hell week part 8: a reluctant spy

“AAhHAOhAAACcoOmEEOoN!! ahohaAOhAOhAaAlLLRRiIIIGghhTTEENNOoOUuGHh! HoHAOAhaohAAAOoohhSshHiITTHAoahaohAOa!” poured out of Duke as Tommy and Logan ran the massagers over his big bare feet, making sure to hold onto his ankles with solid headlocks. “Damn, those things do work!” Perry pointed out with a humored smile while he and Jamal held Duke down on his own couch during the demonstration. “Either that or Duke’s just stupid ticklish” Jamal added as their fellow upperclassman jerked around on the couch and laughed his head off. Even though this was just to prove how effective the simple massagers could be, Tommy and Logan enjoyed messing with Duke; a last bit of fun before the new semester started and they were freshman slaves again. “AhoahOoOKKOOkKK!! AhOAHAOhAohAaAOHAAoAAhOAHAATTuUuRRnNTThHEEMMoOOFFF!” Duke tried to convince as the trio of vibrating balls worked over his trapped feet until they finally let him up. 

“That was fucking torture…” Duke admitted as he fell onto the floor out of breath and the other guys couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Thanks for being willing to test it out for us” Logan added, getting a middle finger from his frat brother. “Anybody else wanna try it?” Logan proposed but everybody quickly opted out after seeing the massagers wreck Duke. “So you want to use those on the freshmen?” Jamal asked. “Yeah; I remembered how it used to drive me crazy as a kid and I figured it could help us overthrow those little shits” Logan answered. “Tommy and I tried them out at his place over the break and yeah, they’re killer” Chad laughingly added. “Especially if you’re as ticklish as Chad” Tommy chimed in with his usual pearly smile. “So do we have a plan for when we go back to the house tomorrow?” Perry questioned. “Actually yeah; instead of going after all of them at once, I think it’d be smarter to target one freshman and use him to our advantage” Logan explained. “But who?” Jamal spoke up. “Well since Duke had to get tickled, what about Patrick? I’m sure you’re itching to get at him after all those foot massages” Tommy suggested as Duke’s interest perked up. 

He hated giving Patrick massages but the threat of his tickling video getting out was always over his head, persuading him to serve the red head’s usually ripe feet at least a couple times a week. “Hell yeah - I’m in” Duke answered. “Great. If you can get him here alone then we can jump on him and get him tied up” Tommy replied. “We talked about it a little earlier but if we film us tickling Patrick and upload it on YouTube as a private video, we can use that as leverage. We could force him to be our spy” Logan explained. “That’ll allow us to know what the freshmen are plotting and give us a chance to attack first or even set them up. I like it” Perry tacked on. “Alright, Duke. You think you can handle it?” Tommy asked. “I don’t think I’ll have a problem. I’ll text everybody when to be here tomorrow; make sure to put fresh batteries in those massagers too” Duke answered with a devious look like he couldn’t wait. 

The next day campus was buzzing with fresh energy like every new semester and the freshmen of Alpha Phi were happy to be back, ready to be waited on hand and foot. Around 3 that day Patrick Donovan flopped down on the couch in the living room, a little sweatier than usual. Duke walked through the living room about the same time and caught the 18 yr. old’s eye. “Just the man I wanted to see. I could really use one of your foot rubs right now; I just got done playing a game of tennis and my feet are begging for some attention” Patrick greeted as he propped his feet on the coffee table in front of him and toed off both sneakers. “…fine” Duke answered, doing his best to seem as annoyed as ever although it didn’t require much acting. He took the left foot in his hand and started moving up and down the socked size 12, watching Patrick relish in the free service. 

