pose: Tug of war

“Papi! Yo, Papi! It’s Ricky!” Ricky announced as he knocked on Papi and Angel’s apartment door but got no response, no sign of Papi’s infectious smile greeting him like he’d expected. “128. This is the right place, right?” Ricky questioned himself with a look at the apartment number on the door before trying the doorknob and finding it unlocked. “I guess I’ll let myself in” he decided with a twist of the knob before walking in his friends’ apartment and looking around but the only sign of Lil Papi was a leg draped over the back of the couch. A bit worried at first, the ballroom stud walked closer to the couch to investigate and looked over the back to find Papi out cold, blissfully asleep.

“Haha damn, this man is brave enough to sleep with his door unlocked?” Ricky laughed, surprised by his buddy’s lack of concern. The 20-something dancer started to scare Papi with claims of a fake fire in the building but stopped short as his eyes wandered back to the socked foot resting next to him on the back of the couch. A pearly smile grew across Ricky’s handsome face as he reached out with a couple fingers and let them spider down Papi’s narrow sole with mischievous excitement, unsure if it would even work until a sleepy grin on Papi’s face answered his curiosity. “Stahp…come on” Ricky smiled even brighter as the foot twitched and Papi squirmed a little on the couch, convincing the him to start tickling a little faster.

“NoAha…really ahoAh chill out” Papi smiled with clueless attempts to stop whoever was playing with his foot and as much fun as it was teasing him, Ricky decided to step it up and really get him going. The two-fingered spidering technique suddenly became a blitz of scribbling fingers all over the grey crew socked-foot, earning a strong jerk back as Papi’s eyes popped open, “AhAAhwhat the hell?!” The confused Latin hunk let out as he sat up to find Ricky laughing at him, contrasting Papi’s annoyed expression. “You couldn’t just wake me up like a normal person??” “I’m sorry, man, I couldn’t help it…it was too easy” “That’s not even funny…what if I’d popped you in the face?” “My bad, my bad…I just came over to tell you about the new tour I’m going on and I figured you’d have to let me in but your door was unlocked like you live in the suburbs or something” Ricky pointed out. “Ah, shit. I keep forgetting to lock that. I guess I’m used to other people being around to make sure it’s good” Papi confessed with a lighter smile, closer to his usual disposition.

“So, what tour are you dancing on?” Papi prodded with excitement for his friend. “Ya know what…maybe I actually shouldn’t tell you yet. I haven’t even told Pray yet; I guess he should be the first to know” Ricky backtracked with second thoughts, earning a skewed eyebrow of ‘are you serious?’ from Papi. “Nah, no way. You can’t just come over here, wake me up from a good-ass nap and then not tell me” “Sorry, man. I just didn’t think about it. I’ll call you after I tell Pray” Ricky assured as he started back toward the door. “Yeah right!” Papi rejected before sliding over the back of the couch and surprising his guest with two squeezing hands around his lower sides. “AhAHNoO! WhAHAtArREYyoOoUDDoOIiNNG?!” Ricky tried to make sense of as he wiggled around like a limp noodle in Papi’s grip and tried to jerk free.

“Tell me who you’re going on tour with!” Papi insisted with a playfully determined smile like he meant business. “IicCAAnNTT!!” “Don’t give me that!” the slightly older New Yorker refused as he sank in a little more until he was digging around in Ricky’s abs on both sides. “AhAHANNOOAoA! MmAANNCCoOMmEOONN!” Ricky tried to convince as he flailed around and tried to grab for Papi’s arms but soon ended up running himself into the wall, leaving him pinned for an even more direct attack. He managed to turn himself around so he was facing Papi but it only gave him a better look at his friend’s obvious fun interrogating him, “I guess I’m not the only one who’s ticklish” “AhoAFfuUuCCkKYYoOuuAHAHA!” “Fuck me??” Papi took the light-hearted insult as a reason to make things even worse and suddenly left the sides and stomach for a sprint into both armpits before their owner could put up any walls of protection.

