come too far to abandon; he was theirs now. 

As the young coach struggled to escape his own trap, flashbacks of his own senior year hit him with a vivid memory of his worst day as a Lion. He was the star of the team hands down but had his own problem with partying, so much so that he began showing up late to practices and playing sloppy during games. That was until one day mid-way through the season, the coach let the rest of his players convince Aaron to straighten up his act. While undressing after practice, a handful of his buddies ganged up on him and tied him up to fuck with him a bit, securing his hands behind his back and his ankles together. Of course 18 year old Hecker put up a hell of a fight and threatened to kick all their asses to kingdom come but they ended up dragging him out onto the field. 

Hecker was a bronco of a man even back then and fought against the rope with impressive strength as his teammates laughed and teased him with wet willies and titty twisters before deciding to tie his legs to the goal post. They intended to leave him there so the sprinklers could eventually get him but one fellow senior had the bright idea to take off his cleats and dirty socks to see if the mighty Aaron Hecker’s big feet were ticklish. The blonde jock was prepared to pull down the goal post to prevent them from tickling him but couldn’t stop them from discovering how insanely ticklish his feet were. 

The handful of guys took turns scratching and scribbling all over his naked feet and tickling the shit out of Aaron, his soles supple and soft like they always got after hours of running on the football field and sweating in his cleats. It wasn’t long at all before the rest of the team showed up and lined up for their chance to tickle Aaron, none of them interested in showing him even a little mercy as they had their way with his massive feet. HIs macho threats soon became desperate begging that day on the football field but his teammates couldn’t be convinced to let up; they may have all been friends but it was too priceless of an opportunity to just stop tickling him because he couldn’t take it. 

Aaron wasn’t untied and allowed to stop laughing until hours later, finally released as the team’s tickle toy and told by another senior that it was all to get him to stop partying. Hecker couldn’t believe it at the time and wanted to fire back but out of fear of his weakness being used against him again, he stopped partying altogether. Despite having a killer rest of the season, he had to put up with almost constant jokes and teasing about how ticklish he was but once he graduated his reputation as the football star with crazy ticklish feet died; he made sure of it. Nobody during his whole four years of college found out about his weakness, hell even his fiance didn’t know how bad off he was; he’d managed to keep his secret under wraps and his feet safe from any tickling since he was 18, that was until now. 

“You guys are wasting your time; I’m not even ticklish” Aaron proclaimed with a stern, superior tone like he wasn’t susceptible to such a juvenile weakness. Chris scoffed at the remark and Eric tried to read him to see if he was lying but JD, with his own burst of courage stepped up to the plate to challenge Hecker. “Chris tried the same trick with me and he didn’t fool me either” JD added as he grabbed two nearby chairs and planted them in front of the stocked feet. “Chris, you wanna help me test him out?” “Hell yeah” Chris answered and Aaron’s whole body tensed up, still in his khaki pants and blue Richland High polo from the game. 

“You guys are in so much trouble when I get outta here…I’m gonn-” Hecker suddenly stopped once he felt two fingers make contact with his soft, buttery soles. His face tightened with a laser focus on controlling himself but the abrupt poker face told JD and Chris they were onto something. Joe and Eric smiled from either side of the stocks as they watched Hecker’s meaty feet try to not wiggle too much and his mouth refuse to open while JD and Chris ran up and down his trapped feet. Hecker knew what was at stake if he broke, fully aware that even the slightest giggle would prove he was ticklish and prompt the boys to really let him have it. 

“Look at him, he’s gonna start sweating in a minute” Joe taunted while Aaron’s stone jaw refused to budge and he began to fume through his nose with mounting frustration. “You know what they say about big feet don’t you?” Chris asked. “They’re extra ticklish” Eric answered as Hecker’s fists clenched above him and he did his best to think of anything but the fingers gliding along his fresh soles. “I think it’s time to take it up a notch” JD suggested and Chris agreed before their index finger attacks became five fingers on each foot with a sudden scratching all over both bare feet. Hecker pulled on the arm attachment of the stocks and tried to force his way out of his own device before he could react but within a few seconds it was all over. “AhoAOHAOOOKKoOKK!! AOhAOhAGGEETTToOOoFFF!! AOhaOhAhohAOAHAGGUUyYSSSEEnNnoOoUuGGhH!!” Hecker exploded with hardy, pent-up laughter as he shook in the sturdy stocks. 