Patrick was already scrolling through his phone within a few minutes as if Duke wasn’t even there but the upperclassman had his own agenda this time. “Aren’t you taking Physics with Sylvester this semester?” “Yeah, what do you care?” “I was gonna say that I have the book if you wanted it” “What? Why would you just offer me a textbook; are we best buds now?” Patrick mocked. “I uhh…I’ve been trying to clean out my apartment; too much shit everywhere so I’m getting rid of stuff. It’s yours if you want it” Duke explained, careful not to push his idea too much. “Yeah I guess I could use it; I couldn’t find it online anywhere for less than $300 anyway” Patrick accepted a few minutes later. “Cool, you can pick it up at my apartment later if you want. I’ve got class at 4 and I’m headed there afterwards” Duke suggested. “Yeah I guess that’ll work. You can take my socks off now too” Patrick answered as his upperclassman slave took the tube socks off and got to work on the pale bare feet but at least this time he knew sweet revenge was just a few hours away. 

Later that day just as planned, Patrick arrived at Duke’s apartment, ringing the doorbell and waiting for the older frat brother to open up. “Hey, man. Let me go grab that book” Duke greeted before walking out of sight and Patrick let himself in, not waiting for an actual invitation but suddenly the door closed behind him and he was ambushed with a bear hug, pinning his arms to his sides. “Hey! What the fuck!? Get off me!!” Patrick argued and struggled against Jamal’s superior strength but he was no match for him, allowing him to put the freshman in a chair and hold him there while the other upperclassmen got to work. By the time they were done his shirt, shoes, and socks were off and his arms were tied over the back of the chair with his feet tied to the coffee table in front of him. “I guess I’ve still got my touch” Logan added with pride in his rope work as he, Jamal, Duke, Tommy, Chad, and Perry all stood around to see Patrick realize how screwed he was. 

“What the hell do you guys want?!” Patrick demanded to know as he fought against the ropes. “You’re gonna be our freshman spy” Tommy answered with a cocky grin. “Fuck that! I’m not working for you!” “Come on, Patrick…you don’t really think we’ll just take no for an answer do you?” Perry chimed in. “I’m not turning on them, no way” the loyal 18 yr. old assured even though they could all see the anxiety building up in his eyes. “They say red heads are more ticklish; is that true?” Tommy answered as the group surrounded Patrick and all locked onto targets on his very vulnerable body. “No! Don’t touch me!! I’m seriousHsohsAOaAOhaAAOhAOhAAohA!” Patrick broke with little chance at holding his reaction in, especially with that many hands all going at him. Tommy and Jamal each stood at an exposed armpit and chose similar techniques of digging around with stiff fingers in the very middle, almost vibrating in one spot to get Patrick pulling the rope around his wrists as hard as he could. “I don’t know what kind of deodorant you’re using but that shit ain’t working” Jamal added to fuck with him more as Tommy laughed along. 

Perry and Logan sat on either side of the chair to get at the rest of his upper body and started out on his ribs, but unlike Tommy and Jamal, they opted for different approaches. Perry wrapped his hands around Patrick’s side and was working his thumbs between the ribs like some kind of twisted massage, even moving up and down to get between every one of them while Logan poked all over the other side with no real pattern to the sharp jabs. The helpless freshman reflexively floundered side to side as if he could avoid them but no direction offered any relief and his efforts only made it more fun for Perry and Logan, getting a kick out of his pointless fighting. “Oh, I’ve been waiting for this day” Duke added with a wide smirk as he and Chad each took a bare foot to handle. “I figured you’d be tired of his feet after all those massages” Chad suggested. “I’m tired of rubbing them but all those massages told me where his feet were most sensitive so I guess that backfired on him didn’t it?” Duke pointed out to make sure Patrick heard him before scratching along his creamy arch and cranking up his laughter. 

