hell week part 3: taking control

The Greek system of college life has been a staple of college culture for years with countless fraternities and sororities across the nation full of young men and women. Despite being based on solidarity, comradery, and philanthropy it’s no secret what most of those groups of young adults are really about; testing how much alcohol the body can handle, exclusivity, and keeping the tradition alive of upperclassmen seniority. But what if something changed? What if that unquestioned hierarchy was flipped on its head and the newest recruits had all the power? Absolute power. 

“Focus on the heel more, Duke, really dig in with your thumbs” Patrick Donovan instructed. “I’ve been at this for 20 minutes, my hands are starting to smell like your cheesy ass feet” Duke challenged with attitude as he held pale size 12 in his hand. “Too bad, keep going!” the 18 yr. old red head fired back, lightly slapping the upperclassman with his other bare foot to reinforce his instruction. Patrick lounged like a prince on the wrap around couch while Aidan sipped on a white Russian made by his own personal slave, Jamal. “Your laundry is done” the athletic lad informed with a sour expression. “Great…but it doesn’t look folded to me” “Are you serious?” “Do I look like I’m joking?” Aidan answered, prompting his older frat brother to reluctantly start working on the basket full of the new recruit’s clothes. “Remember to color code the cards by the type of verb, Perry; I don’t need the ar’s and er’s confusing me more than they already do” Zack mentioned from beside Patrick on the couch. “But I already went through those, you didn’t tell me to color code them” Perry answered. “Uh, yeah I did. I think I’d remember what I said” Zack assured.

“This is bullshit! I’ve got my own shit to do instead of doing yours!” Perry exclaimed as he threw down the stack of Spanish flash cards. “He’s right! I’m not folding all these fucking clothes!” Jamal joined in with shared outrage. “You really want everybody to see you tickled like a little bitch? All it takes is one simple message or would you rather it go on Instagram?” Aidan challenged, wielding his phone like it had the power of a damn infinity stone. “I’m sure the whole team would love to watch it” Zack added as Perry’s face grew red with anger. “…fuck!” Jamal said somewhat under his breath, slamming the basket back on the couch while Perry just stared at the cards on the floor contemplating what to do. “Pick em’ on up, handsome…I want them finished and separated by color by tonight” Zack ordered, watching Perry take a deep breath and start collecting the cards.

It’d only been a month since the freshmen of Alpha Phi got sweet revenge on the upperclassmen for their tickle torture imitation, tickling each of the older frat boys senseless and capturing it on film. Not only did they get revenge for the twisted hazing but their fellow pledges, Troy Valdez and Devon Upman managed to turn the entire power dynamic of the house upside down. Each freshman pledge had their own upperclassman slave, using the threat of leaking their tickle videos to sustain their reluctant obedience. Of course a few older members of Alpha Phi refused from time to time or disobeyed their teenage master but an hour of tickling and paddling in the desk stocks proved to be just the trick to fix that. Devon had become Alpha Phi president but really only held the title while Troy made all the actual decisions, each of them now master to the former president and vice president; Tommy Stephens and Chad King. It was an unprecedented power move by any freshman class to blackmail the existing members and a shake up the fraternity had never seen but no upperclassman wanted their tickle video released, fearing what it would do to their reputations on campus or even outside of the university thanks to the magic of social media. The tables were turned and the freshmen were on top no matter how much every other Alpha Phi brother hated it.

“How’s that English paper going, Tommy?” Devon Upman asked from the fancy leather chair of the living room. “…2 pages down” “I’m sorry, what?” “…2 pages down, Mr. President” “That’s what I thought” Devon replied with a satisfied smirk as the blonde alpha male typed away at the freshman’s assignment, clenching his jaw with unwavering frustration. Tommy’s glorious bare toes crunched in his flip flops under the table with silent hostility as he remembered what’d happened the last time he’d refused an order; he could almost still feel the electric toothbrush buzzing against his insanely ticklish taint. About that time, Chad walked in the front door of Alpha Phi dressed in his standard preppy attire; a pastel purple button down, khaki pants, and brown loafers. “I didn’t know it was date night, how’s Nicole?” Devon asked as he and Troy watched him immediately grow tense with resistance. “Fine, she’s fine” the 22 yr. old replied, starting toward his room.

