FRIENDS: christmas socks

Part 1

“Thanks, Joey! I love them…” Rachel tried to assure with a confused smile as she studied the bizarre earrings she’d been gifted. “I’m glad you like em’. I wasn’t sure about them at first but nobody seemed to be buying them so I figured you’d stand out” Joey, the loveable air-head replied with a smile before the Secret Santa exchange continued. “Alright, Chandler, you’re turn” Rachel announced. “I hope I got earrings too” Chandler teased while unwrapping his gift until he realized it was a pair of intentionally obnoxious Christmas socks, green with red and white designs all over them. “Oh wow, now I’ll be the one standing out” “I know right?!” Phoebe replied.

“Try them on, man. I bet they look even better wearing them!” Joey suggested, genuinely interested in seeing them in action. Ross’ eyes widened a bit with subtle excitement as everyone looked back at Chandler, still holding the colorful socks. “Oh uhh, they don’t really go with this outfit. I should probably wait until later or tomorrow” “Hey, I tried my earrings on; you can wear the damn socks” Rachel insisted with her ears now much more gaudy. “Yeah just slip em’ on real quick” Ross added as if he was only piling on to mess with Chandler, not building with anticipation as pressure mounted for Chandler to try the socks on. “I’ll be sure to put them on later and do a whole strut down the hallway, how’s that?” Chandler offered, now slightly blushing. “Oh fine” Phoebe agreed and Secret Santa continued to Chandler’s visible relief, deflating Ross’ silent hope of finally getting a solid look at his buddy’s bare feet.

He’d known Chandler since college but he’d never gotten more than a few glimpses or his feet; he’d put on socks before leaving the bathroom after a shower, he’d wear socks to bed, and even at the beach his feet were somehow always too sandy to check out. Part of Ross was always very self-conscious about his secret foot fetish, considering himself weird for liking them but on the flip side of that, Chandler seemed to be incredibly foot shy even around his friends which was arguably just as odd. Despite being married before and only dating women, Ross knew he wasn’t totally straight but he didn’t entertain that side of him much at all. Over the years it really only seemed to come out during times like tonight when he was so close to getting at feet he really wanted like Chandler’s but this ‘almost’ drove him just a little crazier than usual.

The next day there was a knock at Joey and Chandler’s apartment door, bringing the goofball actor to open it and find Ross waiting on him. “Hey, man what are you doing here?” “I had to drop something off for Monica so I thought I’d swing by” “Well come in; I just got some beer earlier if you want one” “Thanks” Ross answered and took one from the fridge before joining Joey in front of the TV. “Where’s Chandler?” “Oh I think he was just getting out the shower” “Oh” Ross replied, the wheels now turning in his head while Joey flipped channels. “Hey, Joe how long have you and Chandler lived together?” Ross asked, pushing himself to start the risky conversation.

“Oh, man it’s been a long time now” “Yeah we used to be roommates in college. He used to have certain quirks back then; I wonder if he still does” Ross explained as calmly as he could, intriguing Joey. “What do you mean?” “It’s dumb, I don’t even know why I brought it up” Ross tried to dismiss as if he’d lost interest. “No, come on I wanna know now” Joey pressed with an eager smile. “Alright, I bet you when Chandler gets out the bathroom he’ll already have socks on” Ross enlightened. “Really? I never paid attention before but that’s weird; why would he already have socks on? Who does that?” “I know, I know; that’s what I mean by quirk” Ross elaborated now that Joey was just as invested, only about a minute before the bathroom door opened and pulled their attention.

“Ross, do you live here now too?” Chandler greeted with his usual humor. “I was just in the neighborhood” Ross answered as he and Joey looked to see he was indeed already wearing a pair of fresh socks, the Christmas ones he’d been given the day before. “You alright there, Joey?” “Oh yeah, just thinking” “…right, well I’m gonna get dressed now” Chandler answered with a confused look before closing his bedroom door behind him. “You were totally right!” Joey exclaimed without being too loud. “Weird right?” “Ya know, now that I think about it, I think the only time I’ve seen Chandler’s bare feet was at the beach…and he’s seen my feet plenty of times!” Joey realized as if it was unfair to him. “Well uhh…maybe you should check them out for yourself” Ross proposed while his heart pounded louder and his body stiffened with anxiety, trying to be as cool as possible.