“AhAhAHASShHIIITT!!” came flying out of Ricky with higher-pitched surprise, the look on his face like he was holding on during a wild rollercoaster as Papi wreaked as much havoc as he could. “You gonna tell me about the tour now??” “AhAohNnoAoAohAIICCAAnNTTRREeEAAhALLLYY!” “We’ll see about that” Papi challenged with friendly sadism as Ricky lost more and more of his footing and he began to writhe down the wall, his typical strength zapped by the steady tickling. “PPAApPiICCOoMmEeoOONNAhAH!! SSTToHoOoOP!!” “Tell me then!” Papi laughingly insisted as he refused to leave the severely sensitive pits, kneading and wiggling into the most sensitive depths until Ricky was howling against the wall with hilariously unhinged laughter, a rare moment of genuine weakness for the macho man that made it that much more fun to keep torturing him.

“Come on, just tell me about the tour, man!” Papi pressed like he knew he had all the power as he continued mercilessly plowing into Ricky’s pits, grinning with devious delight until a rogue leg kicked out and shoved him off. “Damn, what’d I do to you?” Papi laughed at the mild pain but Ricky gave him no time to make another move, launching toward him from the floor and wrapping his legs up until Papi had no choice but to fall like a tree. “Woah, hold up, man! I was just playing around!” Papi pointed out in hopes of tempering Ricky’s reaction only seconds before five vengeful fingers started scratching across his trapped feet.

“NNoOAoAOhA!! DDUuDDE!! AohMmAAANNSSTTohOHOPP!!!” Papi exploded with volcanic roars of bubbly laughter and his tight body kicked like a bronco in Ricky’s headlock but couldn’t shake the return fire. “You should’ve known better than start something with me, man” Ricky gloated with the same tickler smile Papi was wearing until now as he tickled all over the socked soles in a tornado of isolated scribbles. “OOkoOKK!! AOhOhAohACCoOMmEEoON!! GGgEETtoOfFMmMYyFFEEEETTTMMAAANN!!” Papi shouted/borderline demanded with an audible panic in his almost sweet hysteria but Ricky wasn’t willing to let him off the hook, not with such excellent targets at his mercy.

Papi reached up trying to pry Ricky off and nearly succeeded, pulling him backwards just as the left sock was being peeled off, leaving it only hanging around his tan toes now clinging to the cotton protection as he wrestled with Ricky. “No, man! Enough! I was just messing around before!” “Too bad!” Ricky dismissed with an unsatiated appetite for wrecking his friend as he broke loose of him and immediately tightened his hold on the ankles before ripping the rest of the left sock off and pouncing on the fresh bare foot like he couldn’t wait. “AAhGGhAHA!! FUCK!!” shot out of Papi with an electric squeal before descending into a more normal howl on the floor as Ricky’s short nails clawed all over his peachy sole. “Smooth feet, Papi” “ahAFFuUCCkKYYoOoUAhAAHA!!” Ricky just grinned even wider at the response and readjusted so he was sitting across the back of both ankles, leaving the size 12s even more immobile and freeing up Ricky’s other hand. “Man, come oOonAohAOHA!!” Papi tried to intervene with a lunge back toward him but couldn’t stop all ten fingers from going crazy on his defenseless feet.

One hand terrorized the wrinkled bare foot with chaotic scratches and spidering while the other dug into the socked toes like he was searching between two couch cushions for a lost remote, fueling Papi’s outrageous laughter and his violent floundering behind Ricky. “NNOAOAO!! NNOAohAOHA!! RRiICCkKYyNnOOOAAOhA!! JjUuSstTSSTTOoOPP!!” “Who’s the man?” “AHOAAAOHACCoOMEEoOoONN!!” “Who’s the man??” Ricky pressed while ravaging both feet locked between his knees. “AhoAMmMEEE!!” “You, huh?” Ricky laughed and yanked the other sock off before landing on the velvet heels and arches with newfound cruelty.

