supreme master antonio

I’ve known Nathan since high school. We were acquaintances who became friends and even dated for a little while in secret before either of us came out; we realized we were better friends and we’ve been very close ever since. Nathan and I even went to the same college and that’s where you could say our friendship took an interesting turn, right around junior year. I’d always had a thing for guys’ feet and a tickling fetish soon followed with a similar intensity but it was my dirty little secret; even the guys I dated around with had no clue. Nathan’s feet were nice, decent but I think because we were so close I was never into them, however one day after a few drinks I caught him staring at mine. It shocked me because I recognized that same subtle gaze but the alcohol had lowered his usual inhibitions and he wasn’t hiding his admiration very well.

I remember not knowing what to do because I normally would’ve avoided the subject at all cost but I felt a specific connection in that moment and I asked him if he wanted to massage my feet. He was a bit frazzled at first but I assured him it was ok and while he rubbed them I told him I had a thing for feet too and he couldn’t believe it. We talked for about two hours after that and took turns giving the massage but this story isn’t really about Nathan and I; this story is about a guy named Antonio Reyes.

Roughly two years after graduating college, Nathan and I both had jobs in our hometown and were living together as roommates. It was a perfect setup and I couldn’t have been happier but after a while the same couldn’t be said for Nathan; it was around June when I noticed he was suddenly struggling to pay his half of the rent and spent hours glued to his phone, neither of which was normal for him. Of course I asked him what was going on but he gave me a lame excuse and apologized for the rent situation but I wasn’t convinced. One weekend toward the beginning of July I was staying with my sister across town but forgot my charger and had to run back home that Friday night but I was unable to let Nathan know I was coming back since my phone had died. I opened the door and there was no sign of him but a voice I didn’t recognize caught my ear, prompting me to make my way toward it until was I outside of Nathan’s bedroom.

I wasn’t normally a snoop but considering he’d been acting strange I was curious and put my ear against the door to see if it was his TV or something but I wasn’t prepared for what I heard next. “Yeah that’s right…get a look at these alpha feet. These feet fucking own you! I bet you wish you could lick all over them, between my toes and even suck on a few of them…you think you could handle them, slave? Huh?? You fucking wish I’d let you get a taste of my feet haha; you’d probably blow your load before you even got close enough to smell them. I bet you’re hard as a rock about now…probably stroking your cock to my perfect feet…my feet make you wanna cum, slave? That’s right they do…that’s why they’re worth every penny, these supreme feet deserve every fucking cent you earn! You hear that, Nathan? You owe me for even letting you look at my feet”.

I pulled away from the door after hearing Nathan’s name mentioned and accidently kicked it in the process, the shock making me clumsier than usual. I tried to hurry out of sight but the voice went silent and seconds later Nathan opened the door to see me trying to seem casual in the hallway. “Bobby?? What are you doing here? I thought you were gone for the weekend” “I...I was but I forgot my charger” “Oh…I uhh was just watching TV” “Nate…what’s going on?” I asked with a bit of anxiety and as sincerely as I could. “…what did you hear?” “Only about the last few minutes…I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but I’m just worried about you” “Well this is fucking embarrassing” Nathan answered as he leaned against the wall like he hated to say anymore. “It’s okay, man. You can tell me…if you want to” I explained while watching him think.

“…alright, here it goes. Do you remember Antonio from high school?” “Antonio Reyes?” “Yeah that’s him. Well, it turns out he’s one of those online foot masters now, a really good one actually” “Really?? Antonio? And you watch him online?” I tried to guess without coming off like I was judging. I knew about guys who did that but the usual ‘straight guy with hot feet making money off of proclaiming he’s better than you’ thing always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. “Yeah I watch his stuff…and a little more. He makes personal videos for money too” “Wait, is that why you’ve been having trouble coming up with rent?” “Shit, I know it’s ridiculous and insane but his feet are fucking amazing! It’s crazy. I just couldn’t stop myself” “I mean we’ve both seen guys with really nice feet but I just didn’t think you’d actually throw money at them, especially Antonio. That guy was kind of a dick” “He still is”

