humbling the rodeo king

“Is that the same girl from earlier?” Ryan asked. “Nope, this is Nicole; she loves dolphins, rom-coms, and thinks Seth is the sexiest man in Westboro County” Payton answered with a goofy voice after being forced to listen to the third girl that night flirt with his friend. “Jesus, you would think he was Luke Bryan” “Might as well be” Payton replied while finishing his third beer of the night, moments before Seth finally turned back around and the tipsy brunette walked toward the exit. “What happened, man? Since when did you get so picky?” Ryan asked. “Picky my ass…” Seth replied with a sly grin, presenting several bar napkins with a phone number on each. “Haha some things never change. I don’t even know where these girls come from, I think you’ve dated everyone in Tower” Payton quipped. “Don’t be jealous! You’ll pop your cherry one day” Seth added with a playful wink at his long-time buddy. “Fuck you, dude” Payton fired back with attitude as Ryan laughed at their usual back and forth.

“Hey, Jeff, can we get three shots down here?” Seth asked. “Coming up!” the bartender replied as the 23 yr. old blonde started pulling out his wallet. “It’s on the house” Jeff added. “Thanks, man!” Seth answered back, the special treatment getting under Payton’s skin even more. “What time is the rodeo tomorrow?” Payton asked. “It starts at 7 but the participants have to be there at 6:30” Ryan explained. “Ryan,you work at the damn fair…you can’t get that entry fee waved for me?” Seth tried to charm. “Sorry, free cotton candy is about the extent of my perks” the 23 yr. old answered as the shots were passed down to them. “Bottoms up!” Seth announced before he led them in a simultaneous shot of the whiskey. “Whoo! Hell yeah!” the cocky cowboy let out as the alcohol turned up his already loud personality. “Are you riding with me to the rodeo tomorrow, Payton?” Seth asked. “Nah, I didn’t enter this year” “Why not? The prize is like 2 grand!” “I only enter when I think I have a chance to win” Payton answered with a disgruntled tone. “The fuck are you talking about?” Seth asked. “You always win, everybody knows” “Haha don’t be a sore loser, bro! I may have won last year and the year before but I’m not THE best. I’m just good at riding things…all kinds of things” Seth teased drunkenly as another pretty girl walked passed him in a pair of jeans clinging to her curvy figure, the booze somehow worsening his country accent. “He thinks he’s Luke Bryan too haha” Ryan commented while Payton opted to return to his beer instead of saying what was on the tip of his tongue. “I’ve gotta piss, fellas…don’t drink my beer!” Seth announced with a pearly smile he’d used to win over countless people.

“Dare me to spit in it?” Payton joked as the hunky rodeo star made his way across the bar. “Haha he’s on a roll tonight…cocky son of a bitch” Ryan replied with a chuckle as the pair couldn’t help but laugh at how big-headed Seth had gotten in the last couple years. “You should’ve just entered the rodeo and tried to beat him, that would drive him crazy” Ryan added. “I just wanna…..ugh!” Payton stopped short. “Oh, I wanna hear the rest of that” Ryan prodded with peaked interest. “I just wanna humiliate him, make him really beg me…I know that sounds crazy but I can't help it” Payton explained with a tight jaw of frustration. “Beg you to do something or not to do something?” “I don’t know, man…shit haha. He just needs to be taken down a peg” Payton expressed without really knowing any kind of solution to Seth’s imposing ego. “I think I have an idea…do you remember how ticklish he used to be?” Ryan asked as if he knew it was an odd thing to bring up. “Yeah…” “Do you? He’s a strong guy but he was SO fucking ticklish, the girls in class used to poke him all the time and he couldn’t handle it!” Ryan elaborated with mounting excitement. “Haha now that you say that, yeah he really was…and that time at his house senior year when he and his dad wrestled and Mr. Sutherland pinned him down and tickled his feet??” Payton recalled as the memory rushed back. “Yeah! He was squealing and laughing so hard I thought he was gonna pee!” Ryan answered as both of them enjoyed the thought of hot-shot Seth being tickled silly. “You know…there are these old stock things at the fair nobody ever uses. Some of the people at work said they used to tickle high school boys and rodeo guys in them in the 70s or something; we could totally use them to tickle him!” Ryan proposed with enthusiasm as a wicked smile sprouted on Payton’s face, “You’re a fucking genius!”