“AAAHohAohANNoOnNoO!! AOhAOHAAFFFuUcCkKOOOFF!! ahoAoAHohAOhAOHAohAaAAohSshhiiTT!!” “Shit, you weren’t kidding” Chad said before he added to it by going after Patrick’s plush pink toes, wiggling along the undersides while preventing them from curling down. The chair shook a little with Patrick’s writhing but he wasn’t nearly big enough to potentially bust out the bondage or even break the chair and it was finally becoming obvious to him that he wasn’t going anywhere. Duke clearly wasn’t kidding about being eager to get at Patrick judging by the enthusiasm he put into tickling the shit out of the pledge that’d ordered him around for months and degraded him. He held the foot in place with one hand and ran his short nails back and forth along the arch over and over, remembering the several times he’d accidentally moved too fast over that spot and gotten a laugh from Patrick. His feet were lean but his toes and balls were fuller, persuading Chad to start scratching across the toes and balls at the same time, alternating between the spots to drive Patrick even crazier. 

“AAhoAAohAohAMMoOTthHEERRFFFuUCckKEeRRss!! AHoAHaGGETTToOOFFmMEeeE!! AhoHAoAHAWWEerRREEgGooOoNnAARrReEELleEAASSEETTHheEEvVviiDDeEOoSSS!!” Patrick threatened as if he knew that was the only card he had to play. “You’re not gonna tell them anything; you’re gonna be our eyes and ears and let us know what Devon and Troy and the rest of them have planned” Tommy answered, not even entertaining that risk. “AOAHAOhAaahOAHOAHAIiIIMMMNnOOoTTDDoOoIinNnGgiITTT!!” “You’ll do whatever we want you to; you’re ours now, freshie” Duke added about the time Logan shifted his technique a little, now squeezing into the lowest part of his ribs with one hand and digging into his stomach with the other. Patrick jerked the opposite way but of course didn’t actually go anywhere and Logan doubled down after seeing how well it worked, “Haha he might be one of the most ticklish pledges of the bunch” Logan announced. “I think you’re right” Perry agreed before changing his tactic as well. “I think I’m gonna try that poking thing you were doing” the preppy blonde added as his nimble fingers started rapidly jabbing all over Patrick’s ribs and chest at the same time, lighting up the bound frat boy with another hellacious wave he wasn’t expecting. 

“AAhoHOANnOONNO!! aoHAAOHsSTToOOOppPP!! OhaOAHAOHASSTTOOOppPPPpPPIiITTT!!” “Not so tough without the rest of your little friends are you?” Duke taunted with a vicious smile of satisfaction as he watched Patrick suffer. Considering how much fun he had tickling the group of new pledges earlier that year, Tommy was also enjoying himself and was proving he was still a cruel tickler. He wrapped his big hands around the sides of Patrick’s shoulder and started wiggling/digging around in the wide-open armpit with just his thumbs; years of working out had left him with serious grip strength that made even just the two fingers enough to keep Patrick howling. Jamal had a little brother and because of that knew there were always more spots to tickle than might be obvious off the bat, prompting him to divide his attention between the other armpit and his neck. He fluttered up and down the armpit for a maddening technique Patrick couldn’t stand and started daggering into his neck a few seconds later, making Patrick’s head bob around desperately trying to block the unwanted fingers. 

“You can give up anytime and we’ll stop. Simple as that” Logan reminded. “AHAOAOhNnNNoNOO!! AoaohAOhAAOHAAFffoOoRRgGEETTiITTT!!” Patrick refused through the wily laughter. “We’ve got all night; you can’t last that long” Chad pointed out. “AhohAohAAhoAAhAFFFuUuCCkKOoOFFF!!” “Oh yeah?” Chad challenged before suddenly scribbling all over the right foot while holding it in place. “AAAAHoHAOAHAOhAOAHSSSHHiIiITT!! AhoAnNOnNNOHAOhaa!” “What about two feet?” Duke suggested as he too ramped up his attack until he was running across every inch of the soft sole and launching Patrick into higher hysterics. Duke smiled even bigger than before as he and Chad tortured the feet he’d serviced so many times and their excitement seemed to be contagious among the rest of the upperclassmen as they too stepped up their game. 