“Slave…I need you in here” Troy announced, stopping the leather loafers in their tracks before an angry walk made its way to the living room. “Devon and I were about to watch The Boys and I really need a place to put my feet up” the new second in command informed. “The ottoman is right there” Chad pointed out. “Yeah but it’s hard to beat a frat boy foot rest” Troy replied with a glowing grin as he leaned into the power trip. The upperclassman’s fist clenched and his face grew rigid at the command, such a service going against every prideful bone in his body. “Can I at least change first?” “You never dress up; I’d rather have a nice Polo shirt for my tired feet” Troy added as he stripped off his ankle socks and wiggled his tan bare toes, white cotton lint falling from them as Chad watched with intensifying contempt.

The brunette jock didn’t reply, just getting to his hands and knees in front of the younger lad so the size 11s could sit on his back, a look that could kill all over Chad’s face as he and Tommy made eye contact for a moment of shared contained rage. “Hey, Tommy, you know what I’d really love right now?” Devon asked from the fancy chair. “What?” “Some of that good scotch; I know you never share but I’ve just really got a taste for it” the arrogant teen expressed with a devious tone. “Yes, Mr. President” Tommy forced out, taking a break from the paper to grab the fine scotch he never let anyone else drink. The hunky senior looked pained to even pour Devon the expensive liquor, fighting the urge to bash the cocky little shit over the head with the glass container.

“A little more…I can tell you’ve never served anyone before but you should get used to it” Devon added. “He looks like a dumb Abercrombie model who got lost at an Olive Garden and forgot where he worked” Troy joked. “You’re right! Hahaha would you like me to grate some parmesan on my jawline?” Devon added with a goofy voice, both boys laughing at Tommy’s expense with the sound of the flip flips slapping against his privileged size 13 soles as he angrily placed the scotch back. Neither Tommy nor Chad ever thought they’d be submissive to anyone in their life, never in a million years thinking they could be overthrown with some simple videos. As Chad felt Troy’s smooth heels rest on his middle back and Tommy tried to craft a decent English paper, both boys knew they had to regain their control - something had to give.  

“Are you going to the concert tomorrow?” Devon asked. “I can’t; I have a History 102 research paper due on Monday and I don’t trust my off brand Zac Efron foot rest to do it” “Shit, man. Everybody else is going” “Yeah I know but I gotta maintain my scholarship so I need an A” Troy explained, crossing his legs so the light of the TV glared against his pink soles on Chad’s back. “What are you talking about? You’re like the smartest guy I know, especially at history; you probably don’t even have to try” Devon added. “Being smart can get you good grades in high school, college requires more actual effort” Troy corrected with a laugh. “At least you have that big ass room to work in, I’m really loving my king sized bed” Devon added just to get at Tommy and Chad, a reminder the two freshmen had switched rooms with the former president and vice president since taking over. “I know, it’s like a suite compared to what we had before” Troy replied with an equally humored smile at Devon’s vindictive comment. Close to 20 more minutes passed with Tommy typing away like a pissed off secretary and Chad keeping his back perfectly straight for Troy’s naked feet while the episode concluded. “Well, I have an 8 a.m. so I’m heading to bed, my big luxurious bed” Troy added as he stood up. “Yeah I think I will too. Make sure that paper’s done by the morning, slave…or I’m breaking out the paddle” Devon instructed like a teenage tyrant before heading up the stairs and Troy followed, allowing Chad to stand up from his human foot stool position.