The next night practically the entire backwoods county of Westboro was at the fair, most of them watching the rodeo as one guy after another got bucked off until Seth Sutherland proved once again why he was the best cowboy around. The blonde ladies’ man waved his hat in the air to the crowd after winning the title and flashed his pearly whites to charm the audience even more. “Good job tonight, Seth!” a kid called out from the ferris wheel a couple hours later. “Thanks, buddy!” Seth replied with a wave. “I could go for another corn-dog” the tall blonde commented as he, Payton, and Ryan walked by the food stand. “You already had three haha, how do you even have room with all the beer?” Ryan asked with a chuckle. “A winner’s gotta eat and I’m the fucking rodeo champ, baby!” Seth answered with an arrogant burst of energy, making the people around them either laugh or shake their head at his drunken enthusiasm. “You’re gonna get us kicked out, Mr. Rodeo Champ” Payton laughingly reprimanded. “Fuck you, guys…I’m just having a good time” Seth answered back with more confidence than usual thanks to the booze and his winner’s power trip. “All these games are fucking rigged…haha keep trying, dude!” the 23 yr. old cowboy heckled at a man trying to win a stuffed bear for his date. “Jesus, Seth” Payton said with surprise at him. “ about a different kind of game?” Ryan chimed in as the trio neared the edge of the fair where he'd been working earlier that night.

“I’m not shooting hoops or a stupid BB gun” Seth answered. “Nah, man…this is something special; it’s an attraction they used to do back in the day” Ryan replied, leading the way toward the more secluded area. “Nobody ever uses it, you gotta be a tough son of a bitch to win this one” Ryan added with a small grin. “I wrestle hogs and rope bulls; I’m the toughest man here!” Seth proclaimed as his macho attitude flared up. “What do you win?” he asked. “How about $50 bucks?” Payton replied. “Fuck yeah! Where’s the booth?” Seth asked. “It’s right here, no booth…” Ryan answered as they arrived at a set of old wooden stocks with two foot holes and a pair of handcuffs waiting on the seat for its next victim. “How does it work?” “If you can handle the challenge we’ll give you the money. Sound good?” Payton proposed. “...easy money!” Seth agreed without a second thought, too drunk to even ask what the challenge was before taking a seat in the stocks. “Take your boots off so your feet will fit through the holes” Ryan instructed, the meaty country boy tugging off the cowboy boots before slipping his size 13s through the holes and Payton cuffed his hands behind his back. Both boys could tell Seth was too boozed up to think about his circumstances or why he would need to take off his boots but within a minute his big white tube-socked feet stuck out the end of the stocks and his broad body was totally helpless. His checkered button-down, light wash jeans, and cowboy hat helped him look just like the kind of guys who'd been in the same position before but at least they knew what they were getting into. “This shit is sturdy haha” Seth commented with a smiley giggle as he shifted his weight in the wooden apparatus, making his scheming buddies laugh while setting up a phone to immortalize the moment.

Seth watched on with ignorant bliss as Payton and Ryan took the edge of his socks and peeled the Hanes cotton off to reveal two massive cowboy feet; plump, pink, and super soft after being in the boots for hours. “Wha…what now?” the cuffed blonde asked but his mates didn’t reply, instead both of them running a single finger each up a stocked sole. “AAHhAHhEeEY!! Wha..WhAaattARreEYYOoUuuDDoOoiinNGG??” Seth asked as he squirmed at the surprise stimulation, quickly realizing why he was in the retired fair attraction. “What’s wrong, Mr. Rodeo Champ?” Payton teased as he continued stroking up and down the length of Seth’s right sole. “THiiISsSIiiSSnnNTTAhaHAHaFFFuUnNnYY!!” the exposed stud exclaimed with mounting panic, his bare feet doing their best to avoid the fingers or yank out of the stocks. “You said you wanted $50 bucks…” Ryan added while letting his pointer finger trail across the velvet flesh, its frantic jerking only making the tickling worse. “AHahahaFfFUUCCkkKTtTHhhAAaaTTT!! LLleeetTTMMEEEoooOUUUTT!!” Seth demanded as he started bouncing around in the stocks and rattling the wooden device in an effort to escape or break it; it didn’t much matter to him which as long as he evaded the tickle trap. “Come on, big shot!” Payton taunted as he added a second finger to the torment, running up and down Seth’s big foot without much force at all but it still had the macho man bumbling with laughter. “AhAHaahaHAHAaHSSTTTOOoPPPPTthHhAATtsSSSHHIiiIITT!! NnNNooOCcCCOoMmMEEooOONnN AHHAAHAMmMOooTTHEeRRRFfFUuCckkeerRRRssSsS!!” Seth protested with mounting frustration. “Stop what? I thought you could take the challenge” Ryan replied with a sharp grin of pleasure in wrecking the arrogant cowboy. “AhHAHAHAAHAHAHASsSTTOOoPPPpAHAHAHFFFUuUCCkkKiiNNnGGGTTTIIIccCkKKlLlIIiNNngGGMMMEEEE!!!” the handsome farmer shouted back through the hardy laughter barreling out of him. The noise of the Westboro County fair muffled Seth’s loud reaction to the tickling better than Payton or Ryan could’ve hoped, the rather secluded spot working to their advantage.