“So, how much money did you give him?” “Well it started out for $50 a video but then he offered to send me pictures of his feet at work or text me stuff he knew I’d like to hear. Then he talked about buying new gym clothes and shoes and how I should pay for it…fuck, man. I sound like his bitch” “$500?” “…probably closer to $2000” “Nate! Holy shit” “I know, I know…I feel stupid later but in the moment it’s like I can’t say no” Nathan explained with shame on his face but I didn’t want that so I hugged him and assured him I wasn’t trying to make him feel bad. “It sounds like he took advantage of you” “…I don’t know; I mean I’m an adult. I should have more will power than that but I can’t get enough of his feet” he admitted. “Did you ever tell him you couldn’t afford to pay for his new stuff?” “Yeah, I tried but he’d start ignoring me until I sent him the money” “I knew he was an asshole…even if he does have hot feet” I added but my empathy quickly snowballed into anger as I comforted Nathan.

“…what if you got to see Antonio’s feet in person?” “What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about getting even with him and having a shot at what he’s been selling you so hard” “…you’re not serious” “I’m totally serious. I heard he moved in with his girlfriend, Ashley Rosten a while back and she lives on Sparrow Street. We could have some fun with him for manipulating you like that” I explained as my devious side came out. “What do you mean ‘have fun with him’?” “I’m thinking we tickle the shit out of him and if he’s not ticklish then at least you can enjoy his feet for free this time” “…I don’t know, man. What if he calls the cops on us?” “You let me figure out the details. Just don’t send him anymore money” I instructed with a light laugh to cheer him up as the wheels in my head began to turn.

I was already following Antonio’s girlfriend on Instagram and saw that she was out of town at least for a few days so I knew that would be the time to make a move. I also knew him to hang out at a club a few streets from our house so after convincing Nathan, we waited in my car near his place until we saw him come home. He fumbled with his keys and dropped them once before making it to the door but he wasn’t so drunk that he was stumbling around so I figured that was just boozed up enough for what I had in mind. “So I’m gonna pretend to be the pizza guy; that’ll get him to open the door so we can get in. I hold him and you tie him up, ok?” “What if he recognizes you?” “I have a beard now and besides, I doubt he even remembers me. Just follow the plan” I added before leaving the car in my old Pizza Shack outfit from high school and walking over to his house.

I’ll admit I was nervous and I just had to hope he wasn’t secretly a karate expert or something as I rang the doorbell, waiting with Nathan around the side until Antonio answered. “What’s up, man?” “You ordered a pizza” “Nah, I didn’t order a pizza” “Is this 889 Sparrow Street – Name on the order ‘Reyes’?” “Yeah but I didn’t order a pizza; you’ve got your shit wrong, man” Antonio assured with the door wide open. I opened the pizza box to show him and with his attention on the pie, I forced my way in, shoving him back. “What the fuck?! What the fuck are you doing?!” Antonio demanded to know but I wrapped my arms around him in a bear hug and shouted ‘now’ for Nathan to come in. “Get off me, man!! I’m fucking serious!” Antonio struggled as hard as he could but I was about 5 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier so I was able to hold him while a ski-masked Nathan pulled up a kitchen chair and I sat him in it, keeping him in place while the ex-Boy Scout tied Antonio’s wrists to the arms of the chair and his knees and ankles to the front legs.

The whole thing was incredibly surreal but there was enough adrenaline pumping through me to fuel an elephant and seeing Antonio all tied up to the chair was enough to confirm it was all worth the effort. “What the fuck is shit?! You better untie me right now!! You think I’m playing with you, motherfucker?! Come on!!” “Should we tip him over now?” I asked. “Let’s do it” Nathan agreed and we tipped the chair over so he was on his back and his sneakered feet were writhing in air. “What the hell are you doing?!? Get off of me!!” Antonio demanded while struggling against the ropes but couldn’t keep us from stealing his shoes. “What the fuck is wrong with you?? Leave my feet alone!!” Antonio shouted with his usual tough guy attitude as Nathan held the left foot in his hands and buried his nose in the loose white sock, breathing in the sweaty flavor like it was the best drug on earth.