It was rare to find the Alpha Phi house quiet or not hosting some university party but that Thursday night it was actually rather dead, only two fraternity brothers lingering in the kitchen. “I swear I almost shoved the scotch glass down his fucking throat earlier, knock that grin right off his face” Tommy admitted. “I’m kind of surprised you didn’t” Chad replied as they worked on their second round of Jack Daniels. “What if I did? Then what? The whole school knows I got tied up and tickled by some fucking freshman?? No girl would wanna get with me with me and every class would be a fucking nightmare” Tommy questioned with pent up aggression in his voice, still in disbelief of how he'd fallen so far in his own fraternity. “Don’t remind me…I never thought I’d be somebody’s fucking foot rest; maybe we should just kill Devon and Troy” Chad suggested as if he was waiting for Tommy’s input before deciding if he was serious. “Yeah that won’t cause any more problems” the 23 yr. old jock shot down sarcastically. “Well what are we gonna do? I mean people seeing us tickled and begging is one thing but what if it gets out that we’re fucking servants? Slaves to our own pledges?? We’d be a joke!” Chad pointed out, only adding fuel to Tommy’s fire. The vengeful upperclassmen were so caught up in their frustration that they didn’t even hear a certain red head make his way down the stairs, only stopping short of the kitchen upon hearing Chad and Tommy.

“I think I have an idea; if it works it might kill two birds with the same stone” the tall blonde informed. “I’m listening” “Everybody in Alpha Phi is going to that concert tomorrow, everybody except Troy; you heard him earlier. We target him while he’s alone. Everybody knows Devon is just the front man; Troy is the one calling the shots and he’s gotta have access to the videos. If we can force him to get rid of them then they don’t have anything on us; we’d be back on top!” Tommy explained with enthusiasm. “How do we make him delete the videos?” Chad asked, ready to suggest another violent solution. “The same way we hazed them and the same way they fucked us over; we tickle the shit out of him” Tommy answered with a vicious grin. “That could actually be fun. He was really ticklish during initiation and with both of us on him, there’s no way he could resist giving in!” Chad agreed, inspired by his best friend’s energy. “So that’s what we’ll do; we’ll wait until everybody leaves Friday night, tie Troy up, and tickle him until he agrees to delete the videos and we’ll film the whole thing so we have our own leverage” Tommy laid out like a supervillain planning his second act. “Fuck yeah!” Chad replied fiendishly as Patrick Donovan realized from the stairs that things were about to get interesting.  

Patrick had gotten pretty close with Devon and Troy since becoming members of Alpha Phi, his loyalty to them and his shared desire for freshmen to retain control of the house prompted him to skip class all Friday. He waited in his room next to Troy’s until close to 11 a.m. when the Hispanic lad finally returned from morning classes. “Troy! Hey! In here” Patrick called out. “What’s up, man?” “We’ve got a problem” “A problem?” “Yeah, a serious problem; there’s a plot against you, to get you to delete the videos” Patrick explained. “What are you talking about?” “I heard Tommy and Chad in the kitchen last night and they plan on coming after you tonight when we’re all at the concert; they’re gonna try to tickle you into getting rid of the videos so they won’t have to be our slaves anymore” Patrick elaborated with the composure of a terrible spy.

“Oh shit! I can’t take on both of them. I’ve gotta tell Devon” Troy concluded, slipping across the hall until he and Patrick were in Tommy’s presidential suite. “Hey, we’ve got trouble” Troy greeted as Devon sat on the huge bed, his socked feet crossed on the duvet cover. “You guys look like you’ve been constipated for a few days haha” Devon teased. “Not the time, Mr. President. Tommy and Chad are planning a rouse tonight while everyone’s out” Troy explained. “A rouse? What a..wha” “A koo, a scheme, they plan on torturing me until I get rid of the videos! Then we don’t have any control and there’s no telling what they’ll do to us if that happens” Valdez clarified with mounting anxiety.

“Those fuckers! Let’s go handle this right now!” Devon declared, hopping off the bed and heading toward the door to confront his older frat brothers. “No! We can’t!” Troy stopped. “What are you talking about? I’m gonna paddle one while I tickle the other” Devon informed. “No, no. Preemptive strikes don’t always work; knowing what they’re gonna do gives us an advantage but we have to play this right” Troy added as the wheels turned in his brilliant head. “The element of surprise!” Patrick interjected. “Right; they don’t know we know” Troy added. “Why’s that better than handling it before it can happen?” Devon asked. “Just trust me. Patrick, text Aidan and Zack and tell them to meet us at the coffee bar; we need a game plan” Troy instructed.

