harry Potter: Familiar suspicions

“Good afternoon, everyone. I’m sure some of you may know you I am but for those who don’t, my name is Harry Potter and I’m here to talk about defense against the dark arts” a 27 yr. old Harry introduced as the crowd of Hogwarts students began to buzz and whisper about the infamous alumnus. “As an auror, it’s my job to keep the wizarding world safe from dark magic and protect against those who wish to use it. I’m sure you’ve all been learning a great deal here at Hogwarts but I hope I can provide a little insight about things outside of the castle” Harry explained with the same awkward, charming smile he’d had since he was in their shoes.

“He’s doing great; I thought he’d be nervous” Ron added to Neville, both of them standing to the side of the audience. “I was more nervous about how the students would react to him. I asked him to come give a lecture as a favor to me but I almost forgot he’s basically a legend to kids their age; I mean think about the stories they must’ve heard” Professor Longbottom answered. “Did you tell them about the time your broom went away with you first year?” Ron teased. “No, I left that one out” Neville assured. “So how is it being the herbology teacher?” “Oh I love it. I’ve actually been working on developing a new plant species” “The one that’s supposed to enhance a wizard’s abilities?” “How did you know about that?” “There’s been talk in the department about it, about how dangerous it could be” Ron enlightened with a concerned face. “Is that why you two agreed to come here?” “No, of course not; we came so Harry could speak…but we were hoping to talk to you about it at some point” Ron divulged just as the lecture ended.

“Hey, Professor Longbottom” “Afternoon, Professor” “See you in class, Professor” student after student greeted as they filed out. “Man, you must be pretty popular around here” Ron pointed out. “I’m a little less awkward than I used to be so I guess that helps” Neville answered. “Nice job, Harry” Neville added as Harry walked over. “Thanks. Do you think they were actually paying attention?” Harry asked with a laugh. “No, they were totally zeroed in” Ron answered. “Thanks again for coming, Harry” Neville added. “Oh it was no problem; the least I can do for an old friend” “It’s only been 9 years; we’re not that old” Ron chimed in. “So I hear you’re interested in the new plant I’m growing” Neville added. “…yes. We’ve heard rumors and I wanted to see for myself; I am the head of the department so I should know if you’ve really created such a powerful potion from this plant” Harry explained but his train of thought was distracted when he noticed a blonde man walking down the hall.

“What’s wrong?” Ron asked. “…I think I may have just seen Malfoy walking around” “Draco? Here? Why would he be at Hogwarts??” Neville questioned. “I have a hunch” Harry answered before the three of them started down the same corridor, quickly finding him among the shorter crowd. “Follow me” Neville instructed before taking them down a shortcut, ending up just outside the herbology green house about the time Malfoy rounded the corner. “I heard Longbottom was a professor now but I didn’t expect to see Weasley and Potter here” Draco greeted with an almost warm grin. “I came to do a lecture but I should be asking what are you doing here?” Harry replied, trying to not come off as hostile. “I went to school here too…I can appreciate nostalgia just like anyone else” Malfoy assured. “I haven’t seen you around before now” Neville pointed out. “I was in the neighborhood” “Cut the crap, Malfoy, why are you really here” Ron interjected with his usual bluntness. “Not up for a reunion today, Weasley?” Draco teased, not quite as biting as he used to be but still quick to get under the ginger’s skin. “If you’re really here because you missed Hogwarts, why don’t I believe you?” Harry asked. “I don’t remember you being so paranoid Potter…still as annoying though” Draco answered with a sudden flick of his wand, creating a mild distraction as he ran away.

“He’s after the plant!” Harry concluded while chasing him. “Is it in the green house?” Ron asked. “No, my office” “Is it locked?” “…I don’t remember” Neville admitted as they hurried back down the shortcut, running across campus until they found Malfoy going into the office. “Incarcerous!” Ron called out just in time, the spell quickly tying Draco to a chair in Neville’s office. The Gryffindor trio shut the door behind them and grabbed Malfoy’s wand from his hand. “Untie me, Potter! This is ridiculous! I didn’t do anything!” “Yet” Neville corrected as Draco struggled to get loose, his arms tied to the arms of the wooden chair and his legs to the front legs. “You know about the plant” Harry added. “What plant? I don’t have any use for Longbottom’s silly plants” “Then why run away from us?” “Oh piss off, Potter, all three of you. Being an auror has warped your brains” Draco answered with his signature attitude.

“Ya know, I thought you’d turned over a new leaf but it seems you just can’t play by the rules can you?” Harry asked. “Have I committed any crimes, officer?” Malfoy challenged and even though he was technically right, all three of them knew he was up to something. “…that black suit makes you look even more villainous; let me help with that” Harry added as he used his want to make the blazer and shirt disappear. “What the bloody hell are you doing??” “Getting a real answer” Potter informed before his wand’s tip lit up and he started running it across Draco’s chest. “ohheEEy! HAohAgGEetOOoFfmMeePoTTEerRR!! SttoOPpIiTT!” Malfoy fumbled over his words between the sudden giggles. “No way…Malfoy’s ticklish? This is incredible” Neville relished at the discovery while Ron smiled with similar pleasure. “HOoAohAoaYyOouUCcAANnTtTtiIICcKKlLeEmMmeEE!” “Then tell me why you’re here” Harry answered, using his wand to channel the tickle spell instead of projecting it.

