glee: Spring break forever

“Wait, I thought Ultron was a computer program…” Jake questioned. “He was but he merged with Jarvis and became a robot by using Stark Tech” Ryder confidently explained as Age of Ultron played out. “...ok but how are they supposed to stop him if Ultron is smarter than them and has a robot army??” “They always figure something out - they're The Avengers” Ryder assured with a smile. “Right…” Jake replied, still not fully on board with what was happening but his attention was really more on Ryder’s naked feet than the movie. The jock’s supple pink soles were practically begging to be played with, both ankles crossed over the arm of the chair facing Puckerman as if on purpose. Jake loved getting lost in the creamy arches between the rosy balls and heels, perfectly curved for licking up and down Ryder’s dreamy feet to drive him crazy. His toes were long and juicy and Jake knew from experience how deliciously smooth they were, every carefree flex during the film endlessly teasing the bad boy.

“Hey, you’re gonna miss the best part” Ryder suddenly interrupted with a playful wiggle of his toes to break Jake’s gaze. “What are you talking about? I was watching….Captain America was about to punch that one guy” Jake lied with a subtle grin but Ryder knew he couldn’t resist staring. The playful brunette loved taunting him as much as Jake loved watching; sometimes Ryder was still in disbelief that the most rebellious, cool guy at school was such a tickle monster. As the entire Avengers roster took on the robot army, Ryder was reminded of how their unlikely relationship started. Junior year sectionals Jake stole Ryder’s last pair of clean socks from his bag but of course Jake denied it when he was confronted, sparking a wrestling match in their hotel room. Jake was getting the better of him until Sam suggested Ryder tickle him and to Ryder’s surprise it worked like a charm; he was able to get the upper hand and yank the tube socks right off Jake’s tan feet. A silent connection formed between them in that moment like they both knew they’d stumbled upon something neither of them fully understood. It wasn’t much longer before they were a secret item, tickling the shit out of each other and playing footsie under the table in public to get the other going.

The straight laced 18 yr. old got chills watching Cap and Thor team up against the extra fleet, having seen the movie at least 7 times by now while Jake did his best to appear interested. “This has to be one of the best action movies of all time” Ryder added. “Yeah, best movie ever” Jake replied with his own brand of smart-ass sarcasm. “You weren’t even paying attention” Ryder pointed out with a laugh. “I totally was; Hulk saved the day and Iron Man used his lasers on that big one…something like that” “Haha you’re full of shit. If you can tell me what Hawkeye tells Wanda during the fight I’ll give you a foot massage” Ryder offered. “Ok…ok…he uhh…he says Avengers assemble. Yeah, that’s totally it” Jake assured as he sat up against the arm of the couch and put his socked feet on display to receive the massage. “Hahaha oh my God” Ryder laughed at Jake’s arrogance. “Told you I was watching, now get to it” Jake instructed as he wiggled his dancer toes in the grey ankle socks he’s been wearing all day. “No, he says 'If you walk out that door, you're an Avenger' so that means you have to give me a massage now” Ryder explained as he got up and sat at the other end of the couch before stretching his legs out so his bare feet were in Jake’s lap. “That was not the deal; this movie is long as hell, how was I supposed to remember every line?” Puckerman argued as if he didn’t want to rub the handsome feet.