“AAAAHAHAHAHSSHHIIITT!!” Papi couldn’t help but scream one good time in a direct blow to his ego and Ricky kept up his playfully evil offense, actually kind of enjoying the feeling of Papi’s soft feet under his fingertips as he wrecked them. “Who’s the man??” “AhAOOAOhANNoOOAOH!!” “Come on, who’s the man??” Ricky insisted, knowing that as silly as it was, forcing Papi to surrender in that way would really mean he’d beaten him. Papi pounded the apartment floor with flying fists as his throat grew red from such extended laughter, even starting to sweat a little around his forehead from throwing himself around like a ragdoll but Ricky wasn’t even a little tired at this point, steadily clawing away across the pair of super sensitive feet like he could keep going forever.

Ricky’s fingers soon started migrating toward Papi’s toes and it was enough to propel him to really fight him off; he knew his bare toes were too much of a risk to let Ricky really have a go at them. “I’m the fucking man!” Papi announced with a surge of energy as he wrapped his arm around Ricky’s neck and took him to the ground, finally dismantling his upper hand. “Woah, where’d you come from?” Ricky laughed at the surprise comeback and Papi moved quickly to straddle Ricky’s waist, making sure to lock his arms down by his sides when he did. “Now what, huh?” Papi taunted with renewed confidence before drilling into the sides of Ricky’s chest through his t-shirt.

“OoHAHhmHM!” Ricky let out with an initial outburst before clenching his jaw and holding back his laughter with full cheeks. He was gonna fight it. “Don’t act like this doesn’t work; I heard you just now! I’m not gonna stop” Papi warned as if he knew Ricky couldn’t resist longer than he could keep jabbing into his pecs. The background dancer’s legs kicked around and his arms tried to break free but he couldn’t escape and his face couldn’t hide the struggle of containing his laughter; Papi could almost see it bubbling up inside him the longer he didn’t let it out. “Come on…come on!” Papi teased with a put-on cartoonish voice as he wiggled into the solid chest until a random spot near his ribs suddenly did the trick. “AhAHANnOO!” Ricky had no choice but to crack, allowing his warm, boyish laughter to pour out.

“Yeah! That’s what I thought!” Papi teased with a smile of triumph as he milked the sweet spot he’d discovered and watched Ricky suffer beneath him with a giant smile across his face. “Now, who’s the man?” Papi challenged. “AhAOhMmMEEE!!” “Yeah right!” Papi laughed before one hand left Ricky’s chest to wiggle into his neck out of nowhere and instantly rocketed the already hardy laughter up another notch. “Who’s the man??” “AAhAHGGhFfuUHUCkKYYoOUU!” Ricky tried to fire back while his head bobbed around fighting the fingers on his neck, just as stubborn as Papi when it came to admitting defeat. “Hold on, I’ve got something you’ll like” Papi announced with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes before grabbing one of his discarded dirty socks off the floor and rubbing it all over Ricky’s face while still tickling his chest.

“AhAHWWhhAATThHeEHHEELL?! TThAAATTSsSGGrRoOoOSSSAHhA!!” “That’s how a man smells right there!” Papi pointed out just to mess with Ricky more as the heavy laughter forced him to breathe in the strong flavor of Papi’s ripe sock. “GgGEETtToOOFFmMmEEAhAH!!” Ricky argued under the seasoned sock dominating his face no matter how much he tried to avoid it while the unforgiving fingers continued digging into his chest and ribs. “You still haven’t told me who you’re going on tour with…and I still wanna know” Papi reminded while trying to maintain his advantage over his wily guest. “IImMnOoOTTSSAAyYIIInNGGSSHhhIITT!!” Ricky refused as he used his teeth to catch the smelly sock and yanked it from Papi before tossing it on the floor, giving him a better view to turn the tables again.

Ricky bent his legs to an arch and bucked Papi forward before he could stop himself from going, landing him on the floor while Ricky swiveled around to try and secure his advantage but it quickly became a wrestling match for control. Papi managed to steal one of Ricky’s sneakers and Ricky accidentally yanked off Papi’s shirt but Ricky ended up mostly on top with Papi’s head stuck between his knees with Papi on his back. “What kind of shit is this, man?!” Papi protested as he tried to escape the half-ass pin. “Keep on talking” Ricky smiled, practically smelling Papi’s anticipation of what was to come until Ricky went after his now wide-open armpits.