That evening, close to 6 p.m. the Alpha Phi house looked like an abandoned mansion. The only three frat brothers home were two disgruntle upperclassmen and one lone freshman, uneven odds the older students thought gave them the advantage as they walked across the second floor toward Troy’s bedroom. “The door is cracked” Tommy announced in a whisper, carefully peeking in the small opening to see the 18 yr. old asleep on the bed. “He’s taking a nap!” Tommy informed with growing excitement at his realization. “That’s perfect, he won’t know what hit him” Chad replied, carrying a roll of duct tape while Tommy carried the rope to secure the brainy teen. The rightful frat president gave a signal to follow him and crept in Chad’s old bedroom, moving as quietly as possible as they both approached Troy.

Chad’s eyes were already locked onto the smooth bare feet resting at the end of the bed while Tommy geared up to pounce on Troy, totally fixated on the slumbering lad when the bedroom door burst open. “What's up, fellas?” Devon announced as he, Patrick, Aidan, and Zack ambushed Tommy and Chad. “What the fuck?!” the older blonde let out as he tried to fight off the younger boys but Troy suddenly hopped up from his fake slumber, jumping on Chad to help diffuse the rebellion. The seven man squabble looked like a chaotic cartoon ball of dust fight, a high stakes power struggle that didn’t end until one side had secured their dominance over the other.

“What the fuck!? Let us out, now!!” Tommy demanded as he writhed on the floor next to Chad, both boys fully mummified from shoulders to ankles by tight blankets and ropes. “You guys are fucking dead!!” Chad assured with his athletic body fighting against the strong wrap bondage. “Clearly neither of you have gotten the message about who’s running things at Alpha Phi” Devon announced as he watched their captives squirm and struggle. “Fuck you, Devon!! I’m the fucking president, I don’t give a shit what you say!” Tommy barked. “Let us go, motherfuckers!!” Chad protested with his sneakered feet kicking out the end of the blankets. “I didn’t intend on having a part two but here we are” Troy added while setting up his phone to film them once again. “Turn that shit off and untie us!!” Tommy ordered, still violently trying to get free. “You should be more careful the next time you plan something so…risky” Troy added as he sat down at Chad’s wiggling feet and Devon took a spot at Tommy’s. “We’ll let you guys have fun with them, we're going on to the concert” Aidan added. “But we brought some things you might could use” Patrick included as he set down a draw string bag on the nightstand. “Thanks, guys!” Devon replied, corralling the pair of jock feet between his legs to keep Tommy from scooting away. “Get the fuck off me!” “You started it” Devon replied as he started tugging off the high-end sneakers one by one, revealing the black tube socks gripping his flawless feet. “NO! Don’t fucking dare!!” Tommy objected with a jerk in the blanket burrito. “That’s no way to talk to your president, slave” Devon taunted before attacking the trapped feet.

“AAhAOoAHAOAHAONNoONnOONNNOoOAHOhAOAHOAHAHAOAAOSSsHHIIiTT! ahAHAHANnOoONOhOOHAOhAOAHOAHADdAaMAMnnNIIITT!! SSTTtOOOPP!!”  Devon’s eager fingers glided over both of Tommy’s socked feet as they tried to jerk away, traveling up and down the long soles as they did half the work for him. The 23 yr. old’s head thrashed about at the other end as his electric laughter dominated his energy and lung power with every passing minute Devon tortured him. “AhAhAHhAHhAHahhCcCOOMMmEeooOnNnAHAHAHHAHahahASSTToOOPpPP!!” “I haven’t even taken off your socks, yet; it’s only getting worse from here” the devious freshmen pointed out, effectively hitting the panic alarm on Tommy as the right sock started coming off. “NO! Leave my socks on!! I’m fucking serious!!” the frat king warned but he couldn’t stop Devon from stripping the cotton protection and leaving his feet totally vulnerable. Before the human Ken doll could spout another objection ten short nails were grazing up and down the length of both buttery soles. “AAAHoAHOAAOAOahoAHOAHAOHhHOOoLLLyYyAhAHAHAHASSHhiIIITTT!! ahAHAHAHAHAANnOOnNNNoOOO!! AHAHAHAHahHAHHAAHAHAHOAOAOAHHHMMYyYGGGOoODDAhAHAHaHAHAHAHAHSSTToOoOPpPP!!!”