“Fine…I guess you’re right; it is kind of long. I just wanted you to see it but I guess you still won’t get my references” Ryder gave in as he took Jake’s feet in his lap instead, surprising the mouthier senior. “You’ll have to save that for Sam” Jake added, relaxing against the arm of the couch a little more while Ryder’s strong hands began to work into his right foot. “How’s that?” “Good but don’t be afraid to really get in there” Jake encouraged with his eyes closed. “Whatever you say…” Ryder agreed, watching his body loosen up as his thumbs kneaded into the heel. He knew Jake was too caught up in being serviced to be on guard so without any warning Ryder swung one leg over both of ankles before locking his knees around them and started spidering all over the unsuspecting feet. “AAAhoHAoaAWWHhAaTT?!??! ahahAHAAGGeeETtoOoOFFF!!” exploded from Jake with eyes full of ticklish shock, thrashing on the couch and reaching for Ryder but his legs were like steel from his strict workout regimen. “Should’ve just watched the movie!” Ryder taunted as his swift fingers danced across both writhing feet, Jake trying his best to pull them free but nothing worked. “AHAoAHCcCoOOMmMEEoOOonnNN! AhoAHaohaohAAaaahaaiIIMmMSsOORRrYyY!!” “Sorry for what?” Ryder questioned without stopping. “AHAOahaoahnNNoOOoTTAhoaHAOHAOHA PPPAaYYyIiInnNGGAhoAHA AAtTTtEEnnNttTiIoOonNN!!” “I can’t hear you” Ryder added as he scratched up and down both socked soles. “AAHoahOAHaOAHAOHAAIIiiSSHoOOuLlLDDVVeEeE PPpAAIiDDAHAOHAOHAATTEeeNnTTIIOooNnNN!!” Jake shouted louder.

Jake could tell he was rubbing off on him; Ryder was an all-American boy next door without much of a mean streak, easy to make squeal and squirm but he was becoming more devilish, more assertive. Jake loved to pin him down and wreck his his armpits, feet, or stomach until he was begging for it to stop and that's typically how it went. Usually the only time Jake was on the receiving end was when he let it happen or Ryder got the better of him but Ryder was wilier than when they started almost a year earlier. That night at the dance when he played footsie with him under the table was the first time he’d seen that side of him and it'd only gotten stronger. “Alright…alright” Ryder added as he let the feet go and Jake pulled his legs back. “Stealing my tricks now?” Puckerman asked with a half-impressed grin. “Haha maybe” Ryder answered as he started up off the couch but Jake lunged forward and caught his ankle. “The hell!? No, get off!” Ryder laughingly protested as he pulled away and tried to escape retaliation, crawling on the carpet. “Too slow!” Jake teased before following him onto the floor and wrangling the left foot in his arm. “Shit! NOOAaooOhAOhAoAHoHAOHAOhAAohAoA” gushed out of Ryder as he floundered on the floor, already a mess at the vicious fingers ravaging his buttery sole.

The hunky drummer scrambled to get away from Jake or at least yank his foot free but he couldn’t shake his solid hold, he rarely could. “CcooMmMEEOOONnnnAhaohAOhaAAOHOAHAASSSToOoOHAOHAhoOPPP!!” “You wanted to have a fun spring break so I’m having fun” Jake replied with a toothy grin as his nails scribbled and scratched all over Ryder’s beautiful foot, moving from the base of his toes to his heel as fast as he could. Puckerman got off on making Ryder lose his shit; knowing he could pump out wild laughter with just a few fingers gave him a serious power trip and an incredible hard-on. “AAOhoahaOhaNnOoONNOooOHOhhOAHAA OHOAHOAHAAJjjAAAKKkKEEEE!!! AhoHAOAHAOHSSSTTooOOPPPiIiIITTT!!” Ryder howled while trying to pry Jake off his ankle. “Beg me” Jake instructed. “AHoahoaAWWHhHAATT??! AHoAHOAHoAHaohAOHAAFFFUUuUCckKkoOOoOFFFfF!!” “Beg me to tickle you” Jake reiterated as he focused on the undersides of the warm toes, making Ryder’s laughter shoot higher with desperation. “AHoAHoOOKkKOoOKK!! AHoHaoHAOHAPPPLlLEEeaAaSSEEEAHAOHAA TTTiIIICCKkklLLEEEmmMMEEEeeheheEE!!” Ryder gave in to appease Jake’s tickle master ego. “I mean if that’s what you want” Puckerman obliged before suddenly grabbing the other foot and devouring the fresh sole. “AAHHhOHAOahOAHAOHAOAHAAOHAOAHAOHANNOOOOHOAHAOHAA!!!”  

