hell week part 7: brother vs brother

By winter break the Alpha Phi fraternity had been turned on its head. A formidable freshmen pledge class had seized dominance over the upperclassmen and had managed to hold their upper hand through several attempts to restore the usual power dynamic. Although they technically still held their titles, Tommy Stephens and Chad King had lost their power as president and vice president, the very year Tommy was supposed to rule over Alpha Phi like a king. On campus he was still considered Mr. Perfect and was adored and lusted after by most of the student body but in the Alpha Phi house, his fraternity crown sat upon another’s head, a freshman named Devon Upman. Not one Alpha brother could’ve imagined an initiation week tickle hazing would be their undoing but as it stood, the freshmen ran the show with no sign of giving up their control. 

Luckily, school was finally out for a month which gave every sophomore, junior, and senior a break from following orders and appeasing their younger masters. Chad King was on his way to stay with his best friend and fellow brother, Tommy for the weekend. He only lived a few hours away and had been there a couple times but this was the first visit where it’d be just them considering the rest of the Stephens family was on a skiing trip. The 22 yr. old jock had almost forgotten how nice the suburb was when he pulled past the gate, quickly surrounded by lush houses and perfectly trimmed lawns until he arrived at Tommy’s place, one of the largest on the street. 

Chad rang the doorbell and was greeted by Tommy a few minutes later, flashing a pearly smile before welcoming him in. “Shit, did you steal your Christmas tree from the mall or something??” Chad questioned after seeing the massive display. “My parents find the biggest one they can every year; it’ll smell like pine until Valentine’s Day” Tommy answered as they both laughed at the ridiculous tree while Chad slipped off his sneakers to follow the no-shoes inside rule and settled into the guest room before they ended up on the front porch beer in hand. “I almost forgot how nice it is to not have an 18 yr. old asshole giving me orders” Tommy added as he took another sip of his beer and crossed his big booted feet on the railing. “It’s fucking crazy. I packed my car up before I even took my last exam” Chad explained. “How the hell did we get here? This is supposed to be our year! I’m supposed to have freshmen getting me beer and doing my laundry, not the other way around” Tommy pointed out with obvious frustration. “We’ve gotta figure something out when we get back. Plus I think people around school are starting to talk” Chad informed. 

“What do you mean?” “These girls sitting in front of me during my last exam were talking about a group of guys running around in their underwear” Chad answered. “Fuck, dude. Some guy from the student council was saying something to Perry about it!” “Did he say who it was?” Chad asked. “No, Perry said he didn’t know” “Yeah those girls didn’t either” “Shit. What if somebody figures out it was us?? I’m gonna be a fucking joke around campus if people connect the right dots” Tommy stressed. “How is anyone gonna figure it out? I mean right now it’s just a rumor” “Yeah but obviously somebody saw something; it could’ve been somebody from another house and there are only so many frats” Tommy explained. “…we’ve gotta handle those pledges” “We need to separate them; they’re too strong working together. We’ll just have to come up with a plan, use some of the other upperclassmen” Tommy suggested. “Yeah, like Logan. He was a good tickler when we went after Aidan and Zack” “Yeah, you’re right. We’re taking back the house one way or another” Tommy assured as he finished off his second beer and started on a third. 

“At least we know they’re all ticklish; we can still use that” Chad reminded with a devious twinkle in his eye. “Shit, that reminds me. Come on” Tommy instructed as the thought popped into his head and he led his guest through the house until they were in the basement. The basement was more of a game room/hangout area than a regular basement, complete with a pool table, a couple different gaming consoles, and a few flat screen TVs on the wall. “Were there three TVs the last time I was here?” Chad asked with a light laugh. “No, my dad wanted another one so he could watch three games at once” Tommy answered like it was a common household feature. Chad followed Tommy past the first room and into a second smaller one used for storage, watching the tall blonde fiddle around for a minute until he came out with two handfuls of stuff. 

