big bang theory: Sheldon & The intern

The usual gang sat around the table at lunch, Leonard, Howard, Raj, and Sheldon, all of them shooting the breeze like every other day but Sheldon sat playing with his food in an obvious funk. “I heard the new Flash comics are going to give him the power of flight!” Raj announced with excitement. “Why? He doesn’t fly…he runs, that’s his whole thing” Leonard pointed out. “Yes, but the new series is going to explore his evolving powers and that includes flying!” Raj answered. “I think I’d rather have super speed than be able to fly anyway” Howard chimed in, unimpressed by the development. “I’m waiting on Sheldon to point out how much more useful running would be and explain how The Flash is the most powerful DC Justice League member” Leonard added, turning all their attention to a despondent Sheldon.

“Sheldon, what’s wrong? You’re turning your mashed potatoes into mashier potatoes” Raj pointed out. “I don’t want to talk about it” “Is this about the quantum time machine you invested in?” Leonard asked. “Quantum Timeforce Manipulator…but I don’t wanna talk about it” Sheldon corrected. “What happened?” Howard asked. “Are you people deaf? I said I don’t wanna talk about it!” Sheldon reprimanded with cartoonish frustration. “Geeze, buddy…I’m just curious” Howard laughed off. “Sheldon invested 10 grand in what he thought would become a time machine” Leonard explained. “Ok…” Raj prodded. “The supposed inventor turned out to be an amateur scientist who had no idea what he was doing” Leonard elaborated.

“Yes, so now you all know. I, Sheldon Cooper, physics genius, was duped out of a small fortune” Sheldon admitted. “I’m sorry, man…that sucks” Raj comforted. “What are you sorry about? You didn’t lose $10,000!” Sheldon pointed out, instantly watering down the group’s sympathy. “Well maybe you can make your own time machine, crazier things have happened” Howard offered. “Don’t be silly, Howard…where would I even get a Mandalorian these days??” Sheldon challenged, shutting down the conversation as the group finished their lunch before getting back to work.

A few hours later Sheldon was busy working on a project when one of the new Caltech interns showed sudden interest in his work. “Is there a field trip going on today that I’m not aware of” Sheldon asked, confused by the intern’s younger appearance. “Haha no, I’m an intern, Theo” “Alright” Sheldon accepted like he wasn’t interested in knowing anymore about the young man. “I couldn’t help but overhear that you lost some money on a bad investment” Theo explained. “It looked like a very legitimate Quantum Timeforce Manipulator!” Sheldon defended. “I get it, I get it…even geniuses can be tricked every now and then” “Alright, so what’s your point?” “How would you like to make some of that money back?” Theo offered, drawing Sheldon’s attention away from the white board.

“I’m listening…” “Come hang out at my apartment with me this weekend and I’ll give you $3,000” “I don’t understand…that kind of money just to ‘hang out’ with you? Don’t you have friends? Besides, how do you even have that kind of money? You don’t look old enough to drink” “My last name is Carver” Theo explained, connecting the dots for Sheldon. “Oh, so your parents are the big donors to Caltech” “Yep. But before I officially invite you over, there is one thing I need to know” Theo explained before moving closer and squeezing into Sheldon’s side, making him jerk the other way with a spirited yelp. “Haha oh yeah, you’re perfect” Theo concluded, confusing Sheldon. “Do you tickle all your guests??” “Only the ones I’m paying 3 grand a weekend. Here’s my address if you’re still interested by Friday” Theo informed as he wrote it on the white board and left Sheldon to wrap his head around the generous, mysterious proposal.