The local celebrity’s beefy arms pulled on the padded cuffs with all his hay hauling strength, trying to focus his energy on breaking himself out but nothing was working, the sudden tickle attention draining his usual prowess. “IIiMmMGGGOonNNNAAAKkKiIIIICCckkKk YYyYoOouuURRRAAASsSs AALLlLOooVVEeeRrrTTTHhhiIIISSFFFAaiIiIRRR!!” “You fucking wish haha” Payton replied with a smile. “AhAhhahhallLEEETTTMMmMEEAhaHHGGGOOOooA!! AHAHhaAHIIimMMGGGOonnNAAAFfFUuUCckKkiIinNNGGkkKiiIllLYYYYaaAALLl!!” Seth roared in an attempt to threaten his friends into letting up on him. “We’re right here, big boy!” Ryan challenged with equal pleasure in seeing the tough guy try to assert his typical dominance. “AAAhHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAASSSHHIIIITT!! AHAHAHAHAHAAAYYYyOoOuUuRRREEAhaHAHAHA FFFUuUCcCKKIiIInNGGGAHAHAHDDDEEEEAADDDD!!!” Seth raged with a newfound gust of enthusiasm as his manipulative buddies stepped up their tickle tactics. Payton began using all five fingers of one hand to rake down the meaty sole with a steady, agonizing motion to tease the entire lush surface from the balls all the way down past his arch to his heel. Ryan took a more isolated approach by scratching just on the incredibly meaty balls of the left foot, using his short nails to go back and forth in just one small spot to help his big-headed buddy freak out in the stocks. “AHAhAHAHAHhAHahaHAFFFFFUuUCCCKKKIiInNNnNGGSSTTOoPPPNNOOOWW!! AHAHAHAHAHHAIIiMMmMGGOOoOnnnWWWEEeAaARRR yYYAAALlLLOOOUuUTTTAHAHAHA!!” Seth promised, but it was hard for the more sober two to take him seriously in such a vulnerable position.

The boys had been friends for years now and knew how to poke each other’s buttons; literally and figuratively. Ryan Krupp grew up with Seth and had witnessed their small town’s love for the all-American boy become a full-blown pedestal of adoration as he became more handsome and earned the reputation as a natural cowboy. Payton Lansing hadn’t known Seth for quite as long but the pair had more in common; they both competed in rodeos and loved hunting when they could but Payton always came in second to Seth. He rarely did as well in the rodeos and wasn’t as objectively hunky which helped develop a friendly rivalry, Payton’s sidekick animosity being perfectly diffused by humiliating the cocky bombshell in his embarrassing predicament.  “AhaHahahahAhaHCCCOoOmMMEEOoOonnN!! AHAAhahahaHAAHa IIIllLlLLbBBuUUyYyyAHaHAHAAhAHAHA YYYYyoOouUUugGGUuuyYySsSAHAHAHAHAHAA AaABBbbeeEERRRR!!” Seth tried to appease. “I’m not very thirsty, how about you, Ryan?” Payton answered. “Nah, man…I’m good” the other tickler answered while he ran across the buttery balls, his fingers almost gliding across the smooth sole. “What about these big ole’ toes? They look pretty ticklish to me!” Payton taunted with an excellently devious smirk. “AhAHAHNnNOOO!! NNnOOO!!! yYyYoOOOuUuuCCCAAANnNAHAHAH HhHHAAAVvvEEeAhAHAHAMMMyYYy BBBllLLAACCckkkCCCOoWwwbBBOOooYYYAhaHHAHHAAAATTTT!!” Seth offered in hopes to bribe Payton from sinking into his juicy toes. “Oh shit, now that is his favorite hat…you better take it” Ryan added to further the mental game at play. “Hmm….your big head probably wore it out by now” Payton replied before making good on his proposal and forcing Seth to buck around on the seat like one of the bulls he was so good at roping, his signature cowboy hat shifting around on his head. “AAAHAHAAHAOAOHAOAHAOHAOHAOAAHAHAHAFFFFUUUUUCCCCKKK!! AHAHAHahHAAHAPpPpAAYAYYyAATTTOOONnNAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA AHAHAHAHAHAHHAFFFUuUCCKKIIinNNGGGGCCCHhIIIILLL!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAGGGEEETTToOOFFFMMMYYYYFFFFUuUuCCKKkIIiNNNGGHAHAHA TTTOOOOEEESSS!!!”