“Fuck…” was all Nathan could say as he basked in the feet he’d nearly gone broke paying to admire, putting a smile on my face and enticing me to see what all the fuss was about. “Let me outta this shit!! Do you hear me, assholes!?? Get off!!” Antonio continued with fiery frustration while the tang of his feet dominated my nose after one sniff. “Whew…I don’t think these are fresh socks” I added with a laugh before taking the toes in one hand and grazing down the cotton covered sole to see what kind of reaction I got. “HehHeY! Fuck OoAOhFFF!! FFuhUCkKIInG FfreEAakK!” He couldn’t get out even a few words without laughing and I knew this was gonna be good, persuading my fingers to zig-zag down the savory sole faster than I was. “aAhohAohASshiT! GgEEToOfFMMYyFFuCkKIING FeHEEET!” I didn’t respond and continued scratching along the right foot while I held it in place to keep him laughing, cursing and insulting us the whole time but neither of us was affected. If anything, it made the situation even hotter.

I looked over a few minutes later to see Nathan rip the sock off and stuff it in his pocket but my eyes quickly shot back to Antonio’s bare foot, in awe of how sexy and alluring it really was. Nathan dove in and licked all the way up the fresh foot, taking in the warm sole and the taste of the feet he’d been lusting after for weeks. “AhOoADdoOnNTTFFuUhCkiiNGLlICckKmMEE AASsShHOOOLLleE!!” Antonio couldn’t stand it; he’d talked a big game and teased guys like Nathan with the idea of them worshiping his feet but he never would’ve actually let another guy’s mouth anywhere near them, let alone while he was tied up. Nathan’s tongue savored every inch of the ‘alpha’ sole and I decided it was time to ditch the other sock as well, peeling it off to see a look of fresh panic on Antonio’s face. “Leave my fucking sock on!! This is fucking crazy! Get off me!!” he ordered as if he had authority and I grabbed the toes again before raking down the entire warm sole with a focused, drawn-out drag.

“AAAAHHAhAFFFUuUUCCCKK!! AHoAoaAFFuUCkcKiInGGSSTTOoHOOP!!” Antonio raged as if he wasn’t even aware how ticklish he was and as I reached the edge of his heel, I started back at the base of his toes and clawed all the way down again to hear him lose his shit. It was funny and wildly ironic that the guy Nathan had been hooked into serving out of all the men on the internet was a guy we’d gone to school with, the same guy I’d sat by in home room and that used to cheat off Nathan in History. I never saw his feet then so I guess that’s why I never knew how incredible they were but the foot-lover part of me understood why Nathan had been so mesmerized. I’d never seen soles in person that I’d actually describe as buttery or toes that even I might’ve paid to slurp on but they were right there in front of me, the nicest pair of feet I’d ever laid eyes on and they were all ours to enjoy.

“AhOOAAahOFfFUUCCkKoOoFFF WWWIIiITTTHhAATTTSshShIIiITT!! AHohaAACcCoOMMEEOOoNN!!” Antonio laughingly objected while Nathan’s tongue slipped back and forth across the rich balls of the left foot and I kept scratching down the other one. I could tell Nate was in heaven and after all the money he’d spent he deserved every second of it. He soon left the balls for the juicy toes, running the tip of his tongue along the irresistible row as they reflexively wiggled against his tongue with every back and forth. I was still raking along the right foot with a rather slow technique but it kept him jerking around in the chair with ease until I suddenly started scribbling all over the soft sole to up the ante. “AAAAAHoAHAOHAWWhHAATThHEEFFuUUcCKK?! AHoAHOAHAOAAAHAOHANNOoNnNoAohaOAHAAFFFuUCCCKKIiNnGGsSTToohOOHOPP!!” Antonio bucked and floundered in the chair with the kind of explosive laughter I’d only heard from guys on tickle websites, surprising me and Nathan with how terribly sensitive his perfect feet really were.