After days of contemplation, Sheldon knew the deal was too good to turn down. He had savings of course that he could dip into until he made his money back but it seemed like a bad idea, persuading him to accept Theo’s ambiguous offer and arrive at his impressive apartment that Friday after work. Before the awkward nerd could even knock on the door, Theo was there opening it, ready to welcome him, “Sheldon, come on in” Theo instructed and a slightly apprehensive Sheldon obliged, walking through the doorway into the very modern home. “What do you think of the place? Kind of cozy right?” “Well I usually sit on the same couch everyday so don’t expect me to become too comfortable here” “Haha no worries. Want something to drink or eat? I have a fully stocked fridge” “No, I’m fine” “Suit yourself” Theo answered before ripping a check from his checkbook and putting it on the counter.

“I’m putting this right here so you know I’m not bluffing you” “I appreciate a man who expects suspicion” Sheldon explained, letting Theo in on his quirky nature. “Right on” “So what do you want to do? Do you have something planned?” “Yep! Follow me” Theo assured and started toward the den with Sheldon in tow, walking behind him until he laid eyes on a corner of the large room. There was a metal hook hanging from the ceiling and a black, horizontal bar hanging down from it, complimented by another similar bar attached to the carpeted floor. “You like it?” “Well…it’s kind of a small dungeon, isn’t it?” Sheldon answered, halfway joking to ease his apprehension. “I installed it myself…why don’t I show you how it works?” “…alright” Sheldon answered as he eyed the peculiar setup and let Theo strap his hands above his head in the wrist straps and secure his ankles in the matching set below.

“Now what?” Sheldon asked. “On a scale of 1 to 10 how ticklish would you say you are, Dr. Cooper?” “Well I’m not sure…scientifically I don’t think there’s a way to measure that metric very accurately but hAohOoKOoHaohASsTtOOohOP!” Sheldon couldn’t help but sputter into bubbly, animated laughter as he writhed in the corner with Theo’s fingers wiggling all over his stomach, sides, and ribs. “I don’t know about a scientific measurement but I’d say at least a 9; this is gonna be great!” Theo concluded with an excited smile and Sheldon regained his composure, growing more concerned about what exactly he’d agreed to.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather play video games instead?” Sheldon tried to persuade. “No way, this is gonna be a lot more fun” the aspiring scientist assured before grabbing the end of Sheldon’s Batman shirt and pulling it up over his head to tuck it behind his neck. “Hey! You didn’t say anything about not wearing clothes” “Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention that” Theo answered as he eyed Sheldon’s lean, pale upper body, virtually hairless aside from the thin happy trail leading up from his pants.

The look on Sheldon’s face gave away his uneasiness after realizing how ticklish he was but Theo didn’t give him much time to dread another attack, quickly returning with a flurry of fingers dancing all over his bare belly. “AAHOONnoOooAohA!! TthHEEoOoOAohaAOHsSTTohOhPP!!” “What’s wrong, Sheldon? A genius like you really this ticklish?” Theo teased as Sheldon squirmed in place and tried to move around but the ankle spreader bar and the one holding his wrists kept him mostly in place, a perfect target for the eager intern. Theo loved how surprised Sheldon’s laughter sounded, like he couldn’t believe how bad the fingers were fluttering across his stomach while the lack of control over his smile or volume of his laughter only made it worse for the control freak.

Theo’s enthusiastic hands stayed generally around the middle of his stomach until they didn’t, catching Sheldon off guard when they started spidering just below his bellybutton and closer to his sides, “OooAOhAOhAOhAOhA JJUuUSSTpPPiIIcCCkkAASsSPpOOHOTT!!” “Why would I do that?” Theo challenged with another flashy smile while wiggling past the happy trail and exploring every inch he could of the soft belly. As Theo tested out Sheldon’s stomach, a sudden high-pitched spike told him where the real trigger spots seemed to be, “Oh that’s the spot isn’t it, right here?” Theo taunted with a mischievous grin, eyeing the inches of skin on either side of his navel. “No! It’s not…you must be hearing things” “Really?” Theo challenged as he prepared to milk the new discovery, gently teasing along his sides to keep Sheldon in giggly suspense while he prayed the yelp he’d let out was just a fluke.