“What is all that?” “I got it before the start of the semester for tickling during hell week but ended up not using it” Tommy answered while Chad checked out the blue rope, hairbrushes, and an electric massager. “What’s the massager for?” “Oh, I was talking to Logan a few days ago and you know he has like, 3 brothers. He was saying they wrestle all the time and get into these brutal tickle fights and he said one time, they held him down and one of his brothers used one of these things on his feet and he fucking lost it!” Tommy explained with a smile like he would love to wreck somebody with it. “Damn, I wouldn’t have thought of that haha” Chad admitted. “I got four of them so we could use them on those cocky pledges” Tommy informed like he could already hear them screaming with laughter. 

Tommy handed Chad one of the massagers to check out while he looked around in the small room a little more, giving the VP time to check out the electric tool. It was dark red with a handle and had three small metal balls that barely protruded out the flat base and Chad soon concluded that it probably would tickle like crazy. The thought of using it on someone was only intensified when he looked down to see Tommy’s tube socks were half-way down his size 13 feet, a scrunched up half on/half off thing he liked to do sometimes. As he balanced on his knees with his attention elsewhere, Chad quietly knelt down and fired up the massager to get in a sneak attack across Tommy’s buttery heel. “HAhahA what the fuck?!” Tommy jumped up with a surprised look to see Chad reveling in his squealy reaction.

“You shouldn’t have done that” Tommy warned with a sharp smirk of revenge. “Come on, man, we had to see if they worked right?” “Alright, then I get to use it on you now” Tommy decided as he grabbed one of the massagers. “Fuck that, no way” Chad rejected, quickly maneuvering out of reach. “You started it” Tommy assured with a vicious grin usually reserved for pledges before darting after Chad into the game room. Chad swerved around the corner and headed around the couch until Tommy’s long arms dove for his legs, taking him to the ground with a thwarted thud. “Let’s see how it works on you” Tommy announced as he wrapped his arm around the left ankle, yanked the short sock off, and landed the vibrating massager on the middle of his deep pink sole. “AhoaooahAOHAOHSshiiTTHOAHaohAGGEeTToOoFF!!” Chad kicked with his other leg and tried to pry him off as he floundered on the floor. “You’re right, this thing does work!” Tommy gleefully gloated while running the tool up the rest of his foot the best he could. “AhoAHOAHAAHoHAFFUuCckKooOoFFfF!!!” Chad demanded with a sudden jolt into Tommy’s sides, digging in with both hands just below his pits. 

“AAhoAHAOhffuUckK!” shot out the wily host as Chad forced him to let go, retreating to protect himself from the retaliation. “Did you just invite me over to paly footsie??” Chad teased until Tommy squirmed away and the two were on opposite sides of the pool table in a standoff. “Had enough?” Chad challenged. “I could go all night but I know you’re bed time is 9 o’clock” Tommy replied with a flashy grin. “I’d hate to make you pee your pants in your own house” “You fucking wish” “Alright, how about this; first one to make the other beg buys beer for the rest of the weekend” Chad offered while they caught their breath. “Deal” Tommy agreed like he’d already won before going after Chad again, running around the pool table only to trip up on his scrunched sock coming off mid-step. “Oh shit!” Tommy hit the floor before he even knew what’d happened but Chad swooped in and put his wrestling skills to use, quickly securing Tommy’s leg in a standard lock. 

“Fuck meeHAOhaaohOAoahAOhAAhOAhA” Tommy exploded with hardy laughter, already a bumbling mess with nowhere to go. “That’s it, come on – let’s hear that presidential laugh!” Chad taunted with a smile while scribbling all over the now bare foot. “AhaOAHsSSUuCkKMMyDDIiCCKk!! ahohaAHOAHAOHoAHAOHAAAhoAA” Tommy howled while trying to fight him off but Chad had a solid upper hand, scratching across the rich balls and smooth arch in particular for a wild reaction. “Might as well go ahead and give up; it’s all over” Chad encouraged while wrecking the perfect frat boy foot. “AhAOhaoaaohAOAHFFuuCCKkKAHoaHYYooUUU!” Tommy fired back, trying to keep up his tough exterior but he feared he may already be doomed. Chad’s rapid fingers had him bucking on the carpet like a maniac and the leg-lock was nearly impossible to break out of but after another couple minutes, Tommy lunged forward and latched onto Chad’s knee. Before the younger boy could block it, Tommy was squeezing in right above his knee cap as fast as he could. 