Nathan soon started licking up and down the creamy arch with slow passion like he was taking his time while Antonio threatened him with everything he could think of but no consequence was gonna outweigh finally getting to indulge in his favorite feet. Nathan didn’t stop licking until he wrapped his lips around the arch and started slurping on Antonio’s foot, moving along the side with an insatiable appetite until he slipped the big toe in his mouth. “AAHoHoAOhNOoNNNoOO!!! AHAOFFFuUUuCCkKIIIINNGGGPppSSYYCChHHooOO!! haohAOhAohAAohAAGGEETTooOFFFF!!” Antonio shouted with heated frustration all over his face as Nathan sucked and slurped his big toe with ticklish enthusiasm, only letting it slip past his lips to devour the next few.

He couldn’t hurl an insult or make a threat without laughing through it as I tickled his other foot to my heart’s content, happy to make him suffer for screwing with Nathan but also thrilled to have such an ideal ticklee at my fingertips. I’d only really tickled guys I dated and even then it was sparse so this was almost just as fulfilling for me as it was for Nathan; no rules, no impressions to worry about, and no limits to keep in mind. After scribbling for a while curiosity got the better of me and I went in to see if his feet really tasted as good as they looked, flattening my tongue and snaking up his size 11 sole. “AhAA! DoOnT FFuUcKiiNnGG LLliiCkKmMmEE!!” Antonio struggled to argue as even a little tongue action got him bumbling with laughter. His feet had an almost mild cheesy flavor with a hint of sweet & sour and I was impressed enough to go back for seconds as I winded down the tender sole to make him giggle some more.

“WhAatT DdoOoYYOouU WwaaNT?!” Antonio asked as if he could convince us to leave him and his delicious feet alone but neither of us answered, knowing keeping him in the dark about why we were doing all this would fuck with him even more. Nathan finished sucking the left toes but clearly wasn’t satisfied, instead wiggling his tongue between them to soak up the salty goodness left behind and that really got Antonio howling again. “OoohAoAONooNnNNOoHoO! AhoAHAGgeEETtTOOooFFmMYYFFOOoOTT!! MMoOTthheRRFFUUCCkkEERR!!” I watched Nathan clean out the in-betweens of the golden toes and I decided to try something I’d only seen online as I took the smaller few toes and part of his foot in my mouth and started nibbling back and forth. “OOOHAooAHohAOAOAHoAoHWWHHAAAAaTTTThHEEEFFuUucCKK!?!?! AhAohAAhAOhaSSTTooOHAoAHoPP!! AhoAHaoSTTTOOoPPPTTHhATTSShhIiiTTTT!!” Antonio’s laughter jumped even higher until he was squealing every few seconds and thrashing around in the chair with a forced smile of sensory overload.

I loved how bad it got to him and I kept grazing along the plump toes and even started flicking along the undersides with my tongue just in case he wasn’t laughing hard enough. Nathan was too busy lathering his other foot to witness my sadistic side and the combination of our devoted attention was proving he wasn’t nearly as tough or ‘alpha’ as he claimed to be. Nathan was on cloud 9 being able to lick all over Antonio’s foot and suck on his toes and I was happy to see him on such a high, almost as happy as I was to flex my tickler muscles. But I wanted to give him some memories he could actually look at after this was over so I stopped nibbling and pulled out my phone to capture the special event. “NOAOo FfuCkiIngG PpiICctTUrRESs! AreEEyyooUu SsERIIOuSS?!?” He protested with another flash of concern in his eyes as I snapped what must’ve been 100 photos of his gorgeous feet, Nathan worshiping them, and Antonio tied up but when I returned to my spot at his other foot I switched it over to video mode.