“If you tell me the truth, I won’t go there” Theo offered while still grazing the sides. “OhAHAoh IIIIaALLRRRrEeAhAdDYYDdIiDD!” “That right? If you’re lying, I’ll just make it worse” Theo warned, knowing messing with him mentally would just sweeten the whole deal. “IIiMMnNoOOtT!” “Alright…” Theo answered before suddenly jumping to the area just around his bellybutton and Sheldon instantly crumbled, his knees buckling and his mouth shooting open with roaring laughter. “AhAhOOokOOKK!! AOhAOhAOAO iIIiTTSSSAaABbBAADDSSPPoOOoTT!!” Sheldon admitted in hopes of saving himself but the fingertips didn’t stop or even slow down. “So you did lie??” Theo rubbed in as his dancing fingers started digging in a little, immediately intensifying Sheldon’s reluctant desperation.

“SSTtOohohPPP!!” Sheldon howled with sudden regret for not just saying it was a bad spot to begin with but it quickly got even worse when Theo’s hands wrapped around his sides and used his thumbs to really focus in on the same spots. “OOAohAOhNNOONNOoAHA!! OAHAMmMEERRCcCyYY!! AhAHAHAhAA iiIcCAAnNNTTTTTAAkKkEEiIiTT!!” Sheldon cried out as he flailed in place, turning Theo the tickle master on even more. Sheldon had never yielded to anyone in his adult life, not during a board game, a PlayStation marathon, or any competition ever but he never dreamed he was this ticklish; otherwise he probably wouldn't have agreed to the strange offer.

Theo, a somewhat closeted tickle fiend knew by now the most likely places for a man to be ticklish and as fun as tormenting his belly was, he soon backed off to test out his next target. “Tickling should be outlawed…” a discombobulated Sheldon concluded as he caught his breath and Theo knelt down in front of him. “Come on, Dr. Cooper…a little laughter might do you some good” Theo answered before latching onto the tops of his knees through the jeans and squeezing in to see if his new plaything would react. “HAAhAOAO! AOAoAASSThHOOPpPTTHHAAAT!!” Sheldon floundered like a puppet on a string without any control over his body while his legs realized how sturdy the ankle spreader bar was.

“I just knew you had ticklish knees” Theo pointed out while working up a couple inches, then back down with a strong, enduring grip. “AAHAOhoOKOOKAOh!! YYOOUUpPpPRRoOVVEDDYYOouUURRRpPPOOOIiNNNTT!!” Sheldon shouted with newfound frustration, hating that he had no way of fighting back or avoiding him. Theo seemed to thrive off Sheldon’s growing hysteria but always wanted more, “What about right here?” Theo asked as he zeroed in just above the knee caps and Sheldon yelped into the air with sudden embarrassment on his face. “There we go!” Theo taunted as he went back for seconds, wrecking Sheldon with rapid-fire chomps back and forth between both legs to make him freak out.

“AhAHA! GGEETtooOOFFF!! AOhAOhAohAohA TTHhEEoOPPLLLEEAASSEE!! AhoAHoAHA!!” Sheldon couldn’t believe he was begging, to an intern of all people but it was torture, the relentless, playfully evil squeezing he couldn’t escape even for a moment. But as the 31 year old man of science flailed around and his ability to think straight blurred, Theo could see something happening in his pants, an outline of excitement that’d developed since they’d started. Theo’s hands soon left both legs and Sheldon wilted in place with relief, his body not used to any kind of workout, “That’s it, isn’t it? We’re done?” “Haha you wish” Theo laughed before un-buttoning Sheldon’s jeans and pulling them down before the physicist knew what was happening.

“What are you doing??” “I always try to make sure my guests enjoy themselves at least a little while they’re here…” Theo vaguely explained as Sheldon laid eyes on his semi-hard on, making him blush. “Oh…I don’t know why that even happened…probably all the gyrating around” Sheldon quickly tried to explain away, not even a little comfortable handling sexual situations. “Sure, that’s why” Theo teased before grabbing his arousal through the white boxer briefs and watching Sheldon quiver in place, suddenly covered in chills of pleasure as Theo rubbed his package. “Oooh OoohOOohWooAohA” Sheldon’s eyes closed and his mouth trembled, surrendering to the change of pace.