Perry was still focusing on his ribs and chest but now using his knuckles instead of his fingertips, a trick his uncle used to use on him and it worked better than he remembered. Both fists kind of grinded up and down his ribs while he went for a more concentrated technique between and above Patrick’s nipples with his other hand. “Is this how you won that election? Tickling people into voting for you?” Logan teased. “I should’ve tried that” Perry answered with a grin as Logan picked up on a spot that really seemed to kill Patrick. “Oh shit, here we go!” Logan announced with tickler glee before drilling in between the third and fourth rib with just two fingers. “AAAhoAHoAHANNOONNoHAOhAOHAA!! aHAOHaOhAOHAAOhAOHAAFFFFuUUCCKK!!” Patrick erupted with wilder laughter than they were expecting but Logan didn’t budge, instead keeping up the concentrated attack while also wiggling into his bellybutton with his other hand to make things worse. “Ready to spy for us now?” Logan pressed. “AHAoHAAAHOAhOhANNnEeEEeVVveEERRR!!!” Patrick rejected even though his body was begging him to surrender. 

The Alpha Phi freshman didn’t realize just how ticklish he was until now; the last time he was really tickled was during hell week and that was manageable but having six guys on him as once was a total nightmare. “What if we switch spots? I think we could all use a change-up” Tommy suggested near the 30 minute mark. “I’m down” “Yeah, that’s cool” the rest of the guys agreed and they rearranged while Patrick tried to catch his breath and prepare himself, hoping he really could keep from submitting to the upperclassmen. This time Tommy and Perry sat at his feet, Logan and Duke at his armpits, and Chad and Jamal at his sides, all of them eager to test out their skills on a new target. “You’re only dragging this out. You’ll break eventually” Tommy assured. “Are you always so confident about everything??” “Most of the time, yeah but right now I’m pretty certain you’ll come around considering we’ve been filming this whole thing. See the phone over there?” Tommy pointed out toward the other table. “You’re bluffing…” “I guess you’ll find out if you don’t agree to help us and you can’t walk around campus without somebody trying to tickle you” Tommy answered as Patrick realized how high the stakes actually were. 

“Think on it” Tommy added before prying the left toes back and dragging his nails down the entire smooth sole, rekindling Patrick’s laughter with ease. Perry used both hands to tickle two spots at once on the teenage foot, going after his toes and just above his heel, a combo that really seemed to hit Patrick hard. “AAhohAOhAAHoATThHiIISsiIiSsCCRRAAzZZZYY! AHoHAAiImMMnNooTTSSsPPpYYyiIInNGGG!!” “What’s wrong? Can’t take it?? We’ll tickle you until you’re begging us to let you spy for us” Duke added while jackhammering into the base of the right armpit with both hands, letting them take turns drilling in just below the patch of hair. Duke may have had the most personal reason to tickle Patrick up the wall but Logan had something of a talent for locating the worst spots and was already onto another discovery only a few minutes in. 

Logan’s hand latched around the inside edge of Patrick’s armpit and started almost pinching in just a couple inches from his chest, making the stubborn ginger tug on the ropes with newfound panic. “OOAHohoaaHNnOOnNnNOohAOHAA! AHOAHAOhAAaohAAASSTTTOOHOOopPP!! HoAHaohAAAOhaAohaCcCCOOmMEEOoOOnNN!!” Patrick wailed with higher laughter than before while trying to shake Logan’s devilish accuracy. “You know what we want. Just give up and save yourself the trouble” Logan encouraged without missing a beat no matter how bad Patrick jerked. “AhAOHANNNOOOOohOAO!!” 

“I hope your neighbors aren’t home or they’re gonna think somebody’s broken out the looney bin” Jamal added. “Nah, they haven’t moved back in yet. Nobody’s gonna hear him but us” Duke answered with an evil smile, happy to remind Patrick there was no hope of any potential rescue or interference. Jamal’s large hands gave him quite the range to tickle and he spread his fingers wide before strumming up and down the side of Patrick’s ribs, running across every single one with each powerhouse stroke like an old instrument that needed to be played with a little extra pressure. Chad’s hands weren’t nearly as big but they were great for more acute techniques like wiggling between his ribs and sneaking just below his waistband and squeezing into Patrick’s flank, both of which got him bucking in the chair even harder with wide eyes of ticklish disbelief. 