“I almost forgot how ticklish Tommy is, but I didn’t forget about you” Troy added as he mimicked Devon’s holding position and pulled Chad’s Vans off. “Leave my feet alone, fucking freak!!” “Who needs socks?” Troy replied as he slipped them off, his targets locked on the bare size 11 ½ feet. “AoAAhAOOAHaoAooAOAOHAAOhoHAOAHAOHOOHHOAHAOFFUUuCCKKAHAhhhAoOAHANNOoNNooOFFUUcCKkIINNGGAHahHSSTTTOoOPPP!!” gushed out of the lady killer almost immediately as the younger boy spidered all over both soles at once, taking full advantage of how soft and supple the hours of being in the shoes had left them. Chad wasn’t as naturally sensitive as his buddy but he was still about an 8 ½ on the ticklish scale and Troy knew how to exploit it. The studious frat boy took hold of the left foot and sunk into the bubbly toes, scratching back and forth at the base of the juicy row.

“AAhAOAHoHOHAOHOAaoOHAHAOAOAOOoHOOOFFUUuCCKkKAHAHAhOAohaOHAOAOAONNNOOOTTTHHEERREEE!! AHAHAHAYYYOoOUuUAHAHAHAASsSSSHhHOOOLlLLEEE!! AHAHaHAHAHAAhAHAHaHAANNOONNNOOOAHAHAHAHAHAHA” “I think I found a sweet spot” Troy replied with a smile at Chad’s ticklish despair. “What about this foot?” Troy proposed before digging into the right set of delicious digits, ravaging the smooth flesh with his dull nails for an equally devastating effect. The muscle jock’s laughter spiked with a high pitched shriek before leveling off to a steady, robust flow as a product of Troy’s wicked tactics on his helpless feet. Chad’s lightly haired toes tried to curl down or even pry the hands off but the younger boy held every card and had all the control, scratching under the toes at just the right position to dodge Chad’s efforts to lessen the sensations. “Hey, Troy, what’s in the bag?” Devon asked without stopping his ticklish assault on the magnificent jock feet. “See for yourself” Troy answered with a smirk that told his friend it was worth checking out.

Devon’s curiosity motivated him to get up and open the bag, looking in to find an array of objects and tools perfect for more advanced tickle torture. “Dude…let me the fuck out! I’m gonna shove that phone up your ass!” Tommy threatened upon remembering it was capturing every second. “You could’ve avoided this but no, you wanted to come after Troy; guess that plan backfired” Devon replied with a cocky grin before straddling the naked ankles, keeping Tommy from seeing what he was doing. “Hey! Get off, dick head!!” “Good one, haven’t heard that since 9th grade” Devon quipped back as he turned on the electric toothbrush and started scrubbing its vibrating head between the right foot’s big and second toe.

“AAoAOhAOAOOAOAHAOHOAOHNnNOOoTTTHAHAHTTHHEHEEAHAHAHaA TTOoOOTTHHbBRRUuSsshhhH!!” Tommy’s desperate laughter fired up as Devon’s favorite tool went to work. The tiny bristles provided their own form of stimulation but the buzzing nature of the battery powered cleaner made it diabolical in the right hands. Devon focused the brush down the line, scrubbing into each sweaty crevice, forcing Tommy’s knees up so they were almost bucking him off. “Ride em’ cowboy!” Troy teased at seeing Devon deal with his captive’s powerful reactions. “They brought some cool shit” Devon replied with a laugh, tossing the bag to his partner in crime while moving onto Tommy’s other foot with the oral weapon of mass destruction.

“What even is this?” Troy asked laughingly upon pulling out what looked like two tiny rakes, something Patrick had found in the basement earlier that day. “Troy, come on…you know this is crazy; just let us go” Chad attempted to convince. “You and Tommy were gonna torture me until I destroyed the one thing that kept you guys from doing whatever you wanted to us the whole year and now you want me to feel bad for you? Yeah right” Troy answered, the ridiculous plea only pissing the freshman off more. He proceeded to shift his position on Chad so he had even better access to the sweet and sour scented feet, laying on his back and wrapping his legs around the ankles so the soles were perfectly exposed. “Dude!! Fucking stop!!” Chad shouted moments before the small metal rakes started dragging down both pink soles.