Ryder pounded into the living room floor and even tried to tickle Jake back but he couldn’t concentrate long enough to fight him off. But just as Jake set his sights on the pink heel, Ryder’s doorbell rang, prompting him to stop the tickle assault. “Who’s that?” Jake asked. “I don’t know…dick” Ryder replied with a playful, frustrated kick into his hip. “Hey, it’s Sam!” “Oh shit, I forgot I invited him over to watch a movie with us” Ryder explained as the memory flooded back. “God I hope it’s not another Avengers…I can only take so much” Jake replied with an honest smirk. “Too bad; Sam loves superhero movies” Ryder answered as he started toward the door. “Hey, man…you did say two right?” Sam asked. “Yeah, come in” Ryder invited as Sam walked in to see Jake sitting on the couch. “Jake! I forgot you were gonna be here” the older boy greeted with a wide smile. “Beats school, right?” “Hell yeah it does” Sam replied as he plopped down in the chair next to the couch. “We just finished watching Age of Ultron, you wanna do Guardians of the Galaxy?” Ryder suggested, getting an eye roll from Jake behind Sam. “Uhh…what about22 Jump St.? I haven’t seen that yet and it’s supposed to be pretty good” Sam proposed as he checked out the DVD collection. “Yeah, that sounds great” Jake interjected with enthusiasm. “I’ll put it in” Ryder agreed with a smile toward Jake who was happy to avoid enduring another hero flick.

“Is it cool if I take my shoes off?” Sam asked. “Yeah, go ahead. I’ll make some popcorn” Ryder answered as he left for the kitchen and the trailers began to play. Jake’s eyes slipped from the TV toward the ottoman with reflexive curiosity, watching Sam’s feet stretch on the foot rest. He’d seen the goofy guy’s feet before but the way Sam’s white socks were shoved down just enough to let his heels breathe enticed Jake; a vibrant blush color from the sneakers he just knew were stupid ticklish. The only thing that pulled Jake’s gaze was when Sam propped his arms behind his head, flashing every inch of his hairy pits in the tank top, tempting Jake even more until, “How’s Glee club going this year?” Sam asked. “Oh uhh, good…good. Blaine’s kind of the new Rachel but not much else has changed” Jake answered after quickly shifting his attention. “I figured Tina would try to run the show but I’m sure Blaine is stepping up to fill the star spot” Sam replied just as Ryder rejoined them. “Sam, the remote’s right there if you wanna hit play” “Sure thing” the blonde followed as Tarantino’s newest film started and Ryder got comfortable at the other end of the couch nearest Sam.

“I loved21 Jump I hope this one doesn't disappoint” Sam added with excitement. “It's really funny” Ryder replied. “I can't wait” Sam agreed as he casually rubbed one foot against the other, causing his left sock to move down even more and expose half of his defined arch. Ryder was too into the movie to be allured by his buddy’s feet but a growing arousal was pressed against Jake’s jeans at the thought of tickling the hell out Sam. He knew there was no way to casually satisfy that specific craving but Ryder’s rich toes sat just a cushion away and unlike Sam, he knew Jake’s eyes were probably on them. “I heard they're making a third one” Sam enlightened. “Really? I'm kind of suRpRieiEiSseD” Ryder replied as his voice became cartoonishly shaky. “You alright?” “Yeah, I'm good” Ryder assured while Jake’s foot caressed his thigh, running his socked toes along the seam of his shorts. Ryder looked back at Jake with a ‘what are you doing??’ expression, trying to read him but Puckerman didn’t give away his intention as he pulled back. Jake knew how to get a rise out of him and part of him wanted to see what Ryder would actually do without alerting Sam.

Ryder tried to focus on the movie and ignore Jake; he knew he was stealing one of his moves now, pulling the same thing he’d done to him last year at prom. “Channing Tatum probably would be more believable at a college than a high school” Sam added. "I know right? He looks closer to 22 than sSeVeEneTteENn"” Ryder tried to reply as Jake’s foot slipped up his t-shirt, his now bare toes grazing down his back and turning the brunette on. “Yeah…you're right" Sam replied with a confused look at Ryder’s odd tone but the younger boy tried to maintain his composure as Jake’s foot slid back down into the couch. Ryder’s head turned toward Puckerman to see him holding his ankle sock, waiting for him to look his way to toss it at Ryder’s face. The sour smell floated around Ryder’s nose and he quickly grabbed the sock to hide it from Sam, hearing a faint giggle from Jake before his fresh toes started wiggling and flexing on the pale thigh to fuck with Ryder even more, knowing how stiff Ryder must be getting and how hard it was to resist reacting. Sam’s clueless eyes remained glued to the movie while Jake’s soft toes dared Ryder to indulge them and Ryder’s cock grew an inch at the thought of giving in but he didn’t want to risk weirding out Sam.