Draco’s eyes got wider when the wand started tracing his nipples, triggering an even bigger reaction. “OoAhOAHanNooNoHoahoahaGGEeTTOoOFFF!! SSTToOpPpIIiTTTPPooOTttEERrRR!! EenNnOOUuGgHh!” “Man he is ticklish” Ron gushed with a smile as he watched Malfoy twitch and jerk against the ropes. “Come on, just tell us the truth” Harry encouraged while teasing the now perky pink nipples, even tweaking one with his fingers. “AhaohAohFfuuUCCkKOoOoFFF!” “Maybe we should help, Harry. Ya know, speed things up” Ron volunteered. “Good idea” Potter agreed before tipping the chair onto its back so his legs were in the air. “Now where were we?” Harry asked before straddling Malfoy’s stomach and circling the right nipple with slow, maddening concentration so the spell could really exploit their sensitivity. “OohAOhAOHAnNOOnNOAOhaoahoAHA!!” Draco protested as his perfect hair became disheveled and Neville and Ron got rid of his fancy shoes.

“These are some nice socks, Malfoy. They look pretty sheer though; that’s not gonna help you out much” Ron taunted before using the same spell on his wand and running down the left socked foot. “AAAOhaohAONnOOnNNnoOoHAOAHOH!” “Oh man, did you here that?!” Ron laughed at the animated reaction. “Let me try” Neville answered as he held the other foot in place and swirled down the thinly veiled sole, getting another burst of heightened laughter. “I’m going to enjoy this too much” Ron admitted before grabbing hold of the slender toes and using his wand like a pen to scribble all over the sheer sole. Neville started tracing the lines of the other sole, dragging the end of his wand down one line at a time from balls to heel. “AAhOoahoAhaohaohAAohAOAHoaaOhAOhaOAHAOHaTthHIiISIiIisshAhaAOhaIInNnSSAAnNNEEe!” “We’ll stop when you tell us why you came to Hogwarts today” Harry assured as his wand traveled up around his neck and collar bone.

“AhoahOAIiitTtoOolLDDYyYOOuUU!!” “Stubborn as ever” Potter answered before suddenly jumping to his lean stomach, running the tip along in a winding motion from side to side. “AOAohaOAHAOHAohAOhaGgRRyYffIInNddoOoORRPPrRIiIicCCKkk!!” Malfoy shouted through his frustrated laughter, only worsened by Neville and Ron wreaking havoc on his handsome feet. By now Ron had ditched the sock and was using his spell-charged wand to repeat his scribbling technique on the rosy sole, even holding onto his big toe for better control. It was hard to compete with the grin on Ron’s face but Neville was getting just a big of a kick out of the situation. He’d used another spell to keep Draco’s creamy toes spread apart while he slipped his wand between each of them and raked down his velvet sole at the same time. “His feet are quite soft though aren’t they?” Longbottom pointed out. “No wonder they’re so ticklish” Ron laughed as they continued doing their part to interrogate the cocky wizard.

“AAHoAHOAHOAAOHAHAoaohAACCOoOMmEEoOOONN!! AHOhaohaajJUuSSttSTToOoooPppP!! aHoHAoaahAOHaaHaohEENnNnOOoUuGHh!!” Draco tried to persuade as Harry focused his wand along his waistline, just beneath the top of his pants. “We’ll stop when you talk, Malfoy” Potter reminded. “HAoaHoAHoHAAFFuUuCCkKYYooOUUPPooOtteEerRR!!” Draco fired back the best he could. “You’re really going to make me pull out all the stops aren’t you?” Harry challenged, relying on his knowledge of more nefarious wizards’ methods to crack his old rival. He used his wand and made a black ball gag appear in Draco’s mouth, effectively muffling the troublemaker. Malfoy was confused at first considering Harry wanted information from him but he got his answer when two extra small feathers sprouted from the ball gag and started tickling the roof of his mouth. “MMMmpmHpHMMpMMHHmMPmMpHMM!!!!!” Draco erupted with surprised laughter, his eyes wide with disbelief as the feathers danced back and forth.