“Haha yes! I knew it!” JD announced with an excited smile. “Oh man, you’re in for it now” Chris added while clawing along the long right arch. “AHAOhAOhFFUUuCCkKyYoUUU!! LLLEETtmmMMEEGGOoO!!” “We’ve gotta get you in the gym some more, Coach; then maybe you could break out” Joe teased with a dig at Aaron’s macho image. “You could’ve at least held out a little longer…I mean was that even two minutes?” Eric tacked on as Hecker raged against the stocks and tried to pull his feet away from his running back and quarterback having such a blast tickling them. “IImMMGGONnNAA KKiiiCCkKyYoOUUuGGUUyYSSOofFF TTHEETTEEAAMM!!” “Good luck winning anymore games without us then” Chris answered with a devious smirk toward him, challenging the power Aaron thought he had.

His plump toes curled and flexed while his feet writhed in the stocks but they could only move around so much, not nearly enough to even get close to avoiding Chris and JD as their short nails wreaked pure, uninterrupted havoc. “AAHohAAoNNnOOO!! IIMmMSSsEeEERRiIIOoUUUSS!! YYoOuUBbEETTEeeRRsSSTTHoOOPPP!!!” “You hear that guys? He’s serious” Joe taunted, knowing Hecker couldn’t do a thing to him like this. “How about we play one of your games? If you can not laugh for 10 seconds we’ll let you go? Think you can handle that?” Chris offered as he and JD’s fingers slowed. “Easy” Aaron answered between breaths, his confidence sweetening the anticipation among his players. 

“Alright, let’s do it then. Eric, you mind counting?” Chris asked. “Gotcha. In 3…2…1 - Go!” Eric announced as Aaron braced himself for the fresh assault and Chris and JD returned to his rich soles meaner than before. “1…2…3” Eric started counting while Chris scribbled all over the right foot and JD isolated his attacks to the base of the left toes and the balls with sharp, harsh drags. Hecker’s whole body seized up from the first second, like granite to endure the hellish sensations and he closed his eyes to focus on not laughing but by second 5 he was bucking from side to side like a pot about to boil over. “5…6…7” Eric continued and JD and Chris started tickling even faster, making Aaron’s eyes open with surprise and his lips begin to tremble with less and less control until finally on the 9th second, “AhAOHAohaoAHASSTTTHOHOOPP!! AOhaAHOAOHSSTTTHOOOoPPPPIIITT!!” shot out of Hecker with a truly thunderous eruption with his mouth as big as it could get until JD and Chris stopped.

“I thought it was gonna be easy?? You couldn’t even last 10 seconds?? Come on!” Chris teased with his usual cocky smile to burn Aaron up and rub in his failure. “Let me go NOW! Or I swear you guys won’t see another game all seas-AOhAOhoAAoAOhhOAHAOHAAsSSHhiIIITTAOHAOAH!!” Hecker tried his best to threaten before getting cut off by JD raking down the length of his left foot with wide fingers before Chris mimicked his approach and clawed down the right from his toes to his thick heel. “AAHAOhAOhAOAFFuUUCCKkAhoaHOAHA GGEEtTooOoffff!!!” Aaron roared while his buff body slung itself around in the tickle chair, realizing now how incredibly effective it was at leaving someone defenseless to endless tickling. 

“I have an idea; I’ll be right back” Eric announced while Chris and JD continued dominating Hecker’s smooth feet. Aaron was laughing far too hard to care about where Eric was going but when he returned with the same white board he’d used during Eric’s session, a twinge of fresh dread ran up his spine. “Joe and I want a turn. I’m gonna see how well Coach knows his calculus” Eric announced. “This should be good” Joe added with another grin toward Aaron before taking a seat in front of the stocks and JD and Chris stood on the sidelines to enjoy the new development.