“AAOhAOAOAAAHhAHoaHAOAHOAHOAOAOhAHAOAHOHAOAHOAmMMoOOTThHhHEERRAhAHAHAHFFFUuUCCCkKkEERRRR!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHaohoEEENnNOOoUUuGGGhAHAHAHAHAHAAhAHAAA” erupted out of the brunette stud as both sets of green teeth trailed up and down his ultra-soft soles. The dull yet flat ends of both mini rakes were perfect for grazing along the tender flesh, Troy barely having to pull them in one direction to make Chad howl. “Who do you think could last the longest without laughing?” Devon soon asked over the wild laughter. “Hmm…it’s hard to say” Troy replied as the rakes followed the contour of both athletic feet between his legs. “Let’s find out” Devon answered with another burst of curiosity.

Both younger college boys stopped tickling their respective captives, the sound of laughter now just exhausted panting from both bound guys. “We’re gonna play a game; whoever laughs first loses” Devon explained. “What if we win?” Chad asked. “Uhh…we untie you and you get to leave. Alright, on the count of three we’ll start; 1…2…3!” Devon announced before launching onto Tommy’s delicious feet, using the toothbrush to scrub along the undersides of one set of toes while he ran his nails all over the other sole. Tommy’s forceful reflexes almost threw him off but Devon held on, really brushing the long toes as if they needed cleaning while his other hand devoured the entire left foot. Troy also chose a dual method, using the same rakes but different techniques on each foot so one set of metal teeth were raking up and down the right sole while the other vertically zig-zagged across the left foot. Chad tried twisting his way out of Troy’s thigh trap but he couldn’t escape, his face turning a bright red from holding in the bubbling laughter ready to break loose.

If Chad was struggling then Tommy looked like he was about to blow a gasket; his face strained and his muscles tense as Devon finessed the toothbrush on his silky toes and his nails proved perfectly scratchy. The strategic freshmen weren’t sure which one would laugh first but they knew it wouldn’t be long. The sets of teeth terrorizing Chad’s slender soles would be enough to coax secrets from a hardened spy but the more random style of Devon’s technique was just as hellacious. “AAhAOHAoAHAOHAOAHAOHAOAHFFFUuUUCKK!! AHAHAOHAOhAohOHAOHAOAHAOAHAOHAOASSTTTOOOOOPPP!! SSSTTOOOOOPPAHoHAOAAOHAAA!!” suddenly barreled out of Tommy only 30 seconds in like a damn had broken.

“Haha I think we officially know who’s the most ticklish” Troy pointed out as he stopped raking the soles. “Alright, let me out. I won” Chad demanded with a relieved tone. “You thought I was being serious about that?” Devon questioned laughingly, igniting a new hate fire for both younger guys. “Let me out now!! I’m fucking serious!! I fucking won!!” Chad ordered. “How about this? We’re gonna do a similar game but with a safe word; we’ll tickle both of you at the same time and if you say the word ‘green’ we stop. But then both of us will tickle the other person for one minute” Troy explained, curious to see how his little social experiment would play out between such close friends. “Why don’t we make this even more interesting” Devon proposed as he pulled out a feather and a hairbrush from the tool bag. “You guys are fucking crazy; I should’ve never let you in Alpha Phi” Tommy replied with a pointed, snobbish tone. “Too bad, Channing Tatum; we’re brothers now” Devon answered with a cheeky smile as he wrapped Tommy’s ankles between his legs again and Troy readied himself next to Chad.

“1…2…3!” Troy counted down until he and Devon unleashed on the two pairs of gorgeous feet. “AAAAhOAOHahaoOAOahoaoahaoNNNnoOnNnoAOAohaOAGGEETTAahahahTTTHHEEEeAHaHAHFFFuuUUccckkOOOFFF!!” Tommy raged as he shook back and forth in the blanket bondage while Devon kept him in place, scribbling all over both lush soles as if he could keep going for hours. The level of pure sadistic pleasure on his face matched Tommy’s desperate, alarmed expression like two ends of the spectrum while all ten rigid nails destroyed the meaty feet. Troy expanded on his earlier scratching method on both feet, keeping his fingers tight together and scratching up and down the helpless soles over and over.