A few minutes passed and Sheldon was at full attention, his cock curving upward toward the waist band until Theo pulled the underwear down around his thighs and shocked the horny academic. “I didn’t realize it was this…involved” Sheldon pointed out like he didn’t know how to navigate such new territory. “I can stop if you want” Theo offered without looking up at Sheldon as he started stroking him. “OOoohh….” was all Sheldon could say, his words suddenly jumbled in his head as Theo’s hand slid up and down his shaft. Theo smiled at Sheldon’s clear inexperience, knowing a guy like him usually spent all his time in books or online instead of pursuing more physical pleasures. The initial few drops of pre-cum hinted at how long it’d been since Sheldon had gotten off and that thrilled Theo too, adding to the whole dynamic but it wasn’t long at all before the few drops was a steady stream pouring down his dick. “OooHOoh OooOHoohOAoh” Sheldon moaned like he had no say over what came out of his mouth, suddenly a willing slave to Theo’s hand guiding him toward a sweet, rare release as he slipped back and forth over and over.

Theo looked up to see Sheldon’s nipples wildly erect and could hear his breathing becoming more irregular, his body too focused on the climax to do much else. Theo stopped pumping only a minute later and teased his mushroom head a little with a couple fingers, showing Sheldon the light at the end of the tunnel until he pulled away seconds before the coming eruption. “Hey! Why did you stop?!” “You’ve never heard of delayed gratification?” Theo teased as he stood up. “This isn’t very fair” “I agree” Theo answered with a delighted smile before unhooking a frustrated Sheldon from the position and moving on to the next setup he had planned.

Theo had one of those ladders that could fold out into one long stretch with two pieces acting as legs so it resembled a long, narrow table, perfect for mummifying a skinny guy like Sheldon to it. By the time Theo was done, all of Sheldon’s clothes were on the floor neatly folded and only his head, shoulders, and feet were exposed. He’d also cut a square in the plastic wrap for Sheldon’s package, giving him hope that he’d get to climax this time. Now that Sheldon knew what to expect from Theo, he was less concerned when he realized how he’d be tied up this time, with most of his body covered and only his bare feet out in the open. Not that he had much to go off of, but Sheldon didn’t recall them being very ticklish so he figured this round would be a breeze compared to the first.

“I can’t move” Sheldon admitted. “That’s the point” Theo assured as he pulled up a chair in front of the trapped feet, admiring the rosy pink soles and almost milky pale toes so unaware of what was coming their way. Theo didn’t bother warning Sheldon he was about to start, instead letting his fingers rake along the arches to test out the creamy size 10s. “OoOhOoohOOk!” “You sound surprised, Sheldon…” “Maybe a littAhALLEoahohAOohohAOhA” Sheldon tried and failed to minimize his reaction but it was obvious his feet were more sensitive than he expected, giving Dr. Cooper a new reason to worry.

Theo instantly fell in love with how smooth the soles were as he glided up and down the low arches and watched his feet wrinkle and writhe in place, “I’m glad I wrapped you up for this” Theo added with a laugh like he knew it’d be hard to get his feet this well in the previous setup. Sheldon was too busy trying to keep a cap on his laughter to reply, the fingers on his feet a foreign sensation that he didn’t realize could be so powerful. The spirited intern soon drifted to his heels and dug in a little more, knowing they could be harder to get a good reaction from but Sheldon didn’t disappoint, jerking in the plastic wrap and becoming a giggly mess within seconds.