“OOAhOAHoaNoONNoO!” Chad shouted with sudden panic and loosened his hold long enough for Tommy to strike, springing up and hiking Chad’s t-shirt over his head to distract him. “Hey! What the hell? OAoAhaoAOAOhAohAoAHahoOHANnOOnONnOO!” “Gotta be quicker than that!” Tommy added with renewed confidence as he mounted Chad’s waist and plunged into his stomach. He used one knee to pin Chad’s hand down but couldn’t wrangle the other trying to pull his shirt back down. The campus ladies’ man realized it wouldn’t be as swift of a victory as he thought as Tommy worked into his abs like a pro, his long fingers like daggers digging into his stomach for a brutal effect. “AhAOhAAHGGEeTToOoFFmMmEEEAAsShoOOlLLEEE!!” “Beg me to stop and I will; you know you want to” Tommy answered just as Chad finally got the shirt off his face. The cocky stud had forgotten how ticklish his mate was and hoped he was about to win considering how much Chad was laughing but of course Chad refused to beg him to stop. “I can do this all night if I have to” Tommy assured while trying to pin his other hand down, a fatal mistake Chad used to his advantage. 

With a sudden wiggle into Tommy’s bellybutton, Chad was able to slip away and get to his feet. “That was a cheap shot!” “What a fucking baby” Chad teased before hurrying up the stairs. Tommy’s big macho feet slapped against the steps seconds later and kept an eye out for Chad as he made his way to the living room, rope and hairbrush in hand. “You really think you can hide from me in my own house? I knew you were dumb but damn” Tommy taunted with his usual arrogant prowess while hunting for Chad in the silent suspense.  He walked around the coffee table and the leather chair until he jumped out beside the couch, expecting to see him but suddenly two hands shot out from under the couch and pulled him down. “Holy shit! Where’d you come from haha?!” Tommy questioned with genuine surprise before Chad pounced on him, using a thick couch cushion to help pin him down on his stomach. 

“I didn’t realize how much room was under there” Chad added with a laugh as he sat on the cushion to keep Tommy down and went after the back of his thighs. “NOOnNOAhoHAOhAOHAoHOAohaOAaHAOAOhaohOAaCcOOoMEEoOONNN!” “Now who’s dumb?” Chad teased with great pleasure while squeezing into his solid thighs through the khaki pants. “AhaOhOhAYyYooOUUAAARREeEE!!” Tommy doubled down while kicking the floor in ticklish frustration. “Oh yeah?” Chad challenged as his strong hands worked into his legs even more, moving up and down from his knees to just below his ass. “OOHOoOhAoHAHoHOAHAOOSSHhIiiTToHAoHAOAH!!” roared out of Tommy even louder just like Chad anticipated, knowing a good thigh attack was almost always a universal killer. 

“I’m waiting on you to start begging; you’re too ticklish to last very long” Chad taunted while digging into his legs with cruel enthusiasm. “AhAHoahAOHAHAoAHyYYeeAahhRRiiiGGhhTT!!” “I know what you want” Chad answered as he left the tender thighs to snag Tommy’s right ankle, a terrifying realization for the big man on campus. “Fuck that! Dude, I’m serious! AahaOAHOAHAOhAAohAAOahoAHA” Tommy argued until a girly squeal interrupted him and he was laughing his ass off once again. “Logan wasn’t kidding; this massager really does the trick” Chad added after firing up the one he’d used earlier and running it along Tommy’s meaty sole. “OOhaOAoahoAOaoAOoAHOOHmMYyGGOooDDdOAHaohOAhNNoONNOAHOAH SSTTOOpPPTTHhAATTsSSHIiITT!!” “Give me a pretty please and we can call it” “AhoAHAohaoahAFFuUUcckKAhAOHATThhAATThAOHAOHAA” Tommy refused as if his feet weren’t his worst spot. Chad responded by turning up the massager to the highest setting and focusing the buzzing device along his entire foot, moving extra slow to really drive him crazy. 