“What do you mean? Like ask him to show me his feet? He’d probably think I was into that or something” Joey laughed. “Oh no, yeah that’s…that’s gross. It’s just kind of a strange thing to do around your roommate though; I mean you guys are best friends” Ross added. Joey looked like he was taking in the situation and Ross waited with nerve-racking suspense for what would happen next but it suddenly spiked when Chandler came back out, joining them in a pair of jeans, a blue pull-over, and of course the socks.

“So what are we watching?” Chandler asked while walking toward the other recliner, sitting down next to Joey. “Why do you guys look like that…? HEY!” Chandler let out as Joey suddenly got up and wrapped him in a bear hug, “Do it, Ross! Now!” Joey announced, shocking Ross and confusing Chandler more as he sat there. “What the hell are you doing?!” Ross felt like he was moving in slow motion, staggered by the surreal turn of events but adrenaline kicked in again and he took the chance while he had it, running over and wrapping his arm around one of Chandler’s ankles before ripping the sock off with a long-awaited reveal.

“What the hell, Ross?? Get off me!!” Chandler’s panic button had been hit but couldn’t stop his friends before Ross had his bare foot locked in the hold. It was even better than he’d imagined; lean with perfect juicy pink toes, a low arch, and Chandler was writhing enough for him to see how smooth his sole was too. His mouth was almost watering and he could feel the electricity running through his body but a swift kick from Chandler forced him to let go, “What is wrong with you guys!?” Chandler protested while fighting Joey until he slipped out the chair. “Get the other one!” Joey shouted as he went after Chandler’s still socked foot like a bunch of rough housing brothers.

“No! You guys have lost it!” Chandler refuted with a freaked expression but there was no stopping Joey as he landed across the back of Chandler’s leg, wrangled the ankle in his arm, and stole the second Christmas sock. “Wow, why don’t you ever go barefoot? These are nice feet!” Joey questioned while admiring the supple peach sole and rosy balls. “Can you just leave my feet alone!? The hell is wrong with you guys?!?” Chandler tried to convince but Ross quickly made things worse when he mirrored Joey’s position and locked back around the other ankle to enjoy the dreamy foot some more.

“Ya know, I bet feet like these are pretty ticklish…” Joey pointed out with a mischievous smirk toward Ross. "NO! Joey, I swear to God! Do noTAHOahoHAAOhAA!” Chandler forbid before erupting with sudden horror as Ross and Joey tested the theory by scribbling all over his incredibly shy feet. “AAAhaohAOhANnNOOnNOO!! AhoAHASSTToOOOPP!! DDEEAARRgGGoOODDAHOAHAOHANNOOnNOOHAA!!” Chandler roared while desperately trying to get away but he didn’t realize how screwed he was. Joey loved messing with his friends and this was just the newest way to have some fun with Chandler but Ross was in heaven with the very feet he’d been lusting after for long at his fingertips.

Chandler reached out for anything to pull himself away with but all he could do was flounder on the living room floor, mortified that his bare feet were so exposed and at his friends’ mercy. “All that time wearing shoes and socks kind of backfired on you…I mean look at this” Joey pointed out with a single stroke down Chandler’s ridiculously soft sole to get a violent jerk from him. “Haha he’s so damn ticklish – I love it” Joey smiled with his superior strength helping keep hold of Chandler as he pried the toes back a little and ran his nails all over the flawless foot. “OAoAOhAoHAoahAONNOoNnNOOO! AoaHJJoOOoOEEyYyYY!!!” Ross still couldn’t believe this was happening and as much as he enjoyed tickling Chandler, he knew now was the only time he’d ever have the chance to really do what he’d always wanted.