“AhAHAFUuCK! NNOnOoOOAOhAOHA!!” “I can’t believe you’re this ticklish and you leave the door unlocked. I mean, what if some kind of neighborhood tickler broke in? You’d be the perfect target” Ricky teased as Lil Papi flailed around and tried blocking the hands he couldn’t see. “AAhOAHWWhhAATtEEEVVEERRMmAAAnNNAAH!! TTHIIiSSBBULLLSsHHiITTAAnNyYWWAayYY!!” Papi refused to acknowledge the joke with red-faced frustration under Ricky, unable to fight off the horrible fingers playing around in his caramel armpits.

“What about these?” Ricky soon asked before leaving the underarms for a quick flutter across the pump nipples. “AAhA! NNO! FFUUCKTTHAAT!! CCoOMmEEOON!!” Papi protested with sudden urgency. “Oh shit, your nipples are ticklish too?” Ricky laughed as Papi’s arms swung harder to get in the way. “NnOOAoOO!!” “Why do you think you can lie about it when they’re right here for me to mess with?” Ricky taunted before dancing across both juicy nipples and making Papi shout every insult he could at Ricky as he embarrassed himself with deranged laughter. “What about both?” Ricky suggested before one hand retreated back into his right armpit and the left divided its attention between both nipples, wiggling across them until they were hard as rocks and even tweaking them every few seconds, usually a good way to make Papi threaten to kick his ass. “AhOHAFUUUcCkKIIinNNGGAhAH AAsSSHhOOLLLEE!! AOAHAOHANNOO!!”

But despite how easy it was for Ricky to keep Papi hollering and laughing and jerking around on the floor, he’d failed to realize how open he’d left himself to a counter-attack, only picking up on a possibility of a problem when Papi grabbed the toe fabric of Ricky’s sneakerless foot and yanked the whole thing off. “Hey!” Ricky argued as if it was unfair somehow and tried to maneuver his foot out of reach from Papi but couldn’t stop him from latching around his ankle and launching onto the naked sole as viciously as he could. “WooAohASHiT!” Ricky’s bright smile flashed wide again and his hold on Papi quickly began to crumble the more the rapid fingers scratched along his foot. “FfuUCCkKOOoFFWWiIiTTtHhTThhAaATT!” “I ain’t done yet!” Papi proclaimed as he wiggled out from under Ricky and wrapped the ankle up in his arm as tight as he could before really getting at his new target.

“AhAhANnOoONNOAohAOHASSTToHoOHOP!!” Ricky shouted with a kind of laugh almost like he wasn’t even sure his feet were ticklish until now, as if Papi was proving that he should’ve been worried about his socks and shoes coming off the whole time. “I guess I’m not the only one with smooth feet…easier to tickle” Papi teased as he flurried all over the rose gold sole and felt the satin skin wrinkle against his fingers, enjoying being on this side of things again. “YYyEEAAhHIIIKKNnoOOoWWAohA!” Ricky answered with attempts to kick Papi off as he writhed around on the floor trying to plan a way to retaliate, not willing to let this be what made him surrender. He feared not being able to live it down.

“You ever had corn on the cob?” Papi asked seemingly out of nowhere. “WWhHAATT?!” an understandably confused Ricky answered before Papi stopped tickling, grabbed the toes and heel of Ricky’s foot, and wrapped his mouth around the arch before nibbling along the savory sole. “AAAHAHA! WWhhAATThHEEFfUUCCKKAHAH?!? AOhAOhAGGEETTTOoFFF!! AohAOHNNoNNOOO!!” Ricky raged with wide-eyed disbelief as Papi went to town, grinding his teeth and sawing back and forth like a beaver on wood. “IIiMMnNnOoOTTTFFuUuCCkKIiInNGCCoOrRnNN!! AOhOAHSSTTOHoHHOPP!!” Ricky shrieked and shouted with high-pitched laughter he didn’t even know he was capable of but Papi wasn’t backing off, ready to ride the munching technique to victory until Ricky managed to jerk his now slobbery foot away a few minutes later.