“AOAAAHA! HAoAahoAHAAHOAAHASSTTOOP!” Patrick shouted with heightened urgency several minutes later once Perry decided on a more isolated approach. “Woah, I guess I found another sweet spot down here” Perry announced with a flashy presidential smile before prying the toes back and returning to the spot just below the balls where he’d struck gold seconds earlier. “FFUUuUuAAACCK! AHoAHAOHAOhAaohANNoONNNO!!” Patrick raged as Perry scratched on the specific spot non-stop to capitalize on his find. “Let me try that” Tommy added, impressed by how affective the tactic was and forced the other toes back to leave the foot totally exposed before scribbling across the same spot to really fuck with their captive. “AAAAhAoaHOAHAOAAOHAOHAHHOOOoolLLyySshHiIIITTT!!! SSTTTOOoOOoPpP!!” “Ready to work for us yet?” Tommy asked without even looking back up at him. “AHoAHAOHaAnNNOOoooOOAoAHOOO!” Patrick refused once again but the leader of the upperclassmen could tell his initial wall of loyalty was beginning to wane the longer they tickled him. 

“Hey, Duke, you wanna grab the tools we brought yesterday?” Tommy suggested roughly 10 minutes later after another stretch of gang tickling. “Hell yeah” Duke answered and left the armpit while the rest of them continued wearing him down. “AAHohaahWWhHAaATTTTOoOOllLLS?!!” “You won’t have to find out if you just agree to be our spy” Tommy answered. “AAHoahAAohAOhaaohAAFFfUUuCCkKYYOOooUUUU!” “Wrong move, pledge” Tommy assured as Duke came back with one massager in each hand hidden behind his back. “Hey, Perry, let Duke have his feet. This is gonna be good” Tommy instructed with a grin as Perry went behind the chair. “I know you always love a good massage so you’re gonna really enjoy this!” Duke announced with a sadistic look in his eye as he sat down in front of both big bare feet, fired up the massagers, and planted them on Patrick’s bubblegum pink soles. “AAAAhAAHAOaHAHAWWWHHAATTHhEEFFUUUcCKK!?! AhOAHAOhAANnNOOOOhAOhAOHAAAAahoAAOHaGGEETTiiITTToOoOFFF!!!” Patrick exploded with the sudden vibrations wrecking his helpless feet, the trio of metal balls buzzing on full power all over both soles. 

“How’s that feel? Relaxed yet??” Duke taunted with immense pleasure in seeing the horror on Patrick’s face as he moved the massagers up and down from heel to toes, knowing firsthand how brutal they were. “AhAOHANnOOnNOOONnOOOoOTTThhHAATT!! ahoAHAOHAOHAOAHAAACCCOOMmmEeooONN!! AHOAHOAHAOHAaOhaAOAHAEEnNNoOuuUGGGHH!!” The other guys watched Patrick go berserk in the chair at the new development but they weren’t about to just sit back and watch, all of them still interested in helping push Patrick toward a breaking point. Tommy started squeezing into both thighs and even venturing up his shorts a little to really get in there while Perry wiggled and poked around Patrick’s neck on both sides as his head still tried to get in the way but of course it didn’t work. Jamal had switched to kneading into his side of Patrick’s ribs with both hands for a more concentrated attack and Chad, similar to Perry, used a trick his uncle used to do on him, using his chin to dig into different spots along the other side of the ribs with his light stubble only adding to the unconventional torture.  