Payton held the right foot in one hand while scratching his fingers up and down on the base of Seth’s strong toes, the intense rush of sensations making him shake the stocks even harder like he was a rocket about to take off. Seth’s sun-kissed skin contrasted beautifully with the subtle pink color of his supple sole, the luscious flesh growing more flushed as the boys’ exploited how sensitive it was. “Try his toes, Ryan!” Payton suggested with sadistic glee at how explosive the new attack made Seth. “I’ll let you handle the toes, I’m eyeing the rest of his big foot…so much room play with!” Ryan replied, their back and forth meant only to fuck with Seth. The fair worker started scribbling both sets of fingers all over the writhing sole to get at every area of the thick foot, Seth’s constant jerking and wiggling doing half of the work for Ryan. “HAHAHAHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YYyYOOUuUUGGGGOooOTTTAHAHAHHAAASSTTTOOOpPPP!! AHAHahAHAAhaHAHAIiIILLLFFFFFIIIILLLAhAha YAYyYYYOoOoUuRRRRTTRRUuUCCcckksSsS UuuPppPP!!” Seth bartered as he fought against the impressively strong stocks keeping him from nailing both captors. “Oh you’ve got that prize money now and you think you can buy us off, huh? Is that what it is?” Ryan teased. “AAHAhhahhAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA IIillLlLLlFFFUuUCCKkKkiiIIIINnGGGHAHAHAHaaaPPppAAYYYYYyoooUUUU TTOoOoOSSSTTToOoPPPPPAHAHAHAHA” “Normally I’d say yeah but you can’t buy anything as good as this haha” Payton replied with his nails terrorizing the plump toes desperately trying to protect themselves. “Use the toe straps!” Ryan advised. “What? These things right here?” Payton asked upon noticing the attached rings of black thread above Seth’s foot. “Yeah, they hold his toes back so they’re not in the way and keep his foot in place” “Sweet!” Payton replied as he employed the built-in bondage.

“AHAHAHAHHAHahhaAAFFFUUuUCCCKKkNNNOOO!! AHAHAHAHAHAHnNNNoooSSTTRRAApPppPSSssSS!!! AHAHAHAHhaHAAHAHAHAHAHAWWWHhhaaaATTttEeevvERRrRRRYyyYOoouuuWWAaAnnnTT!! JJjJuUUSSTTnnoOOomMMoOOORREEEAHAHAHAHA TTTIiIICcKkKLlLLIIINNGGG!!” Seth attempted to negotiate, willing to give up all 2 grand of the prize money to get out of the hellish situation. “I think I just want to see what these straps can do” Payton answered with a patronizing tone before slipping the thin yet strong attachments around the first few toes and forcing his powerful foot almost totally taut. “Oh yeah! We’re cooking now!” Payton said loud enough to make sure Seth heard his excitement before scribbling across the buffet of lush country boy flesh. “AAAAAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAOAOHAOAHAAHHHHOOOOLllLYYYAHAHAHHAAA SSSShHhHIIIIIIITTT!!AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHNNNOOooNNNOOO!!!” Seth howled as his physical objections grew more violent, practically coming off the seat. “He might actually break the stocks haha” Ryan pointed out with a laugh as he too shifted techniques, using the small straps to wrangle Seth’s creamy toes and focusing his nails on the bubbly ends of the trapped row. “AAHaHAHAHahaoaohaohAOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRRYyYAAANNnN!! AHAHAHHAAHAHHahHHAHAHAAyYyOOUUUcCCAAannnHHHAAVVEeEEEMMMmyYYYY AHahhaahaNNnNeEeeWWWRRRIiiFFFLLLEEE!! JjjuUSUUSTTTAHAHAHAHAHAHSSTTOooopPPPAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAIiIIITTTT!!” “Hunting season is almost over…what am I gonna do with a rifle?” Ryan teased as if he hadn’t been in love with the expensive gun for the past 3 months. The way all ten of Seth’s cowboy toes tried to curl in the straps and lessen the sensations dominating his soles made Payton and Ryan giggle once they realized it, understanding the appeal of the little things like toe straps as the duo made Seth roar like thunder in the stocks and forced his favorite hat to finally fall off onto the ground.