I filmed him with one hand and started scratching along the divine sole with the other to get every minute of him squirming in the chair and his wild, angry laughter that I loved hearing at this point. I soon started going back and forth between filming his animated reaction and Nathan enjoying his other foot for what was sure to be a priceless home video. “AAhoAHoahAohAOAAAAFFFuUucCkKIInNGGSSTToOoOp!! AhoaHAFFFUUCCkKIiiInNGGfFRREAAkkSS!! aHoAhAOHAALLlEeETTMmEEegGOOOO!!” I ended the video after getting nearly 20 minutes of footage and ramped up my attack on the foot in front of me, scribbling with both hands with one focusing on the balls/toes and the other on the arch and heel. “AAAAHAAHOAH!! AhAOahAaHOAAASSTTAAOOAoOOP!! FfffUuUcCKkYYoOOuUuAU!!!” I looked over to see Nathan licking and flicking his tongue from side to side across the entire left sole and I soon gave him the signal we’d talked about earlier.

“Beg us” I instructed without stopping. “AAhohAFFuUUCCkKKOOoFFF!! AhohAOAHAOAOhAAA!” “Beg us or we won’t stop until you piss yourself” I added, knowing drinking at the club earlier would mean he’d surely have to pee by now and pissing himself because of us would be a massive blow to an ego like his. “AHAoAHaohAAOHANNOOO!!” Nathan looked back at me and we both started slurping/nibbling on his feet again, Nathan going for his toes while I worked along the arch. “AAAaAhOHO!! AOhAOHAOAAOHAAOhAOhAoAAAOOKKKOoKK!! PpplLLEEAASSEEESSTTOooOPpPPP TTTiIiCCCkKLlLlIinnNGGGmmMEEEE!!” “Please stop tickling me because I’m a ticklish little bitch” I tacked on before starting back. “AAAAAHAOhaOHFFFuUUCCKK! AHoAHAOHOHAAAhOASSSTTOOoPPPTTTiICCkKKLIInNGGmMEEE!! AHoAHAIIMmMAAA TTTiIicCkKliIisSSHHLIiiTTTlLlEeAHAhaBBBIiiTTCccHHH!!!” Antonio quickly gave in when he realized we weren’t bluffing, unaware Nathan had made sure to film that part with this phone.

We stopped tickling him and started pulling off one shoe and sock each while Antonio tried to regain his sanity. “You guys…are fucking dead…I’m gonna MhmMhM” He tried to warn until I interrupted him by shoving our dirty socks in his mouth, even showing him that we were both missing one to make sure he knew exactly what was gagging him. I sealed them in with a few layers of duct tape and Nathan even pressed his bare foot over Antonio’s nose to make him breathe it in for a bit, an impressively spiteful move I wasn’t expecting. The frustration and desire to avenge his macho persona wasn’t subtle in his muffled protests or violent jerking in the ropes but that only proved to me that we’d gotten to him. We left him tied to the chair and with a small knife from the kitchen nearby on the floor so he could eventually get himself out, leaving his house close to 1 a.m. with smiles on both our faces.

“That was…unbelievable, seriously. It feels like I’m vibrating” Nathan explained as we started home. “I was happy to help. I know you can’t get your money back but I don’t think anything you could pay for will be as good as that” I added from the driver side. The next day a video tagging ‘Supreme Master Antonio’ featuring him admitting to being a ticklish little bitch while tied to a chair and laughing his ass off was all over his account. Pictures of his feet and tweets telling his subs to pay for his new purchases were overshadowed and ignored, with his followers now much more interested in seeing him get tickled. By the end of the day all the usual requests for gym sock photos and thirsty comments wanting to lay under his feet were replaced by countless people wanting more of him getting tickled instead.

Antonio tried to take down the video but it just kept popping back up and for every comment wanting to see him tickled that he deleted, there were three more that followed. It was obvious from our time together that he hated being tickled and it was also obvious that his role as simply a demanding, alpha foot dom was now considered boring. The foot fans had gotten a taste of what they really wanted and it left him with a decision to make; either post the same tired feet pics or make the kind of money he had become used to and succumb to his new reputation as the Supremely Ticklish Master Antonio.