Jake kept an eye on the aspiring model while he continued toying with Ryder, noticing the sizable boner in his shorts only hidden from Sam by the arm of the couch. Just as Puckerman’s sultry foot pressed against the arousal, Ryder suddenly caught it. Jake’s eyes grew wide and he tried to quietly pull his foot back but the grip was too strong, waiting until Sam laughed at the movie to dig into the rich sole with his other hand. “Hahaaha!” shot out of Sam the same Jake burst with forced laughter, almost jumping off the couch at the surprise attack. “This movie is good” Sam added. “Yeah, it’s great” Jake answered with a relieved smile that he wasn't found out. “Yeah, good choice, dude” Ryder agreed, waiting for Sam’s attention to revert before forcing the captured foot between his legs like Jake had done to him at the dance. Ryder looked at Jake with a mischievous smirk, receiving a ‘don’t’ you dare’ look but it didn’t stop him from fluttering along the undersides of the handsome toes. Jake gripped the decorative pillow and bit his lip to contain his reaction, looking like he’d explode after ten seconds but Ryder didn’t stop. Without any warning he started raking across the velvet balls, watching Jake bubble up until he erupted with laughter. “OOaOAAohAOhoAOAaHaOAH!!” Sam’s head spun toward Jake just as Ryder let go to avoid suspicion. “What was that about? You okay?” he asked with a confused chuckle.

“Nothing…the movie’s just so funny, I'm really digging it” Jake tried his best to excuse while Ryder tried to contain his smile. “I mean yeah but…nothing funny really happened just then” Sam pointed out as if he'd missed the joke. “...Jake thinks everything Jonah Hill does is hilarious” Ryder spat out with an amused smile. “Yeah, he is a pretty funny guy” Sam agreed, taking the bait and returning to the movie before Ryder started giggling under his breath at flipping Jake’s foot tease. “Hey, where’s your bathroom?” Sam asked. “The last door at the end of the hall” Ryder pointed out. “Thanks.” Jake waited until he heard the door close before pouncing on Ryder, “You’re dead!” Jake announced with a vicious smirk, yanking off his other sock and shoving it all over Ryder’s face as he dug into his stomach. “AOaOHAoAAOAAOhAOahAOhAOHAOAoAOAAoahaohaNnOOOnNNOOhoHOAHOAHA” muffled laughter filled the living room until Jake dropped his smelly sock and launched into his side with his other hand. “AhoHAohaoahaAAHoAHAOHAAohAAGGEEETtoOoOFFFF!!” Ryder roared while trying to fight him off, his bouncy hair flying back and forth over the back of the couch.

“Umm…guys” Sam said as he appeared behind them. Jake hopped off Ryder and tried to act cool, “We were just messing around, trying out a new wrestling move...” he excused. To Sam, Jake was the second Puckerman with enough attitude for three people, not the kind of guy who would tickle another guy so he was tempted to buy the answer but Ryder could tell Sam wasn't totally sure. “...Sam, did you know Jake is crazy ticklish?” Ryder interjected with a fiendish glimmer in his eye to re-direct Sam's train of thought. “Really??” “That’s…that’s bullshit” Jake refuted. “Oh yeah, he can’t stand it…you wanna see?” Ryder proposed as he started toward Jake, bringing out the ticker in Sam as he followed Ryder’s lead. Ryder figured leaning into Sam's suspicion would make him less confused about what he'd seen and it looked like it was working “No…no! I’m serious! Guys!” Jake warned, backing up until he stumbled over the arm of the couch and Ryder jumped on him with Sam in tow. “Get his feet!” Ryder instructed to Jake’s horror. “Fuck NO! AHohAoAAOAhAhAOhAaahoahSSHHiIiiTTT!!” exploded out of Puckerman as Ryder pinned one arm down with his knee and held the other back, allowing his free hand to drill into his armpit. Sam was more than happy to join in, securing Jake’s ankles in a leg lock and going to town on both savory soles with a smile on his face. Jake may have enjoyed being tickled but the cocky part of him wasn't crazy about being double teamed or Sam finding out just how ticklish he was.