“I wish I’d known how to do that when we were in school” Harry teased before using a different spell on Draco’s underwear, sending a ticklish current through them so wherever they touched would be tickled; his butt, balls, thighs, and manhood all at once. Malfoy’s muffled laughter started dipping into shrieks of ticklish desperation with the new additions proving Potter wasn’t quite as straight-laced as he once was. Without even giving him another chance to talk, Harry dove both hands into Draco’s pits, wiggling in right at the bottom with determined enthusiasm. “MMmpHPHhPpmmhMMPhhMmPhhmmPHhMMMpHMm!!!!” Malfoy shook in the chair and laughed behind the ticklish gag like a nutty Azkaban prisoner, taken back by the uniquely devious interrogation techniques. “Remind me to never make Harry mad” Neville added as Draco’s muffled laughter raged on into sharp squeals.

“Malfoy deserves it; he’s up to something and it’s our job to stop whatever it is. It’s not our fault he won’t tell us” Ron reminded with zero guilt for tickling the guy who’d bullied and tormented them for so many years. “I guess I’m used to just tending to plants these days; you guys bring all the excitement” Neville joked as Ron pulled out a small vial of orange serum. “What’s that?” “I found it in a shop a few weeks ago. It makes stuff taste better so I keep it with me in case we eat somewhere not so great for lunch” Ron explained while dropping a little on Malfoy’s toes. “…why are you putting it on his foot?” “Fred and George used to hold me down and drive me crazy with this one trick when we were younger and I figured I’d see if it worked on Malfoy too. I'd just rather not taste straight feet when I do it” Ron explained with an eager grin before putting Draco’s toes in his mouth and nibbling on the entire row. “MMMPphmMPHhMmMPHhMMM!!!!” Malfoy’s leg jerked the little it could and Ron held his foot steady while grazing on the pale toes with an almost playful viciousness. “I think it’s working…” Neville pointed out as Draco’s muffled laughter skyrocketed even higher.

“Can I borrow some of that?” Neville soon asked and Ron handed him the vial before getting back to nibbling the now sweet toes and Longbottom used a bit on Draco’s fleshy sole. Never as bold as Ron, Neville started with a little hesitation at first but was quickly slurping and gnawing on the arch, heel, and even licking between his toes with the spell still keeping them perfectly separated. Harry wasn’t a cruel person and could see the ticklish agony all over Malfoy’s face, totally overwhelmed by the onslaught of sensations all over his body but he couldn’t just let Draco go if he was really after the special plant. Who knows what he’d do with amplified magic. “Are you ready to tell us what you’re doing here? Really doing here” Potter asked as he stopped digging into the pits. “MmhMmMhphhMMmpHHMMMPhMMMPhHMMH!!” Malfoy tried to nod, prompting Harry to remove the gag and stop the underwear enchantment.

Ron and Neville stopped too to hear what he was gonna say after nearly ten minutes of nibbling and licking. “Alright…I’ll talk…just give me a second” Malfoy said while catching his breath but within a few seconds Neville saw his hand almost around Harry’s wand. “Harry – your wand!” Neville shouted, getting Harry to pull back just in time. “Dammit! Just let me go!! I don’t care if you’re aurors; you can’t tickle me for information!!” Draco exclaimed, sweaty and ready to kill his old peers. “I knew that snake wasn’t going to just tell us” Ron added. “Better a snake than a dirty Weasley!” Malfoy spat, making Neville hold Ron back. “I tell you what; I’m going to make sure the plant is off school grounds and you guys can keep him busy until I get back. How’s that?” Harry proposed. “What!? No! Untie me, Potter!!” “Sounds good to me” Ron answered. “Yeah I don’t have another class today anyway” Neville added. “Great. Let him have it, fellas” Harry instructed with obvious frustration before returning the gag to Draco’s mouth and firing up the tiny feathers.

“I’ve gotta say, I have missed this place” Ron added with a smirk before returning to the same foot and stuffing the tasty toes in his mouth, getting muffled, giggly protests from Draco until he was nibbling up and down the bubbly ends and licking along the silky undersides worse than before. “MmHmpHHMMHPHHhMMhmMpHmM!!!!” Malfoy bucked in the chair and his head bobbed around at the insane, unbearable feeling of Ron snacking on his toes. Neville broke the spell keeping Draco’s other toes apart and charged his wand with the same tickle spell they’d been using earlier, making it trail all over Malfoy’s upper body on a loop while he got back to the terribly ticklish foot.

Following Ron’s lead, Neville wrapped his lips around Draco’s soft toes and started nibbling and flicking his tongue up and down the whole row as if the serum had left them irresistible. “MmMhHPHmMPHHmMpHHMMPhHMMHmMHMMhMMHMmPHmMM!!!!!” Malfoy laughed and squirmed in the chair harder than ever as they devoured his feet without stopping for a second but neither did feathers on the roof of his mouth or the wand teasing every possible place between his waist and neck. Ron and Neville lickled and nibbled on his feet until he was screaming with laughter behind the gag, ready to kiss their feet if they would just stop tickling him. But Harry wasn’t back yet and on some level the interrogation had become more about revenge, getting him back for being so rotten to them all those years. It wasn’t necessarily the Gryffindor thing to do but unfortunately for Malfoy the only thing sweeter than revenge that day was his magic toes.