“AhAohAaLLLRRiIiGGhhtTT! AhoAOhAEEnNooUUgGHH!” Sheldon tried to convince as the nails scurried across his taffy pink heels. “What makes you think you have any say over what happens here?” Theo pointed out with a cocky laugh, knowing how much power he had over the older scientist and how much Sheldon wanted to spare his feet from such concentrated attention. “But I could always go up here…” Theo offered as he abandoned the heels and started scratching down the sides, trailing down from the pinkie toes on both sides with claw fingers. “NNOoAooHA! AohASSTThoHohopP!! GoOOBbACCkKTToOTThHEEHHEEElLLLSS!!” Sheldon shouted, surprised at how bad the nails were on the meatier sides of his trapped feet.

“Go back to the heels? I thought you wanted me off of them” Theo taunted, knowing Sheldon really had no good options. “AAohaiiITTAAkKEiIiTTbBAaACCKK!” “How about I do both?” Theo suggested before dragging his nails down the sides again and wiggling his tongue all over both heels at the same time. “AAHAAH! WWHhAAATTaaRREEYyoOuuDDOOiiInnNGG?!” Sheldon shrieked, completely stunned by the tongue action, let alone how much it tickled. Theo just laughed at his panicked outburst and kept going, letting his tongue tease the tender heels while he clawed down the length of both geeky feet over and over. Sheldon couldn’t stand it, horrified at the idea of someone licking his feet but he couldn’t do a thing about it, forced to endure every wet flick of the tongue and the nails working together to terrorize his poor soles.

“SSTTOHoHOPPP!! TTHhEEOOOIiIMmMEEAANnNIiITT!!” Sheldon raged as his whole body cringed, mortified by the incessant licking until Theo eventually pulled back, laughing and relishing Sheldon’s insane reaction. “Oh my God, I thought you were gonna start crying” “What is wrong with you!? Why would you ever put your tongue on another person’s feet?! I can’t think of anything more disgusting!” “Yeah, this is way more fun than I even imagined” Theo admitted with a sadistic glee about him as Sheldon simmered down and he set his sights on the creamy toes just waiting for their turn.

Theo launched onto his toes out of nowhere and sent Sheldon reeling, striking a severe sweet spot he was totally unaware of. “AHAAHAHA!! AohAOHoOSSTTohoHPP!! SSSTTOHOHohOOHOOPPPpIIIITTT!! AhoAOHAOOKoOKK!!” rocketed out of him with wide-eyed terror as Theo’s nails scratched along the velvety undersides and his body surged with unexpected electricity. The kinky intern couldn't have been smiling any wider as he exploited his new discovery, the wild reaction only motivating him to go faster as he clawed along both rows and Sheldon’s helpless laughter raged higher. “TTHHHEEeoOOOPPPLlLEEEAASSEE!! OAhAOhAAGGEeTTTAAAWWaAAAYYYfFRRRoOmMMMYyYTTToOoOOEESSS!!” Sheldon begged as his head bobbed around and he jerked in the plastic wrap but Theo couldn’t be swayed.

“Why don’t I make this a little more interesting?” he suggested as he left the toes for a moment and moved around to the side of the ladder and started fiddling with something on the floor until he pulled out the vibrator wand and taped it to Sheldon’s thigh so the head sat right against his already growing manhood. “You can’t seriously want to keep going…what if your neighbors hear? What will they think??” Sheldon tried to point out to end his paid suffering. “It’s nothing they haven’t heard before; trust me” Theo answered with a smirk before turning the wand on and watching it pick up where his hand had left off. Sheldon’s eyes rolled a little toward the back of his head and his fists clenched inside the plastic at the fantastic vibrations but the fresh pleasure was quickly complicated by Theo returning to Sheldon’s rich toes, now with a set of flat, metal tips on his fingers to give him two sets of exaggerated nails. Sheldon was already too wrapped up in his arousal to fear what Theo was up to but that was quickly undone when he started clawing along the toes again with his 10 new toys, instantly wrecking the captive genius.