“AhAOhaohOhASsTtoOOoAooAPpP!!” Jake shouted as the fingers dominated his upper body and trapped feet. “You weren’t kidding!” Sam announced with glee, even reaching back and running a few fingers along Ryder’s nearby sole. “HeEYy!” Ryder protested before diving into Jake’s ribs. “AAAoHAoAhaohaafFFUUuCCkKkYYYyOooouUGGUuYyYsSS!!” “Hey, I have an idea” Sam added after a few minutes before swiveling around and turning the tables on Ryder, securing one arm between his legs and holding the other one back so his entire body was vulnerable. “What are you doing?!?” Ryder argued. “There are no sides in a tickle fight” Sam explained with a grin while Jake got up from the floor. “Just enjoying spring break right?” he taunted before taking advantage of the sweet twist. “No! Come ONoaHOaohaOhaAAA” Ryder howled as both hands sunk into his stomach and this time Jake could focus all his energy on driving him absolutely nuts thanks to Sam. “I think he’s even more ticklish than you” Sam pointed out with a giddy smile. “Oh he’s SUPER ticklish….you should see what happens if you try his feet” Jake answered with a sadistic grin. “AAhoAhoaANNNNooOOoAOAOAWWAAaYYYYy!!!!” Ryder tried to protest as he fought against Sam’s strength but he couldn’t escape the hold or Jake’s fingers on his abs. Sam got a playful thrill from the impromptu gang tickling but Jake and Ryder loved every minute of it. No matter how desperate Ryder’s laughter became or how much Jake would threaten them when the tables turned again, this was their favorite game; having a third only made things more interesting even if he didn't know the whole story.

"AhAhoahohaamMMeerRRCCCyYyy!! NNNooOOMmOoORREEeeEE!!" Ryder begged with hysteric laughter. "You wish" Jake replied before attacking his pecs with stiff fingers, only heightening Ryder's reaction and forcing Sam to hold tighter. But just as the blonde reached out to get at the exposed armpit, his phone started buzzing. "Umm...can we take like, a time out?" Sam announced as he abruptly let go. "Dude! What the hell?" Jake asked as Ryder caught his breath on the carpet. "That was Artie; apparently there's a famous photographer coming through Lima today. He's gonna be at the mall...I've gotta meet him and show him my pictures; maybe he could help put me on the map as a serious model!" Sam exclaimed, springing up from the floor and putting his shoes on. "That's great, man" Ryder added. "I know! Sorry to run out but this could be my break! Catch you guys later" Sam announced before practically sprinting out the front door. "Well damn" "Wanna finish the movie?" Ryder asked. "Yeah; I'll be right back. You go ahead" Jake instructed as he started toward the bathroom and Ryder flopped down on the couch.