“AAAHH! HAoAHAOHAOhNnOOnNOAHoahaohAOhAMMoOTThHEERrfFFuuCCkkEErrRR!! oAHoahAOhAiiIMmGGGOonNnAAKKIILLYyyOOOUuU!!!! SSTToOOppPiiiTTT!!” Tommy demanded through the heavy laughter the best he could while Chad dominated his flawless foot. “Let’s see it then!” Chad teased with a grin like he knew he was winning, not having heard Tommy laugh like that since the freshmen tickle tortured them. The handheld massager felt like an isolated whirlwind of relentless sensations up and down his rosy pink sole and Chad wasn’t gonna just stop, not unless Tommy started begging him to. It wasn’t like Tommy couldn’t afford to buy beer the whole weekend, hell he could’ve bought the whole school beer but being tickled into submission would hurt his ego way more than his wallet. 

“AhaOhAoaHFFuUCCKKiInNggSsTTOooOPP!!” “Beg me!” “AhoahAOhAohAOhASsSooNNnOoOFFaaBbiiiTTtcCChH!!” Tommy hurled back like he’d actually ruin his pants if it didn’t soon let up on the gorgeous foot. Although Chad was a skilled wrestler and currently winning, Tommy managed to change the tide once again as he knocked the cushion from between them. Chad landed on Tommy’s butt but the determined president grabbed the cushion and wacked Chad right off him and onto the floor only a few seconds later. “What the hell are in those cushions??” Chad asked as tried to get to his feet but Tommy was already a step ahead of him, using the rope he’d dropped earlier to lasso one of Chad’s wrists. “No! Come on!” “My uncle has a ranch I used to practice roping horses at; you should be a breeze” Tommy antagonized with another smirk as he tied the other end to a leg of the couch. 

“This is cheating!” “Gotta have rules to cheat” Tommy pointed out before grabbing the discarded hairbrush and wrapping his legs around both of Chad’s, pinning one between his shins while the other rested between his thighs. “Dude, come on! This is bullshit!!” Chad protested while trying to free himself before Tommy could make another move. “Don’t worry, I won’t make you buy the expensive beer” the golden hunk teased before ripping the second sock off, prying the toes back a little, and unleashing the stiff-bristled hairbrush on Chad’s fresh foot. “OOoAHOWwhOAoHOhAOhOAhaohAHOAhAAhSSHhIiIiTTAHoahAOHAnOONNoOOOhAOhA!” erupted from the muscled college boy harder than he had the whole fight, yanking on the couch leg like he’d rip it clean off. Chad was a merciless tickler but Tommy somehow always seemed meaner about it and even though they were best friends, he was more than willing to tickle him as viciously as it took. 

“I can’t wait to use this brush on Devon; you’re a good test run” Tommy taunted while scrubbing across the soft trapped sole with a steady sawing motion. “AAHoAHoAHOHoahAOAHoaHAIiitTFFuUCcKKiIINNGGSsuUCCkkSS!!” Chad assured with mounting frustration as the knots proved stronger than he anticipated but laughing that hard only made it more difficult to focus. “What about two feet?” Tommy soon proposed as if Chad had a say. “AhAOnNOOnNnoOAHoAHFFUuCCkkTthhAATTHAOAOoahOAAhaOha!!” Chad bucked and thrashed around with heightened panic as Tommy quickly made good on his announcement, reaching down with one hand to tease the toes of the other foot while changing his technique with the brush to tiny circles all over the defenseless 11 ½. It was almost like he was living out his tickle revenge on his best friend instead of the freshmen but the playfully evil assault was interrupted a few minutes later when Chad finally got out of the rope. 

“AhAohaOHAAgGGEetTtoOoOFFFMmMyYYfFEeetTT!!” Chad shouted with all the concentration he could channel as he sat up and used the same rope to lasso Tommy’s arms to his sides. “Are you a cowboy now or something?” Tommy laughed. “I guess so” Chad answered as he tightened the rope to better restrain the powerhouse senior. “I’m just gonna slip out of this you know” Tommy tried to brush off. “The hell you are” Chad challenged before sitting across his stomach and pinning his arms to his sides with his knees for extra assurance. Before Tommy could get out another cheeky insult, Chad dove into his pits through t-shirt. “AAHooaoHAOHAOHOHAohAohAohaaOhaohHAOhaohaSsuUCCHhAaDDiICckKAHoAHAOHA” bubbled out of Tommy almost instantly as Chad dug around in the tender underarms, having got in there before Tommy could clamp his arms down. 