Ross sat across the back of Chandler’s leg, bent his leg back towards him, and held tight around his ankle before finally licking across Chandler’s foot with one quick drag of his tongue. “AAAH!! AAAAH! OoAHoAHAWWhhHaAATTTTHHEEehhHEEELLL!?! GGEETTOOoFFFGGEETOOoFF!!” Chandler all but screamed like his worst fear was coming true but Ross’ fantasy was coming to life at the same time and he wasn’t letting go now. “Dude! I never knew you were so freaky” Joey laughed after the outburst and looked over to see Ross going back for another lick, this time taking his time to lather from heel to wiggling toes. “I figured this would tickle too” “Sounds like it’s working” Joey agreed before returning to scratch along the silky arch with a more focused approach, wrecking Chandler with hilarious ease.

“NNOOnoHAOHAOOhMMYYYGGoOoDDAH!! AohASSTToAoAPPASSTTOoOPPP!!” Chandler begged or demanded, it was somewhere in between but it was obvious he couldn’t stand any of it. Normally Ross would’ve added some playful banter but not now; he breathed in the clean yet naturally tangy smell of Chandler’s preppy foot one good time before slurping along the side until his tongue slipped off the big toe. The longer he indulged, the less he held back, soon flicking along the base of the plump toes until Chandler was pounding into the floor but he nearly exploded off the ground when he felt Ross nibbling along his arch and heel. “OOAOHAoHAOAHHHOOOLLYYySSHHIIITT!! AHoAHRRoOOOSSS! AohAOHAAOHANOONNoOOO!! yYYOouUuCCAANNnTTDDoOOTTThHAATT!!” Chandler tried to convince as if this was a line he thought anybody would ever cross, let alone his friend but he was laughing too hard for Joey to take him seriously and Ross was in too deep to care.

Joey held Chandler’s ankle with one hand and let loose on his foot with the other, scribbling and spidering with a wide smile as his buddy lost his shit behind him but his confident hold soon ended up allowing Chandler to get his leg free. “Hey! How’d you do that?” Joey tried to figure out as Chandler scrambled to fully escape them but the muscle man of the group quickly recovered the leg and decided on a different approach this time, grabbing the second leg too and holding his legs in place in front of Ross. “Here, get him!” “Ross – NO!!” Chandler objected with wide-eyed fear but Ross wasn’t turning the golden opportunity down. He launched onto the helpless feet ready to do some serious damage, scratching up and down the tender soles while Joey happily kept them from moving around.

“AAAOAOHAOAoAohASsSSOONNOoOFfAAABbiIITTCCHHAHAHaHA!!” Chandler fell apart with writhing chaos, barely able to process what was happening but Ross refused to give him a moment’s peace as he tickled both shy feet. “Ooh! Yeah, right there! He hates that spot!” Joey encouraged after Ross got a sharp squeal out of Chandler and Ross was happy to oblige, zeroing in on the lush balls and using his nails for short, vicious back and forths. “AAAoAOhAOhAoAHIIihHAAATTEEyyYooOUUu!!!” Chandler raged with a sweat breaking out on his forehead but his expressive face quickly became even more animated when Ross’ eager tongue joined in, flicking and wiggling along both arches. “AaOhAOHAoaHAOhAAohAAOOoHHOAhoAAnNOnOOONNOOO!!! IIiIGGGiIIvVEeEEuUPPPP!! DDdAAmMMIIiITTRrROOooSS!!”

“Man, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were enjoying this” Joey added, figuring using his tongue really was just another way to tickle Chandler. “…haha totally” Ross played off before sneaking between a few of Chandler’s toes and getting the highest pitched laugh yet, followed by a stream of nonsensical cursing and threats as Ross continued snaking between the rows and scratching the captive soles while Joey watched. Chandler sounded like he’d combust if they didn’t soon stop, too ticklish and far too used to having his feet protected to handle the concentrated attention. Lucky for Chandler, just as Joey locked his grip tighter around the legs and Ross began nibbling on the tasty toes, there was a knock at the door.