“NNoOOAOhAoHA!! WWhhAATTaaARREEEYYOoUUUDDOOIiIInNGG?!?!! AhoAohAAAOhAGGEETToOOFF!! GGEETToOoOFFAAohA!!” Sheldon shrieked with humiliatingly sharp outbursts as he tried to wrap his head around the new stimulation. “I thought you’d like these” Theo teased while making sure to get each toe with every stroke. “IiIiDDOOnNNNTTLLIIKKKEEIIITT!!” Sheldon shot down as if it’d make a difference and shook in place like he’d combust, his body unsure how to handle the intensity of Theo’s scratches and the wand buzzing him to new heights of ecstasy. It was all so new to him, getting tickled, being restrained, having someone edge him, and experiencing a vibrator; his brilliant mind was spinning more than he could get a handle on.

Theo could hear the difference in Sheldon’s laughter when he happened to tickle the left toes first, convincing him after several minutes to test this theory. “Why don’t we spend some time just on this foot…” Theo announced before prying back the left toes with one hand and using his clawed fingers to wiggle and scratch along the now taut undersides. “AAAAhAHAHAHAHAH!! NNOO!! OAOhAohAYYYOOuUuhHAAVVEETTTOOoSSTTOHOHOHOP!!” Sheldon pleaded after only seconds as his laughter became more unhinged and his cock leaked more waves of pre-cum down onto the wand. “I don’t have to do anything” Theo corrected, happy to rub in how little control Sheldon had as he continued raking down the set of five deliciously ticklish toes.

Sheldon’s throat was struggling to keep up with his insane laughter, never having been pushed this far before now and his dick inched dangerously close to a release, somehow hindered and encouraged by the intense tickling. Theo could see Sheldon’s proximity to a climax increasing from his position at the end of the ladder, strategically clawing along the soft toes to keep him in heated distress and unable to focus on getting off but he could tell his guest was on the verge of real satisfaction. Moments later the tickling suddenly stopped and Theo pulled back the vibrator just as Sheldon braced himself for a real blowout, the abrupt denial proving again how fiendish Theo could be. “Oh come on! You can’t do that!” “Don’t blame me that you couldn’t get off before now, Dr. Cooper” Theo taunted as Sheldon let out a sigh of exhausted frustration and caught his breath while the intern prepared to change things up once again.

The third setup of the night had been covered by a sheet until Theo brought his tickle toy to it, revealing a truly menacing looking black chair of sorts. Sheldon sat at a slight angle backwards with his legs secured out in front of him in a V position, strapped to two extensions while his arms mirrored them out above his head. “Do they have a website just for buying torture devices?” Sheldon questioned. “You’d be surprised” Theo answered as he made sure Sheldon wasn’t going anywhere. “It has to be almost midnight by now; can’t we just call it for today?” “I didn’t put you in this thing just to see how you’d fit” Theo assured as he grabbed something from under the chair and started strapping a vibrator wand to his thigh so it was against his dick.

“Oh man…” Sheldon sighed, knowing how intoxicatingly good the wand was at getting him going. “If you like that, you’ll love this” Theo added as he produced a second one to strap to his other thigh, leaving one vibrator head on either side of his package. “Thankfully I remembered to put in fresh batteries today” Theo mentioned with another smirk before turning both of them on and watching the wands command Sheldon’s body. “OoohoAOOohohOOoh” he couldn’t help but moan and twitch in the chair and Theo moved around to sit between his bare feet, timing his attack just right for when Sheldon was fully immersed in the promise of an orgasm to go after his defenseless toes.

“AAhAHAHNNoOO!! DDDAAMmMIIiITTT!!” Sheldon lunged forward in the chair and jerked back and forth while his feet writhed in place as if they could avoid Theo’s devoted wrath. The way his fingers curled down with every scratch was insanely effective and efficient to get all ten each time, leaving Sheldon with no hope of a sloppy execution to lessen the blow. “SSTTthOOHOHOPPP!! JJuUUSSTTlLlLEETTMmMEEDDOOoTThHiiIiSS!!” Sheldon tried to convince with horny desperation, already leaking fresh pre-cum thanks to the two wands demanding a raging arousal. “Do what?” Theo asked, he wanted to make Sheldon say it. “AhAOhAohlLlEETTmMmeECccuUUMMM!!” “A little tickling shouldn’t get in the way of that, should it?” Theo teased as he ravaged the lush toes and watched Dr. Cooper attempt to focus on getting off and not on him tickling his toes so viciously.