“You gotta be kidding me…I’m not doing any fucking math problems! I swear to God you better let me go - NOW!” Aaron barked with another strong jolt in the stocks but by now Eric wasn’t shaken by his authority. “You made me figure out calc problems in my head so you are too” “And if you get one wrong, you’ll get this” Joe added with an electric scribbling across the 26 year old's feet. “AhoAHAOOKOoOK!!” “Great, let’s get started. What’s the limit of this equation?” Eric asked as he flipped around the small white board and Aaron rolled his eyes at the problem, not even having had taken calculus in high school. “...I don’t fucking know! Alright?? Just stop this shit!” “Final answer?” “Orlowski, I’m serious!! Let me gGOoahoAOhAohAOAHNNOonONO!!” Joe could barely wait to punish the big feet in front of him, more than happy that he couldn’t figure out the answer. 

“Looks like you’re 0 for 1, Coach” Joe rubbed in while ravaging the tender soles, his large hands like machines excellent for dominating such monster feet. “Didn’t you go to college, Coach? Shouldn’t you be able to solve a simple problem?” Chris chimed in with a surprise poke into his ribs to make him jerk hard the opposite way. “AHAOHFFuUuCCkKYYyOOUuUGGUuyYSS!!” Aaron fired back just before Joe stopped and Eric presented him with another problem. “Alright, how about this one?” the nerd of the group asked with another equation Hecker didn’t have any idea how to solve. His head drooped backwards a bit with a moan of frustration and forceful yank on the wrist straps before answering, “5…that’s my answer” “5?” “Yep” Hecker confirmed with a clenched jaw, preparing himself for the coming assault. “Wow, that’s actually the right answer” Eric laughed. “Wait, really??” “Nope” Eric corrected with a cruel fake-out. “You little shitahoAHAOhAoAHohAAohAAHAoHAAFFuUUCCKK!!” Aaron practically came out of the stocks as he lifted himself up a little before landing back in the seat to take his punishment, praying that Joe’s tickling would start to lose its potency after a while but no such luck came his way. 

“Do his toes, Joe!” JD suggested and the hulking lineman obliged, stretching his fingers up to scratch along the plush undersides of the pink toes. “AHAoHAAohAOHAMmoOOTThHEERRFFfuuUuCCkkEeeRRR!!” Hecker shouted with a new tightness in his throat as the wild laughter took its toll on him but the boys didn’t care; he deserved to be broken a bit. “Alright, next question” Eric announced and Marquez gave Hecker’s mighty feet a break, allowing Aaron to look at the board. He knew it was pointless to even try and assess the equation but he couldn’t believe his eyes when he recognized the problem as one of the many he’d quizzed Eric on. “...it’s 3! It’s 3 right?” “Ooh so close” “No! The answer is 3 - you’re cheating!” “I know why you think it’s 3 but this part right here is just a little different so no, you’re wrong again” Eric pointed out and Aaron’s temper flared.

“I don’t give a shit if I’m wrong, let me go right now or you’re all going down! I meanHaohoAHohaOHaAAOhOAhAOHAOHAAohAOHAAAA!!” Joe cut Aaron off with a sudden avalanche of sensations, forcing Hecker into angry hysterics as Marquez really gave him his worst. “Too bad you didn’t just let us keep cheating off of Orlowski…maybe he would’ve given you easier problems” Chris taunted while they all watched the handsome muscle man face his supreme ticklishness at the hands of his own players. 

“Damn, tickling’s hard work” Joe laughed as he stood up and cracked his knuckles and Hecker sat there catching his breath with a sour, sweaty expression. “Enough…you got me back, now let me go…I’m giving you a chance to avoid any consequences if you just let me out now” Aaron offered, hoping at least a couple of them would take the deal. “Sorry, Coach; this isn’t a negotiation. You see the phone set up over there? It’s recording this whole thing so if you do get the idea to get us in trouble or bench us for the rest of the season, we’ll send the video to everybody on the team. Just think of how fast it’ll get around town after that” Chris explained while Hecker was able to think straight without any tickling. 