“AhAHAHAHAHAHAhAhahaPpPLLLEEEAASSEeeEE!! AHAHAHaHHAHAHAHAHAAIiIICcCCAANnNNTTAHAHAHTtTTAAkkKEEEIIIIITTT!!” Seth began to beg, never once in his life uttering anything so humble. “You mean the rodeo champ of Westboro County five years running can’t handle a little tickling?? You can get bucked off a horse and kicked by a bull but a little tickling on these big feet is too much??” Payton teased like a sadistic pro as he watched his buddy lose all sense of his alpha male attitude. “I’m glad we got that on camera haha” Ryan added, his comment prompting Seth to notice the phone filming him for the first time. “AHAHaHAHAHAHAHAYYyYoOOOuuuAHAHAHAASSshhHoOoLLLLEESS!!! AHAHahAHHAHAHAaGGGIiIVVEeeMmMEEEEAHAHAHAAA FFFUuuCCKkIIINNNGGGBbBRREeEAAAKKK!! AHAHAHAAHAHAYyYyuoOOOuUUuUUWWIiIINNN!!!” Seth submitted as the fingers raked across his stretched soles and teased his helpless toes. “Wedidn’t take the challenge sowecan’t win…you're the only one who can win or lose, champ" Ryan added with a smirk while scratching Seth’s rich big toe. Seth raged in the stocks and his laughter soared into high pitched squeals of desperation, his big mouth wide as it could be and his hands clenched into fists in the cuffs as he endured his buddies’ ruthless tickle torture but they were about to turn things up yet another notch. “Oh, I almost forgot about these!” Ryan announced after seeing the small box under the stocks. “What?” Payton asked. “These come with the stocks” Ryan explained while they took a momentary break from tormenting their egotistical friend.

“No way! I want these” Payton replied before grabbing two paint brushes and leaving Ryan the feathers. “…guys…this is too fucking much…I lost the challenge…keep the money…just let me go, come on now” Seth pleaded once he had a minute to catch his breath. “Tell you what…if you can not laugh for 10 seconds we’ll stop” Payton laid out. “…you’ll really stop?” “Yep” “…ok…” Seth agreed as if he had a choice before his tickle monster friends prepared to launch a fresh attack on the incredibly vulnerable and insanely ticklish big feet. “Go!” Ryan announced as he started weaving the two stiff feathers between the lassoed toes, every tiny strand tickling the delicate flesh between the toes with each saw back and forth. Payton used the two narrow paint brushes to stroke up and down the right sole as if he was covering it in layer after layer of invisible paint, delivering a different yet equally effective ticklish assault. Seth bit his lip and his face quickly reddened while every muscle in his beefy body tensed up to endure for at least 10 seconds. “Come on…I know you wanna laugh” Payton taunted after a few seconds. The bound blonde looked like he’d erupt if he didn’t laugh soon but he wanted nothing more than to end the tickle torture; too bad for him his buddies weren’t ready to stop. Both boys suddenly amped up their efforts into a ticklish onslaught, stroking the brushes twice as fast and snaking between the toes like sticks starting a fire. “…AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHASSSSHHHIIIIITTT!! AHAHAHAANNooONNNNOOOO!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA” Seth burst at the 8 second mark, his tough guy personality unable to keep his hyper-sensitive body from giving in. “Damn haha so close” Ryan said with a sinister laugh. “You motherfuckers! Let me out!! NOW!!” Seth demanded as his desperation became fiery frustration. “How about a second chance? 10 seconds no laughing and we’ll stop…go!” Payton announced before they sparked a fresh ambush on the exposed feet.