“Who is that?” Ross asked as if somebody could possibly be important enough to interrupt this glorious moment. “It’s probably the pizza I ordered earlier” Joey answered and let Chandler go to retrieve his pie. Ross’ cloud nine glow dimmed as it all came to a screeching halt and Chandler quickly grabbed the discarded socks to put them back on as fast as he could. Chandler made eye contact with Ross and the academic immediately knew what it meant but he was still too giddy to resist teasing him, “…could you BE any more ticklish?” “Nope, no…we’re not talking about this. We are NEVER talking about this.”

“Sorry, Chandler, I forgot how much of a tickler monster I can be” Joey added with a sincere smile as he came back with the pizza. “We’re going to pretend I never found out and that this never happened. Got it?” Chandler made clear with a wild look in his eye. “Sure” “Yeah” both guys agreed but it just made them laugh at him more, knowing they’d use it against him again eventually and that they’d finally gotten a good look at Chandler’s feet.

Part 2

The next day Chandler did just what he said he would and acted like nothing had happened; they hadn’t stolen his stocks, they didn’t tickle him, and Ross DID NOT lick his feet. At least that’s what Chandler tried to tell himself so he could go about his day without cringing every few minutes but when he got home that day, he stopped in his tracks upon finding Ross already in his apartment. “I could’ve sworn Joey was my roommate” Chandler joked as he sat his briefcase down. “Joey wanted me to teach him how to play chess; this girl he’s going on a second date with tomorrow is really into it and he wants to impress her” Ross explained. “Well, it’s a good thing Joey’s pretty” Chandler added before grabbing a beer from the fridge and sitting at the bar.

“Where is Joey?” Chandler asked as if he’d just realized he wasn’t in the room. “He’s looking for his purple shirt; he said it makes him look smart” “You sure this girl just shouldn’t date you instead? At least you could wear whatever you want” “Haha thanks” Ross answered as Chandler slipped off his blazer. “Listen, about yesterday…” “Ross, if you care about your safety at all you will not finish that sentence” “I just don’t want you to be mad at us; we were just goofing around” “…I’m not mad because nothing happened” Chandler tried to shut down. “I mean who knew Joey was such a good tickler? When he suggested ambushing you I didn’t think it’d go on for so long but I guess we got carried away” “So it was Joey’s idea?” “Come on, it was just a prank” Ross tried to downplay but he could tell Chandler’s head was already stirring.

“Look, I’ve got to go. I have an early lecture tomorrow but just promise not to kill Joey, alright?” “Yeah yeah” Chandler agreed and Ross left the apartment, relieved Chandler wasn’t weirded out about him licking his feet even if it meant shifting blame. That night Chandler couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning with ghostly fingers still haunting his socked feet under the covers. By 11 he sat up with frustration, unable to stop thinking about the day before and how Joey was probably sleeping like a baby in the next room. “I’m not too mature for revenge am I?” he asked himself before getting up and carefully making his way toward Joey’s room.

Chandler cracked the door to see his roommate out cold and to his surprise, Joey’s big bare feet fully exposed at the end of the bed. Chandler wasn’t usually devious or scheming but the temptation to get him back was too strong as he watched the meaty feet move every so often on the blue sheet, prompting him to look around until he found Joey’s robe and stole the belt. Within 15 minutes Chandler was sitting across the back of Joey’ s calves, both ankles tied together with the belt and the ends of the belt tied to two 20 pound dumbbells on the floor on either side.

He thought about teasing Joey until he woke up but he realized he wanted him to get the full effect, “Hey, Joe…that pizza you ordered is here!” Chandler announced and Joey sprang to life, trying to sit up only to find he couldn’t move his legs. “What the? What’s going on??” “Karma” Chandler answered with a smirk before letting loose on the wrinkled soles, scribbling as fast as he could from heel to toes and everywhere in between. “WWOoOAohaOhAOAHNNonNOaoha!! aohACCHhAANnDDLlEERRR!! WWHhHAaTTaaRREyYOoUudDOOiINnGG?!” Joey tried to make sense of but couldn’t yank his legs back thanks to the homemade bondage. “Not so much fun on this side is it?” Chandler taunted as he proved Joey’s feet were just as ticklish as his own, thicker and wider but just as sensitive for sure.