Logan now had both armpits at his mercy and quickly returned to the spot he’d found earlier, squeezing into the inside edges of both pits with a back and forth rhythm between sides to help keep Patrick constantly thrashing around. The massagers fit in Duke’s hands like they were made for him, allowing him to dominate the incredibly ticklish feet without much effort at all, simply dragging them up and down the freshman soles with a permanent smile on his face. “AAhoAohaOAHAAOhADDdUUUKKKEeEEPPLLLEEAAsEE!! AHoAHoAHASSTTOOopPpPP!! AhoAHoAHaOHAOAHANnOOOMmOOOORREEE!!” “Stop? I’m just trying to be a good servant. You mean after all those days when I’d been in class for hours or just killed myself at the gym and you’d make me massage your feet that you suddenly don’t want me to?? These things are made especially for massaging and I’d say there doing a pretty good job” Duke taunted as Patrick floundered around in the chair and his laughter spiraled to new heights. 

“Maybe you’d like it more if I did this” Duke suggested before rotating the massagers down his feet and watching him nearly throttle out the chair, roaring with desperate laughter as Duke kept going. “AAHoAHAOHANNOONOOO!! AOHAOAHaOHAOHAOAHPPpplLLEEAASEEE!! AHoAHOAAAhAohaAMMMAAAAkKKEEiIIiTTSsSTTOOOPPP!!” “Tell me how much you like the massage!” Duke ordered. “AAHoAHOAHAOIIIILLiIIKKKEEEiIiITTT!! AoAHAOHAOHiIiLLLIIiKkKEEEIiiITT!!” “Louder!” “IIIiiillLiIIKKKEEIIIITT!!! AHoAHAOHAOHAOAAAOHAAIiiiIIIIFFFUUUCCKkkIIIInnGGLlOoOOVVEEIIIIITT!!! JJUUuSSTSSTTOOoPPP!!” “Why would I stop if you love it?” Duke questioned as he rode the power trip he deserved after months of servitude and his buddies helped push Patrick into fits of wild laughter and reluctant begging. “Go a little harder, fellas” Duke suggested and all five of them tickled harder or faster on their respective spots to force Patrick’s laughter even higher, practically screaming after a few minutes but none of them slowed down. 

“Ready to give up and be our spy?” Duke questioned. “AAAHAOHAoAHAAAHAAOoOKkKKOOOOKK!! AHoAHAOHAoAAAHAOaHaohaOAHA” “Ok what?” “AAAHoAHAIIILLLddDOOOoIiIITTT!! AHoAHAOHAOHAOHAOAHAAIIIllLBBBEEEYYYOOUUuRRSSSPpPpYYY!!! JjUuSSTTSSTTToOOPPP!! PpLLLEEAASSEEE!!” Patrick gave in with no endurance left after the lengthy, full-bodied tickle torture. Everybody stopped after he agreed but the whirring sound of the vibrators was still filling the apartment, “Hey, Duke, he said he’d do it” Chad pointed out. “Yeah I know” Duke answered while relishing in a few more minutes of his ticklish revenge, the begging and exhausted laughter helping to make up for the humiliation of last semester. When Duke finally turned the massagers off and Patrick fell limp in the chair totally drained Perry turned off the phone recording the whole thing. 

“We got it all didn’t we?” Tommy asked. “Yep” “Great. Now, listen up, pledge. When you get back to the house you’re going to act like everything is normal. We’ll be there too so if we think you’re acting funny or have told anyone about spying for us or about what happened today, we’ll upload that video without question. You’ll report back to one of us if anything important should come up; that means plans or even a suggestion of a plan from one of your little friends, got it?” Tommy explained. “…yeah, I got it” “And no more foot rubs!” Duke chimed in. “Yeah, no more foot rubs. Just say you got tired of them if anyone asks” Tommy added. “Alright…fine” “Now who’s our good little spy?” Tommy questioned as Patrick looked back with a bit of attitude, getting him a quick few fingers in his armpit. “AHoAHaME! I’m your spy…” “That’s what I thought.”