Seth had no time to brace himself as the paintbrushes started running across his rosy right sole and the feathers got reacquainted with the fleshy crevices between his left row of toes. “Is he gonna make it??” Payton teased with the countless threads devastating his foot and Ryan threaded the feathers with rapid-fire precision. “7…8…9…” “AAAOOOHOAHOAHAOHAOHAOAOOAHahhaFFFUuUUCCCKKkYYYyOoOUUUUGGGUuUuyyYYSSSS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHTTTHHIiIISSSSIIiIISSSS AHAHAHABbBBuUUUuLlLSSHHIiIIITTT!!!” Seth let out like water gushing through a cracked damn. “5 minutes with an angry horse but can’t last 10 seconds with a few feathers between your toes haha” Ryan commented with a chuckle. “Fuck you, man! Get me outta this thing!!” the rodeo star barked. “I thinkyou’rethe one who’s fucked” Payton answered before sinking his vicious fingers back onto the soft sole and thrusting Seth into another fit of wild bucking. “AAHAHAOAOHAOAHAOAAHAOAHAOHAoooHOAHAAHOAOHANnNOOoOO!! AHahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHACCCOoOoMMMEEeoOONNNnNNOOOWWWW!!” “Should’ve lasted a little bit longer, man” Ryan added as he used one of the feathers to dance all over the country sole, even the gentle tool enough to get Seth wailing. “AAHAHAHHAASSSOoMMMEEEBbBOoDDDyYY GGGEeEEETTTmMMEEEEOooOOUUUUTTTT!!” the stud shouted to attract anyone that could save him from the ticklish situation. “The fair’s closing, big shot…it’s just us now, nobody’s gonna hear you” Payton explained with a grin.

“AHhAhaHahAJJJjUUuUSSTTTSSSSTTOooPpPPPP TTTIIICcCKKllLiInNNGggMmMMEEE!!” “Say you’re a pussy” Payton instructed while raking up and down the delicious foot. “AhAHAHAHhahAAAHahAHFFFuUUcCCKKkkYYYooOoOouUUUU!!” “Say it, say I’m a pussy!” Ryan reinforced by switching to weaving the feathers between the toes and scratching along the instep at the same time. “AhAHAHAHAHAAOoOOkKOOKKKkAHAHAHAAA IIIIMmMMAAAA PPpPuUUUUSSSSYYYY!!” “Haha now say I love sniffing my dirty socks” Ryan instructed with a smile. “AhAHAHAHAHAIIiILlLOoOOVEEE AHAHAHAHAHSSNNiIiiiIFFFFIIiNNNGGGAHAHAAAAA MMmYyyyYDdDIIiIIRRRTTTyyYyyYyYYYSSSSOoOOCcckKkKKSSSS!! AHAHAHAHhahAAnNNOOOOWWwssSTTTOopPPPP!!” Seth let out loudly, reluctant to cooperate considering the phone was recording him but the tickling was too hellacious to worry about his pride or image. “Haha I got one…say I jerk off to armpits!” Payton instructed as he scribbled across the shiny balls of the size 13 foot. “AhAHHAHAHHAHAHaHHAAIIIIIjJjJJEEERRrRKKKKKOoOOFFFFF HAHAHAHAHATTTOoOooAAARrmmMMmPPPIiiIITTSSsSS!!!! AHahAHAHHAHAANNNoOOOwWWFFFFUuUCCCKKKkIIiInNGGG AHAHAHAHSSSSTTTOoPpPPTTTIiICCKKKklLLiiiNnGGGMmMEEE!!!” Seth begged through the wily laughter as his muscular body raged in the stocks.

“The fair may be closed but that doesn’t mean we’re ready to go home yet” Ryan replied while working the feather between Seth’s handsome toes. Payton couldn’t help but laugh at seeing the reckless, arrogant cowboy lose his mind in the stocks as his fingers continued dominating the beefy sole, “Yeah, this show could go on all night…and we’ll still have the video to show anytime you get too full or yourself again so everybody else will know that you're a big pussy who's into armpits, you smelling your own socks, and how ticklish their favorite rodeo champion is.”