“IIIiMMTTrRyyYiiNnNNGGTTToOoSslLEEEPP!! CCCoOmMEEOOnNN!!” “Too bad!” Chandler fired back as he settled their score with ruthless drags of his short nails across the Italian soles. Joey flailed and bucked in his bed like a wild man and boomed with deep, hardy laughter until Chandler started along the edges of both feet and he let out a panicked yelp. “Ooh let’s go back to that” Chandler re-directed as he raked along the very edge of both feet, focusing on where the pink sole met the pale tops. “AAHoANnOONnO!! AhoaAhoaNNoOOoMMmOOORREEE!! IIICCAANNnTT!!” “Should’ve thought of that before!” Chandler pointed out while raking up and down the sweet spots to really punish Joey.

He didn’t leave the sides of his feet until suddenly jumping to Joey’s rich toes, sparking fresh terror in the ladies’ man before Chandler’s vengeful fingers were scratching around in both crunched rows. “AAAhAAHAOhACChhAanNnDDlLLEERrRPPLLLeEEAASSEE!! AhoAHAMMmEeRRCCyY!!” he begged while trying to free his handsome feet but Chandler wasn’t interested in mercy, happy to hear Joey laughing so hard behind him. “Why should I stop? You got Ross to help you tickle me!” Chandler pointed out as he dug in a little deeper and wiggled back and forth among the ten soft toes. “AAoAOhAoAHAA IIiTTWWWAASSRRrOOOSsS!!” “Don’t try getting out of it now; he told me it was your idea” Chandler doubled down before returning to scribble all over Joey’s trapped soles.

Joey wailed and bubbled over with laughter like only somebody tickling his feet could get out of him but with all the focus he could muster, he lunged forward and tazered into Chandler’s sides one good time. “oAHoHEY!” escaped out of Chandler as he lost his balance and fell off the side of the bed, allowing Joey to free his legs and get to his knees. “Tickling a man while he’s trying to sleep is really messed up!” Joey added. “What? You started with me!” “It wasn’t my idea yesterday” “Yeah right” “No, really! Ross told me about how you never go barefoot and how weird it was and that’s what started it” “…Ross did what?” “Yeah, he said you’d be wearing socks when you came out the shower” Joey explained but Chandler feared getting on the topic until a lightbulb came on that hadn’t before now.

“…why would Ross care that I wear socks most of the time?” “I don’t know…maybe he likes feet; some guys are into that” “I mean I guess but it’d be women’s feet…right?” “Hey, you’ve known him longer than I have” Joey pointed out with a shrug of his shoulders, perplexing Chandler even more. “The way I see it, it’s Ross’ turn; foot guy or not. You tickled me and we tickled you; it’s only fair, especially after he lied about it being my idea” Joey suggested. “Good idea, Joe…I guess it’s only right for it to come full circle.”

Part 3

“I’m glad we did this; I don’t think we’ve ever had a boys’ night” Ross added as he enjoyed a beer in Chandler and Joey’s apartment and Joey brought over a plate of sandwiches. “Yeah I figured we all needed a night to just hang out and kick back” Chandler answered while kicking his feet up in the recliner. “I mean we don’t get to do this that often” Joey added before putting up his feet in the other recliner, both of them angled to Ross in the third chair. The awkward doctor grabbed a sandwich like he was a little confused by their mirror behavior and started eating but when he saw Chandler start toeing off his shoes, he almost forgot how to chew.

Joey turned on the TV to a basketball game and Ross tried to play it cool, forcing himself not to stare as the first shoe hit the floor and Chandler casually started prying off the other until both white socked feet were on display. Chandler didn’t seem to notice Ross almost drooling and turned his attention toward the TV but about that time Joey started taking his boots off, surprising Ross as he watched Joey flex his socked feet and Chandler wiggle his toes every so often. The scene was too much for Ross to handle sober and started drinking more than he was eating, downing beer after beer to calm down as he wondered how Joey’s grey-toed socks smelled or how much better Chandler’s feet probably tasted after baking in his shoes all day.