“You’re worse than some of those pledges” Chad teased as Tommy squirmed under him and laughed his handsome head off, his animated reaction like an added entertainment bonus for Chad. “AhAOhaohAohASSttoOoPPPIiITT!! hAOHAOHaohaohaoHCCOOmMEeoOOnNnmMAannNNAoahAOahoAHA cCCHIILLooUuTT!!” “Just say ‘please stop tickling me, Chad’ and I’ll let you up” “AhoAHOAHAOhaFFuUCCkkyyOOouUAoahAOHA” Tommy refused but Chad could already taste victory, knowing his buddy’s resistance was just a stubborn attempt to avoid admitting defeat. “I bet your chest is ticklish too” Chad added as one hand slipped out and started poking around on both hard pecs. “AHAoaohAOhaoahAOhoahAAhoAHAnOONNOoahOAHA” barreled out of Tommy with a sudden jump in octave, widening Chad’s devious smile. 

“AhAOhAOHAGGeEeTTOOoFF!” Tommy let out with an attempt to turn the tables as he swung his legs up to force Chad off. However, the younger boy’s history of besting opponents quickly counteracted Tommy’s trick by catching one of the legs near his chest. “Oh fuck me” Tommy complained with disbelief before Chad started scribbling up and down the silky sole. “OaoHAoAoHAOAohOOKOOKHAoAHAOHAhoaH FfuUuCCkKOooFfAhoAohaoahaoahaohAhaohA NOnNNOOOAHoAHAOHohAOHAohAA!!” “I wanna hear you beg me to stop” Chad reiterated without missing a beat on Tommy’s huge foot. “aHAOAhoAHAOhoaHAOHANnOOOo!” “Ok” was all Chad said back before ramping up his attack by raking under the long tan toes, spiking his laughter again until Tommy had another idea. With Chad distracted, Tommy brought his other bare foot up and shoved it in Chad’s face, rubbing it across his cheek and almost into his mouth until Chad was forced to interfere. “Ugh! The hell is wrong with you?” Chad questioned with lingering disgust but it gave Tommy enough time to use his leg move again, this time successfully forcing Chad off. “This ain’t over yet” Tommy assured as he slipped out of the rope and went after Chad again, chasing him through the house with a massager in hand. 

“You’re slow as shit!” Chad teased as he zipped up the stairs ahead of him. “Good thing I’m longer” Tommy answered just before reaching out and grabbing Chad’s ankle at the top of the stairs. “Dammit! Let go!!” Chad laughingly protested until they were wrestling around on the second floor and into Tommy’s room. They rolled around and tried to pin each other for a few minutes until they reached another standoff, with Chad’s feet in a headlock and Tommy’s feet in one so they were at opposite ends of one another. Tommy turned on the massager and wasted no time buzzing it across Chad’s supple left sole on full power, hitting him like a lightning strike of sensations. “AOAoHoAhaoFFUuCckOHaohaOHAnONOoahOAHA” Chad exploded with no real chance of stopping it but he wasn’t giving up that easy, instead launching onto both of Tommy’s lush soles. 

“AAhOHAOHAOnNONNOAHAOHAOHAoahoAHASshHiITTHAoAHOAHaohaoHoAHAO” came flying out of Tommy just as violently and even distracting his own tickle attack momentarily. It was all either of them could do to focus on beating the other and at this point it was an equal playing field with no clear winner in sight. Tommy was indeed more ticklish than his vice president but the massager helped level things out as they tried to out-tickle and out-last the other. “hAOhaOAHOAHJJUuUSTTGGGiiIvVVeeuUUPPP!!” Tommy encouraged. “AhOAhAOhaHohAAyYyoouUfFiiRrrsSTT!! AHoAHaohaHAA” Chad instructed as he dominated the velvet arches and Tommy massaged the balls of both smaller feet in his hold. “AHAoHAoHaohaAHAoFFoORrggeetTThHEEbbEETT AhoAHaOHAOahIiittssSoOoFFFF SsoOOJJuUSSTttSsTToOppTTiICcKliinNngg!” Tommy offered after another five exhausting minutes, hoping Chad would be willing to call it a tie as well. “AHAOAHOAHOAohaOAooKKOOKkHAOOKahoHAOHA” Chad agreed and on the count of three they let go and just like that, the hour long tickle fight was done. 