"I'm starting to think the first one's better" Ryder concluded as he watched the movie while Jake sat at the other end and put his bare feet in the brunette's lap. "What are you doing?" "Well, I figured after I tickled the shit out of you with Sam, you would have another go at me but you didn't get to you go" Jake explained with a wiggle of his toes. "You serious?" Ryder asked with an eager grin; it'd been months since Jake just handed his feet over to him but Ryder loved when the vulnerable side of him came out and he gave up total control. "Yeah, I'm serious" "Sweet!" was all Ryder said as he wrapped one leg around the ankles to secure them between his thighs to make sure he didn't kick all over the place. "Oh shit haha...I know that look" Jake pointed out with apprehension as his body tensed up in preparation. "I don't know what you're talking about..." Ryder teased while lightly dragging his short nails up both peach soles, making all ten toes curl at the gentle sensory rush. Jake clenched the couch pillow and tried to resist losing it so early, feeling every stroke of each finger on his tender feet. The soft flesh against his fingertips was addictive, charming Ryder's manhood back to life with every back and forth while Jake relished in the torturous yet equally intoxicating sensations. After a few minutes the playful teasing suddenly transitioned into concentrated scratching across both sets of balls, making Jake's knees buck and his head fly back with laughter. "OoOAoaoAhFFuUuCCkkaoAOoahaohaOhoAOHaohOAHAASshshhiiIiITT! OAoAoahohAAaoooHAOHAAOohAOhaahohaohaaannOoNNoooO!" Puckerman half-heartedly objected while squirming against the arm of the couch.

"So how about we watch The Amazing Spider-Man next?" Ryder proposed while enjoying the lush balls of both feet. "AhoAohaOaaaOHOhNNnoOOOAooaoha NNNooOmMmMoOrReeSSUUppEeRrhhHEERrooOeesS!" Jake refused. "Wrong answer" Ryder replied before amping up his technique, zig-zagging across the fleshy soles to persuade him. "AAoAOahoahaoyyyOOooUuUDDIIiICCkKAhoahoahaohaaA AAOahohAAhoAHoahoaaOAohaaohaohaAAAoAHOaha" His radiant laughter moved up and down in volume as Ryder traveled up and down his feet, different spots forcing out wilder reactions than others. "So that's a yes on Spider-Man??" Ryder questioned again. "AAhoahoaoAoHOhohaOhaaHOahoahNnoOOOoOWwwAAAyyYyYAAHohaOhaa" "Alright, you're gonna make me do it. I don't want to but...well yeah I do" Ryder added with a devious tone before concentrating on the area where his heel met his arch on both feet; Jake's worst spot by far. "AAHOAHNNOOO!! AoAOaoAoAHoaHAOHAOHAAOHAAOHAHOAAAasSTTooOOHaoaoPP AHOahoahaOhaoaAOhaoAHAAFFFuUuucCkKkTThHahAATTAhAOhAOAHOAHAAA!!" barreled out of the McKinley bad boy as he reflexively lunged forward to stop the fresh attack. Ryder discovered this special spot the first time he tried licking Jake's feet, using it to his advantage whenever he really wanted to wreck him ever since.

"Fingers are great and all but...I remember something a little better" Ryder announced as he took hold of the right foot with both hands. "...what? NO! Not thaahaoHAOHAoOAahAOHAOHAAOhaoAhoaoahaohaohAOAaAHAOHaOAHA!!" raged out of Jake while Ryder playfully gnawed on his tasty heel. He even started using his tongue to lick across the smooth flesh at the same time for a hellacious combination to make Jake thrash and howl at the electric sensations while Ryder giggled at his big smile and unhinged laughter. "AAhoahaohAOOKkKOOOOKKK!! AHoAHaOhaoahWWEeeccCCAAANnnnwWWAATTCCHHhAHoaHoAAA SSSPpiIIDDEERRmMMAAnnNnnN!!!" Puckerman finally agreed, prompting Ryder to stop munching on his foot. "Cool...I'll put it in" he added with a cheeky smile before getting up to start the film. When he returned to the couch Jake had pulled his feet back, still coming down from the insane tickling. "Done already?" Ryder questioned. "You are getting meaner...I thought I was gonna pee my pants" Jake admitted as if he didn't love every minute. "I'd hate to have to explain that stain to my mom" Ryder answered as he casually peeled his t-shirt off, relaxed his arms behind his head, and crossed his feet on the middle cushion between them. Jake's head turned to survey the display beside him; the deep hairy pits, sensitive nipples, and naked feet all just begging to be tickled without even a hint of subtlety. "...I thought you wanted to watch Spider-Man" "I do; that's why I put it on" Ryder assured with a scheming smirk as the movie began. Both boys knew in a few months things would be different, they'd be in different places doing different things and days like this would be rare but for right now life was perfect - spring break forever.