“You guys are fucked up for this…I’m your coach! You can’t just blackmail me!!” “Wanna bet?” Chris challenged with another cocky smirk and as much as Aaron debated on if they actually had the balls to spread the video of them tickling him, the idea of how extremely ticklish he was getting around was his worst nightmare. He’d managed to shake that label when he graduated high school and made sure nobody ever discovered his achilles heel since so the thought of 8 years of work being undone with the simple click of a send button shook him to his core. 

Aaron’s face grew even more red as he realized how screwed he was and Eric took a seat in front of his feet, reminding him he was still very much at their mercy. “This made me think about one time this summer during our family reunion when my older cousins Doug and Mike had some fun with me in the yard. Doug sat on me and Mike stole my shoes and socks for a round of ‘this little piggy’. Ever heard of it?” Eric explained as if to let him have time to fear for his toes. “You serious right now??” “Yep” Orlowski answered before taking the left pinky toe between his fingers. 

“This little piggy tried out for the team…” “Dammit, Orlowski - cut it out!” “And this little piggy made the cut” Eric continued as he rolled the second smallest toe between his fingers to realize even that tickled him. “Stop!” “Then this little piggy became the quarterback…” Eric commentated as he toyed with the middle toe a bit. “Goddammit! Leave my toes alone!!” “This little piggy caught the ball…” “Eric! I’m not joking!!” “And this little piggy ran wee wee wee all the way down the field!” Eric announced with a firm wiggle of the big toe before wiggling down the rest of his foot with all ten fingers. “AAHohAOhAOhAAoAHASSTTHohoPPP!! AohAOhaohaACCOoMMEEEOOnNN!!” Hecker floundered in the chair like he hated how effective the childish game was but Eric’s quick fingers scurried up and down his high arch and thick balls non-stop, refusing to go easy on him. 

“First time playing this little piggy huh? I know, I know…it can be a lot” Eric taunted while working over his coach’s embarrassingly ticklish foot and watching him buck around with fresh frustration. “Alright, let’s see what’s the story with these piggies over here” Eric proposed as he moved onto the second set of toes and Aaron curled them tight to prevent anymore teasing. “You can’t stop a good game of this little piggy, Coach” Eric assured with a quick scratch along the heel to force his toes to loosen up. “Fuck me!” Aaron grunted and the others laughed at his aggravation as the brain of the team eyed the new row of juicy toes. 

“This little piggy partied a little too much…” Eric began with a wiggle of the pinky toe and Hecker stiffened his whole body to white knuckle his way through the new round. “And this little piggy shared his answers too much…” Eric narrated as he played with the second toe. “This little piggy was too cocky for his own good…” Eric explained with a look back at Chris who was lapping up the prolonged teasing. “Then this little piggy wouldn’t betray his friend…” Orlowski continued before taking hold of the big toe. “And this little piggy got put in his own stocks and tickled by all the other piggies!” Eric ended and broke into a furious scribbling attack across the wide foot. “...FFuUuCCkKAOAohAoHAAOH FFuUuCCKkiINNnGGSSTTHOHOHPP!! aohAohAOHAOAAOhAAA!!” Aaron tried his very best to hold it in but couldn’t control himself with the nails terrorizing his foot. 

Eric didn’t stop until he could see the faint lines of his previous scratches on Hecker’s sole but him stopping didn’t make Aaron any less heated, “You little shits! You can’t fucking do this to meAHAohAohAOAOHaAnNOoONooO!!” Hecker couldn’t finish his outburst thanks to Joe sneaking up from behind and going after his armpits. “Damn! His pits are ticklish too haha. You’ve got all that muscle and all it takes is some tickling to take you down…those biceps must exist solely to protect your pits” Joe teased as Aaron’s admittedly thick arms strained to break out of the straps but his own trap was too strong for him. “FFuUuUCCkKOoOOFFF!!” “No way, you thought it was a good idea to tickle my armpits so I’m gonna get yours” Marquez reminded with another bit of karma for him. 