“AAAHAHAhaoahoAHAOHaohAOHAOHAASSTTOOoOAPPpPAHAHAHAIIiiITTT ahaHAHAFFFUuUCCckKKiIiIINNGGAHaHAHAHABBiiITTCcCHHH!!” Chad wailed as the sensations wrecked his tight body. The 22 yr. old hated every second of the devilish tickling but he knew how ticklish Tommy was and didn’t want to make him suffer more just to save himself but within a few minutes “ahAOAOAHoahAGGREEENN!” Tommy shouted, making Chad look over at his best friend with a pissed of look of disbelief. “AhAHAANNNOOOO!! aHAhaHAHAHFFFUUUUCCKKkAHAHAYYOOuUUDDDUUUDDEE!!” Chad let out as Devon left Tommy, grabbed the extra tools, and joined Troy. “AhAhOahaohaNnNOoMmMoOORREEE!” Chad protested before both boys selected two toys each and used them on the athletic feet, spiraling the arrogant senior into new depths of tickle hell.

Troy took the feather and the hairbrush, weaving the red feather between the middle of the left foot’s toes while scrubbing the stiff bristled brush across the smooth sole. Devon used one of the small rakes and his handy electric toothbrush on the right foot, focusing the head of the brush along the curvature of Chad’s arch while raking over the balls like a small lawn. “AAHAOhAOAAHAHAaHOAhOHAFFFuUuUCCCkKiInNNGGHAHAHAHHAHAHASSTTOOoOPPP!! AHAHAHAHHAHAOAHoaAOHAOAHAOHAHAOAHOANNOOONNnOOOAHAHAAHAAHHH!!” Troy was calculated with his technique, snaking the feather between each of the neighboring toes as they fanned out and used the hairbrush to focus on the center of the stunning sole. Devon’s approach wasn't quite as formulated, polishing the wrinkly instep with the toothbrush repeatedly while letting the metal toothed rake comb over Chad’s velvety balls whichever way the foot jerked. “Sorry man…I couldn’t take anymore tickling” Tommy added as consolation while listening to his buddy laugh his head off. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOHAohOHAOAHAAAHAHAHAhaAHAHAHAAHAHSSSOONnnOOOFFFF AhaHAAAbBbBIIIITTCCHH!!” Chad replied as the two ticklers finished out their sixty seconds on his boyishly handsome feet and Devon returned to Tommy.

“Ready?” Troy asked. “Ready” Devon agreed as they prepared to start again. “What?! I thought that was it, I said green!” Tommy challenged. “You must’ve misunderstood; we’re going until we decide to stop, get bored or tired, whichever comes first” Troy replied, making Tommy’s eyes widen with fresh anxiety and frustration. “This is fucking bullshiAAIaiaAAIAHAOHaohaOHAOHAOAHAOOOHHAOHAOAHAFFFUUCCcKK!!” fired out of the university worshiped frat king as Devon started scribbling across both rich soles at an angle so he could attack the entirety of both creamy feet. Troy wanted to test a lighter technique on Chad this time, fluttering his fingertips all over both peachy soles and producing a steady stream of giggling that somehow seemed to be just as overwhelming as the more intense stimulation.

“oOaAhhAOaohahAHhaaooOhahaaohAOHAOATTRrOoOyyyaahaoAHOAHOAoaHAOahAOhaoahnNoOhoHAOhaaHAOhaoSTtOoAOAPP” Troy couldn’t help but laugh at the hilarious reaction, Chad’s face forced into a smile as the flood of full-bodied giggling made it hard for him to even produce words. A few minutes passed with Tommy’s robust laughter illustrating how torturous the tickling was and Chad’s bubbly giggles overflowed without even a momentary break. Troy wondered if Tommy would sacrifice Chad again or would feel bad about doing it and resist but Chad suddenly forced out a giggly safe word to relieve himself.