“You serious right now??” Ricky questioned like surely Papi hadn’t just snacked on his foot. “Angel can’t stand it either so don’t feel too bad” Papi offered as he tried to wrangle the other foot but Ricky reached up and sank into his stomach with his thumbs in an iron lock around his sides. “OoAAohAHNNoO!” Papi, now on his knees struggled to not fall into full defensive mode; his whole body was covered in sweet spots Ricky could exploit if he had the chance. But luckily he knew what drove Ricky the craziest; he’d have to go for it if he wanted to win. Ricky tried to force Papi back onto the floor so he could get a better hold on him but Papi pushed back and threw his weight into him, landing him on top of Ricky instead. “No way! No!” Ricky argued as Papi managed to trap one arm between his knees and force the other one out away from him by grabbing his wrist, leaving Ricky in a sort of T shape flat on the floor.

The minute Ricky saw Papi’s free hand go toward his armpit, his eyes lit up with panic, convincing him to give him what he wanted. “Alright! Ok! I’ll tell you who I’m touring with!” “Oh, it’s too late for that now” Papi answered as if he’d gotten too invested in beating him to let that stop him now. “NO! No, come oOOAnOAhAOhAAHA!!” Ricky went off like a string of firecrackers once Papi dove into his armpit on full blast, burrowing in deep with stiff, brutal fingers to really get Ricky losing it. “AAAHAH!! OOKOOKK!! AOhAOhAOAAOHPPAAPPIICCOOMMEEOoOOONN!! NNoOOMMOOORREE!!” Ricky practically screamed with laughter that he had no control over as he kicked the floor and shook under Papi, not equipped to handle such direct tickling with no way to fight back.

“Who’s the man?” Papi asked with a cocky smile like he knew he’d practically won and just wanted to hear it, to make Ricky give into the childish yet emasculating admission of defeat like only a friend would. “JjUuSSTTSSSTtoOOPPP!! AhAohASSEERRRiIOouSSllLYY!!” “Who’s the man??” a fully confident Papi questioned without leaving his armpit for even a second or weakening his attack, keeping Ricky in his own tickle purgatory as his body bucked around like he was being electrocuted. “AOhAOhAOHAPPPLLLEEAASSEE!!” Ricky resisted with everything he had until Papi found that spot again near his ribs after a sudden louder shriek and went full steam ahead drilling into it, instantly forcing Ricky into a new level of ticklish suffering.

“AAAAAAAGHGGHAAHAAA!!! OOKOOKKOOK!!! AohAOhOAHAoaAOOOKK!!” “Ok what?” “YYYoOOUuURREETTTHHEEMmMMAAANN!!” “Let me hear it again” “YYoOOuUURREETTHHEEEmMMAAAANNN!!!” Ricky shouted as loudly as he could between his feral laughter and Papi finally stopped tickling him. “Damn, it feels good to be the man!” Papi gloated with a teasing smile as Ricky caught his breath on the floor. “Yeah…sure” Ricky brushed off with a tired laugh, a good enough sport to not be mad at Papi for getting him as good as he had.

“So now that we know who the man is, who are you touring with?” “…Michael Jackson” “For real?? That’s insane, man! Oh my God!” Papi exclaimed before helping him up and giving him a congratulatory hug. “Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either. Just don’t tell Pray you found out before he did, alright?” “Of course, sure. I won’t even tell anybody how bad you got tickled today” Papi teased with another grin. “I could say the same thing about you” “At least I’m not the one who got a face full of my dirty-ass sock” “Tell anybody about that and your Michael Jackson ticket is going to the highest bidder” Ricky threatened. “Ok, yeah, maybe I won’t tell anybody about the sock thing” Papi backtracked. “That’s what I thought.”