“We didn’t wanna use just any feathers…we figured blue would be in line with school spirit” JD explained as he took out four blue feathers and handed two to Eric as he joined him in front of the stocks. “NNoOOO!! FFFuUUCCkKyYYooUuURRFFEEaAATThheERRSSS!!” JD laughed at the reaction and the moment of disbelief in his eyes at the sight of the feathers. JD took a classic approach and started flicking the feathers up and down the length of Aaron’s right foot in opposite directions and could already hear the jump in his laughter but Eric had the bright idea of using the more brutal end of the feathers. With a grip around the pointed end of each like he was holding two pencils, he started running the stiff ends in winding patterns all over the left sole and spiked Hecker’s already heavy laughter up another few notches that none of them really imagined possible. 

With Joe digging into his pits through the sweaty polo shirt and JD and Eric feathering his feet on a loop, the captain of the team took his chance to really humiliate Coach Hecker. “IImMmGGoONNNAAA OAhAOHAAhoA” “Gonna what? We’ve got all the power here, Coach” “AHAOHAOHFFuUuCCkKKkyYYOOUUuHhiILlbBEERRT!! SSTTOOOppPTTHHiIiSSHHiIITT!!” Aaron demanded through his increasingly unhinged laughter. “Say ‘Please keep tickling me! I love being tickled!’” “AhOAHaohANnNOOO!!” Aaron refused. “Say it!” Chris commanded as the others stepped up their efforts to bend Aaron’s iron will. “AAhAOhAOOOOhohoMMYyGGoODDOHAoAHA!!” Hecker practically screamed once Eric was focusing the feather points along the base of his toes and Joe was drilling into the very center of both meaty pits. He knew what Chris was doing, making him repeat orders like he made them do during practices in a twisted switch of the hierarchy but Aaron hated to obey the arrogant senior. 

“AhAaOOKoOK!! AOhOhaHOAAAPPLLLEEAASEEE kKEEEPPPTTiIiCCkKKLLLIIiNNGGmMMEE!! IiILLOoVEE bBEEEIIINNNGGTTiiICCKKlLlEEEDD!!” Aaron soon gave in to appease Chris. “Say it again!” “AhAhoaHPPlLLEeEEAAssSEEEkkKEEEPPP TTiIiCCKkKLlLiiiNNGGmMMEE!! IiILlOOOOVEEEBBEEIiNnGGTTiIicCKKLlLEEDD!!” “Louder!” Chris pressed to milk Hecker’s desperation as much as he could. “PPLLLEEAASSEE!! KKEEEPPTTiIiCCkKlLiinNnGGMMMEE!! IIiLLOOOVEEBbBEEIiInNNGGTTiIICCKKlLLEEDD!!” Hecker forced out as loud as he could through his uncontrollable laughter before Chris finally called them off. 

“Now that we all know how much you love being tickled, we can tell you our terms” Chris explained as a bewildered Aaron took in gulps of air and brushed sweat off his forehead onto his shirt sleeve. “What…terms??” “We want to only practice 2 days a week, be able to party as much as we want, Eric can share answers, and no more tickling for any of The Lions. Got it?” “...3 days a week…and no parties” Aaron tried to negotiate but that only told the gang to bring out the heavy artillery.

“Fine, I guess we’ll just keep going until you come around” Chris answered with a sinister smile as Joe pulled out two electric toothbrushes, JD grabbed the car washing brush that’d been used on him at his house, and Eric produced a hairbrush for each hand. “Fuck…no! What the hell is all that?!” “Secret weapons” JD answered before the sound of the electric toothbrushes fired up on either side of Aaron and Joe shoved the buzzing bristles down past the short sleeves to dip into the hairy pits. “AAHAOhAOOOhAOhAOHSSHhiiItHOAHOAHAOHOA!!” Hecker shot up in the chair and pulled on his arms to protect his pits but it was pointless as Joe kept the vibrating ends moving around non-stop to show him that things could still get worse for him. 