“WhHAAhahattTTThEEhAhAHAHFFFuUuCCKk?!?! AHAHahAOhAoAHaohaAOhaOAHNNOOnNnOOooAHAHAHAAHAPpPllLEEEAAASSEEEE!!” Tommy let out with a horrified expression as Troy picked up the feather and the hairbrush before the tickle partners repeated the same style of tactics they’d subjected Chad to. The straight A student started threading the stiff feather between the pinky and neighboring toe like it was floss while running the hairbrush in a vertical motion across the rest of Tommy’s luscious left sole. Devon focused the blunt end of his electric toothbrush on the middle of the right foot as if it was a vibrator and treated the tiny rake like a duster, sweeping it across the balls of the sole for two contrasting sensations.

“AAAAAAAHAHoAHAOHAOAHAOhaoHAOAHAOAOOOhhHMMMMyYyYFFFUuUCCCKkIinNNGGGHAAHAHHAGGGOOOODDD!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhoHOAHAOHAOOHAOAHOAHAOHAAOAHAAOAHAOHAOHAAAAAHH!! AAAAHH!! AHOAHOAHOHAOAHOHAOAHAOHAOHAHAMmMOoOTHHHEERRRAHAHAFFUUUUCCKK!!! AHAHAHoHAOHAOAHAOHOHOAHAOHAOHAAAA!!!!” “Damn! I guess that means we’re doing something right” Devon said with a laugh at how loud and unhinged the fresh explosion of laughter was. Chad looked over to see Tommy losing his shit in the blanket bondage but didn’t feel nearly as bad as he normally would have; unaware that Troy had pitted him and Tommy against each other now instead of against the two freshmen.

Devon and Troy proved that Tommy was undoubtedly the most ticklish person in Alpha Phi the longer they tormented him; who would’ve ever thought the picture perfect frat boy jock could be taken down by just a pair of freshmen on his bare feet? “AhAoahaohoHOAAPppPlLllEEAAASSEEAHaHAHAHAHAHFFFuUUCCkKKIiInNNnGGGHAHAHAHAHAsSTTOoOPPPP!!” Tommy begged with no endurance left to handle the concentrated attention on his unbearably sensitive size 13s. “Lucky you, sixty seconds is up” Troy replied as he got up and returned to Chad’s defenseless feet. “NO! No more fucking tickling!!” Chad argued but that didn’t stop Devon from counting down and the two teens from reigniting their tickle torture, waiting for someone to inevitably say green. To their surprise, only ten seconds in Tommy and Chad said the safe word almost at the same time.

“NNOoAAoIIIIIAHAAHAHAHSsSSSAAAIiDDDIIIITT!!” Tommy protested. “AHAOhaOAHFFFUUUuCCKKkAHAHAYYOOoUAHHAAHA IIiIDDIIIDD!!” Chad disputed. “I think I have a solution” Troy added, leaving Chad’s rosy feet as he grabbed both pairs of discarded socks and the duct tape Chad had brought to use on him. Devon continued tickling and watched with intrigue as the scholarly jock shoved Chad’s sweaty ankle socks in Tommy’s wide open mouth and taped it shut to keep them in. Tommy tried to protest and combat the unwanted treat but he had no choice, forced to let the savory taste of Chad’s feet soak all over his tongue. “Fuck that!! Don’t even fucking try it!!” Chad objected but Troy held his nose for nearly 20 seconds, forcing the mouthy lad to come up for air and allow Tommy’s flavorful ankle socks past his lips. Troy placed a couple pieces of tape over Chad’s mouth and watched as both older boys experienced the essence of each other’s macho feet.

“Shit, Troy. I’m impressed” Devon said, almost jealous he hadn’t thought of it. “Thanks. Wanna let me try the toothbrush for a while?” “Be my guest; I’m interested in seeing how much I can get out of this feather” Devon replied with a mischievous smile as Troy repositioned himself at the Chad's vulnerable feet. Devon moved around to straddle Tommy’s ankles once again and Troy wrapped his legs around Chad’s, both boys hungry to indulge in the stupid ticklish feet and to remind the vain upperclassmen exactly who was in control.