“Holy shit…I forgot how ticklish I was” Chad admitted as he rolled over and caught his breath before getting up. “Yeah you are” Tommy answered, not wanting to admit his own, more intense sensitivity. “Didn’t you say your dad made lasagna for us?” Chad asked as he started out the bedroom. “Yeah, he did” Tommy answered from a few steps behind, waiting until just the right moment to strike. Chad walked past the middle of the wide hall and Tommy suddenly grabbed his wrists before pulling them up above his head. “What the fuck, man?!” Chad tried to figure out before looking up to see what his hands were tied to. The rope was attached to the attic door and had a loop at the end so Tommy’s mom and younger brother who were shorter than him could use something to catch the loop and pull the door down but Tommy knew it was adjustable; the perfect tool to secure someone shorter than him, like Chad. 

“Are you serious right now?? I thought we were done with the bet?!” “That’s on you…I’m not losing in my own house” Tommy answered with a grin of sneaky satisfaction while Chad struggled with the rope. “I wouldn’t pull too hard; the ladder will come right down on you if you’re standing there” “I’m gonna kick your ass for this; you better sleep in your car” Chad threatened. “What was the bet again? Beg me to stop tickling you?” Tommy taunted before moving around behind Chad and sinking into his wide-open armpits. “AAahaOhAoaoHAoAHAohaohAOHAAOHoAHAhoAnNooNNoHAohaoahAOHFFFuUuCCkKEERrHahohaoHAohaoaHAASSTTtoOoPPP!” “Please stop tickling me, Tommy” Tommy instructed as he dug into the pits a little harder and faster. “AHAoHoaoHOHAOhaohAOAHFfFUUuCCKAHoahAYYOOOuuAOhaoHAoAHAA!!” Chad tried to resist, ready to kill Tommy for tricking him into this position. 

Without any kind of warning Tommy grabbed the same massager he was using before and gave it a whirl in Chad’s left armpit while he continued ravaging the other. “AAAAAhaoAHAOhAOHAOHNNOONNNOhAhoOAHNNoAHoAHOAHaoHAoAHAOHAAHAOHASSTtOOOOPpp!! haoHAOAHAHOAHAOhaoahAMmOotTThherrRRFFuuCCKKEerR!!” “You know the rules, you gotta beg” Tommy reminded, the frat boy side of him loving every minute. “AHOAHoAHOaoHAoAHOAHAOhapPPllleEAsSEeEAohaAahOAHAa SSTToOOpPpTTTiICCkKKLLIInNGGmMmeEE AHOAhaohaTTTooOmmmyYY!!” Chad finally let out through the wild laughter, a bitter submission he couldn’t believe he was saying. “Let me hear that again” Tommy instructed as he turned the massager all the way back up. “AAHAhoAHAOHAOAOOKKOOKAHoAHAO PPPLlEEEAASSEeFFuUcCkKIiNnGGSSSTTooOppP TTTiiCCkKKlLiinnGGmMmeeAHHAAHATTOOomMMMYYY!!” Chad obliged as he danced in place until Tommy stopped nearly two minutes later. 

“Damn, I guess I haven’t been on this side of it in a while…I forgot how fun it could be” Tommy added as he untied Chad’s hands. “Real fucking funny…I thought I was about to let the ladder knock me out just to end that shit” Chad answered with a disgruntled look as they started back down stairs. “I’m gonna get you back” Chad assured. “Save if for the freshmen; we’ve gotta get our house back” Tommy answered with a renewed fire in him to tickle each of those pesky pledges until they reigned over Alpha Phi once again.