Eric sawed both oval shaped hair brushes across one foot horizontally to get this balls and lower arch/heel at the same time while JD made large circular motions along the center of the opposite foot so the flexibible, wiry bristles never stopped bending and brushing. “AAAHAoAHOAhAOAnNOoNOOooNNOoMmMoOrREE!! aohAOhAOHAOAHAOHAA!!” Hecker really lost it and Chris could tell by the horrified look on his face that he’d had enough, overwhelmed by the tools as the other Lions drove him past his breaking point. “Ready to agree to our terms now?” “AHoAHAAHAYYYYEEEESS!! YyYEEAASSS!! AHOAHAJJUusSSTTPplLLEEAAAssSEEESSTToHOHOHOPP!!” Hecker begged for the second time in his life like he was on the verge of tears and Chris signaled for the boys to stop after a few minutes. Aaron looked like a buff rag doll in the stocks now, slumped to one side as he panted with relief; the once mighty Coach Hecker had been defeated. 

About that time, JD heard something from outside the locker room, triggering a fear that it was another teacher or administrator. “I’m gonna go see who’s out there” JD announced. “Hurry up!” Joe instructed with a similar concern and he walked into the main hall to see four of the JV players. “What are you guys doing here??” “We uhh…we wanted to play a prank on Coach Hecker after all the ya know…tickling” Marcus Lee answered. “Really?” JD answered like he couldn't believe it. “Hold on a second” Maberry added before returning to the locker room to grab his fellow seniors. 

“If you guys are looking to play a prank, your timing is perfect” Chris greeted, piquing the other group’s interest. “What do you mean?” Marcus asked. “We had a similar idea to get back at Hecker, we just got here earlier. He’s actually in the storage closet in the locker room right now” Chris explained. “What? For real?” “Yep; he’s all yours” Joe assured like they were happy to let the JV players have their own chance at revenge. “I do think I forgot something though; I’ll be right back” Eric added before returning to the locker room and writing something on the large white board behind Aaron who spent the whole time trying to convince Eric to let him out. “Sorry, Coach; your night’s not over yet” Orlowski answered, leaving Aaron confused when he left until the four JV players walked in a couple minutes later. 

“Guys! Help me out!!” Hecker tried to persuade, more than a little relieved to see the other players but they all suddenly had the same scheming look on their face as they looked at something behind him. Aaron didn’t realize Eric had left the JV guys a message on the board behind him, “Coach Hecker is ticklish!” Unfortunately for Aaron it was all the new crop of Lions needed to steer them in the right direction and satisfy their taste for revenge. JD, Chris, Joe, and Eric could hear Hecker’s ruckus, almost hoarse laughter as they walked out of the back of the school that night, knowing Hecker deserved every bit of the new tickling coming to him. 

Despite the shake up in power dynamics, The Lions went on to win the state championship that year and the senior guys had the senior experience they wanted. They partied almost every weekend, they only practiced half the week, their grades improved thanks to Eric’s generosity, and best of all none of them ever even laid eyes on the stocks again. As Chris, JD, Joe, and Eric prepared to go off to college that August they contemplated on telling the new seniors exactly what happened that night with Coach Hecker but they decided to play their hand a different way. 

After the first day of summer practice, Aaron returned to his office to see an envelope waiting for him. All it said was ‘Coach’ on the front and Hecker opened it to find a blue feather and a note , ‘Just a warning, the video of your night in the stocks may or may not have been sent out to the team before summer practice began. If you ever get out of line or try tickling any Lion again, we won’t hesitate to put you in your place and make you beg like the ticklish pussy you are all over again!’ Hecker shuttered where he stood and a tingle of anxiety went up his back before seeing it was signed by JD, Chris, Joe, Eric and the other four JV players that’d had their way with him that night. Aaron crumpled up the note so nobody else could read it and looked out the window to see the new batch of players coming in from the field, fearing what this season would hold and if some tickle-hungry jock would end up reminding him to never try and tame The Lions.