“Why is this game so bad? I mean could the ref BE more blind?” Chandler asked about 30 minutes later. “I know right? Maybe we should just do something else” Joey suggested. “Like poker or something?” Ross offered, obviously looser than before after drinking through the sock tease. “I have an idea; there was this game I played in college one time called ‘escape artist’ where guys would take turns seeing if they could get out of sticky situations” Chandler explained. “I don’t remember that” Ross added. “You must’ve gone home for the weekend or something” “Yeah, I’m down. Sounds like fun” Joey answered.

“Alright yeah” Ross agreed a little reluctantly. “Great, well uhh Ross you’re our guest so I guess you can go first” Chandler explained. “Me? I don’t know…maybe you should go since you know the game” “Come on, there’s nothing to it” Chandler insisted as he started casually rubbing his feet together at the end of the foot rest to coax him. “Ok, yeah…I’ll go first. Just don’t do anything too hard for my first time” “Don’t worry; we’ll go easy on you” Joey assured with a pat on his back and by the time they were done Ross was on the living room floor wrapped in Chandler’s comforter with his wrists tied behind his back with Joey’s robe belt. Normally Ross would’ve never let anyone other than maybe a kinky date tie him up but he was tipsy enough and bewitched by his friends’ feet enough to let it happen for the game.

“Is there a timer or something?” Ross asked while testing the material around his wrists. “Normally yes but not this time” Chandler answered as he knelt down and tugged off Ross’ loafers. “Hey! What are you doing?? Is this part of the game?” Ross asked with sudden anxiety on his face as his feet wiggled in place. “Would you look at that, Ross has his own pair of Christmas socks” Chandler pointed out with delicious irony. “Hey, while you’re down there why don’t you tell me how my feet smell?” Joey instructed before rubbing his beefy foot across Ross’ face, taking him by surprise with wide-eyed disbelief. “What? Wha…what are you guys…doing?! Ross tried to ask with the cheesy foot now dominating his senses but he couldn’t deny how fantastic it smelled.

“I know tickling me and stealing my socks was your idea the other day” “Yeah and that you lied and told Chandler it was mine!” Joey chimed in. “Guys, come on! It was just a joke!” “Yeah then so is this” Chandler answered before attacking the middle of Ross’ size 12s with all ten fingers. “HHEeEEhAYY! OoHAohASSSTtooOoPp!!” Ross burst with sudden laughter as the quick fingers scratched along his long arches but how could even try to focus on escaping with Joey’s foot demanding his attention. “Why don’t you taste em’ for me, big guy?” Joey pressed with his toes teasing Ross’ lips, putting him in a surreal situation of giving in to Joey and enjoying the feet like he wanted or refusing just to hide his fetish. “Oh, I know, you’d probably rather me lose the socks first” Joey added to Ross’ delighted horror as Joey quickly peeled the right sock off and returned to his face.

“AAhoAHOAcCooMMEeOOOnN!! TTHHiIissSiIIIiSScCcRAAzZZyY!!” “Oh we haven’t gotten crazy yet” Chandler pointed out before taking the green toes of both socks and tugging them off with one hand, hitting Ross with fresh panic for what was to come. “Not the socks!! Guys, I’m sorry!” “Less talking and more kissing” Joey instructed as he rubbed his bare foot across Ross’ mouth again and he had no choice but to give in, planting kisses the best he could through the wild laughter. “I would lick your feet to be even with you but I’m not a sicko” Chandler taunted as he raked up and down the creamy soles with long, brutal drags on the big nerdy feet.

Revenge was sweet that day and even after torturing Ross for a while, Chandler and Joey decided they didn’t want to give up their fun just yet. By 10 the two roommates were in their recliners kicked back watching a movie on TV just like normal while Ross sat on the floor in front of them unwrapped but still with his wrists tied. Joey’s gorgeous size 10s sat in front of Ross as he worshiped every inch of them with unwavering enthusiasm while Chandler’s feet sat just to the left of him, still socked and still off-limits; he could look and even smell when Chandler allowed but that was it. Ross’ bare feet sat between the chairs and they’d take turns tickling him whenever they felt like it, now happily his friends’ foot slave for the rest of their first and hopefully not last boys’ night.