The enthusiastic intern got off on watching Sheldon freak out, feeding off the powerless position he was in and how badly he wanted to have at least a little of the control he was used to. “Tell me which toe tickles the worst and I’ll stop” Theo instructed without missing a beat. “AhoAHAAO TThHEEYyAALLDDDoOO!!” “No, I think one is probably worse than the rest…the one you can’t stand for me to even touch” Theo pressed. “AhoAHOokOOKK!! AOhAHOATTThHEEMmiIiDDllEEEOONnEESSS!!” “See, I knew you could tell me” Theo answered and zeroed in on the middle toes of both feet with his nails and got Sheldon thrashing around in the chair. “AhoAyYYooUusSSAAAiiDDdyYYYoOUUUDDSSTTOOHhoOPP!!” “I guess I lied” Theo answered as the naked scientist went berserk in front of him, his throat worn out from laughing so much already that evening and his throbbing cock steady spilling pre-cum onto the floor like there was an endless supply.

Theo could tell that despite the intense tickling, Sheldon would blow any minute, his nipples hard as rocks and his face contorted with tortured pleasure as the wands vibed him closer and closer until finally, “AAAAhAoohAOhAOAaOHhhUuGGhOHA!” Sheldon exploded like he hadn’t cum in a month, shooting a few yards across the room and even landing some on the wall behind him. “Shit, Sheldon haha…I didn’t need my walls repainted” Theo teased before turning the wands off and Sheldon shuddered in place with lingering satisfaction. He prayed that would be what ended their session but Theo proved him wrong when he moved the wands, strapping one to each bicep so the heads were sitting in Sheldon’s armpits. “No…you can’t be serious!” “Oh I’m very serious” Theo assured as he turned the wands back on and let them go to work.

“AAhOooHAohAOhAOhANNooNNO!! AoHAAPPLLLLEEEAASSEEE!! aohAHATTUURRnNNTTThhhEEMMMoOOOFFF!!” Sheldon begged the best he could as the new vibrations proved just as good at tickling as they were at teasing out an orgasm. Theo was more than happy to make things worse for Sheldon as he latched onto one of his knees and started squeezing up and down a couple inches back and forth to make Sheldon squeal with wide-eyed disbelief. “Good thing I still have another free hand…” Theo pointed out as it traveled back to the left foot and went crazy on the ridiculously ticklish toes. “NNOOO!! aOAOHAohAOhAOHAohAOhAAOhAOhAAOoOoHhPpLLLLEEEAAASSEE!! aohAOHaohaaTThHEEoOOOOSSTTOhoOHOHOPP!!” Sheldon screamed one good time before falling back into his normal, distraught waves of unending laughter.

“If we’re having this much fun tonight, I can’t wait to see what the rest of the weekend is gonna be like!” Theo added with twisted excitement as Sheldon lost his mind in the tickle chair, knowing that if he really wanted the $3,000 he wouldn’t be able to escape the unique nightmare for another two days. How could he stand two more days like this? His belly was too easily teased, his knees too tender to endure, his toes too fun to torment, his soles too smooth to leave alone, and his cock too eager to make him a desperate man; two days might as well have been two months. Unbeknownst to Sheldon, Theo had a bit of a big mouth and it wouldn’t be long before Sheldon’s friends heard just how ticklish he was. He’d be lucky if he was able solve a simple equation without them squeezing into his sides or trying to get at his feet, that was if Theo didn’t tickle him out of his sanity by the end of the weekend first.